首页 机构名称:大理出入境检验检疫局综合技术中心



机构名称:大理出入境检验检疫局综合技术中心机构名称:大理出入境检验检疫局综合技术中心 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 机构名称:大理出入境检验检疫局综合技术中心 注册号:L3245 地 址: A:云南省大理市下关镇鹤庆路69号 获准认可能力索引 序号 地址 能力范围 评审类型 更新时间 1 授权签字人(中文) 复评+扩项 2012年10月29日 2 授权签字人(英文) 复评+扩项 2012年10月29日 A 3 授权签字人(中文) 监督 2014年02月12日 4 授权签字人(英文) 监督 20...

机构名称:大理出入境检验检疫局综合技术中心 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 机构名称:大理出入境检验检疫局综合技术中心 注册号:L3245 地 址: A:云南省大理市下关镇鹤庆路69号 获准认可能力索引 序号 地址 能力范围 评审类型 更新时间 1 授权签字人(中文) 复评+扩项 2012年10月29日 2 授权签字人(英文) 复评+扩项 2012年10月29日 A 3 授权签字人(中文) 监督 2014年02月12日 4 授权签字人(英文) 监督 2014年02月12日 5 检测能力(中文) 复评+扩项 2012年10月29日 6 检测能力(英文) 复评+扩项 2012年10月29日 A 7 检测能力(中文) 监督 2014年02月12日 8 检测能力(英文) 监督 2014年02月12日 No. CNAS L3245 第 1 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Name:Comprehensive Technical Center of Dali Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau Registration No.:L3245 ADDRESS: A: No.69, Heqing Road, Xiaguan, Dali, Yunnan, China INDEX OF ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES No. Address Range Type Update date Reassessment+ 1 Approved signatories (Chinese) Extending 2012-10-29 assessment Reassessment+ A 2 Approved signatories (English) Extending 2012-10-29 assessment 3 Approved signatories (Chinese) Surveillance 2014-02-12 4 Approved signatories (English) Surveillance 2014-02-12 Reassessment+ 5 Testing ability(Chinese) Extending 2012-10-29 assessment Reassessment+ A 6 Testing ability(English) Extending 2012-10-29 assessment 7 Testing ability(Chinese) Surveillance 2014-02-12 8 Testing ability(English) Surveillance 2014-02-12 No. CNAS L3245 第 2 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认 可 证 书 附 件 (注册号:CNAS L3245) 名称: 大理出入境检验检疫局综合技术中心 地址:云南省大理市下关镇鹤庆路69号 签发日期:2012年10月29日 有效期至:2015年10月28日 更新日期:2012年10月29日 附件1 认可的授权签字人及领域 序号 姓 名 授权签字领域 备 注 1 李豫恒 微生物和理化检测项目 2 李松飞 理化检测项目 3 韦 丽 微生物和理化检测项目 4 张玉元 植物检疫项目 5 甘子明 微生物和理化检测项目 6 阚海勋 理化检测项目 No. CNAS L3245 第 3 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE (Registration No. CNAS L3245) NAME:Comprehensive Technical Center of Dali Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau ADDRESS:No.69, Heqing Road, Xiaguan, Dali, Yunnan, China Date of Issue:2012-10-29 Date of Expiry:2015-10-28 Date of Update:2012-10-29 APPENDIX 1 ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES AND SCOPE ? Name Authorized Scope of Signature Note Authorized within the scope of the 1 Li Yuheng microbiological and physicochemical detection project Approved within the scope of physical and 2 Li Songfei chemical testing project Authorized within the scope of the 3 Wei Li microbiological and physicochemical detection project Authorized within the scope of plant 4 Zhang Yuyuan quarantine project Authorized within the scope of the 5 Gan Ziming microbiological and physicochemical detection project Approved within the scope of physical and 6 Han Haixun chemical testing project No. CNAS L3245 第 4 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认 可 证 书 附 件 (注册号:CNAS L3245) 名称: 大理出入境检验检疫局综合技术中心 地址:云南省大理市下关镇鹤庆路69号 认可依据:ISO/IEC 17025:2005以及CNAS特定认可要求 签发日期:2012年10月29日 有效期至:2015年10月28日 更新日期:2012年10月29日 附件2 认可的检测能力范围 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB 4789.2-2010 食品安全 1 菌落总数 0110 国家标准 食品微生物学检 验 菌落总数测定 GB 4789.3-2010食品安全国 1 食品 2 大肠菌群 0110 家标准 食品微生物学检验 大肠菌群计数 GB 4789.4-2010 食品安全国 3 沙门氏菌 0110 家标准 食品微生物学检验 沙门氏菌检验 No. CNAS L3245 第 5 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 4789.5-2003食品卫生4 志贺氏菌 0110 微生物学检验 志贺氏菌检 验 GB/T 4789.6-2003 食品卫生致泻大肠埃 5 0110 微生物学检验 致泻大肠埃希氏菌 希氏菌检验 GB 4789.10-2010食品安全国金黄色葡萄 6 0110 家标准 食品微生物学检验 球菌 金黄色葡萄球菌检验 GB/T 4789.11-2003食品卫生溶血性链球 7 0110 微生物学检验 溶血性链球菌 菌检验 GB 4789.15-2010 食品安全8 霉菌和酵母 0110 国家标准 食品微生物学检 验 霉菌和酵母计数 GB/T 4789.38-2008食品卫生只用 1 食品 大肠杆菌计 9 0110 微生物学检验 大肠杆菌计第一法 数 数 第二法 GB 4789.30-2010 食品安全 单核细胞增 国家标准 食品微生物学检10 生李斯特氏0110 验 单核细胞增生李斯特氏 菌 菌检验 11 苯甲酸 0226 GB/T 23495-2009食品中苯甲 酸、山梨酸和糖精钠的测定 12 山梨酸 0226 高效液相色谱法 13 糖精钠 0226 GB 5009.3-2010食品安全国只用 14 水分 0226 家标准 食品中水分的测定 第一法 GB/T 5009.34-2003食品中亚只用 15 二氧化硫 0226 硫酸盐的测定 第一法 No. CNAS L3245 第 6 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 12456-2008食品中总酸 16 总酸 0226 只用3 的测定 GB/T 5009.6-2003食品中脂只用 17 脂肪 0226 肪的测定 第一法 GB 5009.5-2010食品安全国只用 18 蛋白质 0226 家标准 食品中蛋白质的测第一法 定 GB/T 5009.44-2003肉与肉制 挥发性盐基品卫生标准的分析方法 19 0226 氮 SC/T 3032-2007水产品中挥 发性盐基氮的测定 20 酸价 0226 GB/T 5009.56-2003糕点卫生 标准的分析方法 21 过氧化值 0226 NY/T 1045-2006绿色食品 脱1 食品 22 复水性 0226 水蔬菜 GB/T 5009.7-2008食品中还只用 23 还原糖 0226 原糖的测定 第一法 GB/T 5009.8-2008食品中蔗只用 24 蔗糖 0226 糖的测定 第二法 只用 25 总砷 0227 GB/T 5009.11-2003食品中总第一法 砷及无机砷的测定 只用 26 无机砷 0227 第一法 只用 GB 5009.12-2010 食品安全 27 铅 0227 第一法 国家标准 食品中铅的测定 第二法 只用 GB/T 5009.15-2003食品中镉 28 镉 0227 第一法 的测定 第四法 No. CNAS L3245 第 7 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 5009.17-2003 食品中只用 29 总汞 0227 总汞及有机汞的测定 第一法 GB/T 5009.13-2003食品中铜只用 30 铜 0227 的测定 第一法 GB/T 5009.14-2003食品中锌只用 31 锌 0227 的测定 第一法 GB/T 5009.16-2003食品中锡只用 32 锡 0227 的测定 第一法 GB/T 5009.90-2003食品中 33 铁 0227 铁、镁、锰的测定 GB/T 5009.19-2008食品中有 0227 机氯农药多组份残留量的测 定 GB/T 5009.146-2008植物性 34 六六六 0227 只用2 食品中有机氯和拟除虫菊酯 类农药多种残留量的测定 1 食品 中国药典2010年版一部 只用第 0227 附录? Q 农药残留量测定一法 法 GB/T 5009.19-2008食品中有 0227 机氯农药多组份残留量的测 定 GB/T 5009.146-2008植物性 35 滴滴涕 0227 只用2 食品中有机氯和拟除虫菊酯 类农药多种残留量的测定 中国药典2010年版一部 只用第 0228 附录? Q 农药残留量测定一法 法 GB/T 5009.19-2008食品中有 36 林丹 0227 只用 机氯农药多组份残留量的测 第一法 定 37 硫丹 0227 No. CNAS L3245 第 8 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 38 六氯苯 0227 GB/T 5009.19-2008食品中有 只用 机氯农药多组份残留量的测 第一法 定 39 氯丹 0227 GB/T 5009.19 GB/T 5009.19-2008食品中有0227 -2008只40 七氯 机氯农药多组份残留量的测 用第一 定 法 GB/T 5009.146-2008植物性 GB/T 食品中有机氯和拟除虫菊酯0227 5009.14 类农药多种残留量的测定 0227 1 食品 6-200841 狄氏剂 0227 只用2 0227 42 艾氏剂 0227 GB/T 5009.19-2008食品中有只用 0227 机氯农药多组份残留量的测第一法 43 五氯硝基苯 定 中国药典2010年版附录IX Q只用第 0228 农药残留量测定法(GC) 一法 44 氯菊酯 0227 只用2 GB/T 5009.146-2008植物性 45 溴氰菊酯 0227 只用2 食品中有机氯和拟除虫菊酯 46 氯氰菊酯 0227 只用2 类农药多种残留量的测定 47 氯氟氰菊酯 0227 只用2 48 氰戊菊酯 0227 只用2 No. CNAS L3245 第 9 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 49 敌敌畏 0227 50 甲拌磷 0227 51 乐果 0227 GB/T 5009.20-2003食品中有52 马拉硫磷 0227 1 食品 机磷农药残留量测定 53 久效磷 0227 54 水胺硫磷 0227 55 速灭磷 0227 56 喹硫磷 0227 NY/T 1435-2007 水果、蔬菜二氧化硫总 1 0226 及其制品中二氧化硫总量的量 测定 0227.0GB/T 19648-2006水果和蔬菜2 α-六六六 2 中500种农药及相关化学品 残留的测定 气相色谱-质谱 法 NY/T 2 水果蔬菜 761-200 8只用第 0227.0NY/T 761-2008蔬菜和水果中2部分 3 林丹 2 有机磷、有机磷拟除虫菊酯 0227.0和氨基甲酸酯农药多残留的4 β-六六六 2 测定 0227.0 5 δ-六六六 2 0227.0 6 o,p'-DDE 2 No. CNAS L3245 第 10 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 0227.0 7 p,p'-DDE 2 0227.0GB/T 19648-2006水果和蔬菜8 o,p'-DDD 2 中500种农药及相关化学品 0227.0残留的测定 气相色谱-质谱9 p,p'-DDT 2 法 NY/T 0227.0 761-20010 五氯硝基苯 2 水果蔬菜 2 8只用第 0227.0NY/T 761-2008蔬菜和水果中2部分 11 六氯苯 2 有机磷、有机磷拟除虫菊酯 0227.0和氨基甲酸酯农药多残留的12 硫丹 2 测定 0227.0 13 三氯杀螨醇 2 0227.0 14 七氯 2 0227.0 15 狄氏剂 2 0227.0 16 艾氏剂 2 0227.017 氯菊酯 2 No. CNAS L3245 第 11 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 0227.0 18 溴氰菊酯-1 2 GB/T 19648-2006水果和蔬菜 0227.0中500种农药及相关化学品19 溴氰菊酯-2 2 残留的测定 气相色谱-质谱 0227.0法 NY/T 20 氯氟氰菊酯 2 761-200 2 水果蔬菜 0227.0 8只用第21 氯氰菊酯-1 2 NY/T 761-2008蔬菜和水果中2部分 0227.0有机磷、有机磷拟除虫菊酯22 氯氰菊酯-2 2 和氨基甲酸酯农药多残留的 0227.0测定 23 氯氰菊酯-3 2 0227.0 24 氯氰菊酯-4 2 0227.0 25 氰戊菊酯-1 2 0227.0 26 氰戊菊酯-2 2 0227.0 27 异菌脲 2 No. CNAS L3245 第 12 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 0227.0 28 毒死蜱 2 0227.0GB/T 19648-2006水果和蔬菜29 马拉硫磷 2 中500种农药及相关化学品 0227.0残留的测定 气相色谱-质谱30 倍硫磷 2 法 NY/T 0227.0 761-20031 喹硫磷 2 水果蔬菜 2 8只用第 0227.0NY/T 761-2008蔬菜和水果中1部分 32 对硫磷 2 有机磷、有机磷拟除虫菊酯 0227.0和氨基甲酸酯农药多残留的33 速灭磷 2 测定 0227.0 34 甲基毒死蜱 2 0227.0 35 三唑磷 2 0227.0 36 苯硫磷 2 0227.0 37 敌敌畏 2 0227.038 甲胺磷 2 No. CNAS L3245 第 13 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 19648-2006水果和蔬菜 中500种农药及相关化学品 残留的测定 气相色谱-质谱 NY/T 法 0227.0761-200 39 水胺硫磷 2 8只用第 1部分 NY/T 761-2008蔬菜和水果中 有机磷、有机磷拟除虫菊酯 和氨基甲酸酯农药多残留的 测定 0227.0 40 甲拌磷 2 GB/T 19648-2006水果和蔬菜 中500种农药及相关化学品 残留的测定 气相色谱-质谱0227.0 41 甲基内吸磷 2 水果蔬菜 法 2 0227.042 异稻瘟净 2 GB/T 19648-2006水果和蔬菜 0227.0中500种农药及相关化学品 2 残留的测定 气相色谱-质谱 法 SN/T 2234-2008进出口食品 0227.0中丙溴磷残留量检测方法 43 丙溴磷 2 气相色谱法和气相色谱质谱 法 NY/T 761-2008蔬菜和水果中 0227.0只用第1有机磷、有机磷拟除虫菊酯 2 和氨基甲酸酯农药多残留的部分 测定 No. CNAS L3245 第 14 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T5009.102-2003植物性0227.0 食品中辛硫磷农药残留量的2 测定 44 辛硫磷 NY/T 761-2008蔬菜和水果中 0227.0有机磷、有机磷拟除虫菊酯只用第1 2 和氨基甲酸酯农药多残留的部分 测定 GB/T 5009.143-2003蔬菜、0227.0 45 双甲脒 水果、食用油中双甲脒残留2 量的测定 0227.0 46 克菌丹 2 0227.0 47 乐果 2 水果蔬菜 2 0227.048 久效磷 2 0227.0NY/T 761-2008蔬菜和水果中 49 乙酰甲胺磷 有机磷、有机磷拟除虫菊酯只用第12 和氨基甲酸酯农药多残留的部分 0227.0 50 氧化乐果 测定 2 0227.0 51 敌百虫 2 0227.0 52 杀螟硫磷 2 0227.0 53 蝇毒磷 2 0227.054 乙拌磷 2 No. CNAS L3245 第 15 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 0227.0NY/T 761-2008蔬菜和水果中只用第1 55 灭线磷 2 有机磷、有机磷拟除虫菊酯部分 2 水果蔬菜 和氨基甲酸酯农药多残留的 测定 0227.0只用第2 56 百菌清 2 部分 水分及挥发SN/T 0881-2000进出口核桃1 0226 物 仁检验规程 3 核桃仁 SN/T 0881-2000进出口核桃 2 杂质 0226 仁检验规程 SN/T 1963-2007进出口南瓜 1 水分 0226 籽仁、葵花籽仁感官检验方 法 4 南瓜籽仁 SN/T 1963-2007进出口南瓜 2 杂质 0226 籽仁、葵花籽仁感官检验方 法 只用 1 水分 0226 105?