首页 简单粗暴就能写好ARGUMENT



简单粗暴就能写好ARGUMENT By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com 简单粗暴就能写好ARGUMENT 我知道好多人都受了担心雷同的毒害,一开始准备 ARGUMENT 就开始拼命独立思考,独 立创作。可惜自己怎样也逃离不出是成千上万的 G男 G女的普通一员。还有那些找到各种 美文精选的,都憋着一口气想弄点儿新奇故事出来涂抹个惊艳一笔。结果到头来看着最顺眼 的还是我这样的模板。 美文一点儿都不美好。所以,遇见一个还算靠谱顺眼的,你就从了吧。 真的就...

By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com 简单粗暴就能写好ARGUMENT 我知道好多人都受了担心雷同的毒害,一开始准备 ARGUMENT 就开始拼命独立思考,独 立创作。可惜自己怎样也逃离不出是成千上万的 G男 G女的普通一员。还有那些找到各种 美文精选的,都憋着一口气想弄点儿新奇故事出来涂抹个惊艳一笔。结果到头来看着最顺眼 的还是我这样的 模板 个人简介word模板免费下载关于员工迟到处罚通告模板康奈尔office模板下载康奈尔 笔记本 模板 下载软件方案模板免费下载 。 美文一点儿都不美好。所以,遇见一个还算靠谱顺眼的,你就从了吧。 真的就是这么回事儿。要么浓妆艳抹,要么简单粗暴,犹豫往往意味着更大的伤害。人生经 不起推敲。 当然我说写“好”ARGUMENT,还是略有夸张的,但我相信按这路子做肯定不会低分。而 我说简单粗暴就更没有错了,那简直是人生的哲学,决不是局限在写作文上。 其实你能安静下来看这篇烂文,说明你对待 ARGUMENT 已经很认真了,再塌实下心来辨 别一下,形成自己的意见,就可以了。好的话你当然要改改就用啊。不好就骂呗。不用太担 心。毕竟简单粗暴没有错啊。 下面我就来说一下。取舍完全由你。我确实就是用这套路子,作文得到 5.5分。肯定是还可 以改得更好。世间所有事其实都讲缘分和默契。希望你第一时间爱上我的模板。 我顷尽所有。模板。逻辑错误。例子。242 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 库。提纲。 这绝对是我的看家宝贝了,都拿出来给你啦。对于 ARGUMENT, 我也再无他言喽! 不可分心旁骛→深呼吸→ARGUMENT来了→加速 模板 In this argument, the arguer advocates that [main idea]. Although this argument might seem reasonable at first glance, it is in fact ill-conceived. The reasons are stated as follows. In the first place, the arguer assumes that [fallacy 1]. Although this is entirely possible, the arguer offers no evidence to substantiate this crucial assumption. It is very likely that [reason 1]. An appropriate example is not very far to seek. [example 1]. The arguer's reasoning is definitely flawed unless the arguer can convince me that these and other possible scenarios are unlikely. In the second place, the arguer assumes that [fallacy 2]. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that it is necessarily the case, and the arguer does not supply any evidence to confirm this assumption. It is quite By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com possible that [reason 2]. To illustrate this point clearly, let us take a look at the following representative example. [example 2]. Without accounting for and ruling out these and other alternative explanations, the arguer cannot bolster the recommendation. The last but not the least important, even if the evidence turns out to support the foregoing assumptions, the arguer just simply assumes that [fallacy 2] and neither any conclusive scientific evidence nor any anecdotal evidence is provided to affirm this assumption. It is reasonable to doubt that what the arguer assumes will not happen in reality. It is just as possible that [reason 3]. For example, [example 3].To reach the cited conclusion, the arguer must explain either why none of these alternatives is available or why none of them is able to sustain. To sum up, the arguer’s argument mentioned above is not based on valid evidence or sound reasoning, neither of which is dispensable for a conclusive argument. In order to draw a better conclusion, the arguer should reason more convincingly, cite some evidence that is more persuasive, and take every possible consideration into account. 