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上海交通大学 大学英语 课件 book 2 Unit 3a 电子教案(可编辑)


上海交通大学 大学英语 课件 book 2 Unit 3a 电子教案(可编辑)上海交通大学 大学英语 课件 book 2 Unit 3a 电子教案(可编辑) 上海交通大学 大学英语 课件 book 2 Unit 3a 电子教 案 Unit Three A. Objectives of this unit Content: 1. Bathroom Policy: encouraging the students to learn to work out solutions to the problems they may encounter when building a good r...

上海交通大学 大学英语 课件 book 2 Unit 3a 电子教案(可编辑)
上海交通大学 大学英语 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 book 2 Unit 3a 电子 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 (可编辑) 上海交通大学 大学英语 课件 book 2 Unit 3a 电子教 案 Unit Three A. Objectives of this unit Content: 1. Bathroom Policy: encouraging the students to learn to work out solutions to the problems they may encounter when building a good relationship with their roommates. 2. Learning the expressions for renting an apartment off campus. 3. Surfing the Internet to find information about different types of lease contracts. 4. Learning to work out the residential lease agreement basics. Key language points 1. Present participles functioning as adverbials, showing accompanying actions. 2. Auxiliary verb do used to emphasize. 3. Informal expressions used in written language to make serious ideas approachable, readily accepted. 4. How to avoid run-on sentences 2 . Vocabulary Basic requirements: 48 new words. Intermediate requirements: 14 new words. Advanced requirements: 6 new words. Comprehensive skills 1. Understanding a passage of around 700 words at the pre-intermediate level of difficulty. 2. Writing a 150-word summary of the passage. 3. Acquiring the skills for surfing the Internet to collect information about lease contracts. 4. Cooperating among a group of 4-6 students and working out the residential lease agreement basics. Functions Getting information about renting a house or an apartment. Describing the house or apartment for rent. Making a bargain about the deposit and rent between the landlord/landlady and the tenant. Learning to write a formal contract/an agreement between the two parties of landlord/landlady and the tenant. B. Procedures and Methods Eight teaching periods are needed to cover the present unit, among which four periods are for the module of Language Skills Development, three periods for the module of Language in Use and one mainly for the module of Enhancement of Language Abilities. I. Part 1 Language Skills Development 1. Period One and Period Two: Step One: Starter A. Look at the picture and answer the given questions. B. Listen to a passage and answer the given questions. Then the instructor tells the students to listen to the passage and answer the questions while listening to the passage. This step shall take up 10-15 minutes. Step Two: New words and expressions Go over the new words and expressions in the text refer to Student’s Book Pages 66-69 to prepare students for the text learning. The time for this step should not exceed 10 minutes. Step Three: Text teaching Start teaching the text: Bathroom Policy. Before delving into the text, the instructor can ask general questions about the text such as “What’s wrong with the bathroom?” “Why is it necessary to work out a policy concerning bathroom?” Then start the detailed study of the text and go through the text paragraph by paragraph. To help students understand the story, the instructor can explain the language points and ask students to answer the questions related to the text. This step shall not take up more than one and a half periods. Notes to Para. 1 1. And we were not going to live in a dorm, no sir, we figured that we were smart, mature fellows and so we arranged to rent a house. 我们 没打算住在宿舍,从来没想过。我们自以为自己既聪明又成熟,因此合计着租个 房住。 烫dorm: n. [C] informal dormitory BrE 集体寝室;(大学)宿舍 发 ) porn(pornography) hippo hippopotamus 河马 no sir: (美口语) 决不 e.g. We will never allow him in! No sir! mature: a. 1 (智力和情感上)成熟的,理智的 e.g. You mustn’t be jealous when your sister gets presents; you must learn to behave in a more mature way. 2 发育成熟的 e.g. A monkey is mature at a few years old, but a human being isn’t mature till at least 16. 成熟arrange: vi./vt. 1 (就行动或事情)提前达成 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 e.g. I arranged to meet them at 10 o’clock. 