首页 学校普法知识竞赛资料试题



学校普法知识竞赛资料试题学校普法知识竞赛资料试题 1、宪法序言规定,国家的根本任务是(C)。 A、、进行经济体制改革和政治体制改革B、进行社会主义精神文明建设 C、进行社会主义现代化建设D、进行社会主义物质文明建设 2、下列(A、)可以作为权利和义务的根本区别。 A、、权利可以放弃,义务必须履行 B、权利是与生俱来的,义务则是由法律规定的 C、权利对于一切人都是平等的,义务则因人而异 D、权利应当享有,义务可以放弃 3、我国宪法规定,宪法修正案由全国人大全体代表的(A)通过。 A、、2/3B、3/4C、1/2D、4/5 ...

学校普法知识竞赛资料试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 1、宪法序言规定,国家的根本任务是(C)。 A、、进行经济体制改革和政治体制改革B、进行社会主义精神文明建设 C、进行社会主义现代化建设D、进行社会主义物质文明建设 2、下列(A、)可以作为权利和义务的根本区别。 A、、权利可以放弃,义务必须履行 B、权利是与生俱来的,义务则是由法律规定的 C、权利对于一切人都是平等的,义务则因人而异 D、权利应当享有,义务可以放弃 3、我国宪法规定,宪法修正案由全国人大全体代表的(A)通过。 A、、2/3B、3/4C、1/2D、4/5 4、根据2004通过的宪法修正案的规定,国家(D)公有制经济的发展。 A、、指导、帮助和管理B、引导、监督和管理 C、鼓励、指导和帮助D、鼓励、支持和引导 5、某选区共有选民13679人,高先生是数位候选人之一。根据现行宪法和选举法律,在下列(B) 下,高先生可以当选。 A、、参加投票的人数为6835人,高获得选票6831张 B、参加投票的人数为6841人,高获得选票3421张 C、参加投票的人数为13643人,高获得选票6749张 D、参加投票的人数为13685人,高获得选票13073张 6、我国宪法规定,对公民的申诉、控告、检举,有关国家机关(B),负责处理,任何人不得压制和打击报复。 、必须查清事实C、获得物质帮助权D、应当尽量查清事实 A、、必须认真对待B 7、公民的人格尊严不受侵犯,禁止用任何方式对公民进行(D)。 A、、侮辱B、诽谤C、陷害D、侮辱、诽谤和诬告陷害 8、根据宪法规定,依法服兵役和参加民兵组织是我国公民的(B)。 A、、神圣权利B、光荣义务C、权利和义务D、神圣职责 9、下列选项中,(B)不属于宪法所规定的公民的文化权利。 A、、科学研究自由B、出版自由C、文艺创作自由D、欣赏自由 10、现行宪法是我国的第(B)部宪法。 A、、三B、四C、五D、六 11、在我国,公民一词的含义是指(B) A、、出生在我国的人B、具有我国国籍的人 C、享有政治权利的人D、年满18周岁的具有我国国籍的人 12、迄今为止,全国人民代表大会对现行宪法进行了(C)次修改。 A、、二B、三C、四D、五 13、我国的宗教团体和宗教事务不受(C)。 A、、党政机关的支配B、其他社会团体的支配C、外国势力的支配D、任何人的支配 14、由于国家机关和国家工作人员侵犯公民权利而受到损失的人,有依照法律规定(C)。 A、、提出批评的权利B、提出申诉的权利C、取得赔偿的权利D、要求给予刑事处罚的权利 15、被马克思誉为第一个人权宣言的是(A、)。 A、《独立宣言》B、世界人权宣言》C、《人权宣言》D、《权利请愿书》 16、小明刚满13岁,一天他向母亲要了10元钱买了个文具盒,其母认为文具盒不好看,向文具店老板提出退货。关于小明的购买行为下列说法正确的是:(A、) A、有效,因为从事该行为无需其母同意B无效,因为小明还未成年C有效,因为事先已经其母同意 17、国际消费者组织规定的“世界消费者权益保护日”是每年的(C) A、3月5日B3月12日C3月15日 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 18、《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》规定,未成年人的父母或者其他监护人,不得让不满(C)的未成年人脱离监护独自居住。 A、十四周岁B十八周岁C十六周岁 19、我国未成年人保护法所称的未成年人是指未满(B)的公民。 A、16周岁B18周岁C20周岁 20、我国未成年人保护法规定,任何组织或个人不得招用未满(B)的未成年人,国家另有规定的除外。 A、14周岁B16周岁C18周岁 21、根据未成年人保护法的规定,学校、幼儿园的教职员应当尊重未成年人的(B),不得对未成年学生和儿童实施体罚、变相体罚。 A、个人志愿B人格尊严C人身自由 22、根据刑法的规定,已满(B)不满16周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害致人重伤或者死亡、强奸、抢劫、贩卖毒品、放火、爆炸、投毒罪的,应当负刑事责任。 A、12周岁B14周岁C10周岁 23、根据民法通则的规定,不满10周岁的公民是(C),由他的法定代理人代理民事活动。 A完全民事行为能力人B限制民事行为能力人C无民事行为能力人 24、我国婚姻法规定:父母不履行抚养义务时,未成年的或不能独立生活的子女,有要求父母付给(C)的权利。 A、旅行费B营养费C抚养费 25、我国预防未成年人犯罪法规定,任何经营场所不得向未成年人出售(B) A、食品B烟洒C生活用品 26、中小学生旷课的,学校应当及时与其父母或者其他(A、)取得联系。 A、监护人B保护人C负责人 27、营业性歌舞厅以及其他未成年人不适宜进入的场所,应当设置(C)标志,不得允许未成年人进入。 、未成年人禁止进入B禁止进入C明显的未成年人禁止进入 A 28、根据未成年人保护法的规定,任何人不得在中小学、幼儿园、托儿所的教室、寝室、活动室和其他未成年人集中活动的室内(A、) A、吸烟B聊天C停留 29、公然辱骂他人,捏造事实在背后中伤他人,添油加醋诋毁他人,都是侵犯他人(A、) A、名誉权B荣誉权C隐私权 30、我国教育的基本法是《中华人民共和国》。(B) A、宪法B教育法C义务教育法 31、未满(B)周岁的儿童不准骑车上路。 A、10B12C14 32、在我国,国家的一切权利属于(A、) A、人民B全国人民代表大会C中国共产党 33、发生火灾时要拔打(B)报警电话。 