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法律法规知识培训法律法规知识培训 temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction ris...

法律法规知识培训 temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 法律法规知识培训 一、护 士 条 例 第一章 总 则 第一条 为了维护护士的合法权益, 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 护理行为,促进护理事业发展,保障医疗安全和人体健康,制定本条例。 第二条 本条例所称护士,是指经执业注册取得护士执业证书,依照本条例规定从事护理活动,履行保护生命、减轻痛苦、增进健康职责的卫生技术人员。 第三条 护士人格尊严、人身安全不受侵犯。护士依法履行职责,受法律保护。 全社会应当尊重护士。 第四条 国务院有关部门、县级以上地方人民政府及其有关部门以及乡(镇)人民政府应当采取措施,改善护士的工作条件,保障护士待遇,加强护士队伍建设,促进护理事业健康发展。 国务院有关部门和县级以上地方人民政府应当采取措施,鼓励护士到农村、基层医疗卫生机构工作。 第五条 国务院卫生主管部门负责全国的护士监督管理工作。 县级以上地方人民政府卫生主管部门负责本行政区域的护士监督管理工作。 第六条 国务院有关部门对在护理工作中做出杰出贡献的护士,应当授予全国卫生系统先进工作者荣誉称号或者颁发白求恩奖章,受到表彰、奖励的护士享受省部级劳动模范、先进工作者待遇;对长期从事护理工作的护士应当颁发荣誉证书。具体办法由国务院有关部门制定。 县级以上地方人民政府及其有关部门对本行政区域内做出突出贡献的护士,按照省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的有关规定给予表彰、奖励。 第二章 执业注册 第七条 护士执业,应当经执业注册取得护士执业证书。 申请护士执业注册,应当具备下列条件: (一)具有完全民事行为能力; (二)在中等职业学校、高等学校完成国务院教育主管部门和国务院卫生主管部门规定的普通全日制3年以上的护理、助产专业课程学习,包括在教学、综合医院完成8个月以上护理临床实习,并取得相应学历证书; (三)通过国务院卫生主管部门组织的护士执业资格考试; (四)符合国务院卫生主管部门规定的健康 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。 护士执业注册申请,应当自通过护士执业资格考试之日起3年内提出;逾期提出申请的,除应当具备前款第(一)项、第(二)项和第(四)项规定条件外,还应当在符合国务院卫生主管部门规定条件的医疗卫生机构接受3个月临床护理培训并考核合格。 护士执业资格考试办法由国务院卫生主管部门会同国务院人事部门制定。 第八条 申请护士执业注册的,应当向拟执业地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生主管部门提出申请。收到申请的卫生主管部门应当自收到申请之日起20temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 个工作日内做出决定,对具备本条例规定条件的,准予注册,并发给护士执业证书;对不具备本条例规定条件的,不予注册,并书面说明理由。 护士执业注册有效期为5年。 第九条 护士在其执业注册有效期内变更执业地点的,应当向拟执业地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生主管部门报告。收到报告的卫生主管部门应当自收到报告之日起7个工作日内为其办理变更手续。护士跨省、自治区、直辖市变更执业地点的,收到报告的卫生主管部门还应当向其原执业地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生主管部门通报。 第十条 护士执业注册有效期届满需要继续执业的,应当在护士执业注册有效期届满前30日向执业地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生主管部门申请延续注册。收到申请的卫生主管部门对具备本条例规定条件的,准予延续,延续执业注册有效期为5年;对不具备本条例规定条件的,不予延续,并书面说明理由。 护士有行政许可法规定的应当予以注销执业注册情形的,原注册部门应当依照行政许可法的规定注销其执业注册。 第十一条 县级以上地方人民政府卫生主管部门应当建立本行政区域的护士执业良好 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 和不良记录,并将该记录记入护士执业信息系统。 护士执业良好记录包括护士受到的表彰、奖励以及完成政府指令性任务的情况等内容。护士执业不良记录包括护士因违反本条例以及其他卫生管理法律、法规、规章或者诊疗技术规范的规定受到行政处罚、处分的情况等内容。 第三章 权利和义务 第十二条 护士执业,有按照国家有关规定获取工资报酬、享受福利待遇、参加社会保险的权利。任何单位或者个人不得克扣护士工资,降低或者取消护士福利等待遇。 第十三条 护士执业,有获得与其所从事的护理工作相适应的卫生防护、医疗保健服务的权利。从事直接接触有毒有害物质、有感染传染病危险工作的护士,有依照有关法律、行政法规的规定接受职业健康监护的权利;患职业病的,有依照有关法律、行政法规的规定获得赔偿的权利。 第十四条 护士有按照国家有关规定获得与本人业务能力和学术水平相应的专业技术职务、职称的权利;有参加专业培训、从事学术研究和交流、参加行业协会和专业学术团体的权利。 第十五条 护士有获得疾病诊疗、护理相关信息的权利和其他与履行护理职责相关的权利,可以对医疗卫生机构和卫生主管部门的工作提出意见和建议。 第十六条 护士执业,应当遵守法律、法规、规章和诊疗技术规范的规定。 