首页 2012胡润慈善榜



2012胡润慈善榜2012胡润慈善榜 《2012胡润慈善榜》前百名榜单 2012捐赠2011捐排名主要财富排名 额(万元)赠额(万姓名 捐赠方向 公司 出生地 年龄 变化 来源 * 元)** 社会公益、教福耀玻1 - 364,000 458,000 曹德旺家族 育、扶贫、环福建福清 66 玻璃制造 璃 保、文化 社会公益、扶恒大地2 ? 74,700 12,500 许家印 河南周口 54 房地产 贫、教育 产 文化、社会公万达集3 ? 28,200 118,000 王健林 益、教育、环四川成都 58 房地产 团 保 社会...

2012胡润慈善榜 《2012胡润慈善榜》前百名榜单 2012捐赠2011捐排名主要财富排名 额(万元)赠额(万姓名 捐赠方向 公司 出生地 年龄 变化 来源 * 元)** 社会公益、教福耀玻1 - 364,000 458,000 曹德旺家族 育、扶贫、环福建福清 66 玻璃制造 璃 保、文化 社会公益、扶恒大地2 ? 74,700 12,500 许家印 河南周口 54 房地产 贫、教育 产 文化、社会公万达集3 ? 28,200 118,000 王健林 益、教育、环四川成都 58 房地产 团 保 社会公益、教世纪金4 ? 25,200 26,500 黄如论 育、扶贫、文福建连江 61 房地产 源 化 扶贫、社会公5 ? 24,500 12,200 黄文仔 星河湾 广东广州 59 房地产 益、教育 林秀成、林扶贫、教育、三安光6 新 22,000 \ 福建泉州 61 钢铁、LED 志强父子 社会公益 电 创律集7 新 20,000 \ 徐增平 教育 山东烟台 60 房地产 团 社会公益、教源昌集8 ? 18,700 20,000 侯昌财 福建南安 56 房地产 育 团 合生创教育、扶贫、9 ? 16,800 65,600 朱孟依家族 展/珠江广东丰顺 53 房地产 社会公益 投资 社会公益、教亿达集10 ? 13,900 1,400 孙荫环 辽宁大连 63 房地产 育、环保 团 教育、社会公11 ? 13,100 8,000 陈卓林家族 雅居乐 广东中山 50 房地产 益、扶贫 顺风集12 新 13,000 \ 郑建明 社会公益 广东揭阳 \ 鞋业 团 社会公益、教正荣集13 ? 11,100 8,480 欧宗荣 育、扶贫、救福建莆田 48 房地产 团 灾 党彦宝、边宝丰能14 ? 11,000 5,220 社会公益 宁夏银川 39 煤炭 海燕夫妇 源 教育、社会公14 新 11,000 \ 丁世忠家族 安踏 福建晋江 42 体育用品 益 龙湖集16 ? 10,700 4,300 吴亚军 教育、扶贫 重庆 48 房地产 团 mL. V1--volume of the sample used for determination of sulfuric acid solution, mL. M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Allow analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second used for determination of the absolute value of the difference between the volume of sulfuric acid solution. The value does not exceed 0.1. (B) Spectrophotometric methods (arbitration law) 1, the principle: in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release, and collected with a sulfuric acid solution, add reagent using spectrophotometer determination of nitrogen content ammonium salt and turned into. This method is suitable for nitrogen content of less than 0.025% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 1.43 g/mL. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Ammonium sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.1mol/L calibration solution. Nyquist reagents: at least two days before use, 100g iodide of mercury (?) and 70g lOOmL solution of potassium iodide in water, the other will 700mL 244g potassium hydroxide dissolved in water 1000mL bottle and make it cool to room temperature. The above mercury iodide (II)/potassium iodide solution into the volumetric flask and slowly, ... Inside, in the dark. 3, apparatus, Kjeldahl flasks: volume typically between 500~800mL. Digestion: the Kjeldahl flask to tilt 达利集16 ? 10,700 10,300 许世辉 教育、扶贫 福建泉州 55 食品 团 泰康人18 新 10,000 \ 陈东升 教育 湖北天门 55 保险 寿 中萃房18 新 10,000 \ 林榜昭 社会公益 广东揭阳 51 房地产 地产 正祥投18 新 10,000 \ 吴富立 教育 \ \ 房地产 资 创鸿集21 新 9,100 \ 黄鸿明 文化、扶贫 广东潮阳 44 房地产 团 玉湖集房地产、22 ? 8,350 16,700 黄向墨 社会公益 广东 43 团 水电 个人护理23 新 7,670 \ 许连捷家族 社会公益 恒安 福建晋江 59 用品 雷天能24 ? 6,800 6,800 钟馨稼 教育 \ \ 电池 源集团 25 ? 6,510 13,400 杨惠妍家族 扶贫 碧桂园 广东佛山 57 房地产 莫道明、林昊源集26 新 6,500 \ 教育 \ 48 房地产 晓红夫妇 团 社会公益、扶27 新 6,300 \ 高德康 波司登 江苏常熟 60 服装 贫 救灾、文化、昊龙实矿业、房28 ? 6,110 11,600 马永升 扶贫、社会公云南昭通 47 业地产 益 毕氏实发电、钢29 新 6,000 \ 毕经安 教育 河北唐山 64 业集团 铁 亨通集29 新 6,000 \ 崔根良 社会公益 姜武无疆 54 电缆 团 梁伯彤、杨29 新 6,000 \ 教育 百嘉信 \ \ 房地产 文娟夫妇 顺盛集 32 新 5,800 \ 李顺堤 社会公益 团/世界福建南安 50 建材 闽商 教育、扶贫、星河地33 新 5,520 \ 黄楚龙 环保、社会公广东 \ 房地产 产 益 健康、社会公国瑞兴34 新 5,430 \ 张章笋 广东汕头 56 房地产 益 业地产 社会公益、文宏和集35 新 5,280 \ 吴克东 广东揭阳 37 房地产 化 团 扶贫、社会公36 新 5,050 \ 黄焕明 明发 福建南安 49 房地产 益 教育、社会公日照钢37 ? 