A、110B119C120 34、世界环境日是(A、) A、6月5日B5月6日C6月25日 35、(A),我国颁了《中华人民共和国国旗法》 A、1990年6月28日B1985年5月28日C2001年6月28日 37、父母为了了解子女的思想状况,私自查看了子女的日记。这种做法从法律上看(A、) A、侵犯了子女的隐私权B侵犯了子女的荣誉权C侵犯了子女名誉权 38、在马路的十字路口,尽管车杂人多,可由于行人车辆各行其道,红灯停绿灯行,穿梭有序,结果是有条不紊,道路畅通无阻。它告诉我们(A、) tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame A、要遵守交通规则B社会生活要有规则C遇事要互相礼让 39、李某身患残疾,赵某就拿他的生理缺陷开玩笑,并给他起绰号。赵某的行为侵犯了李某的(C) A、隐私权B荣誉权C人格尊严 40、王某踢完足球后,将复读机遗忘在学校的球场边,后得知被同学陈某拾得,便找其追讨,陈某却一口回绝,其理由是拾得的东西理应归自己,拒不归还。王某这时应该怎么办,请你为他出个主意(B) A、纠集朋友帮忙,强行讨回B向学校保卫科报案,或向陈某说明拾物不还的行为是违法行为C搜查陈某的书包 41、某公民张老板上有70岁的老母,下有一子才10岁,当他得知自己得了不治之症后,为了使自己年幼的孩子不因为自己的去世而丧失生活的来源,他决定立下遗嘱,将自己的所有财产死后全部归其子继承。当他与自己指定的遗嘱执行人到公证处公证时,遭到拒绝。这是因为:(C) A、他没有权利实行遗嘱继承因为财产不是他的B他必须实行法定继承,因为法定继承最合理 C他违反了遗嘱应当给没有劳动能力和缺乏生活来源的继承人保留必要的遗产份额的规定 42、有一外地人地北京某公用电话亭打了一个电话,老板多收了他1元钱,于是他一纸诉状将电话亭老板告上法庭,法院判决电话亭老板赔偿他1元钱。虽然这一外地人胜诉了,但是他在打官司期间所花费用多达几百元。他的这种行为(C) A、得不偿失,不值得B为出风头打官司,不值得提倡C依法维护了自己的消费权利 43、饲养的动物咬伤他人,是侵犯公民的(C) A、肖像权B隐私权C生命健康权 44、对民办学校重大问题拥有决策权的是(D) A、、校长B、教职工代表大会C、学校工会D、学校董事会 45王某担任某县高二英语教师期间通过了硕士研究生入学考试,学校以王某服务期未满,学校英语教师不足为由不予批准王某在职学习、王某欲以剥夺其参加进修权利为由提出申诉,受理申诉的机构应当是(A、) A、、当地县教育局B、当地县人民政府C、地市教育局D、省教育厅 46、《教育法》规定,明知校舍或者教育教学设施有危险,而不采取措施,造成人员伤亡或者重大财产损失的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法追究(B) A、、民事责任B、刑事责任C、一般责任D、行政责任 47、新义务教育法规定,实施义务教育,不收(C)。 A、、学费B、杂费C、学费、杂费D、学费、杂费、住宿费 48中华人民共和国义务教育法是什么时间修订的,(A、) A、2006年6月29日B2005年6月29日 C2007年5月23日D2006年5月28日 49、义务教育实行()领导,()统筹规划实施,()为主管理的体制。(A、) A、、国务院;省、自治区、直辖市人民政府;县级人民政府 B、省、自治区、直辖市人民政府;市级人民政府;县级人民政府。 C、国务院;省、自治区、直辖市人民政府;市级人民政府。 D、国务院;市级人民政府;县级人民政府。 50、适龄儿童、少年因身体状况需要延缓入学或者休学的,其父母或者其他法定监护人应当提出申请,由(D)批准。 A、、学校B、市级人民政府或者县级人民政府教育行政部门。 C、市级人民政府或者乡镇人民政府教育行政部门。 D、乡镇人民政府或者县级人民政府教育行政部门。 51、对未完成义务教育的未成年人和被采取强制性教育措施的未成年人应当进行义务教育,所需经费由(D)予以保障。 A、、国家B、社会C、学校D、人民政府 52、义务教育法总则第一条规定,为了保障适龄儿童、少年接受义务教育的权利,保证义务教育tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 的实施,提高全民族素质,根据(A、),制定本法。 A、、宪法和教育法B、宪法和未成年人保护法 C、宪法和预防未成年人犯罪法D、教育法和未成年人保护法 53、中小学教师职业道德建设在教师对待教育事业的较高道德目标是(A、)。 A、、献身于人民的教育事业B、忠于职守,为人师表,积极进取。 54、聘任或任命教师担任职务应当有一定的任期,每一任期一般为(B)。 A、、三年B、三至五年C、二年D、四年 55、根据《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》第38条“无民事行为能力人在幼儿园、学校或者其他教育机构学习、生活期间受到人身损害的,由(A、)承担责任,但能够证明尽到教育、管理职责的,不承担责任。” A、、幼儿园、学校或者其他教育机构B家长C本人 56、根据《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》第39条“限制民事行为能力人在学校或者其他教育机构学习、生活期间受到人身损害,学校或者其他教育机构未尽到教育、管理职责的,应当(A、)责任。” A、、承担B、不承担 57、未成年人实施《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》规定的严重不良行为,构成违反治安管理行为的,由(C)依法予以治安处罚。 A、、公安机关B、人民法院C、人民检察院D、该未成年人所在学校 58、受教育者在()、()、()等方面依法享有平等权利。C A、、入学、就业、升学B、就业、升学、入学C、入学、升学、就业 59、明知校舍或者教育教学设施有危险,而不采取措施,造成人员伤亡或者重大财产损失的,对 )。 直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法追究(B A、、行政责任B、刑事责任C、其他责任 60、新修订的《中华人民共和国义务教育法》实行时间为(A、)。 A、、2006年9月1日B、2007年1月1日C、2007年9月1日 61、义务教育法规定,自行实施义务教育的社会组织,应当经(C)批准。 