首页 木质家具企业的简介与火灾风险分析



木质家具企业的简介与火灾风险分析木质家具企业的简介与火灾风险分析 一、家具行业概述 20 世纪 90 年代以来,全球经济复苏,世界各国建筑业的发展,人民生活的改善,令各国家具需求快速增长,家具已从传统手工发展成为一个以机械化生产为主、门类齐全、基本能满足经济建设和人民生活需要的蓬勃发展的重要产业。 根据CSIL(意大利米兰国际工业研究中心)的数据结论,2009年世界家具市场总产值为3760亿美元,发达国家家具产量占全球65%,发展中国家家具产量占全球35%。7个主要的工业化国家(按家具产值排名为美国、意大利、德国、日本、法国、加拿大、英国)...

木质家具企业的简介与火灾风险分析 一、家具行业概述 20 世纪 90 年代以来,全球经济复苏,世界各国建筑业的发展,人民生活的改善,令各国家具需求快速增长,家具已从传统手工发展成为一个以机械化生产为主、门类齐全、基本能满足经济建设和人民生活需要的蓬勃发展的重要产业。 根据CSIL(意大利米兰国际工业研究中心)的数据结论,2009年世界家具市场总产值为3760亿美元,发达国家家具产量占全球65%,发展中国家家具产量占全球35%。7个主要的工业化国家(按家具产值排名为美国、意大利、德国、日本、法国、加拿大、英国)的总产值为1590亿美元,中国、波兰、越南3个国家家具的产值在迅速提升。 图一、全球家具市场产值分布(2009)来源:CSIL 在国内,家具作为民众的大宗消费品,在人民生活水平迅速提高,住宅建设飞速发展的情况下,市场容量巨大,行业的平均利润率远高于社会平均利润率,因此家具业是各行业中资本投入和规模扩充最为突出的一个。 目前中国家具行业生产产品以木质家具为主,其次为金属家具;近年来其中木质家具所占比重略有下降趋势。2010年统计数据显示,中国家具行业中木质家具制造产值占58%,金属家具制造占24%。 图二 家具行业产值分布(2010)来源:中国轻工业信息中心 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 二、木质家具分类与制成介绍 1、 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 介绍 中国的木质家具按板材划分,可以分为实木家具和板式家具。实木家具以木质划分,又可分为硬木和软木。 板式家具即人造板家具,即指以人造板为主要基材、以板件为基本结构的拆装组合式家具。相对于实木、红木家具而言,由于板材打破了木材原有的物理结构,所以在湿度变化较大的时候,人造板的形变要比实木小得多,更适合快节奏的现代社会。 人造板产品分为:胶合板、纤维板、刨花板以及其他人造板。而在人造板生产中,60%用于家具生产。下面就最常用的胶合板、纤维板和刨花板进行简要介绍: ? 胶合板:是由木段旋切成单板或由木方刨切成薄木,再用胶粘剂胶合而成的三层或 多层的板状材料,通常用奇数层单板,并使相邻层单板的纤维方向互相垂直胶合而 成。 图三 胶合板实物图 ? 纤维板:又名密度板,是以木质纤维或其他植物素纤维为原料,施加茑醛树脂或其 他适用的胶粘剂制成的人造板。制造过程中可以施加胶粘剂和(或)添加剂。纤维 板具有材质均匀、纵横强度差小、不易开裂等优点,用途广泛。 图四 纤维板板实物图 ? 刨花板:将木材等原材料切削成一定规格的碎片,经过干燥,拌以胶粘剂、硬化剂、 防水剂,在一定的温度下压制而成的一种人造板材。因为刨花板结构比较均匀,加 工性能好,可以根据需要加工成大幅面的板材,是制作不同规格、样式的家具较好 的原材料。 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 图五 刨花板板实物图 2、木质家具一般加工流程 (1)选材 (2)裁切 (3)弯板 (4)拼板 (5)贴皮压合 (6)封边 (7)仿形 (8)钻孔 (9)刨光打磨 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by (12)烘烤 (10)抛光 (11)喷漆 (13)装配 (14)包装 (15)成品 三、木制家具企业火灾特点 火灾是家具厂主要出险原因,火灾赔案占总体赔案的83.3%。