2 整理,排列,布置 e.g. She arranged the flowers well in the vase. arrange for: 安排(以便„„)I’ve arranged for a taxi to pick us up at 10 o’clock. n. arrangement 2. Four guys, one bathroom. 四个小伙子,一个洗手间。uy: n. 1 [C] informal 男人 e.g. The fat guy dropped asleep shortly after the film began. 2 [C] esp. AmE 人(不论男女)Paras. 2-3 3. Nobody wanted to use the bathroom after Edward because something would be finished, gone, used up. 爱德华一用完洗手间就没人想用了,因为 总有东西用完、用光、用尽。 use up:消耗,用尽e.g. Some people take it for granted that the resources on Earth will never be used up. up completely e.g. eat up eat all of something , drink up, burn up, mix up, save up, clean up, etc. 4. It reduced the value of the bathroom for the rest of us, yet we got no compensation. 因此对我们其他人而言,洗手间的作用就大打折扣了, 然而我们并未此得到补偿。 Meaning: The rest of us were prevented from using the bathroom normally and nothing was done to make up for the inconvenience on our part. 补偿物,补偿金,赔偿金 compensation: n. [U] e.g. The hotel offered $200 in compensation for the failure to fulfill the committed service for the customer. 2 [C] (对不利局面的)补偿 e.g. One of the few compensations of being unemployed was seeing more of family. 5. Edward was a taker. 东西都让爱德华用了。 Meaning: Edward is always a user of all the bathroom resources, such as toilet paper, soap, shampoo and so on. “taker” here refers to a person who uses the limited resources carelessly. . It was always a disappointment to see Charlie walk into the bathroom, because by the time he was done, you would find shaving cream on the mirror, on the sink, on the floor. 一看到走进洗手间我们就沮丧,因为他一用完洗手间,镜子上、池 子里、地板上到处都是剃须膏。 eaning: It was always disappointing to see Charlie walk into the bathroom, because by the time he finished using it, you would find the bathroom was in a total mess, with shaving cream all over, on the mirror, on the sink, and even on the floor. be done: informal 结束 e.g. I will help you when I am done with my term paper. 7. And if it doesn’t get cleaned up, it looks bad and becomes unsanitary. 如果打扫,不堪入目,脏clean up: 扫除,清扫 e.g. It’s your turn to clean up the bedroom. unsanitary: a. 不卫生的不健康的 e.g. There was a small and unsanitary inn nearby. 8. The rest of us picked up after Charlie, but we got no compensation for doing so. 我们其他人只好在查理用完洗手间彻底收拾一番,干这些什么补 偿也得不到。 Meaning: After Charlie used the bathroom, the rest of us cleaned it thoroughly before we use it. However, we got nothing in return for the cleaning. pick up after sb.:(为某人)收拾,整理 e.g. All I seem to do is cook, wash and pick up after the kids. Notes to Para. 4 9. He was thrifty and neat. 他既节俭又干净thrifty: a. 节俭的,节 约的 e.g. She is a thrifty housekeeper. neat: a. 1 爱整洁的 e.g. The new lodger was fortunately a neat person. 2 整齐的,整洁的 e.g. She had small, neat writing. 10. The rest of us would be waiting around to use the bathroom, pleading, urging, and begging. 我们其他只能在外面干等,不停地呼喊、催 促、哀求。 Meaning: The rest of us would be waiting outside asking him earnestly, rushing him repeatedly, asking him to finish earlier so that we could use the bathroom. plead: vi./vt. 1 恳求,央求,祈求 e.g. The child pleaded with her strict mother to let her go out and play. 承认(有罪或无罪) 2 e.g. The pleaded guilty to murdering the girl. urge: vt. 1 恳求,催促,力劝 e.g. He urged me to introduce him to my beautiful friend, Mary. to tell with force 竭力主张,强烈要求,强调 e.g. I urge caution in interpreting these results. n. [C] 强烈的欲望,冲动,迫切要求 e.g. The urge to survive drove them on. 11. It did no good. 无济于事。 good 用处,好处 e.g. It’s no good talking to him because he never listens. What’s the good of buying a book without reading it? 12. Andrew took long stretches of time in the bathroom. That restricted access for the rest of us, and yet we got no compensation. 安 德鲁长时间占用洗手间我们其他人的使用,然而我们补偿。 stretch: n. [C]时间连续的一段 e.g. He has been in America for a stretch of 10 years and is not aware of what had happened here. restrict: vt.限制,约束 e.g. Membership of the club is restricted to men only. His activities were restricted by old age. Notes to Paras. 7-8 13. But we do all share one planet. 但我们确实共一个地球。 e.g. We did try to reach him last night. She does have a strong local dialect even when speaking English. 14. Our planet’s natural resources are a common heritage for all humanity, just as the bathroom was a common resource for the four of us in college. 