A、、地市级人民政府B、县级人民政府C、县级人民政府教育行政部门 62、发生违反《中华人民共和国义务教育法》的重大事件,妨碍义务教育实施,造成重大社会影响的,负有领导责任的人民政府或者人民政府教育行政部门负责人应当(A、)。 A、、引咎辞职B、受到党纪处罚C、追究行政责任 63、凡年满(B)周岁的儿童,其父母或者其他法定监护人应当送其入学接受并完成义务教育;条件不具备的地区的儿童,可以推迟到()周岁。 A、、5,6B、6,7C、7,8 64、县级人民政府根据需要设置(A、),保障居住分散的适龄儿童、少年入学接受义务教育。 A、、寄宿制学校B、全日制学校C、小学初中一贯制学校 65、(B)应当接收具有接受普通教育能力的残疾适龄儿童、少年随班就读,并为其学习、康复提供帮助。 A、、初中B、普通学校C、小学 66、县级以上地方人民政府根据需要,为具有预防未成年人犯罪法规定的(C)的适龄少年设置专门的学校实施义务教育。 A、、违纪B、违法C、严重不良行为 67、对未完成义务教育的未成年人和被采取强制性教育措施的未成年人应当进行义务教育,所需经费由(C)予以保障。 A、、家庭B、学校C、人民政府 68、各级人民政府及其有关部门依法维护学校周边秩序,保护学生、教师、学校的合法权益,为学校提供(B)。 A、、制度保障B、安全保障C、经费保障 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 69、对违反学校 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 的学生,学校应当予以(C)。 A、、开除B、批评教育C、批评教育,不得开除 70、教师在教育教学中应当平等对待学生,关注学生的(C),因材施教,促进学生的充分发展。 A、、年龄差异B、性格差异C、个体差异 71、教师应当尊重学生的人格,不得歧视学生,不得对学生实施(C)的行为,不得侵犯学生合法权益。 A、、体罚B、体罚、变相体罚 C、体罚、变相体罚或者其他侮辱人格尊严 72各级人民政府保障教师工资福利和社会保险待遇,改善教师工作和生活条件;完善农村教师工资经费保障机制。教师的平均工资水平应当不低于当地(C)的平均工资水平。 A、、工人B、医生C、公务员 73、学校应当保证学生的(B)时间,组织开展文化娱乐等课外活动。社会公共文化体育设施应当为学校开展课外活动提供便利。 A、、兴趣小组B、课外活动C、自习 74、教师对学校或者其他教育机构侵犯其合法权益的,或者对学校或者其他教育机构作出的处理不服的,可以向教育行政部门提出申诉,教育行政部门应当在接到申诉的次日起____内作出处理。(C) A、、15日B、20日C、30日D、60日 75、学校不履行法律法规规定的义务,情节严重或者造成严重后果,根据有关法律规定,______要承担相应的法律责任。(D) A、校长B学校负责人C有关直接负责人D学校负责人和有关直接负责人 、) 76、在学生伤害事故处理中,学校责任适用的归责原则是:____(A A、、过错责任原则B、无过错责任原则 C、严格责任原则D、公平原则 77经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用的多少倍,(A、) A、1倍B、2倍C、3倍D、4倍 78消费者王某在购买商品后,发现商品存在瑕疵时,下列说法正确的是哪项,(B) A、、王某只能向该商品生产者主张赔偿 B、王某可以向该商品的销售者主张赔偿 C、王某既可以向销售者要求赔偿,也可以向生产者要求赔偿 D、若销售者有证据表明该瑕疵是在销售过程中其他销售者所致,有权拒绝赔偿 80、十八大报告指出,要全面提高党的建设(C)水平。 A、创新B科学C科学化D理论 81、十八大报告指出,要坚决维护中央权威,在思想上政治上(B)同党中央保持高度一致。 A、意识上B行动上C创新上D作风上 82十八大报告指出,任何组织或者个人都不得有超越宪法和法律的特权,绝不允许以言代法,以权压法,(C) A、秉公执法B贪赃枉法C徇私枉法D徇私舞弊 83、十八大报告指出,要加强生态文明宣传教育,增强全民(A、)()(),营造爱护生态环境的良好风气。 A、节约意识,环保意识,生态意识 B思想意识,环保意识,生态意识 C节约意识,文化意识,生态意识 D社会意识,文化意识,节约意识 84、十八大报告指出,(A、)是兴国之魂,决定着中国特色社会主义发展方向。A、社会主义核心价值观B文化发展C社会主义文化发展D文化大发展大繁荣 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 85、十八大报告指出,要推进科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、(C)、保证有法可依、执法必严、违法必究。 A、全民懂法B立法必公C全民守法D基础学法 86、中国共产党第十八大全国代表大会2012年(B)月()日至()月()日在北京胜利召开。 A、11月8日至11月15日B11月8日至11月14日 C11月8日至11月16日D11月8日至11月18日 87、十八大报告指出,要实施知识产权战略,加强知识产权(B)。 A、维权B保护C了解D维权 88、(C)()与时俱进、求真务实,是科学发展观最鲜明的精神实质。 A、艰苦奋斗、解放思想B改革发展、实事求是 C解放思想、实事求是D创新改革、艰苦奋斗 89、六五普法规划的启动年是(A、) A、2011B2012C2013D2010 90、“六五”普法规划指出,法制宣传教育的对象是(A、) A、一切有接受教育能力的公民;B,工人C教师D学生 二、多选题: 1、下列哪些行为侵犯了未成年的合法权益。(A、B) A、学校拒绝招收一位左臂被截去的儿童入学B教师对上课不遵守课堂纪律的学生责令其面对黑板站立一小时C老师家访向家长反映学生在校表现 2、灯娃5岁的时候,在游泳馆里表演,创造了在水中前滚翻424个,后滚翻147个新纪录,获得了劳务收2800元。在父亲带领下。灯娃主动到当地税务部门申报缴纳个人所得税240,成为新中 BC) 国建国以来年龄最小的纳税人,并受到群众的赞扬。这一事例表明(A、 A、纳税是公民的义务兵B公民要依法自觉纳税C纳税是光荣的 3、王某(8岁)在父母离婚后随父生活,因与继母不和被父亲赶出家门。对此,王某可以向(A、C)等部门请求保护。 A、公安机关报B劳动部门C未成年人保护组织 4、人民法院审理离婚案件,离婚双方因抚养未成年子女发生争执,不能达成协议时,应当根据(A、C)的原则和双方具体情况判决。 