首页 嘉宸大厦工程概况(1)



嘉宸大厦工程概况(1)嘉宸大厦工程概况(1) 一、工程概况: 平凉市嘉宸大厦由平凉市汇安房地产开发公司投资建设‘甘肃省建筑设计研究院设计。工程选址位于崆峒大道与仁爱路交叉路口北角。建筑物设计地下一层、地上二十四层(附带四层裙楼)、总建筑面积30637?、其中地下室建筑面积3112?、地上27525?,建筑物总高度92.2m(裙楼高度20m)。嘉宸大厦地下一层设计为停车场和设备用房,其上部设计为管道夹层;地上一层设计为商铺、办公门厅和宾馆门厅;二层设计为商业用房;三、四层设计为餐饮用房;五至十五层设计为办公用房;十六至二十四层设计为宾...

嘉宸大厦 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 概况(1) 一、工程概况: 平凉市嘉宸大厦由平凉市汇安房地产开发公司投资建设‘甘肃省建筑设计研究院设计。工程选址位于崆峒大道与仁爱路交叉路口北角。建筑物设计地下一层、地上二十四层(附带四层裙楼)、总建筑面积30637?、其中地下室建筑面积3112?、地上27525?,建筑物总高度92.2m(裙楼高度20m)。嘉宸大厦地下一层设计为停车场和设备用房,其上部设计为管道夹层;地上一层设计为商铺、办公门厅和宾馆门厅;二层设计为商业用房;三、四层设计为餐饮用房;五至十五层设计为办公用房;十六至二十四层设计为宾馆客房。地下一层(包括管道夹层)层高为6m,地上一层层高为5.1m,二至四层层高均为4.8m,五层至十四层层高为3.6m、十五层层高为3.8m、十六层二十四层层高均为3.6m。 平凉市嘉宸大厦建筑结构形式主楼部分为剪力墙结构、裙楼部分为框架结构。建筑设计使用年限为50年、抗震设防裂度为七度。建筑防火分类为一类高度综合楼、耐火等级为一级。建筑物室内环境控制类别酒店为?级,地下工程防水等级为一级。 (一)建筑结构部分: 平凉市嘉宸大厦设计大开挖基坑、挖土深度7米、基底梅花状钎探、钎探深度2.0米。基础设计为钢筋砼平板式筏形基础、筏板基础砼强度等级设计为C40。主体结构为钢筋砼现浇梁、板、柱、楼梯、砼强度等级C35—C50。墙体设计除钢筋砼墙体外、industrial electronics. (3) auto configuration, theory, maintenance, structure and principle of Automotive electrical equipment, maintenance, car electric control system of structure, principle and repair of professional knowledge. (4) the structure and working principle of auto test and diagnostic equipment, control of automobile comprehensive performance evaluation parameters and influencing factors. (5) the master the theory of rational use of the car and running material, business management, basic theoretical knowledge of marketing and after-sales service protection of cables can be up to, while also providing a fire-proof, sealed, rugged space can safely extend cable to the destination. Channel selection algorithm and subsystem level design algorithm. As with vertical bridge, horizontal bridges must also retain a certain amount of space allowances to ensure that future expansion of the system without the need to install a new line. Sixth section 2.6.1 PDS cabling system design, and building design of the comprehensive wiring system according to the requirements, new Dunan valve plant main building, workshop structure, data, voice in the future; in the uniform distribution. Main connection (MDF) located on the production floor of the second floor Center room (network equipment), by telephone calls outside the telephone Office is responsible for introducing the main wiring in the building, switching locations are also located 外墙为300mm厚加气砼砌块、内墙为200mm加气砼砌块、卫生间为100—200mm厚烧结多孔砖、地下室填充墙为200—300mm厚烧结多孔砖、管道井用100mm厚的烧结多孔砌筑。屋面为卷材水泥砂浆保护层屋面。外墙装饰设计为干挂石材墙面。办公及酒店门厅、电梯厅内墙为设计为石材墙面、卫生间、厨房内墙设计为面砖墙面、其余房间设计为水泥石灰砂浆打底、白色乳胶漆罩面墙面。地下车库、商业用房顶棚设计为水泥砂浆抹面、电梯间、门厅、办公、酒店房间顶棚设计为普通纸面石膏板吊顶、卫生间顶棚为铝合金方板吊顶。办公、酒店、餐饮、商业、门厅及电梯厅楼地面设计为低温热水地板辐射采暖地面;卫生间、厨房地面设计为地板砖铺面;设备用房、地下车库地面设计为细石砼地面。室外台阶、散水均为铺设花岗岩。内门设计安装乙级木质防水门、外窗设计安装注胶铝合金窗。 (二)电照安装部分: 平凉市嘉宸大厦电照系统设计供电等级为一级负荷、电源由市政电网引入地下一层变电所低压配电盘分别向全楼照明供电、供电电压为380V/220V计量方式采用变电所集中计量,大厦主攻及备用电源分别引自度配电室低压母线不同的两段。配电方式采用放射式与树干式相结合、供电回路由变配电所低压电盘引出沿桥架引至一层电缆进行配电。大厦内分别设有正常照明、应急疏散指示照明、节日照明。地下车库、商场及办公等处采用高效节industrial electronics. (3) auto configuration, theory, maintenance, structure and principle of Automotive electrical equipment, maintenance, car electric control system of structure, principle and repair of professional knowledge. (4) the structure and working principle of auto test and diagnostic equipment, control of automobile comprehensive performance evaluation parameters and influencing factors. (5) the master the theory of rational use of the car and running material, business management, basic theoretical knowledge of marketing and