模板说明 呃。。。怎么样?是不是觉得这是个简单粗暴的模板呢?没有错,我是觉得很简单很粗暴 的。你没看到我考场上写的 ARGUMENT, 我觉得那个更白。呃。。。让人着迷的就是光这 个全是废话的模板就已然 313 字了,再加些简单的句型、粗暴的例子……你写不出 500 字我请你吃饭!食物当然也要简单粗暴,鲍鱼龙虾这种低级的食物就不要吃啦…… 用这篇简单粗暴的模板,在考场上最需要你动脑想的就是三个逻辑错误。为你赢取时间。 把时间花在刀刃上。 寻找逻辑错误会是你复习 ARGUMENT 的一个重点。至于每个逻辑错误需要提供的 example,越简单,越粗暴,就越好。原因就是想找一个有深度、有哲理、让绝大多数人 都信服的理由太难了,别说我们这些外国考生,就连英美作家都很难在短时间内做到。 另一个原因就是,即使有一个好理由了,谁去看呢?机器当然看不懂了。那人呢?他看 了成千上万的文章。你以为就你的观点好?他什么没见过?而且他还要去看成千上万的 文章,哪有时间去细读你的?早晚要简单粗暴,并没有别的出路。 所以就是只要多练只要简单粗暴,就能写好 ARGUMENT。   细节技巧 ·and 前后变换顺序 ·main idea 可以写的长一些 ·example 中的话尽量写多,尽量写细,尽量写对,不一定非用 for example 剩余时间 ·检查拼写 ·补充首段 [main idea] ·in order to 好/boost (sagging) profits/improve the economic health ·A should emulate B’s measures By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com [补充首段] To bolster the conclusion, the arguer provides the evidence that..., points out that... cites the result of a resent survey that... indicated a preference for... cites data collected during a recent study, suggesting that ... along with the fact that .../ based on which he assumes that ... In addition/Furthermore/Meanwhile, he projects/predicts that 逻辑错误 调查错误 ·the sampling of the study is reliable. It is very likely that the experimental and the control groups of the study were not randomly chosen. For example, they are just ... which could not represent a diverse cross section of the population. 画蛇添足 ·it is necessary that 过去 ·be responsible for/contribute to/ give birth to 未来 ·this trend in... will continue in the future 空间变化 ·the similar strategy will carry a similar result at ... 另起炉灶 ·no course of action other than the proposed one will contribute to the problem. It is just as possible that other proposals might also solve the problem. For example, there are ... 负面影响 · there is no possible detrimental effect of... 例子 核心词汇 such as/ especially if/ 人口因素 ·A has experienced a large growth in its population 管理因素 By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com ·imprudent (pricing and distribution) strategies or poor management 偶然因素 ... was an aberration 先天因素 ·... was more relatively healthy/relatively bright than average to begin with. For example, they exercise regularly and eat healthily 司机因素 ... do not have enough security knowledge in mind or do not keep alert all the time. For example, a large portion of A, who enjoy the feeling of freedom and high speed, are bold and careless, which may be the lurking danger for accidents. 时间因素 were traveling during less safe times of the day, such as early in the morning, or during twilight 地形因素 the geographic features of ... are more conductive to cause accidents. For example, ... has many sharp turns 天气因素 poor weather 价格因素 the price of... has been cut down in order to tout consumers 旅游因素 A is a tour resort, so the customers who ... are mainly tourists instead of local residents. 宴会因素 most of the consumption is from the big company’s invitation banquet 品牌因素 A has some special advantage that B do not have - and that it cannot duplicate in any other types. 