首页 国家安全生产监督管理总局第33号令



国家安全生产监督管理总局第33号令国家安全生产监督管理总局第33号令 《煤矿领导带班下井及安全监督检查规定》已经2010年8月30日国家安全生产监督管理总局局长办公会议审议通过~现予公布~自2010年10月7日起施行。 局长 骆琳 二?一?年九月七日 煤矿领导带班下井及安全监督检查规定 第一章总则 第一条为落实煤矿领导带班下井制度~根据《国务院关于进一步加强企业安全生产工作的通知》(国发〔2010〕23号)和有关法律、行政法规的规定~制定本规定。 第二条煤矿领导带班下井和县级以上地方人民政府煤炭行业管理部门、煤矿安全生产监督管理部门,...

国家安全生产监督管理总局第33号令 《煤矿领导带班下井及安全监督检查规定》已经2010年8月30日国家安全生产监督管理总局局长办公会议审议通过~现予公布~自2010年10月7日起施行。 局长 骆琳 二?一?年九月七日 煤矿领导带班下井及安全监督检查规定 第一章总则 第一条为落实煤矿领导带班下井制度~根据《国务院关于进一步加强企业安全生产工作的 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 》(国发〔2010〕23号)和有关法律、行政法规的规定~制定本规定。 第二条煤矿领导带班下井和县级以上地方人民政府煤炭行业管理部门、煤矿安全生产监督管理部门,以下分别简称为煤炭行业管理部门、煤矿安全监管部门,~以及煤矿安全监x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 察机构对其实施监督检查~适用本规定。 第三条煤炭行业管理部门是落实煤矿领导带班下井制度的主管部门~负责督促煤矿抓好有关制度的建设和落实。 煤矿安全监管部门对煤矿领导带班下井进行日常性的监督检查~对煤矿违反带班下井制度的行为依法作出现场处理或者实施行政处罚。 煤矿安全监察机构对煤矿领导带班下井实施国家监察~对煤矿违反带班下井制度的行为依法作出现场处理或者实施行政处罚。 第四条本规定所称的煤矿~是指煤矿生产矿井和新建、改建、扩建和技术改造等建设矿井。 本规定所称煤矿领导~是指煤矿的主要负责人、领导班子成员和副总工程师。 建设矿井的领导~是指从事煤矿建设的施工单位的主要负责人、领导班子成员和副总工程师。 x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 第五条煤矿、施工单位,以下统称煤矿~下同,是落实领导带班下井制度的责任主体~每班必须有矿领导带班下井~并与工人同时下井、同时升井。 煤矿的主要负责人对落实领导带班下井制度全面负责。 煤矿集团公司应当加强对所属煤矿领导带班下井的情况实施监督检查。 第六条任何单位和个人对煤矿领导未按照规定带班下井或者弄虚作假的~均有权向煤炭行业管理部门、煤矿安全监管部门、煤矿安全监察机构举报和报告。 第二章带班下井 第七条煤矿应当建立健全领导带班下井制度~并严格考核。带班下井制度应当明确带班下井人员、每月带班下井的个数、在井下工作时间、带班下井的任务、职责权限、群众监督和考核奖惩等内容。 煤矿的主要负责人每月带班下井不得少于5个。 x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 煤矿领导带班下井时~其领导姓名应当在井口明显位置公示。煤矿领导每月带班下井工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的完成情况~应当在煤矿公示栏公示~接受群众监督。 第八条煤矿领导带班下井制度应当按照煤矿的隶属关系报所在地煤炭行业管理部门备案~同时抄送煤矿安全监管部门和驻地煤矿安全监察机构。 第九条煤矿领导带班下井时~应当履行下列职责: ,一,加强对重点部位、关键环节的检查巡视~全面掌握当班井下的安全生产状况, ,二,及时发现和组织消除事故隐患和险情~及时制止违章违纪行为~严禁违章指挥~严禁超能力组织生产, ,三,遇到险情时~立即下达停产撤人命令~组织涉险区域人员及时、有序撤离到安全地点。 第十条煤矿领导带班下井实行井下交接班制度。 上一班的带班领导应当在井下向接班的领导详细说明井下x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 安全状况、存在的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 及原因、需要注意的事项等~并认真填写交接班记录簿。 第十一条煤矿应当建立领导带班下井 档案管理 财务及档案管理制度档案管理制度培训安全生产档案管理制度人事档案管理制度人事档案管理制度范本 制度。 煤矿领导升井后~应当及时将下井的时间、地点、经过路线、发现的问题及处理情况、意见等有关情况进行登记~并由专人负责整理和存档备查。 煤矿领导带班下井的相关记录和煤矿井下人员定位系统存储信息保存期不少于一年。 第十二条煤矿没有领导带班下井的~煤矿从业人员有权拒绝下井作业。