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徐丽49 台阶教案


徐丽49 台阶教案徐丽49 台阶教案 黑林中学师生共用讲学稿 年级 九 科目 语文 执笔 审核 刘艳 学生姓名 课题 台阶 课型 新授课 备课时间 上课时间 学习目标: 1、学习文章围绕中心组织材料,用细节刻画人物的写法; 2、了解农民勤俭、坚韧的性格,了解他们艰苦的生活,体会作者对土地家园和 父亲的深厚情感 学习重点:把握故事内容,分析故事形象,理解作者感情 学习难点:理解父亲形象的意蕴 学习过程: 一、导入新课 学习朱自清的《背影》,我们仿佛看到困顿中前行的父亲的背影。今天我们一起学习李森祥的《台阶》,他以小说...

徐丽49 台阶教案
徐丽49 台阶教案 黑林中学师生共用讲学稿 年级 九 科目 语文 执笔 审核 刘艳 学生姓名 课题 台阶 课型 新授课 备课时间 上课时间 学习目标: 1、学习文章围绕中心组织材料,用细节刻画人物的写法; 2、了解农民勤俭、坚韧的性格,了解他们艰苦的生活,体会作者对土地家园和 父亲的深厚情感 学习重点:把握故事内容,分析故事形象,理解作者感情 学习难点:理解父亲形象的意蕴 学习过程: 一、导入新课 学习朱自清的《背影》,我们仿佛看到困顿中前行的父亲的背影。今天我们一起学习李森祥的《台阶》,他以小说的视角为我们展现了父辈们现实的生活画卷和深沉的思想境界。 二、自读课文,整体感知 、积累字词,给下列加点次注音 1 门槛( ) 镶嵌( ) 油腻( ) 撬( ) 头颅( ) 黏( ) 磕( ) 愣住( ) 2、整体感知(走上台阶) 本文以什么为线索叙事,围绕这条线索,作者叙述了什么事, 线索: 事件: 三、合作交流,解读探究: 1、找出文中描写父亲的细节,结合这些细节说说你对文中父亲形象的理解。 2、精彩推荐 找出你认为刻画父亲形象最精彩的段落,推荐给大家,并说清推荐的理由【注意upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support 抓住重点词语理解内容及作者感情】 【例】:我认为刻画最精彩的是文章第二节。父亲,我真的好佩服你,三百来斤的石板,你竟一下背了三趟,还说没有花太大的力气,你的身体是铁铸的吗,你唯一可惜的是那一双麻筋草鞋,你从来就没替自己想想,为了这个家你付出的实在是太多太多了。 四、细读探究(感悟台阶): 1、第五节说父亲一年才在家中洗一次脚,这是为什么,洗玩脚后为何感觉轻飘 飘的,像踩在棉花上似的, 2、父亲为什么要修高台阶,高台阶修好了,父亲为何又总觉不自在, 3、父亲终于闲下来了,他又为何感觉“若有所失”, 五、模仿创造(创写台阶) 父亲就是我们人生的台阶,为了子女能有出息,他们忍辱负重,艰苦劳作。烈日下挥汗如雨的是父亲;暴雨中艰难前行的是父亲;困难中顶天立地的是父亲。父亲就是那拉车的牛,父亲就是那登天的梯。学习本文写法,通过一两个细节写出父亲给你感受最深的事。 s" "tom, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with actospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platforlevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and h-ological leading talents, highhen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technies to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengtknown enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universit-o visit the wellive ters in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiatis key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterpris pment,ntrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise develois year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Eupgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities th2big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful supportold with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale 阅读下列语段,完成文后练习: ,一,没有一棵小草自惭形秽(毕淑敏) 被人邀请去看一棵树~一棵古老的树。大约有五千年的历史~已被唐朝的地震弯折了腰~半匍匐着~依然不倒~享受着人们尊敬的注视。 我混在人群只能感直着脖子虔诚地仰望着古树顶端稀疏的绿叶~一边想~人和树相比是多么的渺小啊。人生出来~肯定是比一粒树种要大很多倍~但人没法长得如树 般伟岸。在树小的时候~人是很容易就把树枝、树干折断~甚至把树连根拔起~树就结束了生命。就算是小树长成了大树~归宿也是被人伐了去~修成各种各样实用 的物件。长的好好的树~花纹美丽木质出众~也像美女一样~红颜薄命~被人劫掠的可能性更大~于是很多珍贵的树种濒临灭绝。在这一点上~树是不如人的。美女 可以人造~树却是不可以人造的。 树比人活的长久~只要假以天年~人是绝对活不过一棵树的。树并不以此傲人~爷爷种下的树~照样以硕硕果实报答那人的孙子或是其他人的后代。 通常情况下~树是绝对不伤人的。即使如前几天报上所载一些村民在树下 避雨~遭了雷击致死~那元凶也不是树~而是闪电~树也是受害者。