首页 电气柜设计规范



电气柜设计规范电气柜设计规范 电控柜设计规范 2009年06月02日 星期二 1 元器件安装 1.1 前提:所有元器件应按制造厂规定的安装条件进行安装。 ? 适用条件 ? 需要的灭弧距离 ? 拆卸灭弧栅需要的空间等,对于手动开关的安装,必须保证开关的电弧对操作者不产生危险 1.2 组装前首先看明图纸及技术要求 1.3 检查产品型号、元器件型号、规格、数量等与图纸是否相符 1.4 检查元器件有无损坏 1.5 必须按图安装 (如果有图) 1.6 元器件组装顺序应从板前视,由左至右,由上至下 1.7 同一型号产...

电气柜 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 电控柜设计规范 2009年06月02日 星期二 1 元器件安装 1.1 前提:所有元器件应按制造厂规定的安装条件进行安装。 ? 适用条件 ? 需要的灭弧距离 ? 拆卸灭弧栅需要的空间等,对于手动开关的安装,必须保证开关的电弧对操作者不产生危险 1.2 组装前首先看明图纸及技术要求 1.3 检查产品型号、元器件型号、规格、数量等与图纸是否相符 1.4 检查元器件有无损坏 1.5 必须按图安装 (如果有图) 1.6 元器件组装顺序应从板前视,由左至右,由上至下 1.7 同一型号产品应保证组装一致性 1.8 面板、门板上的元件中心线的高度应符合规定 元件名称 安装高度(m) 指示仪表、指示灯 0.6-2.0 电能计量仪表 0.6-1.8 控制开关、按钮 0.6-2.0 紧急操作件 0.8-1.6 组装产品应符合以下条件: ? 操作方便。元器件在操作时,不应受到空间的防碍,不应有触及带电体的可 能。 ? 维修容易。能够较方便地更换元器件及维修连线。 ? 各种电气元件和装置的电气间隙、爬电距离应符合4.4 条的规定。 ? 保证一、二次线的安装距离。 1.9 组装所用紧固件及金属零部件均应有防护层,对螺钉过孔、边缘及表面的毛刺、尖锋应打磨平整后再涂敷导电膏。 1.10 对于螺栓的紧固应选择适当的工具,不得破坏紧固件的防护层,并注意相应的扭距。 1.11 主回路上面的元器件,一般电抗器,变压器需要接地,断路器不需要接地,下图中为电抗器接地。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 1.12 对于发热元件 (例如管形电阻、散热片等) 的安装应考虑其散热情况,安装距离应符合元件规定。额定功率为75W 及以上的管形电阻器应横装,不得 垂直地面竖向安装。下图为错误接法 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 1.13 所有电器元件及附件,均应固定安装在支架或底板上,不得悬吊在电器及连线 上。 1.14 接线面每个元件的附近有标牌,标注应与图纸相符。除元件本身附有供填写的 标志牌外,标志牌不得固定在元件本体上。 a) 端子的标识 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 1.15 标号应完整、清晰、牢固。标号粘贴位置应明确、醒目 b) 双重的标识 1.16 安装于面板、门板上的元件、其标号应粘贴于面板及门板背面元件下方,如下方无位置时可贴于左方,但粘贴位置尽可能一致, c) 门上的器件 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 1.17 保护接地连续性 ? 保护接地连续性利用有效接线来保证。 ? 柜内任意两个金属部件通过螺钉连接时如有绝缘层均应采用相应规格的接地垫圈并注意将垫圈齿面接触零部件表面(红圈处),或者破坏绝缘层。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking ? 门上的接地处(红圈处)要加“抓垫”,防止因为油漆的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 而接触不 好,而且连接线尽量短。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 1.18 安装因振动易损坏的元件时,应在元件和安装板之间加装橡胶垫减震。 1.19 对于有操作手柄的元件应将其调整到位,不得有卡阻现象。 变压器 1.20 将母线、元件上预留给顾客接线用得螺栓拧紧。 2 二次回路布线 2.1 基本要求: ? 