首页 胜园街道中心学校庆六一节目演出报幕词



胜园街道中心学校庆六一节目演出报幕词胜园街道中心学校庆六一节目演出报幕词 胜园街道中心学校第七届六一儿童节报幕词 序曲, 甲:亲爱的伙伴们~鲜红的太阳已经升起~翻开新的一页日历~我们 感到无限欣喜。 乙:六一向我们走来~跟我们紧紧地拥抱在一起。 甲:童年的游戏永远难忘。 乙:童年的歌声多么动听。 甲:童年的生活最最幸福。 合:让我们在歌声中享受幸福的滋味。在这“六一”的节日里~尽情 的歌唱~尽情的舞蹈~汇聚成欢乐的波涛~奔涌向前。 乙:下面我们来欣赏几个节目~体味一下幸福的味道。 1甲:童年是快乐的儿歌~童年是鲜艳的花朵。童年是初升的...

胜园街道中心学校庆六一节目演出报幕词 胜园街道中心学校第七届六一儿童节报幕词 序曲, 甲:亲爱的伙伴们~鲜红的太阳已经升起~翻开新的一页日历~我们 感到无限欣喜。 乙:六一向我们走来~跟我们紧紧地拥抱在一起。 甲:童年的游戏永远难忘。 乙:童年的歌声多么动听。 甲:童年的生活最最幸福。 合:让我们在歌声中享受幸福的滋味。在这“六一”的节日里~尽情 的歌唱~尽情的舞蹈~汇聚成欢乐的波涛~奔涌向前。 乙:下面我们来欣赏几个节目~体味一下幸福的味道。 1甲:童年是快乐的儿歌~童年是鲜艳的花朵。童年是初升的太阳~ 童年是无畏的拼搏:下面请欣赏七 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 给我们带来的歌曲《童年》。 2乙:孟浩然的古诗《春晓》家喻户晓~春眠不觉晓~处处闻啼鸟。 下面请看二年级同学用舞蹈演绎的这首古诗。 3甲:把你的心~我的心串一串~串一个同心圆~把我们这个世界变 成爱的家园。接下来请欣赏四二班刘亚坤、郭鑫旭、吴璐超带来 的小合唱《爱》。 4乙:诵读《弟子规》已一年多了~一年级三班的小朋友们要和大家 一起展示弟子规朗诵~由一三班领读。全体起立:,稍等~等到下(((((( 面全体同学准备好后~再接下去,请欣赏: (((((((((((((( undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 正式演出, 开场词 甲:弹去五月的风尘~迎来六月的时光, 乙:听~悠扬的锣鼓声~荡起一片欢乐的海洋, 甲:今天~我们相约在这里~享受我们的欢乐~享受这段美好时光, 乙:今天~我们相聚在这里~一起用心来感受真情~用爱来融化冰雪, 甲: 今天~我们相聚在这里~敞开你的心扉~释放你的激情, 乙:今天~我们相聚在这里~这里将成为欢乐的海洋~让快乐响彻云 霄: 合:六月~是我们大家的节日~我们为它增添光彩 ,在一片欢笑声中让 我们一起庆祝六一; 乙:胜园街道第七届庆“六一”学生文艺汇演现在开始:,鼓掌, 1甲:举起节日的火把~用快乐将我们点燃~扬起飞奔的脚步~让时 光带领我们穿越~下面请欣赏世纪星幼儿园给我们带来的舞蹈《不 如跳舞》。 2乙:让我为你唱一首歌~让我们为世界唱一首歌。六二班四位女同 学把最美好的祝愿送给在座的每一位观众。请听歌曲《让我为你 唱首歌》。 3甲:有一群女孩~她们阳光、她们有朝气、她们有活力~看她们来 了~下面请欣赏体操——《力量》。 4乙:竹板响~走向前~今天我们先来表安全~下面请看二年级刘家 逸、卢梦勍qing表演的快板《讲安全》。 -town (Street) to co levanttion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The reocused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promoich, fntion to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rl Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay atteociaa People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County S several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is re areerty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if theigh standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of povbuilding and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, h-r key projects, key projects as the main capacitynment personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and otheundertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Gover2orming a home order online order business modelhout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, fbusiness training courses throug-good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the 5甲:接下来请欣赏电子琴独奏《卡门序曲》~演奏者:田晨璐。 6乙:拉丁舞热情~奔放~节奏感强~深受大家的欢迎去年二二班王 伟佳和二三班田雅洁就带给我们一段热烈的双人舞~今年她们俩 又给我们带来了《牛仔双人舞》。请欣赏: 7甲:七色光~七色光~太阳的光彩~我们带着气色梦~走向未来。 接下来请欣赏校园小歌手杨丽琨带给大家的独唱《七色光》。 8乙:大家都听过《丑小鸭》的故事吧:丑小鸭长大后变成了白天鹅~ 看:8只白天鹅来到了舞台上~让他们尽情的展现自己的美丽吧: 9甲:小的时候我们都打过针~打针的时候很疼~很可怕。下面的爷 爷也很怕打针~为什么呢~下面请欣赏小品《打针》。 10乙:小青蛙~呱呱叫~身穿绿衣袍。蹦蹦跳~下面请欣赏育苗幼儿 园给我们带来的舞蹈《小青蛙》。 11甲:我们的村庄里来了一群活泼的小动物:有猪、有牛、有羊、有 狗。下面请看二年级8名同学的表演唱《请来看看我们的村庄》。 12乙:中华武术源远流长~中国功夫名震天下。接下来请欣赏四二班 闫金宇带来的武术表演《中国功夫》。 13甲:我们的学校美丽~我们的教师平易近人、我们的教室宽敞明亮~ 下面请欣赏三句半——《夸我校》。 14乙:举起新世纪的旗帜~敲起跨世纪的金鼓~让我们跟着太阳~拥 抱明天~做跨世纪的新一代。请听李江涵同学为我们演唱的《跨 世纪的新一代》。 15甲:接下来请欣赏一对异母异父的“双胞胎”带给大家的东营方言 相声《大与小》~表演者:卢康达、张菁玮。大家掌声有请二位闪 亮登场。 ) to coStreetng relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (ating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedgion crestrong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused eau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the re Buriving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfants cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People drtale en the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are severaland a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strength building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards-s, key projects as the main capacityel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projectundertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personn第order online order business model ty using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a homebusiness training courses throughout the Coun-good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the-3页 16乙:爸爸妈妈为我们操劳一生~岁月流逝~爸爸的脊背逐渐蹉跎~ 妈妈的青丝变成了银发~我爱爸爸、我爱妈妈~请听九年级于瑶 同学带给我们的独唱《爸爸妈妈》。 17甲:下面请欣赏海星幼儿园给我们带来的拉丁舞表演。 18乙:迎着朝阳~我们迎来了快乐的儿童节~同学们让我们唱起来、 跳起来吧:请听由三年级合唱队带来的歌曲联唱《快乐宝贝-小瓜 棚》。 19甲:那些花儿盛开在青春年华~那些花儿散落在海角天涯~青春的 梦~伴随着青春花儿。在生命的每个角落~静静的为我绽放~请 听六二班卢聪颖为大家带来的《樱花草》。 20乙:年轻就应该有梦想~向着成功的方向~乘着歌声的翅膀~亲爱 的朋友我带你飞翔。下面请欣赏小合唱《隐形的翅膀》。 21甲:我们是春天的太阳~我们是花圃的幼苗~我们是快乐的象征~ 因为我们更加年轻。下面请欣赏朗诵:《我们是快乐的孩子》。 22乙:文明在哪里,我来告诉你。文明就在你身边~在你的生活里。 人人都来讲文明。这个世界更美丽。下面请听大合唱《文明在哪 里》。 ich, fntion to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rl Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay atteociaa People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County S several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is re areerty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if theigh standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of povbuilding and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, h-r key projects, key projects as the main capacitynment personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and otheundertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Gover4orming a home order online order business modelhout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, fbusiness training courses throug-good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the-town (Street) to co levanttion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The reocused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promo 结束语, 甲:让我们用心灵的琴弦。 乙:用童年的祝愿。 甲:用稚嫩的小手。 乙:用五彩的画笔。 甲:去歌唱美好的未来~去描绘灿烂的明天。 乙:看~雏鹰正在展翅飞翔。 甲:听~中国少年跨世纪的进行曲正在奏响。 乙:我们是明天的雄鹰。 甲:我们是祖国的未来。 乙:我们和时代的脉搏一起跳动。 合:我们与祖国同呼吸、共命运~我们将用行动~向母校、向祖国妈 妈~交上一份出色的答案卷。 甲:胜园街道中心学校第七届庆六一“金星闪烁”文艺汇演到此结束。 合:再见:,全体主持人向观众挥手致意,。 ng relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (ating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedgion crestrong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused eau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the re Buriving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfants cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People drtale en the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are severaland a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strength building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards-s, key projects as the main capacityel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projectundertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personn第order online order business model ty using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a homebusiness training courses throughout the Coun-good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the-) to coStreet5页
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