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环境有害物质管理程序环境有害物质管理程序 ※ ※ 目 录 ※ ※ 章 节 内 容 页 次 目 录 修 订 履 历 1 目 的 3 2 适 用 范 围 3 3 参 考 文 件 3 4 定 义 3 5 职 责 3 作 业 内 容 6 3-4 7 相 关 表 单 5 关表单 to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure t...

环境有害物质管理程序 ※ ※ 目 录 ※ ※ 章 节 内 容 页 次 目 录 修 订 履 历 1 目 的 3 2 适 用 范 围 3 3 参 考 文 件 3 4 定 义 3 5 职 责 3 作 业 内 容 6 3-4 7 相 关 表 单 5 关表单 to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project ※ 修 订 履 历 ※ ※ ※ 版文件管制编号 修 订 内 容 备 注 本. V1.0 初 版 发 行 V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4 V1.5 V1.5 V1.7 V1.8 V1.9 V2.0 V2.1 V2.2 V2.3 V2.4 V2.5 V2.6 V2.7 V2.8 V2.9 V3.0 V3.1 V3.2 V3.3 V3.4 to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project 深圳市创美亿光电有限公司 文件编号.: 系统名称: 文件名称: CMY-QM-0003-V1.0质量管理系统 环境有害物质管理程序 PAGE 3 OF 5 A 版本 1.0、目的 规 范本 协议范本下载族谱范本下载临帖范本下载公司章程范本下载监理月检范本下载 公司对环境有害物质(包括但不限于RoHS、PFOS,以下简称HS)有效管制,促进环境有害物质减免管理的(以下简称HSF)有效开展,实现产品符合欧盟及客户相关环保 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 及要求。 2.0、适用范围 2.1本公司设计及制造委托设计及制造的产品、原材料、半成品、成品之产品环保管理均适用; 2.2供应商提供的包装材料、产品之相关制程辅助用品及本公司设计使用的包装材料均适用; 2.3特殊客户在本管制办法基础上追加的环保要求亦适用。 3.0、参考文件 IECO QC080000:2005 HSF(有害物质减免)管理体系 4.0、定义 RoHS: Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive,電子電氣產品之危害物質限用指令 HS:Hazardous Substance有害物质 HSF: Hazardous Substance Free有害物质减免 第三方检测机构:指SGS(通标标准技术服务有限公司)、TUV(德国莱茵公司)、ITS(Intertek 天祥公司) 、CTI(华测检测技术)等国际检测机构。 5.0、 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 5.1 总经理:提供HSF管理所需资源,确保HSF相关要求和职责在整个组织内得至沟通和理解; 5.2 业务部:订单评审,环保讯息收集传递,HSF异常处理; 5.3 技术部:环保产品设计开发,参与供应商HSF能力评审; 5.4 采购部:主导对供应商HSF能力评审和管理,采购环保物料及供应商环保资料收集; 5.5 品管部:HSF管理系统推行,相关知识教育训练,异常处理。 5.6 资材部:环保物料分区存放及标示。 5.7 生产部:使用环保物品生产环保产品,对环保和非环保物品进行区分使用和标示。 6.0、作业内容 6.1环保信息及相关法律法规收集处理 6.1.1 业务部主导、品管部协助将客户环保要求及相关法律法规进行收集整理,由品管部将所 收集信息转化为公司内部作业标准,即不断完善《环境有害物质限制标准》。 6.1.2 业务、品管等单位获得环保信息后,以电子邮件、内部联络单、会议等形式将环保信息在公司内部进行传递,品管部则根据需要修订相关标准和系统文件并发行,必要时由采购将相关环保要求信息传递至供应商。 6.2 环保产品开发 XXXXto comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure t本文件之著作权及内容属于深圳市创美亿光电有限公司est, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and , 未经本公司许可不得翻印recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation onXXXX e stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project 6.2.1技术部在新产品开发时,将客户环保要求作为产品设计及审查首要条件。 