5,040 5,000 杜双华 河北衡水 47 钢铁 益、健康 铁 mL. V1--volume of the sample used for determination of sulfuric acid solution, mL. M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Allow analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second used for determination of the absolute value of the difference between the volume of sulfuric acid solution. The value does not exceed 0.1. (B) Spectrophotometric methods (arbitration law) 1, the principle: in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release, and collected with a sulfuric acid solution, add reagent using spectrophotometer determination of nitrogen content ammonium salt and turned into. This method is suitable for nitrogen content of less than 0.025% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 1.43 g/mL. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Ammonium sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.1mol/L calibration solution. Nyquist reagents: at least two days before use, 100g iodide of mercury (?) and 70g lOOmL solution of potassium iodide in water, the other will 700mL 244g potassium hydroxide dissolved in water 1000mL bottle and make it cool to room temperature. The above mercury iodide (II)/potassium iodide solution into the volumetric flask and slowly, ... Inside, in the dark. 3, apparatus, Kjeldahl flasks: volume typically between 500~800mL. Digestion: the Kjeldahl flask to tilt 时代地38 新 5,010 \ 岑钊雄 扶贫、教育 广东南海 42 房地产 产 社会公益、扶中南建39 ? 5,000 1,370 陈锦石 贫、教育、救江苏海门 50 房地产 设 灾 耿建明、耿荣盛发39 新 5,000 \ 社会公益 江苏南京 50、47 房地产 建富兄弟 展 联泰集39 新 5,000 \ 黄振达 社会公益 广东 65 房地产 团 39 新 5,000 \ 王和平 教育 润地利 江苏金坛 53 房地产 王填、张海扶贫、社会公39 新 5,000 \ 步步高 湖南湘潭 44 零售连锁 霞夫妇 益 鹏宇集39 新 5,000 \ 朱新红 教育 \ \ 房地产 团 社会公益、教月朗国个人护理45 新 4,860 \ 陈怀德 广东化州 48 育 际 用品 扶贫、教育、宜华集木业、房46 新 4,730 \ 刘绍喜家族 广东汕头 49 社会公益 团 地产 华荣集47 新 4,100 \ 朱炳华 教育 \ \ 煤炭 团 社会公益、教金泓昇48 新 4,060 \ 林乐文 广东普宁 53 房地产 育 投资 德发集49 ? 4,000 2,000 王如法 教育 浙江余姚 \ 建筑 团 格尔木 49 新 4,000 \ 肖永明 教育 藏格钾四川资阳 \ 钾肥 肥 天伦集房地产、49 新 4,000 \ 张瀛岑 社会公益 河南郑州 50 团 天然气 文化、教育、建业集52 ? 3,980 5,000 胡葆森 河南濮阳 57 房地产 社会公益团 新尚集IT零售连53 新 3,500 \ 唐立新 教育 四川成都 49 团 锁 教育、文化、中坤集房地产、54 ? 3,390 3,100 黄怒波 社会公益、扶甘肃兰州 56 团 旅游度假 贫 铝业、房55 新 3,280 \ 宋作文 教育 南山 山东 65 地产 救灾、社会公黄埔投56 ? 3,220 22,400 陈光标 江苏泗洪 44 新型 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 益 资 扶贫、社会公恒兴集农业、饲57 新 3,150 \ 陈丹 广东 46 益 团 料 教育、扶贫、宝龙集58 新 3,010 \ 许健康 福建晋江 60 房地产 社会公益 团 mL. V1--volume of the sample used for determination of sulfuric acid solution, mL. M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Allow analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second used for determination of the absolute value of the difference between the volume of sulfuric acid solution. The value does not exceed 0.1. (B) Spectrophotometric methods (arbitration law) 1, the principle: in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release, and collected with a sulfuric acid solution, add reagent using spectrophotometer determination of nitrogen content ammonium salt and turned into. This method is suitable for nitrogen content of less than 0.025% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 1.43 g/mL. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Ammonium sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.1mol/L calibration solution. Nyquist reagents: at least two days before use, 100g iodide of mercury (?) and 70g lOOmL solution of potassium iodide in water, the other will 700mL 244g potassium hydroxide dissolved in water 1000mL bottle and make it cool to room temperature. The above mercury iodide (II)/potassium iodide solution into the volumetric flask and slowly, ... Inside, in the dark. 3, apparatus, Kjeldahl flasks: volume typically between 500~800mL. Digestion: the Kjeldahl flask to tilt 深圳京房地产、59 新 3,000 \ 陈华 社会公益 广东湛江 46 基集团 金融 北极光 59 新 3,000 \ 邓锋 教育 风险投北京 49 投资 资 中天钢59 新 3,000 \ 董才平 社会公益 江苏常州 49 钢铁 铁 大族激59 新 3,000 \ 高云峰 教育 \ 45 激光设备 光 鑫桥联59 新 3,000 \ 施锦珊 教育 福建泉州 48 投资 合 家景集59 新 3,000 \ 薛小云 教育 \ \ 房地产 团 社会公益、教榕泰实59 新 3,000 \ 杨启昭 广东揭阳 73 塑料制品 育 业 59 新 3,000 \ 张朝阳 教育 搜狐 北京 50 门户网站 扶贫、社会公美的集59 ? 3,000 6,800 何享健 广东顺德 70 家电 益 团 社会公益、教 68 新 2,950 \ 郭英成 育、健康、扶佳兆业 广东 48 房地产 贫 教育、扶贫、大西南69 新 2,790 \ 陈德伟 浙江温州 \ 煤炭 救灾 矿业 社会公益、扶银润控70 新 2,600 \ 廖春荣 浙江 \ 房地产 贫 股 社会公益、教快鹿投71 新 2,530 \ 施建祥 上海 48 投资 育、文化 资 红星家72 新 2,500 \ 车建新 社会公益 江苏常州 46 家居连锁 具 教育、社会公泛海集房地产、73 ? 2,460 31,000 卢志强 山东威海 61 益团金融 扶贫、教育、恒兴实74 新 2,430 \ 柯希平 福建泉州 52 矿业 社会公益 业 扶贫、社会公中恒集医药、房75 新 2,330 \ 许淑清 北京 54 益 团 地产 中骏集房地产、76 新 2,300 \ 黄朝阳 教育 福建泉州 46 团 变压器 金贵银77 新 2,280 \ 曹永贵 教育 湖南郴州 48 白银 业 海姿焦78 新 2,200 \ 杜红奎 教育 山西临汾 54 煤化工 化 社会公益、扶中德环垃圾焚烧79 新 2,050 \ 陈泽峰 福建泉州 43 贫、文化 保 发电 mL. V1--volume of the sample used for determination of sulfuric acid solution, mL. M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Allow analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second used for determination of the absolute value of the difference between the volume of sulfuric acid solution. The value does not exceed 0.1. (B) Spectrophotometric methods (arbitration law) 1, the principle: in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release, and collected with a sulfuric acid solution, add reagent using spectrophotometer determination of nitrogen content ammonium salt and turned into. This method is suitable for nitrogen content of less than 0.025% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 1.43 g/mL. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Ammonium sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.1mol/L calibration solution. Nyquist reagents: at least two days before use, 100g iodide of mercury (?) and 70g lOOmL solution of potassium iodide in water, the other will 700mL 244g potassium hydroxide dissolved in water 1000mL bottle and make it cool to room temperature. The above mercury iodide (II)/potassium iodide solution into the volumetric flask and slowly, ... Inside, in the dark. 3, apparatus, Kjeldahl flasks: volume typically between 500~800mL. Digestion: the Kjeldahl flask to tilt 润物控80 新 2,000 \ 陈远 教育 \ 44 投资 股 瑞盛房80 新 2,000 \ 高强 社会公益 重庆 40 房地产 地产 东方园80 新 2,000 \ 何巧女 教育 浙江金华 46 林业 林 社会公益、健子墨集80 新 2,000 \ 洪俊 浙江金华 49 林业 康 团 云峰酒80 新 2,000 \ 黄维崧 教育 \ \ 酒业 业 天明集广告、房80 ? 2,000 2,380 姜明 教育 河南信阳 46 团 地产 新英才 80 新 2,000 \ 蓝春 教育 教育集福建武夷山 46 教育 团 扶贫、教育、中天建80 新 2,000 \ 楼永良 浙江 58 房地产 救灾 设 80 新 2,000 \ 邵根伙 教育 大北农 浙江金华 47 农业 均瑶集房地产、80 新 2,000 \ 王均金家族 教育 浙江温州 44 团 航空 超越集80 ? 