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提高公文写作能力提高公文写作能力 浅谈提高公文写作能力的途径 作者:刘鸣霁 张冠英 来源:应用写作杂志社 尽快提高公文写作能力,以更好地适应工作的需要,这是众多基层文秘人员对自身的迫切希望。笔者在近几年来应邀为一些机关、企事业单位的有关工作人员进行公文写作培训时很强烈地感受到了这一点。这里尝试谈一谈提高公文写作能力的途径问题,供有志于从事文秘工作的朋友们参考。 据考察,在提高公文写作能力方面,一些基层文秘人员往往不同程度地存在几种认识上的偏颇。试析如下。 唯格式是重。从实际情况看,很多基层文秘人员极为看重公文格式,甚至把...

提高公文写作能力 浅谈提高公文写作能力的途径 作者:刘鸣霁 张冠英 来源:应用写作杂志社 尽快提高公文写作能力,以更好地适应工作的需要,这是众多基层文秘人员对自身的迫切希望。笔者在近几年来应邀为一些机关、企事业单位的有关工作人员进行公文写作 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 时很强烈地感受到了这一点。这里尝试谈一谈提高公文写作能力的途径问题,供有志于从事文秘工作的朋友们参考。 据考察,在提高公文写作能力方面,一些基层文秘人员往往不同程度地存在几种认识上的偏颇。试析如下。 唯 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 是重。从实际情况看,很多基层文秘人员极为看重公文格式,甚至把它当成公文写作能力中的根本性因素。诚然,准确掌握公文格式,并在实际公文运作中规范地体现出来,这确实是很必要的。但从公文写作的角度看,达到这一要求,只是浅层次的能力,并不难做到。因为公文格式是极为程式化的规定,完全属于记问之学。如果把格式放在提高公文写作能力的首要位置上,就势必一定程度地忽视公文内容方面的深入学习和训练。 通过听培训课以提高公文写作能力。笔者在与接受培训的一些文秘人员的交流中感到,他们对这种培训课十分渴望,并为能参加听课而格外兴奋。应当肯定,这种积极性是极为可贵的,而且通过听课也确实可以开阔视野,更多、更准确地了解公文写作的各项要求,从而有效地避免一些不规范现象的产生。但如果认为听了课即可以使自己的公文写作能力自然获得提升,就未免有些不切实际了。因为能力是无法直接传授的,而必须通过自身的反复实践才能逐渐形成和巩固。公文写作能力亦然。过于依赖听课而忽视有意识地进行写作实践,就难以使公文写作能力获得扎实的提高。 完全依赖遵循本单位发文惯例进行模仿以提高能力。应当承认,这样做对熟悉公文运作实际,了解一些公文文种模式是有相当直接的作用的,因之,它不失为提高自green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to 身公文写作能力的一个有效方法。但有必要指出,一些基层公文运作状况,往往难以与相关法规、规章的调整、变化同步,因而出现明显的滞后性。如国务院《国家行政机关公文处理办法》(2000年8月24日发布、2001年1月1日起施行,以下简称《办法》)撤销了“报告”中“向上级机关提出意见和建议”的适用内容,而由新增加的法定公文文种“意见”(“适用于对重要问题提出见解和处理办法”——《办法》)来承担这一功能。但有一些行政机关向上级提出建议时仍使用“报告”(“适用于向上级机关汇报工作,反映情况,答复上级机关的询问”——《办法》)。再如一些基层机关单位尽管文秘人员几经变动,但仍几十年一贯制地将转发上级机关“通知”的公文“通知”的标题拟成“关于转发……关于转发……的通知的通知”。这与《办法》中关于“公文标题应当准确简要地概括公文的主要内容”的要求很不相符。又如1994年1月1日起国务院办公厅修订、施行的《国家行政机关公文处理办法》在“函”中增加了适用于“不相隶属机关之间”的全指限定,从而使行政公文“函”不能再用于上下级机关之间,《办法》保留了这一要求,规定“函”“适用于不相隶属机关之间商洽工作,询问和答复问题,请求批准和答复审批事项”。但时至今日,一些基层行政机关和单位仍将“函”用于上下级之间。凡此种种,都充分说明,不了解相关法规、规章的规范性要求,完全依赖遵循本单位发文惯例进行公文运作,是很容易出现不规范状况的。 前已谈及,能力是无法直接传授的。公文写作能力只有通过自身的不断实践,才能逐渐形成并得以提高。这是根本性因素。公文写作的实际练习,可以考虑从以下几个方面来进行。 1.表达方式的单项及综合练习 公文的主要表达方式,包括叙述、说明和议论。这些表达方式,与语文教育写作训练中较普遍存在的偏于文学化的状况相比,体现出很强的应用性。对于这一点,进行实际练习时应有明确的认识,从而力避文学化。通过写作实践,切实体会公文写作对表达方式的基本要求——叙述简洁庄重,不曲折、不修饰;说明平实确切,不失真、 em. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group selftics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance systystem, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characterissite management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance s-(1) the Organization establishing onures of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical meas han 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water levelless tth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not l, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depshaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, ful-require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring 1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connectionsgreen space to drain that: ( sprays in this context, refers to?out the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying through-open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic,?a day. once et depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered water should be s?of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering inspection, mutual, head-2 不渲染;议论精当凝练,不繁琐,不铺展。