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Gossip_Girl_第四季英语学习笔记(zz百度)Gossip_Girl_第四季英语学习笔记(zz百度) 看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.1 BS鏖战巴黎 绯闻女孩第四季第1集:Belles de Jour 白日美人 片名解析:来自1967年的法国情色电影《白日美人》Belle de Jour,超现实主义大师路 易斯(布纽尔编导的一部生活哲理片。法国著名影星凯瑟琳(德诺芙成功地演出了一个具有 双重性格的女人。本片对人性的阴暗面进行了探索,剖析和批判。故事讲述一个人格扭曲的 中产阶级的贵妇,她一方面深爱着丈夫,一方面又不满足中产阶级家庭的生活,偷偷跑到妓...

Gossip_Girl_第四季英语学习笔记(zz百度) 看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.1 BS鏖战巴黎 绯闻女孩第四季第1集:Belles de Jour 白日美人 片名解析:来自1967年的法国情色电影《白日美人》Belle de Jour,超现实主义大师路 易斯(布纽尔编导的一部生活哲理片。法国著名影星凯瑟琳(德诺芙成功地演出了一个具有 双重性格的女人。本片对人性的阴暗面进行了探索,剖析和批判。故事讲述一个人格扭曲的 中产阶级的贵妇,她一方面深爱着丈夫,一方面又不满足中产阶级家庭的生活,偷偷跑到妓 院卖淫。影片以超现实和新写真的手法对这类双重人格的人的精神和肉体生活作了大胆的有 价值的探讨。 Cobblestones and Café de Flore. Serena's locked down the left bank And become a muse to us all. Meanwhile,blair rules the right bank, Storming the shops and consuming the classics And sampling sugary snacks like a modern marie antoinette. But we hear serena's stories sizzle While blair's are more fizzle. She shopped at saint laurent And dined at drouant But the only beau B.had this summer is on her headband. Cobblestones 铺着鹅卵石的小街(上海人说的台格路啊……汗) Café de Flore 花神咖啡馆 巴黎的百年老店,孕育了一大批知名作家 muse 缪斯女神,艺术女神 left bank & right bank 左岸是艺术天堂,右岸是挥金如土的乐园 Marie Antoinette 绝代艳后玛丽?安托瓦内特,以奢靡轻浮的作风闻名 这 一段话写得酣畅凌厉。尤其是描述Blair统治右岸、扫荡店铺、品味经典、品尝美食,一连串的动词很是形象。而后半截的fizzle和sizzle两个 词,都是嘶嘶发响的意思,但前者 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示失败,后者表示灼热得发烫,形成鲜明对比。最后一句说Blair身边的B(双关指男人)也只有发带上的字母而已,毒辣 啊毒辣~ He's been M.I.A.since he left town in spring. MIA = missing in action 失踪 And whose fault is that? 这事儿要怨谁, 实用啊实用~ I just happen to have a thing for french waiters. have a thing for 对某人或某物有特殊好感 说白了就是S是个服务生控么, For all my efforts, i'm heading back home with a chuck-sized cloud my head. with a cloud above one's head 头顶阴云笼罩 这句也很实用。 it's time to call in the big guns. big gun 大人物 And leave it at that. 点到为止就可以了。 Well,that pretty much sums it up. sum it up 总结,概括 but she's putting up a good front. put up a (brave/good) front 强颜欢笑 I mean,that perkins hostess Slept with tiger woods for over a year, And all he got her was a chicken wrap. Tiger Woods Joke. In cast you've missed it. Easy come,easy go. 来得快,去得也快。来也匆匆,去也匆匆。 《波西米亚狂想曲》里面有这句词儿~ I think i just met a real live prince. A grimaldi as in the royal family of monaco. As in grace "american princess" kelly. grimaldi是摩纳哥皇室家族,而美国女明星Grace Kelly则嫁入他们皇室成为王妃。 Spotted B.And S. Chic and cheerful Up on boulevard haussmann. They dallied at department stores And stayed a while at tally weijl. Don't ever look back ? Down on rue saint honor way They courted couture at palais royal And found the perfect outfits To ba&sh the competition. Then they headed to the golden triangle, Where montaigne meets george cinq, And luxury goods are the opiate of choice. Boulevard Haussmann 奥斯曼大街,巴黎购物圣地 Tally Weijl、Ba&sh 时尚女装品牌 又是一段很华丽的描述,全是品牌名儿,但是没有让人觉得有流水账的感觉, 行文很活泼 多样. but i don't like vanilla. vanilla 香草口味 这里是指Nate太温吞, I know i have a flair for the dramatic. have a flair for 有某方面的才能 这句话是说我兴风作浪的能力与生俱来…… Napoleon once said that secrets travel fast in paris. But gossip girl travels faster. Bisou bisou. Bisou bisou 法语版的xoxo 看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.2 BC的现实与童话 绯闻女孩第四季第2集:Double Identity 双重身份 片名解析:来自1944年的美国悬疑电影《双重赔偿》Double Idemnity,一个保险代理人卖汽车保险时认识了车主的美艳妻子,在这位蛇蝎美人的煽动下,聪明的代理人设下了赔偿金额加倍的死亡陷阱。