干 燥法 SN/T 0230.2-1993出口脱水 5 脱水大蒜 2 杂质 0226 大蒜制品检验规程 3 不完善片 0226 4 总灰分 0226 只用电SN/T 0231-1993出口辣椒干 1 水分 0226 热烘箱检验规程 6 辣椒 恒重法 SN/T 0231-1993出口辣椒干 2 杂质 0226 检验规程 SN/T 0230.1-1993出口脱水 1 杂质 0226 蔬菜检验规程 7 葱制品 SN/T 0230.1-1993出口脱水 2 水分 0226 蔬菜检验规程 No. CNAS L3245 第 16 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB 5009.4-2010食品安全国 7 葱制品 3 灰分 0226 家标准 食品中灰分的测定 GB/T 12729.7-2008香辛料和 8 姜 1 总灰分 0226 调味品 总灰分的测定 SN/T 0916-2000进出口茶叶 1 干物质含量 0226 磨碎试样干物质含量测定方 法 9 茶叶 SN/T 0919-2000进出口茶叶 2 水分 0226 水分测定方法 SN/T 0925-2000进出口茶叶 3 总灰分 0226 总灰分测定方法 1 水分 0226 10 蜜饯 GB/T 10782-2006蜜饯通则 2 总糖 0226 可溶性固形GB/T 12143-2008饮料通用分11 饮料 1 0226 物 析方法 1 泡沫形态 0226 2 形态泡持性 0226 只用指3 总酸 0226 示剂法 4 净含量 0226 GB/T 4928-2008啤酒分析方 5 透明度 0226 法 6 香气 0226 12 啤酒 7 口味 0226 只用比8 色度 0226 色计法 只用压9 二氧化碳 0226 力法 只用第 GB 5009.12-2010食品安全国 10 铅 0227 一法、第 家标准 食品中铅的测定 二法 No. CNAS L3245 第 17 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 5009.14-2003食品中锌只用第 11 锌 0227 的测定 一法 12 啤酒 GB/T 5009.90-2003食品中 12 铁 0227 铁、镁、锰的测定 食盐(以氯 1 0226 化钠计) GB/T 5009.42-2003食盐卫生 2 水不溶物 0226 标准的分析方法 13 食盐 3 碘 0226 GB/T 13025.10-2003制盐工只用硫 4 亚铁氰化钾 0226 业通用试验方法 亚铁氰化酸亚铁 钾的测定 法 GB/T 22388-2008原料乳与乳只用第 1 三聚氰胺 0226 制品中三聚氰胺检测方法 一法 GB 5009.3-2010 食品安全国只用第2 水分 0226 家标准 食品中水分的测定 一法 只用第 GB 5413.34-2010食品安全国一法中 3 酸度 0226 家标准 乳和乳制品酸度的 的常规 14 乳及乳制品 测定 法和第 二法 GB 5413.3-2010食品安全国 4 脂肪 0226 家标准 婴幼儿食品和乳品 中脂肪的测定 GB 5009.5-2010食品安全国只用第 5 蛋白质 0226 家标准 食品中蛋白质的测一法 定 SN/T 0800.7-1999进出口粮 1 不完善粒 0232 食、饲料不完善粒检验方法 15 粮食/饲料 SN/T 0800.18-1999进出口粮2 杂质 0232 食、饲料杂质检验方法 No. CNAS L3245 第 18 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 只用定 SN/T 0800.15-1999进出口粮量粒度 15 粮食/饲料 3 粒度 0232 食、饲料 粒度检验方法 (平均粒 数)检验 GB 4789.2-2010食品安全国 0128 家标准 食品微生物学检验 1 菌落总数 菌落总数测定 GB/T 5750.12-2006生活饮用 0128 只用1.1 水标准检验方法微生物指标 GB 4789.3-2010食品安全国 2 大肠菌群 0128 家标准 食品微生物学检验 大肠菌群计数 3 总大肠菌群 0128 只用2.1 GB/T 5750.12-2006生活饮用耐热大肠菌 4 0128 只用3.1 水标准检验方法微生物指标 群 大肠埃希氏5 0128 只用4.1 菌 16 水 GB 4789.4-2010食品安全国 6 沙门氏菌 0128 家标准 食品微生物学检验 沙门氏菌检验 GB/T 4789.5-2003食品卫生 7 志贺氏菌 0128 微生物学检验 志贺氏菌检 验 GB 4789.10-2010食品安全国金黄色葡萄 8 0128 家标准 食品微生物学检验 球菌 金黄色葡萄球菌检验 GB 4789.15-2010食品安全国 9 霉菌和酵母 0128 家标准 食品微生物学检验 霉菌和酵母计数 GB/T 5750.6-2006生活饮用 10 砷 0233 只用6.1 水标准检验方法 金属指标 No. CNAS L3245 第 19 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 5750.6-2006生活饮用 11 汞 0233 只用8.1 水标准检验方法 金属指标 只用 GB/T 5750.6-2006生活饮用11.1、 0233 水标准检验方法 金属指标 11.2、12 铅 11.5 GB/T 7475-1987水质 铜、锌、只用第 0233 铅、镉的测定 原子吸收分光一部分 光度法 只用GB/T 5750.6-2006生活饮用 0233 9.1、水标准检验方法 金属指标 9.2、9.5 13 镉 GB/T 7475-1987水质 铜、锌、只用第 0233 铅、镉的测定 原子吸收分光一部分 光度法 16 水 GB/T 5750.6-2006生活饮用 0233 只用4.2 水标准检验方法 金属指标 14 铜 GB/T 7475-1987水质 铜、锌、只用第 0233 铅、镉的测定 原子吸收分光一部分 光度法 GB/T 5750.6-2006生活饮用 0233 只用5.1 水标准检验方法 金属指标 15 锌 GB/T 7475-1987水质 铜、锌、只用第 0233 铅、镉的测定 原子吸收分光一部分 光度法 GB/T 5750.6-2006生活饮用 0233 水标准检验方法 金属指标 16 六价铬 GB/T 7467-1987水质 六价铬 0233 的测定二苯碳酰二肼分光光 度法 No. CNAS L3245 第 20 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 5750.5-2006生活饮用 17 氯化物 0233 只用2.1 水标准检验方法 无机非金 属指标 GB/T 5750.4-2006生活饮用 16 水 0233 只用5.1 水标准检验方法 感官性状 18 pH 和 物理指标 GB/T 6920-1986水质 pH的 0233 测定 玻璃电极法 1 溶出铅 0206 GB/T 3534-2002日用陶瓷器 17 陶瓷 铅、镉溶出量的测定方法 2 溶出镉 0206 SN/T 1044-2002出口天然兰 18 桉叶油 1 桉叶素含量 0229 桉叶油中1,8-桉叶素含量的 测定 气相色谱法 GB/T 22105.1-2008土壤质量 总汞、总砷、总铅的测定 原 1 总汞 0238 子荧光法 第1部分:土壤中 总汞的测定 GB/T 22105.2-2008土壤质量 总汞、总砷、总铅的测定 原 2 总砷 0238 子荧光法 第2部分:土壤中 总砷的测定 19 土壤 GB/T 17141-1997土壤质量 3 铅 0238 铅、镉的测定 石墨炉原子吸 收分光光度法 4 镉 0238 GB/T 17138-1997土壤质量 5 铜 0238 铜、锌的测定 火焰原子吸收 分光光度法 6 锌 0238 No. CNAS L3245 第 21 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 HJ 491-2009 土壤 总铬的测 7 总铬 0238 定 火焰原子吸收分光光度 法 GB/T 14550-2003土壤中六六 8 六六六 0238 六和滴滴涕的测定气相色谱 19 土壤 法 9 滴滴涕 0238 干物质和水HJ 613-2011 土壤 干物质和 10 0238 分 水分的测定 重量法 NY/T 1121.2-2006土壤检测 11 pH 0238 第2部分:土壤pH的测定 0602.0GB/T 18087-2000植物检疫 1 谷斑皮蠹 1 谷斑皮蠹检疫鉴定方法 0602.0SN/T 1274-2003菜豆象的检 2 菜豆象 1 疫鉴定方法 0602.0SN/T 1278-2010巴西豆象检 3 巴西豆象 1 疫鉴定方法 0602.0SN/T 1451-2004灰豆象检疫 4 灰豆象 1 鉴定方法 0602.0SN/T2031-2007桔小实蝇检 5 桔小实蝇 20 植物检疫 1 疫鉴定方法 DLJFB02-2006南瓜实蝇检疫0602.0 6 南瓜实蝇 鉴定方法《中国进出境植物1 检疫 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 》(P7.1.41.26) DLJFB03-2006瓜实蝇检疫鉴0602.0 7 瓜实蝇 定方法《中国进出境植物检1 疫手册》(P7.1.41.28) DLJFB04-2006番石榴实蝇检0602.0 8 番石榴实蝇 疫鉴定方法《中国进出境植1 物检疫手册》(P7.1.41.5) No. CNAS L3245 第 22 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 DLJFB05-2006辣椒实蝇检疫0602.0 9 辣椒实蝇 鉴定方法《中国进出境植物1 20 植物检疫 检疫手册》(P7.1.41.10) 0602.0SN/T 1132-2002松材线虫检 10 松材线虫 5 疫鉴定方法 No. CNAS L3245 第 23 页 共 137 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE (Registration No. CNAS L3245) NAME:Comprehensive Technical Center of Dali Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau ADDRESS:No.69, Heqing Road, Xiaguan, Dali, Yunnan, China Accreditation Criteria:ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and relevant requirements of CNAS Date of Issue:2012-10-29 Date of Expiry:2015-10-28 Date of Update:2012-10-29 APPENDIX 2 ACCREDITED TESTING Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB 4789.2-2010Nationa l food safety Aerobic 1 0110 standard Food plate count microbiological examination: Aerobic plate count 1 Foods GB 4789.3-2010Nationa l food safety Enumeratiostandard Food 2 n of 0110 microbiological coliforms examination; Enumberation of coliforms No. CNAS L3245 第 24 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB 4789.4-2010Nationa l food safety 3 Salmonella 0110 standard Food microbiological examination:salmon ellae GB/T 4789.5-2003 Microbiological 4 Shigella 0110 examination of food hygiene-Examinatio n of shigella GB/T 4789.6-2003MicrobiDiarrheogenological examination ic 5 0110 of food hygiene- Escherichia 1 Foods Examination of coli diarrheogenic Escherichia coli GB 4789.10-2010 National food safety Staphylococstandard Food 6 0110 cus aureus microbiological examination:Staphyl ococcus aureus GB/T 4789.11-2003Micro biological Streptococuexamination of food 7 s 0110 hygiene- hemolyticus Examination of Streptococus hemolyticus No. CNAS L3245 第 25 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB 4789.15-2010 National food safety standard Food Enumeratio microbiological 8 n of moulds 0110 and yeasts examination: Enumberation of moulds and yeasts GB/T Accredited 4789.38-2008MicroEnumeratioonly for first biological n of 9 0110 examination of food method and Escherichia second hygiene- coli Enumeration of method Escherichia coli GB 4789.30-2010Nation 1 Foods Listeria al food safety 10 monocytoge0110 standard Food nes microbiological examination:Listeria monocytogenes GB/T 23495-2009Determi Benzoic nation of benzoic 11 0226 acid acid, sorbic acid and saccharin sodium in foods—High performance liquid chromatography 12 Sorbic acid 0226 method Saccharin 13 0226 Sodium No. CNAS L3245 第 26 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB 5009.3-2010 National food safety Accredited 14 Moisture 0226 standard Food only for first Determination of method moisture in foods GB/T Accredited Sulfur 5009.34-2003Deter15 0226 only for first dioxide mination of sulphite method in foods GB/T Accredited 12456-2008Determi16 Total acid 0226 only for third nation of total acid method in foods GB/T Accredited 17 Fat 0226 5009.6-2003Determionly for first nation of fat in foods method GB 1 Foods 5009.5-2010NationaAccredited l food safety 18 Protein 0226 only for first standard method Determination of protein in foods GB/T 5009.44-2003Metho d for analysis of hygienic standard of meat and meat Volatile products 19 basic 0226 SC/T nitrogen 3032-2007Determin ation of the total volatile basic nitrogen in fishery products No. CNAS L3245 第 27 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 20 Acid value 0226 5009.56-2003Metho d for analysis of hygienic standard of pastry Peroxide 21 0226 value NY/T Water-Reco1045-2006Green 22 0226 very food-Dehydrated vegetable GB/T Accredited Reducing 5009.7-2008Determi23 0226 only for first sugar nation of reducing method sugar in foods GB/T Accredited 1 Foods 5009.8-2008Determionly for the 24 Saccharose 0226 nation of saccharose second in foods method Accredited Total GB/T 25 0227 only for first arsenic 5009.11-2003Determethod mination of total arsenic and Accredited Abio-arseniabio-arsenic in foods 26 0227 only for first c method GB Accredited 5009.12-2010Nationonly for the al food safety first method 27 Lead 0227 standard and the Determination of second lead in foods method No. CNAS L3245 第 28 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Accredited GB/T 5009.15-2003 only for 28 Cadmium 0227 Determination of method first cadmium in foods and fourth method GB/T 5009.17-2003DeterAccredited Total mination of totle 29 0227 only for first mercury mercury and method organic-mercury in foods GB/T Accredited 5009.13-2003Deter30 Copper 0227 only for first mination of copper method 1 Foods in foods GB/T Accredited 5009.14-2003Deter31 Zinc 0227 only for first mination of zinc in method foods GB/T Accredited 5009.16-2003Deter32 Tin 0227 only for first mination of tin in method foods GB/T 5009.90-2003Deter 33 Iron 0227 mination of iron,magnesium and manganese in foods No. CNAS L3245 第 29 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 5009.19-2008Deter mination of 34 HCH 0227 organochlorine pesticide multiresidues in foods GB/T 5009.146-2008DterAccredited mination of only for the 0227 organochlorine and second pyrethroid pesticide method multiresidues in vegetable foods 34 HCH Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2010 Edition) Accredited Volumn I 1 Foods 0227 only for first Appendix ? Q method Method for determination of pesticide residues GB/T 5009.19-2008Deter mination of 35 DDT 0227 organochlorine pesticide multiresidues in foods No. CNAS L3245 第 30 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 5009.146-2008DterAccredited mination of only for the 0227 organochlorine and second pyrethroid pesticide method multiresidues in vegetable foods Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2010 Edition) Accredited Volumn I 35 DDT 0228 only for first Appendix ? Q method Method for determination of pesticide residues 1 Foods GB/T 36 Lindane 0227 5009.19-2008Deter mination of Accredited organochlorine only for first pesticide method 37 Endosulfan 0227 multiresidues in foods Hexachloro38 0227 b-enzene 39 Chlordane 0227 No. CNAS L3245 第 31 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 5009.19-2008Deter mination of GB/T organochlorine 5009.19-2008 pesticide Accredited multiresidues in only for foods method 40 Heptachlor 0227 1/GB/T GB/T 5009.146-200 5009.146-2008Deter8(Accredited mination of only for the organochlorine and second