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英语课堂绣球英文讲解英语课堂绣球英文讲解 Nowadays, it is rare to throw a traditional wedding. But in a traditional wedding ceremony, especially in some minority nationality regions, people there still enjoy holding a traditional wedding. Today, I just want to talk about the traditional ...

英语课堂绣球英文讲解 Nowadays, it is rare to throw a traditional wedding. But in a traditional wedding ceremony, especially in some minority nationality regions, people there still enjoy holding a traditional wedding. Today, I just want to talk about the traditional wedding held by Zhuang, the most populous ethnic minority. 绣球系广西壮家人之定情物和吉祥物,是广西极具特色的旅游 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 品之一,原为壮族青年男女之 间的爱情信物。 广西绣球多以红、黄、绿三色做底及面料。绣球大多为12瓣,每瓣皆绣上各式吉祥物,如 梅、兰、菊、竹等花卉图案或春燕、龙、凤等。 绣球是姑娘们用手工做成的彩球,以圆形最为常见,也有椭圆形、方形、 菱形等。绣球大如拳头,内装棉花籽、谷粟、谷壳等,上下两端分别系有 彩带和红坠。 广西绣球又称为“堆绣绣球”,由老艺人采用“堆绣”这一古老而复杂的刺绣工艺制作而成。 其结构独特、选料考究,且全部以手工制作,做工精细小巧玲珑,色彩鲜艳,是世界上最精美的 绣球。一般的绣球大都是采用单线刺绣的方式在花瓣的面料上绣出各色图案,花瓣面料上的图案 为平面式,线条、色彩如画一般美,同时刺绣方法与过程较为简便;而采用复线刺绣方法的“堆 绣绣球”则图形更为精美,图案极为复杂,所勾勒之物栩栩如生,极富立体感,如鲜活之物欲喷 薄而出,数绣球中的极品。 广西最早有文献记载的绣球内包有豆粟、棉花籽或谷物等农作物种子,这除了使绣球有一定 In ancient periods, the zhuang nationality would offer sacrifices to ancestors or gods in reverence and for blessing. Embroidered ball was one of the sacrifices. People there would put some seeds of the rise and corn into the embroidered ball. On the one hand, it would increase the weight of the ball so that people would throw the ball away easily. On the other hand, it symbolized bumper harvest. 的重量便于抛掷外,更深层的意义是——绣球为“吉祥之物”。因为壮族是传统的稻作民族,他 们对每年农作物丰收与否十分关心,因而在各种祭祀、祈年的仪式中,农作物种子及播种、耕种 等生产劳动形式往往都是 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现的主题。如壮族农村建新房时,在墙基四角撒一些谷粒;架大梁时, 要在梁上挂两束谷穗;给老人祝寿往往也要送些精米作礼。这些现象都象征着生长、生育、兴旺、 平安之意。抛绣球都是在每年春节及“三月三”歌节时举行,正是春播时节,绣球内填放有谷物 种子,就是希望年内“五谷丰登”之意;同时,绣球作为青年男女的定情之物,内中喻示着“生 育兴旺”之意。 今天,壮家的优秀儿女们,不断为绣球这一古老艺术品注入新的活力,令其在新时代再次散 放出璀璨的光芒。广西曾做过超大绣球供日本国立民族博物馆收藏,同时为迎接港、澳回归分别 制作直径达1.97米和2米的超大型绣球;为庆祝申奥成功,制作了直径达2.2米的超大型绣球; 为迎接中国-东盟博览胜利召开,制作了直径2米以上的超大型绣球等等。 如今的广西绣球不但被人们当作馈赠亲友之礼品,家庭中的装饰品,企事业 单位的对外宣传、开展公关活动之赠品(可按客户意愿绣制特定文字:诸如单位名 称、品牌、祝词等)。还正成为传递爱情、亲情、友情的民族文化使者,正成为 “让世界了解靖西,让靖西走向世界”的文化载体。 Nowadays, the embroidered ball is not only to be the present for the relatives and friends, but a decoration of the family. It becomes a keepsake to represent the love, friendship and emotional attachment among family members. What’s more, the embroidered ball is also to be one of the distinctive national features in order to let more people learn the culture of the Zhuang nationality. 抛绣球是壮族人民喜闻乐见的传统体育项目,它的历史可以追溯到2000多年前,当时用以 甩投的是青铜铸造的古乐器——“飞砣”,并且多在作战和狩猎中运用。随着社会的进步,物 质生活的提高,飞砣逐渐发展成为现在的绣花布囊,即绣球。人们在茶余饭后常互相抛接以 娱乐,起到沟通感情的作用。随着历史的发展,后来逐渐演变成为壮族男女青年表达爱情的 方式。 Throwing the embroidered ball is one of the favorite sports among Zhuang nationality. It’s reported that the history of the embroidered ball dated back to the ancient periods. But at that time, people threw the old instrument made of bronze ware. With time going on, it become the embroidered ball. People threw it at their leisure to promote the friendship and just for fun. Nowadays, it becomes the love tokens to show the feelings of admiration between the young men and women. Nowadays, it is rare to throw a traditional wedding. But in a traditional wedding ceremony, especially in some minority nationality regions, people there still enjoy holding a traditional