保险业务员瓦尔特与菲利丝合计谋害她的丈夫,以便诈领巨额保险金。而她丈夫的保单上有一附笔,若因死于火车轮下则可获得双倍赔偿。随后他们的行动受到瓦尔特上司的怀疑调查…… Summer is coming to a close, and as everyone knows, Paris, like the Upper East Side, empties out in August, leaving behind only the tourists and the dreamers, lamenting the imminent return to real life. come to a close 进入尾声 empty out 清空 you still haven't made your Sophie's choice Sophie's Choice 苏菲的选择/两难的抉择 A "Sophie's Choice" is a tragic choice between two unbearable options. 所谓“苏菲的选择”是指在两个悲惨的选项中选择其一,再怎么样都是落得悲剧下场的抉择。 这个词来自同名电影《苏菲的选择》,梅丽尔?斯特里普主演的。影片中的苏菲在二 战期间 育有一男一女两个孩子,在进入集中营时被迫选择2个只能留一个,在极短的时间内要作 出这么重大的抉择,Sophie精神极尽崩溃,当她选择了留下儿 子时内心已经全碎,然而 两个孩子都未能存活,简直把Sophie的精神逼到绝路。从此她无论多么努力开始新生活, 也没有办法摆脱战争所带来的戕害和阴影。 It's like choosing between eclairs and napoleons. They're both delicious. Except Humphrey's a doughnut. Well, I would love to stay and talk patisserie... eclairs 手指饼干 napoleons 拿破仑蛋糕 doughnut 甜甜圈 patisserie 法式蛋糕 Think Diana, princess of the people. 这里是说B想要效仿Diana戴安娜王妃,显得很亲民。 let's just keep this between us. keep between us 你知我知 Serena took her best friend's boyfriend's virginity, ran away to boarding school, bounced from guy to guy until dating your married congressman cousin, fell in love with you, and then cheated on you with your friend, who's also her ex? The only thing that would make it better is if one of those boyfriends turned out to be her brother. The life of Serena Van Der Woodsen is like the most complicated Jane Austen novel ever. 这段V5,充分滴描绘了以S为代表的GG众人关系混乱程度。配合下图更清晰……or not Do you need a moment to gather yourself? gather one's self 平静心情 This loft is your loft this loft is my loft where's your aunt Jenny? She moved to Hudson she wears... leggings 这段唱歌哄小孩的……真的很喷饭,尤其是最后一句……说Jenny穿着leggings紧身裤~~噗 I hope you don't mind me tagging along. tag along 跟着来,尾随 he smells funny. smell funny 闻着很奇怪 通常对小孩这么说就是指孩子尿裤子了 but you and Dan really seem to click. click 一拍即合 You should go for it, yeah. go for sth. 主动争取某事物 I'll take your word for it. take one's word for 相信某人的话 - I don't love you anymore. But it takes more than even you to destroy Blair Waldorf. - Your world would be easier if I didn't come back. - That's true. But it wouldn't be my world without you in it. BC粉丝们是不是被这段对话深深虐到, I even made a list of pros and cons. pros and cons 优势劣势 我想到了Ross曾经也干过这事儿~~ It's Vivier. It's worth a hell of a lot more than a glass slipper. Roger Vivier品牌的鞋,被誉为鞋中贵族。 B这一段的表现甚是可爱,good to see her back? 看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.3 BS的姐妹情 绯闻女孩第四季第3集:The Undergraduates 大学生活 片名解析:很显然是从《毕业生》The Graduate来的嘛~ 刚刚走出大学校门的本恩(达斯汀•霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 饰)对前途十分茫然,偏偏在这时遇上了风流的鲁滨逊太太(安妮•班克罗夫特 Anne Bancroft 饰 )。虽然不再年轻,但鲁滨逊太太却一再勾引本恩,二人发生了关系。他们在约会过程中,本恩遇上了太太的女儿伊莱恩(凯瑟琳•罗斯 ),被她的纯真青春深深吸引。