A、保障子女权益B有利于女方C尊重未成年子女的意愿 5、根据预防未成年人犯罪法的规定,(A、BC)属于未成年人不良行为。 A、旷课、夜不归宿B强行向他人索要财物C偷窃、故意毁坏财物 6、严禁任何组织和个人向未成年人出售、出租或者以其他方式传播淫秽、暴力、凶杀、恐怖等毒害未成年人的(A、BC)。 A、图书B报刊C音像制品 7、据报载,某乡政府将两位不让子女上学的家长推上被告席。寻这一案例正确的说法是(BC) A、乡政府不应干涉家庭关系B受教育既是公民的权利,又是公民的义务C国家保护公民受教育的权利 8、禁止在中小学校附近开设(AB)以及其他未成年人不适宜进入的场所。 A、营业性歌舞厅B营业性电子游戏场所C商场 9、青少年要珍爱生命,远离毒品。这是因为(A、BC) A、毒品严重损害人的身体健康,甚至使人中毒死亡B吸毒浪费大量钱财,影响家庭幸福,甚至导致家破人亡C吸毒诱发各种犯罪 10、青少年路遇犯罪分子时,正确的斗争手段有(A、BC) A、向“110”报警B借助社会力量,抓获犯罪分子 C记住其特征,注意其去向,向公安机关提供线索 11、下列属于侵犯公民人身自由权利行为的有(A、B) A、工人下班时,在厂门口进行搜身检查B商场对偷盗嫌疑人进行搜身 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame C司法机关依法逮捕犯罪嫌疑人 12、新疆某小学三年级9岁女学生因未按时交作业和未按时请家长到学校而被老师“扒裤示众”。这位老师的做法(A、C) A、违反了未成年人保护法B是对学生的严格要求,不应负法律责任 C侵犯了这位学生的人身自由权利 13、北方某大城市的一项专题调查表明,在校学生中有50%有过被校内外不法分子敲诈、勒索、抢劫、搜身、欺侮以及其他滋扰的经历。当这些学生遇到侵害时,感到气愤,但却惊慌失措,紧张害怕,往往自认倒霉,很少报案或告诉家长、老师。假如你遇到类似情况,应该(A、BC) A、敢干、善于同违法犯罪行为做斗争B力求在保证自己安全的前提下,巧妙地借助社会力量将不法分子抓获C依法维护自己的合法权益 14、下列哪些权利属于公民的人身权(A、BC) A、生命健康权B姓名权、隐私权C肖像权、名誉权 15、税收的特征有(A、BC),每个公民应依法纳税。 A、强制性B无偿性C固定性 16、李某夫妇认为女孩子读书没有用,迟迟不让已九岁的女儿上学读书。李某夫妇的行为违反了(A、BC) A、宪法B义务教育法C未成年人保护法 17、下列哪些场所应当悬挂国徽(A、B) A、北京天安门城楼B各级人民法院的审判庭C大型企业 18、属于我国《未成年保护法》保护的对象有(A、BC) A、具有中华人民共和国国籍的婴儿、幼儿 B具有中华人民共和国国籍的儿童、少年和未满18周岁的青少年 C具有中华人民共和国国籍的有违法行为的未成年人 19、宪法规定,国家发展自然科学和社会科学事业,普及科学和技术知识,奖励(BD)。 A、、勇于献身的精神B、科学研究成果C、文学艺术成果D、技术发明创造 20、根据现行宪法的规定,享有选举权的基本条件是(A、CD)。 A、、具有中国国籍B、拥护四项基本原则 C、年满18周岁D、依法享有政治权利 21、我国宪法中公民的表现自由或者称政治自由包括(A、BC) A、、言论自由B、出版自由 C、集会、结社、游行、示威的自由D、宗教信仰自由 22、按照宪法规定,国家举办各种学校,普及初等义务教育,要发展(BCD)。 A、、中等教育B、职业教育C、高等教育D、学前教育 23、我国宪法规定公民在法律面前一律平等,其涵义包括下列(A、B、C) A、、任何公民都一律平等地享有宪法和法律规定的权利 B、任何人的合法权益都一律平等地受到保护,对违法行为一律平等地予以追究 C、不允许任何人有超越法律的特权 D、一切公民在适用法律上和守法上都一律平等 24、在我国,人民行使国家权力的机关是(BC) A、、中国人民政治协商会议B、全国人民代表大会 C、地方各级人民代表大会D、国务院 25我国公民的人身自由权主要包括:公民的人身自由不受侵犯、公民的人格尊严不受侵犯和(A、D)。 A、、公民的住宅不受侵犯B、公民的储蓄和其他合法财产受法律保护 C、公民的著作权、专利权中的财产权不受侵犯D、公民的通信自由和通信秘密受法律保护 26、我国宪法规定,有权提议修改宪法的主体是(BD)。 A、、全国人民代表大会法律委员会B、全国人民代表大会常务委员会 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame C、国家主席D、五分之一以上全国人民代表大会代表 27、根据我国现行宪法的规定,在政治上公民享有的权利和自由包括(A、B)。 A、、选举权和被选举权B、言论、出版、集会、结社、示威的自由权 C、人身自由、人格尊严不受侵犯权D、进行科研、文艺创作和其他文化活动的自由权 28、我国公民的宗教信仰自由权具有以下含义(A、BCD)。 A、、有信仰宗教与不信仰宗教的自由 B、有信仰这种宗教的自由,也有信仰那种宗教的自由 C、在同一宗教中,有信仰这个教派的自由,也有信仰那个教派的自由 D、有过去信教而现在不信教的自由,也有过去不信教而现在信教的自由 29、公民行使集会、游行、示威权利时,应当向主管机关提出申请并获得许可。下列(BCD)属于依法不予许可的情形。 A、、对社会环境不满意B、危害国家的统一 C、危害国家的主权和领土完整D、反对宪法所确定的基本原则 30、宪法规定,我国公民的住宅不受侵犯,禁止(A、C)。 A、、非法搜查公民的住宅B、非法侵占公民的住宅 C、非法侵入公民的住宅D、非法拍卖公民的住宅 31、宪法规定,公民在行使自由和权利的时候,不得损害(A、BCD)。 A、、国家的利益B、社会的利益C、集体的利益D、其他公民的合法的自由和权利 32、下列哪些行为侵犯了未成年的合法权益。(A、B) A、学校拒绝招收一位左臂被截去的儿童入学B教师对上课不遵守课堂纪律的学生责令其面对黑板站立一小时C老师家访向家长反映学生在校表现 33、王某(8岁)在父母离婚后随父生活,因与继母不和被父亲赶出家门。对此,王某可以向(A、C)等部门请求保护。 A、公安机关报B劳动部门C未成年人保护组织 34、根据预防未成年人犯罪法的规定,(A、BC)属于未成年人不良行为。 A、旷课、夜不归宿B强行向他人索要财物C偷窃、故意毁坏财物 35、青少年路遇犯罪分子时,正确的斗争手段有(A、BC) A、向“110”报警B借助社会力量,抓获犯罪分子 C记住其特征,注意其去向,向公安机关提供线索 36、新疆某小学三年级9岁女学生因未按时交作业和未按时请家长到学校而被老师“扒裤示众”。