首页 2012年沈阳市中等学校招生统一考试



2012年沈阳市中等学校招生统一考试2012年沈阳市中等学校招生统一考试 2012年沈市中等校招生统一考统;英统统统,阳学 一、基知与运用础础础础础础(共20小,小题题题每1分,分题题20分) A)题题填空从A、B、 C、 D中出可以填入空白的最佳。题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题 题题 题填空:,小每1分,共20分, 1. Suzhou is ___most beautiful tourist city and I believe I’ll come for __ second time. A. the; aB. a; a C.a; theD....

2012年沈阳市中等学校招生统一考试 2012年沈市中等校招生统一考统;英统统统,阳学 一、基知与运用础础础础础础(共20小,小题题题每1分,分题题20分) A)题题填空从A、B、 C、 D中出可以填入空白的最佳。题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题 题题 题填空:,小每1分,共20分, 1. Suzhou is ___most beautiful tourist city and I believe I’ll come for __ second time. A. the; aB. a; a C.a; theD. the; the 2.----The exam was very easy, isn’t it ? ----Yes, but I don’t think ______could pass it . A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody 3.The market isn’t far from here. It’s only______bicycle ride. A. half an hours’ B. half an hour’s C. half an hour D. an hour and a half 4.John is my_____friend of all the classmates. A.good B.better C.best D.the best 5.There_____a sports meeting in our school next week. A. will hold B. will have C. is going to be D. is going to hold 6.You______to the meeting, why didn’t you go ? A. be invited B. will be invited C. were invited D. are invited 7.Jack,_______all the things on the desk . A. put away B. puts away C. puts on D. took away 8.There is little milk in the bottle,______? A. isn’t it B. is it C. isn’t there D. is there 9.----Which would you like to drink, coffee or orange juice ? ----________. I prefer tea. A. Neither B. Both C. All D. None10.------Write to me as soon as you arrive there . -------I________. A. must B. should C. will D. can 11.----Please give me a_______ when you arrive in London, Miss Gao . -----All right. I’ll tell you everything when I get there. A. subject B. newspaper C. ticket D. ring 12.I don’t know _______he would come. A. what B. that C. before D. if 13.If you want to learn English well, you must use it as______as possible. A. often B. long C. hard D. soon 14. I have just heard on the radio that Nanjing Road is jammed cars . A. in B. on C. with D. at 15.Don’t forget to tell him to write a letter to me after he_____my present. A. will receive B. receive C. received D. receives B)础础础础础础全从方框A—G中出可以填入空白础础础础础础础础础础础(16-20)的最佳。础础础 A: How are things, Tom? B:_________16________. A: Maybe you should take it easy this weekend. B: ______17________. A: Do you know when you want to fly to Shanghai? B:___18___________, but I'll decide when I've checked everything on the website. A: Well, when you have decided, then you can book your tickets.B: Can I book the tickets online? _______19__________. A: Yes, I think so. It depends on the airline. And you'll need a credit card. B: OK, I'll try. Hopefully, _________20_________. 二、完形填空(共15小,小题题题每1分,分题题15分) Many people go to school for an education. 21 learn languages,history,geography, physics,chemistry and maths. Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can 22 a living. School 23 is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he 24 cannot teach his students everything they 25 to know. The teacher‘s job is to show his students how to read and how to 26. So much more is to be learned 27 school by the students themselves.   It is always more important to know how to study by 28 than to memorize(熟题)some facts or formula(公式). It is 29 quite easy to learn a 30 fact in history or a formula in mathematics. But it is very difficult to use a formula in 31 out a maths problem. Great scientists, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo,didn’t learn many things from school. But they were all so 32 that they invented so many things for mankind.   The 33 for their success is that they knew how to study. They read books that were not 34 at school. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of 35 .   21. A. Students B. They C. We D. People   22. A. make B. do C. have D. get   23. A. education B. degree C. lesson D. task  24. A. teaches B. knows C. learns D. practises  25. A. manage B. expect C. fail D. want 26. A. study B. play C. think D. work 27.A. in B. on C. from D. over  28. A. heart B. students C. us D. oneself  29. A. not B. actually C. seldom D. known  30.A. real B. true C. certain D. great  31. A. setting B. working C. making D. doing  32. A. famous B. popular C. successful D. modest   33. A. experiment B. reason C. result D. way   34. A. kept B. showed C. expressed D. taught   35. A. duties B. jobs C. experiments D. records 三、理解,共础础础础础础18小,础础A础础每小1.5分,B础础每小1分,分础础25分, A,下列短文,然后根据其内容从础础础础础础础础础础础础础础础A、B、C、D中出可以填入空础础础础础础础 白的最佳。