首页 205英语话剧



205英语话剧205英语话剧 205英語話劇 劇本 ( A script of English drama ) 角色介紹Character introduction ◎ 小紅帽:little red::會魔法 ◎ 虎克船長:captain hook::娘娘腔船員1:sailor 1: 船員2:sailor 2: ◎ 羊大哥:lamp 1::三大男高音-卡內拉斯 ◎ 羊小弟:lamp 2::三大男高音-帕華洛帝 ◎ 小豬:pig::自以為是羊的豬ˋ三大男高音-多明哥 ◎ 巨鷹:enormous eagle: ...

205英语话剧 205英語話劇 劇本 ( A script of English drama ) 角色介紹Character introduction ◎ 小紅帽:little red::會魔法 ◎ 虎克船長:captain hook::娘娘腔船員1:sailor 1: 船員2:sailor 2: ◎ 羊大哥:lamp 1::三大男高音-卡內拉斯 ◎ 羊小弟:lamp 2::三大男高音-帕華洛帝 ◎ 小豬:pig::自以為是羊的豬ˋ三大男高音-多明哥 ◎ 巨鷹:enormous eagle: ◎ 白雪公主:snow white::三八 ◎ 強盜1:robber 1: 強盜2:robber 2: ◎ 巫婆:witch::可憐蟲 ◎ 灰姑娘:Cinderella::愛漂亮ˋ脾氣火爆ˋ妝很濃 ◎ 僕人:servant: ◎ 魔鏡:magic mirror::拍馬屁 ◎ 王子:prince::自戀 ◎ 旁白(Voice-over) 第一幕 (Act 1) 場景place:灰姑娘的房間 Cinderella’s bedroom 出場人物character:灰姑娘 Cinderella、僕人servant、魔鏡magic mirror 旁白:很久很久以前,在媽媽咪呀城裡住著一位漂亮的公主,今天是她的生日。 Voice-over:Once upon a time, there was a pretty princess lived in city which called Mamamia, and today is her birthday. (灰剛睡醒,僕人進房) (Cinderella just wakes up. The servant walks into) 僕人:噢~公主您醒啦?今天是您的生日,我們將舉辦有史以來最豪華的宴會,您的朋友都會來幫你慶祝。 Servant:Oh~ my dear princess! Today is your birthday. We are going to hold the most luxurious party for you! Many of your friends will come here to celebrate you . 灰:那我今天可要好好打扮一下了。魔鏡!! (手拍兩下) Cinderella:It seems that I have to make up myself today. Mirror!! (Clap twice) 魔鏡:yoyoyo!(被八) 嘎啵~(轉頭回來) 妳今天很美~ Magic Mirror:YoYoYo~(box on the ear) Yabon~(twist his head back) You look so gorgeous today. 灰:快幫我找一件最適合我的禮服!! 對了,不知道朋友們到哪了,你知道他們在哪嗎? Cinderella:Hurry! Find me a most staggering dress!! Yep, I don’t know if they were already on their way or not. Do you know where they are? 魔鏡:讓你瞧瞧 Magic Mirror:Here, take a look. 第二幕 (Act 2) 場景place:船上(On the ship) 出場人物character:小紅帽little red、虎克船長captain hook、船員1 sailor 1、 船員2 sailor 2 (小紅帽在舞台來回拖地)、(虎克船長站在前面)、(船員1拿帆,船員2拿吹風機吹) :little red mops around the stage:、:hook stand in front of stage:、:sailor 1 get sail、sailor 2 take blower blow it: 小紅帽:嗯……我們….(被打斷) Little red:hum…we…:be interrupted: 船員,:我們現在要去哪? Sailor 1:Where are we going now, 虎:我們要去灰姑娘的生日派對。 Hook:We’re going to Cinderella’s birthday party. 小紅帽:那…要帶…(被打斷) Little red:opps,so…what should…(be interrupted) 船員 2:船長那我們要帶什麼禮物阿? Sailor 2:What should we bring for her , captain, 虎:我自有打算 Hook:You’ll see. 船員1、2:船長英明 Sailor1、2:Holly captain!! 