本恩吐露了爱意,与伊莱恩开始了正Katharine Ross 饰 常的恋爱关系,却遭到了鲁滨逊太太的剧烈反对。母亲的震怒使伊莱恩觉察到了一些内情。伊莱恩非常伤心,仓促同意了另一个人的求婚。本恩冲向伊莱恩结婚的教堂,他要力挽狂澜…… I bet there's already an entire frat house filled with guys fighting over you. frat house 兄弟会、联谊会 but he would never fess up. fess up 承认,坦白 是个习语,相当于confess Nepotism. Nepotism 偏袒,启用亲戚 But everyone needs the occasional r & r, even yours truly. r & r = Rest & Relaxation 休息放松 有时候也能用来表示read & review Also spotted- lonely boy's baby mama looking like one hot mama on the beach in St. Barts. baby mama 孩子的生母,通常是非婚生关系的 hot mama 辣妈 St. Barts 加勒比海的圣马丁是度假胜地。 Great. I'll see myself out then. see sb. out 送某人离开 see myself out就是自己送自己走了,有一种给自己台阶下的自嘲的感觉。 But if b. Is the one holding the key to the kingdom, guess Serena is out in the cold. out in the cold 被冷落,被排挤 还蛮形象的,被一个人遗忘在外面在冷的地方咯。 let's not ask for too much off the bat, shall we? off the bat 马上,立即,当下 猜猜看来历是什么,棒球赛啦~就是球棒击打棒球那一瞬间咯。 Everyone can meet and mingle without the pressure of a dinner. meet and mingle 见面交往 It just seems like kind of an oversight to me. oversight 疏忽 B还是非常相信S滴~~ I mean in Carlos Miele. Carlos Miele 卡洛斯?米拉,著名女装品牌 I totally lost track of time. lost track of time 忘记了时间 字面上是遗失了时间线索,也很形象。 I was just drunk on gin and attention. drink on sth. 被……冲昏了头脑 I ran into Blair. run into 遇上某人 They say old habits die hard. old habits die hard 江山易改本性难移 If Ted Danson and Tom Selleck can do it, so can we. Right? As long as it doesn't make me Guttenberg. 说的是80年代电影《三个奶爸一个娃》,其中Tom Selleck就是后来《老友记》里头 莫妮卡那个叔叔级的男朋友滴。 Nothing makes it a party like a Serena/Blair showdown. showdown 摊牌 本来是扑克牌用语,不过现在用来表示当面对峙了。 Serena thinks Blair blocked her from getting into Hamilton house and is going "Jersey shore" on her ass. go "Jersey shore" on 对某人上演《泽西沙滩》 《泽西沙滩》是一部真人秀电视节目,讲述一群意大利裔美国年轻人在沙滩恋爱出轨吵架 神马的…… Once men have tasted caviar, it baffles me how they settle for catfish. 我就是闹不明白,男人尝过鱼子酱之后,怎么还吃得下鲶鱼来着…… 噗,这句真的很给力。 I don't want to bug you. bug sb. 烦人 Rumor has it that s. And b. Changed their relationship status from besties to roomies. Friends or lovers, moving in is risky business. Any time the rules change, you don't know how they'll change you. We take the risk because the payoff can be so great. But the truth is, we never truly know who we're living with or the company they keep. besties = bff 好朋友 roomies = roommates 室友 最后的结语,还挺不错的一段。 看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.4 B的夺C之战 绯闻女孩第四季第4集:Touch of Eva 佳人历劫 片名解析:来自Touch of Evil《历劫佳人》。故事發生在美國小鎮,墨西哥年青檢查官與 愛妻度蜜月期間,發生汽車爆炸,當地老差骨認定一名嫌疑犯有罪,但年青的檢查官感事有 蹺蹊,深入調查,老差骨怕案中案被揭,為求自保,遂把陰謀加害於年青檢查官的愛妻身上, 爆發一場善與惡的偵探式對抗。威爾斯施以渾身解數力求做到雅俗共賞,開場一個經典長鏡 更成為日後教材。影片於1958年獲邀參加布魯塞爾世界電影博覽會,獲當時任評判的 尚(盧(高達和杜魯福高度讚揚,獲頒大獎。…… Overnight, our brooding billionaire's become a generous gentlemen. But what's responsible for this metamorphosis? Or should I say who? Has a french fairy touched chuck with her magic wand? Or does simply being with an angel make you want to grow wings, too? overnight 一夜之间 终于是在最后把这个magic wand给带出来了,就知道编剧憋不住的~~ How can I stomach going to his charity gala later? stomach 忍受 我们都知道stomach是胃的意思,可是它也能做动词哦,就表示endure或者tolerate。 