首页 dota选英雄模式指令大全(Dota select Heroic mode command Daquan)

dota选英雄模式指令大全(Dota select Heroic mode command Daquan)


dota选英雄模式指令大全(Dota select Heroic mode command Daquan)dota选英雄模式指令大全(Dota select Heroic mode command Daquan) dota选英雄模式指令大全(Dota select Heroic mode command Daquan) -AP camp -RD then there are some heroes for you to choose How many soldiers does -DI show you? -HFHP can show the blood of all people and buildings...

dota选英雄模式指令大全(Dota select Heroic mode command Daquan)
dota选英雄模式指令大全(Dota select Heroic mode command Daquan) dota选英雄模式指令大全(Dota select Heroic mode command Daquan) -AP camp -RD then there are some heroes for you to choose How many soldiers does -DI show you? -HFHP can show the blood of all people and buildings in the holdfast on -MA look at the opposing camp -MS open speed -RANDOM random choice hero -REPICK give up hero -WTF entertainment mode General experience of -NE computer -NG computer common money General experience of -NENG computer -sh same hero -noherolimit can choose a lot of Heroes First choose your hero, hold down shift+ctrl, point the other heroes you want to move, and then click your own head, and choose a place where you want him to go by M 1 you have to choose the hero first, and then select the hero you need to drag 2 select, press shift+ctrl, press and hold, click on the top left corner of your hero's head 3 loosen all keys, press M to move where you want to move. Using the -APOM directive. If you want to take the opposite side of the F, use the -APOMNP mode. You want to play the same hero, use the -APOMDUNP model. At the beginning of the game, you'll be brought into another pub, where you click a pub and you'll have a hero on the lower right, and the hero you want (in AP did not open the whole camp mode you can choose the guards with neutral or natural and neutral) -rd system prompts you to choose to choose, click on the hero, there will be a hook, click on the line! How do you choose in the pub? If you want to buy wine with computer must download the AI map -ap\ne Click on the pub directly. To add a computer, you have to use the AI version, enter the -ap camp. -pa is the hero who chooses his own, -pe chooses the hero of the other party. First of all, to determine your chart is AI, if it is a AI diagram, as long as the computer is selected, after entering the game, there will naturally be a computer and you hit LZ asked how to summon multiple heroes, Bar First -test In -noherolimit Open mode language and game command (full) mode language Normal/regular, no mode ap/allpick, players can choose both sides of the tavern hero. Ar/allrandom, players randomly choose heroes from both sides of the pub. Tr/teamrandom, players randomly choose heroes from their own pubs. Mr/moderandom, randomly select one mode from the above 4 modes. Lm/leaguemode, you need 10 players to start. You cannot use the random command to start game player, 2 team, a team of a random team to choose a hero, then the other team selected 2 heroes, then to the other team selected 2 heroes, and then to another team of 2 heroes, then don't team selected 2 heroes, and finally by the other a team of last hero. The hero chooses every 30 seconds, and is out of date. Vr/voterandom, after the start of the model, each team has 3 random hero combinations to choose, players can vote with -option n (n=1, 2, 3). The combination of the most votes will be used. Dm/death match, in this model, if you die, then you lose that hero, and then the hero's choice depends on the ap/ar/tr/normal. Id/itemdrop, heroes don't lose money after they die, but they lose their belongings. Sc/supercreep, there will be super soldiers in the game, these super little soldier is very strong, but will lose a lot of money and experience. Em/easymode, weaken tower, more experience, more regular money (13g/8sec) np/nopowerup, no spells. Ai/allinti can only choose intellectual heroes. As/allstr, you can only choose power heroes. Aa/allagi, only agile heroes. Sp/shuffleplayers, randomly reassign players from both sides. Mm/mirrormatch, the same hero will be used on both sides. Du/duplicatemode, the same hero can be chosen, countless times. Sh/samehero, all players use the same hero. WTF, no cooldown, infinite magic. Miakamode, use it yourself. I don't explain it. Command language random, no money, random choice of heroes. Repick, Losing 150g/400g in pick or non-pick mode, respectively. If it's a pick pattern, you can choose a hero again; if it's non-pick, it's only random. Ma/matchup, show each other's facelift. Ms/movespeed, showing the speed of your movement. Unstuck, 60 seconds can't move, and then send yourself back to base. Recreate, N'aix (dog), Terrorblade (TB), Dragon Knight (DK), Banehallow (werewolves) can use instructions, start at the fountain, do not move for 2 minutes, and then recreate a hero. This is used to deal with Avatar out of control bug. Disablehelp, teammate Chen's test of faith (loyalty test) will not be on you. Enablehelp, cancel disablehelp. Cs/creepstats, how many soldiers