首页 汽车燃油箱安全性能要求和试验方法



汽车燃油箱安全性能要求和试验方法汽车燃油箱安全性能要求和试验方法 GB18296-2001 前 言 本标准全部技术内容为强制性。 本标准制定的目的是通过制定汽车燃油箱的强制性标准来提高燃油箱的设计制造质量,减少环境污染,减轻汽车事故中由于燃油箱的损坏、燃油的泄漏而造成的人员伤亡和车辆损坏程度。 本标准参照了《美国机动车辆法规》中FMVSS 393部分E分部“燃料系统”和《日本道路车辆型式认证手册》(1977年)中V-11“乘用车辆用塑料燃料箱技术标准”。 本标准由国家机械工业局提出。 本标准由全国汽车标准化技术委员会归口。 本标准...

汽车燃油箱安全性能要求和试验方法 GB18296-2001 前 言 本标准全部技术内容为强制性。 本标准制定的目的是通过制定汽车燃油箱的强制性标准来提高燃油箱的设计制造质量,减少环境污染,减轻汽车事故中由于燃油箱的损坏、燃油的泄漏而造成的人员伤亡和车辆损坏程度。 本标准参照了《美国机动车辆法规》中FMVSS 393部分E分部“燃料系统”和《日本道路车辆型式认证手册》(1977年)中V-11“乘用车辆用塑料燃料箱技术标准”。 本标准由国家机械工业局提出。 本标准由全国汽车标准化技术委员会归口。 本标准由东风汽车工程研究院负责起草。 本标准主要起草人:宁强、宋鹏俊、熊保平、易学东。 中华人民共和国国家标准 汽车燃油箱 安全性能要求和试验方法 GB 18296-2001 Safety property requirements and test methods for automobile fuel tank 1 范围 本标准规定了以汽油、柴油为燃料的汽车燃油箱的安全性能要求和试验方法。 本标准适用于M类和N类汽车的金属燃油箱和塑料燃油箱。 2 定义 本标准采用下列定义。 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 2.1 燃油箱 固定于汽车上用于存贮燃油的独立箱体总成,是由燃油箱体、加油管、加油口、燃油箱盖、管接头及其他附属装置装配成的整体。 2.2 燃油泄漏 燃油自燃油箱内呈线状或滴状下落。 2.3 额定容量 燃油箱设计参数中规定加注燃油的容积。 2.4 耐火试验盛液器 耐火性试验中用来燃烧燃油的平底容器。 2.5 耐火试验隔棚 耐火性试验中覆盖在耐火试验盛液器上的平板。 燃油箱易损伤部位 2.6 根据燃油箱的形状及装配方式确定的燃油箱最容易受到冲击损坏的部位。 2.7 燃油箱通气装置 包括安全阀、进气阀、排气阀和燃油箱蒸发排放控制用的排气口。 2.8 角锤 塑料燃油箱试验用钢制冲击体。 3 安全性能要求 3.1 额定容量应控制在燃油箱最大液体容量的95,,额定容量在95L以上的汽油箱必须配备安全阀装置。安全阀装置可附属于汽油箱,也可以在附件系统中。当汽油箱遇火灾时,此装置可防止汽油箱因内部压力升高导致箱体破裂。 3.2 配备燃油蒸发排放系统的汽油箱必须有一个排气口,此排气口应在汽油箱充满时位于油面的上方,保证蒸发排放物能随时排出汽油箱。 3.3 燃油箱盖的密封性 柴油箱盖的最大泄漏量不得大于30g,min;汽油箱盖不允许泄漏。 3.4 安全阀开启压力 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 装有安全阀装置的燃油箱,安全阀的开启压力为35,50kPa,安全阀开启后,燃油箱内压力不得比安全阀开启压力高出5kPa以上。 3.5 燃油箱的振动耐久性 燃油箱按4.3进行试验,不允许燃油箱有泄漏现象。 3.6 金属燃油箱的耐压性能 金属燃油箱按4.4进行试验,不允许出现泄漏、开裂现象。 3.7 塑料燃油箱的耐压性能 塑料燃油箱按4.5进行试验,不允许出现泄漏、开裂现象,但可以有永久变形。 3.8 塑料燃油箱的低温耐冲击性 塑料燃油箱按4.6进行试验,不允许燃油箱有泄漏现象。 3.9 塑料燃油箱耐热性 塑料燃油箱按4.7进行试验,不允许燃油箱有泄漏现象。 