这位老师的做法(A、C) A、违反了未成年人保护法B是对学生的严格要求,不应负法律责任 C侵犯了这位学生的人身自由权利 37、李某夫妇认为女孩子读书没有用,迟迟不让已九岁的女儿上学读书。李某夫妇的行为违反了(A、BC) A、宪法B义务教育法C未成年人保护法 37、设立学校及其他教育机构,必须具备下列基本条件(A、BCD) A、有组织机构和章程B有合格的教师 C有符合规定 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的教学场所及设施、设备等。 D有必备的办学资金和稳定的经费来源。 38、保护未成年人的工作,应当遵循的原则是(A、BCD) A、保险未成年人的合法权益B尊重未成年人的人格尊严 C适应未成年人身心发展的特点D教育与保护相结合 39、根据宪法规定,下列(A、B)既是我国公民享有的权利,也是我国应尽的义务。 A、、劳动权B、受教育C、爱护国旗、国徽D、批评、建议、检举权 40、学生伤害事故的处理途径有:(A、BC) A、、自行协商解决;B、申请调解; tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame C、伤害事故的赔偿;D、不予理睬 41、根据现有教育法律、法规规定,可以依法提起学生行政申诉的对象和内容包括:(A、BCD) A、、对学校给予的处分不服的B、对学校侵犯其合法财产权的 C、对学校侵犯其人身权的D、对学校侵犯其知识产权的 42、教师有下列情形之一的,由所在学校、其他教育机构或者教育行政部门给予行政处分或者解聘。(BCD) A、、因不可抗力给教育教学工作造成损失的 B、故意不完成教育教学任务给教育教学工作造成损失的 C、体罚学生,经教育不改的 D、品行不良,侮辱学生,影响恶劣的 43消费者和经营者发生消费者权益争议的,可以通过下列哪几种途径解决,(A、BCD) A、、与经营者协商和解B、请求消费者协会调解 C、根据与经营者达成的仲裁协议提请仲裁机构仲裁 D、向有关行政部门申诉 44下列说法中正确的是哪些,(CD) A、、经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿金额为消费者购买商品的价款或者接受服务的费用的2倍 B、经营者对行政处罚决定不服的,可以自收到处罚决定之日起30日内向人民法院提起诉讼 C、对包修、包换、包退的大件商品,消费者要求经营者修理、更换、退货的,经营者应当承担运输等合理费用 D、拒绝、阻碍有关行政部门工作人员依法执行职务,未使用暴力,威胁方法的,由公安机关依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》的规定处罚 三、判断题: 1、凡年满6周岁的儿童,不分性别、民族、种族,应当入学接受规定年限的义务教育。条件不具备的地区,可以推迟到8周岁入学。(×) 2、禁止任何组织或个人招用应该接受义务教育的儿童、少年就业。(?) 3、公民有纳税的义务,国家有收税的义务。(×) 4、在公路上,行人应当承人行道内行走,没有人行道的靠路边行走。(?) 5、商场为防止商品丢失,搜查顾客身体是合法的。(×) 6、对无行为能力的未成年人(指未满10周岁的未成年人)的信件,可以由其父母或其他监护人代为拆开。(?) 7、森林是陆地生命的摇篮,是消减环境污染的净化器。(?) 8、未成年人的父母或其他监护人和学校应教育未成年人不得吸烟、酗酒。任何公共场所不得向未成年人出售烟酒。(?) 9、父母对子女有抚养教育的义务,子女对父母有赡养扶助的义务。(?) 10、凡具有中华人民共和国国籍蝗人都是中华人民共和国公民。(?) 11、《学校卫生工作条例》规定,学生每天学习时间(包括自习),中学不超过八小时,小学不超过六小时。(?) 12、《义务教育学校收费管理暂行办法》规定,义务教育阶段除收取杂费、借读费之外,未经财政部、国家计委、国家教委联合批准或省级人民政府批准,不得再向学生收取任何费用。(?) 13、《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》规定,农村义务教育实行在国务院领导下,由地方政府负责、分级管理、以县为主的管理体制。(?) 14、学校及其他教育机构都应依法取得法人资格。(×) 15、任何经营场所不得向未成年人出售烟酒。(×) 16、对未成年人送工读学校进行矫治和接受教育,由其父母或者其他监护人或者原所在学校提出申请即可。(×)经教育行政部门批准后 17、非经审定的教科书,实施义务教育的学校不得使用。(×) tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 18、高级中学教师资格与中等职业学校教师资格不得相互通用。(×) 19、中小学教师资格,由申请人户籍所在地或者申请人任教学校所在地的县级人民政府教育行政部门认定。(?) 20、社会力量可以举办宗教学校。(×) 21、中外合作办学机构应取得法人资格,独立承担办学责任。(×) 22、教师应对每位学生的考试情况做出具体的分析指导,不得公布学生考试成绩并按考试成绩排列名次。(?) 23、法是规定人们法律上的权利和义务的规范,是靠人们自觉遵守来予以保障的规范。(×) 24、我国的法律、法规和规章一般不溯及既往,但为了更好的保护公民、法人和其他组织的权利和利益,有时以“有利追溯”补充“不溯及既往”的原则。(?) 25、抽象行政行为是行政主体针对广泛、不特定的对象设定具有普遍约束力的行为规范的活动。(?) 26、不当得利是没有法律上的根据或 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 上的根据,取得不应获得的利益而使他人受益的行为。(×) 27、在我国,公民包括全体人民和那些被剥夺了政治权力的人都是享有权利的主体。(?) 28、维护受教育者、教师及其他职工的合法权益,这是学校的一项基本权利。(×) 29、学校要遵照国家有关规定收取费用并公开收费项目。(?) 30、校长必须具有中华人民共和国国籍并在中国境内定居。(?) 31、中小学的教学管理工作主要是通过对学生管理和课程标准来实现的。(×) 32、学籍是学校正式录取的学生办理注册手续后取得的学生身份。(?) 