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英语期末考试复习材料一、Reading Comprehension (阅读):20×2=40 英语一P257页4篇: Passage One This story began about 10 years ago. I was coming out of a very bad marriage. For seven long years my husband spent his every waking moment telling me just what was wrong with me. When I finally ...

一、Reading Comprehension (阅读):20×2=40 英语一P257页4篇: Passage One This story began about 10 years ago. I was coming out of a very bad marriage. For seven long years my husband spent his every waking moment telling me just what was wrong with me. When I finally asked for a divorce, he answered by telling me that I would never find anyone to love me because I was just so unattractive. This went on for about two years. One night one of my friends convinced me to go out with her. We went to a nightclub and that is when I met him. Clint was playing a game with a girl. I sat in the corner watching him. I didn't feel that I had whatever it took to get up and mix with others because of my self-esteem(自尊心) problem. Finally I got up the courage to order a drink for him. When he got it, he gave me the most dazzling(感人的) smile. We spent the rest of the evening talking until I realized that it was almost morning. I figured that he was simply being nice to me because I had bought him a drink, but the very next day he called and told me that he could not stop thinking about me and that he wanted to meet my kids too. About 3 months later, my divorce was final and Clint sat my boys down and asked them if it was all right with them if he asked me to marry him because he could not imagine life without the three of us anymore. I was so touched that he went to my boys and asked for their approval(同意) because they were the "men of the house" at the ripe old ages of 2 and 4. They said yes and we have all been together ever since. Clint gave me and my boys a second chance at a wonderful life. Not a day goes by that he doesn't tell us that we are the best thing that ever happened to him and that he loves us. 11. The writer's first marriage was unsuccessful because ___B___. A) her husband often woke her up at midnight B) her husband kept criticizing her C) she was unattractive D) she had a self-esteem problem 12. When the writer asked for a divorce, her husband ___D___. A) told her that she would never find one who loved her as he did B) delayed two years before giving her a reply C) accused her of having an affair D) said that she was unattractive and not worth loving 13. When the writer first met Clint, she felt that ___C___. A) she should have listened to her friend and met Clint earlier B) Clint was a nice, dazzling young man C) Clint could not be really interested in her D) she would find true love in Clint 14. The writer was particularly touched by Clint because ___A___. A) he loved the kids and asked for their approval of the marriage B) he said that he could not imagine a life without her and the kids C) he believed that at 2 and 4, the two kids were the "men of the house" D) he kept her company and talked with her until the next morning 15. The writer's marriage to Clint is important to her mainly because ___A___. A) it gave her and her sons a second chance to live a happy life B) every day Clint would tell the writer that he loved her C) it helped her to regain her self respect D) it made her kids happy, which is all she cared about Passage Two At 26, Jane Goodall had no college education or science training. But since childhood, she had been dreaming of working closely with animals in Africa. "All through my childhood people said you can't go to Africa. You're a girl," Goodall says. But my mother used to say, if you really want to, there's nothing you can't do." In 1957, the 26-year-old Goodall journeyed to Kenya to work as a secretary. She also arranged to meet the famous scientist Louis Leakey, who was so impressed by her enthusiasm that he hired her as his assistant. She went with him on many trips to the African jungle(丛林) and in 1960 Leakey sent Goodall to live among chimpanzees in a remote animal preserve(禁猎地), recording the animals' behavior and interactions. For three months Goodall made little progress. But she says, "I never came close to giving up." Her breakthrough came one day when she saw a male chimpanzee stick a blade of grass into a termite(白蚁) hill, then put the grass in his mouth. Afterward she approached the hill and did the same. Pulling the grass out, she discovered dozens of termites clinging to it. The discovery--that some animals use tools--was unknown to most scientists at the time. Goodall saw chimpanzees exhibit human-like emotions, such as jealousy and love. But she also discovered they were capable of violent attacks against each other. Goodall received her Ph.D. in the study of animal behavior at England's Cambridge University. Now she travels around the globe raising money to preserve wildlife. "I love being in the forest with the chimps," she says. "I'd much rather be there than traveling around from city to city." 16. What was Goodall's childhood dream? ___B___ A) She dreamed of going to college. B) She dreamed of studying animals in Africa. C) She dreamed of becoming a famous scientist. D) She dreamed of traveling all around the world. 