after-sales service protection of cables can be up to, while also providing a fire-proof, sealed, rugged space can safely extend cable to the destination. Channel selection algorithm and subsystem level design algorithm. As with vertical bridge, horizontal bridges must also retain a certain amount of space allowances to ensure that future expansion of the system without the need to install a new line. Sixth section 2.6.1 PDS cabling system design, and building design of the comprehensive wiring system according to the requirements, new Dunan valve plant main building, workshop structure, data, voice in the future; in the uniform distribution. Main connection (MDF) located on the production floor of the second floor Center room (network equipment), by telephone calls outside the telephone Office is responsible for introducing the main wiring in the building, switching locations are also located 能荧光灯具,走廊、楼梯间及电梯前室采用吸顶照明灯具。商场及餐厅设有备用照明、在商场、餐厅大堂、走道、楼梯、电梯前室、综合布线间、设备及办公用房等处设有应急照明灯。防雷接地按二类防雷设计、低压配电系统接地采用TN—S系统。消防系统在一层消控室内设一台GH1—EFM2100监控主机、全楼照明配电箱内设有监控点、对现场漏电信号实施监控。综合布线及电话系统主要由语音、数据、图文、图像等多媒体综合网络构成、在十二层中心机房内设置服务器、集线器、光纤配线系统及总配线架,语音及数据口面板均采用RJ45标准面板。电视监控系统在一层监控室内设监控主机、分组切换监视器、操作键盘、长时间录像等设备。电缆电视视频线系统干线采用SYWV—75—7同轴电缆、视频分支线采用SYWV—75—5同轴电缆敷设。 (三)给排水安装部分: 平凉市嘉宸大厦给排水系统设计包括给水、热水、排水、消防等四个部分。其中大厦给水由市政自来水管网接入、大厦内部分四个区给水、即1—4层商业部分由室外给水管下行给供水;5—10层办公部分由地下一层水泵房内办公水箱和办公变频给水设备下行上给供水;11—16层办公部分由地下一层水泵房内办公水箱和办公区变频给水设备下行上给供水;17—24层酒店部分由地下一层水泵房内酒店水箱和酒店变频给水设备上行下给供水,给水管采用LBF—L冷拔复合钢塑管、卡环式连接。热水industrial electronics. (3) auto configuration, theory, maintenance, structure and principle of Automotive electrical equipment, maintenance, car electric control system of structure, principle and repair of professional knowledge. (4) the structure and working principle of auto test and diagnostic equipment, control of automobile comprehensive performance evaluation parameters and influencing factors. (5) the master the theory of rational use of the car and running material, business management, basic theoretical knowledge of marketing and after-sales service protection of cables can be up to, while also providing a fire-proof, sealed, rugged space can safely extend cable to the destination. Channel selection algorithm and subsystem level design algorithm. As with vertical bridge, horizontal bridges must also retain a certain amount of space allowances to ensure that future expansion of the system without the need to install a new line. Sixth section 2.6.1 PDS cabling system design, and building design of the comprehensive wiring system according to the requirements, new Dunan valve plant main building, workshop structure, data, voice in the future; in the uniform distribution. Main connection (MDF) located on the production floor of the second floor Center room (network equipment), by telephone calls outside the telephone Office is responsible for introducing the main wiring in the building, switching locations are also located 系统由二期锅炉房供应95/70?热媒、经二期换热间换热器全日制供应、热水采用上供下回全循环供应热水、热水管采用LBF—R冷拔复合钢塑管、卡环式连接。室内排水采用生活污水、废水合流排水方式、其中一层污废水单独排放、二至二十四层污废水采用旋流降噪特殊管件的单立管排水系统、地下一层废水经集水坑收集后采用污水泵提升排放。地下室排水泵压力出水管,废水管、自喷系统试水管、自喷系统泄水管采用刚衬塑复合管、内衬PE、丝扣连接。排水立管采用GH—11型PVC—U加强内螺旋排水塑料管、胶粘连接。卫生间排水横支管采用PVC—U排水塑料管,胶粘连接。屋面雨水管设计为有组织内排水系统、雨水管采用刚衬塑复合管、内衬PE、丝扣或卡套式连接。大厦消防系统包括消火栓灭火、自动喷水灭火、移动式灭火器配置、气体灭火等四个系统。其中消火栓灭火系统和自动喷水系统采用临时高压供水、由地下一层500m?消防水池和两台(一用一备)消火栓泵供水。消火栓设计为2个区供水、即1区:1—4层由地下一层500m?消防水池和消火栓泵减压供水;2区:5—24层由地下一层500m?消防水池和消防栓泵直接供水、在屋顶设20m?消防水箱和消防增压、稳压设备供火灾初期10min用水量,在室外设3组消火栓系统水泵接合器、发生火灾时通过消防车向管网供水。