首页 爱骑行论坛揭秘骑行牛人“单车骑王”“机器人”丁涛



爱骑行论坛揭秘骑行牛人“单车骑王”“机器人”丁涛爱骑行论坛揭秘骑行牛人“单车骑王”“机器人”丁涛 随着骑行越来越被人们所接受和喜爱,骑车的人多了起来,有人的地方就有江湖,有骑行者的地方就有骑行牛人,这两年骑行牛人很多,今天就给大家介绍一个超厉害的骑行牛人。 丁涛,男,43岁,安徽阜阳人,农民出身,职业:上海某自行车行技师。目前就职于浙江省莫干山某户外俱乐部。 第一次远距离骑行,丁涛刚满15岁。夏日的一天早晨,跟家人怄气的他,骑着一辆二八大杠自行车出门了。 “早上没吃饭,骑了50多公里,差点休克。”丁涛说,只要一骑上自行车,仿佛就有用不完的劲,什么不开心的...

爱骑行论坛揭秘骑行牛人“单车骑王”“机器人”丁涛 随着骑行越来越被人们所接受和喜爱,骑车的人多了起来,有人的地方就有江湖,有骑行者的地方就有骑行牛人,这两年骑行牛人很多,今天就给大家介绍一个超厉害的骑行牛人。 丁涛,男,43岁,安徽阜阳人,农民出身,职业:上海某自行车行技师。目前就职于浙江省莫干山某户外俱乐部。 第一次远距离骑行,丁涛刚满15岁。夏日的一天早晨,跟家人怄气的他,骑着一辆二八大杠自行车出门了。 “早上没吃饭,骑了50多公里,差点休克。”丁涛说,只要一骑上自行车,仿佛就有用不完的劲,什么不开心的事都抛到了脑后。渐渐地,远距离骑行成了他生活中的一部分,而且是最重要的一部分。 1990年,丁涛从安徽老家骑车到上海看朋友,用3天1夜,走完850公里的路程。“第一次骑这么远,一直保持着一个姿势,下车时,全身都僵硬了。”丁涛回忆,当时心里并不觉得累,反而特有成就感。 2005年10月31日,他第一次环骑行中国,历时1年多。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 丁涛环骑行中国,总是一个人默默享受“在路上”的感觉。在新疆、西藏一些荒无人烟的地方,一连骑车好几天,都看不到一个人。“偶尔会碰到狼,但那时不敢害怕。”丁涛说,要是眼神里露出一丁点畏惧,生命随时都可能有危险。 “我睡过地坑、厕所、羊圈、桥洞,大部分时候,都是随便找个地方,铺一层塑料胶纸就躺下。”丁涛说,曾有一次骑行到神仙湾——“喀喇昆仑钢铁哨卡”附近,温度特别低,席地而睡的他,冻得完全缩成一团。 不过,这么多年来,他从来没有感冒。“我总是心理暗示,不能感冒,不能生病。”丁涛说,这才是秘诀。 除了有超强的忍耐力,这个“独行侠”还有一个特殊的本领:走夜路。“我不喜欢用手电,容易引来别人的注意,晚上不安全。”丁涛说,从小走夜路,练就了夜间双眼也能分辨路况的能力。“天地之间隐约有一条白线,跟着白线走,准没错。” article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 这么多年一个人骑车,像“机器人”一样的丁涛,其实也哭过几回。“不是因为骑行苦或者累流眼泪,而是看到一些壮观景象,抑制不住。”丁涛说,当他望着珠穆朗玛峰,望着那些完全没有被破坏过的大自然,就会有想哭的冲动。 不过,他并不是很念家的一个人,只有在“清晨看到缕缕炊烟,水牛被拴在田坎边”上的熟悉场景时,才会想家,想念在家能吃饱睡足的安定生活。 “我喜欢简单生活,有时候骑车经过一大片青草地,我还会停下来睡上一觉。”丁涛说,在他心里,没有“追求房子、车子”的物质欲望,现在工作挣钱,只是为了赡养70多岁的父母,“对于自行车,我会一直骑行下去。” article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect “机器人丁涛”“骑王丁涛”主要骑行经历: 2011年上海挑战骑行48小时1000公里成功。 2011年9月,川藏线领队骑行15天完成。 2011年骑行成都-拉萨-叶城4667公里24天。 2011年5月骑行川藏线8天13小时。 2011年4月23日零时—24日12时,骑行36小时,上海朱家角-黄山往返800公里骑行。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 2010年10月16—17日,骑行上海—黄山马,421.95公里骑行耗时15小时01分。 2008年,从上海骑车到青岛,46小时内骑行850公里;紧接着,又从青岛骑车回上海,52小时内骑行865公里。 05-08年,单车骑行环中国3周半,后2次骑车用时112天和92天,环骑行一周21500多公里„„共5次环华骑行。92天环骑行中国各省市自治区省会城市为迎接2008年奥运,他创造了92天环骑行中国行程21542公里的纪录。 06年6月20日,丁涛骑车上了被称之为“生命禁区”的昆仑山神仙湾哨卡,海拔5380米,是全世界海拔最高的兵营,空气中含氧量仅为平原地区的48%,每年冰雪期10个月,成为第一个骑自行车登上此山的中国第一人。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 为何说丁涛是骑王,他的数十年苦行僧般的骑行生涯是其他人无法比拟的,8次骑行川 藏南线(1次13天,1次10天5小时,1次8天13小时),1次骑行川藏北线、2次骑行滇 藏线(22天)、2次骑行新藏线、骑行青藏线“记不得多少次”。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect
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