第十七条 护士在执业活动中,发现患者病情危急,应当立即通知医师;在紧急情况下为抢救垂危患者生命,应当先行实施必要的紧急救护。 护士发现医嘱违反法律、法规、规章或者诊疗技术规范规定的,应当及时向开具医嘱的医师提出;必要时,应当向该医师所在科室的负责人或者医疗卫生机构负责医疗服务管理的人员报告。 第十八条 护士应当尊重、关心、爱护患者,保护患者的隐私。 第十九条 护士有义务参与公共卫生和疾病预防控制工作。发生自然灾害、公共卫生事件等严重威胁公众生命健康的突发事件,护士应当服从县级以上人民政府卫生主管部门或者所在医疗卫生机构的安排,参加医疗救护。 to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffold safety technology gives the low-down on 4-2 construction construction construction organization name project name cards on the table before the one down the scaffolding of content security technology, team members have a clear division of labour, unified command, operation energies to concentrated, may not look around and joking, when not in the tool bag. • Wear personal protective equipment correctly, foot wear soft-soled shoes. Remove pick rack and other dangerous parts hanging belts. • Before dismantling scaffolding, around fences or warning signs, set up special care in transport routes and ban people entering. • Strict compliance with the removal order, from the top down, step, and no upper level jobs simultaneously. ? dismantle large Rails scaffolding, bridging, you should split the middle button, then remove both ends buckle, Shun down by operators in the Middle Poles shall not throw down. • Dismantling scaffolding, scaffold, steel pipe, fasteners, materials should go to the pass or use the rope hanging down, throw shall not be voted down, so as to avoid injury and unnecessary losses. ? removal process is best not to change horses in the Middle, such as the need for person, should be removed clearly. ? best not to interrupt the process of demolition, if absolutely necessary to interrupt the dismantled parts should be clearly come to an end, and check whether it will collapse, check the security before the intermission. ? scaffold dismantling after the material shall be classified and piled up stacked flat, under pads well drained. Steel is best placed indoor, stacked in the outdoors should be covered. Sporadic small fasteners, bolts and other components using clean diesel box, store room for reuse. ? deformation of steel elements should be straightened, damage repair and paint for reuse should scrap cannot be repaired. 11. auxiliary facilities: feeder channel should be set 1M high guard rail around, up and down ramps or stairs, are not allowed to climb the scaffolding up and down. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Artificial Dig-hole pile project technology gives the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-1 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 第四章 医疗卫生机构的职责 第二十条 医疗卫生机构配备护士的数量不得低于国务院卫生主管部门规定的护士配备标准。 