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汽车销售合同格式汽车销售合同格式 销售方(以下简称“甲方”): 地址: 邮编: 电话: 传真: 负责经办人: 手机: 买受方(以下简称“乙方”): 身份证号码或公司注册号: 地址: 邮编: 电话: 甲乙双方经过协商,就购买甲方汽车达成一致协议如下: 一、标的车辆简况: 汽车品牌: 型号: 车身颜色: 坐椅颜色/材质: 真皮 ;其他 。 发动机号: 车架号: 产地: 制造商: 自排挡 或手排挡: 新车 或二手车: 出厂日期: Seven remediation outdoor barbecu...

汽车销售合同 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 销售方(以下简称“甲方”): 地址: 邮编: 电话: 传真: 负责经办人: 手机: 买受方(以下简称“乙方”): 身份证号码或公司注册号: 地址: 邮编: 电话: 甲乙双方经过协商,就购买甲方汽车达成一致 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 如下: 一、标的车辆简况: 汽车品牌: 型号: 车身颜色: 坐椅颜色/材质: 真皮 ;其他 。 发动机号: 车架号: 产地: 制造商: 自排挡 或手排挡: 新车 或二手车: 出厂日期: Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 甲方所交付的车辆如果是新车,甲方保证其所交付的车辆不是返修车、库存车,且应为零公里车(因办理手续、提车而进行的必要移动除外);甲方所交付的车辆如果是二手车,甲方保证:车辆没有被抵押、没有被司法机关查封,里程表上的记录是真实、可信的,没有对其进行任何里程回拨。 二、价款: 乙方须向甲方支付的总价款为人民币 ,该金额由以下几部分构成: 1、车价; 元 2、购置税; 元 3、保险费 元; 4、牌照费 元; 5、本合同第五条第 款的代办费 元。 乙方不再承担任何加急费、手续费、运费、出库费等费用。 三、交车方式: 交车地点: 交车时间: 付款方式: 付款时间: 四、甲方同意向乙方无偿赠送以下设备、配件和提供如下的免费服务: 五、经乙方的书面委托,甲方可向乙方提供以下服务,乙方打勾选定如下服务项目,同时应按甲方和保险公司、银行、车辆登记机关的要求提供相应所需的文件和证明。 甲方完成上述代办事宜后,应将相应的牌照、发票、保险单等票据凭证完整地交给乙方,乙方按票证据实支付。 因办理上述手续而产生的代办费由双方约定,甲方亦可免收代办费。甲方的代理行为应在乙方的委托授权范围内进行,否则后果自负,如因此给乙方造成损失的,甲方应承担赔偿责任。 1、代理乙方向保险公司购买有关汽车保险; 代办费: 2、代理乙方向有关银行提出并办理汽车贷款; 代办费: 3、代理乙方参与汽车牌照的投标; 代办费: 4、代理乙方为所购汽车上牌; 代办费: 5、乙方要求的其他服务。 代办费: Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 六、质量和维修: 1、甲方向乙方出售的汽车,其质量必须符合国家颁布的汽车质量 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 和汽车行业标准。如果汽车制造商的企业标准高于国家标准或行业标准的,则必须达到企业标准。甲方出售的车辆应当与随车提供的产品说明书或车辆使用书的质量状况相一致。 乙方对车辆的特殊质量要求如下: 2、甲方向乙方出售的汽车,必须是在《全国汽车、民用改装车和摩托车生产企业及产品 目录 工贸企业有限空间作业目录特种设备作业人员作业种类与目录特种设备作业人员目录1类医疗器械目录高值医用耗材参考目录 》上备案的汽车或合法的进口汽车。 3、甲方向乙方出售汽车时要真实、准确、完整地介绍所销售车辆的基本情况,并提醒乙方注意有关车辆的非缺陷性的瑕疵状况,不得做虚假陈述或隐瞒车辆的真实状况。 4、甲方在向乙方出售车辆时必须向乙方提供以下书面文件: (1)汽车销售发票;(2)车辆合格证、海关进口证明和商品检验单(进口车);(3)保修卡或保修 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 ;(4)中文说明书;(5)随车工具及附件清单;(6)车辆行驶证、登记证及以往维修记录或维修单位和所投保 二手车)。 的保险公司的名称、地址、电话( 5、乙方在购车时应认真检查出卖人所提供的车辆证件、手续是否齐全。 6、乙方在购车时应对所购车辆的使用性能及外观进行认真检查、确认。 7、如乙方使用、保管或保养不当造成的问题,由乙方自行负责。 8、甲方应当在交车时向乙方提供车辆交接单一份(见附件),由乙方对该车的外观、使用性能进行检查、确认。 9、甲方及车辆生产商应保证车辆在正常行驶状况下的安全性,而无安全隐患,《产品说明书》或《产品使用书》应对安全操作方法、安全装置的时效、安全性的检测等作了详尽说明,并向乙方作了明确的告知。销售方及生产商应保证车辆在有效期内,所有《产品说明书》或《产品使用书》所载明的安全装置都处在有效的使用状态。 10、汽车在购买后,由买受人负责与生产厂家的特约维修站联系、解决,但甲方应提供联络、沟通及协助的便利。甲方及车辆生产商应建立一定数量的特约维修站,并保证车辆能及时获得修理,汽车零部件充足,收费合理。 