33、从学校管理上要求,学校应由一名校长全面负责德育工作。(?) 34、聘用合同一经成立即具有法律效力。学校无正当理由不得随意解聘教师,教师无正当理由也不得随意辞聘,否则应承担相应的法律责任。(?) 35、学生特定的权利和义务,随其注册入学而产生,并随其停止学籍而终止。(?) 36、在完成规定学业以后,受教育者有权获得相应的学业证书和学位证书。(?) 37、在学生伤害事故处理中,学校责任应按公平原则界定。(×) 38、学校、幼儿园的教职员应当尊重未成年人的人格尊严,不得对未成年学生和儿童实施体罚、变相体罚或者其他侮辱人格尊严的行为。(?) 39、教师行政申诉制度是法定的、专门性的和司法性的申诉制度。(×) 40、信访是公民、法人和其他组织采用书信、电话、走访等形式向各级人民政府和县级以上各级人民政府所属部门反映情况,提出意见、建议和要求,依法应当由有关行政机关处理的活动。(?) 41、行政机关及其工作人员在办理信访事项过程中,可以将检举、揭发、控告材料及有关情况透露或者转送给被检举、揭发、控告的人员和单位。(×) 42、行政复议是公民、法人或者其他组织认为行政机关的具体行政行为侵犯其合法利益,按照法定程序和条件向作出该具体行政行为的上一级机关或者法律法规规定的机关提出申请,受理申请的行政机关依法定程序对该具体行政行为进行复查并作出复议决定的行动。(?) 43、《中小学财务制度》规定,中小学财务应实行“统一领导、统一管理”的体制。(×) 44、《教育行政处罚暂行实施办法》规定,实施教育行政处罚,只能是县级以上人民政府教育行政部门。(×) 45、《教育法》规定,经县级政府批准,乡级政府根据自愿、量力原则,可以在本行政区内集资办学,用于实施义务教育学校的危房改造和修缮、新建校舍,不得挪作他用。(?) 46、《义务教育学校收费管理暂行办法》适用于中华人民共和国境内外国家及企业、事业单位举办的学校、初级中学(含完全中学的初中部)、初级职业中学和属于义务教育阶段的特殊教育学校。(×) 47、《未成年人保护法》规定,任何组织和个人不得隐匿、毁弃未成年人的信件。(?) 48、国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对土地实行征用。(?) 49、劳动是一切有劳动能力公民的光荣职责,因此,每个有劳动能力的公民每年必须从事一定时tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 间的义务劳动。(×) 50、全国人大及其常委会是最高国家机关的执行机关。(×) 51、从少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治和香港、澳门地区享有高度自治权的情况看,我国不是单一制的国家结构。(×) 52、我国的社会主义公有制经济包括全民所有制和劳动群众集体所有制两种形式。(?) 53、现行宪法规定,在法律规定范围内的私营经济,是社会主义市场经济的重要补充。(×) 54、国家在社会主义的初级阶段,坚持按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存的分配制度。(?) 55、我国宪法规定的国家主席不是指握有国家权力的个人,而是指国家体系中一个独立的国家机关。(?) 56、“一国两制”方针的实施,表明我国的根本社会制度已发生了改变。(×) 57、各政党都必须遵守宪法和法律,但中国共产党除外。(×) 58、民族自治的地方包括自治区、自治州、自治县、自治乡、自治村。(×) 59、按劳分配是社会主义社会消费品分配的基本制度,即在扣除社会生产所需的部分和社会消费的部分以后,按照劳动者提供的劳动数量和质量分配个人消费品。(?) 60、被剥夺政治权利的人,不能享受宪法规定的政治权利,因此,在被剥夺政治权利期间丧失了公民资格。(×) 四、填空题 1、国家对接受义务教育的学生免收(学费、杂费)。 2、在我国,教师节是每年的(9月10日)。 3、在我国,各级师范院校学生享受专业(奖学金)。 4、未成年人保护法规定,国家、社会、学校和家庭应当教育和帮助未成年人运用(法律手段),维护自己的合法权益。 5、未成年人保护法规定,父母或者其他监护人应当依法履行对未成年人的(监护职责)和抚养义务,不得虐待、遗弃未成年人。 6、学校应当尊重未成年学生的(受教育权),不得随意开除学生。 7、国家建立(教师资格)考核制度,对合格教师颁发资格证书。 8、预防未成年人犯罪,立足于教育和保护,从小抓起,对未成年人的不良行为及时进行(预防和矫正)。 9、未成年人的父母或者其他监护人,不得让不满(十六周岁)的未成年人脱离监护单独居住。 10、对违法犯罪的未成年人,实行教育、感化、挽救的方针,坚持教育为主,(惩罚为辅)的原则。 11、用人单位使用童工,由劳动保障行政部门按照每使用(一名童工),每月处5000元罚款的标准给予处罚。 12、县级以上各级人民政府应当建立对实施义务教育的工作进行(监督、指导、检查)的制度。 13、普通高级中等学校、高等院校、成人教育机构必须招收符合国家规定的(录取标准)的残疾考生入学,不得因其残疾而拒绝招收。 14、中小学校长必须参加岗位培训,取获“任职资格(培训合格证书),”持证上岗。 15、学生伤害事故的责任,应当根据相关当事人的行为与损害后果之间的(因果关系)依法确定。 16、参加教师资格考试有作弊行为的,其考试成绩作废,(三)年内不得再次参加教师资格考试。 17、社会力量举办的教育机构依法享有(办学自主权)。 18、申请举办教育机构的单位,应当具有(法人)资格。 19、实施教育行政处罚的机关,除法律、法规另有规定的外,必须是(县级以上)人民政府的教育行政部门。 20、参加继续教育是中小学教师的(职务评聘、晋级的必备条件之一)。 21、教师对学校或者其他教育机构提出的申诉,由其所在区域的主管(教育行政部门)受理。 22、《教育行政处罚暂行实施办法》规定:学生伤害事故应当遵循依法、(客观公正)、(合理适当)的原则,及时、妥善地处理。 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 23、对违法犯罪的未成年人,坚持(教育为主,惩罚为辅)的原则。 24、未成年人的父母或者其他监护人违反法律规定,让不满16周岁的未成年人脱离监护单独居住的,由(公安机关)对未成年人的父母或者其他监护人予以训诫,责令其立即改正。 25、(14)周岁以上不满(16)周岁的未成年人犯罪的案件,一律不公开审理。 