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水泥稳定碎石基层水泥稳定碎石基层 宜宾县城北新区天池路市政道路工程 路 面 基 层 施 工 方 案 编制单位:四川九方建设有限公司 编 制 人: 审 核 人: 编制日期: practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests...

水泥稳定碎石基层 宜宾县城北新区天池路市政道路工程 路 面 基 层 施 工 方 案 编制单位:四川九方建设有限公司 编 制 人: 审 核 人: 编制日期: practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific 目 录 一、工程概况................................................................................................................ 3 二、主要人员、机械、材料情况 ............................................................................... 3 三、材料及配合比 ....................................................................................................... 3 四、主要施工技术 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ............................................................................................... 3 4.1施工放样.......................................................................................................... 4 4.2备料.................................................................................................................. 4 4.3拌和与整型 ..................................................................................................... 4 4.4、碾压............................................................................................................... 5 4.5接缝和调头处的处理 ..................................................................................... 5 4.6、养生和交通管制 .......................................................................................... 6 五、质量保证措施及保证体系 ................................................................................... 6 5.1、质量体系说明 .............................................................................................. 6 5.2组织机构.......................................................................................................... 7 5.3保证措施.......................................................................................................... 7 六、安全文明施工措施 ............................................................................................... 9 6.1组织机构.......................................................................................................... 9 6.2安全保证体系框架图 ................................................................................... 10 6.3安全保证措施 ............................................................................................... 10 6.4环境、人文景观保护措施 ........................................................................... 11 5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-Antigen 15is c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-linical Immunology: 1. C, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology testation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, operthe third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibrationgy laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and linical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematolopractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-ent "o" (AS O), cStreptococcus hemolytic pigm-nd simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-A antibody (AdsDNA), and antidouble chain DN-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and antilike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-2 水泥稳定碎石基层施工方案 一、工程概况 城北新区天池路位于宜宾县城北新区,水泥稳定碎石基层、底基层,全长577.742M,道路路幅规划宽度24M,基层厚度40?。 二、主要人员、机械、材料情况 项目经理:郑成玉,技术负责人:郑树均,项目工长:贺千勇 ,测量员:刘铠,内业管理员:梁小文;安全员:杨林;材料员:郑成芳;试验员:王郎祖;造价员:郑成中。 根据本 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 项目的工程特点和实际情况,为确保工期要求, 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 安排具有丰富施工经验和管理能力的路面施工队负责施工,为本分项工程的顺利实施提供可靠的基础保证。 机械:平地机1台、压路机1台,装载机1台,洒水车1台,运输车辆10辆。 三、材料及配合比 水泥稳定级配碎石基层的水泥量为5%,采用32.5级普通水泥或硅酸盐水泥,碎石选择质坚持干净的粒料,其最大粒径宜小于31.5?,集料压碎值不大于30%。 四、主要施工技术方案 本工程采用水泥稳定碎石作为基层,须用机械如何和摊铺和碾压。水泥稳定碎石工程建立专门的拌和站,集中厂拌。 基层施工前,砂砾石垫层表面要平整、坚实,符合设计要求,无松散材料和软弱地点,施工前要用压路机在砂砾石垫层全宽范围内复压2,3遍。水泥稳定碎石基层用压路机碾压时,每层压实厚度不应超过20?,压实厚度超过要求时,分层铺筑,每层压实厚度不小于10?,压实遍数不小于6,8遍,至表面无明显轮迹为止。