pyrethroid pesticide method) multiresidues in vegetable foods GB/T 5009.19-2008Deter mination of GB/T organochlorine 5009.19-2008 pesticide Accredited multiresidues in only for 40 Heptachlor 0227 foods method 1 Foods 1/GB/T GB/T 5009.146-200 5009.146-2008Deter8(Accredited mination of only for the organochlorine and second pyrethroid pesticide method) multiresidues in 0227 41 Dieldrin vegetable foods 0227 42 Aldrin 0227 No. CNAS L3245 第 32 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter 0227 GB/T 5009.19-2008Deter Accredited mination of 0227 organochlorine only for first method pesticide multiresidues in foods Chinese 43 Quintozene Pharmacopoeia (2010 Edition) Accredited Volumn I 0228 only for first Appendix ? Q method Method for determination of pesticide residues Accredited only for the 44 Permethrin 0227 second GB/T method 5009.146-2008Dter mination of 1 Foods organochlorine and Accredited Decamethrionly for the pyrethroid pesticide 45 0227 n multiresidues in second method vegetable foods Accredited Cypermethronly for the 46 0227 i-n second method No. CNAS L3245 第 33 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Accredited lambda-cyhonly for the 47 0227 alothrin second method Accredited only for the 48 Fenvalerate 0227 second method 49 DDVP 0227 GB/T 5009.20-2003Deter mination of organoporus 50 phorate 0227 pesticide residues in 51 dimethoate 0227 foods 52 malathion 0227 monocrotop53 0227 hos GB/T 5009.20-2003Deter isocarbophomination of 1 Foods 54 0227 s organoporus pesticide residues in foods No. CNAS L3245 第 34 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter 55 mevinphos 0227 56 quinaphos 0227 NY/T 1435-2007 Determination of Total Total Sulphur Fruits and 2 1 Sulphur 0226 Dioxide vegetable Dioxide Content-Fruits,Veget able and Derived Products No. CNAS L3245 第 35 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and related chemicals 2 α-HCH 0227.02 residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T NY/T 761-2008(AcFruits and 761-2008Pesticide 2 credited only vegetable multiresidue screen for the second methods for method) determination of organophosphorus pesticides,organochl orine gamma-HC3 0227.02 pesticides ,pyrethroiH d pesticides and 4 β-HCH 0227.02 carbamate 5 δ-HCH 0227.02 pesticedes in 6 o,p'-DDE 0227.02 vegetables and fruits 7 p,p'-DDE 0227.02 8 o,p'-DDD 0227.02 9 p,p'-DDT 0227.02 10 Quintozene 0227.02 Hexachloro11 0227.02 b-enzene No. CNAS L3245 第 36 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter 12 Endosulfan 0227.02 GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and related chemicals residues in fruits and 13 dicofol 0227.02 vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T NY/T 761-2008(AcFruits and 761-2008Pesticide 2 credited only vegetable multiresidue screen for the second methods for method) determination of organophosphorus pesticides,organochl orine pesticides ,pyrethroi14 Heptachlor 0227.02 d pesticides and 15 Dieldrin 0227.02 carbamate 16 Aldrin 0227.02 pesticedes in 17 Permethrin 0227.02 vegetables and fruits Deltamethri18 0227.02 n-1 Deltamethri19 0227.02 n-2 20 Cyhalothrin 0227.02 No. CNAS L3245 第 37 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter cypermethri21 0227.02 n-1 GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and related chemicals residues in fruits and cypermethri22 0227.02 vegetables - GC-MS n-2 method NY/T NY/T 761-2008(AcFruits and 761-2008Pesticide 2 credited only vegetable multiresidue screen for the second methods for method) determination of organophosphorus pesticides,organochl orine pesticides ,pyrethroicypermethri23 0227.02 d pesticides and n-3 carbamate cypermethri24 0227.02 pesticedes in n-4 vegetables and fruits Fenvalerate-25 0227.02 1 Fenvalerate-26 0227.02 2 27 Iprodione 0227.02 No. CNAS L3245 第 38 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and related chemicals Chlorpyrifo28 0227.02 residues in fruits and s vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T NY/T 761-2008(AcFruits and 761-2008Pesticide 2 credited only vegetable multiresidue screen for first methods for method) determination of organophosphorus pesticides,organochl orine 29 Malathion 0227.02 pesticides ,pyrethroi30 Fenthion 0227.02 d pesticides and 31 Quinalphos 0227.02 carbamate 32 Parathion 0227.02 pesticedes in 33 Mevinphos 0227.02 vegetables and fruits Chlorpyrifo34 0227.02 s-methyl 35 Triazophos 0227.02 Phosphonot36 0227.02 h-ioic Acid 37 DDVP 0227.02 No. CNAS L3245 第 39 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T MethamidoNY/T 38 0227.02 761-2008(Acphos 761-2008Pesticide credited only multiresidue screen for first methods for method) determination of organophosphorus pesticides,organochlFruits and 2 orine vegetable pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits Isocarbopho39 0227.02 s GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 40 Phorate 0227.02 pesticides and related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS Isocarbophomethod 41 0227.02 s No. CNAS L3245 第 40 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter 42 Iprodione 0227.02 GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227.02 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method SN/T 2234-2008Determin ation of profenofos 0227.02 residues in food for import and export Fruits and GC and GC-MS 2 43 profenofos vegetable method NY/T 761-2008Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227.02 pesticides,organochlonly for first orine method pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits No. CNAS L3245 第 41 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 5009.102-2003Deter 44 phoxim 0227.02 mination of phoxim pesticide residues in vegetable foods NY/T 761-2008Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 44 phoxim 0227.02 pesticides,organochlonly for first orine method pesticides ,pyrethroiFruits and d pesticides and 2 vegetable carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 5009.143-2003 Determination of 45 amitraz 0227.02 amitraz residues in vegetables,fruits, edible oil No. CNAS L3245 第 42 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter NY/T 761-2008Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of 46 Captan 0227.02 organophosphorus Accredited pesticides,organochlonly for first orine method pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in 47 Dimethoate 0227.02 vegetables and fruits Monocrotop48 0227.02 hos NY/T 761-2008Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for 49 Acephate 0227.02 determination of organophosphorus Accredited Fruits and 2 pesticides,organochlonly for first vegetable orine method pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate 50 Omethoate 0227.02 pesticedes in 51 Trichlorfon 0227.02 vegetables and fruits 52 Fenitrothion 0227.02 53 Coumaphos 0227.02 No. CNAS L3245 第 43 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Ethylthiode54 0227.02 meton Ethopropho55 0227.02 s Accredited Chlorothaloonly for the 56 0227.02 nil second method SN/T Moisture 0881-2000Rules for 1 and volatile 0226 the inspection of 3 Walnut matter walnuts meats for import and export 2 Impurity 0226 SN/T 1963-2007Organole ptic inspection of 1 Moisture 0226 Pumpkin seed 4 pumpkin seed kernel kernels and sunflower seed kernel for import and export 2 Impurity 0226 Only 105? 1 Moisture 0226 drying SN/T method 0230.2-1993Rules 5 dehydrated garlic of inspection for 2 Impurity 0226 export dehydrated garlic products Imperfect 3 0226 sheet 4 Total ash 0226 No. CNAS L3245 第 44 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Only use the electric oven SN/T 1 Moisture 0226 to constant 0231-1993Rule of 6 chilli weight inspection for export method dried chilli 2 Impurity 0226 SN/T 1 Moisture 0226 0230.1-1993Rule of inspection for export air-dried vegetables 2 Impurity 0226 7 Onion products GB 5009.4-2010Nationa l food safety 3 Ash 0226 standard Determination of ash in foods GB/T 12729.7-2008Spices Total ash of 8 Ginger 1 0226 and ginger condiments—Deter mination of total ash SN/T 0916-2000Method for the Dry matter determination of dry 9 Tea 1 0226 content matter content in groud sample of tea for import and export No. CNAS L3245 第 45 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter SN/T 0919-2000Method for the 2 Moisture 0226 determination of moisture of tea for import and export SN/T 0925-2000Method for the 3 Total ash 0226 determination of total ash of tea for import and export GB/T 1 Moisture 0226 10782-2006General 10 preserved fruits rule for preserved fruits 2 Total sugar 0226 GB/T soluble 12143-2008General 11 beverage 1 0226 solid analytical methods for beverage 1 Foam 0226 Continuranc2 0226 e of bubble GB/T Accredited 12 beer 4928-2008Method only for the 3 Total acid 0226 for analysis of beer indicator method Content of 4 0226 net beer 5 Diaphaneity 0226 No. CNAS L3245 第 46 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter 6 aroma 0226 7 Taste 0226 Accredited only for 8 Chroma 0226 colorimeter method Accredited only for 9 CO2 0226 pressure method GB Accredited 5009.12-2010Nationonly for first al food safety 10 Lead 0227 method and standard Food second Determination of method lead in foods GB/T Accredited 5009.14-2003Deter11 Zinc 0227 only for first mination of zinc in method foods GB/T 5009.90-2003Deter 12 beer 12 Iron 0227 mination of iron,magnesium and manganese in foods Sodium 1 0226 chloride GB/T 5009.42-2003Metho13 table salt insoluble d for analysis of 2 solid in 0226 hygienic of table salt water 3 Iodine 0226 No. CNAS L3245 第 47 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T Accredited 