首页 美语与口语英语郝斌第一本书笔记



美语与口语英语郝斌第一本书笔记美语与口语英语郝斌第一本书笔记 美国语伴口语经常读 /i/ 不用脸部肌肉读,用鼻腔读,八个字:稳步发展,细水常流。what is it?/who is it?用鼻腔支持,大家又学 到一点东西非常不错 根基有多稳,你就能走多远万能单词really鼻腔共振,经常把球踢到对 方 每天《美国语伴》《心灵鸡汤》 chicken soupVery much 中的/r/要用鼻腔连读。 学习英语,越学越有激情,一看到英语就兴I lost my self ,somebody knock at the door,我奋,眼睛就亮了,...

美语与口语英语郝斌第一本 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 笔记 美国语伴口语经常读 /i/ 不用脸部肌肉读,用鼻腔读,八个字:稳步发展,细水常流。what is it?/who is it?用鼻腔支持,大家又学 到一点东西非常不错 根基有多稳,你就能走多远万能单词really鼻腔共振,经常把球踢到对 方 每天《美国语伴》《心灵鸡汤》 chicken soupVery much 中的/r/要用鼻腔连读。 学习英语,越学越有激情,一看到英语就兴I lost my self ,somebody knock at the door,我奋,眼睛就亮了,象犯戒倾注所有的时间热不知所云,有人敲门 情 ,不要因功利而做事情,只是因为你喜Lesson 2 Hello. How can I address you? 你欢他而做它,你们的努力终究有一天会得到怎么称呼,(正式场合)v. 称呼 回报的。心灵鸡汤。不成功都难。 Tom. I’m glad to see you again.只要第二次见无论做什么事情,要感动上帝,感动自己,到某人,要用see. 读莎士比亚,文化底蕴,打根基时,感觉永做事情要注意细节。Me too, 说too时脸向远比语言快10倍。 前倾like wise. 态度就是一切。万法归心meet 第一次见面美国英语中的r和re发音都卷进去的。木耳 -=more 英式英语中的r和re发音都是直的。 Lesson 2 okay, thank you 填 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 格,问时间 Student body 学生会 犯错误就是进 Your name,please. 步,没关系随便说,o读a,嘴打开得比较大,And what’s your address? Student loan 学生贷款I live at 5188 Park Avenue. 我比你低两届 senior高级 I’m two What’s your telephone number?years senior than you. What time is it? Junior 低级 you Excuse me, What time is it? are two years junior than me. It’s a quarter to nine . Senior citizen 以老Ten thirty am. / two pm (最简捷,最合适的 英语) 年人的尊称 第七个级别 第十课 虚拟语气 英语具有What day is today.? It’s Sunday today. 想像力 一个星期的第一天,是周日。 Hip 臀部 break her hip It will be an English video program at 6:10 Nursing home 养老院 Pm. All day整天 What is the date tomorrow? Extra care thTomorrow is may the 10(读the 10That close ) 连读不行,听力就不行 Hey Tom , Come over to my house tomorrow I’d like to cook something for you语调和旋Lesson 5 I’m a teacher 律 Hi, This is tom, my friend.What does the watch say? 很亲,就加+ doggy,antyHow do say it in English? 问路,excuse me陌生的男人,称sir/mam ,Small/ little有感情,小 先生/女士 美国乐于赞美别人 How do you do? 正式重要场合,人物,礼节。You are too sweet.你真好。摸准他的规则 伸右手,真诚看 What do you do for a living? 你做什么工作工其一家者,必有其,有一个东西很深就够的,更地道 了。 Do you的连读 dje 舅的前面一点 Live长时间居住 /stay 短时间停留Lesson 4 Hi, how are you 问好 Nice weather , isn’t? Yes , we’ve got a warm day.Lesson 6 there’s a nice kite Are you going to somewhere?Hi, What’s that in the sky? downtown. 市 中心 That’s a nice kite. I’ll see you later. So long!Is this your football? 连读 soccer So long! 再见 Yes, it’s my football. 人有8个Finger Can you play, Thumb 大姆指 point finger 食指(指) No, I can’t. it’s too hard. middle finger 中指 ring finger(戒指) 无名 指 pinky finger小指(嫩)Kite mark 经过官方检验,质量很高 m上下嘴唇闭紧 homeHow are you doing? ing重鼻音发出的,共 振 My daughter does a good job.what is this/what is that My daughter is doing a good job.感情色情, 高兴 Lesson 7 I’m from Japan Same old same ole 老样子 Are you a student? 卷舌,卷的很滑 Does bad thing He is doing bad things 带感情色彩Yes, I am. And your brother is a student too? awesome (主干).很高兴时/miserable 很 悲伤时 Yes, he is. Where are you from? 他骂我北京猪,taxi driver/ Beijing zooI’m from Japan. 亲兄弟姐妹:siblings Pubic public heath Have you any siblings or not? and 的连读,跟前面的词连 Brotherhood 兄弟之情 brotherly直接问what’s your name? 没有礼数 Lesson 9 can I borrow them?Lesson 8 do you have a pet, Do you have any colored pens? 彩笔 Do you have a pet? Yes , I do. (英式) colored 彩色的 Have you got a pet? (美式英语) 万能句型 Certainly /you bet 当然 I’ve got it.(我找到了,我知道了,我得到了) thanks Is there an elephant in the zoo? 嘟啦音 not at all/ anytime 随时为你服务/no sweat 一点汗都不流,小事一桩Yes, there is. The elephant is from India. Man, may I have your name? Excuse me, lady. I’d like to go somewhere. 实际是要去趟厕所。