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吸烟危害健康教案吸烟危害健康教案 小学六年级健康教育 《吸烟有害健康》教学设计 教学目标: 1 、通过分析烟的有害成分,使学生明确吸烟以被动吸烟的危害所在. 2、通过学习了解吸烟对周围环境的危害,知道关心环境卫生,有关心人们健康的意识。 3、拒绝被动吸烟,用有效的方式劝诫周围的人戒 烟,营造无烟环境。 教学重点:了解香烟中包含的主要有害物质 教学难点:了解吸烟会对人体带来哪些巨大的伤 害 教学步骤: 一 、导入: 师:同学们,老师现在想抽一支烟,可以吗, 生:不可以。 师:为什么呢, 生:吸烟有害健康;公共场合...

吸烟危害健康 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 小学六年级健康教育 《吸烟有害健康》教学 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 教学目标: 1 、通过 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 烟的有害成分,使学生明确吸烟以被动吸烟的危害所在. 2、通过学习了解吸烟对周围环境的危害,知道关心环境卫生,有关心人们健康的意识。 3、拒绝被动吸烟,用有效的方式劝诫周围的人戒 烟,营造无烟环境。 教学重点:了解香烟中包含的主要有害物质 教学难点:了解吸烟会对人体带来哪些巨大的伤 害 教学步骤: 一 、导入: 师:同学们,老师现在想抽一支烟,可以吗, 生:不可以。 师:为什么呢, 生:吸烟有害健康;公共场合不能吸烟。 师:同学们说的很对,吸烟是有害健康的。今天我 们就来学习这一课。 师出示课题:吸烟有害健康 二、创设情境,展开课堂: 1、《吸烟者的肺》 师:吸烟的人与不吸烟的人有哪些不同, 引导学生说话: 吸烟的人的牙齿、衣服、手指怎样, 师:这只是同学们看到的吸烟的人的外貌,下面请同学们看两幅图片: 师出示幻灯片 师:哪一副图片是吸烟人的肺, 生区别指出。 师:你凭什么判断的, 生:吸烟人的肺比不吸烟的人的肺要黑。 to produce white smoke, so twice, cold. Cold solution moves into the 50mL or 100mL in the bottle, washed nitrogen bottle wash solution into the volumetric flask, cool, such as water to the scale, and mix. Sizing 10mL 1g a solution of the specimen, sulfate 1mL. Get and digest the samples the same amount of nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate with sulfuric acid, by the same method of reagent blank. 12.1.2 vegetable, fruit, weighing 2500g or 50.00g wash in a homogenate samples placed in a 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottles, adding seed glass beads, 10mL~15mL, nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate, according to 12.1.1 "place for a moment ... ..." action according to law, but a constant volume of solution after each 10mL 5G sample, sulfate ... 12.1.4 containing alcohol sex beverage or containing carbon dioxide beverage: draw 10.00mL or 20.00mL sample, placed 250mL~500mL set nitrogen bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, first with fire heating removed ethanol or carbon dioxide, again added 5mL~1OmL nitric acid-perchlorate mixed liquid, mixed uniform Hou, following by 12.1.1 since "placed moments......" up law operation, but set capacity Hou of solution each 10mL equivalent to 2mL sample. 12.1.5 foods high in sugar content: weighing 5.00g or 10.0g specimens placed in the 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottle, add a little water to wet, the augend seed glass beads, 5mL~10mL, nitric-perchloric acid after mixing, shake well. Slowly add 5mL or 10mL sulfate, after treating the ease stops foaming, low heat, slowly heating (sugar easy charring), continue along the wall added nitric-perchloric acid 师:同学们观察得真仔细,刚才老师展示的只是香烟对人体里肺的危害,只是一方面,其实香烟燃烧时会极大地危害人体全身的健康。 2、讲解吸烟吸烟引至慢性中毒的各种病症: 师出示课件:《吸烟对人体健康的危害》 3、释疑:为什么没有吸烟急性中毒呢, 师:香烟燃烧时产生多种有害物质,主要是烟碱(尼古丁)、烟焦油和一氧化碳。尼古丁是一种剧毒物质,实验证明,一支香烟所含的尼古丁为5至15毫克,是可毒死一只老鼠,20支香烟的尼古丁可毒死一头牛。尼古丁的致死量为50—70毫克,相当于20—25支纸烟的含量。为什么没有吸烟急性中毒呢, ?、吸烟时烟草中的部分尼古丁被烟雾中的毒物甲醛中和了,而且大多数不是连续吸烟,这些尼古丁是间断缓慢进入人体的。 ?、此外纸烟点燃后50%的尼古丁随烟雾扩散到空气中,5%随烟头被扔掉,25%被燃烧破坏,只有20%被肌体吸收。?、长时间的吸烟者体内对尼古丁产生耐受性。 1. 烟情分析: ?我国是世界上烟民最多的国家,有3.5亿烟民,并因此制造了5.4亿被动吸烟者,其中15岁以下儿童有1.8亿。据世卫组织统计,目前全球每年约有500万人因吸烟而死亡,烟草已成为继高血压之后的第二号“杀手”。世卫组织估计,如果不加以控制,到2020年每年吸烟致死的人数有可能增加一倍。在全球13亿烟民中,有6.5亿人会因为吸烟而过早死亡。 师:由此可见,吸烟的后果多么可怕。这段话里 有一个词:被动吸烟者。 ?被动吸烟者是指哪些人, 被动吸烟者:是指生活和工作在吸烟者周闱的人们不自觉地吸进烟雾尘粒和各种有毒的物质。 to produce white smoke, so twice, cold. Cold solution moves into the 50mL or 100mL in the bottle, washed nitrogen bottle wash solution into the volumetric flask, cool, such as water to the scale, and mix. Sizing 10mL 1g a solution of the specimen, sulfate 1mL. Get and digest the samples the same amount of nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate with sulfuric acid, by the same method of reagent blank. 