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内蒙古民族大学毕业论文写作规程内蒙古民族大学毕业论文写作规程 内蒙古民族大学本科毕业论文(设计)工作规程(修订) 发布于:2011-10-21 校教发[2011]37号 内蒙古民族大学 本科毕业论文,设计,工作规程,修订, 毕业论文,设计,是高等学校本科生教学计划中一个综合性实践教学环节~在培养学生探求真理、强化社会意识、进行科学研究基本训练、提高实践能力与综合素质等方面具有不可替代的作用。为了进一步规范毕业论文,设计,工作~提高毕业论文,设计,质量~特制定本规程如下: 第一条 毕业论文,设计,的基本要求 一、巩固、扩展学生所学...

内蒙古民族大学毕业论文写作规程 内蒙古民族大学本科毕业论文(设计)工作规程(修订) 发布于:2011-10-21 校教发[2011]37号 内蒙古民族大学 本科毕业论文,设计,工作规程,修订, 毕业论文,设计,是高等学校本科生教学 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 中一个综合性实践教学环节~在培养学生探求真理、强化社会意识、进行科学研究基本训练、提高实践能力与综合素质等方面具有不可替代的作用。为了进一步规范毕业论文,设计,工作~提高毕业论文,设计,质量~特制定本规程如下: 第一条 毕业论文,设计,的基本要求 一、巩固、扩展学生所学的基本理论和专业知识~培养学生综合运用所学知识发现问题、分析问题、解 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 决问题的能力~并使学生得到科学研究的基本训练。 二、训练、提高学生的 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 设计、资料查阅、实验研究、社会调查、理论分析、数据处理、文献查阅整理、计算机应用、文字表达、论文,设计,格式等方面的能力与技巧。 三、培养学生理论联系实际的工作作风、严谨的科学态度、善于与他人协作的能力和刻苦钻研、勇于创新的精神。 第二条 毕业论文,设计,选题要求 一、符合教学计划要求~体现专业培养目标~具有综合性、先进性~选题应有一定的广度、深度和难度。 二、选题应体现教学、科研和实践相结合的原则~具有一定的理论价值和实际意义。 三、各学院应提供一定数量的适合本科毕业论文,设计,的课题供学生参考选择~学生也可以根据自己的兴趣、特长自行确定选题。选题经与指导教师商定后~原则上不得随意更改。 四、在确定课题时~应以选择中、小型课题为主~以保证在规定时间内~经过努力能按时保质地完成所选课题任务。 五、每年的论文选题应根据学科发展状况及时更 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 新~原则上要求每生一题~必须独立完成。 第三条 毕业论文,设计,的撰写要求 一、毕业论文,设计,的撰写应做到论点突出~论据充分~论证严密~数据真实~结构安排合理~层次分明~图表清晰~格式规范~语言流畅~结论正确。 二、毕业论文,设计,撰写格式原则上应参照“内蒙古民族大学本科毕业论文,设计,格式”的要求撰写。各学院若因学科、专业特殊性的需要~在参照“内蒙古民族大学本科毕业论文,设计,格式”的基础上~根据学科、专业特点~可自行制订统一、规范的具体格式要求。 三、毕业论文,设计,全文应按格式要求打印~论文,设计,中所用图表应采用计算机绘制。 四、毕业论文,设计,应包含以下内容: 1.题目、摘要、关键词 毕业论文,设计,的题目、摘要、关键词应有中英文,蒙文撰写的论文只需蒙汉,两种文字。题目应对论文,设计,的内容具有高度的概括性~简明扼要~字数应在20个文字以内。原则上中文摘要应在200-300字之间~关键词3,5个。 2. 目录 工贸企业有限空间作业目录特种设备作业人员作业种类与目录特种设备作业人员目录1类医疗器械目录高值医用耗材参考目录 要求标明页码。 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 3.