killed and how many?. Refresh, turn PA back to transparent. Cson, show soldier statistics board. Csoff, hide the little soldier statistics board. Swaphero, exchanging heroes with teammates, can only be used 90 seconds before the game time, and only once. Gameinfo, display the game mode. Hidemsg won't get the news of the hero's death. Unhidemsg, cancel hidemsgoption 1, vote for the first lineup. Option 2, vote for second teams. Option First, the non entertainment version of the DOTA map command Daquan Main game modes Conventional mode: if nothing is entered, the default mode is automatically taken after 15 seconds. Players can only choose their own tavern hero Select the mode: -ap/-allpick game player can choose all the tavern Heroes Random pattern: -ar/-allrandom player automatically randomly obtains a hero from all the pubs. Incompatible with reverse mode. Team random mode: -tr/-teamrandom player gets a hero randomly from his own pub. Incompatible with the reversal mode and the death race mode. Model: -mr/-moderandom from all the random random random mode, select mode, select a random model of team mode and conventional mode. Incompatible with the reversal mode and the death race mode. League mode: -lm/-leaguemode requires 10 players, the team alternately chooses the hero, and in the order of (1-2-2-2-2-1), the first player's team is random. Each player has 20s to choose a hero, or randomly generate a hero. You can only choose heroes in your own tavern. In addition to the following two modes, other incompatibilities are exceptions: shuffle mode, swap forbidden mode, forbidden reselection mode, snow terrain model. Random recruitment mode: -rd/-randomdraft 22 random heroes are selected from all pubs and placed on the left side of the map in the woods. Then the players choose these heroes in the League mode. Mirror mode, death race mode, full agile hero mode, full intellectual hero mode, full power hero mode, the same hero mode, reversal mode incompatibility. Random queue pattern: -cd 22 random heroes are selected from all the pubs and placed on the left side of the map in the woods. Then the captain chooses each of these heroes according to the CM model, and each side loses 2 heroes after ban. Mirror mode, death race mode, full agile hero mode, full intellectual hero mode, full power hero mode, the same hero mode, reversal mode incompatibility. Lineup voting mode: -vr/-voterandom 3 random lineup will be selected, each player can vote. You need the same number of players on both sides to use this mode. And mirror mode, death race mode, full agile hero mode, full intellectual hero mode, full strength hero mode, same hero mode, reversal mode incompatibility. When the random lineup election mode, each player within 30 seconds can vote, if not vote, will automatically randomly cast, if the vote is a draw, will randomly choose an option. Each player can only vote. 输入 - option 1 option 2 option 或者 或者 3来投票. 扩展联赛模式 - xl - extendedleague 需要10个玩家.在前20秒内, 2方的团队领导 (蓝色和粉红色玩家) 可以在所有英雄里移除4个英雄.然后玩家像联赛模式那样选英雄.除了以下二级模式外其他不兼容, 例外: 洗牌模式, 交换禁止模式, 禁止重选模式, 雪地地形模式. 单选 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 模式: singledraft 系统随机给出力量、敏捷、智力三种类型英雄各一个放在你的能量圈中供选取 or sd (swiss) - captainmode 队长模式 or cm 由双方队长 (蓝色和粉红色玩家) 各ban4个英雄, 接着队长按1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1的顺序为队友选择英雄, 英雄选择完毕后, 双方队员挑选所要的英雄 二级游戏模式 死亡竞赛: dm / deathmatch 如果你的英雄死了, 你会在复活时间到的时候重新选一个英雄.如果主游戏模式是随机, 那么你将随机得到那个英雄.如果一个团队有44次死亡, 或者基地被拆, 团队就输了.与全敏捷英雄模式, 全智力英雄模式, 全力量英雄模式, 相同英雄模式, 反转模式, 镜像竞赛模式不兼容. 当英雄死亡后不需要复活时间立即可以选下一个英雄 取消死亡计时器 nd. 最大生命数量 lives # 设置每边有多少生命, 用想要的数目代替前面的 #, 最小10, 最大44. 反转模式: rv / reverse 近卫方玩家为天灾团队选择英雄, 天灾为近卫团队选择英雄.需要两边玩家数量相同.和死亡竞赛模式, 相同英雄模式不兼容. - mm. - mirrormatch 镜像模式 需要两边玩家数相同.1分钟后, 每对玩家 (例如1号玩家和6号玩家是一对) 的英雄将被他们中某一个英雄代替, 所以使用同样的英雄, 而团队的阵容将会一样.和相同英雄, 死亡竞赛不兼容. 复选模式: - / - duplicatemode 玩家选了某一个英雄后, 该英雄不被从酒馆移除, 其他玩家还可以选. 洗牌模式: sp / shuffleplayers 团队将被随机洗牌, 包括颜色、团队归属、团队人数都可能变更.对拆黑店很有效 相同英雄模式: hs / samehero 所有玩家的英雄将都是第一个玩家选择的英雄.和镜像模式, 反转模式, 死亡竞赛不兼容. 全敏捷英雄模式: aa / allagility 只能选择敏捷型英雄.和全智力模式, 全力量模式, 死亡竞赛模式不兼容. 全智力英雄模式: have / allintelligence 只能选择智力型英雄.和全敏捷模式, 全力量模式, 死亡竞赛模式不兼容. 全力量英雄模式: have / allstrength 只能选择力量型英雄.和全智力模式, 全敏捷模式, 死亡竞赛模式不兼容. 扩展游戏模式 物品掉落模式: id / itemdrop 当你英雄死掉的时候, 你物品栏里随机一个物品位的东西将会掉落在地.作为补偿, 你不会因死亡丢失金 钱. 简单模式: em - easymode 塔将变弱, 经验值将增长更快, 你每段时 间固定得的钱也更多. 禁止神符模式: np / nopowerups 河道内不产生神符 超级士兵模式: sc / supercreeps 每10分钟每方会各产生超级士兵 跟随小兵进攻.