wedding. Today, I just want to talk about the traditional wedding held by Zhuang, the most populous ethnic minority. First of all, I will introduce you something about Guangxi Province. As is known to us, Guangxi (simplified Chinese: 广西) is an autonomous region (Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region) of the People's Republic of China, created specifically for the Zhuang people. In other words, Guangxi is an autonomous place made particularly for Zhuang population. Zhuang is the most populous ethnic minority. People there do not eat meat such as pork, beef, mutton, chicken, ducks, and geese, while people in some areas do not eat dog meat but also love to eat dog meat. Standing on the 绣楼,the bride was prepared to throw the embroidered ball. As long as the bride threw the embroidered ball, anyone who got the ball would be the bridegroom. to throw an embroidered ball -- to choose a husband 定情物定情信物keepsake of love 定情信物是 love token 定情信物的复数是 love tokens 绣球 词性解释 1、(用绸子结成的球形装饰物) a colorful ball made of rolled silk Lu Mengzheng Wins The Bride's Embroidered Ball-8 May 1958 靖西旧州街因制作绣球而成为闻名全国的“绣球一条街”。街上的居民家家户户手工制作绣 球,已有一千多年的历史。近年来,该县把绣球、壮锦生产作为旅游产品开发、推动旅游产 业发展的重要手段之一,引导绣球生产由单门独户自产自销向有组织制作、集中销售的“订 单绣球”发展,绣球年产量已超过,,万个,年产值,,,多万元。靖西壮锦厂则主要生产 壮锦挂、壁画、被面、真丝绣花披巾等刺绣产品。绣球、壮锦等手工艺品因制作手艺细腻、 图案花样精美而远销美国、日本、加拿大、新加坡、澳大利亚、南非、香港、台湾等国家和 地区。以靖西绣球、壮锦为代表的靖西壮族织锦技艺于,,,,年,月被列入第一批国家级 非物质文化遗产名录。旧州街的黄肖琴被评为“中国民间文艺杰出传承人”,朱祖线被列为广 西壮族自治区非物质文化遗产项目(壮族织锦技艺)代表性继承人。旧州街也因此被国家文 化部授予“中国民间艺术之乡”称号。 Jingxi County (靖西县) is a county of Guangxi, China. It is under the administration of Baise city. Geography and climate Baise is located in northwestern Guangxi bordering Guizhou and Yunnan provinces and Vietnam. It is centrally located between the three major southwestern capitals, Nanning, Kunming, and Guiyang. Its area is 3,726 km? and is more than 55% forested. Baise's climate is tropical and monsoonal. Annual precipitation is 1115 mm and average temperature is 22?C. History Baise is young by Chinese standards and was founded as a town in 1730. Demographics Ethnic groups include Zhuang, Han, Yao, Hui, and Miao. Tourism Baise is blessed with beautiful natural scenery. Forested mountains harbor numerous species of plants and animals. The border areas are some of the least developed lands left in China. These features along with unique[citation needed] ethnic minority culture and important historical sites make it a growing tourist destination. Guangxi Guangxi (simplified Chinese: 广西) is an autonomous region (Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region) of the People's Republic of China, created specifically for the Zhuang people. 壮族是中国人口最多的少数民族,2008年末全区总人口5049万人,2008年末常住人口4816 万人。 主要分布在广西、云南、广东和贵州等省区。壮族对任何禽畜肉都不禁吃,如猪肉、 牛肉、羊肉、鸡、鸭、鹅等,有些地区不吃狗肉,也有些地区却酷爱吃狗肉。典型食品:壮 族有许多著名的菜肴和小吃,主要有:马脚杆,鱼生,烤乳猪,花糯米饭、宁明壮粽,状元 把,白切狗肉,壮家酥鸡,清炖破脸狗,龙泵三夹。壮族服饰主要有蓝、黑、棕三种颜色。 壮族妇女有植棉纺纱的习惯,纺纱、织布、染布是一项家庭手工业。 Typical food: Zhuang, many well-known dishes and snacks, including: true features bar, sashimi, suckling pig, flower glutinous rice dumpling Ningming Zhuang, champion the white dog meat cutting, strong home-fried chicken, clear turn against dogs, Long pump three folders. There are 3 colors of Zhuang people’s clothing ,mainly blue, black and brown. Zhuang women have the habit of planting cotton, spinning, weaving, dyeing is a cottage industry.
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