前言或引言 ,1,要求说明毕业论文,设计,选题的来源、目的、意义以及应达到的技术要求。 ,2,应从国内外研究现状、所存在的问题、参考依据等方面完成本课题的文献综述。 4.正文:含方案论证、过程论述、结果分析、结论或总结等内容。全文原则上文科不少于6千字~理科不少于4千字~最多不超过1万字。 5.注释及参考文献~参考文献按GB3469-83书写。 参考文献是指论文的研究与撰写过程中~作者所参考,引用或依据,的有关文献。论文参考文献较多者~可只列出主要参考文献。 注释是对论文正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明。注释前用圈码??等标识。 6.附录,包括图表、程序、所用仪器设备型号及性能指标等, 第四条 毕业论文,设计,的指导、评阅及答辩要求 一、毕业论文指导教师应严肃、认真地评阅学生论文~学生论文最终定稿前应具有指导教师评阅痕迹及评语的一稿、二稿,或多稿,纸质原件~并连同定 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 稿一起交所属学院毕业论文指导小组审阅合格后~方可参加答辩。 二、学生在答辩前~应由指导教师根据“内蒙古民族大学本科生毕业论文,设计,评分 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ”认真填写“内蒙古民族大学本科毕业设计,论文,指导教师评分标准及评阅表”。 三、若指导教师或评阅专家给出的总评分低于60分或“选题质量”项目评分低于12分或“论文,设计,质量”项目评分低于18分者~将不能参加论文答辩~待限期修改~指导教师或评阅专家重新评阅合格后方可申请答辩。 四、答辩工作由学院毕业论文,设计,工作领导小组领导下的答辩委员会,可下设答辩小组,主持进行。答辩委员会,或答辩小组,一般可由学院毕业论文,设计,工作领导小组成员、相关专业方向专家、评阅专家、指导教师等5人或7人组成。设组长1人~另设秘书1人~组长由具有副教授以上职称的教师担任~秘书负责记录和整理答辩情况~并填写“内蒙古民族大学本科毕业论文,设计,答辩记录及成绩评定表”。 第五条 毕业论文,设计,成绩评定要求及成绩不及格学生的处理办法 一、答辩结束后~由毕业论文,设计,工作领导 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 小组参考指导教师评阅成绩~答辩成绩综合评定毕业论文,设计,的最终成绩。成绩按五个等级评定:优,90,100分,、良,80,89分,、中,70,79分,、及格,60,69分,、不及格,低于60分,。 二、毕业论文,设计,是学生的必修实践课~不得免修。成绩不及格者~必须重新修读。 第六条 毕业论文,设计,工作总结及相关材料归档要求 一、论文,设计,成绩评定工作完成后~各学院毕业论文,设计,工作领导小组按3%的比例向学校推荐“优秀毕业论文,设计,”,经教务处组织专家评审~遴选出校级优秀毕业论文,设计,~并给予表彰和奖励。 二、毕业论文,设计,工作完成后~各学院应认真、细致、规范地做好毕业论文,设计,的总结工作。 三、毕业论文,设计,所有工作结束后~各学院应将相关材料归档~保存期为一年。 第七条 毕业论文,设计,的组织管理工作 全校的毕业论文,设计,工作应在主管校长的领导下~由教务处负责全面组织和管理。各学院毕业论文,设计,工作领导小组应对本学院各专业毕业论文,设计,工作的组织、管理和教学质量等全面负责。 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 校教务处和学院的工作职责分别是: 一、教务处工作职责: ,一,研究制定有关管理文件。 ,二,协调各学院毕业论文,设计,选题中的有关问题。 ,三,按毕业论文,设计,工作程序对毕业论文,设计,各阶段的工作开展情况进行检查。 ,四,进行论文抽查~在“大学生论文抄袭 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 系统”中检测~重复率超过70%要求重新写作~30%-70%要求限期修改~修改后仍达不到要求不予毕业。 ,五,组织“校级优秀毕业论文,设计,”的评审、表彰工作。 