供求因素 Property values are a function of supply and demand. It is at least likely that the demand for housing in the area happens to rocket dramatically due to an influx of major employers. In addition, it is possible that the supply of housing has decreased. 竞争因素 A’s competitive opponent firms and companies move to other cities. (go bankrupt) 成本因素 the cost for ... may has gone up rapidly, which will have to be included in the retail price of ... 市场因素 consumption of other similar products have also declined during that time, the amount of which might even exceed that of ... 价格因素 the earlier products are prohibitively expensive for most consumers 改革因素 the university built more laboratories in the past two years, and then, it is obvious that more money would spend on the new projects. 教授因素 there are too few professors of botany in the university and the students, By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com although lack of interest, have no choice but to attend Thomas's class 必修因素 the classes she teaches are requirements for every science student. 老师因素 the school hired more effective teachers whose outstanding teaching methods contributed to the improvement of…… 新旧因素 ... has to update its trucks, which are old and out of service, rather than add to its new... 规模因素 the size of the farms has shrinked. For example, a farm which has 30 cows producing more milk than two farms each of which has 10 cows. 质量因素 ... is not so good, so people are unwilling to go to ... when they ... 顾客因素 many customers are indeed disgruntled about..., but too busy to take time and effort to formally complain. 领导因素 college career-planning staff provides students with little information about the current job market. 竞争因素 · they have already attended a similar course · there are cheaper but highly-qualified products from the formidable opponents/ the surrounding areas coming in the instant future insomuch as these products will tout more customers and make the future’s sales sharply down; 习惯原因 the consumer tastes and habits have become so well entrenched that consumers would not be glad to change. 流行因素 It is well known that the taste of the public especially when it comes to such vogue cases as ... shifts quicker than anyone can imagine. Today’s hot issue may well be in tomorrow’s landfill. Maybe at that time ... are in the fashion due to... other than... 个人因素 many unemployed residents are unwilling to go to work if offered the chance, for their handsome welfare can support their families 242题库 001_健康商店[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 002_布置房屋[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 003_大事务所[过去经济下降]+[调查错误]+[另起炉灶] 004_房地产商[他比他好]+[他比他好]+[未来优秀] By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com 005_关节药物[数字假象]+[未来经济下降]+[负面影响] 006_爵士音乐[过去经济上升]+[调查错误]+[未来经济下降] 007_市长选举[过去环境]+[过去健康]+[另起炉灶] 008_快餐食品[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 009_教授评价[过去分数]+[空间变化]+[未来优秀] 010_牛奶供应[数字假象]+[过去经济上升]+[负面影响] 