2,000 5,000 杨清河 社会公益 河南安阳 45 房地产 团 扶贫、教育、80 新 2,000 \ 禹振飞 \ 江苏扬州 \ \ 社会公益 张祥青、张荣程钢80 ? 2,000 4,100 教育 河北唐山 43 钢铁 荣华夫妇 铁 教育、社会公中博置80 新 2,000 \ 赵常成 四川南充 \ 房地产 益 业公司 社会公益、教80 新 2,000 \ 周永伟 七匹狼 福建 50 服装 育 鹏生企80 新 2,000 \ 孙明楠 扶贫 辽宁大连 28 房地产 业 教育、社会公96 新 1,960 \ 宗庆后家族 娃哈哈 江苏宿迁 67 饮料 益、扶贫 97 新 1,900 \ 何思模 教育、扶贫 易事特 安徽安庆 47 电源 扶贫、社会公玖龙纸98 ? 1,800 2,400 张茵家族 黑龙江 55 包装纸 益、教育 业 扶贫、教育、隆鑫控摩托车、99 ? 1,780 2,500 涂建华 重庆 49 社会公益 股 房地产 周庆治、赵社会公益、教南都集电池、投100 ? 1,680 2,060 \ \ 亦斓夫妇育团资 权威查询凤凰财经: 权威查询网易财经: mL. V1--volume of the sample used for determination of sulfuric acid solution, mL. M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Allow analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second used for determination of the absolute value of the difference between the volume of sulfuric acid solution. The value does not exceed 0.1. (B) Spectrophotometric methods (arbitration law) 1, the principle: in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release, and collected with a sulfuric acid solution, add reagent using spectrophotometer determination of nitrogen content ammonium salt and turned into. This method is suitable for nitrogen content of less than 0.025% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 1.43 g/mL. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Ammonium sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.1mol/L calibration solution. Nyquist reagents: at least two days before use, 100g iodide of mercury (?) and 70g lOOmL solution of potassium iodide in water, the other will 700mL 244g potassium hydroxide dissolved in water 1000mL bottle and make it cool to room temperature. The above mercury iodide (II)/potassium iodide solution into the volumetric flask and slowly, ... Inside, in the dark. 3, apparatus, Kjeldahl flasks: volume typically between 500~800mL. Digestion: the Kjeldahl flask to tilt mL. V1--volume of the sample used for determination of sulfuric acid solution, mL. M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Allow analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second used for determination of the absolute value of the difference between the volume of sulfuric acid solution. The value does not exceed 0.1. (B) Spectrophotometric methods (arbitration law) 1, the principle: in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release, and collected with a sulfuric acid solution, add reagent using spectrophotometer determination of nitrogen content ammonium salt and turned into. This method is suitable for nitrogen content of less than 0.025% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 1.43 g/mL. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Ammonium sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.1mol/L calibration solution. Nyquist reagents: at least two days before use, 100g iodide of mercury (?) and 70g lOOmL solution of potassium iodide in water, the other will 700mL 244g potassium hydroxide dissolved in water 1000mL bottle and make it cool to room temperature. The above mercury iodide (II)/potassium iodide solution into the volumetric flask and slowly, ... Inside, in the dark. 3, apparatus, Kjeldahl flasks: volume typically between 500~800mL. Digestion: the Kjeldahl flask to tilt
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