正如洗手间是我们四个大学生公共资源对于全人类来说,地球上的 自然资源是共同财富。 heritage: n. [U] e.g. We must take care to preserve our national heritage. humanity: n. 1 [U] 人类 e.g. Humanity has made great progress in space exploration and medicine. 2 [U] 人性,人道,仁慈,博爱 e.g. He treated the prisoners with humanity. Notes to Paras. 11-12 15. We see people or corporations like Charlie, polluting the land, water and air with toxic wastes, chemicals, carbons in the atmosphere, making the world less safe, forcing others to clean up, and they are not compensating the rest of us. 我们看到像查理一样的人或公司将有毒废物、 化学物质、碳排放到空气中,污染了土地、水和空气,造成生存危机,清除污染, 他们却并未 toxic: a. 有毒的;中毒的 e.g. Those vegetables actually became toxic because of a heavily polluted river nearby. atmosphere: n. 1 [C, sing.](尤指室内的)空气flowers love warm, humid atmospheres. 2 [C] (围绕地球、星球等的)大气,大气层 e.g. pollution of the atmosphere 大气污染 气氛,环境 3 [C, U] e.g. The talk was conducted in a friendly atmosphere. 16. We see people or corporations like Andrew, monopolizing resources such as land―an urban land speculator who holds an acre out of use, anticipating a price rise, is displacing the rest of us, forcing development out into the countryside. 我们看到像安德鲁的人或公司垄断了 诸如土地之类的资源――大都市的一个土地投机商,占着一英亩地不用,期待地 产涨价,。Meaning: There are people or companies taking control of resources just like Andrew. For example, a real estate agent occupies an acre of land in the city without developing it, expecting a higher price. For that purpose, they remove the rest of us from where we live. Thus development of land is imposed on the countryside rather than in the city. monopolize: vt.垄断,独占 e.g. These two firms are so big and powerful that they monopolize the production and sale of cigarettes in this country. 这两家公司规模 庞大,势力雄厚,垄断了全国香烟的产销。speculator: n. [C] 投机者 e.g. His case was financed by speculators who hoped to profit from his victory. v. speculate speculate: vi. 1 做投机生意e.g. He speculated successfully in mining shares. 2 推测;猜测 e.g. He was speculating that this might be his last chance. out of use:不使用,不再使用e.g. That expression has gone out of use. in use 在使用中 . e.g. This version of dictionary is still in wide use now. 类似短语: in stock 有库存现货 out of stock 没有库存现货 out of order 杂乱无章 in order 井然有序 out of sight 看不见 in sight 看得见 displace: vt.1 迫使„„离开家园 e.g. The American Indians were soon displaced by the settlers. 2 取代,替代,顶替 e.g. Gradually factory workers have been displaced by machines. 比较: displace, replace, substitute 17. A single acre of downtown land brought into use would save a dozen outside acres from premature sprawl development. 市中心一英亩地得到合 理的开发,就可以避免郊区十多亩地被。 Meaning: If a single acre of land in the city center was made full use of, a dozen acres of land in the rural areas would not be developed in a rash, unplanned manner. downtown: a. 城镇商业中心区的 e.g. Our downtown office stays open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ad. 往(在)城镇商业中心区 e.g. They went downtown to see a ballet. bring into use: 投入使用,开始使用 e.g. The new machine has been brought into wide use. bring into:使开始: to bring something into being 使(某事)产生 to bring something into play使(某事)发挥作用 力量 to bring something into force使(某事)发挥效力/ premature: a. 1 (做事)的,的e.g. She was a bit too premature in giving up this job. 2 未成熟的;过早的,提早的 e.g. His premature death at the age of 32 is a great loss. sprawl: n. [C, usu. sing., U]杂乱e.g. a sprawl of industrial development vi. 1 伸开四肢坐(或躺) e.g. He found her sprawled out in a comfortable chair asleep. 2 杂乱e.g. The city sprawled for miles in each direction. Notes to Para. 13 18. Those who take, monopolize, and pollute, are imposing costs on the rest of us and on the economy in general. 那些占有者、垄断者和污染 者将强加我们其他人身上,强加到整个经济上。 impose: vt. 1 把„„强加于,迫使 e.g. The conquerors imposed difficult conditions of peace on the defeated enemy. 推行,采用(规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ) e.g. The government decided to impose a protective tariff on foreign cars. economy: n. 1 [C] 经济e.g. The new oil that we have found will improve the local economy. 2 [U]节约,节省 e.g. The employees of the firm practised strict economy in doing everything. : 同根词 economics经济学 economical节俭的,精打细算的,节省的economic经济学的,经济的. We are forced to be less efficient, or forced to endure hardships, so that the takers, monopolizers and polluters can benefit. 