第二十一条 医疗卫生机构不得允许下列人员在本机构从事诊疗技术规范规定的护理活动: (一)未取得护士执业证书的人员; (二)未依照本条例第九条的规定办理执业地点变更手续的护士; (三)护士执业注册有效期届满未延续执业注册的护士。 在教学、综合医院进行护理临床实习的人员应当在护士指导下开展有关工作。 第二十二条 医疗卫生机构应当为护士提供卫生防护用品,并采取有效的卫生防护措施和医疗保健措施。 第二十三条 医疗卫生机构应当执行国家有关工资、福利待遇等规定,按照国家有关规定为在本机构从事护理工作的护士足额缴纳社会保险费用,保障护士的合法权益。 对在艰苦边远地区工作,或者从事直接接触有毒有害物质、有感染传染病危险工作的护士,所在医疗卫生机构应当按照国家有关规定给予津贴。 第二十四条 医疗卫生机构应当制定、实施本机构护士在职培训 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,并保证护士接受培训。 护士培训应当注重新知识、新技术的应用;根据临床专科护理发展和专科护理岗位的需要,开展对护士的专科护理培训。 第二十五条 医疗卫生机构应当按照国务院卫生主管部门的规定,设置专门机构或者配备专(兼)职人员负责护理管理工作。 第二十六条 医疗卫生机构应当建立护士岗位责任制并进行监督检查。 护士因不履行职责或者违反职业道德受到投诉的,其所在医疗卫生机构应当进行调查。经查证属实的,医疗卫生机构应当对护士做出处理,并将调查处理情况告知投诉人。 第五章 法律责任 第二十七条 卫生主管部门的工作人员未依照本条例规定履行职责,在护士监督管理工作中滥用职权、徇私舞弊,或者有其他失职、渎职行为的,依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第二十八条 医疗卫生机构有下列情形之一的,由县级以上地方人民政府卫生主管部门依据职责分工责令限期改正,给予警告;逾期不改正的,根据国务院卫生主管部门规定的护士配备标准和在医疗卫生机构合法执业的护士数量核减其诊疗科目,或者暂停其6个月以上1年以下执业活动;国家举办的医疗卫生机构有下列情形之一、情节严重的,还应当对负有责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分: (一)违反本条例规定,护士的配备数量低于国务院卫生主管部门规定的护士配备标准的; (二)允许未取得护士执业证书的人员或者允许未依照本条例规定办理执业temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 地点变更手续、延续执业注册有效期的护士在本机构从事诊疗技术规范规定的护理活动的。 第二十九条 医疗卫生机构有下列情形之一的,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定给予处罚;国家举办的医疗卫生机构有下列情形之一、情节严重的,还应当对负有责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分: (一)未执行国家有关工资、福利待遇等规定的; (二)对在本机构从事护理工作的护士,未按照国家有关规定足额缴纳社会保险费用的; (三)未为护士提供卫生防护用品,或者未采取有效的卫生防护措施、医疗保健措施的; (四)对在艰苦边远地区工作,或者从事直接接触有毒有害物质、有感染传染病危险工作的护士,未按照国家有关规定给予津贴的。 第三十条 医疗卫生机构有下列情形之一的,由县级以上地方人民政府卫生主管部门依据职责分工责令限期改正,给予警告: (一)未制定、实施本机构护士在职培训计划或者未保证护士接受培训的; (二)未依照本条例规定履行护士管理职责的。 第三十一条 护士在执业活动中有下列情形之一的,由县级以上地方人民政府卫生主管部门依据职责分工责令改正,给予警告;情节严重的,暂停其6个月以上1年以下执业活动,直至由原发证部门吊销其护士执业证书: (一)发现患者病情危急未立即通知医师的; (二)发现医嘱违反法律、法规、规章或者诊疗技术规范的规定,未依照本条例第十七条的规定提出或者报告的; (三)泄露患者隐私的; (四)发生自然灾害、公共卫生事件等严重威胁公众生命健康的突发事件,不服从安排参加医疗救护的。 护士在执业活动中造成医疗事故的,依照医疗事故处理的有关规定承担法律责任。 第三十二条 护士被吊销执业证书的,自执业证书被吊销之日起2年内不得申请执业注册。 第三十三条 扰乱医疗秩序,阻碍护士依法开展执业活动,侮辱、威胁、殴打护士,或者有其他侵犯护士合法权益行为的,由公安机关依照治安管理处罚法的规定给予处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第六章 附 则 第三十四条 本条例施行前按照国家有关规定已经取得护士执业证书或者护理专业技术职称、从事护理活动的人员,经执业地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生主管部门审核合格,换领护士执业证书。 本条例施行前,尚未达到护士配备标准的医疗卫生机构,应当按照国务院卫生主管部门规定的实施步骤,自本条例施行之日起3年内达到护士配备标准。 第三十五条 本条例自2008年5月12日起施行。 