想想要是什么事情让你忍受不了的话的确是会反胃的吧, Strangers weaseling their way into our hearts. weasel 告密 And tonight we'll watch "Amelie" Amelie 电影《天使爱美丽》 果然这俩很爱法国巴黎神马的。 How are you, sleepyhead? sleepyhead 瞌睡虫 一个口语中的爱称,一般都是亲密爱人之间,在起床后称呼的。 My phone died. 手机没电了。 说得真的很直接,就是died。 You know how I adore those empire bacon scones. scone 英式烤饼,司空饼 If you're as serious about her as Cindy Adams thinks, Then we'll be crossing paths all the time. Cindy Adams是美国八卦专栏作家,怎么还有这种职业的…… cross somebody's path 不期而遇 to meet someone Not the wad of hundies. hundy 一百(美金的纸币) 这是一个俚语,表示一百的所有东西,可以是美金,也可以是百分比。不就是hundred的昵称嘛~ But I wore him down. wear down 用坚持不懈的努力使某人松懈 break down or exhaust by relentless pressure or resistance 这里就是说服某人的意思。 We need to take that tart down! take sb. down 给某人一个下马威 tart本意是蛋挞啦水果挞之类的东西,这里是一个俚语的骂人的词,跟whore娼妇的意思差不多,因为妓女总是穿得花枝招展,充满诱惑,跟甜品似的。 as they say, adapt or die. adapt or die 要么适应,要么死去 觉得跟鲁迅先生那句不在沉默中爆发的有点像。 she's not convinced that I'm over you. be over sb. 忘情于某人 Okay, but you may lose me to "Csi: Williamsburg." Dan自嘲自己能上CSI威廉斯堡篇。 Well, as much as nature would applaud you for heading off any possible future Humphrey/Abrams offspring, head off 阻拦 offspring 产物 I'm taking a pass, take a pass 算了 Blair set us up. set sb. up 设计了某人,陷害了某人 But we have a lot of skeletons in our closets. skeleton in the closet 有着不光彩的见不得人的秘密 这个词组很是形象,把骨架子藏在了衣橱里面,非常见不得人非常阴暗。虽然有种穿越的错觉……u know In the prestigious buildings of Manhattan's elite, sometimes the door we open belongs to someone else. And sometimes we let someone in, only to be left out in the cold. Yet sometimes, despite what we may want, the door just has too many locks. out in the cold 冷落在一边 各种心酸的一段结语。 看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.5 S的身败名裂,~ 绯闻女孩第四季第5集:Goodbye, Columbia 挥别哥伦比亚 片名解析:来自Goodbye, Columbus《再见,哥伦布》,讲述一对同为犹太人但家境悬殊的青年恋人的故事。出身贫寒的图书管理员尼尔与青春貌美的富家女大学生布兰达在盛夏的游泳池畔邂逅,一见钟情。但社会阶层的差异、恋人之间的种种猜疑最终导致一段青春恋情黯然收场…… Morning on the Upper East Side, where even our own blonde birdie has been spotted flying the coop early to make it to her morning classes. fly the coop 逃走;匆忙离开 coop是牢笼的意思,这是一个习语。 Leave it to Serena Van Der Woodsen to make geek chic. geek chic 宅女风格 表示那种学术宅女的穿衣风格。 Are you seriously hitting on me while still holding your date's shoes? hit on sb. 与某人调情 College professors have a God complex, God complex 上帝情结 指某人明白自己并不是上帝,但因为手头权力挺大,事情做着做着就觉得自己跟上帝一样了 不起了。 One of your Asian "art of war" gurus? Asian "art of war" gurus 指孙子……咳 You have the worst poker face ever. poker face 面无表情的扑克脸 a blank expression that does not reveal anything 打牌时候不管拿到好牌坏牌都不能让对手看出来,因此喜怒不能表现在脸上,就成了扑克脸 po po po po po poker face……Lady Gaga对于这个表述的推广功不可没啊~ Dan and I had a marathon talk... marathon talk 长谈 真的非常长的长谈,就变成了马拉松谈,很形象。 And if it's true, then there's a test out there a few of you might not be able to pass. Does s.V.W. Have an s.T.D.? s.T.D. = Sexually transmitted disease 性病 Hold your head high. hold head high 昂首挺胸,趾高气扬 to show that you are not ashamed of your efforts Why do I get the feeling your pep talk is not entirely meant for me? pep talk 鼓舞士气的话 I'll swing by the health clinic after the game. swing by 去一下 表示很随意地去一下,就像上海话里头说的弯一下吧。 