13025.10-2003Gene Potassium ral test method in only for 4 ferrocyanid0226 ferrous salt e industry-Determinatisulfate method on of patassium ferrocyanide GB/T 22388-2008DetermiAccredited 1 Melamine 0226 nation of melamine only for first in raw milk and method dairy products Milk and dairy 14 GB products 5009.3-2010NationaAccredited l food safety 2 Moisture 0226 only for first standard Food method Determination of moisture in foods Accredited GB only for 5413.34-2010Deterroutine Milk and dairy 14 3 Acidity 0226 mination of acidity method of products in milk and milk method 1st products and method 2nd No. CNAS L3245 第 48 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB 5413.3-2010Nationa l food safety standard Food 4 Fat 0226 Determination of fat in foods for infants and young children,milk and milk products GB 5009.5-2010NationaAccredited l food safety 5 Protein 0226 only for standard Food method 1 Determination of protein in foods SN/T 0800.7-1999Cereals and feedstuffs for Imperfect 15 Grain /feed 1 0232 import and grains export-method for the inspection of imperfect grains SN/T 0800.18-1999Cereal s and feedstuffs for 15 Grain /feed 2 Impurity 0232 import and export-monthod for the inspection of admixture No. CNAS L3245 第 49 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter SN/T Test using 0800.15-1999Cerealonly the s and feedstuffs for Kernel quantitative 3 0232 import and measure particle size export-method for (average the inspection of grains) kernel measure GB 4789.2-2010Nationa l food safety 0128 standard Food microbiological examination: Aerobic Aerobic plate count 1 plate count GB/T 5750.12-2006Standa rd examination Accredited 16 Water 0128 methods for only for 1.1 drinking water—Microbiolog ical parameters GB 4789.3-2010Nationa l food safety 2 Coliform 0128 standard Food microbiological examination:Enumer ation of coliforms GB/T 5750.12-2006StandaTotal Accredited 16 Water 3 0128 rd examination coliforms only for 2.1 methods for drinking No. CNAS L3245 第 50 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter water—Microbiolog Thermotolerical parameters Accredited 4 ant 0128 only for 3.1 coliforms Escherichia Accredited 5 0128 coli only for 4.1 GB 4789.4-2010Nationa l food safety 6 Salmonella 0128 standard Food microbiological examination:Salmon ella GB/T 4789.5-2003Microbi ological examination 7 Shigella 0128 of food hygiene - Examination of Shigella GB4789.10-2010 National food safety Staphylococstandard Food 8 0128 cus aureus microbiological examination:Staphyl ococcus aureus No. CNAS L3245 第 51 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB4789.15-2010 National food safety standard Food Molds and 9 0128 microbiological yeasts examination:Enumer ation of moulds and yeasts GB/T5750.6-2006 Standard examination Accredited 16 Water 10 Arsenic 0233 methods for only for 6.1 drinking water-Metal parameters GB/T5750.6-2006 Standard examination Accredited 11 Mercury 0233 methods for only for 8.1 drinking water-Metal parameters No. CNAS L3245 第 52 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 5750.6-2006Standar Accredited d examination only for 11.1、12 Lead 0233 methods for drinking 11.2、11.5 water-Metal parameters GB/T 7475-1987 Water quality--DeterminatiAccredited on of copper, zinc, 12 Lead 0233 only for the lead and first part cadmium--Atomic absorption spectrometry GB/T 5750.6-2006Standar Accredited d examination only for 9.1、16 Water 0233 methods for drinking 9.2、9.5 water-Metal parameters 13 Cadmium GB/T 7475-1987 Water quality--DeterminatiAccredited on of copper, zinc, 0233 only for the lead and first part cadmium--Atomic absorption spectrometry No. CNAS L3245 第 53 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 5750.6-2006Standar d examination Accredited 14 Copper 0233 methods for only for 4.2 drinking water-Metal parameters GB/T 7475-1987 Water Accredited quality--Determinat ion of copper, zinc, 14 Copper 0233 only for the lead and first part cadmium--Atomic absorption spectrometry GB/T 5750.6-2006Standar d examination Accredited 16 Water 0233 methods for only for 5.1 drinking water-Metal parameters 15 Zinc GB/T 7475-1987 Water Accredited quality--Determinat ion of copper, zinc, 0233 only for the lead and first part cadmium--Atomic absorption spectrometry No. CNAS L3245 第 54 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 5750.6-2006Standar d examination Hexavalent 16 0233 methods for chromium drinking water-Metal parameters GB/T 7467-1987Water quality--Determinati on of Hexavalent 16 0233 chromium(6)--1.5 chromium Diphenylcarbahydra zide spectrophotometric method GB/T 5750.5-2006Standar 16 Water d examination Accredited 17 Chloride 0233 methods for only for 2.1 drinking water-Nonmetal parameters GB/T 5750.4-2006Standar d examination Accredited 18 pH 0233 methods for only for 5.1 drinking water organoleptic and physical parameters No. CNAS L3245 第 55 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 6920-1986Water quality--Determinati0233 on of pH value--Glass electrode method GB/T 3534-2002Standard testing methods for 17 Ceramics 1 Lead 0206 lead ang cadmium release from domestic ceramic GB/T 3534-2002Standard testing methods for 17 Ceramics 2 Cadmium 0206 lead ang cadmium release from domestic ceramic SN/T 1044-2002Determin ation of 1,8-cineol content in natural oil Cineole 18 Eucalyptus Oil 1 0229 of eucalyptus content globulus labillardiere for export-Gas chromatography No. CNAS L3245 第 56 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 22105.1-2008Soil quality-Analysis of total mercury,arsenic and lead Total 19 Soil 1 0238 contents-Atomic mercury fluorescence spectrometry-Part 1:Analysis of total mercury contents in soils GB/T 22105.2-2008Soil quality-Analysis of total mercury,arsenic and lead Total 2 0238 contents-Atomic arsenic fluorescence spectrometry-Part 2:Analysis of total arsenic contents in 19 Soil soils GB/T 17141-1997Soil quality-Determinatio 3 Lead 0238 n of lead,cadmium-Grap hite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry 4 Cadmium 0238 No. CNAS L3245 第 57 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 17138-1997Soil quality-Determinatio5 Copper 0238 n of copper,zinc-Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry 6 Zinc 0238 HJ491-2009 Soil quality-Determinatio Total n of total 7 0238 chromium chromium-Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry GB/T 14550-2003Method of gas 8 BHC 0238 chromatographic for determination of BHC and DDT in soil 9 DDT 0238 HJ613-2011 19 Soil Soil-Determination of dry matter and 10 Moisture 0238 water content-Gravimetric method NY/T 1121.2-2006 Soil Testing Part 11 pH 0238 2:Method for determination of soil pH No. CNAS L3245 第 58 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 18087-2000Plant Khapra quarantine-Methods beetle for inspection and 1 (Trogodema 0602.01 identification on granarium Khapra Beetle Everts) (Trogoderma 20 Plant quarantine granarium Everts) SN/T Acanthoscel1274-2003Inspectio ides n and Identification 2 0602.01 obtectus of Acanthoscelides (Say) obtectus (Say) SN/T 1278-2010Detection Zabrotes and identification of 3 subfasciatus 0602.01 Zabrotes (Boheman) subfasciatus (Boheman) 20 Plant quarantine SN/T 1451-2004Methods Callosobrucfor the quarantine 4 hus phaseoli 0602.01 and identification on (Gyllenhall) Callosobruchus phaseoli (Gyllenhall) No. CNAS L3245 第 59 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter SN/T2031-2007Iden Bactrocera(tification of oriental Bactrocera)fruit 5 0602.01 dorsalis(Hefly,Bactrocera(Bactr ndel) ocera)dorsalis (Hendel) DLJFB02-2006Meth od of quarantine and identification for Bactrocera Bactrocera tua(Paradactua(Walker)《The 6 0602.01 us) depressa Entry & Exit Plant (Shiraki) Quarantine Manual in China》 (P7.1.41.26) DLJFB03-2006Meth od of quarantine and identification for Bactrocera Bactrocera (Zeugodacy cucurbitae(Coquillet20 Plant quarantine 7 s) 0602.01 t)《The Entry & Exit cucurbitae (Coquillett) Plant Quarantine Manual in China》 (P7.1.41.28) No. CNAS L3245 第 60 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter DLJFB04-2006Meth od of quarantine and identification for Bactrocera Bactrocera (Bactrocera) correctus(Bezzi)8 0602.01 correcta 《The Entry & Exit (Bezzi) Plant Quarantine Manual in China》 (P7.1.41.5) DLJFB05-2006Meth od of quarantine and identification for Bactrocera Bactrocera (Bactrocera)latifrons(Hendel)9 0602.01 latifrons 《The Entry & Exit (Hendel) Plant Quarantine Manual in China》 (P7.1.41.10) SN/T Bursaphelen1132-2002Method chus for quarantine and xylophilus 10 0602.05 identification of (Steiner & Bursaphelenchus Buhrer) xylophilus (Steiner Nickle & Buhrer)Nickle No. CNAS L3245 第 61 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认 可 证 书 附 件 (注册号:CNAS L3245) 名称: 大理出入境检验检疫局综合技术中心 地址:云南省大理市下关镇鹤庆路69号 签发日期:2012年10月29日 有效期至:2015年10月28日 更新日期:2014年02月12日 附件1 认可的授权签字人及领域 序号 姓 名 授权签字领域 备 注 1 李豫恒 微生物和理化检测项目 2 李松飞 理化检测项目 3 韦 丽 微生物和理化检测项目 4 张玉元 植物检疫项目 5 甘子明 微生物和理化检测项目 No. CNAS L3245 第 62 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE (Registration No. CNAS L3245) NAME:Comprehensive Technical Center of Dali Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau ADDRESS:No.69, Heqing Road, Xiaguan, Dali, Yunnan, China Date of Issue:2012-10-29 Date of Expiry:2015-10-28 Date of Update:2014-02-12 APPENDIX 1 ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES AND SCOPE ? Name Authorized Scope of Signature Note Microbiological and physical & chemical 1 Li Yuheng inspection items 2 Li Songfei Physical and chemical inspection items Microbiological and physical & chemical 3 Wei Li inspection