12.1.2 vegetable, fruit, weighing 2500g or 50.00g wash in a homogenate samples placed in a 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottles, adding seed glass beads, 10mL~15mL, nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate, according to 12.1.1 "place for a moment ... ..." action according to law, but a constant volume of solution after each 10mL 5G sample, sulfate ... 12.1.4 containing alcohol sex beverage or containing carbon dioxide beverage: draw 10.00mL or 20.00mL sample, placed 250mL~500mL set nitrogen bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, first with fire heating removed ethanol or carbon dioxide, again added 5mL~1OmL nitric acid-perchlorate mixed liquid, mixed uniform Hou, following by 12.1.1 since "placed moments......" up law operation, but set capacity Hou of solution each 10mL equivalent to 2mL sample. 12.1.5 foods high in sugar content: weighing 5.00g or 10.0g specimens placed in the 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottle, add a little water to wet, the augend seed glass beads, 5mL~10mL, nitric-perchloric acid after mixing, shake well. Slowly add 5mL or 10mL sulfate, after treating the ease stops foaming, low heat, slowly heating (sugar easy charring), continue along the wall added nitric-perchloric acid ?香烟对被动吸烟的人有什么危害, 被动吸烟15分钟等于主动吸烟: а、戒烟网最近发表研究报告指出,被动吸烟即俗称的 “吸二手烟”比原先外界所知道的还要危险,一些与吸烟者共同生活的人,患肺癌的机率比常人多出 6倍。 в、被动吸烟对婴幼儿、青少年及妇女的危害尤为严重。对儿童来说,被动吸烟可以引起呼吸道症状和疾病,并且影响正常的生长发育;对于孕妇来说,被动吸烟会导致死胎、流产和低出生体重儿;被动吸烟亦会增加成人呼吸道疾病、肺癌和心血管疾病发病的危险。 1. 怎样减少香烟的危害? (1)、认识禁烟标志: , 引导学生回忆健康标志。 (幻灯片出示禁烟标志) , 你在什么地方看到过禁烟标志, 有禁烟标志的场所: 宾馆、饭馆、影剧院、体育场(馆)、游泳场(馆)、公园;展览馆、博物馆、美术馆、图书馆;商场(店)、书店;候诊室、候车(机、船)室;学校、医院、加油站等等。 任何社会成员都可以自由往来、停驻足或者只需购票就可以自由出入进行各种共同性活动的场所都是公共场所。 ?小结: 吸烟,污染环境,使空气变得浑浊,危害别人的身体健康,容易引起火灾,所以我们国家规定公共场所禁止吸烟,并把世界无烟日5月31日夜定为我们国家的无烟日,号召人们戒烟。 (2)、宣传戒烟: 你们家人吸烟吗,教师将数字统计出,让学生感受目前吸烟的人还是比较多,为了他和家人的健康,你有什么好办法劝诫哪些吸烟的人呢, to produce white smoke, so twice, cold. Cold solution moves into the 50mL or 100mL in the bottle, washed nitrogen bottle wash solution into the volumetric flask, cool, such as water to the scale, and mix. Sizing 10mL 1g a solution of the specimen, sulfate 1mL. Get and digest the samples the same amount of nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate with sulfuric acid, by the same method of reagent blank. 12.1.2 vegetable, fruit, weighing 2500g or 50.00g wash in a homogenate samples placed in a 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottles, adding seed glass beads, 10mL~15mL, nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate, according to 12.1.1 "place for a moment ... ..." action according to law, but a constant volume of solution after each 10mL 5G sample, sulfate ... 12.1.4 containing alcohol sex beverage or containing carbon dioxide beverage: draw 10.00mL or 20.00mL sample, placed 250mL~500mL set nitrogen bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, first with fire heating removed ethanol or carbon dioxide, again added 5mL~1OmL nitric acid-perchlorate mixed liquid, mixed uniform Hou, following by 12.1.1 since "placed moments......" up law operation, but set capacity Hou of solution each 10mL equivalent to 2mL sample. 12.1.5 foods high in sugar content: weighing 5.00g or 10.0g specimens placed in the 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottle, add a little water to wet, the augend seed glass beads, 5mL~10mL, nitric-perchloric acid after mixing, shake well. Slowly add 5mL or 10mL sulfate, after treating the ease stops foaming, low heat, slowly heating (sugar easy charring), continue along the wall added nitric-perchloric acid (幻灯片出示): 我想帮( )来戒烟,我打算这样做„„ 小组交流。 全班交流。 师:同学们的办法真多,我的父亲也吸烟,我 打算这样帮他来戒烟: ( 幻灯片出示) 我想帮(父亲)来戒烟,我打算这样做 ?把他的吸烟用具扔掉,如打火机、烟灰缸,香 烟。 ?建议他餐后喝水、吃水果或散步,摆脱饭后一 支烟的想法。 ?烟瘾来时,教他立即做深呼吸活动,或咀嚼无 糖分的口香 糖,避免用零食代替香烟。 ?告诉别人他已经戒烟,不要给他烟卷,也不要 在我面前吸烟。 ?写下我认为的戒烟理由,如为了自己的健康、 为家人着想、为省钱等等,随身携带,当他烟 瘾犯了时可以拿出来告诫自己。 ?帮他制订一个戒烟 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,每天减少自己吸烟的 数量。 ?给他安排一些体育活动,如游泳、跑步、钓鱼 等。一方面可以缓解精神紧张和压力,另一方 面可以避免花较多的心思在吸烟上。 ?当他有想吸烟的冲动时,还告诉他可以用喝水 来控制。当他感到空腹或想吸烟时,就先慢慢 地喝上一杯水。实验证明水是戒烟的妙药。 三、延伸: 讨论: , 吸烟的人怎样开始吸烟的, , 怎样拒绝吸上第一口香烟,你有什么巧妙的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 , 四、总结课堂: to produce white smoke, so twice, cold. Cold solution moves into the 50mL or 100mL in the bottle, washed nitrogen bottle wash solution into the volumetric flask, cool, such as water to the scale, and mix. Sizing 10mL 1g a solution of the specimen, sulfate 1mL. Get and digest the samples the same amount of nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate with sulfuric acid, by the same method of reagent blank. 12.1.2 vegetable, fruit, weighing 2500g or 50.00g wash in a homogenate samples placed in a 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottles, adding seed glass beads, 10mL~15mL, nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate, according to 12.1.1 "place for a moment ... ..." action according to law, but a constant volume of solution after each 10mL 5G sample, sulfate ... 12.1.4 containing alcohol sex beverage or containing carbon dioxide beverage: draw 10.00mL or 20.00mL sample, placed 250mL~500mL set nitrogen bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, first with fire heating removed ethanol or carbon dioxide, again added 5mL~1OmL nitric acid-perchlorate mixed liquid, mixed uniform Hou, following by 12.1.1 since "placed moments......" up law operation, but set capacity Hou of solution each 10mL equivalent to 2mL sample. 12.1.5 foods high in sugar content: weighing 5.00g or 10.0g specimens placed in the 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottle, add a little water to wet, the augend seed glass beads, 5mL~10mL, nitric-perchloric acid after mixing, shake well. Slowly add 5mL or 10mL sulfate, after treating the ease stops foaming, low heat, slowly heating (sugar easy charring), continue along the wall added nitric-perchloric acid 吸烟有害健康,让我们远离香烟,共同营造一个清新的无烟世界。 教学反思: 通过学习学生们有了切身的感受,积极行动起来,拒绝烟酒、珍爱生命。让我们多一丝洁净的 空 气,多一片明亮的天空,多一副健康的体魄,多一个美好的人生。 to produce white smoke, so twice, cold. Cold solution moves into the 50mL or 100mL in the bottle, washed nitrogen bottle wash solution into the volumetric flask, cool, such as water to the scale, and mix. Sizing 10mL 1g a solution of the specimen, sulfate 1mL. Get and digest the samples the same amount of nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate with sulfuric acid, by the same method of reagent blank. 12.1.2 vegetable, fruit, weighing 2500g or 50.00g wash in a homogenate samples placed in a 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottles, adding seed glass beads, 10mL~15mL, nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate, according to 12.1.1 "place for a moment ... ..." action according to law, but a constant volume of solution after each 10mL 5G sample, sulfate ... 12.1.4 containing alcohol sex beverage or containing carbon dioxide beverage: draw 10.00mL or 20.00mL sample, placed 250mL~500mL set nitrogen bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, first with fire heating removed ethanol or carbon dioxide, again added 5mL~1OmL nitric acid-perchlorate mixed liquid, mixed uniform Hou, following by 12.1.1 since "placed moments......" up law operation, but set capacity Hou of solution each 10mL equivalent to 2mL sample. 12.1.5 foods high in sugar content: weighing 5.00g or 10.0g specimens placed in the 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottle, add a little water to wet, the augend seed glass beads, 5mL~10mL, nitric-perchloric acid after mixing, shake well. Slowly add 5mL or 10mL sulfate, after treating the ease stops foaming, low heat, slowly heating (sugar easy charring), continue along the wall added nitric-perchloric acid
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