3.10 塑料燃油箱的耐火性 塑料燃油箱按4.8进行试验,不允许有泄漏现象。 4 实验方法 4.1 燃油箱盖的密封性试验 在燃油箱内加入额定容量的水,盖好燃油箱盖,密封好其它所有进、出口,翻转燃油箱至加注口部中心线垂直于地面,待燃油箱盖稳定15s后,用秒 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 计时,用量杯接水,量取1min的泄漏量。 4.2 安全阀开启压力试验 盖好燃油箱盖,密封好其它所有进、出口,向燃油箱内施加压缩空气,使燃油箱内压力增长梯度以8kPa/min的速率升高至55kPa。 4.3 振动耐久性试验 燃油箱模拟装车形式固定在振动试验台上,往燃油箱内加入额定量的水,盖上燃油箱盖,密封好所有进、出口,按表1的规定进行振动试验。 表1 燃油箱振动耐久性试验要求 振动加速度 振动频率 振动时间,h 装水量 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 2上下 左右 前后 m/s Hz 额定容量的1/2 30 30 4 2 2 4.4 金属燃油箱耐压试验 金属燃油箱模拟装车形式固定在试验装置上,密封好所有进、出口,向燃油箱内施加80 kPa的压力,保持压力30s。 4.5 塑料燃油箱耐压试验 塑料燃油箱模拟装车形式固定在试验装置上,保持53??2?的环境温度,往燃油箱中加入53??2?额定容量的水,盖好燃油箱盖,密封好所有进、出口,向燃油箱内施加30 kPa的压力,保持压力5h。 4.6 塑料燃油箱角锤冲击试验 对角锤的要求:侧面为等边三角形,底面为正方形,质量为15 kg,顶点和棱之间的过渡圆角半径为3mm的钢制冲击体。 燃油箱模拟装车形式固定在试验装置上。在燃油箱中加入额定容量的水和乙二醇的混合液或无腐蚀性的低冰点液体(冰点温度在一50?以下),待燃油箱内液体温度降至-40??2?时,用角锤顶点以30J的冲击能量撞击燃油箱易损伤部位。每次对不同部位的试验应使用新的燃油箱样品。 塑料燃油箱耐热性试验 4.7 燃油箱模拟装车形式固定在试验装置上,向燃油箱内加入1,2额定容量的20??2?的水,在95??2?的环境温度下(如置于95??2?的水蒸汽介质中)放置1h。 4.8 塑料燃油箱耐火性试验 对耐火试验盛液器的要求:其长和宽应比试验用燃油箱体的水平投影尺寸大200,500 mm。侧边高出燃油液面不超过80mm,并在自由燃烧状态下能够盛下可供燃烧5min以上的燃油。 对耐火试验隔棚的要求:厚度为70 mm,由耐火 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 制成,在板上开有均匀分布、大小为15mm×30 mm的长孔,长孔总面积相当于平板面积的60,。 将燃油箱按实际装车状态固定在试验装置上,如果车辆上配置有影响火路蔓延的部件,试验装置上也应安装。在燃油箱中加入1,2额定容量的与发动机燃烧用油同牌号燃油。在试验过程中,燃油箱所有开口应密闭,但通气装置应处于正常工作状态。 不受风的影响,试验分四个阶段进行: a)预燃烧阶段 将装有可持续燃烧5min的汽油(牌号同发动机燃烧用油)的盛液器放在距离燃油箱3m外燃烧 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 60 s。 b)直接接触火焰阶段 立即调整盛液器,使其液面与燃油箱底部的距离和空车状态下燃油箱离路面的高度相同,其位置应能使火焰接触燃油箱的底面及所有侧面,然后将燃油箱暴露在火焰中持续60 s。 c)间接接触火焰接触阶段 立即用隔棚盖住盛液器,并持续60 s。 d)试验结束 立即将燃烧着的盛液器及隔棚一起撤离到燃油箱3m以外。如果燃油箱仍在着火,应立即扑灭。 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise
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