011_循环垃圾[调查错误] 012_工伤事故[过去交通] 013_游戏开发[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降]+[负面影响] 014_蔬菜种子[过去经济上升]+[调查错误]+[未来经济下降] 015_高脂食品[调查错误] 016_彩票系统[调查错误]+[空间变化]+[数字假象] 017_两个清理[数字假象]+[数字假象]+[调查错误] 018_恢复限速[检验时间]+[空间变化]+[另起炉灶] 019_乐队演出[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 020_限制助力[过去交通]+[空间变化]+[另起炉灶] 021_羊毛外衣[未来经济下降]+[未来经济下降]+[未来经济下降] 022_房产销量[画蛇添足]+[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降] 023_海鲜饭馆[过去经济上升]+[调查错误]+[未来经济下降] 024_核心厂房[未来招工]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 025_度假旅馆[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 026_音乐主任[过去优秀] 参考教授那道题目[未来优秀] 027_提高薪水[过去招工]+[调查错误]+[未来招工] 028_学生早餐[过去优秀]+[空间变化]+[调查错误] 029_市长竞选[过去失败]+[空间变化]+[另起炉灶] 030_公园展馆[过去经济上升]+[数字假象]+[画蛇添足] 031_限制电话 032_网上购物 033_壶的流传 034_奶制饮品[对照实验] 035_水杨酸酯[过去健康]+[负面影响] 036_儿童抚养[数字假象]+[草率推广]+[有效对策] 037_编织篮子[数字假象] 038_预防感冒[过去人少]+[过去健康上升]+[过去经济下降] 039_报名数量[过去失败]+[空间变化]+[未来优秀] 040_有机食品[数字假象]+[调查错误]+[未来经济下降] 041_两个杀虫[他比他好]+[他比他好]+[两难境地] 042_生态旅游[空间变化]+[广告变化]+[未来经济下降] 043_当地剧院[空间变化]+[调查错误]+[未来经济下降] 044_ 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 店咖啡[负面影响]+ 045_鹿的下降[过去环境] 046_熊的存在 047_温度下降[数字假象]+[数字假象]+[两难境地] 048_电脑健康[过去健康]+[过去经济上升]+[未来健康] By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com 049_皮肤健康[数字假象]+[对照实验] 050_海洋水分 051_肌肉拉伤[对照实验]+[对照实验]+[因人而异] 052_建筑学徒[过去优秀]+[荒谬预测]+[未来优秀] 053_羞涩婴儿 054_牙线投资[对照实验]+[未来经济下降] 055_自行车道[检验时间]+[空间变化]+[另起炉灶] 056_等身雕像[数字假象]+[数字假象]+[未来经济下降] 057_溃疡健康[过去健康]+[对照实验] 058_出土石头[数字假象] 059_黑子活动 060_老人健康[对照实验] 061_电脑比例[数字假象]+[数字假象]+[未来经济下降] 062_发行硬币 063_公园长椅[数字假象]+[过去经济上升]+[空间变化] 064_拉丁语课[过去就业]+[过去招生]+[未来就业] 065_国产奶酪[过去经济上升]+[调查错误]+[未来经济下降] 066_采暖油料[荒谬预测]+[未来经济下降]+[未来经济下降] 067_村镇合并[过去抱怨]+[过去人少]+[空间变化] 068_乐队资助[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降]+[未来经济下降] 069_蛙的下降[过去环境]+ 070_家边事故[过去交通] 071_提取纯铜[空间变化]+[未来经济下降]+[负面影响] 072_刺激大脑[对照实验]+[负面影响] 073_新车租赁[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降]+[未来经济下降] 074_高中教学[过去就业]+[未来就业]+[另起炉灶] 075_儿童肥胖[过去健康] 076_面霜调查[过去健康]+[检验时间]+[对照实验] 077_地震损害[空间变化]+[数字假象]+ 078_林地草原 079_货运交通[过去交通]+[检验时间]+[负面影响] 080_饮水健康[过去健康]+[负面影响]+[未来健康] 081_过敏病症[两难境地]+[负面影响]+[未来健康] 082_木炭燃料[他比他好]+[他比他好]+[未来健康] 083_开新药店[荒谬预测]+[未来经济下降]+[未来经济下降] 084_学校食堂[画蛇添足]+[调查错误]+[负面影响] 085_州长选举[数字假象]+[数字假象]+[空间变化] 参考教授那道题目[未来优秀] 086_阅读课程[过去失败]+[负面影响]+[数字假象] 087_展示陶器[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降]+[数字假象] 088_健康长寿[过去健康] 089_取消限速[检验时间]+[空间变化]+[另起炉灶] 090_中风危险 091_提高耐力[过去优秀]+[负面影响]+[未来优秀] 092_在岗照顾[过去交通]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com 093_建筑公司[他比他好]+[他比他好]+[未来优秀]房地产商 094_冲浪浴缸[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[数字假象] 095_私人办学[数字假象]+[调查错误]+[负面影响] 096_视力健康[过去健康]+[空间变化]+[负面影响] 097_体育节目[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 098_洗手溶液 099_新型大米[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 100_建新工厂[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 101_大豆蛋白[对照实验]+[负面影响]+[未来经济下降] 102_建新机场[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 103_公路改造[检验时间]+[数字假象]+[数字假象] 104_脑部测量[有效对策]+[负面影响] 105_免疫系统 