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简单的日常英语口语简单的日常英语口语 2011-12-18 1,darling,what are you doing? 2,do you hava breakfast?(lunch,dinner) 3,are you cold? 4,take your time.慢慢来;不急 5,talk to you later.一会再和你联系 6,so far so good.目前为止,一切都好 2011-12-19 1,Agreed,what is your point?没错,你想说什么, There's no point....

简单的日常 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 口语 2011-12-18 1,darling,what are you doing? 2,do you hava breakfast?(lunch,dinner) 3,are you cold? 4,take your time.慢慢来;不急 5,talk to you later.一会再和你联系 6,so far so good.目前为止,一切都好 2011-12-19 1,Agreed,what is your point?没错,你想说什么, There's no point.没什么 2,hang on .稍等 3,can I help you?需要我帮忙吗, 4,I think this is the place.我看就是这儿了。 5,we'll be right back.(I'll be right back)马上就好;马上就回来 6,I don't think I can do this.我觉得我做不到。 7,What are you kidding?开什么玩笑, 8,I know,and I do yearn for faster downloads.我知道,我的确渴望更快的下载速度 9,Well,what do you want to do?好,你现在想怎么样, I want to leave.我想走了。 10,I don't care.跟我无关。 11,It's not difficult. 这没什么难的。 12,oh,that's so nice.I'd love to.那真是太好了,我很乐意。 13,That's where I sit.这是我的座位 14,Should I say something?I feel like I should say something.我该说些什么,我感觉 我该说些什么。 15,see what?看见什么, 16,This isn't a good time.现在不是时候。(it's just not a good time) 17,What's your plan?你有什么计划,你准备怎么做, 18,I'm not sure.我不太确定。我不太清楚。 19,I hardly think so。我非常不同意;我不这样认为 20,Do you have any ideas?你有什么主意吗, 21,Are you insane[in'sein]?你疯了吗, 22,I had no choice.我别无选择. 23,don't panic.别惊慌 24,Is everything ok?一切还好吗, 25,have a good rest -好好休息 26,I don't wait for you, before I go to sleep, you also sleep early, good night! 我 不等你了,我先睡觉了,你也早点休息,晚安 27,A panny for your thoughts?你呆呆的在想什么呢, 28,What's the matter?怎么回事, 29,What's wrong with you?语气重:你有毛病吗,语气轻:你怎么了, 30,What's going on?过得怎么样, 怎么了, 31,Interesting.不错 2011-12-20 32,I'm familiar with you.我太了解你了 33,How's this?这样如何, 34,As do I.我也是 35,I'm going to savor it.我要好好享受 36,Never mind,You won't get it right.算了,你肯定弄不清。 37,I'd better come with you.我最好跟你一起去。 38,How come you didn't go into work today?你今天怎么没去上班, 39,But yeah.你说对了. 40,What now?现在又怎么了? 41,Think about it.想想看 42,I have too much to do.我有太多的事情要做 43,Let me try it.让我试试 44,So we'll start now.那就现在开始 45,Oh,what fresh hell is this?又他妈怎么了, 46,Hey,guys.各位好。 47,No,you won't.不,你不会 48,I have a problem.我有麻烦了 49,Let me guess,You have a problem whit this.我猜,你有点意见。 50,Where do I begin。从何说起呢, 51,It's up to you. Crazy person's choice.随你,疯人的选择 52,Here you go.放这了. 53,Have a good night。祝你晚安 54,What am I going to do?我该怎么办, 55,I know what I'm going to do.我知道我该怎么做了 56,What's up?什么事, 57,I hava to go.我要走了。 58,I won't look.我不会看的。 59,Are you shy?你害羞啊, 60,I need to speak to you.我得找你谈谈 61,Go away.走开. 62,I don't know what to say.我不知道怎么说。 63,We'll talk in the morning.我们明早再说。 2011-12-21 64,What the hell are you doing?你在搞什么鬼,你究竟在干什么, 65,What the hell do you want? 你究竟要什么? 66,How about you?你呢 2011-12-22 66,Tell me the truth.跟我说实话 67,Of course not.当然不是. 2011-12-23 68,Ask me why,问我为什么 69,Do I have to,一定要这样, 70,Additionally 。加之,又。并且 71,I've never been there,have you ?我没去过那,你呢, 72,Ok,let's do this.就这么办。 73,What do you say,你意下如何? 74,How are you this fine evening?这个美丽的夜晚过得愉快么, 75,I'm just in a good mood.我就是心情好。[心情,情绪] 76,Mmm,What smells so good,什么闻着这么香, 77,Yum。极好的,妙的,美味的,滋味好的;好吃啊 78,Well,enjoy your big evening.那就祝你晚上玩得开心。 79,I realize you're alse on your own tonight,so if,at some point,you find youself with nothing to do,please don't disturb me.我知道你今晚也是一个人,如果你万一觉得 一个人无聊了,请不要来打扰我。 2011-12-24 80,You guys go ahead.I just have to finish up an email.你们先去,我还有封邮件要回。 [guy.家伙, 伙计],[go ahead.前进] 81,Just go.I'll catch up with you.去吧。我等下就去找你们 82,Don't go anywhere.不要乱跑哦。 83,I hate to break this to you.我真的不想打击你. 84,Let me put it this way:那我换个方式解释吧: 85,Maybe I can save her.或许我可以感化她. 86,How was your day?你今天过得好吗, 87,Don't worry.I can take good care of your friend.放心吧,我们会好好照顾你们的朋 友. 88,Why are you asking?为什么这么问, 89,May I say one last thing?我能说最后一句话吗, 90,What do you want me to do?你要我干嘛, 91,Start over。