三分之二的赔案是因为电器短路或者电器超负荷运转,引起火灾。由于木制家具厂的建筑跨度大,往往一个车间就有上千平方米,车间内部缺乏有效的防火分隔,车间内遍布可燃物,一旦发生火灾,火势会迅速蔓延,往往会造成巨大的损失,因此,家具厂损失金额逐年增大且普遍具有如下特点: 1、火灾荷载大,蔓延速度快,燃烧猛烈 从木器家具行业工艺流程来看,木器家具行业的可燃物包括原料、半成品、成品以及裁切、刨光过程中产生大量锯末、木屑等,这些可燃物经常存量较大,且散布整个厂区,而企业主由于自身行业利润考量,无法花费巨资打造无尘空间。因此,这些材料一旦燃烧,火焰大、温度高、蔓延快的特点就极易导致更大范围的火灾。这些可燃物就成为引发火灾的一个重要和必要因素。 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 2、过火面积大 ,灭火时间久 目前,大部分木器家具企业大都存在占用防火间距,未设置防火分区,加上木器家具企业存在大量的可燃易爆物品等问题,一旦发生火灾,烟火成放射状向四周蔓延且燃烧速度快容易向毗邻建筑蔓延,形成大面积火灾。 据统计,该类型企业一旦失火,过火面积均过百平米、救火时间均在3、4小时以上。 3(烟雾浓度大 木器家具企业原料多为木材、树脂、酚醛泡沫塑料、棉毛丝麻及其织物,这些物质在高温作用下燃烧、分解,伴随产生大量有毒气体,为火情侦察和火灾扑救带来极大困难;另外厂房内存在大量的不同类型的油漆,为易燃易爆品,在高温作用下不断炸裂,由于爆炸力量较大,也容易创伤灭火人员。 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 4、喷漆房隐患多 据统计,60%赔案是因为喷漆房起火或者是别的车间起火导致喷漆车间燃烧,喷漆工序是整个家具生产工序中最危险的工序,而喷漆工艺又是木制家具企业不可或缺的主要加工环节。喷漆工艺中所使用的油漆都是溶剂含量较高的漆类,而且溶剂大多数为低沸点、低闪点、高挥发性的易燃、可燃液体,当其与空气混合达到爆炸极限浓度范围,遇火源即可造成爆炸性火灾。 四、木制家具企业的财产险核保政策 由于国内大部分木质家具企业都由家庭作坊转型并发展至今,其科学管理、风险管控意识相对薄弱。绝大多数的该类型工厂,均存货现场管理混乱、火载量高、危险作业区不符合 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 等现象。该产业一旦发生火情,都是巨额损失,再多的保费收入都无法弥补。 虽然,我国已经是世界上最大的木制家具生产国与出口国。但受到欧债危机与国内房地产政策的打压,海内外购买能力正在下降。木制家具行业已到“内外交困”的寒冬期。订单急剧下滑,劳动力成本的上升,更使得企业本已微薄的利润又受到进一步的挤压。家具与服饰鞋服等传统行业,已经到了历史上库存峰值最高的时期。对于这类企业的财产险经营而言,道德风险发生的几率正在悄然上升。 我司于2011年承接了漳州喜盈门家具制品有限公司财产险业务之部分份额。该企业在厂房建筑结构、消防系统等方面,均属优秀。经过我司损防工程师与商品部的反复沟通与讨论,最终决定尝试性介入。此案已属于木制家具厂中万中选一之业务,但就算如此,也由于废弃处理的问题,造成了约60万人民币的损失。 根据工业行业登记 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 的划分,木器家具厂、沙发厂与发泡和棉花等,被列为第五级工业。(注:在对工业各行业进行业等级划分时 主要考虑因素是火灾、爆炸等化学性燃烧作用对相应企业的财物所造成的危害程度和出现火灾、爆炸等事故的发生频率。)因此,所有的保险公司对于此类业务的处理都是慎之又慎。 因此,此类木制家具厂之业务,对于我司核保考量而言,即便是各项指标、质地异常优秀,也需请专业损防人员前往反复勘察。从以往该类型业务的工作进程来看,评估标准均是异常严格,且无论是客户端还是公司端,就保险之各项条件达成共识并承接的概率均十分的小。 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by
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