七、违约责任: 1、任何一方违反本合同,包括但不限于甲方不按本合同的约定交付车辆,或交付车辆质量不符合本合同条件的,或车辆有潜在的隐蔽瑕疵无法在交接时查验的;乙方不按本合同规定支付车款;不配合对方办理车辆贷款、保险、上牌的;任何一方违反保证、承诺条款或不履行协作配合义务,致使对方不能实现合同目的的,均须承担违约责任。守约方有要求降低价款、无偿修理(七日内修理完成)、支付违约金(以每Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 迟延一日,以车辆总价款的5‰计算)、换车、继续履行本合同、解除本合同的各项权利,上述权利可由守约方根据不同情况合理选择。 2、如属于在汽车交车以前出现的质量问题(包括外观),甲方未向乙方明示的,乙方有权按照本条前款规定追究甲方违约责任。但甲方有证据表明对质量问题没有过错,甲方是不知情的,则甲方可以免责。 甲方虽然已向乙方交车,但在甲方按照本合同第5条提供相关服务如上牌、代办保险时造成车辆损坏的,甲方应当及时免费修理,乙方有权要求甲方适当降低车价或赔偿损失。 车辆的主要部件和系统如发动机、电路系统、油路系统、制动系统、方向系统出现故障而1年内经2次修理后仍不能修复的,且甲方隐瞒车辆真实状况的,甲方应承担相应的法律责任。情形严重的,乙方可以解除本合同。 甲方提供的汽车由于各种部件发生质量问题,造成车辆频繁维修,而影响到乙方正常使用的,乙方可以要求甲方赔偿损失;问题严重导致车辆无法正常行驶的,且甲方隐瞒车辆真实状况的,乙方可以要求解除合同。 八、争议解决:因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,由双方当事人协商解决;协商不成,任何一方均可以采取以下 方式解决: 1向甲方所在地法院提起诉讼; 2、向乙方所在地法院提起诉讼; 3、向中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会提起仲裁。 4、向上海仲裁委员会申请仲裁。 九、合同文本:本合同一式肆份,双方各执贰份。 十、合同效力: 本合同经甲、乙双方签字或盖章后即生法律效力;但如果乙方购买车辆按揭贷款的,双方约定选择下列第 种方法实施: (1)银行同意对乙方按揭贷款的,则本合同生效;否则,本合同不生效。 (2)不管银行是否同意按揭贷款,本合同均为有效;改由乙方向甲方支付全部车款,但甲方同意给予一定的宽限期,乙方向甲方分期支付,支付方式和时限为: 十一、其他约定事项和条款 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 本合同附件或补充协议、补充条款与本合同具有同等法律效力。 甲方(签字或盖章): 乙方(签字或盖章): 代理人(签字或盖章): 代理人(签字或盖章): 电话: 电话: 年 月 日 鉴于购车是一种民事法律行为,涉及标的额较大、专业性较强、法律规范较多,为更好地维护双 方当事人的权益,双方签订合同时应当慎重,力求签订得具体、全面、严密。 注意事项: 1、购车人在购车前最好要先看到业务员的授权书或介绍信,以明确业务员的真实身份,而不仅仅是看名片。购车人在购车合同前最好是先去销售商单位实地查看一下销售商的规模、实力、检查一下其营业执照的原件,以确认销售商的身份和资信状况。 2、如果销售方是公司,购车人应要求销售方提供营业执照复印件及有关的资质证明文件;如果销售方是个人,则应该要求其提供个人身份证复印件、行驶证或车辆登记证。 3、购车人在签署购车合同时需要确定销售方的盖章名称与购车合同、发票上的名称三者必须保持一致,如果出现不一致,将导致责任主体不清,对购车人而言会不利。 4、汽车的发动机、音响、空调以及行使时的噪音声响等等质量问题很难在合同中明确约定,购车人只能在交接车时找比较懂车的内行人士或老驾驶员试开一下,如果发现问题在交接单上注明或当场拒收,免去日后取证上的麻烦。 5、对于进口车辆,购车人需要写明,不要只简单的写是进口原装,最好要明确制造地,因为现在跨国汽车公司都已实现全球采购制造,在泰国、马来西亚制造的与在日本、美国本土的质量、价格都会有很大的差异。 附件一: 车辆交接单 NO. 交接日期 年 月 日 收车单位 品牌车型 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 颜 色 发动机号 车架号 验收项目:项目验收无擦伤请证明:“?” 或“好”,有擦伤请证明“×”或一般 检查验收内容 1、说明书 2、CD 3、备胎 4、喇叭 5、千斤顶 6、雨刮器 7、空调 8、点烟器 9、保险丝 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 10、收音机 11、门窗开关 12、随车工具 13、内饰 14、车身油漆 15、车辆灯光 16、电动天窗 17、电动天线 18、遥控器 19、钥匙 20、反光镜 21、合格证拓印 说明: 1、车主签收车辆以前对上述各项轿车手续及标准验收确认后签字; 2、若委托提车,代理人办理交车手续时所作任何行为视同委托人行为,车辆离开本公司(库)后 概由委托人负责; Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade.
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