如针对本单位出现的错误现象,可以有意识地进行属于公文“通报”(“适用于表彰先进,批评错误,传达重要精种或者情况”——《办法》)所含内容的多个单项练习:叙述错误情况,议论分析原因,说明处理结果, 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 归纳教训,提出希望要求。进行这样的单项练习时力求符合、体现上述对表达方式的基本要求。嗣后即可以进行综合,从而形成一篇段落清晰的完整公文。这样的写作实践,可以说完全摆脱了粗放式,而是进入了集约化。坚持这样的集约化练习,对公文写作能力的形成与提高,无疑有事半功倍之效。 2.锤炼反复修改的写作习惯 好文章是改出来的,公文写作亦不例外。尽管许多文秘高手写作一般规模的公文常常可以一挥而就,但这是有多年文章修改经验积淀在其中的,而且是迅速打腹稿的体现。袖手于前,方能疾书于后。应当坦率指出,在各层次的语文教育中,“修改”这一极为重要的写作训练环节常被严重忽视,以致为数不少的文秘人员在刚走上工作岗位时,并没有形成善于修改所拟文稿的良好习惯,往往是写成后即送审,这自然很不成熟,也难以顺利通过。这里有一个很能说明问题的例子,笔者在为某机关文秘人员进行公文写作培训时,曾布置了一道针对某镇政府文教办主任××为庆贺其父八十寿诞大摆酒席、广收礼金问题写作批评性“通报”的练习题。多数练习者写作时将“大摆酒席、广收礼金问题”作为内容的重点,详尽铺叙,诸如宴会时盛况、酒席规格、会后安排的一些活动等,悉数写入,读后使人如身临其境,可谓具体生动。但由于忽视了批评性“通报”必须体现“剖析根源,归纳教训”的核心之点,因而削弱了“通报”应有的教育意义和警示作用。笔者在强调了“通报”的有关写作要求后,布置练习者有针对性地进行修改。最后基本达到了目的。由此,参加培训的人员切实认识到公文写作反复修改的必要性。这一例子告诉我们,进行公文文稿的修改,最主要的,除检查是否符合国家的法律、法规及其他有关规定外,就是按所用文种的内容要求来检查文稿,其前提是必须明确各文种在内容上的要求。这样修改起来才有依据和针对性,而不致盲目进行。这里不妨再举一例,××县教育局向其上级××县人民政府汇报乡镇中小学校舍普查情况,并提 to?the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. water should be set depending on?ering inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) wat-blishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group selfe estais conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) thanagement assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of thsite management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality m-ganization establishing ond, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the OrSecon C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water.ing to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. s and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should accordshaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and crack-or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ?n this context, refers to sprays i?by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray -istance when spraying (beckoned passersrt dclean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to sho 3 出核拨校舍维修专项经费的请求,以“报告”行文。该公文被××县人民政府办公室退回,要求重新制发。有关文秘人员按“报告”的写作要求来检查这一公文,才发现“„报告?不得夹带请示事项”(《办法》),于是删去了原公文中“请求核拨校舍维修专项经费”的内容,改为单纯地汇报情况,而另以“请示”(“适用于向上级机关请求指示、批准”——《办法》)行文呈请核拨有关经费。试想,如果该文件的起草者熟悉“报告”的内容要求,并在文稿形成后再检查、修改,这样不规范的情况就不会出现了。教训不可谓不深刻。至于公文语言上的修改,将在下面与语感的培养一并谈及。 3.努力培养对事务语体的感悟及运用能力 公文所用语言,基本属于书面语体中的“事务语体”(又称“公文语体”),也兼及“政论语体”和“科报语体”,而一般不用“文艺语体”。但十几年的语文教育中,受教育者打下烙印最深的,往往是文艺语体,以致语言运用偏于文学化,语感畸形化,很难适应社会对实用性语言能力的需求。这一点,已为众多有识之士所诟病。因之,培养对事务语体的感悟能力,恰当、得体地运用公文语言,就成为公文写作能力的重要组成部分。这种能力,并不是了解了事务语体的特点和要求后就能自然形成的,同样需要在写作实践中反复锻炼才能逐渐具备。进行这种实际锻炼,可以说与上面谈到的表达方式的单项练习及写作后的反复修改紧密相连,相辅相成。如讲述某单位未按财务要求逐月上交有关款项时用“有关款项迄今犹未缴足”这样的语句,说明下发有关文件的目的时用“为迅速落实会议精神,特作如下要求”这样的语句,议论发文件的缘起时用“……传销活动……严重损害了人民群众的合法权益,扰乱了正常的经济秩序,并引发了一系列社会问题,成为社会治安的巨大隐患”这样的语句。凡此种种事务性语体特点明显的公文语言,都只有在反复的写作实践中才能对其形成感悟能力并进而熟练运用。练习使用公文语言时,还应注意按《办法》的要求“直述不曲”,即不能使用曲笔。如有的文秘人员在起草向上级请求为本单位增加人员编制的“请示”时写道:“恳请上级机关体恤我单位人员极为紧张之情。”