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eetop[1].cn_2 Senstaurus workbench


eetop[1].cn_2 Senstaurus workbench TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_menu.html[2010/10/8 19:57:47] Sentaurus Workbench Sentaurus Workbench is the primary graphical front end that integrates TCAD Sentaurus simulation tools into one environment...

eetop[1].cn_2 Senstaurus workbench
TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_menu.html[2010/10/8 19:57:47] Sentaurus Workbench Sentaurus Workbench is the primary graphical front end that integrates TCAD Sentaurus simulation tools into one environment. It is used to design, organize, and run simulations. This module is a basic introduction to the features of Sentaurus Workbench. Section Time 1. Getting Started 15 minutes 2. Running Projects 30 minutes 3. Creating Projects 30 minutes 4. Building Multiple Experiments 30 minutes 5. Miscellaneous Features 20 minutes Copyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_a.html[2010/10/8 19:57:48] Sentaurus Workbench 1. Getting Started 1.1 Overview 1.2 Starting Sentaurus Workbench 1.3 Attaching Project Directories Objectives To present an overview of Sentaurus Workbench. 1.1 Overview Sentaurus Workbench is the primary graphical front end that integrates TCAD Sentaurus simulation tools into one environment. It is used throughout the semiconductor industry to design, organize, and run simulations. Simulations are organized comprehensively into projects. Sentaurus Workbench automatically manages the information flow, which includes preprocessing user input files, parameterizing projects, setting up and executing tool instances, and visualizing results. Sentaurus Workbench allows you to define parameters and variables to run comprehensive parametric analyses. The resulting data can be used with statistical and spreadsheet tools. 1.2 Starting Sentaurus Workbench Before starting Sentaurus Workbench, you must set the STDB environment variable. This variable can be set to any directory path where you have write access. It is recommended to use a location with ample amount of disk space. In this module, a subdirectory called DB under your home directory is used as the STDB directory. To create such a directory and set the environment variable STDB, use the following UNIX commands: mkdir /home//DB setenv STDB /home//DB or if you are using bash: mkdir /home//DB export STDB=/home//DB TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_a.html[2010/10/8 19:57:48] Then, to start Sentaurus Workbench, type: swb & Figure 1. Main window of Sentaurus Workbench. (Click image for full-size view.) When Sentaurus Workbench is launched, it looks at the STDB environment variable and lists its contents in the Projects pane (see Figure 1, blue border). In addition, if the Sentaurus Applications Library package is installed, the Applications_Library also appears in Sentaurus Workbench (see Figure 1, red border). The Applications_Library contains various examples that illustrate how to use Sentaurus tools, as well as all examples used in this training. The Applications Library package can be downloaded and installed with Sentaurus binaries by the person administering the software installation. Valid Sentaurus Workbench projects have the icon preceding the name of the folder or project. 1.3 Attaching Project Directories In addition to displaying the projects within the $STDB directory, projects located elsewhere can be attached (that is, displayed as read-only projects) to the displayed list: 1. Edit > Attach Root. 2. Select the required project directory. This procedure can be repeated to attach up to five project directories. Projects under any of the attached roots cannot be executed by the user; they must first be copied to a directory under the $STDB directory. To detach a project directory: TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_a.html[2010/10/8 19:57:48] 1. Select the required project directory. 2. Edit > Detach Root. Only attached roots can be detached. The projects in the $STDB environment cannot be detached, but they can be deleted permanently. Note that when exiting Sentaurus Workbench, all attached roots are detached automatically. If some directories need to remain always attached, use Edit > User Preferences (F12) > Miscellaneous > Attached Roots on Start Up to specify such directories. Section 1 of 5 | back to top | next section >> Copyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_b.html[2010/10/8 19:57:48] Sentaurus Workbench 2. Running Projects 2.1 Opening Sentaurus Workbench Projects 2.2 Understanding Node Colors 2.3 Cleaning Up Project Directories 2.4 Running Projects 2.5 Selecting Nodes 2.6 Displaying Node Information 2.7 Viewing Output Results 2.8 Deleting Projects Objectives To run a Sentaurus Workbench project. 