础础础础础础础 A When Mr. Jenkins was nineteen, he joined the army and he has been in the army for twenty years and now he’s a colonel. He likes his dog very much. He often goes out for a walk with it after supper. And he tells his soldiers to give a salute to him when they meet him outside the military camp. Richard, who joined the army half a month ago, forgot to give a salute to the colonel one day and was told to stand in the sun for two hours while the other soldiers were having lunch. Since then each soldier must do so. It was Sunday, the day before yesterday Richard and a few friends took their holiday. They drank something in the town, saw an interesting film and then they returned to their military camp. Suddenly Richard saw a woman with a dog walking outside the camp. He told his friends to stop at once and give a salute to her. It was the colonel’s wife. She was very happy until she heard the following : “Do you know the woman, Richard ?” “No,” answered the young man. “But I know the dog which is walking with her is the colonel’s !” 36. Richard was told to stand in the sun because _____. A. he didn’t give a salute to Mr. Jenkins one day B. he did something wrong in the military camp C. he felt cold that afternoon D. he was not polite to the colonel’s dog 37. The soldiers are afraid _____, so they give a salute to the colonel. A. they can’t have a holiday B. they have to leave the army C. they can’t be given any food D. they’ll be punished 38. The soldiers gave a salute to the woman because _____. A. she was the colonel’s wife B. she walked with the colonel’s dog C. she was friendly to them D. she was walking near the camp 39. The woman thought _____. A. the soldiers knew her well B. the soldiers were all polite C. the soldiers were polite to her D. she had become a famous woman 40. After hearing the soldiers, the woman would be ____. A. happier B. sorry C. worried D. interested B Once there were two brothers. They were very good to each other. They were half brothers because the elder brother’s mother was dead, and then his father married again. The stepmother was not kind to the elder brother, but the younger brother loved him and often helped him. One day, the mother gave each of the brothers a box of seed and enough food for a few days. She said to them. “Take them. Go and plant them . One of them must plant them on the east hill, and the other on the west hill. Do not come back if the seeds don’t come out. ” The mother gave very bad seeds to the elder brother, but the two brothers didn’t know this, and set out the next morning. When they came to a bridge, they sat down to rest. After that, they got up to say good-bye to each other, but they took the wrong boxes of seeds ! Ten days later, the elder brother’s seeds began to grow and he came back. But the younger brother dared not return home because his seeds didn’t grow. At last, he died on the hill. 41.One day, the mother gave two boxes of seeds ___________. A. only to the elder son B. only to the younger son C. to their father D. to the two sons 42. The mother asked the two brothers to __________. A. plant the seeds to the west hill B. come back soon after they planted the seeds C. plant the seeds on two hills D. take the trees and plant them 43. The mother wanted ___________. A. the two brothers to plant trees B. the two brothers to work hard C. the elder brother to die D. the younger brother to die 44. Which of the following is not true ? A. The mother was not kind to the elder brother B. The younger brother loved the elder brother C. The younger brother had two mothers D. The elder brother had two mothers C The designer of Apple Computer, Steven Jobs, was not quite successful in his early years. He was not among the best students at school, and from time to time he got into trouble with either his classmates or his teachers. But he was full of new ideas, which few people saw the value of him. Things remained the same when he went up to college and he dropped out halfway. Steven Jobs worked first as a video game designer at Atari. He worked there for only a few months and then he set out to travel to India. He hoped that the trip would give him more ideas and give him a change in life for the better. After he had returned from India, he began to live on a farm in California. And then, in 1975, Steven Jobs set about making a new type of computer. Along with his friend Stephen Woziak, he designed the Apple I computer in his bedroom and actually built it in his garage. He chose the name “Apple” because it reminded him of a happy summer he once spent on an orchard in Oregon. His Apple Computer turned out to be such a great success that Steven Jobs soon became worldwide famous. Today he was lots of factories and is famous all over the world. 