106_水质污染[过去环境]+[负面影响]+[另起炉灶] 107_渔船港口[未来经济下降] 108_冷却系统[负面影响]+[另起炉灶] 109_高层建筑[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 110_模拟日光[过去交通]+[空间变化]+[过去优秀] 111_耐用袜子[调查错误]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 112_重整海湾[过去交通]+[负面影响]+[另起炉灶] 113_太阳眼镜[调查错误]+[过去交通]+[另起炉灶] 114_楼梯公寓[他比他好]+[他比他好]+[未来健康] 115_服装工业[过去经济上升]+[调查错误]+[未来经济下降] 116_价格政策[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 117_在家办公[过去经济上升]+[调查错误]+[未来经济下降] 118_冬季温度[荒谬预测]+[画蛇添足]+[负面影响] 119_交通污染[过去环境]+[过去交通]+[空间变化] 120_骑车头盔[数字假象]+[数字假象]+[调查错误] 121_客服进修[数字假象] [过去就业]中的课程设置 122_能耗设备 123_心脏病人[对照实验]+[未来健康] 124_递送服务[他比他好]+[他比他好]+[他比他好] 125_同学聚会[画蛇添足]+[过去优秀]+[空间变化] 126_睡眠健康[对照实验]+[数字假象]+[未来健康] 127_电子监控[画蛇添足]+[过去失败]+[未来经济下降] 128_广场改造[负面影响]+[未来经济下降]+[另起炉灶] 129_领养宠物[过去健康]+[未来健康]+[负面影响] 130_购买旧房[数字假象]+[荒谬预测]+[未来经济下降] 131_鱼的下降[过去环境]+[空间变化]+[另起炉灶] 132_工作时间[数字假象]+[空间变化]+[过去失败] 133_艺术课程[过去优秀]+[负面影响]+[未来优秀] 134_神秘小说[过去经济上升]+[过去优秀]+[未来经济下降] 135_天气预报[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降]+[负面影响] 136_改善学校[过去失败]+[未来优秀]+[负面影响] By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com 137_河流娱乐[画蛇添足]+[过去失败]+[未来经济下降] 138_公交服务[数字假象]+[调查错误]+[未来经济下降] 139_家长教育[过去优秀]+[未来优秀]+[未来优秀] 140_大学教授[画蛇添足]+[数字假象]+[数字假象] 141_采矿计划[数字假象]+[另起炉灶]+[对策可行] 142_高铁含量[荒谬预测]+[过去健康] 143_失业工人[过去优秀] 144_教育资助[数字假象]+[其他渠道]+[过去经济上升] 145_呼噜长胖[对照实验]+[过去健康]+[数字假象] 146_学生读书[画蛇添足]+[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降] 147_图像游戏[过去经济上升]+[调查错误]+[未来经济下降] 148_市长竞选[调查错误] 149_研讨会议[画蛇添足]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 150_两栖下降 151_桥梁问题[过去环境]+[过去交通]+[空间变化] 152_海岸沙滩[负面影响]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 153_少年犯罪[调查错误]+[对照实验]+[另起炉灶] 154_锻炼长寿[对照实验]+[检验时间] 155_阅读能力[过去失败]+[负面影响]+[因人而异] 156_沟通 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 [过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降]+[数字假象] 157_建滑雪场[负面影响]+[未来经济下降]+[未来经济下降] 158_垃圾皮炎 159_空调风扇 160_神经物质[过去失败]+[负面影响]+[未来优秀] 161_阅读习惯[过去经济上升] 162_大豆健康[过去健康]+[空间变化]+[未来健康] 163_建节能厅[负面影响] 164_未来建筑[荒谬预测]+[未来经济下降]+[负面影响] 165_罐头健康[调查错误]+[数字假象]+[数字假象] 166_两个药品[他比他好]+[他比他好]+[负面影响] 167_失眠健康[调查错误]+[检验时间]+[负面影响] 168_骨折危险[过去健康]+[检验时间]+[因人而异] 169_教授配偶[过去招工]+[空间变化]+[未来招工] 170_东北牡蛎[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降]+[负面影响] 171_早餐麦片[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降]+[对手不傻] 172_音乐学校[过去优秀]+[数量优势]+[未来优秀] 173_国际新闻[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降]+[负面影响] 174_女校传统[调查错误] 175_驾驶课程[过去交通]+[数字假象]+[另起炉灶] 176_药用黄油[过去经济上升]+[调查错误]+[未来经济下降] 177_成员资格[荒谬预测]+[负面影响]+[空间变化] 178_生产刷子[数字假象]+[未来招工]+[未来经济下降] 179_员工餐厅[过去失败]+[未来经济下降]+[另起炉灶] 180_速读课程[画蛇添足]+[过去优秀]+[负面影响] By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com 181_少年睡眠[过去失败]+[负面影响]+[未来优秀] 182_食用黄油[数字假象]+[两难处境]+[空间变化] 183_下岗危险 184_书库空间[负面影响] 185_调节水压[检验时间]+[负面影响]+[空间变化] 186_生产效率[调查错误]+[数字假象]+[负面影响] 187_抑郁病症[过去健康]+[负面影响]+[因人而异] 188_止痛药方[对照实验]+[负面影响] 189_职业准备[未来优秀]+[负面影响]+[数字假象] 190_音乐会票[过去经济上升]+[数字假象]+[未来经济下降] 191_远程教学[过去招生]+[调查错误]+[未来优秀] 192_两市合并 193_家庭作业[调查错误]+[空间变化]+[未来优秀] 194_左右撇子[对照实验]+[数字假象]+[因人而异] 