items 4 Zhang Yuyuan Plant quarantine items Microbiological and physical & chemical 5 Gan Ziming inspection items No. CNAS L3245 第 63 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认 可 证 书 附 件 (注册号:CNAS L3245) 名称: 大理出入境检验检疫局综合技术中心 地址:云南省大理市下关镇鹤庆路69号 认可依据:ISO/IEC 17025:2005以及CNAS特定认可要求 签发日期:2012年10月29日 有效期至:2015年10月28日 更新日期:2014年02月12日 附件2 认可的检测能力范围 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB 4789.2-2010 1 菌落总数 0110 食品安全国家标准 食品微 生物学检验 菌落总数测定 GB 4789.3-2010 1 食品 2 大肠菌群 0110 食品安全国家标准 食品微 生物学检验 大肠菌群计数 GB 4789.4-2010 3 沙门氏菌 0110 食品安全国家标准 食品微 生物学检验 沙门氏菌检验 No. CNAS L3245 第 64 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB 4789.5-2012 4 志贺氏菌 0110 食品安全国家标准 食品微 生物学检验 志贺氏菌检验 GB/T 4789.6-2003 食品卫生致泻大肠埃 5 0110 微生物学检验 致泻大肠埃希氏菌 希氏菌检验 GB 4789.10-2010 金黄色葡萄食品安全国家标准 食品微 6 0110 球菌 生物学检验 金黄色葡萄球 菌检验 GB/T 4789.11-2003食品卫生溶血性链球 7 0110 微生物学检验 溶血性链球菌 菌检验 GB 4789.15-2010 食品安全国家标准 食品微 8 霉菌和酵母 0110 1 食品 生物学检验 霉菌和酵母计 数 GB 4789.38-2012 大肠杆菌计食品安全国家标准 食品微 9 0110 数 生物学检验 大肠埃希氏菌 计数 GB 4789.30-2010 单核细胞增 食品安全国家标准 食品微 10 生李斯特氏0110 生物学检验 单核细胞增生 菌 李斯特氏菌检验 GB/T 23495-2009 11 苯甲酸 0227 食品中苯甲酸、山梨酸和糖 精钠的测定 高效液相色谱 法 12 山梨酸 0227 No. CNAS L3245 第 65 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 23495-2009 食品中苯甲酸、山梨酸和糖 1 食品 13 糖精钠 0227 精钠的测定 高效液相色谱 法 GB 5009.3-2010 只用第 14 水分 0226 食品安全国家标准 食品中一法 水分的测定 GB/T 5009.34-2003食品中亚只用第 15 二氧化硫 0227 硫酸盐的测定 一法 GB/T 12456-2008 16 总酸 0226 只用3 食品中总酸的测定 GB/T 5009.6-2003 只用第17 脂肪 0226 食品中脂肪的测定 一法 GB 5009.5-2010 只用第 18 蛋白质 0226 食品安全国家标准 食品中一法 蛋白质的测定 GB 5009.4-2010 1 食品 19 灰分 0226 食品安全国家标准 食品中 灰分的测定 GB/T 5009.7-2008 只用第 20 还原糖 0226 食品中还原糖的测定 一法 GB/T 5009.8-2008 只用第21 蔗糖 0226 食品中蔗糖的测定 二法 只用第 22 总砷 0227 GB/T 5009.11-2003食品中总一法 砷及无机砷的测定 只用第 23 无机砷 0227 一法 GB 5009.12-2010 只用第 24 铅 0227 食品安全国家标准 食品中一、第二 铅的测定 法 No. CNAS L3245 第 66 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 只用第GB/T 5009.15-2003食品中镉 25 镉 0227 一、第四的测定 法 GB/T 5009.17-2003 食品中只用第26 总汞 0227 总汞及有机汞的测定 一法 GB/T 5009.13-2003食品中铜只用第27 铜 0227 的测定 一法 GB/T 5009.14-2003食品中锌只用第28 锌 0227 的测定 一法 GB/T 5009.16-2003食品中锡只用第29 锡 0227 的测定 一法 GB/T 5009.90-2003食品中30 铁 0227 铁、镁、锰的测定 31 六六六 0227 1 食品 32 滴滴涕 0227 只用第33 林丹 0227 一法 只用第34 硫丹 0227 GB/T 5009.19-2008食品中有 一法 机氯农药多组份残留量的测 只用第定 35 六氯苯 0227 一法 只用第36 氯丹 0227 一法 只用第37 七氯 0227 一法 只用第38 艾氏剂 0227 一法 No. CNAS L3245 第 67 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 只用第 39 狄氏剂 0227 GB/T 5009.19-2008食品中有 一法 1 食品 机氯农药多组份残留量的测 定 只用第 40 五氯硝基苯 0227 一法 41 敌敌畏 0227 42 甲拌磷 0227 43 乐果 0227 GB/T 5009.20-2003食品中有44 马拉硫磷 0227 1 食品 机磷农药残留量测定 45 久效磷 0227 46 水胺硫磷 0227 47 速灭磷 0227 48 喹硫磷 0227 1 酸价 0227 GB/T 5009.56-2003糕点卫生 2 糕点 标准的分析方法 2 过氧化值 0227 1 水分 0226 GB/T 10782-2006 3 蜜饯 蜜饯通则 2 总糖 0226 可溶性固形GB/T 12143-2008 4 饮料 1 0226 物 饮料通用分析方法 1 泡沫形态 0226 2 形态泡持性 0226 只用指GB/T 4928-2008 3 总酸 0226 5 啤酒 示剂法 啤酒分析方法 4 净含量 0226 5 透明度 0226 6 香气 0226 No. CNAS L3245 第 68 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 7 口味 0226 GB/T 4928-2008 只用比5 啤酒 8 色度 0226 啤酒分析方法 色计法 只用压 9 二氧化碳 0226 力法 GB/T 22388-2008 只用第 1 三聚氰胺 0227 原料乳与乳制品中三聚氰胺一法 检测方法 只用第6 乳及乳制品 GB 5413.34-2010 一法中 2 酸度 0227 食品安全国家标准 乳和乳 的常规 制品酸度的测定 法和第 二法 食盐(以氯 1 0226 化钠计) GB/T 5009.42-2003食盐卫生 2 水不溶物 0226 标准的分析方法 7 食盐 3 碘 0226 GB/T 13025.10-2012制盐工只用硫 4 亚铁氰化钾 0226 业通用试验方法 亚铁氰根酸亚铁 的测定 法 SN/T 0916-2000 1 干物质含量 0226 进出口茶叶磨碎试样干物质 含量测定方法 8 茶叶 SN/T 0919-2000 2 水分 0226 进出口茶叶水分测定方法 SN/T 0925-2000 3 总灰分 0226 进出口茶叶总灰分测定方法 挥发性盐基GB/T 5009.44-2003肉与肉制 9 肉与肉制品 1 0227 氮 品卫生标准的分析方法 No. CNAS L3245 第 69 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 SC/T 3032-2007 挥发性盐基 10 水产品 1 0227 水产品中挥发性盐基氮的测氮 定 1 六六六 0227 只用2 2 滴滴涕 0227 只用2 3 七氯 0227 只用2 GB/T 5009.146-2008植物性4 艾氏剂 0227 只用2 11 植物性食品 食品中有机氯和拟除虫菊酯5 狄氏剂 0227 只用2 类农药多种残留量的测定 6 氯菊酯 0227 只用2 7 溴氰菊酯 0227 只用2 8 氯氰菊酯 0227 只用2 9 氯氟氰菊酯 0227 只用2 10 氰戊菊酯 0227 只用2 NY/T 1045-2006 1 复水性 0226 绿色食品 脱水蔬菜 NY/T 1435-2007 二氧化硫总 2 0227 水果、蔬菜及其制品中二氧量 化硫总量的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 12 水果蔬菜 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 3 α-六六六 NY/T 761-2008 只用第2蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 部分 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯 农药多残留的测定 No. CNAS L3245 第 70 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 4 林丹 NY/T 761-2008 只用第2蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 12 水果蔬菜 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 5 β-六六六 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第2 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 6 δ-六六六 NY/T 761-2008 只用第2蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 12 水果蔬菜 0227 部分 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 7 o,p'-DDE 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 No. CNAS L3245 第 71 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第2 7 o,p'-DDE 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 8 p,p'-DDE NY/T 761-2008 只用第2蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 部分 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 12 水果蔬菜 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 9 o,p'-DDD NY/T 761-2008 只用第2蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 10 p,p'-DDT NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第2 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 No. CNAS L3245 第 72 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 11 五氯硝基苯 NY/T 761-2008 只用第2蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 12 六氯苯 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第2 12 水果蔬菜 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 13 硫丹 NY/T 761-2008 只用第2蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 部分 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 14 三氯杀螨醇 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 No. CNAS L3245 第 73 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第2 14 三氯杀螨醇 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 12 水果蔬菜 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 15 七氯 NY/T 761-2008 只用第2蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 部分 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 16 狄氏剂 NY/T 761-2008 只用第2蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 12 水果蔬菜 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 17 艾氏剂 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第2 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 No. CNAS L3245 第 74 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 18 氯菊酯 NY/T 761-2008 只用第2蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 12 水果蔬菜 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 19 溴氰菊酯 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第2 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 20 氯氟氰菊酯 NY/T 761-2008 只用第2蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 12 水果蔬菜 0227 部分 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 21 氯氰菊酯 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 No. CNAS L3245 第 75 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第2 12 水果蔬菜 21 氯氰菊酯 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 22 氰戊菊酯 NY/T 761-2008 只用第2蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 部分 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 12 水果蔬菜 23 异菌脲 NY/T 761-2008 只用第2蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 24 毒死蜱 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第1 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 No. CNAS L3245 第 76 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 12 水果蔬菜 25 马拉硫磷 NY/T 761-2008 只用第1蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 26 倍硫磷 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第1 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 12 水果蔬菜 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 27 喹硫磷 NY/T 761-2008 只用第1蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 部分 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 28 对硫磷 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 No. CNAS L3245 第 77 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第1 28 对硫磷 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 29 速灭磷 NY/T 761-2008 只用第1蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 12 水果蔬菜 0227 部分 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 30 甲基毒死蜱 NY/T 761-2008 只用第1蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 12 水果蔬菜 31 三唑磷 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第1 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 No. CNAS L3245 第 78 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 32 苯硫磷 NY/T 761-2008 只用第1蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 33 敌敌畏 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第1 12 水果蔬菜 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 34 甲胺磷 NY/T 761-2008 只用第1蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 部分 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 35 水胺硫磷 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 No. CNAS L3245 第 79 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第1 12 水果蔬菜 35 水胺硫磷 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 36 甲拌磷 NY/T 761-2008 只用第1蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机 0227 部分 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 19648-2006 37 甲基内吸磷 0227 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 相关化学品残留的测定 气 38 异稻瘟净 0227 相色谱-质谱法 12 水果蔬菜 39 克菌丹 0227 GB/T 19648-2006 水果和蔬菜中500种农药及 0227 相关化学品残留的测定 气 相色谱-质谱法 SN/T 2234-2008 进出口食品中丙溴磷残留量 40 丙溴磷 0227 检测方法 气相色谱法和气 相色谱质谱法 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第1 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 No. CNAS L3245 第 80 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 5009.102-2003植物性 0227 食品中辛硫磷农药残留量的 测定 41 辛硫磷 NY/T 761-2008 蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机只用第1 12 水果蔬菜 0227 磷拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯部分 农药多残留的测定 GB/T 5009.143-2003蔬菜、 42 双甲脒 0227 水果、食用油中双甲脒残留 量的测定 只用第143 乐果 0227 部分 只用第144 久效磷 0227 部分 只用第145 乙酰甲胺磷 0227 部分 只用第146 氧化乐果 0227 部分 只用第147 敌百虫 0227 部分 12 水果蔬菜 只用第148 杀螟硫磷 0227 部分 只用第149 蝇毒磷 0227 部分 只用第150 乙拌磷 0227 部分 只用第151 灭线磷 0227 部分 只用第252 百菌清 0227 部分 No. CNAS L3245 第 81 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 3534-2002 1 溶出铅 0206 13 陶瓷 日用陶瓷器铅、镉溶出量的 测定方法 2 溶出镉 0206 只用第 1 六六六 0227 一法 中华人民共和国药典2010年 14 中药材 版一部 附录? Q 只用第 2 滴滴涕 0227 农药残留量测定法 一法 只用第 3 五氯硝基苯 0227 一法 水分及挥发1 0232 SN/T 0881-2000 15 核桃仁 物 进出口核桃仁检验规程 2 杂质 0232 SN/T 1963-2007 1 水分 0232 16 南瓜籽仁 进出口南瓜籽仁、葵花籽仁 感官检验方法 2 杂质 0232 只用 1 水分 0232 105?