17. What did Goodall's mother think of her dream? ___D___ A) As a girl she should not go to the African jungle. B) Her dream would remain a dream unless she got the right training. C) As a girl she should stay away from violent animals. D) She could make her dream come true if she was determined. 18. Goodall's most important discovery is that ___A___. A) some animals use tools. B) like humans animals have emotions . C) chimpanzees could attack each other violently. D) termites are chimpanzees's favorite food. 19. Goodall's success is chiefly due to ___C___. A) her exceptional talents B) scientific training C) determination and patience D) her enthusiasm and good luck 20. What is Goodall doing now? ___B___ A) Studying animal behavior at Cambridge University. B) Raising funds for the preservation of wildlife. C) Observing chimpanzees in African jungles. D) Working hard for a PhD degree. Passage Three "Keep an eye on Esther. I'll be back in a second," Joy Warren said to her three-year-old son Stephen, who was sitting in the back of the Buick. She didn't like leaving the children alone in the car, but the baby was sleeping soundly. And it would only be a moment. She had hardly walked 40 yards when she saw the car moving. It headed straight towards the river. Unable to swim, Joy shouted, "My babies are in that car!" Daniel Whitehead, a 17-year-old student, was walking by the river when the Buick crashed into the water just yards ahead. Without thinking, Daniel jumped in. Though a competitive swimmer, he was shocked by the icy chill. Two minutes earlier, Skip Womack had pulled to a halt as the Buick ran in front of him. Now seeing it hit the water and hearing Joy's cries, Skip got out of his truck and jumped into the water. He had only one thought: If I don't get them out, they'll drown. Daniel reached the car and grabbed a door handle. But the water was only four inches beneath the window, and the door wouldn't open. With one powerful punch, Daniel and Skip broke a window. Daniel reached inside and lifted Stephen out. He placed him on his back and set out for shore. At the same time, Skip squeezed himself through the window. He managed to free Esther from beneath her seat belt. After he got out of the car with the baby, he held her over the water and swam toward the shore. All this took place just seconds before the Buick disappeared beneath the water. Later, driving home, Skip thought of his wife and children--how close he'd come to leaving them behind. He thought of the miracle he'd lived through, and how two children were still alive because he and Daniel happened to be in the right place at the right time. 21. Why did Joy leave her children in the car? ___B___ A) She did not like shopping with a child in hand. B) She did not like waking up her baby. C) Stephen was big enough to take care of his sister. D) It was icy cold outside. 22. Daniel and Skip, who saved the lives of the two kids, ___D___. A) had been good friends B) were two close friends of Joy Warren's C) were Joy Warren's neighbors D) were strangers before the accident 23. How did Daniel get Stephen out of danger? ___B___ A) He squeezed into the car and carried him out. B) He pulled him out through the broken window. C) He freed him from his seatbelt before he got him out. D) He held him over the water and swam back to shore. 24. What happened to Joy Warren's Buick? ___D___ A) It had four inches of water in it. B) One of its windows could not be opened. C) It was pulled out of water and set on the shore. D) It sank to the bottom of the river. 25. How did Skip feel on his way home? ___A___ A) He felt lucky to be still alive after having saved the lives of two kids. B) He missed his wife and children, whom he had left behind in the morning. C) He felt very thankful to Daniel, without whom he would not have made it. E) He wondered how he and Daniel could be in the right place at the right time. Passage Four The kids are hanging out. I pass small bands of once-and-future students on my way to work these summer mornings. These kids are not old enough for jobs. Nor are they rich enough for camp. They are school children without school. The calendar(年历) called the school year ran out on them a few weeks ago. Once looked after by teachers and headmasters, they now