重来. 92,I'm sleepy now。我有睡意了。 93,You're finally home.你终于回家了. 94,Smell that?闻到了吗, 95,Could I talk to you about something?我能跟你谈件事吗, 96,So,what are you gonna do?那你准备怎么做, 97,So,what do you need us for?那要我们要做什么, 98,Hey,you said you were gonna be supportive.你说过你会支持我的. 99,We have a little situation up here.我们遇到点小麻烦. 100,I don't like where this is going.我有不详的预感。 2011-12-25 101,Your sentiments may be premature.别高兴得太早 102,Are you upset?你难过吗, 103,It was first-come,first-serve.先来先到。 104,What are they doing here?他们来这干嘛, 105,You watch your mouth.说话注意点。 106,Trust me,this will be just fine.相信我,这个也挺好。 107,What's that supposed to mean?那是什么意思, 108,Don't push me。别逼我。 109,Oh,I really don't care anymore.我早已经不关心了。 110,Holy crap.我的天啊。 111,Don't do that.别那样做。 112,You're such a girl.你简直像个女生。 113,Just walk in.尽管进来吧。 114,Let me show you something。给你们看点东西。 115,Well,I wish I could.我倒也想 116,little bit。有点。 117,Oh,who cares?谁在乎, 118,Is that what you want?你想这样吗, 119,That doesn't seem likely.这是不太可能的。 120,I'm sure that will happen soon enough.这个愿望很快就能实现了。 121,Anybody want to come along?有人想一起去吗, 122,How hard is that?这能有多难, 123,So,what are you guys doing?你们在干什么, 124,You don't seem to have much of a handle on this.你对这方面不在行。 125,Sorry,I lost my cool.对不起,我失态了。 2011-12-26 126,Gonna be a long night.慢慢长夜 127,It's your fault。都是你的错 128,There's no fooling you.没跟你开玩笑 129,What a douche.真是个傻瓜。 130,Look on the bright side.往好的一面想想 131,What am I supposed to say?我能说些什么, 132,Come on,we're late.速度,我们要迟到了。 133,Calm down,We'll make the movie.淡定,我们能赶上电影 [Calm down:平静下来;镇 定下来] 134,I believe my alarm is appropriate,given the situation.根据现在的情况,我的警 告是对的。[situation:形势,情况;appropriate:适当的,恰当的。] 135,We're standing in the hallway,suffering through an awkward encounter。我们站 在走廊里,忍受你们尴尬的相遇。 [suffering:痛苦,折磨;awkward:令人尴尬的;使人难堪的;encounter:遇到, 遭遇;偶然碰 到, 邂逅] 136,Have a nice evening.晚上愉快。 137,Just give us a minute.就给我们一分钟。 138,Oh,take all the time you need.你们慢慢谈。 139,So,are we going to talk about last night?我们要不要谈谈昨晚的事, 140,Are you ready to apologize?你准备道歉了吗, 141,Wrong answer.But thank you for playing。答案错误,谢谢参与。 142,Well,that was rather unpleasant.场面相当不愉快啊。 143,I got it.Just hold you horses。知道了。耐心点别吵. 144,I need you to do ma favor。我要你帮我个忙. 145,Right now would be good.最好现在就去。 146,That isn't you problem!Your problem is you don't trust me!问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 不在于此。而在于你不信任我。 147,I need your permission for that?连这也要得到你允许吗, 148,I can't read your mind.我则么知道你在想什么 149,You're so smart,and I'm so dumb!你这么聪明,而我又这么蠢 150,Eyes on the road。看前面,看着路。 151,I'm on th toilet。我在上厕所。 152,I don't need to hear that.这事就不用告诉我了。我不想听见这事。 153,That was't good enough for you.你不是不满意吗, 154,I'm not leaving until you talk to me.你不跟我说话,我是不会走的。 155,Don't flatter yourself.I'm just ignoring you.你少臭美了。我懒得理你而已。 2011-12-27 156,How much time do we have?我们还有多少时间, 157,I do miss the warmth of human companionship.我确实很怀恋人类陪伴的温暖。 158,Shall I come back at a better time?我该挑个更恰当的时间再来吗, 159,Well,it seems we've reached an impasse.看来我们到达了一个僵局 160,I can't wait that long.我等不及了. 161,You got to help me,please.你必须得帮我,求你了。 162,No one's saying that.没人这么说。 163,I wish me didn't have to work。我真希望我不用工作。 164,So,what are we waiting for?那我们还等什么, 165,They'll be refreshed.那样会精力比较足。 166,I see no organizational system in here whatsoever.这里乱得简直毫无编制体系而言。 167,Everything's going to be fine.一切都会好起来的。 168,You have to help me get into bed.你得哄我上床睡觉。 169,You're so full of love.你充满了爱心。 170,Let me ask you a question.让我问你一个问题. 2011-12-28 180,How's your work going?你工作怎么样, 181,I would never make fun of you.我永远不会嘲笑你。 182,Why are you being such a jerk?你干嘛这么刻薄, 183,So,what should we talk about?我们聊些什么呢, 184.I do not have to urinate.我不必去尿尿。 185,I'm the master of my own bladder.我的膀胱我做主 2011-12-29 186,If the cap fits,wear it。如果言之中肯,那就接受吧。 187,A cat may look at a king.无名小卒也可以评论大人物 188,I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听
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