小紅帽:(越想越覺得自己很卑微,於是把拖把的下面旋轉開變成魔法棒)霹靂卡霹靂啦啦波波莉 那貝貝魯多(虎變成了拿拖把的小弟) Little red:pilica pililala popolina babarudo(Hook became a servant who have malkin) 虎:(娘)那我們現在要去哪阿? Hook:Where are we going now,(sessy) 小紅帽:去灰姑娘的生日派對阿! Little red:We’re going to Cinderella’s birthday party. (用魔法棒變到森林入口):hex to the forest: 虎:(邊看地圖、拿手帕擦汗)還要多久才會到阿? Hook:I’m fainting. I’m too weak to….How long shall we arrive at the castle? 小紅帽:怎麼這麼遠阿,看我的! (變出南瓜鱷魚車) Little red:Hei, being like a MAN ! All right, all right. ( sigh) forget it. Look here. Snap ! (坐著車離場) 第三幕 (Act 3) 場景place:森林:forest: 出場人物character:羊大哥lamp 1、羊小弟lamp 2、小豬pig、巨鷹 Giant eagle :三隻小羊衝進來,自以為有明星般的光采,用三大男高音的音樂自我介紹: 羊大哥:我是卡內拉斯~咩 lamp 1:I’m Carreras,mae~ 羊小弟:我是帕華洛帝~咩 lamp 2:I’m Pavarotti,mae~ 小豬:咩咩~我是多明哥(豬叫聲) Pig:mae~mae~I’m Domingo 三人:我們是世界三大男高音。 Three people:We are the three tenors.mae~oink~ 羊大哥:目標城堡,齊步走! 咩~ lamp 1:To the castle ! Quick march,mae~ :走了四五步、羊大哥煞車、小弟小豬撞上去: 羊小弟:幹麻停下來,咩~ lamp 2:What’s up ! Why stop? mae~ 羊大哥:我們好像迷路了 lamp 1:We Get Lost (左看右看,巨鷹出現):羊們向後跳: 羊大哥:(尖叫)救命,救命,(亂跑) lamp 1:Help!Help, :羊小弟、小豬一起跑::巨鷹從反方向、小弟小豬又撞到哥、巨鷹抓哥: 巨鷹:嘿嘿嘿,抓到了,(瞄到豬):放下大哥去抓豬: Giant eagle:Hahaha!I Gotcha! 巨鷹:有豬,我比較喜歡吃豬 enormous eagle:There is a pig. I prefer to eat pig. 小豬:我是羊我是羊我是羊 Pig:I’m a sheep,A sheep,I’m a sheep, 巨鷹:你是豬你是豬你是豬 enormous eagle:You’re a pig! A Pig ! pig! (兩人對看慢慢轉圈、跳、剪刀石頭布) 小豬:我我我是一隻羊羊羊YO我是一隻羊 Pig:I I I am a sheep sheep sheep yo I am a sheep. 巨鷹:什麼?不不不不不不豬:指: enormous eagle:What? No No No No No No Pig(point) :羊小弟走到他們中間: 羊小弟:停,巨鷹先生,想不想跟我們一起去派對, lamp 2:Stop,Mr. eagle,Do you want to go to the party with us? 巨鷹:派對,派對,我愛派對, enormous eagle:party,party,I like party, 羊大哥:好吧~齊步走, lamp 1:Ok~ Quick march, (四人排隊離場) 第四幕 (Act 4) 場景place:白雪公主的家 出場人物character:白雪公主snow white、強盜1robber 1、強盜2robber 2、巫婆witch 白:快!快!快把我最好看的衣服拿出來! Snow white:Quick,Quick,Take out my most beautiful clothe. 巫:是、是、是 (拿出一堆衣服) Witch:OK~ok~ok (巫拿旗袍) 白:不要! 【巫先拿給觀眾看】 Snow white:NO (巫拿原始人衣服) 白:不要! Snow white:NONO (巫拿雨衣) 白:不要!不要!不要! 我看,還是去拿我的珍藏寶物好了! Snow white:NONONO,OH my God~ I think I should take out my favorite treasure . (到布幕後換衣服、丟衣服、褲子、內褲……) 白:蘋果拿了沒, Snow white:Have you brought the apple? 巫:有毒的還沒毒的, Witch: Baneful or unbaneful? (poisonous or nonpoisonous ?) 白:嘿嘿~有毒的 Snow white:Hey ~ Baneful~ 巫:OK~(走去拿蘋果)哪個好呢?(開始點) Witch:OK~Which is better… 白:我們出發吧,(兩人上竹掃把) Snow white:Let’s go, (強盜1、2出現) 強盜:劫財劫色 Robber:Rob fortune rob beauty. 巫:沒財沒色 Witch:No fortune nor beauty. 