煤矿不得因此降低从业人员工资、福利等待遇或者解除与其订立的劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 。 第三章监督检查 第十三条煤炭行业管理部门应当加强对煤矿领导带班下井的日常管理和督促检查。煤矿安全监管部门应当将煤矿建立并执行领导带班下井制度作为日常监督检查的重要内容~每季度至少对所辖区域煤矿领导带班下井执行情况进行一次x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 监督检查。 煤矿领导带班下井执行情况应当在当地主要媒体向社会公布~接受社会监督。 第十四条煤矿安全监察机构应当将煤矿领导带班下井制度执行情况纳入年度监察执法计划~每年至少进行两次专项监察或者重点监察。 煤矿领导带班下井的专项监察或者重点监察的情况应当报告上一级煤矿安全监察机构~并通报有关地方人民政府。 第十五条煤炭行业管理部门、煤矿安全监管部门、煤矿安全监察机构对煤矿领导带班下井情况进行监督检查~可以采取现场随机询问煤矿从业人员、查阅井下交接班及下井档案记录、听取煤矿从业人员反映、调阅煤矿井下人员定位系统监控记录等方式。 第十六条煤炭行业管理部门、煤矿安全监管部门、煤矿安全监察机构对煤矿领导带班下井情况进行监督检查时~重点检查下列内容: x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according ,一,是否建立健全煤矿领导带班下井制度~包括井下交接班制度和带班下井档案管理制度, ,二,煤矿领导特别是煤矿主要负责人带班下井情况, ,三,是否制订煤矿领导每月轮流带班下井工作计划以及工作计划执行、公示、考核和奖惩等情况, ,四,煤矿领导带班下井在井下履行职责情况~特别是重大事故隐患和险情的处置情况, ,五,煤矿领导井下交接班记录、带班下井档案等情况, ,六,群众举报有关问题的查处情况。 第十七条煤炭行业管理部门、煤矿安全监管部门、煤矿安全监察机构应当建立举报制度~公开举报电话、信箱或者电子邮件地址~受理有关举报,对于受理的举报~应当认真调查核实,经查证属实的~依法从重处罚。 第四章法律责任 x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 第十八条煤矿有下列情形之一的~给予警告~并处3万元罚款,对煤矿主要负责人处1万元罚款: ,一,未建立健全煤矿领导带班下井制度~或者未按规定报煤炭行业管理部门备案和抄送煤矿安全监管部门、煤矿安全监察机构的, ,二,未建立煤矿领导井下交接班制度的, ,三,未建立煤矿领导带班下井档案管理制度的, ,四,煤矿领导每月带班下井情况未按照规定公示的, ,五,未按规定填写煤矿领导下井交接班记录簿、带班下井记录或者保存带班下井相关记录档案的。 第十九条煤矿领导未按规定带班下井~或者带班下井档案虚假的~责令改正~并对该煤矿处15万元的罚款~对违反规定的煤矿领导按照擅离职守处理~对煤矿主要负责人处1万元的罚款。 第二十条对发生事故而没有煤矿领导带班下井的煤矿~依法x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 责令停产整顿~暂扣或者吊销煤炭生产许可证和煤矿安全生产许可证~并依照下列规定处以罚款,情节严重的~提请有关人民政府依法予以关闭: ,一,发生一般事故~处20万元的罚款, ,二,发生较大事故~处50万元的罚款, ,三,发生重大事故~处200万元的罚款, ,四,发生特别重大事故~处500万元的罚款。 第二十一条对发生事故而没有煤矿领导带班下井的煤矿~对其主要负责人依法暂扣或者吊销其安全资格证和矿长资格证~并依照下列规定处以罚款: ,一,发生一般事故~处上一年年收入30%的罚款, ,二,发生较大事故的~处上一年年收入40%的罚款, ,三,发生重大事故的~处上一年年收入60%的罚款, x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according ,四,发生特别重大事故的~处上一年年收入80%的罚款。 对重大、特别重大生产安全事故负有主要责任的煤矿~其主要负责人终身不得担任任何煤矿的矿长。 第二十二条本规定的行政处罚~由煤矿安全监管部门、煤矿安全监察机构依照各自的法定职权决定。 第五章附则 第二十三条省级煤炭行业管理部门会同煤矿安全监管部门可以依照本规定制定实施细则~报国家安全生产监督管理总局、国家煤矿安监局备案。 第二十四条中央企业所属煤矿按照分级属地管理原则~由省,市、区,、设区的市人民政府煤炭行业管理部门、煤矿安全监管部门和煤矿安全监察机构负责监督监察。 第二十五条露天煤矿领导带班下井参照本规定执行。 第二十六条本规定自2010年10月7日起施行。 x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according
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