最弱的是攻城傀儡, 强一点的是恐怖怪鱼, 最强的是 远古九头蛇. Middle way: -om/-onlymid goes up and down the two roads, neither send troops, tower invincible state. Equal to -ntnb. On the road: -nt/-notop (left) road neither send troops, the tower is invincible. Road forbidden mode: -nm/-nomid middle route neither send troops, tower invincible state. Under the forbidden mode: -nb/-nobot (right) road neither send troops, tower invincible state. Exchange forbidden mode: -ns/-noswap cannot use exchange -swap command. No reselection mode: -nr/-norepick cannot use the reselection -repick command. AA command - "All Agility" is short; forcing all players to choose agile heroes only. -ai command - "All Intelligence" for short; forcing all players to choose intelligent heroes only. -ap command - "All Pick" is short; players can choose heroes from all the pubs on the opposing sides. -as command - "All Strength" is short; forcing all players to choose power heroes only. -ar command - "All Random" is short; all players start using random heroes selected from all pubs. In this mode, the cost of re selecting increases from 200 to 400. The command "Capture the Flag -ctf - (CTF)" referred to in this mode; game player no longer need to destroy the ancient ruins, but to capture flags to their base and get back to their own base, each base is 1 flags. Any hero with a flag is visible to all the other heroes, and the hero's magic is always set to 0; the team that gets the first 5 points will win (now this model cannot be used). -dm command - "Death Match" is abbreviated; if a player's hero dies, then the hero will be removed from the game, and the player will choose a new hero from the remaining hero to continue the game. When a team's hero dies 36 times, the team loses the game. When a hero dies, you lose the money you lose in the ordinary game mode and a hero rating. (in the new version - you're not going to lose a level), the rank missing is not a bug: the previous version of hero death will lose all levels and items. This is a progress, because the dev doesn't want to change the DM mode too much. The death race pattern has been reactivated since the 6.20 edition. -du command - "Duplicate Mode" is short; different players can choose the same hero. It can only be used with the -allrandom mode. -id command - "Item Drop" is short; in this mode, random objects drop instead of money lost, become the death penalty for heroes. Note: the game will randomly choose an item bar to drop, so buying a lot of cheap items is not a good idea. Rumor has it that falling objects are not completely random, 75% of the chance to drop the best items, and 25% of the chances drop from other items. -lm command - "League Mode" is short; this is a new model introduced in version 6.20 that can only be used for 5 V 5 games. In the "League mode", each game player turns to select heroes, the sentinel A game player to choose a hero, then the scourge of the B and C choose the hero game player game player, then the sentinel D and E choose the hero game player game player, and so forth until all of the game player has chosen a hero. If a player doesn't choose a hero, then he gets a random hero and loses all of his initial money. Translator: in the current version, the player has 20 seconds to choose the hero. The -mm command - "Mirror Mode" referred to; game player can choose a hero as usual, but after the initial time of a given team, the hero will be based on the selection and composition of heroes on both sides were randomly selected and related game player will be given the same hero. Eventually, the 2 sides will get exactly the same hero, Just like the name of the model (5v5 game = 5, the same hero picked out from 10 possible heroes). (this model is not available now) -mr command - "Mode Random" abbreviation; randomly selected a game mode from ar/ap/tr/regular. The -re command - "Reverse" is short; the hero is chosen by the opponent, and vice versa. (this model is not available now) -sc command - "Super Creeps" abbreviation; random super monster will be generated in each wave soldier. This pattern is completely random, there will be a siege Golem, terrorist Hawaii, ancient Hydra randomly joined the two camps in order to increase the game achievement. This is not entirely fair, because the super soldiers were randomly selected and varied (for example, the sentinel would later in the game to get super soldiers, while the scourge may be earlier and more frequently get super soldiers). New versions (such as 6.27b) try to solve this problem with super soldiers generated at the same time. In addition, killing super soldiers can get as much money as destroying a tower, encouraging players to follow behind them. Even if both sides of the super soldier were created at the same time, they could still be at a disadvantage, such as getting a weaker super soldier, and the other got a stronger super soldier. In this case, there may be a very early in the game has been an ancient Hydra (super soldier strongest) quickly ended and destroyed a few other tower which is likely to lead to the game, because at that time the level of the other party to the super soldiers do not have what way. The -sm command - "Short Mode" is abbreviated; the life values of buildings and towers are reduced, and more experience is gained and money is accumulated. This model is the most common game mode in public game rooms, and is usually used with -ap. Some of the more experienced game player think this model by the late hero is more likely to become strong and change the balance of the game (such as the phantom assassin and the dog), the late hero in a short period of time can more easily