干 燥法 SN/T 0230.2-1993 17 脱水大蒜 2 杂质 0232 出口脱水大蒜制品检验规程 3 不完善片 0232 4 总灰分 0232 只用电 1 水分 0232 SN/T 0231-1993 热烘箱 18 辣椒 出口辣椒干检验规程 恒重法 2 杂质 0232 SN/T 0230.1-1993 19 葱制品 1 杂质 0232 出口脱水蔬菜检验规程 No. CNAS L3245 第 82 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 SN/T 0230.1-1993 19 葱制品 2 水分 0232 出口脱水蔬菜检验规程 GB/T 12729.7-2008香辛料和 20 姜 1 总灰分 0232 调味品 总灰分的测定 SN/T 0800.7-1999 1 不完善粒 0232 进出口粮食、饲料不完善粒 检验方法 SN/T 0800.18-1999进出口粮 21 粮食/饲料 2 杂质 0232 食、饲料杂质检验方法 SN/T 0798-1999 3 千粒重 进出口粮油、饲料检验检验 检验名词术语 1 菌落总数 0128 只用1.1 GB/T 5750.12-2006生活饮用2 总大肠菌群 0128 只用2.1 水标准检验方法 微生物指 耐热大肠菌3 0128 标 只用3.1 群 大肠埃希氏 4 0128 只用4.1 生活饮用水菌 22 /水质 GB/T 5750.6-2006 5 砷 0233 只用6.1 生活饮用水标准检验方法 金属指标 6 汞 0233 只用8.1 只用 GB/T 5750.6-2006 11.1、 7 铅 0233 生活饮用水标准检验方法 11.2、 金属指标 11.5 No. CNAS L3245 第 83 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 7475-1987 只用第 7 铅 0233 水质 铜、锌、铅、镉的测定 一部分 原子吸收分光光度法 GB/T 5750.6-2006 只用 0233 生活饮用水标准检验方法 9.1、 金属指标 9.2、9.5 8 镉 GB/T 7475-1987 只用第 0233 水质 铜、锌、铅、镉的测定 一部分 原子吸收分光光度法 GB/T 5750.6-2006 0233 只用4.2 生活饮用水标准检验方法 金属指标 9 铜 GB/T 7475-1987 生活饮用水只用第 22 0233 水质 铜、锌、铅、镉的测定 /水质 一部分 原子吸收分光光度法 GB/T 5750.6-2006 0233 只用5.1 生活饮用水标准检验方法 金属指标 10 锌 GB/T 7475-1987 只用第 0233 水质 铜、锌、铅、镉的测定 一部分 原子吸收分光光度法 GB/T 5750.6-2006 0233 生活饮用水标准检验方法 金属指标 11 六价铬 GB/T 7467-1987 0233 水质 六价铬的测定二苯碳 酰二肼分光光度法 GB/T 5750.5-2006 生活饮用水 22 12 氯化物 0233 生活饮用水标准检验方法 只用2.1 /水质 无机非金属指标 No. CNAS L3245 第 84 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 5750.4-2006 0233 只用5.1 生活饮用水标准检验方法 生活饮用水 22 13 pH 感官性状和物理指标 /水质 GB/T 6920-1986 0233 水质 pH的测定 玻璃电极法 SN/T 1044-2002 出口天然兰桉叶油中1,8- 23 桉叶油 1 桉叶素含量 0229 桉叶素含量的测定 气相色 谱法 GB/T 22105.1-2008土壤质量 总汞、总砷、总铅的测定 原 1 总汞 0238 子荧光法 第1部分:土壤中 总汞的测定 GB/T 22105.2-2008土壤质量 总汞、总砷、总铅的测定 原 2 总砷 0238 子荧光法 第2部分:土壤中 总砷的测定 GB/T 17141-1997 24 土壤 3 铅 0238 土壤质量 铅、镉的测定 石 墨炉原子吸收分光光度法 4 镉 0238 GB/T 17138-1997 5 铜 0238 土壤质量 铜、锌的测定 火 焰原子吸收分光光度法 6 锌 0238 HJ 491-2009 7 总铬 0238 土壤 总铬的测定 火焰原子 吸收分光光度法 No. CNAS L3245 第 85 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 GB/T 14550-2003 8 六六六 0238 土壤中六六六和滴滴涕的测 定气相色谱法 9 滴滴涕 0238 HJ 613-2011 24 土壤 干物质和水 10 0238 土壤 干物质和水分的测定 分 重量法 NY/T 1121.2-2006 11 pH 0238 土壤检测 第2部分:土壤pH 的测定 GB/T 18087-2000 1 谷斑皮蠹 0602 植物检疫 谷斑皮蠹检疫鉴 20 植物检疫 定方法 SN/T 1274-2003 2 菜豆象 0602 菜豆象的检疫鉴定方法 SN/T 1278-2010 3 巴西豆象 0602 巴西豆象检疫鉴定方法 SN/T 1451-2004 4 灰豆象 0602 灰豆象检疫鉴定方法 SN/T 2031-2007 5 桔小实蝇 0602 桔小实蝇检疫鉴定方法 DLJFB 02-2006 20 植物检疫 南瓜实蝇检疫鉴定方法《中 6 南瓜实蝇 0602 国进出境植物检疫手册》 (P7.1.41.26) DLJFB 03-2006 瓜实蝇检疫鉴定方法《中国 7 瓜实蝇 0602 进出境植物检疫手册》 (P7.1.41.28) No. CNAS L3245 第 86 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 DLJFB 04-2006 番石榴实蝇检疫鉴定方法 8 番石榴实蝇 0602 《中国进出境植物检疫手 册》(P7.1.41.5) DLJFB 05-2006 20 植物检疫 辣椒实蝇检疫鉴定方法《中 9 辣椒实蝇 0602 国进出境植物检疫手册》 (P7.1.41.10) SN/T 1132-2002 10 松材线虫 0602 松材线虫检疫鉴定方法 No. CNAS L3245 第 87 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE (Registration No. CNAS L3245) NAME:Comprehensive Technical Center of Dali Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau ADDRESS:No.69, Heqing Road, Xiaguan, Dali, Yunnan, China Accreditation Criteria:ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and relevant requirements of CNAS Date of Issue:2012-10-29 Date of Expiry:2015-10-28 Date of Update:2014-02-12 APPENDIX 2 ACCREDITED TESTING Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB 4789.2-2010 National food safety Aerobic standard Food 1 0110 plate count microbiological examination: Aerobic plate count 1 Food GB 4789.3-2010 National food safety Enumeratiostandard Food 2 n of 0110 microbiological coliforms examination; Enumberation of coliforms No. CNAS L3245 第 88 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB 4789.4-2010 National food safety standard Food 3 Salmonella 0110 microbiological examination:salmon ellae GB 4789.5-2012 National food safety standard Food 4 Shigella 0110 microbiological examination: shigella 1 Food GB/T 4789.6-2003 Microbiological Diarrheogenexamination of food ic 5 0110 hygiene- Escherichia Examination of coli diarrheogenic Escherichia coli GB 4789.10-2010 National food safety Staphylococstandard Food 6 0110 cus aureus microbiological examination:Staphyl ococcus aureus GB/T 4789.11-2003 Microbiological Streptococuexamination of food 1 Food 7 s 0110 hygiene- hemolyticus Examination of Streptococus hemolyticus No. CNAS L3245 第 89 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB 4789.15-2010 National food safety standard Food Enumeratio microbiological 8 n of moulds 0110 and yeasts examination: Enumberation of moulds and yeasts GB 4789.38-2012 National food safety Enumeratiostadard n of 9 0110 microbiological Escherichia examination: coli Enumeration of Escherichia coli GB 4789.30-2010 National food safety 1 Food Listeria standard Food 10 monocytoge0110 microbiological nes examination:Listeria monocytogenes GB/T 23495-2009 Determination of Benzoic benzoic acid, sorbic 11 0227 acid acid and saccharin sodium in foods—High performance liquid chromatography 12 Sorbic acid 0227 method Saccharin 13 0227 Sodium No. CNAS L3245 第 90 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB 5009.3-2010 Accredited National food safety 14 Moisture 0226 standard Food only for the Determination of first method moisture in foods GB/T 5009.34-2003 Accredited Sulfur 15 0226 Determination of only for the dioxide 1 Food sulphite in foods first method GB/T 12456-2008 Accredited 16 Total acid 0226 Determination of only for the total acid in foods third method GB/T 5009.6-2003 Accredited 17 Fat 0226 Determination of fat only for the in foods first method GB 5009.5-2010 National food safety Accredited 18 Protein 0226 standard only for the Determination of first method protein in foods GB 5009.4-2010 National food safety 19 Ash 0226 standard Determination of 1 Food ash in foods GB/T 5009.7-2008 Accredited Reducing Determination of 20 0226 only for the sugar reducing sugar in first method foods Accredited GB/T 5009.8-2008 only for the 21 Saccharose 0226 Determination of second saccharose in foods method No. CNAS L3245 第 91 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Accredited Total 22 0227 only for the GB/T 5009.11-2003 arsenic first method Determination of total arsenic and Accredited abio-arsenic in foods Abio-arseni23 0227 only for the c first method GB 5009.12-2010 Accredited National food safety only for the 24 Lead 0227 standard first and Determination of second lead in foods method Accredited GB/T 5009.15-2003 only for the 25 Cadmium 0227 Determination of first and cadmium in foods 1 Food fourth method GB/T 5009.17-2003 Determination of Accredited Total 26 0227 totle mercury and only for the mercury organic-mercury in first method foods GB/T 5009.13-2003 Accredited 27 Copper 0227 Determination of only for the copper in foods first method GB/T 5009.14-2003 Accredited 28 Zinc 0227 Determination of only for the zinc in foods first method GB/T 5009.16-2003 Accredited 29 Tin 0227 Determination of tin only for the in foods first method No. CNAS L3245 第 92 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 5009.90-2003 Determination of 1 Food 30 Iron 0227 iron,magnesium and manganese in foods 31 HCH 0227 32 DDT 0227 Accredited 33 Lindane 0227 only for the first method Accredited 34 Endosulfan 0227 only for the GB/T 5009.19-2008 first method Determination of organochlorine Accredited 1 Food Hexachloropesticide 35 0227 only for the b-enzene multiresidues in first method foods Accredited 36 Chlordane 0227 only for the first method Accredited 37 Heptachlor 0227 only for the first method Accredited 38 Aldrin 0227 only for the first method Accredited 39 Dieldrin 0227 only for the first method No. CNAS L3245 第 93 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 5009.19-2008 Determination of Accredited organochlorine 40 Quintozene 0227 only for the pesticide first method multiresidues in foods 41 DDVP 0227 1 Food GB/T 5009.20-2003 42 phorate 0227 Determination of 43 dimethoate 0227 organoporus 44 malathion 0227 pesticide residues in monocrotopfoods 45 0227 hos isocarbopho46 0227 s 47 mevinphos 0227 48 quinaphos 0227 GB/T 5009.56-2003 1 Acid value 0227 Method for analysis 2 Pastry of hygienic standard of pastry Peroxide 2 0227 value GB/T 10782-2006 1 Moisture 0226 3 Preserved fruits General rule for preserved fruits 2 Total sugar 0226 No. CNAS L3245 第 94 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 12143-2008 Soluble General analytical 4 Beverage 1 0226 solid methods for beverage 1 Foam 0226 Continuranc2 0226 e of bubble Accredited only for the 3 Total acid 0226 indicator method Content of 4 0226 GB/T 4928-2008 net beer 5 Beer Method for analysis 5 Diaphaneity 0226 of beer 6 aroma 0226 7 Taste 0226 Accredited only for 8 Chroma 0226 colorimeter method Accredited Carbon only for 9 0226 dioxide pressure method GB/T 22388-2008 Determination of Accredited Milk and dairy 6 1 Melamine 0227 melamine in raw only for the products first method milk and dairy products No. CNAS L3245 第 95 