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幼儿园安全十项制度幼儿园安全十项制度 安全保卫制度 (一)学校要建立校内安全保卫工作领导机构,实行校长负责制,明确一名领导分管校园安全工作。 (二)学校保卫人员必须由专职保安或能够履行职责的人员担当。 (三)建立《值班制度》和《领导巡查制度》,编制值班人员安排表,明确告知值班人员应尽职责及义务,保证校园内24小时有人值班。 (四)节假日、重大活动安排以及非常时期,应安排专职人员巡逻,值班人员应坚守岗位,尽职尽责,确保人员安全和财产不受损失。 (五)安全保卫人员应随时对校园及学校重点部位进行巡视,特别是夜间要加强巡逻,防止意外事...

幼儿园安全十项制度 安全保卫制度 (一)学校要建立校内安全保卫工作领导机构,实行校长负责制,明确一名领导分管校园安全工作。 (二)学校保卫人员必须由专职保安或能够履行职责的人员担当。 (三)建立《值班制度》和《领导巡查制度》,编制值班人员安排表,明确告知值班人员应尽职责及义务,保证校园内24小时有人值班。 (四)节假日、重大活动安排以及非常时期,应安排专职人员巡逻,值班人员应坚守岗位,尽职尽责,确保人员安全和财产不受损失。 (五)安全保卫人员应随时对校园及学校重点部位进行巡视,特别是夜间要加强巡逻,防止意外事故发生。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 安全工作定期检查制度 (一)学校每季度对校园安全工作进行一次集中检查,对查出的安全隐患要及时上报并积极进行整改。 (二)日查和定期检查相结合,每周开展一次安全工作重点检查。 (三)对学校用水、用电、用气、教学器材等相关设施设备定期进行检查,并按照规定接受相关部门的定期检查,发现老化或者损坏的,及时进行维修或者更换。 (四)建立检查登记制度,对查出的各类隐患,要详细记录,并提出整改 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 ,经检查负责人和隐患部位负责人签字后,督促整改,妥善保存。 (五)建立检查评比制度,对自查无隐患的给予表彰、奖励、对隐患多漏洞大的,又不积极整改的,进行批评教或追究责任。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 安全事故报告制度 (一)报告范围:凡学校内发生的各类突发事件,包括各类人员伤害、安全事故、疫情、校产损毁、自然灾害等等。 (二)报告办法:凡在工作期间发生的事件,向本单位负责人报告,凡工作时间以外(指放学后、节假日)发生的,向安全值班人员或就进向领导报告,凡接到报告的人员,应立即按垂直关系逐级向上报告。 (三)校园发生重大安全事件,必须第一事件上报教体局。 (四)发生安全事故实行首问责任制,要在全力组织自救的同时,按有关规定报告公安、消防、卫生、防疫等部门。力争将损失降到最低限度。 (五)发生安全事故不及时上报或隐瞒不报的,因迟报、漏报造成严重后果的,要追究主要负责人的责任。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 消防工作管理制度 (一)成立消防安全管理工作领导小组 (二)认真贯彻执行有关消防工作法规、政策。 (三)制定消防安全应急预案,并保证其切实可行。 (四)实行防火安全责任制,确定本单位和所属各部门、岗位的消防安全责任人。 (五)针对图书馆、微机室、学生宿舍的特点,采取不同的防火设施,并对师生进行消防安全知识宣传,掌握逃生要领、处置办法,师生熟知火警电话119及使用方法。 (六)每学期至少组织一次消防演练,使师生能够熟练的使用消防器材,提高自救自护能力。 (七)定期组织消防安全检查,及时消除火灾隐患。 (八)按照国家有关规定配置消防设施和器材、设置消防安全标志,并定期组织检验、维修,确保消防设施完好、充足、有效。 (九)保障疏散通道、安全出口畅通,并设置符合国家规定的消防安全疏散标志。 (十)实行每日防火巡查,并建立巡查记录。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 食堂饮食卫生管理制度 (一)建立饮食卫生工作领导小组,明确责任分工。 (二)食堂从业人员三证(卫生许可证、从业人员健康、培训证明)齐全,工作人员配戴健康证上岗。 (三)持有效卫生许可证,到期及时验换。卫生许可证应悬挂在显眼处。 (四)工作人员上班时应穿工作衣帽,并保持个人清洁卫生 (五)保持室内外环境卫生整洁、干净、无杂物、室内地面清洁、无油垢、无异味。 (六)防蝇、防尘、防鼠设施齐全,室内无蝇、无鼠迹、无蟑螂。 (七)食品容器、用具定期消毒。 (八)禁止购买、加工、出售变质霉烂和有毒食物 (九)生、熟成品和半成品的加工与存放有明显的标志,不得混放。 (十)保持仓库整洁,食品做到分类、有标志,离地离墙保管。 (十一)食堂要有严格的安全保卫措施,严禁非食堂工作人员进入食品加工和食品原料存放处,确保师生用餐卫生和安全, (十二)食品严格实行48小时留样制度,留样不少于250克。 (十三)严格执行采购索证及登记制度,有每日进货记录。 (十四)有条件的食堂操作间应安装监控设施,并有专人负责。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 实验室安全管理制度 (一)任课教师和实验辅助人员课前要对学生进行实验课安全教育。 (二)实验教师要严格按照实验操作规程操作实验。 (三)实验室保持环境整洁,走道畅通,通风设施完善,仪器设备摆放整齐,严禁占用走廊堆放杂物。 (四)各种有毒有害和易燃易爆等危险品必须严格登记造册,建立购买、使用、领取、清退等台账。对剧毒、放射性等危险物品出入库必须有精确计量和记载。 (五)对危险物品的管理必须贯彻“控制使用、重点管理、严格出(入)库”的方针,严加保管,实行双锁保险、双人负责制,对所有物品应定期检查核对,并采取必要的安全措施。 (六)做好防盗工作,安装防盗设施,管理人员离室应关好门窗上好锁、切断电源,关闭自来水。无关人员不得擅自入内。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 幼儿安全信息通报制度 (一)对有特异体质、特殊疾病或者其他生理、心理状况异常的学生,做好安全信息记录,并保管好学生的健康和安全信息资料,依法保护学生的个人隐私。 (二)学校将规定的学生到校和放学时间及时告知家长及监护人。 (三)对有潜在传染性疾病及特异体质的学生应与家长及监护人联系沟通并履行告知义务。 (四)班主任随时掌握学生的基本情况,对学生非正常缺席或者擅自离校情况,以及学生身体和心理的异常情况等关系学生安全的信息,及时告知学校及监护人。 (五)建立学生健康档案,新生入学时提交体检证明,并组织学生定期体检。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 住宿生安全管理制度 (一)学校必须设立宿管处,明确专人负责住宿学生的生活管理和安全保卫工作。 (二)宿管人员坚持每天早、晚查宿,夜间有人值班和巡查,发现问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 及时处理并上报。 (三)学生宿舍的安全疏散通道、楼梯、安全出口的位置、宽度、数量符合消防技术要求并保持畅通,楼梯扶手牢固。 (四)学生宿舍各楼梯口及安全出口要有指示疏散通道、安全出口的标志,应急照明灯具齐全完好。 (五)宿舍内严禁乱拉电线、私接电源,严禁使用电热器具(电褥子、电炉子、电热水器等),严禁使用明火。 (六)宿舍内床架、铺板等设施要安全牢固,符合标准。 (七)宿舍内严禁存放有毒、易燃易爆、管制刀具、木棒等危险品。 (八)住宿生入住或停止住宿,需经宿管处批准并备案告知家长或监护人,有潜在传染病或特异体质及精神心理疾病患者,家长及监护人应及时告知宿管处,以便联系沟通。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 小学低年级学生和幼儿园儿童接送制度 (一)小学低年级学生、幼儿园儿童要求家长及监护人接送,学校要将接送地点及时间告知家长及监护人。 (二)小学低年级学生和幼儿园儿童放学时,学校要指定专人护送到指定地点,并认真核实接送者身份,学生家长或监护人未及时接送学生,学校应有专人负责妥善处理。 (三)有车家长接送孩子时,车俩必须按要求有序停放,以免阻碍交通,严禁接送学生家长及车辆进入校园。 (四)家长无特殊事情不得随意将孩子带出学校,如有事情必须经过班主任及有关人员同意签字后方可离校。 (五)学校和教师要保证准时放学,如遇特殊情况确实需要延期在校时间的,必须提前与家长联系,妥善安排好学生接送事宜。 (六)与家长及监护人签订相关协议,明确双方职责。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 预防踩踏学生安全疏散制度 (一)成立专门的学生防踩踏疏散领导小组,实行“一把手”负责制。明确专人在学生容易发生拥挤踩踏的时间(上学、放学、上操、集会、晚自习等)、地点(校门口、楼梯、楼道等)进行疏导。 (二)加强对学生的教育,并定期组织疏散演练,告知学生遇突发事件要沉着冷静,保持良好的疏散秩序。 (三)学生较多的学校要实行分级、错时放学,学校要有专人或教师值班巡查。 (四)制定科学、详实、具有可操作性的学生防踩踏疏散应急预案,将目标任务层层分解,责任落实到人。 (五)楼梯口及安全出口指示疏散通道、安全出口的标志,应急照明灯具要齐全完好。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 接送学生车辆管理制度 (一)全面加强接送学生车辆的管理,建立专项档案,掌握准确翔实的资料。 (二)定期对学生开展交通安全教育,教育学生不乘坐无牌、无证、报废等黑车,确保乘车安全,对学生及家长履行告知义务并签署相关协议。 (三)督促、告知接送学生的车辆及时到公安交通管理部门备案,及时检测,并定期维护。 (四) 接送学生车辆应张贴由公安局和教体局制发的统一标识。 (五) 接送学生的机动车驾驶员应身体健康,具备相应准驾车型3 年以上安全驾驶经历,最近3年内任一记分周期没有记满12 分记录,无致人伤亡的交通责任事故。 (六) 配合公安交管部门对黑车、拼装车、报废车的治理打击,禁止 接送学生车辆进校园。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 教学场地设施器材及体育运动安全 管理制度 (一)加强学校各种教学设备、器材和生活设施的安全管理。学校各种教学设备和生活设施符合国家有规定。 (二)开展大型体育活动、组织学生参加劳动、教学实习或社会实践等大型教育教学活动,应制定安全预案并向上级部门请示;有针对性地进行劳动安全保护教育、组织纪律教育。 (三)体育器材尤其是铁器要在专职的体育教师指导下使用。 (四)体育器材室要设专职或兼职管理员,体育器材的借用要认真做好登记。 (五)体育设施,要按正确的方法安装,篮球架、单杠、双杆等易发生危险的设备,根据实际情况打好水泥墩,压好配重物。破损易坏的器材要责成专人维修保养。 (六)体育场地布局合理,要有防止各种车辆随意进出的护栏。 (七)开展体育活动,体育教师和学生要遵循体育运动规律和有关项目规则进行。组织体育竞赛、军训等较为剧烈的活动时,要特别关注特异体质学生,禁止有病、体弱及身体不适者参加。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 安全宣传教育培训制度 (一)学校将安全教育纳入教育教学 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,针对不同年龄学生的特点确保每周上一节安全教育课,并通过校报、板报、橱窗、校园网、观看安全教育警示录、主题班会、讲座、演出等多种形势开展交通法规、预防伤害等安全教育,增强广大师生员工的安全意识。 (二)要在新生入学(幼儿园)后,放假前集中进行安全教育,并根据环境、季节进行防盗、防抢、防骗、防火、防病、防滑冰、防溺水等安全教育。 (三)充分利用每年“全国中小学安全教育日”、“全国安全生产月”发放宣传资料,有针对性地进行安全宣传教育。 (四)每学期至少开展一次针对防火、防洪、防地震、防踩踏等紧急情况的应急、逃生、自救、互救演练,提高师生安全防范能力。 (五)每学期至少开展一次对教师的安全培训工作,重点学习《中小学幼儿园安全管理办法》《义务教育法》《学生伤害事故处理办法》等法律法规,增强教师的安全守法意识。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 安全档案管理制度 (一)学校必须有专门的安全档案,并分类存放。 (二)安全专人负责安全档案的管理工作。 (三)根据实际情况建立安全 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 及部署档案、消防档案、重点 部位档案、易燃易爆危险品档案等。 (四)安全档案应包括安全基本情况和安全管理情况。 (五)安全基本情况包括内容: 1、年度安全工作计划、总结、部署,各种安全文件资料。 2、单位基本概况,重点部位情况。 3、安全责任人、管理人员岗位职责。 4、各种安全制度。 5、各种安全设施、器材情况。 6、其他与安全有关的情况。 (六)安全管理情况包括内容: 1、安全设施、器材定期检查纪律,维修保养的记录。 2、安全隐患及其整改情况的记录。 3、安全检查、巡查记录。 4、安全宣传教育培训记录。 5、安全情况、事件、事故及处理记录。 6、奖惩情况记录。 7、其他有关安全管理的情况。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 校长安全责任制度 校长是学校安全工作第一责任人,其主要职责是: (一)主持学校安全领导小组工作,研究制定学校安全工作计划和制度措施,贯彻落实上级部门布置的各项任务和要求。 (二)掌握学校安全工作总体情况及存在的主要问题,督促完善相应措施,及时协调并努力解决安全隐患。 (三)落实学校安全工作管理机构和人员,解决工作经费和必要工作条件。 (四)与学校职能部门签订安全工作责任书,明确其职责和要求,保证安全共责任落实到具体部门和责任人并按责任制要求落实奖惩。 (五)学校发生安全事故时,迅速到达现场组织工作,积极协助有关部门进行事故善后处理。 十七、交通安全管理制度 (一)加强师生用车、校车管理,死机、车辆必须证照 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、齐全。 (二)接送师生的校车必须由专人负责,并经常进行安全检查。 (三)学校要采取多种有效形式对师生进行交通安全教育,使其提高交通安全意识、遵守交通法规、预防交通事故。 (四)对家长合租的车辆,要告知学生和家长聘请符合交通法规标准的司机并签订相关协议,乘坐符合要求的客车。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 门卫管理制度 (一)学校要在大门口建立警卫室。 (二)学校门卫必须由专职保安或能够履行职责的人员担任。 (三)按规定准时开关校门;放假期间校门关闭。 (四)坚守工作岗位,保证24小时有人值班。 (五)对于出入学校的人员、车辆要严格执行出入登记或验证制度,禁止物管人员和校外车辆入内。 (六)对于携带物品进入校园的,要严格进行盘查、询问,禁止将非教学用易燃易爆物品、有毒物品、动物和管制器具等危险品带入校园。 (七)门卫要对直接责任人负责,依法做好本职工作。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 学校值班制度 (一)值班人员按时到岗,不空岗,值班情况应纳入“教师量化积分档案”中,明确值班人员应负责任。 (二)值班人员要加强对教学区、生活区的巡查,对要害部位重点进行防盗、防火检查。 (三)遇有节假日,要加强值班,增加巡查次数。 (四)值班人员必须保持高度警惕,要有应对突发事件的能力,发现问题及时处置,或报告有关领导。 (五)值班人员必须忠于职守,在值班巡查期间擅自外出、玩忽职守,发生事故做成学校财产、人身安全损害者,将追究相关人员责任。 (六)加强值班工作,值班人员应保证人数,必须有一名领导带班,同时认真填写值班记录。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 安全工作会议制度 (一)学校将安全工作列于学校工作计划中,严格按计划内容开展工作。 (二)学校依具体情况,适时召开安全工作例会,由学校领导主持,全体校班子成员参加;传达上级会议、文件精神,分析研究“消防、食品、教学、治安、防疫、疏散”等方面的工作,对存在的问题责成专人立即解决。 (三)每学期至少召开一次安全教育大会,确保师生全面掌握安全常识和自护自救知识。 (四)每学期至少召开一次部门责任人、班主任和有关人员会议,部署学期安全工作,层层签订安全目标责任书。 (五)每学期至少召开一次大型法制教育报告会,聘请公安、司法等人员对师生进行法制教育。 (六)各级安全会议要有记录,并整理存档备查。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 安全工作责任追究制度 在校园安全工作中出现下列情形之一的,依据党纪、政纪和有规定对相关责任人进行处理。 (一)学校出现重大安全责任事故,坚决实行“一票否决”,取消该单位、校长及相关责任人当年评优、晋级资格。 (二)对上级部门的工作要求和部署,不能认真、及时贯彻落实的;未成立安全工作领导小组,措施不力,职责不清,责任不明,给工作造成食物的。 (三)发生事故出现迟报、瞒报、漏报的;24小时值班出现脱岗、信息不通畅,造成事故或事态扩大的。 (四)没有指定专人定期对学校各个部位进行安全检查,造成安全隐患排查不及时或整改不到位,致使事故发生的。 (五)不按时完成或不积极对师生进行安全宣传教育,对学生及家长不履行告知义务,造成师生安全知识缺乏,缺乏自我保护意识和防范意识,出现安全事故的。 (六)安全设施设备保管、修缮、维护不及时造成损失的。 (七)实验人员对有毒、易燃易爆药品使用不当发生事故的。 (八)教学过程中违反教学规程,造成事故的。 (九)其他违法违规行为造成损失的。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification,
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