2.1 Opening Sentaurus Workbench Projects For this part of the module, the project SWB_nmos will be used. It is in the Applications_Library under GettingStarted/SWB_nmos. Locate and select this project in the projects browser. Then, Edit > Copy (Ctrl+C) and Edit > Paste (Ctrl+V) to copy the project under the $STDB directory or a subdirectory of it. Then, double-click the copy of the project under $STDB. This opens the project and it appears in the right pane of the main window (see Figure 1). TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_b.html[2010/10/8 19:57:48] Figure 1. Main window of Sentaurus Workbench showing tool flow, parameters, and simulation nodes (black border). (Click image for full-size view.) The tool flow refers to the sequence of simulation tools and their associated input files. In the SWB_nmos example, these are Sentaurus Process, Sentaurus Structure Editor, Sentaurus Device, and Inspect as seen in Figure 1. Below the tool flow, the corresponding simulation nodes [n1], [n2], and so on are listed. (If the node numbers are not displayed, View > Tree Options > Show Node Numbers (F9).) A complete sequence of simulation nodes (comprising all tools in the tool flow) form an experiment. In other words, an experiment is a complete horizontal line in the table view. Any number of experiments is possible for a given tool flow if parameters are used. To the right of the tool flow, there are variables and electrical extracted parameters from the simulated Id–Vd characteristics: Vtgm, Vti, Id, SS, gm, Lgeff, Xj, Ygox, Tox (use the scroll bar to see them all). When the simulation is completed, the electrical extracted values appear in their respective columns. 2.2 Understanding Node Colors Every simulation node in a project has a color associated with it that indicates its status. The color chart in the lower-right corner of the main window of Sentaurus Workbench (see Figure 2) shows what each color indicates. Figure 2. Colors indicating different node statuses. For example, when the project SWB_nmos is opened, the nodes are yellow, indicating that the nodes were simulated previously, and blue, which gives some information about the process and device steps. This is because a (successfully run) project was copied from the Applications_Library. TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_b.html[2010/10/8 19:57:48] The format in which the Sentaurus Workbench project tree is displayed is very flexible and user controllable. You can display solely the tool flow, or the number the various simulation nodes, or display parameters (splits), variables, extracted values, and other details. To use this feature: From the View menu, select or clear the various options, or View > Tree Options for more features. 2.3 Cleaning Up Project Directories Before running this project (SWB_nmos) from the beginning, clean up the project results from the previous run. To clean up a project: 1. Project > Clean Up (Ctrl+L). 2. In the Cleanup Options dialog box, select the items to be removed (see Figure 3). 3. Click OK. Figure 3. Cleanup Options dialog box. Sentaurus Workbench deletes all files associated with the previous run, and the project is now ready to run. This is indicated by a change in the color of the nodes from yellow (done) to white (none). If the node numbers are not displayed at this stage, View > Tree Options > Show Node Numbers (F9). 2.4 Running Projects To run a project: 1. Project > Run (Ctrl+R) or click the corresponding toolbar button ( ). The Run Project dialog box is displayed (see Figure 4), which is used to select which nodes to run (all unsimulated nodes by default) as well as which simulation queue to use (running on the local host is the default). TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_b.html[2010/10/8 19:57:48] 2. Click Run to start the simulation. Figure 4. Run Project dialog box. Sentaurus Workbench proceeds to run the project, and the Project Log dialog box is displayed (see Figure 5) with real-time updates on the status of the project. Figure 5. Project Log dialog box. (Click image for full-size view.) As the simulation runs, the nodes change status from "none" (white) to "queued" (light green) to "pending" (bright green) to "running" (blue) and finally to "done" (yellow). If a node fails, it becomes "failed" (red). TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_b.html[2010/10/8 19:57:48] To stop a running simulation: Nodes > Abort (Ctrl+T) or click the corresponding toolbar button ( ). After the project run is completed, all variables are extracted (Vtgm, Vti, and Id) and displayed to the right of the tool flow in the main window of Sentaurus Workbench. 