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Accredited GB 5413.34-2010 only for Milk and dairy Determination of 6 2 Acidity 0227 routine products acidity in milk and method 1 milk products and 2 Sodium 1 0226 chloride GB/T 5009.42-2003 Method for analysis Insoluble of hygienic of table 2 solid in 0226 salt water 7 Table salt 3 Iodine 0226 GB/T Accredited 13025.10-2012 Potassium only for General test method 4 ferrocyanid0226 ferrous in salt e sulfate industry--Determinamethod tion of ferrocyanide SN/T 0916-2000 Method for the determination of dry Dry matter 1 0226 matter content in content groud sample of tea for import and 8 Tea export SN/T 0919-2000 Method for the 2 Moisture 0226 determination of moisture of tea for import and export No. CNAS L3245 第 96 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter SN/T 0925-2000 Method for the 8 Tea 3 Total ash 0226 determination of total ash of tea for import and export GB/T 5009.44-2003 Volatile Method for analysis Meat and meat 9 1 basic 0227 of hygienic standard products nitrogen of meat and meat products SC/T 3032-2007 Volatile Determination of the 10 Aquatic products 1 basic 0227 total volatile basic nitrogen nitrogen in fishery products Accredited 1 HCH 0227 only for method 2 GB/T 5009.146-2008 Dtermination of Accredited Vegetable 11 organochlorine and 2 DDT 0227 only for originated food pyrethroid pesticide method 2 multiresidues in Accredited vegetable foods 3 Heptachlor 0227 only for method 2 Accredited 4 Aldrin 0227 only for method 2 No. CNAS L3245 第 97 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Accredited 5 Dieldrin 0227 only for method 2 Accredited GB/T 6 Permethrin 0227 only for 5009.146-2008 method 2 Dtermination of Accredited Vegetable Decamethri11 organochlorine and 7 0227 only for originated food n pyrethroid pesticide method 2 multiresidues in Accredited vegetable foods Cypermethr8 0227 only for i-n method 2 Accredited lambda-cyh9 0227 only for alothrin method 2 Accredited 10 Fenvalerate 0227 only for method 2 NY/T 1045-2006 Water-RecoGreen 1 0226 very food-Dehydrated vegetable NY/T 1435-2007 12 Fruit & Vegetable Determination of Total Total Sulphur 2 Sulphur 0227 Dioxide Dioxide Content-Fruits,Veget able and Derived Products No. CNAS L3245 第 98 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 3 α-HCH multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 12 Fruit & Vegetable 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 4 Lindane 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method No. CNAS L3245 第 99 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 12 Fruit & Vegetable 4 Lindane 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 12 Fruit & Vegetable 5 β-HCH multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits No. CNAS L3245 第 100 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 12 Fruit & Vegetable 6 δ-HCH multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 12 Fruit & Vegetable 7 o,p'-DDE 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method No. CNAS L3245 第 101 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 7 o,p'-DDE 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 12 Fruit & Vegetable 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 8 p,p'-DDE multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits No. CNAS L3245 第 102 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 9 o,p'-DDD multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 12 Fruit & Vegetable 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 10 p,p'-DDT 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method No. CNAS L3245 第 103 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 12 Fruit & Vegetable 10 p,p'-DDT 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 12 Fruit & Vegetable 11 Quintozene multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits No. CNAS L3245 第 104 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide Hexachloro12 Fruit & Vegetable 12 multiresidue screen b-enzene methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 12 Fruit & Vegetable 13 Endosulfan 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method No. CNAS L3245 第 105 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 13 Endosulfan 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 12 Fruit & Vegetable 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 14 Dicofol multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits No. CNAS L3245 第 106 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 15 Heptachlor multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 12 Fruit & Vegetable 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 16 Dieldrin 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method No. CNAS L3245 第 107 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 12 Fruit & Vegetable 16 Dieldrin 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 12 Fruit & Vegetable 17 Aldrin multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits No. CNAS L3245 第 108 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 12 Fruit & Vegetable 18 Permethrin multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 Deltamethripesticides and 12 Fruit & Vegetable 19 0227 n related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method No. CNAS L3245 第 109 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited Deltamethri19 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part n orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 12 Fruit & Vegetable 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 20 Cyhalothrin multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits No. CNAS L3245 第 110 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide Cypermethr21 multiresidue screen in methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 12 Fruit & Vegetable 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 22 Fenvalerate 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method No. CNAS L3245 第 111 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 12 Fruit & Vegetable 22 Fenvalerate 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 12 Fruit & Vegetable 23 Iprodione multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 2 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits No. CNAS L3245 第 112 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide Chlorpyrifo12 Fruit & Vegetable 24 multiresidue screen s methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 12 Fruit & Vegetable 25 Malathion 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method No. CNAS L3245 第 113 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 25 Malathion 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 12 Fruit & Vegetable 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 26 Fenthion multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits No. CNAS L3245 第 114 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 27 Quinalphos multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 12 Fruit & Vegetable 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 28 Parathion 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method No. CNAS L3245 第 115 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 12 Fruit & Vegetable 28 Parathion 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 12 Fruit & Vegetable 29 Mevinphos multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits No. CNAS L3245 第 116 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide Chlorpyrifo12 Fruit & Vegetable 30 multiresidue screen s-methyl methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 12 Fruit & Vegetable 31 Triazophos 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method No. CNAS L3245 第 117 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 31 Triazophos 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 12 Fruit & Vegetable 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide Phosphonot32 multiresidue screen h-ioic Acid methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits No. CNAS L3245 第 118 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 33 DDVP multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 12 Fruit & Vegetable 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 Methamidopesticides and 34 0227 phos related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method No. CNAS L3245 第 119 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited Methamido12 Fruit & Vegetable 34 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part phos orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide Isocarbopho12 Fruit & Vegetable 35 multiresidue screen s methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits No. CNAS L3245 第 120 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide 36 Phorate multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 12 Fruit & Vegetable pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 19648-2006 Method for Isocarbophodetermination of 500 37 0227 s pesticides and related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS 38 Iprodione 0227 method 39 Captan 0227 No. CNAS L3245 第 121 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and 0227 related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - GC-MS method SN/T 2234-2008 Determination of profenofos residues 0227 in food for import and export GC and 40 Profenofos GC-MS method NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen 12 Fruit & Vegetable methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 5009.102-2003 Determination of 41 Phoxim 0227 phoxim pesticide residues in