施工时, -5 (CA12-12 9), and sugar Antigen-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-rotein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire p erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, andrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-(E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology nalyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of a ... Toncy blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical al chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergelinicpractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-H test) (5) other class: antind simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCmitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-and anti nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group,like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p3 最低气温要求5?以上,压实后必须保湿养生。 4.1施工放样 在砂砾石垫层整修达到质量验收 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 后,恢复中线,直线段每20m设一桩,平。平曲线段每10m设一桩,并在两侧路面侧边缘外路肩处设指示桩,在指示桩上用红漆标出基层边缘设计标高及松铺厚度的位置。 4.2备料 在施工前实验室对施工所用材料进行各项指标的测定,只有经测定符合设计和规范规定的质量要求的材料,才允许投入使用,并根据各路段基层的厚度及预定的干密度,计算各段(20—50m)所需材料数量,由堆放点运至放工完毕的路基上进行备料;确保施工中不出现停工待料,保证施工的连续性。 水泥:采用32.5级普能水泥或酸盐水泥,终凝时间在6h以上,水泥含量5.0%。 碎石:单个颗粒的最大粒径不超过31.5?,碎石压碎值不大于30%。 4.3拌和与整型 1、使用路拌机械施工,边拌和边洒水,颗粒粗细均匀无离析现象,并达到最佳含水量,拌合均匀后,立即按规定进行整型。 2、用平地机进行整形,整形前应用齿耙将轮迹低洼处表层5?以上耙松。 3、对于局部低洼处,应用齿耙将其表层5?以上耙松,并用新拌的混合料进行找平。 4、再用平地机整形一次,应将高处料直接刮出路外,不应形成薄层贴补现象。 5、每次整形都应达到规定的横坡和纵坡,并应特别注意接缝必 like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-Antigen 15is c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-linical Immunology: 1. C, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology testation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, operthe third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibrationgy laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and linical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematolopractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-ent "o" (AS O), cStreptococcus hemolytic pigm-nd simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-A antibody (AdsDNA), and antidouble chain DN-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti4 须顺直平整。 6、在整形过程中,严禁任何车辆通行,并保持无明显的粗细集料离析现象。 4.4、碾压 整形后,即用12T的振动压路机进行碾压,直线段由两侧面中间碾压,在有超高的路段上由内侧向外侧碾压,其碾压的遍数和速度以试验段数据为准。路面两侧多压2,3遍,直至达到规范和设计要求的压实度。 4.5接缝和调头处的处理 1)同日施工的两工作段的衔接处,应采用搭接。前一段拌和整形后,留一段不进行碾压,后一段施工时,前段留下未压部分,应再加部分水泥重新拌和,并与后一段一起碾压。 2)经过拌和、整形的水泥稳定混合料,应在试验确定的延迟时间内完成碾压。 3)注意每天最后一段末端缝(即工作缝)的处理。工作缝和调头处可按下述方法处理。 A、在已碾压完成的水泥稳定土层末端,沿稳定土挖一条横贯铺筑层全宽的宽约30?的槽,直挖到下承层顶面。此槽应与路的中心线垂直,靠稳定土的一面应切成垂直面,并放两根与压实厚度等厚、长为全宽一半的方木紧贴其垂直面。 B、如拌和机械或其他机械必须到已压成的水泥稳定土层上调头,应采取措施保护调头作业段。一般可在准备用于调并头的约8,10m长的稳定层上,先覆盖一张厚塑料布或油毡纸,然后铺上约10?厚的土、砂或砂砾。 C、第二天,邻接作业段拌和后,除去方木,用混合料回填。靠近方木未能拌和的一小段,应人工进行补充拌和。整平时,接缝处的 12 9), and sugar Antigen-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-rotein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire p erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, andrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-(E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology nalyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of a ... Toncy blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical al chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergelinicpractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-H test) (5) other class: antind simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCmitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-and anti nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group,like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-5 水泥稳定土应较已完成断面高出约5?,以利形成一个平顺的接缝。 D、整平后,用平地机将塑料布上大部分土除去,然后人工除去余下的土,并收起塑料布。在新混合料碾压过程中,应将接缝修整平顺。 4.6、养生和交通管制 1)每一段碾压完成并经压实度检查合格后,封闭交通,并开始养生。养生方法采用洒水车经常洒水进行养生,每天洒水的次数视气候而定,同样,整个养生期间始终保持表面潮湿。 2)编写施工公告于施工现场,以便广大单位司机和过往群众知晓,提前采取从其它道路绕道以缓解该路段的交通压力和对成品的保护。 五、质量保证措施及保证体系 5.1、质量体系说明 1、认真研究重点工程各工序的施工工艺,合理划分施工段落,建立和完善工序质保体系,实现工序到人,责任到人。 2、实行工序交接制度,上一道工序未交接验收,绝对不允许进入下一道工序的施工。 3、建立各级、各部门责任人岗位职责考核制度,明确各责任人的职责范围和所承担的责任。 4、建立责任人奖惩制度,按岗位职责考核结果执行奖惩措施。 5、在施工的全过程中实行全面质量管理并制定专项质量 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,由项目经理督促执行。 6、严格执行图纸技术交底制度,使施工人员在按图纸施工的过程中明确知道本工序的设计及规范要求,每道工序必须制定明确的技术施工方案,杜绝盲目、随意施工。 7、严格控制各工序的质量,对不合格的坚决返工。 