Ms. Waldorf, the only reason I agreed to meet with you is because your mother and I have crossed paths on occasion, and I felt it a professional courtesy. cross path 偶遇 特指意料之外的,没有预见性的 Let's just say that nothing is set in stone. set in stone 不会更改的,板上钉钉 字面意思就是写在石头上的 Scoot over. scoot over 闪开 Well, don't get ahead of yourself, but I appreciate the enthusiasm. get ahead of yourself 操之过急 字面意思是赶到自己前面去了,就是一切都着眼于并未确定的将来,鸭子还在天上飞呢, 就想着是蒸还是煮。 I'm sorry to unload on you like this. unload someone or something on (to) someone 卸下负担 to get rid of a burdensome person or thing on someone else. 这里是说向某人吐露心事,就好像把心上的重担给卸了下来一样。 Coast is clear. coast is clear 警报解除,没有危险 your attitude, Ms. Van Der Woodsen, makes a mockery of that. make a mockery of something 嘲弄;可笑的模仿 to make a deliberate parody or a poor imitation of something. 这是一个习语,应该是说S学那些用肉身换来权力的女人吧, I have my eye on you as well. have eye on sb. 关注某人 注意是eye,不是eyes I know we got off on the wrong foot, but.. get off on the wrong foot 一开始留下了坏印象 字面意思是一开始就走错了步子,来自莎士比亚的习语。 A man with nothing to live for is capable of anything. 孤注一掷,破釜沉舟,狗急跳墙…… You've made it pretty clear you're out of my league. out of one's league 超出某人能力范围 看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.6 小J惹风波 片名解析:Easy J来自Easy A《绯闻计划》,正是扮演Dan的Penn Badgley最近的电影作品哦。 一个不受待见的姑娘因为制造了一场莫须有的“破处绯闻”,从而彻底改变了她的学校生活…… 艾玛?斯通饰演的奥利弗坐在摄像头前面告诉我们,每件事情都有两面,你现在听到的是真相这一面:虽然奥利弗是个小美女,但在学校里却毫不受重视,直到有一天在party上,她和另一个小男生演了一场轰动的“破处戏”,从而一举成名。接下来,众多男生慕名而来,希望奥利弗可以帮助他们成为学校的风云人物。但对于学校中不明真相的其他同学来说,奥利弗的名声彻底臭了……学校里正在讲授霍桑的小说《红字》,奥利弗觉得故事中女主人公的经历和自己简直太过相似,于是,她招摇的在胸口写上了一个鲜红的“A”…… I was in "wait until dark." 赫本主演的电影《盲女惊魂记》,B真的很喜欢赫本。 Vanessa went to stay with her folks for a while so... folks 家人 感觉上比family用得更频繁一些…… tell you just not to read too much into it. read too much into sth. 想得太多 She must have a lot of nerve, have a nerve 有胆量 单数复数都可以,这里的nerve表示勇气、胆识。 I'm sure one of her monkeys spotted me getting off the train or something. monkey 跟班 猴子在俚语中有笑料、傻瓜的意思。 - I have no interest in going back to being g.I. Jenny and warring with Blair. - How very Gandhi of you. G.I.Jenny从G.I.Joe演变而来,本来是漫画中特种部队。 Gandhi则是圣雄甘地,这里是说小J怎么一下子这么宽容跟个圣人似的。 You can have the t.A. Mark my papers. t.A. =Teaching assistant 助教 B.'s disciples hot on Little J.'s tail. hot on somebody's heels 紧跟某人 平时说紧跟某人的脚后跟,这里说的是紧跟某人的尾巴,当然都可以啦。 Tim Gunn will be a piece of cake. a piece of cake 小菜一碟 I've put a lot on you. put a lot on 对某人寄予厚望 Serena, I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you taking such a challenging course just right out of the gate. out of the gate 从头开始 from the very beginning Looks like B. drew blood. drew blood 放血 You having second thoughts? have second thought 另有想法 Looking to paint the town red? paint the town red 狂欢胡闹 兴奋到high翻了天,于是把整个城镇都染红了,是不是特形象, I'm still on the wagon. on the wagon 戒酒 前些天在Bones笔记里也有讲过这个词,还在水车上,表示还知道用水解渴,而不是用酒。 Yeah, well, whatever happened to "in good times and bad"? I don't know. I spent most of our marriage focused on "for richer or poorer." in good times and bad和for richer or poorer都是传统婚姻誓词里的用词。 