这就是不适宜地在公文中使用了“曲笔”,有委婉批评上级存在官僚主义之嫌,后经修改,将这一违反“直述不曲”要求的语句予以删除。 em. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group selftics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance systystem, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characterissite management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance s-(1) the Organization establishing onures of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical meas han 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water levelless tth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not l, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depshaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, ful-require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring 1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connectionsgreen space to drain that: ( sprays in this context, refers to?out the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying through-open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic,?a day. once et depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered water should be s?of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering inspection, mutual, head-4 语言运用上同时要注意避免口语化和文学性。如某乡政府向所在县财政局请求增拨校舍修建经费时发“请示”(该乡政府与县财政局是不相隶属的平级关系,所以不应使用“请示”而应用“函”行文。但为数不少的基层机关单位在向无隶属关系的职能部门请求批准某一事项时常用“请示”而弃用“函”,意在表示对收文者的“尊重”,避免引起误解和反感,这是很不规范的文种误用。这里附带论及,同时也再次强调依循本单位发文惯例来进行公文运作容易出现的偏差。)中说:“这次山洪将在建的乡中学一侧围墙及相邻的厕所和建材仓库冲倒,造成约15万元的经济损失,原已下拨的款项不够用了。由于受灾,我乡财政捉襟见肘,雪上加霜。”这段文字语体明显失当。“不够用了”是口语,应改为“不敷使用”;“捉襟见肘,雪上加霜”是文学性的描述语句,应改为“十分紧张”。 公文写作能力的提高,离不开自身写作实践这一要素。基层文秘人员应牢固树立“写作实践永远是第一位的”这一理念,在诸如参加培训、阅读指导书等辅助条件之下,积极地、有针对性地进行公文写作实践,在不断的实践过程中去体会各类文种的写作要求,熟悉运用恰当的表达方式,感悟事务语体的特点,同时将公文格式、文种适用范围等易记、易用的程式化规定融入其中,这样就能逐渐适应工作的需要。提高公文写作能力的途径在于自身的反复实践。这一实践不应是简单地循环往复的过程,而应循序渐进,不断有所收获。当然,这种收获绝非能立竿见影般地迅速体现,而须日积月累。希望毕其功于一役的急迫想法是不切实际的。笔者这里所谈及的进行反复写作实践的“途径”,卑之无甚高论,但提高自身公文写作能力,除此别无他径。 注:本文为吉林省教育厅人文社科项目《吉林省公文写作现状调查与研究》阶段成果(吉教科文合字〔2007〕42号)。 (作者单位:吉林师范大学管理学院 长春理工大学文学院) (《应用写作》2010年第4期) anagement assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of thsite management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality m-ganization establishing ond, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the OrSecon C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water.ing to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. s and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should accordshaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and crack-or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ?n this context, refers to sprays i?by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray -istance when spraying (beckoned passersrt dclean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to sho to?the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. water should be set depending on?ering inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) wat-blishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group selfe estais conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) th5
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