按图施工、连线正确。 2.2 二次线的连接(包括螺栓连接、插接、焊接等)均应牢固可靠,线束应横平 竖直,配置坚牢,层次分明,整齐美观。同一 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 的相同元件走线方式应一致。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 2.3 二次线截面积要求: ? 单股导线 不小于1.5mm2 ? 多股导线 不小于1.0mm2 ? 弱电回路 不小于0.5mm2 ? 电流回路 不小于2.5mm2 ? 保护接地线 不小于2.5mm2 2.4 所有连接导线中间不应有接头。 2.5 每个电器元件的接点最多允许接2 根线。 2.6 每个端子的接线点一般不宜接二根导线,特殊情况时如果必须接两根导线,则连接必须可 靠。 2.7 二次线应远离飞弧元件,并不得防碍电器的操作。 2.9 电流表与分流器的连线之间不得经过端子,其线长不得超过3 米. 2.10 电流表与电流互感器之间的连线必须经过试验端子。 2.11 二次线不得从母线相间穿过。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 2.12 带电阻的ProfibusBus 插头的连接(适用于一根电缆的连接) ? 仅一根电缆连接时,则导线与第一个接口连接 ? 推动开关置“ON”位置 ? 编织的屏蔽带准确的放置 在金属导向装置上 2.13 带电阻的ProfibusBus 插头的连接(适用于二根电缆的连接) of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking ? 连接的两根导线是在插头之内的串联 ? 推动开关置“OFF”位置 ? 编织的屏蔽带准确的放置 在金属导向装置上 2.14 不带电阻的ProfibusBus 插头的连接 ? 编织的屏蔽带准确的平放在金属导向装置上。 ? 导向装置中的两根红绿线放置在刀口式端子上。 绿导线:连接点A 红导线:连接点B 2.15 回拉式弹簧端子的联接 ? 导线的剥线长度: 10 mm ? 导线插入端子口中,直到感觉到导线已插到底部。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 2.16 抽屉中 Profibus 屏蔽电缆的连接 ? 拧紧屏蔽线至约15 mm 长为上; ? 用线鼻子把导线与屏蔽压在一起; ? 压过的线回折在绝缘导线外层上; ? 用热缩管固定导线连接的部分。 3 一次回路布线 3.1 一次配线应尽量选用矩形铜母线,当用矩形母线难以加工时或电流小于等于100A 可选用绝缘导线。 接地铜母排的截面面积,电柜进线母排单相截面of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 面积×1/2 接地母排与接地端子: of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 以下为错误接法 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 3.2 汇流母线应按设计要求选取,主进线柜和联络柜母线按汇流选取,分支母线的选择应以自动空气开关的脱扣器额定工作电流为准,如自动空气开关不带脱扣器,则以其开关的额定电流值为准。对自动空气开关以下有数个分支回路的,如分支回路也装有自动空气开关,仍按上述原则选择分支母线截面。如没有自动空气开关,比如只有刀开关、熔断器、低压电流互感器等则以低压电流互感器的一侧额定电流值选取分支母线截面。如果这些都没有,还可按接触器额定电流选取,如接触器也没有,最后才是按熔断器熔芯额定电流值选取。 主回路的走线: of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 分支回路汇流排的正确接法(红圈处): of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 分支回路的汇流排的错误接法(红圈处)。 3.3 铜母线载流量选择需查询有关文档,聚氯乙烯绝缘导线在线槽中,或导线成束状走行时,或防护等级较高时应适当考虑裕量。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 以下为错误接法: of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 3.4 母线应避开飞弧区域。 