195_小城作家[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降]+[另起炉灶] 196_商业人士 197_教学提高[过去失败]+[未来优秀]+[调查错误] 198_翻译作品 199_服务小费[数字假象] 200_牙科治疗[数字假象] 201_健康饮食[过去经济上升]+[过去经济上升]+[调查错误] 202_哺乳灭绝[过去环境]+[数字假象] 203_两个医院[他比他好]+[他比他好]+[他比他好] 204_种植花生[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 205_高度灯光[过去交通]+[数字假象]+[另起炉灶] 206_儿童体育 207_蜥蜴下降[过去环境]+[因人而异] 208_用电需求[未来经济下降] 209_总裁替换[过去经济上升]+[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降] 210_两个工人[他比他好]+[他比他好]+[他比他好] 211_优秀课程[过去优秀]+[空间变化]+[未来优秀] 212_生产新车[过去经济上升]+[数字假象]+[未来经济下降] 213_录像租赁[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 214_公立学校[数字假象]+[过去经济上升] 215_供水配额[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降]+[另起炉灶] 216_退休生活[未来经济下降]+[数字假象] 217_开体育馆[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 218_玩具飞机[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[负面影响] 219_休闲商品 220_电视行业[调查错误]+[数字假象]+[未来经济下降] 221_俄语教师 222_社科学生[过去优秀]+[调查错误]+[未来优秀] 223_商业失败 224_含糖麦片[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降]+[负面影响] By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com 225_州长连任[过去经济上升] 226_汽车新厂[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 227_广场滑板 228_新高速路[过去经济上升]+[未来经济下降]+[负面影响] 229_报警装置[未来经济下降]+[负面影响] 230_城市改造[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 231_艺术教育[过去失败]+ 232_歌曲广告[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[未来经济下降] 233_筑路公司[他比他好]+[他比他好]+[空间变化] 234_两个社区[他比他好]+[他比他好]+[他比他好] 235_新闻节目[过去经济上升]+[空间变化]+[调查错误] 236_音乐课程[过去失败]+[过去优秀]+[未来优秀] 237_吸引企业[检验时间]+[过去经济上升]+[空间变化] 238_优秀顾问[过去优秀]+[调查错误]+[未来优秀] 239_宵禁政策[过去交通]+[数字假象]+[空间变化] 240_建新宿舍[未来招生]+[未来经济下降] 241_人事公司[过去优秀]+[他比他好]+[他比他好] 242_作弊现象[过去交通]+[调查错误]+[数字假象] 提纲 过去销量 上升因素 1 8 13 14 23 65 100 156 170 171 176 201 204 217 228 the arguer assumes that no factor other than .... is responsible for/gives birth to the sales increase. 1.价格因素 It is at least likely that the price of A has been cut down in order to tout consumers, if so, the increase of the sales is the result of the preferential price other than ·the particular relish among people ·health benefits 2.品牌因素 It is at least likely A has some special advantage that B do not have - and that it cannot duplicate in any other types. For that, the increase of the sales is the result of the products self other than the price. 3.供求因素 (Property) values are a function of supply and demand. Perhaps the demand for housing in the area has increased due to an influx of major employers. Or, perhaps the supply of housing has decreased. Either scenario would provide an alternative explanation for the increase in property values. 4.旅游因素 By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com Moreover, it is possible that... is a tour resort, so the customers who ... are mainly tourists instead of local residents. In this case, the business object is different, and they should try their best to attract the tourist to patronize the restaurant/store. 5.