26、预防未成年人犯罪,在各级人民政府组织领导下,实行(综合治理)。 27、父母或者其他监护人侵害被监护的未成年人的合法权益的,应当(依法承担责任)。 28、以未成年人为对象的出版物,含有危害未成年人身心健康内容的,处违法所得(三倍)以上(十倍)以下罚款。 29、对于已满(16)周岁不满(18)周岁准备就业的未成年人,职业教育培训机构、用人单位应当将法律知识和预防犯罪教育纳入职业培训的内容。 30、父母或者其他监护人不履行监护职责或者侵害被监护的未成年人的合法权益,经教育不改的,(人民法院)可以根据有关人员或者有关单位的申请,撤消其监护人的资格。 31、对同犯罪行为作斗争以及举报犯罪行为的未成年人(司法机关)、(学校)、(社会)、应当加强保护,保障其不受打击报复。 32、收留夜不归宿的未成年人的,应当在(24)小时内及时通知其父母或者其他监护人、所在学校或者及时向公安机关报告。 33、对于被采取刑事强制措施的未成年学生,在人民法院的(判决生效以前),不得取消其学籍。 34、营业性电子游戏场所的工作人员可以要求(难以判明是否已成年)的人出示身份证件。 35、为了把未成年人培养成为(有理想)、(有道德)、(有文化)、(有纪律)的社会主义事业接班人,根据宪法,制定《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》。 36、教育法是调整各级各类(教育关系)的法律规范的总称。 37、教育法规定国家保护教师的(合法权益),改善教师的工作条件和生活条件,提高教师的社会地位。 38、教师主要通过(教职工代表大会)形式参与学校的民主管理。 39、依法治校是(依法治教)的要求,也是落实学校办学自主权、提高管理效率、保护有关法律关系主体合法权益的需求。 40、学校依法对学生的人身安全承担(教育、管理、保护)责任。 五、简答题: 1、按照中华人民共和国教师法的规定,教师享有哪些权利, 答:(1)进行教育教学活动,开展教育教学改革和实验; (2)从事科学研究、学术交流,参加专业的学术团体,在学术活动中充分发表意见; (3)指导学生的学习和发展,评定学生的品行和学业成绩; (4)按时获取工资报酬,享受国家规定的福利待遇以及寒暑假期的带薪休假; (5)对学校教育教学、管理工作和教育行政部门的工作提出意见和建议,通过教职工代表大会或者其他形式,参与学校的民主管理; (6)参加进修或者其他方式的培训。 2、按照中华人民共和国教育法的规定,受教育者享有哪些权利, 答:第四十二条受教育者享有下列权利: (一)参加教育教学计划安排的各种活动,使用教育教学设施、设备、图书资 料; (二)按照国家有关规定获得奖学金、贷学金、助学金; (三)在学业成绩和品行上获得公正评价,完成规定的学业后获得相应的学业证 书、学位证书; (四)对学校给予的处分不服向有关部门提出申诉,对学校、教师侵犯其人身权 财产权等合法权益,提出申诉或者依法提起诉讼; (五)法律、法规规定的其他权利。 3、试分析义务教育学校不得开除学生的原因。 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 答:义务教育,是根据法律规定,适龄儿童和青少年都必须接受,国家、社会、家庭必须予以保证的国民教育。其实质是国家依照法律的规定对适龄儿童和青少年实施的一定年限的强迫教育的制度。义务教育又称强迫教育和免费义务教育。义务教育具有强制性、免费性、普及性的特点。我国义务教育法规定的义务教育年限为九年,这一规定符合我国的国情,是适当的。 4、我国未成年人保护法规定未成年人保护分为哪四个方面, 答:保护未成年人的工作,应当遵循下列原则: (一)保障未成年人的合法权益; (二)尊重未成年人的人格尊严; (三)适应未成年人身心发展的特点; (四)教育与保护相结合。 5、预防未成年人犯罪,家长或监护人应当教育未成年人不得有哪些不良行为, 答:未成年人的父母或者其他监护人和学校应当教育未成年人不得有下列不良行为: (一)旷课、夜不归宿; (二)携带管制刀具; (三)打架斗殴、辱骂他人; (四)强行向他人索要财物; (五)偷窃、故意毁坏财物; (六)参与赌博或者变相赌博; (七)观看、收听色情、淫秽的音像制品、读物等; (八)进入法律、法规规定未成年人不适宜进入的营业性歌舞厅等场所; (九)其他严重违背社会公德的不良行为。 6、中华人民共和国义务教育法确定的义务教育的基本原则, 答:教育法的基本原则应该有四项原则:(1)保护教育权利的原则;(2)有利培养人才的原则;(3)维护教育公益的原则;(4)综合为治的责任原则。 7、《教育法》规定,学校应履行哪些义务, 答:(1)遵守法律,法规、(2)贯彻国家的教育方针,执行国家教育教学标准,保证教育教学质量、(3)维护受教育者,教师及其他职工的合法权益、(4)以适当方式为受教育者及其监护人了解受教育者的学业成绩及其他情况提供便利、(5)按照国家有关规定收取费用并公开收费项目、(6)依法接受监督、 8、教育立法和程序, (1)教育法律议案的提出、(2)教育法律草案的审议(3)教育法律案约通过、(4)教育法律的公布 9、教育执法的基本要求和原则, 答:要求:正确、合法,及时、原则:(1)行政合法性原则(2)行政合理性原则(3)责任行政原则 10、教育权利有哪些, (1)教育教学权(2)科学研究权(3)管理学生权(4)获取报酬权(5)民主管理权(6)进修培训权 11、取得教师资格的条件, (1)必须是中国公民(2)必须具有良好的思想道德品质(3)必须具有规定的学历或者经国家教师资格考试合格(4)必须具有教育教学能力、 12教师考核的内容与原则是什么, 内容:(1)政治思想(2)业务水平(3)工作态度(4)工作成绩原则:(1)客观性原则(2)公正性原则(3)准确性原则 13、学生的义务有哪些, (1)遵守法律,法规,(2)遵守学生行为规范,尊敬师长,养成良好的思想品德和习惯,努力学习,完成规定的学习任务(4)遵守所在学校管理制度、 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 14教育法律原则的具体内容是哪些, 答:(1)促进人的全面发展的原则(2)尊重和保障受教育权的原则 (3)教育优先发展的原则(4)维护受教育者健康成长的原则 15、学校安全工作的职责有哪些, 答:(1)保证设施安全(2)完善安全制度(3)落实安全教育(4) 安全管理 企业安全管理考核细则加油站安全管理机构环境和安全管理程序安全管理考核细则外来器械及植入物管理 到位(5)及时救治伤病(6)常备应急预案(7)关注校园周边环境安全 16、教师与学生之间有哪些法律关系, 答:?