45. Steven Jobs seemed ____________ when he was young. A. one of the best students at school B. too lazy to think C. to be liked by all his teachers D. not to be a good student at school 46. Which of the following is true ? A. Steven Jobs was full of new ideas, but none of them was valuableB. Steven Jobs had many new ideas, but most of the people thought them valueless. C. The value of Steven Jobs’ new ideas was realized by a few peopleD. Steven Jobs didn’t finish his college study because people didn’t see the value of his new ideas. 47. Steven Jobs worked as a video game designer for only a few months before his trip to India, because _______. A. he didn’t like the job there C. he wanted the trip to give more ideas and make his life better B. he loved trip very much D. he believed that a trip could make him more comfortable 48. Steven Jobs made his first computer __________. A. in his garage B. in his bedroom C. alone D. in a workshop 49. Steven Jobs gave the name “Apple” to his computer because _________. A. he only liked apples B. his first computer was like an apple C. it could remind him of a happy summer in Oregon D. he wished to remember that he had once spent a happy summer on an orchard in Oregon. B)础础础础础础础础础础础础础短文,然后根据其内容,从短文后的五个中出能填入空白 的最佳,有一多余,。础础础础础础础础础础础础础 What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, red? ___50___ . Do you prefer greys and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy, and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be pessimist. At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings. ___51___ . If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly. ___52__. A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. ___53___. A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides(自题) than any other bridge in the area---until it was repainted green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply. Perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue. A. On the other hand, black is depressing. B. They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favorite color as grow up --- we are born with our preference. C. The rooms are painted in different colors as you like. D. If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. E. Colors do influence our moods---there is no doubt about it 四、回答统统;共15小统~每小统2分~统分30分, 统统短文~然后根据容回答所提统统。内 E Putting your comic strips in a properly sized comic book bag not only keeps dust, dirt and finger oils off the comic book surface, but helps prevent scuffing which can bring down the value of a comic book considerably. The three most popular comic bag materials are polyethylene, polypropylene and Mylar. New Comic Bags, Regular Comic Bags, Dell & Silver Age Comic Bags and Golden Age Comic Bags as well as Treasury Comic Bags all are available in all three of these materials. All three materials are considered to be ARCHIVAL - Meaning that there is nothing in the composition of the material that can contribute to the breakdown or destruction of the comic book being stored in it. Mylar is considered to be the most archaically sound and is the choice of most museums and archivists as it has the longest shelf life of the three materials. BUT, usually comic collectors can feel more comfortable using polyethylene comic bags or polypropylene comic bags. Just remember that with comic books, as with any type collectable, be sure to store it in a cool, dry place free from sunlight, dust, oils, and everyday exposure. This will ensure a long and enjoyable collecting hobby for what ever you collect. 54. Why do we need a comic book bag? 55. How many kinds of comic bag materials are there? 56. What kind of comic bag materials do the museums often use? 57. Do the collectors like using the Mylar comic bag? 58. Is it right to put the comic books with a lot of sunlight? F A teacher stood before her class and had some things in front of her. When the class began, she picked up a large empty jar(广口瓶) and go on to fill it with rocks. She then asked the students if the jar was full? They agreed that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles(题卵 石) and poured,倒,题题题them into the jar. She shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. She then asked the students again if the jar was full. They again agreed it was. The teacher picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. Now, said the teacher, I want you to know that this is your life. The rocks are the important things - your family, your partner, your health, your children - things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else. The small thing. If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small thing, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are essential to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical examinations. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party. Take care of the rocks first - the things that really matter. Set your priorities(题题先考 的事情). The rest is just sand. 59. How many materials did the teacher put into the jar from the beginning to the end? 60. What did the teacher say about rocks? 61. What will happen if you spend all your time and energy on the small thing? 62. Which one was compared(比作) to life by the teacher? 63. Which one is more important in the teacher's opinion, playing with the children or going to work? G Don't just listen to what others tell you - learn how to read their body language to find out what they're really saying! Angry You've already apologized,道歉,to your very busy friend for being late for your lunch, but is she still angry with you? Maybe, if "her arms are crossed, legs and ankles are closed, or she's closing or covering her mouth from view," says Patti Wood, body language expert and writer of Success Signals . If she's standing up, Wood suggests looking at how she stands. Are your friend's shoulders slightly(稍微) raised, her feet spread,展,题题, her hands on her hips,臀部,? Men more usually do in this way, as if they're squaring off(题题题题题出攻的架) their body to attack, but if you're seeing even some of these signs, apologize again and ask to pay for the bill. Doubtful,疑的,题题题题 You've expressed some new ideas to your boss, but you can't tell if she likes them. "If someone doubts you, she might frown(题眉), squint,斜,题题 her eyes, close her lips and, if she's standing, staring at you," says Wood. Does her body seem tense(题题), with her shoulders raised? If so, it's a sign she's closing herself off because what you're saying doesn't feel right. If she's sitting, her foot may be crossed over her thigh with her hand over her foot — this says she's not confident(自信的) in what she's hearing There are many other body languages and if you learn to read these, it is much more easier for you to communicate with others. www.mylifetime.com/lifestyle/relationships/family-friends 64. What does it mean if one's arms are crossed, legs and ankles are shut, or she's closing or covering her mouth from view? 65. What one will do if he doubts somebody? 66.If one's foot is crossed over her thigh with her hand over her foot, what does it mean? 67. What is learning how to read body language for? 68. What does the article talk about? 五. 短文空 填(共15小统, 每小统1分; 统分15分) A,统统短文, 然后方中统出可以入文中空白统的统统。从框填 We can often see dog owners taking their dogs for a walk. But have you___69___ of taking penguins(企统) for a walk? Here is a ___70___ of news from Japan. In Tokyo Zoo, penguins go out for a walk in __71__ every day.It is said that this can make them happy and stop them___72___ being homesick(想家的). The penguins in the zoo didn't eat ___73___ and were not kind to workers when they first came to the zoo,maybe they were not ___74___ to the life in the zoo. So the zookeepers ___75___ up with this good idea.They___76___ let them walk as they did in South Pole. Now, all these penguins have become ___77___. 69____________ 70____________ 71____________ 72____________ 73____________ 74____________ 75____________ 76____________ 77____________ B,统统短文, 然后用短文括中所统统的适形式空。号当填 Astronauts used to only have freeze-dried powders and semi-liquid pastes;统干 粉和半液的糊糊,状for meals. Now US scientists want to grow vegetables in mini-greenhouses on the Moon. They look forward to __78__(provide) astronauts or space travelers with fine dinners of fresh vegetables in the future. Paragon, a company that works with NASA, has designed the "Lunar Oasis;月 亮统洲,". "Lunar Oasis"is a small greenhouse. It looks like a bell jar put into a 46cm-tall frame. The frame is designed to protect plants while they grow on the Moon. They plan to send the small greenhouse into space __79__(successful) in 2012. Scientists will put brassica;芸苔,seeds —like a cabbage —in the greenhouse. Because this kind of vegetable goes from seed to flower in just 14 days, it can complete __80__(it) life cycle in just one night on the Moon. The Moon greenhouse has been compared to an experiment at the South Pole. The South Pole greenhouse, now in its __81__(five) year, allows workers living in the coldest place on Earth to have __82__(tomato), lettuces, strawberries and herbs. "Living on the Moon seems so far away, but it is __83__(importance) that we do this research now," said Jane Poynter, the president of Paragon. 