reach their peak and mid hero (mainly intellectual heroes) the advantage of time is greatly shortened the. The -np command - "no powerups" referred to in the middle of the river is no longer the Rune of random generation. The -tr command - "Team Random" referred to a random game player; stupid Heroes (sentinel, or Undead), he can use the -repick in the first minute of the game to spend 500 money orders repick. The player commands the hero to select the command in the process: -random command - choose a random hero on your own. You can enter the -repick command and spend 200 dollars to randomly select a hero (Note: in -allrandom mode and when you enter -random yourself, the cost of choosing a hero is different). You can only choose at the beginning of the game; after a certain period of time, -random will be invalid. -repick command - gives you a new, random hero, if you're in a -ar game, or you want to change your hero (spend 400/200 money). Re selecting heroes has a 45 second time limit (the maximum number of re selections is one time). If you choose a particular hero and input the -repick command is valid, the player will lose the current hero and more money, and get a new random hero. This is only true when a player has no intention of pressing a shortcut (when a pub is chosen) to summon a hero. Information instructions used to display information on a screen: The -beamcounter command - shows the number of moonlight that the knight of the moon releases. (from version 6.18, this command has been removed and will never be added, according to the ice frog) -creepstats (-cs) command - "Creep Stats" is short; players can track the number of enemy / enemy they kill -csboardon command - always shows the number of creeps killed by the player. -csboardoff "command stop" shows the number of creeps killed by the player. The -matchup (-ma) command displays the name, color, and the hero they are controlling. The -movespeed (-ms) command displays the current speed of movement (for debugging and access to information). Include the addition effect of objects and skills on speed. Game instructions are usually used to solve some of the minor problems of heroes: -disablehelp command - the loyalty test that prohibits your own paladin is added to the player controlled hero. -enablehelp command - removes the loyalty test that prohibits your own Paladin from being added to the player controlled hero. The -recreate command has no - for some and a map of the world editor skills turned heroes, such as dragon knight, werewolf, ghouls and Terrorblade, likely to lose some control of the hero. This can be done by bringing the hero back to the fountain of life and entering this command. The -refresh command - acting on the Phantom Assassin (PA), is used to refresh some of her invisibility skills, "blur" (to solve the problem that the invisible state will be lifted after her death). Since the release of the 6.10 edition, frost star will no longer make PA invisible failure. It's worth noting that even if you don't enter the -refresh command, "blur" will still give the PA a passive dodge effect, and she's just not invisible. Technically, it's easier for a player to be tortured by the constant input of -refresh commands than PA. After the 6.20 version, this instruction was abolished, because PA automatically refreshes her own state. -unstuck command - send your hero 60 seconds later to the fountain of life; when your hero is stuck in a position that can't be moved (such as trapped in the woods), you can use this command. The hero cannot move during the transfer, and the delay time of the command can prevent the player from abusing the command Test is a kind of mode, translated into test mode, as the name suggests, we usually test the hero in this model skill or practice, so in this mode you can input the individual commands to achieve rapid testing, finished after test, with a command: Level up: add a number X after the -lvlup X instruction, representing the number of classes to be upgraded, X is not input, the default is 1 Refresh hero state: -refresh refreshes the cooldown of your hero's skills and items, and restores life and magic. Dispatch order: -spawncreeps two party send troops, do not disturb normal troops Generate command: -powerup Rune refresh rune, without interfering with normal Rune generation. Notice that if there is one or less than 5 seconds before, one will not produce new. Neutral neutral command: -neutrals refresh neutral wild monster. Notice that if there is a nearby unit that can prevent the refresh, it will not be refreshed. Suicide command: -kill let your hero die instantly Money order: -gold # increase # money Clear command: -killall/-killsent/-killscourge / Konoe / kill all soldier soldier soldier scourge Set time: -time XX, set the hour in the game Multiselection mode: -noherolimit can select more than one hero Regeneration of trees: -trees makes the damaged trees grow again -fog opens the fog of war
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