By the book? By the book 按规矩办事 就是照着书本上说的来行事,自然就是照规矩办事儿啦 And don't even think about leaving an apple on my desk. You've got no shot at being teacher's pet. teacher's pet 老师的宠儿 在老师桌子上留个苹果以示拍马成为老师的宠儿看起来是个很普遍的行为。 Why don't you just skywrite the word "double-cross"? double-cross 欺骗 They say war's not the answer. But sometimes it's a battle just to keep the peace. On the Upper East Side, you may stand down, but you can never give up. And the bitterest feuds are always labors of love. But our most dangerous enemies are the ones we never knew we had. So if you want peace, always be prepared for war. 求得和平,就时刻备战。实在是很美国的思想啊…… 看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.7 B的20岁生日 片名解析:War at the Roses来自于The War of the Roses《玫瑰战争》,说的是夫妻 之间的战争,是不是很贴这集的主题, 夫妻反目的时候可以彼此憎恶到什么程度,看看本片的例子,足以教人不寒而栗。由丹尼(德 维托自导自演的这部黑色喜剧,生动而深刻地描述了男女之间由爱生恨的心理过程。主人翁 奥立佛与芭芭拉在十七年前相识于拍卖会上,不久结婚生子,生活美满。奥立佛成为名律师, 芭芭拉则培养了收集古董和艺术品的嗜好,将家里布置得尽善尽美。后来,芭芭拉为了自我 肯定,开设了一家外烩公司,并经营得有声有色。由于夫妻俩各忙各的事业而疏于经营婚姻, 芭芭拉发觉自己并不需要丈夫,乃提出离婚,并要求拥有房子。奥立佛拒绝搬走,更把他们 的豪宅变成战场。迈克尔(道格拉斯与凯萨琳(特纳三度合作,有精彩绝伦的演出。 Rise and shine, Upper East Siders. Rise and shine 起床啦 常用口语,起身rise,士兵穿上闪亮shining的靴子,不是指阳光闪亮哈。 A signed copy of "This I Remember." What a fitting gift. This I Remember是罗斯福总统夫人回忆录。 What a fitting gift~ 好合适的礼物~非常实用的一句话。 I know the first wedding anniversary's supposed to be paper, but that's not really an excuse to... to eat out of cartons. 按照美国的传统,paper纸制的礼物是适合在结婚一周年的时候送的,包括相册、书本、球票、音乐会票之类的。所以结婚一周年被称为纸婚。这是比较传统的方式,现代人会改送钟,对中国人来说很难接受吧, I'm gonna head off. head off 离开 That would be fear of Chuck and Blair 101. 101 基本条例 这里读作one oh one,而不是one hundred and one。通常就是用在某个事物之后,表示关于这件事儿的基本情况。 Sooner or later, one of you is gonna press the other's button, and we're gonna end up with nothing but cockroaches. end up with nothing but cockroaches 啥都不剩,只留小强 纯觉得这句很给力~ Sidebar. Sidebar 私下讨论 在法律情况下表示私下讨论,如果是网页或者报纸上就是侧边栏。 Of course Chuck and Blair go to war and end up happier than ever, leaving Jenny and our family in a pile of rubble. pile of rubble 一堆碎石 这里就是形容留下一堆渣子。 How good would it feel to finally give them a taste of their own medicine? give a taste of their own medicine 以其人之道还治其人之身 是个固定的习语,还蛮形象的,让他们自己常常自己的药。 I've picked up a-a few skills over the years, and you come from a long line of world-class schemers. pick up skill 学会某些技巧 world-class 一流的 注意skill前面的动词搭配。 I may have a small crush. have a crush 倾心于某人 my lips are sealed. lips are sealed 守口如瓶 Let's see how strong the holy alliance is after this air strike. air strike 空袭 Cut to the chase. Cut to the chase 长话短说,开门见山 And this handiwork has your lying little sister's fingerprints all over it. handiwork 手艺,特指坏人所做的坏事 And since Gothic Barbie remains safely quarantined upstate, feel free to stop by if you're feeling lonely. Gothic Barbie 哥特式的芭比娃娃 feel free 请便 指代的就是小J吧,画着浓浓眼妆的金发美女,果然很贴切~ Juliet's plans are falling into place, and S. is primed for a fall. fall into place 水到渠成 也有水落石出、恍然大悟的意思。 Nate thought he and Humphrey were thick as thieves. Turns out Humphrey's a thief, and Nate's just thick. thick as thieves 亲密无间 为什么说像贼一样亲密就是亲密无间呢,因为小偷只相信自己人嘛,一旦相信了自然就很 亲密。 