to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffold safety technology gives the low-down on 4-2 construction construction construction organization name project name cards on the table before the one down the scaffolding of content security technology, team members have a clear division of labour, unified command, operation energies to concentrated, may not look around and joking, when not in the tool bag. • Wear personal protective equipment correctly, foot wear soft-soled shoes. Remove pick rack and other dangerous parts hanging belts. • Before dismantling scaffolding, around fences or warning signs, set up special care in transport routes and ban people entering. • Strict compliance with the removal order, from the top down, step, and no upper level jobs simultaneously. ? dismantle large Rails scaffolding, bridging, you should split the middle button, then remove both ends buckle, Shun down by operators in the Middle Poles shall not throw down. • Dismantling scaffolding, scaffold, steel pipe, fasteners, materials should go to the pass or use the rope hanging down, throw shall not be voted down, so as to avoid injury and unnecessary losses. ? removal process is best not to change horses in the Middle, such as the need for person, should be removed clearly. ? best not to interrupt the process of demolition, if absolutely necessary to interrupt the dismantled parts should be clearly come to an end, and check whether it will collapse, check the security before the intermission. ? scaffold dismantling after the material shall be classified and piled up stacked flat, under pads well drained. Steel is best placed indoor, stacked in the outdoors should be covered. Sporadic small fasteners, bolts and other components using clean diesel box, store room for reuse. ? deformation of steel elements should be straightened, damage repair and paint for reuse should scrap cannot be repaired. 11. auxiliary facilities: feeder channel should be set 1M high guard rail around, up and down ramps or stairs, are not allowed to climb the scaffolding up and down. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Artificial Dig-hole pile project technology gives the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-1 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 二、《中华人民共和国执业医师法》 1、医师注册后,可在医疗、预防、保健机构中按照注册的执业地点、职业类别、执业范围执业,从事相应的医疗、预防、保健、业务。未经医师注册取得职业证书,不得从事医师执业活动。 ,、被注销注册的当事人有异议的,可以自收到注销注册通知之日起十五日内,依法申请复议或者向人民法院提起诉讼。 ,、医师实施医疗、预防、保健措施,签署有关医学证明文件,必须亲自诊查、调查,并按照规定及时填写医学文书,不得隐匿、伪造或者销毁医学文书及有关资料。医师不得出具与自己执业范围无关或者与执业类别不相符的医学证明文件。 ,、医师应当如实向患者或者其家属介绍病情,但应注意避免对患者产生不利后果。医师进行实验性临床医疗,应当经医院批准并征得患者本人或者其家属同意。 ,、医师不得利用职务之便,索取、非法收受患者财物或者牟取其他不正当利益。 ,、遇有自然灾害、传染病流行、突发重大伤亡事故及其他严重威胁人民生命健康的紧急情况时,医师应当服从县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门的调遣。 ,、医师发生医疗事故或者发现传染病疫情时,应当按照有关规定及时向所在机构或者卫生行政部门报告。医师发现患者涉嫌伤害事件或者非正常死亡时,应当按照有关规定向有关部门报告。 ,、医疗、预防、保健机构应当按照规定和计划保证本机构医师的培训和继续医学教育。县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门委托的承担医师考核任务的医疗卫生机构,应当为医师的培训和接受继续医学教育提供和创造条件。 ,、卫生行政部门工作人员或者医疗、预防、保健机构工作人员违反本法有关规定,弄虚作假、玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊,尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 10、国家实行医师执业注册制度。未经医师注册取得执业证书,不得从事医师执业活动。医师变更执业地点、执业类别、执业范围等注册事项的,应当到准予注册的卫生行政部门依照本法第十三条的规定办理变更注册手续。 11、医师实施医疗、预防、保健措施,签署有关医学证明文件,必须 亲自 诊查、调查,并按照规定及时填写医学文书,不得隐匿、伪造或者销毁医学文书及有关资料。 12、医师不得出具与自己执业范围无关或者与执业类别不相符的医学证明文件。 temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 13、医师应当如实向患者或者其家属介绍病情,但应注意避免对患者产生不利后果。 14、医师进行实验性临床医疗,应当经医院批准并征得患者本人或者其家属同意。 15、医师不得利用职务之便,索取、非法收受患者财物或者牟取其他不正当利益。 16、医师注册后有哪些情形之一的,其所在的医疗、预防、保健机构应当在三十日内报告准予注册的卫生行政部门,卫生行政部门应当注销注册,收回医师执业证书, 答:(1)死亡或者被宣告失踪的; (2)受刑事处罚的; (3)受吊销医师执业证书行政处罚的; (4)依照本法第三十一条规定暂停执业活动期满,再次考核仍不合格的; (5)中止医师执业活动满二年的; (6)有国务院卫生行政部门规定不宜从事医疗、预防、保健业务的其他情形的。 17、医师在执业活动中享有哪些权利, 答:(1)在注册的执业范围内,进行医学诊查、疾病调查、医学处置、出具相应的医学证明文件,选择合理的医疗、预防、保健 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ; (2)按照国务院卫生行政部门规定的标准,获得与本人执业活动相当的医疗设备基本条件; (3)从事医学研究、学术交流,参加专业学术团体; (4)参加专业培训,接受继续医学教育; (5)在执业活动中,人格尊严、人身安全不受侵犯; (6)获取工资报酬和津贴,享受国家规定的福利待遇; (7)对所在机构的医疗、预防、保健工作和卫生行政部门的工作提出意见和建议,依法参与所在机构的民主管理。 18、医师在执业活动中履行哪些义务, 答:(1)遵守法律、法规,遵守技术操作规范; (2)树立敬业精神,遵守职业道德,履行医师职责,尽职尽责为患者服务; (3)关心、爱护、尊重患者,保护患者的隐私; (4)努力钻研业务,更新知识,提高专业技术水平; (5)宣传卫生保健知识,对患者进行健康教育。 19、医师在执业活动中,违反本法规定,有哪些行为之一的,由县级以上人to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffold safety technology gives the low-down on 4-2 construction construction construction organization name project name cards on the table before the one down the scaffolding of content security technology, team members have a clear division of labour, unified command, operation energies to concentrated, may not look around and joking, when not in the tool bag. • Wear personal protective equipment correctly, foot wear soft-soled shoes. Remove pick rack and other dangerous parts hanging belts. • Before dismantling scaffolding, around fences or warning signs, set up special care in transport routes and ban people entering. • Strict compliance with the removal order, from the top down, step, and no upper level jobs simultaneously. ? dismantle large Rails scaffolding, bridging, you should split the middle button, then remove both ends buckle, Shun down by operators in the Middle Poles shall not throw down. • Dismantling scaffolding, scaffold, steel pipe, fasteners, materials should go to the pass or use the rope hanging down, throw shall not be voted down, so as to avoid injury and unnecessary losses. ? removal process is best not to change horses in the Middle, such as the need for person, should be removed clearly. ? best not to interrupt the process of demolition, if