5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-Antigen 15is c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-linical Immunology: 1. C, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology testation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, operthe third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibrationgy laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and linical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematolopractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-ent "o" (AS O), cStreptococcus hemolytic pigm-nd simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-A antibody (AdsDNA), and antidouble chain DN-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and antilike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-6 8、加强对原材料的事先试验、检测,杜绝不合格材料进入工地,凡未经检测合格的原材料坚决不予使用。 9、严格对测量仪器,试验仪器实行定时、定量标定检查制度,确保所测数据和结果的正确性。 10、建立和完善内业资料的管理制度,加强工地技术资料的管理工作,各类资料做到真实、准确、完整,并及时归档。 11、加强施工人员的素质教育,对主要技术工种的施工人员进行定期培训,提高职工队伍的整体素质。 12、明确工程的创优目标,对工程的整体实行目标管理。 13、项目部定期召开内部工地例会,解决技术难点及施工中出现的问题,对各施工队提出质量要求。 5.2组织机构 项目经理 项目技术负责人 工程技术部 安全质量施工部 质检工程师 软基队1 软基队2 软基队3 软基队4 质检员 作业组 5.3保证措施 5 (CA12-12 9), and sugar Antigen-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-rotein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire p erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, andrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-(E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology nalyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of a ... Toncy blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical al chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergelinicpractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-H test) (5) other class: antind simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCmitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-and anti nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group,like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-7 1、成立以项目经理为主要负责人的领导班子,确保现场施工管理井然有序,组建具有丰富施工经验的施工队伍,确保各道工序的施工质量;质量职责落实到人,建立质量检查,监督专门机构,自上而下条线控制,全方位质量控制,使项目经理能迅速及时全面地掌握整个工程的质量动态。 2、严格按照业主提供的设计图纸和文件,变更令及技术施工规范。编制详细施工组织和操作规程,并以此为指导,合理地组织和调配材料,机械设备,运输机具和劳动力,做到均衡生产,使工程优质、高效、低耗。 3、按规定向驻地监理工程师提供年度、季、月、旬施工计划,计量支付等文件资料,配合工程师做好各项检查工作。 4、严格实行技术岗位责任制,认真做好图纸的审核,技术交底,变更设计的签认,隐蔽工程检查,分项分部单位工程的质量评定,计量支付的签认,竣工文件的编制及财务决算等工作。在施工中,坚持一切以数据说话,做好各种检测记录,使整个施工技术管理标准化,制度化。 5、加强工程质量检查工作,充分发挥内部质量检查员的作用。项目经理部和分工点,均配备试验室,各质检人员严格按规定、按频率对每一道工序进行检查,对不合格的工序严禁伪编资料,隐情上报。在质检工作中要力求“正常、严格”。使上报到监理工程师的资料做到一次合格。 6、严格执行原材料的采购程序,加强工程原材料的试验检查工作,充分发挥工地试验室的作用,工地试验室严格按照技术规范中的有关资料试验规程进行。并加强材料装卸运输过程的管理和到场材料的保管维护工作。不合格的材料严禁进场,更不允许使用。加强成品半成品及各项工程用料出厂合格证和质保书的管理和抽检工作。 7、对关键工作及采用新技术、新工艺、新材料的工程,制定专 -9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-Antigen 15is c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-linical Immunology: 1. C, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology testation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, operthe third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibrationgy laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and linical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematolopractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-ent "o" (AS O), cStreptococcus hemolytic pigm-nd simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-A antibody (AdsDNA), and antidouble chain DN-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and antilike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 128 项施工组织,并对全体人员进行技术交底和培训,做到从心中有数,共同把好质量关。 8、加强施工机具的力量和配套工作,工程质量的保证在某种程度上决定于施工机具的性能,性能优越的施工机具质量可靠的保证。同时对工程数量较大的工程必须配有充足的机械设备来进行保证。 9、对质量事故坚持三不放过原则,即事故原因未查清不放过,事故责任者未受到处理不放过,防范措施不落实不放过。 10、根据工作特点,制定安全措施,健全各项规章制度,层层落实到人,认真贯彻执行。 11、加强汽车司机安全教育,禁止无证及酒后开车,遵守交通规则。 12、机电设备必须接零,防止人机伤害事故发生。 13、夜间施工段的必须有醒目的标志或警灯。 