3.5 当交流主电路穿越形成闭合磁路的金属框架时,三相母线应在同一框孔中穿过。 接线不规范,必须把进入线槽的大电缆外层都剥开,把所有导线压进线槽 3.6 电缆与柜体金属有摩擦时,需加橡胶垫圈以保护电缆。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 以下为错误接法。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 3.7 电缆连接在面板和门板上时,需要加塑料管和安装线槽。 柜体出线部分为防止锋利的边缘割伤绝缘层,必须加塑料护套。 以下为错误接法 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 3.8 柜体内任意两个金属零部件通过螺钉连接时如有绝缘层均应采用相应规格的接地垫圈, 并注意将垫圈齿面接触零件表面,以保证保护电路的连续性。 3.9 当需要外部接线时,其接线端子及元件接点距结构底部距离不得小于200mm,且应为 连接电缆提供必要的空间 3.10提高柜体屏蔽功能,如需要外部接线,出线时,需加电磁屏蔽衬垫,柜体孔缝要求为求缝长或孔径小于λ / (10~100)。如果需要在电柜内开通风窗口,交错排列的孔或高频率分布的网格比狭缝好,因为狭缝会在电柜中传导高频信号。柜体与柜门之间的走线,必须加护套,否则容易损坏绝缘层 柜门没有接地 柜门走线必须加线槽 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 3.11 螺栓紧固标识 A 生产中紧固的螺栓 应标识兰色 B 检测后的紧固的螺栓 应标识红色 3.12 注意装配铜排时应戴手套。 附注: of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 1、抽屉单元(尤其是100mm 模高)中联接到二次接插件的二次线长度上应留有裕量。 2、铜排冲孔应注意去毛刺,尤其是方孔时。 3、绝缘支撑厚度应不大于10mm,要注意检查。 4、装元器件之前要看看 说明书 房屋状态说明书下载罗氏说明书下载焊机说明书下载罗氏说明书下载GGD说明书下载 ,否则装完后不易查出。 5、抽屉机械连锁,尤其时IP42 时,要考虑密封条的厚度,或磨成尖角。 6、抽屉单元按钮弹簧的强度要提高。 7、大截面积铜排联接后要用塞尺复检,注意平垫的使用。 8、不同电压等级的端子要分开。 9、标牌的粘贴。要用3M 胶,可用502 点一下。 10、门内线槽不能用双面胶粘贴,可以502,注意别留缝隙。 11、用于外部接线端子的线槽应加大。 12、线槽不要与主回路输出端太近。 13、零序互感器要用自身所带铜排联接。 14、成柜要做出厂检验。 15、导线经过隔板时要加护套。 16、导线中间不要有接头。 17、电缆支架要合理。 18、考虑安装维护的安全。 4.电柜布局 4.1 确保传动柜中的所有设备接地良好,使用短和粗的接地线连接到公共接地点或接地母排上。连接到变频器的任何控制设备(比如一台PLC)要与其共地,同样也要使用短和粗的导线接 地。最好采用扁平导体(例如金属网),因其在高频时阻抗较低。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 4.2 为电柜低压单元,继电器,接触器使用熔断器以保护。当对主电源电网的情况不了解时,建议最好加进线电抗器 4.3 确保传导柜中的接触器有灭弧功能,交流接触器采用R , C 抑制器,直流接触器采用“飞轮”二极管,装入绕组中。压敏电阻抑制器也是很有效的。 下图便为接触器上面的反向二极管。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 4.4 如果设备运行在一个对噪声敏感的环境中,可以采用EMC 滤波器减小 辐射干扰。同时为达到最优的效果,确保滤波器与安装板之间应有良好的接触。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 4.5 信号线最好只从一侧进入电柜,信号电缆的屏蔽层双端接地。如果非必要,避免使用长电缆。控制电缆最好使用屏蔽电缆。模拟信号的传输线应使用双屏蔽的双绞线。。低压数字信号线最好使用双屏蔽的双绞线,也可以使用单屏蔽的双绞线。模拟信号和数字信号的传输电缆应该分别屏蔽和走线。