人却是绝对伤树的~地球上森林数量的锐减就是明证~人成了树的天敌。 树比人坚忍。在人不能居住的地方~树却裸身生长着~不需要炉火或是空调的保护。树回帮助人的~在饥谨的时候~人可以扒树的皮来充饥。 很多书籍记载过这棵古树~若是在树群里评选名人的话~这棵古树是一定名列前茅了。很多诗人词人咏颂过这棵古树~如果树把那些词句当作叶子一般披挂起来~一定不堪重负。唐朝的地震不曾把它压倒~这些赞美会让它扑在地上。 树的寿命是如此长久~在我们死后很多年~这棵古树还会枝叶繁茂地生长着。一想到这一点~无边的嫉妒就转成深深的自卑。作为一个人活不了那么久远~伤感让我 低下头来~于是我就看到了一棵小草~一棵长在古树之旁的小草。只有细长的两三片叶子~纤细得如同婴儿的睫毛。树叶缝隙的阳光打在草叶的几丝脉络上~再落到 地上~阳光变得如绿纱一样漂浮了。 这样一株柔弱的小草~在这样一棵神圣的树底下~一定该俯首称臣必恭必 ith acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a cher wining platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teaersity, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning tralevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and Univ-roduces technological leading talents, highment, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished inties to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future developknown enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universit-initiative to visit the well the of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction rprisectual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enteand cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the aupgrading of enterprises. Provinces 3support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support 敬了吧,我竭力想从小草身上找出低眉顺眼的谦卑~最后以失望告终。这棵不知名的小草~ 毫无疑问是非常渺小的。就寿命计算~假设一岁一枯荣~老树很可能见过小草五千辈以前的祖先。就体量计算~老树抵得过千百万小草集合而成的大军。就价值来 说~人们千里万里路地赶了来~只为瞻仰老树~我敢肯定没有一个人是为了探望小草。 既然我作为一个人~都在古树面前自惭形秽了~小草你怎能不顶礼膜拜,我这样想着~就蹲下来看着小草。在这样一棵历史久远声名卓著的古树旁边为邻~你岂不要羞愧死了, 小草昂然立着~我向它吐了一口气~它就被吹得蜷曲了身子~但我气息一尽~它就像弹簧般伸展了叶脉~快乐地抖动着~我向它吐了一口气~它还是在弯曲之后怡然挺立。我悲哀地发现~不停地吹下去~我有气绝倒地的一刻~小草却安然。 草是卑微的~但卑微并非指向羞惭。在庄严大树身旁~一棵微不足道的小草都可以毫不自惭形秽地生活着~何况我们万物灵长的人类: 21(与人相比~树有哪些优秀的品质,请加以概括~分条陈述。 22(简要阐释‚唐朝的地震不曾把它压倒~这些赞美会让它扑在地上?这句话在文中的含义。 23(从‚仰望?大树到‚蹲下来看?小草~作者的情感经历了怎样的变化轨迹, 24(本文的主旨是什么,作者是如何通过对小草不同特征的描写来揭示主旨的,请简要分析。 25(探究与感悟:阅读下列材料并结合上文~谈谈你的体会。不少于40字。 材料一:心理学认为~自卑这一种人格元素普遍存在于每一个人的人格中。 材料二:自卑的最大敌人就是勇于面对自卑的人。 4big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful supportold with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale s" "tom, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with actospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platforlevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and h-ological leading talents, highhen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technies to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengtknown enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universit-o visit the wellive ters in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiatis key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterpris pment,ntrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise develois year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Eupgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities th 材料三:央视著名主持人白岩松和张越年少时也曾自卑~现今都有豁达自信的主持风格。 ,二, 感 恩 雨 ?这是旱季里最热的一天~几乎连续一个月没有下雨。田里的农作物正在枯死~母牛挤不出奶~溪流已干涸。看来在这个旱季结束之前会有好几个农场宣布破产了。我的丈夫说他的兄弟们每天要费很大的劲把水弄到田里去~过了不久,我们只好开车到附近的水站运水~可很快严厉的配给 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 让每个人都取不到多少水。如果老天不下雨的话~我们很快就会失去所有的一切。 ?正是在这大热天~我亲眼目睹了平生所遇到的一个奇迹~也真正理解到了分享的意义。当我在厨房为丈夫和他的兄弟们做午餐时~我看到了6岁的儿子比利正向树林走去。他的样子很严肃~一点也没有平常走路时充满孩子气的横冲直撞。我只能看到他的背部~不过很显然他走得很费劲~他在努力保持平衡。进了树林几分钟后~他又朝房子这边跑回来。我则继续做三明治~想着不管比利在做什么~他也都该做完了。 ?然而过了一会儿~他又继续缓慢而坚定地向树林里走去。这种行为持续了一个小时~他小心翼翼地走进树林~然后往家里跑。最后~我实在忍不住了~蹑手蹑脚地走出房子跟着他。我小心翼翼~不想被他发现~因为很明显~他‚身负重大使命?~而且也不需要妈妈的过问。 ?只见他把手掬成杯状~小手里捧着大约两至三汤匙的水~小心翼翼地走着~以免洒了手中的水。在进林子后我偷偷地*近他。树枝和荆棘划过他的小脸~可他并没有避开。他有更重要的事要做。当我倾身窥伺时~我看到了一幕不可思议的画面。 ?几只硕大的鹿赫然耸立在他面前~而比利直接向它们走去~我吓得几乎大叫让他躲开~其中一只有锋利鹿角的大公鹿离他特别近。但这只公鹿并没有吓着比利~甚至在比利跪下时它也一动不动。我看到一只小鹿趴在地上~很明显它正承受着脱水和中暑的痛苦~它费劲地抬起头舔着盛在我那可爱孩子手中的水。 ?等到水被喝干后~比利站了起来~转身向房子跑去。我跟着他回到家~来到我们的储水罐前~比利尽力拧开水龙头~只见一小滴水开始流下来。他跪在那儿~让水慢慢地滴在他那临时的‚杯子?中~阳光直刺在他的背上。突然间我明白了比利为什么不叫我帮忙的原因——上星期他因为玩弄水管而遭到处罚~得到了不能浪费水的教训。大约20分钟后~他的手里盛满了水。 ?当比利站起来准备往林子里走时~我拦住了他。他泪眼汪汪地说:‚我没有浪费水。?说完就朝树林走去。我也从厨房拿来一小壶水~加入了他的行列。我让他独自照顾小鹿~自己没有插手。这是比利自己的事。 ?我站在树林边~望着我所见过的最美丽的心灵努力营救另一个生命。泪水顺着我的脸庞掉在地上。然后~我突然间发现一滴、两滴~接着越来越多的水滴掉了下来。我仰头望天~甘霖从天而降。 ?也许有人会说这只是一个巧合~并没有真正的奇迹~毕竟雨总是要下的。 5support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful supportith acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a cher wining platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teaersity, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning tralevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and Univ-roduces technological leading talents, highment, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished inties to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future developknown enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universit-initiative to visit the well the of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction rprisectual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enteand cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the aupgrading of enterprises. Provinces 而我要说的是:那场雨救了我们的农场~就像那天我的儿子救了那只小鹿一样。 ,《智慧》2006年第6期, 17、文章的开头描写农场天气的干旱有何作用,,3分, 18、文中‚正是在这大热天~我亲眼目睹了平生所遇到的一个奇迹~也真正理解到了分享的意义。?这句话中的‚奇迹?指什么~‚分享的意义?又指什么,,5分, 19、根据文意~回答下面两道题。,6分, ,1,第?自然段为什么说小比利向树林里走去时‚缓慢而坚定呢,,3分, ,2,请说出‚他‘身负重大使命’~而且也不需要妈妈的过问。?这句话的含意。 20、请从下面两题中选择一条作答。,6分, ,1,这篇文章的主角是比利还是比利的母亲呢,请联系本文中心思想谈谈你的看法。 ,2,根据文中的内容谈谈你对比利母亲的看法。 21、拓展阅读:,4分, 读文中第?段~联系下面一则新闻~谈谈你对人和动物应如何相处的看法。,2分, 2007年2月23日~昆明圆通山动物园内~一名6岁女孩看完老虎表演后~与老虎合演~被兽性大发的老虎咬伤~经抢救无效后身亡。 ,三,生命中的碧伞红灯 ?《红楼梦》中~一个秋雨的黄昏~去看过黛玉的贾宝玉披蓑戴笠~穿过沁芳桥亭~回到自己的住处。这本是大观园中极平常的一个情景。而那一日~侍奉左右的丫鬟撑碧伞~执红灯~在细雨的暮霭中~款步走过小桥。就是这一碧伞~一红灯~使整幅画面意境顿生~平添了无限情趣。 ?一种生活~如果我们逃避不了~就想着为它添一把碧伞~加一盏红灯吧。我们改变不了生活的境遇~却可以改变生活的方式,我们无法左右一生的命运~却可以主 宰一天的心情。而这恰恰就是我们所需要的碧伞红灯~它可以让我们在忙碌的生活中寻觅到富有趣味的闲适~在枯燥的内心中安享盎然蓬勃的恬淡。 ?2005年‚感动中国新闻人物?邰丽华~两岁的时候就双耳失聪。舞蹈~是 level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and h-ological leading talents, highhen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technies to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengtknown enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universit-o visit the wellive ters in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiatis key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterpris pment,ntrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise develois year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Eupgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities th6big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful supportold with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale s" "tom, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with actospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platfor 她与世界沟通和对话的桥梁。在人生的舞台上~她用自己的双臂诠释着生命的蓬勃~ 勾勒出人性的高洁。她说~假如上帝给她三天听力~她将仔细聆听伴随她这么多年的舞曲和父母关爱的声音。这个世界上~只有时时懂得对生活感恩的人~才会真正 找到精神上富庶的归宿。 ?一片云彩随风飘了过来~在大地上投射下一块阴影。一位在田间干活儿的老农~备感清爽。 他说~多好的一片云彩~如果总待在天上该多好啊。在池塘里玩耍的一群孩子~却感觉到一阵的阴冷。他们呆呆地望着天空~心里想~云彩啊~你什么时候才会走呢, ?又一阵风来~云彩散了~随之而去的~还有老农的舒适以及孩子们的苦闷。 ?同样~时间的风一吹~什么也都会散去的。所以~世界上没有绝对的幸福~也没有不尽的痛苦~有的只是永恒的精神和创造。 ?有些东西是挽留不住的。这正如落在春天的雪。初看那雪花~纷纷扬扬~飘飘洒洒~遮蔽得漫天都是。可一落到地上~很快就春色三分~一分泥土~一分流水~一分烟女了。 ?财富留不住~千金终有散去的时候,容颜留不住~美人终有迟暮的时候。不要把智慧和精力全部投入到留不住的东西上~那可能会让你的人生颗粒无收。 ?然而~你给人留下的印象可以留得住~你给人传诵的口碑可以留得住~你给人留下的温暖可以留得住。你不在的时候~还有人传唱你~那一定是你把芬芳留在这个世界上了。于是人们口齿生香~津津乐道。 ?给自己添一把碧伞~加一盏红灯吧。你的生命将 :给生活添一把碧伞~加一盏红灯吧。那时候~满世界将花团锦簇~生机勃勃~美不胜收:(马德,文~有改动) 11(本文题目中的‚碧伞红灯?既指现实中的日常生活用品~又指 , 12(根据全文内容~概述为自己添加‚碧伞红灯?的意义。(不少于两点) 13(文中画横线的句子说‚世界上没有绝对的幸福~也没有不尽的痛苦~有的只是永恒的精神和创造?~根据第?段内容~邰丽华的事例中所表现出来的‚永恒的精神和创造?指的是什么, 14(结合自己的人生感悟~在下面的横线上补全第?段的内容~注意与上下文的有机联系。 给自己添一把碧伞~加一盏红灯吧。你的生命将 。 7support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful supportith acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a cher wining platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teaersity, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning tralevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and Univ-roduces technological leading talents, highment, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished inties to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future developknown enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universit-initiative to visit the well the of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction rprisectual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enteand cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the aupgrading of enterprises. Provinces 初三语文晨读练习(九上) 1(晓战随金鼓,宵眠抱玉鞍。 