要不就出笑话念童谣或绕口令,再练快 gay 同性恋,九十年代由欢乐变成同性恋的 意思 Two Little Blackbirds Let’s hike to the great wall tomorrow morning. ok , I’m free .I could hike with you without Two little black birds sitting on a hill, any kind of problem. 两只黑色的小鸟坐在山上,A lady of good family 大家闺秀 One named Jack and one named Jill. 一 只叫杰克,一只叫吉尔。Lesson 10 How many do you want? 念英语 好爽。 Good morning, can I help you? Yes, Fly away, Jack, Fly away, Jill, 杰克飞please ./no, thank you ,I can handle it.我可以走了,吉尔飞走了, 自己搞定 I want some eggs. (egg可数)Come back, Jack, come back, Jill. 杰克 飞回来,吉尔飞回来。How many do you want? 11 Do you have any tea here? Yes ,how much do you want? What about you? I’m no sure. Maybe I’ll give her a card. Could I have half a kilo? 一斤 That’s a good idea. Certainly, here you are。 给你称谓,可以直呼其名。文化不同才有意思, 巴比伦塔,说不同的语言,让他们不能交流, 每一件事情都有两面性。中文四书,五经Here we are .我们到了。 eggs on sb’s face. 丢人现眼了,英语灵活,名片:business card.( 缩写为biz) 新概念二册 business is about bs. 胡说,乱侃 it snowed yesterday. it lay thick on the ground. 地面盖了厚厚的hairstyle 发型 hairdo /do 发型 一层 it coved each inch of the yard. do 发型 、以特定的速度行驶,装修,坐牢 You coved each inch of my heard.hey, I like your new do. You look a little sexier. 我喜欢你的新发型, Black tea 红茶 green tea 绿茶 I have changed my do. 发型 tea/coffee break 读time 饱满,好听I was doing 80, but he passed me flying. 昨 天我开了80 What time 连读,只读一个tWe are going to do Sally’s room in yellow. 装 成黄色 鼓励的心态,如果吹毛求疵,净看到别人毛she is doing time in the state pen. Pen栅栏,病,企业肯定不成功。监狱 No problem too large. No business too small. 鼓励可以使一个白痴变成天才,也能使天才没有解决不了的大问题,没有不做的小生意 变成白痴。多鼓励,鼓励身边的人,鼓励是 人世间最有价值的东西,有热情才能感动别IBM广告 人,啪,眼睛一亮 travelled at 爱上了他的缺点,你就拥有了他I’m a lover of English. Lesson 11 I’m not sure Lesson 11 Do you like tennis? 网球 老鹰的故事 Whose flowers are those? The red ones are 英语最忌讳重复,灵活mine. The yellow ones are Jacks. Whom are you going to give them to?Do you like tennis? Yes, I do. I’m crazy about it . /I like it我非常 喜欢 We are going to give them to our English teacher for teacher’s day.Are you really? So am I . is basket ball your favorite sport? Yes , I love it too. It’s exciting. introduce myself It’s an hour to know you. 认识你是我的荣 幸 Do you love the food in MaDonds? I know him well 。我跟他很熟 It’s not my cup of tea. I have heard him so much about you. 久仰I’m into 喜欢干什么…… 大名。 Bill ,please . 买单 I’m reading a lot. I’m into this place a lot.New York = big apple= fun city Los Angeles.= the city of angels 洛杉机,天I’m into playing table tennis. 使之城 I’m into football a lot. I have a crush on. Secret Crush 暗恋的人0202 how’s it going?= how are going. Hi, how’s it going? Pretty good , yourself? 积极I’m crazy about I’m head over heeds in love with English. 脚 后跟 Keeping busy. How’s your business? 一直很重点句词,和动词,重点形容词和副词, 要忙,有上有下的单调,生意怎么样, 重读,慢读,拖长,抒情。 So-so/ good /great非常了/slow不好 二级 0201 live in new York 大地方用in,小 地方用at What sort of things do you like? Hello, I’m Anderson Pop music or dancing? 流行音乐May I ask your name?/ could I know your name./ how can I address you, I like pop music. Let’s go over there to listen. Nice to meet you , Mr. Anderson. My name is bill. I heard you have been promoted to I’m glad to know you, do you live near hear?vice-president. No kidding. Not that I know of 别开玩笑 了,没那回事/ 我不知道这件事No I live in Los Angeles. What about you? A pretty sight 养眼 she is not a petty sight. I live in new York.. 她不太漂亮What do you do?/ Where do you work? 你在 哪里工作, You name it. 你随便点。 I work for IBM/I’m working with 我 在……工作 没有目标和 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,出发就迷失了。 International business machine corporation / international big mouth 国际大嘴0203 I just got a big raise What’s happening with you? 