You don't have to lose the girl to be a woman. Just... need to think maybe about how many people are going to be around the next time you let her out. 大家果然要听妈妈的话,这句话很有道理哦~ 看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.8 诡计女败露 绯闻女孩第四季第8集:再见朱丽叶 片名解析:这一集的片名Juliet Doesn't Live Here Anymore来自Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore,一次意外中,爱丽丝的丈夫拉利不幸丧生。在经历悲痛以后,爱丽丝开 始面对新的生活。为了实现自己少女时代成为歌手的梦想,她十一岁的儿子从加利福尼亚沿? 西岸开始了一段歌唱、流浪的旅程。在费尼克斯,爱丽丝得到了一份女招待的工作,安定下 的她遇到了一位慷慨的男士…… Now if you don't mind, I'd like to hit the snooze button on this conversation and go back to... Okay. hit the snooze button 重回梦乡 所谓的snooze button就是闹钟上的一个有别于完全关掉的按钮,拍一下可能它过个五分钟十分钟再响,让你可以多赖一会儿床。 Wear it all day to remind you not to lose your... Head. lose one's head 失去理智,惊慌失措 脑袋丢了,当然就失去理智咯 Is any of this ringing a bell? ring a bell 提醒,想起来 就像脑袋里突然响起了铃声,叮得一下突然悟到了的样子。 we put it behind us. put sth. behind 抛之脑后 I had to pull an all-nighter just to finish "persuasion" for my comp lit class. Apparently, even Jane Austen can have a misfire. pull an all-nighter 熬夜通宵 misfire 没写到点子上 a failure to hit misfire本意是枪射偏了,这里是指没写到点子上,失笔了。 but you are playing with fire. play with fire 玩火自焚 I'm gonna go for broke today. go for broke 全力以赴 特别有那种要竭尽全力搏一搏的感觉。 But be careful, since the truth can be eye-opening. eye-opening 恍然大悟 This is your wake-up call. wake-up call 敲响警钟 I may have slipped up a little, slip up 失误,翻错 slip就是脚底一滑,跟我们说的一失足成千古恨有点像哦。 It's just your ordinary, run-of-the-mill ex sex, fueled by the most common of aphrodisiacs mutual loathing and disdain. run-of-the-mill 典型的 We're nothing more than enemies with benefits. And quite a lot of judgment coming from you, Elizabeth Taylor. enemies with benefits —— friends with benefits 有床上关系的普通朋友/敌人 因为伊丽莎白泰勒结婚离婚8、9次的,B就说S是泰勒,有啥资格说别人的。 You should know better. 你自己心里清楚。 And I thought for sure I was done giving a damn about you, give a damn 不在乎,不关心 通常是否定的口气哦。 Well put. 说得好 If KGB can't get me to talk, Chuck Bass has no chance. 喷……水桶腰大妈还是这么给力。 I kind of wrote you off weeks ago. write off 购销,无视 Looks like the chip on Vanessa's shoulder just went digital. chip on your shoulder 委屈,不平 How do you think he took you to coffee out of the blue? out of the blue 平白无故的,突如其来的 There's nothing I love more than coming home with a victory under my belt. under one's belt 赢得某物,获得某物 看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.9 三女复仇 绯闻女孩第四季第9集:上流女巫 片名解析:The Witches of Bushwick来自《东镇女巫》The Witches of Eastwick,正 好那电影里的女主角也是仨人,三个既是巫婆又是现代美艳动人的新女性,运用巫术招引小 鬼嬉戏,然而,当小鬼出现时,她们才发现这个难缠的小鬼,不仅口才流利、风流倜傥,也 因此周旋于三位美女之间,惹出无数笑料,然而,他到底是怎么出现的,是巧合,是女巫不 慎招来,还是他不请自来, Uh, we decided we can spread out better here. spread out 扩张 Even if I have to wear a Scarlet letter for something I didn't do? Scarlet letter 红字 来自霍桑的同名小说《红字》,女主角因为被判有通奸罪而被迫在胸口带上红色的字母A以 示众。 I have to look at the bigger picture. look at the bigger picture 放眼全局 bigger picture指全局、大局,还蛮形象的 So... so what if we both take our best shot, and like the gentlemen we are, agree to be okay with whoever she picks? take best shot 尽全力,使绝招 Yeah, everything's in place on my end. everything in place 一切就绪 on my end 我这边儿 Trust me, nothing drives a wedge between mother and daughter more than Lily trying to cover up for Serena. drive a wedge between 挑拨离间 wedge除了本意楔子之外,还有使分裂的东西的意思。 