《塞下曲六首 》 李白 2(羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关。 《凉州词》 王之焕 3(蒌蒿满地芦芽短,正是河豚欲上时。 《惠崇春江晚景二首》 苏轼 4(绿杨烟外晓寒轻,红杏枝头春意闹。 《木兰花》 宋祁 5(泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。 《蝶恋花》 欧阳修 6(关关雎鸠,在河之洲,窈窕淑女,君子好逑。 《诗经》二首 7(焚膏油以继晷,恒兀兀以穷年。 《 进学解》 韩愈 8(业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。 《进学解》 韩愈 9(昨夜西风凋碧树,独上高楼望尽天涯路。 《蝶恋花》 晏殊 10. 衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 《 凤栖梧》 柳永 11、众里寻他千百度。蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。 《青玉案 辛弃疾 12、域民不以封疆之界,固国不以山溪之险,威天下不以兵革之利。 《得道 多助,失道寡助》 孟子 13、行远必自迩,登高必自卑。 14、不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。 荀子 15、嗟乎,燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉~ 16、且壮士不死即已,死即举大名耳,王侯将相宁有种乎~ 《陈涉世家》 司马迁 17蝉则千转不穷,猿则百叫无绝。鸢飞戾天者,望峰息心;经纶世务者,窥谷忘反。 《与朱元思书》 吴均 18、不以物喜,不以己悲;居庙堂之高则忧其民,处江湖之远则忧其君。 《岳阳楼记》 范仲淹 19、先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。 《岳阳楼记》 范仲淹 20、醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也。山水之乐,得之心而寓之酒也。 《醉翁亭记》 欧阳修 21、野芳发而幽香,佳木秀而繁阴。 《醉翁亭记》 欧阳修 22、醉能同其乐,醒能述以文者,太守也。 《醉翁亭记》 欧阳修 23(老骥伏枥,志在千里。烈士暮年,壮心不已。 《龟虽寿》 曹操 24、忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。 《白雪歌送武判官归京》 岑参 25、山回路转不见君,雪上空留马行处。 《白雪歌送武判官归京》 岑参 26、瀚海阑干百丈冰,愁云惨淡万里凝。 《白雪歌送武判官归京》 岑参 27、天时不如地利,地利不如人和。 《得道多助,失道寡助》 孟子 28、剪不断,理还乱,是离愁。别是一般滋味在心头。 《相见欢》 李煜 29、无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来,小园香径独徘徊。 《浣溪沙》 晏殊 8big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful supportold with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale s" "tom, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with actospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platforlevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and h-ological leading talents, highhen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technies to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengtknown enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universit-o visit the wellive ters in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiatis key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterpris pment,ntrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise develois year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Eupgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities th
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