首页 CAN·TORP 2014秋冬新品发布 国家登山队成肯拓普品牌代言人

CAN·TORP 2014秋冬新品发布 国家登山队成肯拓普品牌代言人


CAN·TORP 2014秋冬新品发布 国家登山队成肯拓普品牌代言人CAN·TORP 2014秋冬新品发布 国家登山队成肯拓普品牌代言人 CAN?TORP 2014秋冬新品发布 国家登山队成肯拓普 品牌代言人 3月10日上午,国内户外休闲领先品牌CAN?TORP(肯拓普)2014年秋冬新品发布会在宝龙大酒店隆重开幕。国家体育总局登山运动管理中心开发部主任杨文祥,骆驼(福建)户外用品有限公司董事长陈瑞典、总经理曾新权,中国登山队队员等莅临现场,与肯拓普近千名代理商、经销商一起,共同见证盛会召开。 CAN?TORP签约中国国家登山队媒体见面会 现场,肯拓普与中国国家登山队联合...

CAN·TORP 2014秋冬新品发布 国家登山队成肯拓普品牌代言人
CAN·TORP 2014秋冬新品发布 国家登山队成肯拓普品牌代言人 CAN?TORP 2014秋冬新品发布 国家登山队成肯拓普 品牌代言人 3月10日上午,国内户外休闲领先品牌CAN?TORP(肯拓普)2014年秋冬新品发布会在宝龙大酒店隆重开幕。国家体育总局登山运动管理中心开发部主任杨文祥,骆驼(福建)户外用品有限公司董事长陈瑞典、总经理曾新权,中国登山队队员等莅临现场,与肯拓普近千名代理商、经销商一起,共同见证盛会召开。 CAN?TORP签约中国国家登山队媒体见面会 现场,肯拓普与中国国家登山队联合召开签约暨新闻发布会。谈及为什么选择与中国国家登山队做为品牌代言人时,陈瑞典表示:一方面,CAN?TORP与登协有多年的合作,双方对各自都比较了解。无论是品牌力、还是产品力,肯拓普都具备实力,可以为国家登山队打造优质、安全、舒适的专业户外装备;另一方面,双方强强联合,可以引领和指导更多大众正确地参与到各项户外运动中。明星效应,可以让更多人了解CAN?TORP品牌,在他们亲近自然的同时,体验肯拓普精心营造的多样化户外生活形态。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project CAN?TORP签约中国国家登山队为其品牌代言合影 “更重要的是,CAN?TORP一直与中国登山协会保持紧密合作,作为中国登山协会户外运动合作伙伴,肯拓普还与中国登山协会携手,全程参与了中国山地救援队建设,为山地救援人员提供安全保障的专业户外装备,持续关注户外安全,并践行社会公益爱心活动。这些都是肯拓普能与中国国家登山队更加深层次合作的基础。”国家体育总局登山运动管理中心开发部主任杨文祥表示。 中国登山队一代接一代,不断地拼搏,他们创造过很多辉煌的成绩,也代表国家取得很多的荣誉。例如60年首登珠峰、75年再攀珠峰,03年中国的业余队员曾珠峰,08年奥运圣火在珠峰传递......他们身上那种不畏艰险、顽强拼搏、团结协作、勇攀高峰的精神,一直在激励、鞭策着一代又一代的新老登山人。这种精神也演化为今天的核心价值观、社会正能量。 “中国登山队是随着时代的发展,与时俱进。以前,登山可能就是任务。为了国家的荣誉,有时甚至献出自己的生命。现在,随着时代的发展,很多人因为爱好而参与登山。随着中国经济和生活水平的提高,越来越多的人想亲近自然、探索自然、挑战自然。中国登山队顺应国内户外发展趋势,做了很多除专业探险以外的户外运动普及教育项目,例如攀岩、攀冰、徒步等。接下来,国家登山协会和CAN?TORP携手推动国内泛户外的发展。走出室内,去体验户外,让更多人获得户外安全知识,同时享受户外运动所带来的挑战和乐趣。”中国登山队罗申教练表示。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 骆驼(福建)户外用品有限公司董事长陈瑞典先生与中国登山协会著名教练罗申签署了 CAN?TORP品牌代言合作 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 CAN?TORP品牌创立至今,在推动专业户外的普及与泛户外的发展上,坚持了十年,取得了行业、市场和消费者的认同。2013年,在CAN?TORP品牌系统升级之际,肯拓普携手中国登山协会,全程参与中国山地救援队建设。为山地救援人员提供有安全保障的专业户外装备。 继“驼梦前行 共创巅峰”之后,CAN?TORP再度以“信心”为轴加速品牌驰骋业界。“2013年,CAN?TORP品牌升级取得了巨大的进展,市场稳中求进,2014年,我们要从上到下,齐心协力,从从品牌、产品、渠道、服务等多方面,继续加大力度,全方面推动CAN?TORP的品牌创新和发展,只有拥有高度,才能有不一样的风景。“骆驼(福建)户外用品有限公司董事长陈瑞典表示。 作为最早进入国内户外行业的CAN?TORP,十年来,一直走在行业前列,现在、未来,CAN?TORP都将继续扮演民族户外休闲领先品牌的重要角色。 “所以,在这个转型升级的关键时期,我们需要有信心和实力,在经营思路、商业模式上继续改变创新,创造更高的美誉度和知名度。” not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 骆驼(福建)户外用品有限公司董事长陈瑞典先生正在就CAN?TORP签约 中国国家登山队为其品牌代言接受采访 “俗话说,态度决定高度。积极的心态、坚定的信念是一个创建事业的前提。”会上,总经理曾新权如是说,尽管当前经济增长放缓、体育运动行业某种程度上受到一定冲击,但总部的预见性和创新能力,让我们对公司、对品牌的发展充满信心!在总部的大力推动下,CAN?TORP品牌不断增值,新形象店也受到更多消费者的亲睐。 作为国内领先户外休闲品牌,肯拓普终端形象的每一次革新,都为消费者带来别具一格的全新体验。特别是去年总公司携手全国代理商、加盟商做了诸多努力,借着品牌的升级,CAN?TORP新一代终端形象取得了不错的收效。这更坚定了我们的信念,以信心、赢未来,打造户外领域备受尊敬的户外名牌。 此外,本次订货会秋冬新品颜色更大胆,设计更休闲时尚,新推产品围绕秋冬保暖、舒适的产品特性,采用了双面印花、特殊面料拼接的时尚 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 ,即使是传统的冲锋裤、弹力裤,都被赋予了更多的流行元素,户外、怀旧、休闲味道一览无余。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project
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