楼层消火栓箱内设消防卷盘、自救式消火栓选用SNA25型。移动式灭火器选用磷酸铵干粉灭火器。气体灭火系统由地下一层变配电室、柴industrial electronics. (3) auto configuration, theory, maintenance, structure and principle of Automotive electrical equipment, maintenance, car electric control system of structure, principle and repair of professional knowledge. (4) the structure and working principle of auto test and diagnostic equipment, control of automobile comprehensive performance evaluation parameters and influencing factors. (5) the master the theory of rational use of the car and running material, business management, basic theoretical knowledge of marketing and after-sales service protection of cables can be up to, while also providing a fire-proof, sealed, rugged space can safely extend cable to the destination. Channel selection algorithm and subsystem level design algorithm. As with vertical bridge, horizontal bridges must also retain a certain amount of space allowances to ensure that future expansion of the system without the need to install a new line. Sixth section 2.6.1 PDS cabling system design, and building design of the comprehensive wiring system according to the requirements, new Dunan valve plant main building, workshop structure, data, voice in the future; in the uniform distribution. Main connection (MDF) located on the production floor of the second floor Center room (network equipment), by telephone calls outside the telephone Office is responsible for introducing the main wiring in the building, switching locations are also located 油发电机房、储油间设预制灭火热气溶胶气体灭火系统。 (四)采暖安装部分: 平凉市嘉宸大厦采暖系统设计为低温热水地板辐射供暖、供热源由地下一层换热机组提供55/45?热水作为供暖系统热媒。大厦换热站设置于地下一层、换热站内设板式换热器机组、自动软水器、软化水箱,换热站一次热媒为85/60?热水、由城市热力管网提供、一次热媒经板式换热器机组置换出55/45?热水作为供暖二次热媒、连续供给高低区供暖系统,高低区供暖系统由变频补水泵定压。1—12层为低区供暖系统、13—24层为高区供暖系统。卫生间、楼梯间采用散热器供暖、其他房间采用低温热水地板辐射供暖、加热管布置形式为旋转型、系统形式为下供下回双管同程式。地板辐射加热管采用耐高温聚乙烯(PE—RT)管、使用年限设计为50年,散热器采用钢制散热器、系统明装。 (五)设备安装部分: 平凉市嘉宸大厦共设置4部分1000公斤客梯、两部600公斤无机房观光电梯、一部1.8吨货梯。其中快捷酒店及办公部分设置2部1000公斤客梯兼消防电梯、商业及餐饮区设置2部无机房观光电梯、载重600公斤、地下成品库房设置一部1.8吨无机房货梯。 industrial electronics. (3) auto configuration, theory, maintenance, structure and principle of Automotive electrical equipment, maintenance, car electric control system of structure, principle and repair of professional knowledge. (4) the structure and working principle of auto test and diagnostic equipment, control of automobile comprehensive performance evaluation parameters and influencing factors. (5) the master the theory of rational use of the car and running material, business management, basic theoretical knowledge of marketing and after-sales service protection of cables can be up to, while also providing a fire-proof, sealed, rugged space can safely extend cable to the destination. Channel selection algorithm and subsystem level design algorithm. As with vertical bridge, horizontal bridges must also retain a certain amount of space allowances to ensure that future expansion of the system without the need to install a new line. Sixth section 2.6.1 PDS cabling system design, and building design of the comprehensive wiring system according to the requirements, new Dunan valve plant main building, workshop structure, data, voice in the future; in the uniform distribution. Main connection (MDF) located on the production floor of the second floor Center room (network equipment), by telephone calls outside the telephone Office is responsible for introducing the main wiring in the building, switching locations are also located
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