六、安全文明施工措施 6.1组织机构 项目经理 项目技术负责人 工程技术部 安全文明施工部 安全工程师 预制队 桥涵施工队 软基处理队 路基施工队 安全员 作业组 5 (CA12-12 9), and sugar Antigen-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-rotein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire p erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, andrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-(E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology nalyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of a ... Toncy blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical al chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergelinicpractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-H test) (5) other class: antind simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCmitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-and anti nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group,like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-9 6.2安全保证体系框架图 6.3安全保证措施 1、建立、健全各级各部门的安全生产责任制,责任落实到人。各项经济承包有明确的安全指标和包括奖惩办法在内的保证措施。 2、新进企业工作须进行公司、项目部和作业班组的三级教育。工人变换工种须进行新工种的安全技术教育。工人应掌握本工种操作技能,熟悉工种的安全技术操作规程。认真建立“职工劳动保护记录卡”,及时做好记录。 3、所有施工技术人员及特殊工种工人一律持证上岗。特种作业人员必须经培训考核合格持证上岗,操作证必须按期复审,不得超期 3 (CA15-Antigen 15is c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-linical Immunology: 1. C, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology testation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, operthe third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibrationgy laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and linical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematolopractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-ent "o" (AS O), cStreptococcus hemolytic pigm-nd simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-A antibody (AdsDNA), and antidouble chain DN-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and antilike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-10 使用,名册齐全。 4、必须建立定期安全格查制度。有时间,有要求,明确重点部位,危险岗位,安全检查有记录。对查出的隐患应及时整改,做到定人、定时间、定措施。 项目部设立专职质安员,负责日常的安全生产和质量监督,检查施工安全措施情况,监督落实安全保障措施,坚持现场巡视制度,及时发现和制止施工中的违章指挥和违章操作,并对工程质量进行监督,确保工程质量。 5、施工现场必须有“五牌一图”:即(1)施工单位及工地名称牌;(2)安全生产六大纪律牌;(3)防火须知牌;(4)安全无重大事故牌;(5)工地主要管理人员名单牌;(6)施工总平面图。图牌应规格统一,字迹端正,表示明确。 施工工地必须有安全生产宣传牌。在主要施工部位、作业点、危险区、主要通道口都必须挂有安全宣传标语或安全警告牌。 6、所有人员进入施工现场一律要戴安全帽,不得赤足或穿拖鞋。 7、工地照明、高压电力线路的架设要顺直、标准,保证绝缘良好。各种施工机械和电气设备均设置漏电保护器,挂安全标志(牌),确保用电安全。 6.4环境、人文景观保护措施 严格执行《中华人民共和国环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国水土保持法》和当地政府的各项有关规章制度。 1、按要求将施工过种中的泥浆及废弃物等清除干净,以免堵塞河道,废方堆放点应统筹安排,堆放点应远离河道,尽量不要覆盖植被。 2、施工现场地面应筑成适当的横坡,避免积水,防止施工场所占用的土地或临时使用的土地受到冲刷,防止从本工程施工中土石方 9), and sugar Antigen-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-rotein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire p erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, andrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-(E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology nalyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of a ... Toncy blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical al chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergelinicpractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-H test) (5) other class: antind simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCmitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-and anti nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group,like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-1211 材料对河流、水道、灌溉或排水系统产生淤积或堵塞。 3、为减少施工作业产生的灰水尘,应随时进行洒水或其它控制扬尘措施,使不出现明显的扬尘。 4、施工机械向周围环境排放噪音控制在国家规定的环境噪声施工场界排放标准以内。 -5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-Antigen 15is c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-linical Immunology: 1. C, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology testation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, operthe third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibrationgy laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and linical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematolopractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-ent "o" (AS O), cStreptococcus hemolytic pigm-nd simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-A antibody (AdsDNA), and antidouble chain DN-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and antilike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a12
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