You're the one who's black and white and read all over. Black and White and Read All Over 报纸 其实这是一个谜语的谜面来着,黑白分明,一读到底,就是报纸咯。 All right, you're on, for tonight, before Chuck's party. you're on 你加入 I guess that's the thing when you're not born with a silver spoon in your mouth. born with a silver spoon in mouth 出身高贵有财有势 很形象的一个说法,生来嘴里就含着一个银勺子。改中国的说法是不是得是born with a jade in mouth?口含通灵宝玉~~~ Since you badgered it out of me, yes, it's true. badger out 盘问 Did you pay Juliet off? pay off 付钱打发走 we have mixed company. mixed company 外人,不妥之人 是比较传统老套的说法,不过这也显示出Dorota的素质嘛~ only she stood me up. stand sb. up 放某人鸽子 这个特有画面感的,让人家杵在那儿等到花儿也谢了。 We can't keep chasing you in circles. chase sb. in circles 追着某人团团转 As long as I'm with you, I'm Hillary in the White House, and I wanna be Hillary secretary of state, but with better hair. 只要我跟你在一起,我就是白宫的第一夫人希拉里,可我想成为国务卿希拉里,不过发型要 比她好。 这个比方真是绝了,尤其最后的部分…… Look at Brad and Angelina. They takes turns on top. 看看布拉德皮特和安吉丽娜茱莉,他们不是轮流拔得头筹么。 嗯……这句也狠的。 看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.10 感恩纠结S 绯闻女孩第四季第10集:煤气灯照下 片名解析:Gaslit出自奥斯卡经典Gaslight,美丽的少女宝拉继承了姑妈艾丽丝的大笔遗产,并与潇洒、体贴的青年格里高利?安东结了婚。婚后家里发生了许多怪事儿,使宝拉感到非常不安和害怕,尤其是每 到夜晚,房中的煤气灯忽明忽暗,同时房顶上伴有奇怪的声音,宝拉感到非常恐惧,但安东却说是她精神上有毛病。青年侦探伯林为弄清真相,来到宝拉的家中,他发现使宝拉恐惧的真正原因是... I also know that you want to get out of the dodge. get out of the dodge 远走高飞,摆脱现状 完整的是get the hell out of Dodge,dodge是指堪萨斯州的Dodge City,是出电视剧《Gunsmoke》(荒野大镖客)的一句流行语,是离开某地,摆脱困难窘迫现状的意思。 Do they have a word in polish for "pain in the ass"? pain in the ass 肉中刺,眼中钉 Your mother wanted to pull out all the stops this year. pull out all the stops 全力以赴 stop在这里是指风琴的音栓,把所有音栓都拉出来了,声音就格外响亮,引申出全力以赴 的意思咯。 She'll come around, I promise. come around 想通 they're time-sensitive. time-sensitive 时间紧急 We should get used to little run-ins like these. I mean, if bruce and demi could do it, It can't be that difficult. 说到了Bruce Willis和Demi Moore~ This was serena acting out, blowing off steam Like she always does. blow off steam 乱发脾气 把多余的蒸汽放出来,就表示发泄咯。 I see my mom is sending in the big guns. big gun 有影响力的重要人物 我们说大腕儿,他们说大枪。 I should hear your father out before I end things. hear sb. out 听某人把话讲完 Come on. I bust you out of the loony bin. loony bin 疯人院 but the only way I'm going back there is in a straitjacket. straitjacket 紧身衣 也有束缚的意思,这里是说除非你们来硬的强迫我去疯人院。 It seems everyone's favorite party girl fell off the wagon and landed in rehab. Good luck getting a lohan-dle on things, s. From the looks of it, you've got a lot to recover from. fall off the wagon 毒瘾复发 lohan-dle 林赛?罗韩式的(反反复复进戒毒所) She worms herself out of everything, and I needed to make sure that there was one more nail in her coffin nail in the coffin of 致命一击 一般会说final nail,棺材盖上的最后一颗钉子,比喻意义为最后的致命一击 That's a pretty tall tale from a not too reliable source. tall tale 离谱的故事 The past stays in the past. 过去的就让他过去吧。
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