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背影 朱自清


背影 朱自清背影 朱自清 07中文本,1, 罗运欢 18号 教学设想 《背影》通过叙述、细节描写等来表达父亲对儿子的关爱。文章在朴实的语言中~凝结着深厚的父子之情。 本单元学习的是叙述、描写等表达方式~并揣摩记叙文语言的特点~因此在学习中~本课就把“细节描写”作为教学重点~通过联系现实生活中常见的背影来深刻体会文中父亲的背影的意义。力争在两课时的时间里~掌握字词~把握文中技巧~运用课堂互动、讨论、再现事件的方式~在教师的主导下~以学生为主角~解决重点及疑难问题~共同把握文章之技巧和主旨。 教学目标 一、知识目标 ...

背影  朱自清
背影 朱自清 07中文本,1, 罗运欢 18号 教学设想 《背影》通过叙述、细节描写等来 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达父亲对儿子的关爱。文章在朴实的语言中~凝结着深厚的父子之情。 本单元学习的是叙述、描写等表达方式~并揣摩记叙文语言的特点~因此在学习中~本课就把“细节描写”作为教学重点~通过联系现实生活中常见的背影来深刻体会文中父亲的背影的意义。力争在两课时的时间里~掌握字词~把握文中技巧~运用课堂互动、讨论、再现事件的方式~在教师的主导下~以学生为主角~解决重点及疑难问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ~共同把握文章之技巧和主旨。 教学目标 一、知识目标 (一) 温习、巩固作家作品及背景。 (二) 复习巩固记叙文的“六要素”与刻画人物的“五 大法”。 二、智能目标 (一)把握本文抓住人物形象特征、选择最佳角度命题立 意、组织 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 的写作方法。 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, (二)学习文章朴实的语言、不加修饰的写实记叙特色。 三、人文目标 在学习和赏析中,深刻体会文中朴实的语言所蕴含的深厚感情,体验父爱与母爱的伟大,体验子女对父母的感恩之情,发扬中华民族积淀下来的尊老爱幼的传统美德。 教学重点 通过学习课文,把握“叙述”和“细节描写”的技巧,并在作文练习中,初步掌握其用法,提高学生的读写能力。 教学难点 作者选取了一个独特的角度——父亲的背影——来写,写得不落俗套,但却语言朴实,动作迟缓,抒情真实,不采用华美的辞藻,却读来感人至深,感人肺腑。那么本文是怎样抓住人物形象特征、选择最佳角度立意作文、组织材料的呢, 教学方法:导读法 课型选择:讨论课 教具准备:彩色粉笔 教时安排:2课时 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 教学过程 【第一课时】 教学目标:复习巩固有关朱自清文学常识,掌握文章生字词,划分层次,了解段意。 一、了解情况,导入新课 (7分钟) (一)了解情况 1、同学们,我们以前学过散文,那你们能告诉我散 文最大的特点是什么吗,(学生答:形散而神不散)(副 板书)。我们以前也学过记叙文,那你们知道记叙文的 “六要素”是什么吗,(学生答:时间、地点、人物、 起因、事件、结果)(副板书),你们还能告诉我刻画人 物有哪些方法吗,(学生答:心理描写、动作描写、肖 像描写、语言描写、烘托)(副板书)。很好,同学们, 那你们知道记叙性散文的特点是什么吗, 2、鼓励学生积极发言,提示他们从散文与记叙文的 结合入手,对学生的发言多给以鼓励。 (二)导入新课 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 1、同学们,我刚才问你们关于散文与记叙文的问题, 是因为今天我们将要学习一篇记叙性的散文,这篇记叙 性散文将我们怎样刻画人物,怎样通过细节描写来抒发 真情实感。 2、同学们,我这里有一首小诗,没有题目,请同学 们帮安个题目,看谁安得最好, 转身 抬腿 扬长而去 学生有的答《离开》,有的答《转身》,有同学答 《背影》。 3、同学们答得都很好,我认为题目安为《背影》再 好不过,同学们想想,这三个动作留给我们的就是一个 “背影”啊~ 2、今天我们要学的就是《背影》,就是朱自清先生的 名篇。(板书课题) 3、请同学们默看文章方框内的提示,并想想作者为 什么歌颂父亲的背影。 (三)明确重点 1、我们以前学过朱自清先生的另一篇写景的名篇— —《春》,知道朱自清先生是写景的高手,从对《背影》deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 的学习中,我们将会看到,他同样是写人的高手。