78____________ 79____________ 80____________ 81____________ 82____________ 83____________ 六、统合统统;共10小统~每小统2分~统分20分 , 统统短文~然后根据 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 完成第84-93小统。 The eating habits are different between the Easterner (题方人) and the Westerner,西方人,. Firstly, A 题题题题题题题方人喜吃的食物. For example, on the morning, Chinese often eat hot porridge, clay oven rolls (题题), fried bread stick,油条), noodles, soybean milk and other Chinese food. All of these are hot. On the other hand, People in the west usually eat bread, milk, orange and coffee which are cold commonly. Secondly, An Easterner like drink hot water whenever it is winter or summer. If you go to a Chinese home, they will give you a cup of tea, and the tea always is hot B you demand for cold water. But in the west, People like drinking cold water or beverage,料,题题题, they_C___ can drink a bottle of cold water in winter, this is inconceivability,不可思) in an easterner's eyes.题 Thirdly, D It is different altogether between Easterner and Westerner in dinner. We often see a round table in a Chinese family, then, a whole family can sit together to eat dinner. They like share all dishes with other families, round table is convenient,方便) for a family. E On the other hand, in a western family, a square,正方形) table is familiar. A family eats in each different dish. Why does a Chinese family use a round table? Because they think a whole families sharing all food F represent,代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ) reunion,题题) and "warm". All of this are traditional,题题). In modern life, Chinese also like square table, because it is popular. 84. 把A题题题题题题翻成英。 85. 在划部分题题题B,C的空白填入适当的题题题题题题题题________ __________ 86. 将划部分题题题D 改写题 Easterners are _______ ______ Westerners in dinner. 87. E,F题题题题的近: _____________ _______________ 88. The passage is about My aunt had successfully brought up three children, helped her husband on their small farm, and at age 50 decided to go back to school and get her nursing degree. She has her saving time methods. Get out the clothes you will wear (A)the next day , also pack(包装) your exercise clothes in your gym bag. For children, have them lay the clothes to be worn out, including the shoes, so that they don't have to be in a rush in the mornings. (B) 题题题题题题题题题题题题题可以省第二天早晨多的 since you won't have to go on a search for the right thing to wear. Pack their school bag and place it by the door, so it is ready for them to take in the morning and (C)no searching has to be done at the last minute. Do your banking on line, pay bills on line? This (D) saves time but it saves money on stamps and envelopes. Keep a pen and paper near your phone center so you don't have to look for a pen when taking a message. If you don't have a designated,用的,题题题题drawer, a small attractive basket with paper and pens can be kept on top of the fridge. Your family will get used to this and you'll never have to look for a pen or paper again to take a message. It is the little things you do to save time that add up to big savings in time and less hurry in your life. 89. 可以替题A题题题题的句是 90. 将B题题题题题翻成英 91. 将划部分题题题C 改写题 you have to do searching at the last minute. 92. 在D的空白填入一个适当的题题题题题题题题题题 93. 在文中找出最能解主的句题题题题题题 七、统面表;共统~达两A统5分~B统20分~统分25分, ,A,明天上午十点你班要到机房学算机的基本操作,题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题 你是班,根据提示写出一篇通知。题题题题题题题题题题题题题题 Computer lab, computer operation, keep quiet, follow the teacher's instructions, keep clean (B)假定你是李,将于今年七月从新星外学校,你从上得知题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题B&B公司要 招聘一名英文秘,你很感趣。公司写一封求信,包括下列要点:题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题题 1. 年,题题 2. 学情况及英水平,题题题题题题题题题 3. 题题题趣和特, 4. 性格特点。 Dear sir/madam, I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 Dear sir/madam, I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. The reason why I write this letter is that I am really interested in this and want to work with you. I’m 18 years old, and will be graduating from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July. I’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students. I’m good at English, especially spoken English. I often use the computer and I type very fast. In my spare time, I read a lot. Poems are my favorite. I enjoy music very much too. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. Besides, I’m easy to get along with and I like to make friends. I’m looking forward to your reply. Sincerely yours, Lihua
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