我们降低效率忍受艰 辛,那些占有者、垄断者和污染者受益。 efficient: a. doing sth. well and thoroughly with no waste of time, money, or energy 有效率的 e.g. He is an efficient manager. 他是一位办事效率高的经理。 ompare: efficient, effective efficient 指的是做事快而且而effective则指的是产生了预期的效果。 His efforts to improve the school have been very effective. endure: vt./vi. 1 忍耐,忍受 e.g. As the pain-killer is not available now, I will have to endure the annoying toothache till morning. Be quiet! I can’t endure that noise a moment longer. 2 持续,持久 e.g. They vowed their love would endure forever. benefit: vi./vt.(使)获益,受益,得到好处 e.g. Businessmen stand to benefit from these changes. The sea air will benefit you. n. [U, C] 优势,处be of great benefit to our customers. Note to Para. 16 20. If you’ve ever experienced a crisis similar to mine at college, you know how important it can be to have a good bathroom policy. 如果 你曾经有过我大学时代危机的话,你肯定制定一个好的洗手间使用则是何等重 要。 Meaning: If you have ever had a at college, you will realize that it is very important to have a good solution to the use of the bathroom. crisis: n. [C, U] 危机,紧要关头 e.g. The Chinese automobile industry seems to have been little affected by the financial crisis. 2. Period Three: Step One: Post-reading interaction After the text teaching, the instructor can have the students listen to the recording of the whole text and see if they have any questions. Then go on with the interaction activity if necessary . This step shall take not more than 18 minutes. Step Two: Working with words and phrases Ask students to do Exercise 4 for the consolidation of text learning. While checking the answers, make explanations when necessary. This step shall take 10 minutes. Step Three: Discussion Proceed to Exercises 5 to enhance students’ oral English. Divide students into groups of 4 to 6 for the discussion task. Some of the answers to the questions in this section are open-ended. And the answers provided are merely for the instructor’s reference. After group discussion, ask 3-5 students to report their answers to the whole class. This step shall take not more than 15 minutes. 3. Period Four: Step One: Practice: interpreting and translation After a brief revision of the whole text, ask students to do Exercises 6 together with their partner. Do this exercise to improve their interpreting skills as well as strengthen their text learning. Give them a few minutes to interpret the conversation into English before showing them the reference answer to help them improve their interpretation work. If time permits, have a few pairs to role-play the conversation in front of the class. When doing Part A of Exercises 7, remind them to pay special attention to the italicized parts of the sentences. As for Part B of Exercises 7, ask them to compare their translation with the reference answers to improve their translation skills. This step shall take not more than 20 minutes. Step Two: Practice: writing When doing Part A of Exercises 8, the summary writing may be assigned as homework after going through the outline quickly in class. When doing Part B of Exercises 8, illustrate the basic sentence writing techniques: how to avoid run-on sentences 2 . The specific tips on how to avoid run-on sentences are provided along with the reference answer. In correcting the run-on sentences the instructor can refer to these tips, which, in fact, throw light on the causes of the errors. If time permits, ask students to finish the exercises after finishing the explanations, or assign it as homework. This step shall take not more than 15 minutes. Step Three: Surfing the Internet The Internet-based task shall be assigned as homework. Yet it is important to go through the instructions of Exercises 9 and make sure the students know the purpose of the task: to train the students to obtain the information from the Internet about renting a house or an apartment, considering conditions such as size, length, rents and deposits, the renting policy, and obligations, thus enabling them to make a dialogue between the landlord/landlady and the tenant. This step shall take not more than 5 minutes.
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