6.2.2技术部在环保产品工程图纸及物料承认书等资料上注明环保要求; 6.2.3产品开发阶段,技术部应将产品按BOM展开,逐一对每一零部件进行环保有效性确认, 6.3 供应商管理 6.3.1采购对新供应商进行系统评估时应将供应商环保能力作为重要的评估标准; 6.3.2有环保要求的材料采购应将《环境有害物质限制标准》发给相关供应商,并要求供应商签回《环保保证书》; 6.3.3采购对有环保要求的物料在下订单时要求供应商在物料上做好环保标示; 6.3.4生产过程中与产品接触的工具和耗材环保管制方法同原材料; 6.3.5采购对供应商进行例行性品质系统稽核时应将环保管理纳入稽核范围; 6.3.6委外加工供应商管理同原材料。 6.4进料管制 6.4.1IQC对采购提供的合格供应商名册中有环保要求的供应商提交的物料检验其是否有环保标示,并核对该物料第三方检测报告(除客户有特殊要求,一般情况下第三方检测报告有效期为一年)是否过期,如已过期则联系采购要求供应商重新提供; 6.4.2 IQC在必要时将有环保要求的物料送第三方检测机构进行HS检测验证,确保该材料符合环保要求; 6.5 环保物料标示及仓储管理 6.5.1 有环保要求的物料采购必须要求供应商来料时做环保标示,否则品管应判定为不合格品; 6.5.2 生产部应在生产过程中与环保产品有接触的工具及物料要贴上环保标示; 6.5.3 包装课在客户有环保要求的成品外箱及产品上贴上环保标示; 6.5.4 仓管应将仓库划分为环保仓和不环保仓,环保材料应放在环保仓里,防止误用或混料。 6.5.5 供应商提供之材料所使用的包装材料,若不是作为产品的包材出货至客户端,则可不提供相关资料及测试报告;若作为产品或连同产品一起出货到客户端的包材,必须以产品形式提供相关资料及检测报告。 6.6 制程环保管制 6.6.1 物料管制 生产前仓管须确认生产所需物料是否为环保物料,是否贴有环保标识。 对于制程中可能用到的一些辅助用品,如:酒精、锡膏、锡线、黑胶、固化胶、手套、无尘布等生产部在使用前应检查是否贴有环保标识。 6.2.4 必要时技术部应对零部件送第三方检测机构进行环保检测验证。 IPQC须对生产用物料、辅助物料及耗材类物品等环保资料进行确认。 6.6.2 生产设备、夹具、模具、治具管理 to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project 深圳市创美亿光电有限公司 文件编号.: 系统名称: 文件名称: CMY-QM-0003-V1.0质量管理系统 环境有害物质管理程序 PAGE 5 OF 5 A 版本 生产设备、治具按环保与非环保加以区分,设置专门区域放置,并由生产部在相应区域、设备和治具上加RoHS或非RoHS等环保标示,避免设备、治具混放,混用而被污染; 6.6.3 成品包装及入库标识 包装线在生产前须按照订单确认产品的环保状况,如为环保产品则在外箱上贴上RoHS等环保标示,如为非环保产品则无须贴环保标示; 环保产品入库时需放在环保仓里,仓管收料时须核对入库标识,将不同标识的产品放在相应的区域。 6.7 变更管理 产品在研发合格后,引起环保变更包括:原材料变更、零件变更、包材变更、制程辅助用品变更等。涉及产品的环保变更时,由研发部对变更后的物料进行环保验证,具体作业参考《产品设计和开发管理程序》文件中变更部分 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 。 6.8 异常处理 HSF异常发生时由品管部主导异常处理,各相关部门协助直至结案。 6.9 内部审核 公司在做内部质量管理体系审核和年度管理评审时,应将环保管理纳入审核范围。 6.10 教育训练 行政人事部在新员工入职时应安排HSF相关基础知识培训,对在职员工定期进行环保相关知识培训,必要时聘请外部专业机构进行培训。 6.11 资料保存 所有环保材料第三方检测报告保存期限不少于3年,《环保保证书》保存年限为与该供应商合作终止之后至少三年。 7.0、相关文件与表单 7.1《环境有害物质限制标准》 7.2《环保保证书》 XXXXto comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure t本文件之著作权及内容属于深圳市创美亿光电有限公司est, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and , 未经本公司许可不得翻印recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation onXXXX e stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project
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