2.5 Selecting Nodes Instead of entering which nodes to run in the Run Project dialog box, the nodes that need to run can be selected in the table (hold the Ctrl key to select multiple nodes), before clicking the Run button. For example, to run only the Sentaurus Process nodes associated with HaloEnergy=25, select nodes 10 and 13, and then click the Run button. Figure 6. Selecting nodes in table. (Click image for full-size view.) If you want to run an entire experiment (row), click the row number. Multiple rows can be selected as well. To select all nodes to the right of a certain node, in other words, to run all nodes starting with a particular one, click that node and use Nodes > Extend Selection To > Leaves. Similarly, all nodes that need to be completed before a particular node can be run are selected using Nodes > Extend Selection To > Root. Other node selection criteria can be found in Nodes > Select. 2.6 Displaying Node Information TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_b.html[2010/10/8 19:57:48] To find the properties of any node, double-click the respective node. The Node Explorer is displayed (see Figure 7). Figure 7. Node Explorer for node 9. (Click image for full-size view.) The Node Explorer displays the following information Node number. The computer on which the simulation was performed. Date and time of the simulation. Node status. Corresponding tool (Sentaurus Process in Figure 7). Corresponding parameter (HaloEnergy) with its value. Project directory. The Node Explorer also displays all input and output parameters associated with the node on the left part. The bottom part of the Node Explorer displays all files associated with the node. These can be categorized using the buttons on the left, or individual files can be selected using the file list. Text files can be viewed in the file viewer on the right. TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_b.html[2010/10/8 19:57:48] 2.7 Viewing Output Results A given node has several input and output files associated with it. These can be viewed by right- clicking a node and selecting Visualize. All text and log files can be viewed using the text editor SEdit by selecting them. All output data files in the case of Sentaurus Process, Sentaurus Device, and Sentaurus Device Electromagnetic Wave Solver (EMW) can be viewed using Tecplot SV, or a plot of .plx and .plt files in Sentaurus Device can be viewed using Inspect. In addition, the information written to standard output, when a simulation is running, can be viewed by selecting Nodes > View Output (Ctrl+W). An alternate method of viewing output is to click the toolbar button. 2.8 Deleting Projects To delete the project SWB_nmos: 1. Select the project in the projects browser. 2. Right-click and select Delete. If an error message is displayed (see Figure 8), it means that the project must be closed before deleting it. Figure 8. Error message dialog box. In this case, click OK, and use Project > Close. (The project disappears from the main window.) Now, repeat Steps 1–2, and click Yes in the dialog box that is displayed. Section 2 of 5 | back to top | << previous section | next section >> Copyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_c.html[2010/10/8 19:57:49] Sentaurus Workbench 3. Creating Projects 3.1 Setting Up the Tool Flow 3.2 Saving Projects Objectives To assemble and save a new Sentaurus Workbench project. 3.1 Setting Up the Tool Flow The first step to setting up a tool flow is to create a project. To create a project: Project > New or click the corresponding toolbar button ( ). This creates a temporary project with a name similar to g_lnx_2879_0.tmp in the tmp folder that can be viewed in the projects browser (see Figure 1). Figure 1. Project directory showing project folder. The tools that comprise this project are Sentaurus Process, Sentaurus Structure Editor, Sentaurus Device, and Inspect, in that order. To set up a tool flow: Right-click the No Tools node under the Family Tree (see Figure 2). Figure 2. Detail of main window showing Family Tree. TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_c.html[2010/10/8 19:57:49] The Add Tool/Tool Properties dialog box is displayed (see Figure 3). Figure 3. Add Tool dialog box. Here, the Label refers to the name by which this instance of Sentaurus Process is referred. You can use any unique name you want. If you use multiple instances of the Sentaurus Process tool in a project, each instance must have a unique label, such as sprocess1, sprocess2, and so on. The Input Files and Output Files tabs list all files associated with the tool for reference. If you want to return to the Tool Properties dialog box for a tool you have already created, simply double-click the tool. Now, the command file for this tool must be created. Right-click the tool icon ( ) and select Edit Input > Commands. The text editor opens for entering commands. The text editor to be used for editing input files can be customized using Edit > User Preferences (F12) > Binaries > Editor > text. Add the following lines to the Sentaurus Process command file with the text editor: Grid2D select silicon name=Boron z=1e15 store implant phosphorus dose=5e14 energy=40 diffuse time=20 temperature=900 struct tdr=n@node@ !Gas !interfaces Save the sprocess_fps.cmd command file and close the text editor. 