強盜:我們要的就是你,(撲向白)(白擺架式) Robber:What we want is you, 強盜1:好像很厲害喔(擺架式) Robber 1:Whoa, it’s snappy! (轉兩圈) 巫:我是裁判,3、2、1,開始, Witch:Now,I’m the umpire ! Three ,Two,One ,GO, (白雪勝、強盜爬走) 白:沒有人是我的對手, Snow white:No one can be the opponent of me. (兩人騎掃把離場) 第五幕 (Act 5) 場景place:皇宮大廳 出場人物character:小紅帽little red、虎克船長hook captain、羊大哥lamp 1、羊小弟lamp 2、小豬pig、白雪公主snow white、巫婆witch、灰姑娘Cinderella、僕人servant、魔鏡magic mirror、 王子prince、旁白Voice-over (三隊客串跳舞、其他人聊天吃東西:MUSIC下 旁白:經過了一番波折後,所有受邀的賓客都來到了皇宮,他們有的聊天、有的吃東西,此時灰姑娘走了出來。 Voice-over:All guests have landed the castle. Some of them are chatting, the others are eating. At that time, Cinderella is coming. MUSIC停 灰姑娘:(邊走邊笑+撥頭髮)歡迎我親愛的朋友們來參加我的生日派對,今天大家盡量吃盡量玩如有上吐下瀉的情況,本公主一概不負責喔(笑) 咦?!我的王子呢,怎麼還沒來?:與僕人說話: Cinderella: Welcome, my dear friends,Thank you for coming to my birthday party. Feel free to enjoy yourself. Feel home and help yourself , But I have no responsibility if you got stomachache or diarrhea, ha ha ha Oh, where is my darling prince? 僕人:噢,我親愛的公主,你的王子等等就到了。 Servant:Oh! My dear princess! Your prince will be here soon. (羊群們跑來跑去)(白雪公主與巫婆走向前) 白:你看看,看看這,灰姑娘也不想想自己是灰的。(對觀眾說)我是白的 snow white:Look! Look at her. She’s grey. Doesnt everyone knows that Cinderella is meant to be GREY; and Snow white, Me myself is white. Clear? Me, White. She, Grey. : I don’t understand what’s the purpose you put emphasis on the color here? Is it relevant to the plot,) (巫婆走路走到跌倒、蘋果打到灰姑娘: 灰:唉唷~是誰? Cinderella:AIo~Who? (虎克船長答應)who who who who …(舞台前走一回)(大家一起動作) 白:噢~(搖頭)真是抱歉(奸笑)不過真是高興、噢不不不那是要獻給你的禮物阿!(笑著走掉) snow white:Oh~I’m so sorry but so happy. Oh No~No~No~ that is your present. (羊們在灰姑娘旁邊繞圈圈) 灰:停!. Cinderella:Stop! (羊排一列) 羊大哥:公主,我們是三大男高音,今天準備了一首歌要送給妳 lamp 1:Princess, we are the three tenors. Mae~ Today we want to give a song to you. SING……………………. 灰:停!停!停!不要唱了! Cinderella:Stop! Stop! Stop! Please don’t sing! 【命運交響曲】 羊們:(搖頭後退)OK…OK..(點頭)(哭著跑出去) Lamp+ pig :Ok…Ok… (小紅帽出場) 小紅帽:我親愛的公主,不要生氣了,讓我送給妳一個期待已久的禮物吧, Little red:My dear princess. Don’t be angry. Let me give you long-waited present. (魔法棒指向柱子)(灰轉頭看)(王子將柱子推倒後跳出、手拿鏡子: 王子:天阿。我怎麼會那麼帥呢?(邊走邊說) Prince:OH My God. It’s too handsome too believe! 小紅帽:這下子滿意了吧?? little red:Are you satisfied now? Prince: Satisfied? It’s FABULOUS , Oh, Ho! Mirror mirror on the wall, tell me that I am the handsomest prince in the world ! : to himself, Yes. You Are! ) 灰:太好了,太好了,(轉向王子) 你真帥, Cinderella:That’s great! You are so brilliant! 王子:我知道,我知道,大家都知道阿, Prince:I know! I know! Everybody knows! 灰姑娘:我可以[跟你跳支舞嗎? Cinderella:May I dance with you? (邀舞動作) ?MUSIC下 ?大家一起轉出來 各自找各自的舞伴 ?轉一轉不知不覺變成虎克船長跟王子在一起?舞繼續?灰發現不對勁?灰把舞伴推開 ?灰想介入虎克與王子?不斷被推開?後面的人舉出KISS的牌子(MUSIC快ending) ?音樂停、王子與虎克kiss、灰姑娘昏倒
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