appear to be in "self care." For much of our history, however, Americans framed the school year around the needs of work and family. In 19th-century cities, schools were open seven or eight hours a day, 11 months a year. In rural America, the year was arranged around the growing seasons. Now, only 3 percent of families follow the agricultural model, but nearly all schools are scheduled as if our children went home early to milk cows and took months off to work the crops. Now, three-quarters of the mothers of school-age children work, but the calendar is written as if they were home waiting for the school bus. The six-hour day, the 180-day school year is regarded as somehow sacred(神圣的). But when parents work an eight-hour day and a 240-day year, it means something different. It means that many kids go home to empty houses. It means that, in the summer, they hang out. "We have a huge mismatch between the school calendar and the realities of family life," says educator Dr. Ernest Boyer. Dr. Boyer is one of many who believe that a radical revision of the school calendar is necessary. "School, whether we like it or not, is custodial(监管的) and educational. It always has been." 26. In speaking of "once-and-future students", the author is referring to ___D___. A) kids too young to take a job B) school children old enough to take care of themselves C) kids who cannot afford to go camping D) school children on summer vacation 27. For a long time in American history, the school year was arranged to meet the needs of ___B___. A) school children B) working parents C) farm hands D) teachers and headmasters 28. By "a huge mismatch between the school calendar and the realities of family life", Dr. Boyer means the school calendar ___A___. A) is much shorter than parents' working days B) makes it impossible for parents to live a normal life C) allows children to hang out instead of helping their parents D) is set on the agricultural model 29. From the passage we can learn that Dr. Boyer believes school should educate children and ___C___. A) motivate them B) entertain them C) take care of them D) help their parents 30. The author's main purpose in writing this passage is to drive home the point that ___B___. A) American children must stop hanging out B) US kids need more school time C) the advantages of a longer school year outweigh its disadvantages D) parents are not happy about the present school calendar 真 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 : 2010年5月A卷 Passage 1 The multi-billion-dollar Western pop music industry is under fire. It is being blamed by the United Nations for the dramatic rise in drug abuse worldwide, "The most worrying development is a culture of drug-friendliness," says the UN's International Narcotics Control Board in a report released last year. The 74-page study says the pop music, as a global industry, is by far the most influential trend-setter for young people of most cultures. "Some songs encourage people to take drugs. (76)Certain pop stars make statements and set examples as if the use of drugs for non-medicinal purposes were a normal and acceptable part of a person's lifestyle," the study says. Surprisingly, says the Board, the effect of drug-friendly pop music seems to survive despite the occasional shock of death by overdose(过量用药). "Such incidents end to be seen as an occasion to mourn (哀悼) the loss of a role model, and not an opportunity to face the deadly effect of drug use," it notes. Since the 1970s, several internationally famous singer and movie stars—including Elvis Presley, Janice Jophlin, John Belushi, Jimi Hendrix, Jonathan Melvin and Andy Gibbs—have died of either drug abuse or drug related illnesses. With the globalization of popular music, messages promoting drug abuse are now reaching beyond their countries of origin. "In most countries, the names of certain pop stars have become familiar to the members of every household," the study says. The UN study also blames the media for its description of certain drug incidents, which encourages rather than prevents drug abuse. "Over the past years, we have seen how drug abuse is increasingly regarded as being acceptable or even attractive," says Hamid Ghodse, president of the Board. "Powerful pressure groups run political campains aimed at legalizing controlled drugs," he says. Ghodse also points out that all these developments have created an environment which is tolerant (容忍的) of or even favorable to drug abuse and spoils international drug prevention efforts currently under way. The study focuses on demand reduction and prevention within an environment that has become tolerant of drug abuse. The Board calls on governments to do their legal and moral
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