3.2 Saving Projects Before running the project, it must be saved. To save a project: 1. Project > Save As. 2. Navigate to the folder where you want to save it under $STDB. 3. Save the project as test1 or another name. TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_c.html[2010/10/8 19:57:49] You can now run the project as described in Section 2.4 Running Projects. Note that there is only one node to run for this project. Section 3 of 5 | back to top | << previous section | next section >> Copyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_d.html[2010/10/8 19:57:50] Sentaurus Workbench 4. Building Multiple Experiments 4.1 Adding Parameters 4.2 Setting Up Multiple Experiments 4.3 Creating Scenarios 4.4 Pruning Project Trees 4.5 Display Options for Project Objectives To add parameters and variables. To create multiple experiments and scenarios. 4.1 Adding Parameters In Sentaurus Workbench, parameters can be defined and multiple values can be assigned to them to create splits in experiments (simulations). Each value of a parameter creates an additional experiment; therefore, for N values of a parameter, there are N experiments. For two parameters, P1 and P2, with M and N values, respectively, there are M x N possible experiments. You will now introduce parameters to the simple example created in Section 3. Creating Projects: 1. Right-click the gray box immediately below the Sentaurus Process icon in the main window of Sentaurus Workbench, and select Add. 2. In the Add Parameter dialog box, enter the fields as shown in Figure 1. 3. Click OK. Figure 1. Add Parameter dialog box. Repeat the above procedure to create another parameter called penergy with the default value of 40. The main window of Sentaurus Workbench should now look like Figure 2. Note that Sentaurus Workbench added virtual nodes (light blue) to represent a possible future split. TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_d.html[2010/10/8 19:57:50] Figure 2. Main window of Sentaurus Workbench showing new parameters. (Click image for full-size view.) The parameter penergy is now defined but not yet used. To use the parameter, open the Sentaurus Process input file with a text editor, and replace the line: implant phosphorus dose=5e14 energy=40 with: implant phosphorus dose=@pdose@ energy=@penergy@ The constructs @pdose@ and @penergy@ are placeholders for the parameters in the input file. Sentaurus Workbench replaces them with the actual value of the parameters during the preprocessing stage. To preprocess the project: Project > Preprocess (Ctrl+P). Sentaurus Workbench will first want to save the project. TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_d.html[2010/10/8 19:57:50] Figure 3. Preprocessor Log dialog box. (Click image for full-size view.) You can use the Node Explorer to view the input file for node 1 (pp1_fps.cmd) and see that the parameters have indeed been replaced by their respective values for node 1. Note that Sentaurus Workbench automatically preprocesses a project when you click the Run button. Therefore, manual preprocessing is not necessary most of the time. 4.2 Setting Up Multiple Experiments To set up multiple experiments: 1. Experiments > Add New Experiment. 2. Enter the values as shown in Figure 4. TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_d.html[2010/10/8 19:57:50] Figure 4. Add New Experiment dialog box. To add multiple values for a parameter, right-click the parameter name and select Add Values. For the parameter penergy, enter the values as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. Add Parameter Values dialog box. After you have finished adding parameters, it is recommended to clean up the project: Project > Clean Up (Ctrl+L), and select the required options (see Figure 6). Figure 6. Cleanup Options dialog box. TCAD Sentaurus Tutorial file:///C|/Users/skylie/Desktop/Sentaurus_Training/swb/swb_d.html[2010/10/8 19:57:50] The main window of Sentaurus Workbench should look like Figure 7. Figure 7. Main window with experiments. (Click image for full-size view.) 4.3 Creating Scenarios With several values for the project parameters, the total number of experiments (the possible simulations for each combination of the parameter values) can become very high. You can run all of them or make subsets of the experiments called scenarios. The entire set of experiments constitutes the scenario all. In addition, you can copy sets of experiments to create several scenarios an
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