宴会因素 Moreover, it is possible that most of the consumption is from the big company’s invitation banquet. In this case, the business object is different, and they should try their best to pay more attention in developing the relation with the company. Since the arguer has not clearly identified the cause of the increase, I cannot be convinced that... ·the new strategy will reverse that let alone dramatically. Secondly, even if the sales increase is attributable to... 下降因素 87 147 190 212 218 232 235 the arguer assumes that no factor other than .... is responsible for/gives birth to the sales decline 1.价格因素 It is at least likely that ... are prohibitively expensive for the key consumers, if so, the decline of the sales is the result of the imprudent pricing other than ... ·the waning of interest among ... ·worry about youthful violence ·广告力度 2.制度因素 Moreover, as well known to all, a... may see slow growth or even depression because of factors other than... Improper industrial initialization, lacking of investments or qualified workers, rigid policies (imprudent distribution strategies/poor management) may all account for the unfavorable situation of the ... The arguer arrives at the conclusion before giving out any researching result regarding the cause of it. If the problem does not lie in ... at all, the ... will be of little help to the economic situation of the city. 3.市场因素 consumption of other similar products have also declined during that time, the amount of which might even exceed that of ... If the main problem does not lie in ... at all, it appears reasonable, therefore, for the arguer to focus on these trouble spots other than to ... Since the arguer has not clearly identified the cause of the decline, I cannot be convinced that the new strategy will reverse that decline at all let alone dramatically. By placebo Email: defengplacebo@gmail.com Secondly, even if the sales decline is attributable to... 未来销量 游戏 13 147 服装 21 even if we concede that ..., this does not necessarily mean that by ... sales will ·increase ·remain increasing or at least not dropping considering some volatile factors in business: 1.竞争因素 An alternative explanation may be that there are cheaper but highly-qualified products from the formidable opponents, coming in the instant future insomuch as these products will tout more customers and ·make the future’s sales sharply down; ·diminish the ...’s sales 2.流行因素 In addition, even if ... achieves monopoly in this field, the taste of the public shifts quicker than anyone can imagine. Today’s hot issue may well be in tomorrow’s landfill, especially when it comes to such vogue cases as ... , (letting alone the artifacts from ... years ago). Maybe at that time ... are in the fashion no matter because fine quality or chic traits. Once one of these possibilities comes into being, sales for more products would dwindle (and the profit would be seriously affected.) Therefore, for the arguer, · other than surprising increase of sales, · other than imagining increase of sales, deliberate analysis of the future’s trend in supply-demand of products in t
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