有什么事吗,Let me introduce myself. / I’d like to introduce my friend to you /please allow me to /what’s the matter?/what’s wrong with you? h Would you care for something to drink? Nothing much. How about you? 没什么,你 Coffee or coke? It doesn’t matter. 没关系,要宽容别人。呢 Well actually, I have some good news. Do you prefer to take sugar or cream in your coffee,加糖 Really? What? I just got a big raise. 我刚得到加薪(钱) a Neither . I like my plain. And you? pay raise 加薪 You did,真的that’s great! 太棒了I like mine black with a pinch of sugar 一点 congratulations! 祝贺你 That was very good.. may I have a refill? You seem depressed. Is anything wrong? 看 起来不爽/低落的, Yes, you may. How do you like it? 你觉得Yes , as a matter of fact, there is. 是的,出了怎么样, 点事。 Um, it’s delicious Oh, what? You s Would you care for I got a ticket for speeding on my way to work, Care for = 喜欢 care for some drink? 不正this morning. 在上班的路上,车速太快被罚 了款。 Speeding 超速式的场合 would you like to drink something, You did .that’s too bad. I’m very sorry to hear that. Would you like a cup of tea? tamp again. 再踩一遍。 What’s up / nothing much /nothing/not much / nothing serious 熟人问候Take a hike绝交,是希望别人离开,叫谁走 开,或者是告诉某人不要来打搅我,有点“哪what's up就是很随便的打招呼的说法儿凉快去哪儿” 的意味 hike in the mountains 爬山 plain简朴的;朴素的;不搀杂的greasy spoon 低级小餐厅 ,夫妻店 busboy 跑堂的 Main black /black coffee 黑咖啡 牛肉面rush out 冲出来 Main plain 什么都不加的咖啡。 They open a restaurant. White coffee 只加奶的咖啡。 碗打了(一美元)谁打的(三美元) 他打 的(10美元) Pinch 撮,掐 Hey, Sugar, how are you doing, 0204 it doesn’t matter Sugar and spice 形容女孩和蔼可亲 Keep fit 保持健康 good time? 昨天过得好不好,(的舅) 0205 have a good weekendYes, it was a lot of fun.. What are you going to do this weekend?What about ? was she there? My wife and I are going to have a birthday for Yes ,she enjoyed it a lot too. our daughter Have a birthday party? yes.By the way, I didn’t see you? where were you? Well, you are certainly going to be busy.Me? I stayed at home Why didn’t you go? I suppose so . How about you?I wasn’t invited, that’s why. 积极的像太阳,走到哪里哪里亮I’m not sure, I probably visit my friend. 消极的人像月亮,初一十五不一样What’s your plan for the weekend?/the coming year/ Well ,have a good weekend~ 祝你周末愉快!一个小丑进城,胜过三个名医 Me too! Have a nice day. 0301 I’d be glad to give you a hand Up for 打算 Are you up for a night of adventure? You bet.How 嘴要打的大一点 你今夜是否要去好好的玩一下, Do you want any help bring you a dictionary? Pay sb a visit 访问某人,看某人,优雅的句我能给你带一本字典吗, 子 Sure , If you wouldn’t mind.行啊,如果你不 Pay your bill 还钱 介意的话(和婉的表达)连读 Pay utility 交水电费 A pay raise 加薪水 Not at all, I’d be glad to give you a hand.Pay complements 赞美别客气,很高兴给你帮助。 Dress up to nines 盛装打扮Have you talked to Helen. 你跟好说过吗,/ She wears to kill 穿得迷倒人No, I must give her a call soon. Sunday best 最好的衣服Have you spoken with her recently? Yes, I called her yesterday. She was very upset, 0206 I wasn’t invited her uncle passed away. Oh, my(省略god),避免对god的不敬that’s How was the party last night? Did you have a too bad Doing do是嘴巴,ing 是鼻子 Upset 翻倒,不安,心烦Going go 是嘴巴,ing 是鼻子 Pass away 去世 Around 加鼻音,好听,周围,很多口语要Meet his maker 去世,去见上帝素 Could you give me a hand? I’d be glad to give you a hand. I’d=I would If you wouldn’t mind. 如果你不介意的话 If possible 如果可能的话,词无好坏,用有 高低 ,和婉的句型 I would go jogging tomorrow morning , if possible.去慢跑 May I borrow something if possible? Canoe 独木舟,印弟安人划的小船 0401 I’m from Mexico John, hey John, how’s it going? 贼够, Bob, hi, I’m fine, how are you? Fine, thanks Good to meet you. Are you from around here? 你家住在附近 吗,你是来自附近吗,/where do you come from? No, I’m from Mexico. Where in Mexico, Mexico city? Hu So, what’s the city like? It’s huge. There are around 20 million people living there.
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