二、学院工作职责 ,一,成立毕业论文,设计,工作指导小组~布臵毕业论文,设计,工作任务~进行毕业论文,设计,工作动员。 ,二,审查毕业论文,设计,选题~安排指导教师。 ,三,定期检查毕业论文,设计,工作进展情况~协调处理毕业论文,设计,过程中的有关问题~考核 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 指导教师的工作。 ,四,设立答辩委员会,可成立若干答辩小组,~安排毕业论文,设计,答辩和成绩评定工作~复查成绩评定情况~对答辩委员会评定的优秀和不及格论文,设计,加以审查~并填写《内蒙古民族大学本科毕业论文,设计,汇总表》~报教务处实践教学管理科。 ,五,按毕业生总数3,的比例向学校推荐参评“优秀毕业论文,设计,”。 ,六,做好毕业论文,设计,工作总结及归档。 第八条 对毕业论文,设计,指导教师的要求 一、毕业论文,设计,指导教师应由具有一定教学、科研或生产设计经验并具有讲师,或硕士学位获得者,以上职称的教师担任。在校外有关单位进行毕业论文,设计,的学生~可聘请相当于讲师及以上职称的科研人员、工程技术人员担任指导教师。 二、鼓励有科研课题的教师多指导毕业论文,设计,~但每位指导教师所带一届毕业论文,设计,的学生人数一般不得超过10人。 三、指导教师的职责: ,一,拟定毕业论文,设计,题目~制定指导计划和工作程序。 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result ,二,向学生下达毕业论文,设计,计划~让学生了解课题的任务、目的、要求及工作内容,指定主要参考资料或社会调查内容~指导学生进行总体方案设计、实验方案和调查方案的选择,检查学生的工作进度和质量~及时解答学生提出的有关问题。 ,三,一般每周应对学生毕业论文,设计,工作的进展情况至少进行一次检查、指导。 ,四,要求学生在规定时间内完成中外文资料的查阅、文献综述~审查学生的图纸质量、数据处理结果、理论或实验,数据,分析结论。 ,五,指导学生按学校的相关规定正确撰写论文,设计,~至少评阅论文,设计,两稿以上~并写出综合评语。 ,六,参加毕业论文,设计,的答辩和成绩评定。 第九条 对学生的要求 一、根据毕业论文,设计,的相关要求~在指导教师指导下独立进行论文,设计,工作的全过程。要求勤于实践~敢于创新~按时完成工作任务。遵守学术规范~严禁剽窃他人成果。若发现抄袭现象~按相关规定进行处理~严重者取消答辩资格。 二、勤俭节约~爱护仪器设备~严格遵守操作规程和各项规章制度。在毕业论文,设计,期间因不听从指导~不遵守安全操作规程所造成的自身伤害~应 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 由学生本人负责~造成国家或他人财产损失~或伤害他人者~应由学生本人和家长承担经济或法律责任。 三、毕业论文,设计,的知识产权归学校所有~未经指导教师同意~学生不得将论文,设计,所涉及内容向外泄露或发表。 第十条 毕业论文,设计,的经费管理 毕业论文,设计,的经费由学校统一划拨给学院。各学院根据学校的有关规定统筹安排使用~要求专款专用~不得挪作他用。 第十一条 本规程解释权归教务处。 第十二条 本规程自公布之日起施行~原《内蒙古民族大学本科毕业论文,设计,工作规程》,校教发[2001]21号,同时废止。 附件1:内蒙古民族大学本科毕业论文,设计,答辩记录及成绩评定表附件1.doc 附件2:内蒙古民族大学本科毕业论文,设计,指导教师评分标准及评阅表附件2.doc 附件3:内蒙古民族大学本科毕业论文,设计,汇总表附件3.doc 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 内蒙古民族大学教务处 二?一一年九月二十八日 主题词:本科 毕业论文 工作规程 内蒙古民族大学教务处 2011年9月28日 ,共印10份, 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result
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