不要将24VDC 和115/230VAC 信号共用同一条电缆槽~在屏蔽电缆进入电柜的位置,其外部屏蔽部分与电柜嵌板都要接到一个大的金属台面上。 4.6 电机电缆应独立于其它电缆走线,其最小距离为500mm。同时应避免电机电缆与其它电缆长距离平行走线。如果控制电缆和电源电缆交叉,应尽可能使它们按90度角交叉。同时必须用合适的夹子将电机电缆和控制电缆的屏蔽层固定到安装板上。 4.7 为有效的抑制电磁波的辐射和传导,变频器的电机电缆必须采用屏蔽电缆,屏蔽层的电导必须至少为每相导线芯的电导的1/10。 4.8 中央接地排组和PE 导电排必须接到横梁上 (金属到金属联接) 。它们必须在电缆压盖处正对的附近位置。中央接地排额外还要通过另外的电缆与保护电路(接地电极) 连接。屏蔽总线用于确保各个电缆的屏蔽连接可靠,它通过一个横梁实现大面积的金属到金属联接。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 4.8 不能将装有显示器的操作面板安装在靠近电缆和带有线圈的设备旁边,例如电源电缆,接触器,继电器,螺线管阀,变压器等等,因为它们可以产生很强的磁场。 4.9 功率部件 (变压器,驱动部件,负载功率电源等等) 与控制部件 (继电器控制部分,可编程控制器) 必须要分开安装。但是并不适用于功率部件与控制部件设计为一体的产品,变频器和相关的滤波器的金属外壳,都应该用低电阻与电柜连接,以减少高频瞬间电流的冲击。理想的情况是将模块安装到一个导电良好,黑色的金属板上,并将金属板安装到一个大的金属台面上。喷过漆的电柜面板,DIN 导轨或其他只有小的支撑表面的设备都不能满足这一要求。 下图便为一个电柜的基本布局: of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 4.10 设计控制柜体时要注意EMC的区域原则,把不同的设备规划在不同的区域中。每个区域对噪声的发射和抗扰度有不同的要求。区域在空间上最好用金属壳或在柜体内用接地隔板隔离。并且考虑发热量,进风风扇与出风风扇的安装,一般发热量大的设备安装在靠近出风口处。进风风扇一般安装在下部,出风风扇安装在柜体的上部。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 4.11 根据电柜内设备的防护等级,需要考虑电柜防尘以及防潮功能,一般使用的设备主要为: 空调,风扇,热交换器,抗冷凝加热器。同时根据柜体的大小合适的选择不同功率的设备。关于风扇的选择,主要考虑柜内正常工作温度,柜外最高环境温度,求得一个温差,风扇的换气速率,估算出柜内空气容量。已知三个数据:温差,换气速率,空气容量后,求得柜内空气更换一次的时间,然后通过温差计算求得,实际需要的换气速率。从而选择实际需要的风扇。因为一般夜间,温度下降,故会产生冷凝水,依附在柜内电路板上,所以 需要选择相应的抗冷凝加热器以保持柜内温度。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 5.对电柜的日常维护和检修 5.1 检查电柜周围环境,利用温度计,湿度计,记录仪检查周围温度-10?C~+50?C,周围湿 度90%以下,是否冻结。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 5.2 检查全部装置是否有异常振动,异常声音 5.3 检查电源电压主回路电压是否正常 5.4 拆下变频器接线,将端子R, S, T, U, V, W一齐短路,用DC500V级兆欧表测量它们与接地端 子间的绝缘电阻。应在5M欧以上,加强紧固件,利用观察观察元件是否有发热的迹象。 5.5 检查端子排是否损伤,导体是否歪斜,导线外层是否破损。 5.6 检查滤波电容器是否泄漏液体,是否膨涨,用容量测定器测量静电容应在定额容量的85% 以上;检查继电器动作时是否有“Be,Be”声音,触点是否粗糙、断裂;检查电阻器电阻器绝 缘物是否有裂痕,确认是否有断线。 5.7 检查变频器运行时,各相间输出电压是否平衡;进行顺序保护动作试验、显示、保护回路 是否异常。 5.8 检查冷却系统是否有异常振动、异常声音,连接部件是否有松脱。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking
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