vegetable foods No. CNAS L3245 第 122 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus Accredited 12 Fruit & Vegetable 41 Phoxim 0227 pesticides,organochlonly for Part orine 1 pesticides ,pyrethroi d pesticides and carbamate pesticedes in vegetables and fruits GB/T 5009.143-2003 Determination of 42 Amitraz 0227 amitraz residues in vegetables,fruits, edible oil Accredited 43 Dimethoate 0227 only for Part 1 12 Fruit & Vegetable Accredited Monocrotop44 0227 only for Part hos 1 Accredited 45 Acephate 0227 only for Part 1 Accredited 46 Omethoate 0227 only for Part 1 No. CNAS L3245 第 123 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Accredited 47 Trichlorfon 0227 only for Part 1 Accredited 48 Fenitrothion 0227 only for Part 1 Accredited 49 Coumaphos 0227 only for Part 1 12 Fruit & Vegetable Accredited Ethylthiode50 0227 only for Part meton 1 Accredited Ethopropho51 0227 only for Part s 1 Accredited Chlorothalo52 0227 only for Part nil 2 GB/T 3534-2002 Standard testing 1 Lead 0206 methods for lead ang 13 Ceramics cadmium release from domestic ceramic 2 Cadmium 0206 Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2010 Edition) Accredited Volumn I Chinese traditional 14 1 HCH 0227 only for first medicines Appendix ? Q method Method for determination of pesticide residues No. CNAS L3245 第 124 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Chinese Pharmacopoeia Accredited (2010 Edition) 2 DDT 0227 only for first Volumn I method Chinese traditional 14 medicines Appendix ? Q Method for determination of Accredited pesticide residues 3 Quintozene 0227 only for first method SN/T 0881-2000 Moisture Rules for the 1 and volatile 0232 15 Walnut inspection of matter walnuts meats for import and export 2 Impurity 0232 SN/T 1963-2007 Organoleptic inspection of 1 Moisture 0232 Pumpkin seed 16 pumpkin seed kernel kernels and sunflower seed kernel for import and export 2 Impurity 0232 Accredited only for SN/T 0230.2-1993 1 Moisture 0232 105? drying Rules of inspection 17 dehydrated garlic for export method dehydrated garlic 2 Impurity 0232 products Imperfect 3 0232 sheet No. CNAS L3245 第 125 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter SN/T 0230.2-1993 Rules of inspection 17 dehydrated garlic 4 Total ash 0232 for export dehydrated garlic products Accredited only for the SN/T 0231-1993 electric oven 1 Moisture 0232 Rule of inspection constant 18 chilli for export dried weight chilli method 2 Impurity 0232 SN/T 0230.1-1993 1 Moisture 0232 Rule of inspection 19 Onion products for export air-dried vegetables 2 Impurity 0232 GB/T 12729.7-2008 Spices and Total ash of 20 Ginger 1 0232 condiments - ginger Determination of total ash SN/T 0800.7-1999 Cereals and Cereals & Imperfect feedstuffs for import 21 1 0232 feedstuffs grains and export-method for the inspection of imperfect grains No. CNAS L3245 第 126 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter SN/T 0800.18-1999 Cereals and feedstuffs for import 2 Impurity 0232 and export-monthod for the inspection of admixture Cereals & 21 SN/T 0798-1999 feedstuffs Inspection of cereals,oils and The mass of 3 0232 feedstuffs for import 1000 grains and export-Terminology for inspection Aerobic Accredited 1 0128 plate count only for 1.1 GB/T 5750.12-2006 Standard examination Drinking water / 22 methods for Total Accredited water quality 2 0128 drinking water - coliforms only for 2.1 Microbiological Thermotolerparameters Accredited 3 ant 0128 only for 3.1 coliforms Escherichia Accredited 4 0128 coli only for 4.1 GB/T 5750.6-2006 Standard Drinking water / examination Accredited 22 5 Arsenic 0233 water quality methods for only for 6.1 drinking water - Metal parameters No. CNAS L3245 第 127 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 5750.6-2006 Standard examination Accredited 6 Mercury 0233 methods for only for 8.1 drinking water - Metal parameters GB/T 5750.6-2006 Standard Accredited examination 0233 only for 11.1, methods for 11.2 and 11.5 drinking water - Metal parameters GB/T 7475-1987 Drinking water / 7 Lead 22 Water water quality quality--DeterminatiAccredited on of copper, zinc, 0233 only for Part lead and 1 cadmium--Atomic absorption spectrometry GB/T 5750.6-2006 Standard examination Accredited 8 Cadmium 0233 only for 9.1, methods for drinking 9.2 and 9.5 water-Metal parameters No. CNAS L3245 第 128 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 7475-1987 Water quality--DeterminatiAccredited on of copper, zinc, 8 Cadmium 0233 only for Part lead and 1 cadmium--Atomic absorption spectrometry GB/T 5750.6-2006 Standard examination Accredited 0233 only for 4.2 methods for drinking water - Drinking water / Metal parameters 22 water quality GB/T 7475-1987 9 Copper Water quality--DeterminatiAccredited on of copper, zinc, 0233 only for Part lead and 1 cadmium--Atomic absorption spectrometry GB/T 5750.6-2006 Standard examination Accredited 10 Zinc 0233 methods for only for 5.1 drinking water - Metal parameters No. CNAS L3245 第 129 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 7475-1987 Water quality--DeterminatiAccredited Drinking water / on of copper, zinc, 22 10 Zinc 0233 only for Part water quality lead and 1 cadmium--Atomic absorption spectrometry GB/T 5750.6-2006 Standard examination 0233 methods for drinking water - Metal parameters Hexavalent GB/T 7475-1987 11 chromium Water quality--Determinati on of copper, zinc, Drinking water / 0233 22 lead and water quality cadmium--Atomic absorption spectrometry GB/T 5750.5-2006 Standard examination Accredited 12 Chloride 0233 methods for only for 2.1 drinking water - Nonmetal parameters No. CNAS L3245 第 130 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 5750.4-2006 Standard examination Accredited 0233 methods for only for 5.1 drinking water organoleptic and Drinking water / 22 13 pH physical parameters water quality GB/T 6920-1986 Water quality--Determinati0233 on of pH value--Glass electrode method SN/T 1044-2002 Determination of 1,8-cineol content in Cineole natural oil of 23 Eucalyptus Oil 1 0229 content eucalyptus globulus labillardiere for export-Gas chromatography GB/T 22105.1-2008 Soil quality-Analysis of total mercury,arsenic and lead Total 24 Soil 1 0238 contents-Atomic mercury fluorescence spectrometry-Part 1:Analysis of total mercury contents in soils No. CNAS L3245 第 131 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter GB/T 22105.2-2008 Soil quality-Analysis of total mercury,arsenic and lead Total 2 0238 contents-Atomic arsenic fluorescence spectrometry-Part 2:Analysis of total arsenic contents in soils GB/T 17141-1997 Soil quality-Determinatio24 Soil 3 Lead 0238 n of lead,cadmium-Grap hite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry 4 Cadmium 0238 GB/T 17138-1997 Soil quality-Determinatio5 Copper 0238 n of copper,zinc-Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry 6 Zinc 0238 No. CNAS L3245 第 132 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter HJ491-2009 Soil quality - Determination of Total 7 0238 total chromium chromium-Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry GB/T 14550-2003 Method of gas 8 BHC 0238 chromatographic for determination of BHC and DDT in 24 Soil soil 9 DDT 0238 HJ613-2011 Soil-Determination of dry matter and 10 Moisture 0238 water content-Gravimetric method NY/T 1121.2-2006 Soil Testing Part 2: 11 pH 0238 Method for determination of soil pH GB/T 18087-2000 Plant Khapra quarantine-Methods beetle for inspection and 25 Plant quarantine 1 (Trogodema 0602 identification on granarium Khapra Beetle Everts) (Trogoderma granarium Everts) No. CNAS L3245 第 133 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter SN/T 1274-2003 AcanthoscelInspection and ides 2 0602 Identification of obtectus Acanthoscelides (Say) obtectus (Say) SN/T 1278-2010 Detection and Zabrotes identification of 3 subfasciatus 0602 Zabrotes (Boheman) subfasciatus (Boheman) SN/T 1451-2004 25 Plant quarantine Methods for the Callosobrucquarantine and 4 hus phaseoli 0602 identification on (Gyllenhall) Callosobruchus phaseoli (Gyllenhall) SN/T 2031-2007 Bactrocera(Identification of Bactrocera)oriental fruit 5 0602 dorsalis(Hefly,Bactrocera(Bactr ndel) ocera)dorsalis (Hendel) No. CNAS L3245 第 134 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter DLJFB 02-2006 Method of quarantine and identification for Bactrocera Bactrocera tua(Paradac6 0602 tua(Walker)《The us) depressa Entry & Exit Plant (Shiraki) Quarantine Manual in China》 (P7.1.41.26) 25 Plant quarantine DLJFB 03-2006 Method of quarantine and Bactrocera identification for (ZeugodacyBactrocera 7 s) 0602 cucurbitae(Coquillet cucurbitae t)《The Entry & Exit (Coquillett) Plant Quarantine Manual in China》 (P7.1.41.28) DLJFB 04-2006 Method of quarantine and identification for Bactrocera Bactrocera (Bactrocera) 25 Plant quarantine 8 0602 correctus(Bezzi)correcta 《The Entry & Exit (Bezzi) Plant Quarantine Manual in China》 (P7.1.41.5) No. CNAS L3245 第 135 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter DLJFB 05-2006 Method of quarantine and identification for Bactrocera Bactrocera (Bactrocera)9 0602 latifrons(Hendel)latifrons 《The Entry & Exit (Hendel) Plant Quarantine Manual in China》25 Plant quarantine (P7.1.41.10) SN/T 1132-2002 BursaphelenMethod for chus quarantine and xylophilus 10 0602 identification of (Steiner & Bursaphelenchus Buhrer) xylophilus (Steiner Nickle & Buhrer)Nickle No. CNAS L3245 第 136 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 No. CNAS L3245 第 137 页 共 137 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only.
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