虽然 是写人,但却写得有点与众不同,这也就是我们所说的 “艺术特色”。那么,它与其他写人的文章不同之处在 哪里呢, 2、同学们,这就是我们今天的教学重点,同时,也 是我们的教学难点。我将带着大家共同解决这个难题。 二、复习巩固,把握语词 (15分钟) (一)复习巩固 1、作家:朱自清,原名朱自华,字佩弦,号秋实,是 我国著名的散文家、诗人、学者、民主战士,江苏扬州人。 2、作品:朱自清早期诗作表现对黑暗的批判和对光 明的追求,散文创作的成就最大,语言朴实,文笔秀丽。 代表作有诗文合集《踪迹》、《雪朝》,散文集《背影》、 《你我》、《欧游杂记》、《伦敦杂记》。散文代表名篇有 《春》、《绿》、《荷塘月色》、《背影》。 (二)把握语词 差(chāi)使:旧社会在机关里做事叫“当差”,这里 指职务 狼藉(jí):乱七八糟的样子 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 簌簌(sù):纷纷落下的样子 典质:(把财产、衣物)典当、抵押出去。典,当; 质,抵押。 勾留:短时间的停留 琐屑:不重要的、无关紧要的小事 著(zhù):多音字,这里指筷子 蹒跚(pán)(shān):因为腿脚不灵便,走路缓慢摇 摆的样子 拭(shì):擦 三、划分段落,文章题解 (22分钟) (一)划分段落 1、扫除了字词障碍,现在请同学们再读一遍课文, 边读边思考一下问题,并给文章划分段落。 问题1:文章写的是什么事,背景是什么,把事情的 时间、地点、人物、起因、事件、结果等用 红笔标注出来。 问题2:文章一共几次写到背影,几次写到我流泪, 作者想表达什么思想感情, 2、同学们读完,请学生回答,教师总结。 (1)、文章标题叫《背影》,主要围绕什么来写,(背deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 影)。谁的背影,(父亲的背影)。 事情的背景是什么,(祖母去世,父亲失业, 家境陷入困境)。 (2)、课文写背影,一共写了几次呢,(四次)。写 我流泪一共写了几次呢,(四次)。 表达一种什么样的思想感情,(四次背影—— 父爱子,四次流泪——子爱父)。 3、这几个问题我们解决了,现在我们给文章划分段 落,我请同学划分,并归纳段落 大意。师生确认文章可分为四个部分。 (1)请第一个同学划分第一部分。第一部分:(第1 自然段)。请另一个同学归纳大意。(写的是我 两年后怀念父亲的背影)。教师归纳:怀念背 影。(板书) (2)请第二个同学划分第二部分。第二部分:(第2 —5自然段)。请另一个同学归纳大意。(写的 是祖母过世,父亲失业,家境陷入困境,还有 父亲对我的细心关照)。教师归纳:铺垫背影。 (3)请第三个同学划分第三部分。第三部分:(第6 自然段)。请另一个同学归纳大意。(写父亲给 我过铁道买橘子时的背影和父亲和我分别时 的背影)。教师归纳:刻画背影、惜别背影。deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 这是文章详写得部分,其它三部分都是略写。 (4)请第四个同学划分第四部分。第四部分:(第7 自然段)。请另一个同学归纳大意。(写得是我 收到父亲的来信深受感动,再次回忆起父亲的 背影)。教师归纳:再现背影。 (二)文章题解 同学们,刚才我们已划分了段落,对文章有了顺序上的把握,我们再回来看文章标题,就能得出发现。 背影——可看作是父亲的一面镜子,照映着父亲的特殊面貌。由于生活的暗示,作者有独特的发现,选择了这个最佳角度来描写。以“背影”为题,并以“背影”为线索,贯穿全文,父爱的真挚,老境的颓唐,都通过背影表现了出来。 【第二课时】 教学目标:巩固复习上节课已学的知识,进行提问。深入理 解文章意蕴, 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 文章的写作技巧,把握记叙性 散文的特点,提升文章主旨。 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 一、 提问巩固,导入新课 (3分钟) 上节课我们掌握了文章的生字词,现在我进行提问。教师问,“蹒跚”是什么意思,(学生答:指腿脚不灵便,走路缓慢摇摆的样子),“举著提笔”的“著”是什么意思,(学生回答:“著”是多音字,在课文中要读“zhù”,是指筷子)。我们也分析了文章的段落,并归纳了文章答段落大意,现在我也提问一下同学们。教师问,文章重点写得是哪一部分,(学生答:第三部分,刻画背影和惜别背影)。 二、 分段把握,深入讲解 (20分钟) (一) 第一部分:第一自然段。惦记背影。(略写)(第一 次写到父亲“背影”) 1、 作用、地位:统领全篇,是文章的总纲。 2、 技巧手法:开篇设置悬念,运用倒叙手法。 (二) 第二部分:第2—5自然段。叙述背景,铺垫背影。 (略写) 1、2—3自然段:写祖母过世,父亲失业,家境悲凉。(第 一次写到我“流泪”—惆怅之泪) deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, (1)、“事已至此,不必难过,好在天无绝人之路”—— 表现父亲在悲痛中安慰作者,要坚强镇定。 2、4—5自然段:写父亲对我的细心关照。 (1)、作者的父亲在徐州当烟酒公卖局长,却还要借钱为 祖母办丧事,从侧面描写了作者父亲的为人正直。 (2)、“不要紧,他们去不好”——表现父亲对儿子的关 心胜过关心自己。 (3)、“聪明过分”、“太聪明了”——我的两次自责,当 初对父爱的不理解,现在的悔恨。 (三)第三部分:第6自然段。刻画背影,惜别背影。(重点)(详写) 1、刻画背影部分。(第二次写到“背影”,第二次写到“流泪”—感动之泪) (1)、作者运用细节描写(动作描写、外貌描写)表现背影。 动作:走、爬、攀、缩、微倾等——动作吃力、费劲。 外貌:黑布小帽、黑布马褂、深青布棉袍——朴实、庄重(守孝期间) (2)、作者运用语言描写再次表现父亲对儿子的关心。 (“我买几个橘子去,你就在此地,不要走动。”) 2、惜别背影部分。(第三次写到“背影”,第三次写到“流deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 泪”—感动之泪) (四)第四部分:第7自然段。再现背影。(略写) 1、第四次写到“背影”,第四次写到我“流泪”——思念之泪。 2、“大约大去之期不远矣”——父亲写信的真情,儿子读 信得真情,碰撞出最感人的力量。 三、分析写作技巧 (10分钟) 文章是记叙性抒情散文,是记叙与抒情的结合。 (一)抒情分析 文章整个结构是抒情的,从开头的“最不能忘记”的抒情,到最后又在“泪光中浮现背影”的抒情,中间再加以细节描写与叙述,课文中“四次流泪”的抒情,都是抒情的最佳证明,也证明了散文的“形散而神不散”。 (二)记叙分析 在总结构为抒情的文章中,抒情固然是重要的,但还 要记叙,而记叙,叙述与细节描写是最佳方法。 1、 叙述:第2—5自然段在总体上都在叙述事件的来龙 去脉,叙述有利于文章事件的发展,注重详略得当。 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 2、 细节描写: (1)语言描写: 1)父亲说:“事已至此,不必难过,好在天无绝人 之路”——父亲安慰儿子,表现父亲的坚强和沉着,也含 有淡淡的哀愁。 2)“不要紧,他们去不好”——对别人送儿子不放 心,还是要自己送,表现父亲对儿子的爱也是极其细致极 其深厚的。 (2)动作描写: 1)第5自然段:“拣”、“做”、“嘱托”——表现父亲对儿子的细心关照。 2)第6自然段:“穿”、“爬”、“跳”、“走”、“探”、“攀”、“缩”、“倾”——动词的描写恰到好处,表现了爱子之心是多么的强烈。 (3)外貌描写: 戴着黑布小帽,穿着黑布大马褂,深青色棉袍——将父 亲平凡的外表写出来,就与伟大的父爱形成了鲜明的对 比。 外形平凡——爱心伟大 (三)记叙抒情分析 文章在总结构上抒情的,主要通过四次流泪来抒发感deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 情,但这种感情的抒发要有有力的感人的事件来撑托,感情才不会空洞乏味。因此,作者选取了“背影”这一叙事角度进行描写,角度新颖,运用叙述和细节描写等手法,使叙中含情,情寓叙中。抒情是通过“四次流泪”来完成的,而记叙则是通过“四次背影”来完成的。 【抒情是记叙的灵魂~记叙是抒情的骨架】 四、 作业布置,知识迁移 同学们,下去以后找相关的记叙性散文来读,运用我们 所学的叙述和细节描写来分析文章,并且我要求每一位 同学要用细节描写的技巧写你身边的一个人或一件事, 要抒发自己的真情实感。 附:板书 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 背影朱自清 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 开篇设疑 惦记背影(思念父亲) 父回铺垫背影(父亲的细心关照) 子忆 之往刻画、惜别背影(望父买橘、父子分手) 情 事 再现背影(别后思念) 理解父爱 父亲的穿戴——黑布小帽、黑布马褂、深青棉袍 沉重 父走路的姿势 蹒跚 爱 子 艰难 爬月台的动作——探、攀、缩、倾 子四次流泪——惆怅之泪、感动之泪、理解之泪、思念之泪 爱 父 两次自责——聪明过分、太聪明了 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction,
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