教育和被教育的关系;?管理和被管理的关系;?保护和被保护的关系;?互相尊重的平等关系 17、怎样建立新型的师生关系, 答:(,)尊重学生人格,平等对待学生; (,)以爱为基础,信任、理解学生; (,)面向全体,因材施教; (,)讲求民主,宽松和谐; (,)塑造和提升现代教师人格。 18、教职员工要预防学生伤害事故应做到哪些, 答:学校教职员工应当遵守法律、法规、规章和工作纪律,恪守职业道德,认真履行工作职责,不得擅离工作岗位,不得有侮辱、歧视、体罚或者变相体罚以及其他伤害学生的行为,不得在工作中违反操作规程及其他有关规定。 学校教职员工在组织学生参加教育教学活动时,应当根据学生的年龄、认知能力和身心特点,进行安全教育。发现学生行为具有危险性或者学生遭受侵害时,应当及时告诫、制止、保护,必要时,报告公安机关处理。 19、发生学生伤害事故后,学校应如何处理, 答:发生学生伤害事故,学校应当立即采取救助措施,将受伤害学生就近送医疗机构进行救治,保护事故现场,保全相关证据,并及时通知学生父母或者其他监护人和保险公司。 22十八大提出的新教育方针是什么, 答:坚持教育为社会主义现代化建设服务、为人民服务,把立德、树人作为教育的根本任务,全面实施素质教育,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,努力办好人民满意的教育。 23、《未成年人保护法》对未成年人进行品德教育的原则是如何规定的, 答:国家、社会、学校和家庭对未成年人进行理想教育、道德教育和文化教育、纪律和法制教育,进行爱国主义、集体主义和国际主义、共产主义的教育,提倡爱祖国、爱人民、爱科学、爱社会主义、爱劳动的公德,反对资本主义的、封建主义的和其他腐朽思想的侵蚀。 24、保护未成年人工作,应当遵循的原则有哪些, 答:(1)保障未成年人的合法权益; (2)尊重未成年的人格尊严; (3)适应求成年人的身心发展的特点; (4)教育与保护相结合。 25、对未成年人进行家庭保护的内容有哪些, 答:(1)父母或其他监护人应当依法履行对未成人的监护职责和抚养义务,不得虐待、遗弃未成年人;不得歧视女性未成年人或有残疾的未成年人;禁止溺婴、弃婴; (2)父母或其他监护人应当尊重未成年人接受教育的权利、不得使在校接受义务教育的未成年人辍学; (3)父母或其他监护人应当以健康的思想品行和适当的方法教育未成年人,引导未成年人进行有益身心健康的活动,预防和制止未成年人吸烟、酗酒流浪以及聚赌、吸毒卖淫; (4)父母或其他监护人不得允许或迫使未成年人结婚,不得为未成年人订立婚约。 26、第六个五年法制宣传教育的主要目标是, 答:通过深入扎实的法制宣传教育和法治实践,深入宣传宪法,广泛传播法律知识,进一步坚定tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 法治建设的中国特色社会主义方向,提高全民法律意识和法律素质,提高全社会法治化管理水平,促进社会主义法治文化建设,推动形成自觉学法守法用法的社会环境。 27、第六个五年法制宣传教育的主要任务, 答:1突出学习宣传宪法。2深入学习宣传中国特色社会主义法律体系和国家基本法律。3深入开展社会主义法治理念教育。4深入学习宣传促进经济发展的法律法规。5深入学习宣传保障和改善民生的法律法规。 六论述题 1、某班主任经常开拆学生的信件,目的是检查学生是否有不良行为,及掌握学生思想现状,班主任的做法合法吗, 答:不合法,除法律规定的部门外,任何人不得开拆他人的信件。 2、一名13岁的小学生未经父母同意,将一只价值500元的手表送给同学做生日礼物,其家长可以要求受赠的学生返还手表吗, 答:可以,限制民事行为能力人实施的民事行为应与其年龄、智力相适应,未征得监护人同意而实施的民事行为无效。 3、学校应当尊重未成年学生的受教育权,但为了维护学校的形象和声誉,对违反学校纪律的未成年学生,学校应坚决开除其学籍。你认为恰当吗,为什么, 答案:不恰当。根据《未成年人保护法》第十四条规定:学校应当尊重未成年学生的受教育权,不得随意开除未成年学生。 4、出于经济困难,父母可以让正在接受义务教育的未成年子女辍学。对吗,为什么, 答案:错。《未成年人保护法》第九条:父母或者其他监护人应当尊重未成年人接受教育的权利,必须使适龄未成年人按照规定接受义务教育,不得使在校接受义务教育的未成年人辍学。 5、请结合自己的本职工作谈谈你对加强“平安校园”建设的认识和建议 答:一、充分认识推进依法治校工作的重要性和必要性 二、进一步明确推进依法治校工作的指导思想和工作目标 三、切实采取有力措施,大力推进依法治校工作 (一)转变行政管理职能,切实做到依法行政。 (二)加强制度建设,依法加强管理。 (三)推进民主建设,完善民主监督。 (四)加强法制教育,提高法律素质。 (五)严格教师管理,维护教师权益。 (六)完善学校保护机制,依法保护学生权益。 6六五普法强调青少年是国家的希望,民族的未来,为什么, 答:建设社会主义法治国家,需要高度重视培养和提高青少年的法律素质。抓好青少年的法制宣传教育工作,不断提高青少年的法律素质,对于青少年的健康成长和国家长治久安都具有重要意义。因此,强调要根据青少年的特点和接受能力,结合公民意识教育,有针对性地开展法制宣传教育,引导青少年树立社会主义法治理念和法治意识,养成遵纪守法的行为习惯,培养社会主义合格公民。 7、结合自身体会,谈谈如何正确理解和逐步培养教师职业道德规范。 答:依法执教,就要要求教师在所从事的教育教学活动中,严格按照《宪法》和教育方面的法律、法规以及其他相关的法律、法规,使自己的教育教学活动符合法制化。依法执教的途径和方法:在"教书"实践中贯彻落实教育法律法规和其它相关的方针和政策;在"育人"的实践过程中贯彻落实教育法律法规和其相关的法律法规。努力学习各种法律、法规,特别是有关教师执教的法律、法规,深刻认识它的强制性。要认真、踏实地做以依法管教、依法行教、依法保护教师、学生和学校的合法权益。 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame
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