absolutely necessary to interrupt the dismantled parts should be clearly come to an end, and check whether it will collapse, check the security before the intermission. ? scaffold dismantling after the material shall be classified and piled up stacked flat, under pads well drained. Steel is best placed indoor, stacked in the outdoors should be covered. Sporadic small fasteners, bolts and other components using clean diesel box, store room for reuse. ? deformation of steel elements should be straightened, damage repair and paint for reuse should scrap cannot be repaired. 11. auxiliary facilities: feeder channel should be set 1M high guard rail around, up and down ramps or stairs, are not allowed to climb the scaffolding up and down. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Artificial Dig-hole pile project technology gives the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-1 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 民政府卫生行政部门给予警告或者责令暂停六个月以上一年以下执业活动;情节严重的,吊销其执业证书;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任, 答:(1)违反卫生行政规章制度或者技术操作规范,造成严重后果的; (2)由于不负责任延误急危患者的抢救和诊治,造成严重后果的; (3)造成医疗责任事故的; (4)未经亲自诊查、调查,签署诊断、治疗、流行病学等证明文件或者有关出生、死亡等证明文件的; (5)隐匿、伪造或者擅自销毁医学文书及有关资料的; (6)使用未经批准使用的药品、消毒药剂和医疗器械的; (7)不按照规定使用麻醉药品、医疗用毒性药品、精神药品和放射性药品的; (8)未经患者或者其家属同意,对患者进行实验性临床医疗的; (9)泄露患者隐私,造成严重后果的; (10)利用职务之便,索取、非法收受患者财物或者牟取其他不正当利益的; (11)发生自然灾害、传染病流行、突发重大伤亡事故以及其他严重威胁人民生命健康的紧急情况时,不服从卫生行政部门调遣的; (12)发生医疗事故或者发现传染病疫情,患者涉嫌伤害事件或者非正常死亡,不按照规定报告的。 三、《医疗机构管理条例》 1、医疗机构改变名称、场所、主要负责人、诊疗科目、床位,必须向原登记机关办理变更登记。 2、医疗机构必须按照核准登记的诊疗科目开展诊疗活动。医疗机构不得使用非卫生技术人员从事医疗卫生技术工作。 3、医疗机构施行手术、特殊检查或者特殊治疗时,必须征得患者同意,并应当取得其家属或者关系人同意并签字;无法取得患者意见时,应当取得家属或者关系人同意并签字;无法取得患者意见又无家属或者关系人在场,或者遇到其他特殊情况时,经治医师应当提出医疗处置方案,在取得医疗机构负责人或者被授权负责人员的批准后实施。 第二十六条、医疗机构必须将《医疗机构执业许可证》、诊疗科目、诊疗时间和收费标准悬挂于明显处所。 第二十七条、医疗机构必须按照核准登记的诊疗科目开展诊疗活动。 第二十八条、医疗机构不得使用非卫生技术人员从事医疗卫生技术工作。 第三十条、医疗机构工作人员上岗工作,必须佩带载有本人姓名、职务或者temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 职称的标牌。 第三十一条、医疗机构对危重病人应当立即抢救。对限于设备或者技术条件不能诊治的病人,应当及时转诊。 第三十二条、未经医师(士)亲自诊查病人,医疗机构不得出具疾病诊断书、健康证明书或者死亡证明文件;未经医师(士)、助产人员亲自接产,医疗机构不得出具出生证明书或者死产报告书。 第三十三条、医疗机构施行手术、特殊检查或者特殊治疗时,必须征得患者同意,并应当取得其家属或者关系人同意并签字;无法取得患者意见时,应当取得家属或者关系人同意并签字;无法取得患者意见又无家属或者关系人在场,或者遇到其他特殊情况时,经治医师应当提出医疗处置方案,在取得医疗机构负责人或者被授权负责人员的批准后实施。 第三十七条、医疗机构必须按照人民政府或者物价部门的有关规定收取医疗费用,详列细项,并出具收据。 第三十八条、医疗机构必须承担相应的预防保健工作,承担县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门委托的支援农村、指导基层医疗卫生工作等任务。 第四十七条、违反本条例第二十七条规定,诊疗活动超出登记范围的,由县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门予以警告,责令其改正,并可以根据情节处以3000元以下的罚款,情节严重的,吊销其《医疗机构执业许可证》。 第四十八条、违反本条例第二十八条规定,使用非卫生技术人员从事医疗卫生技术工作的,由县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门责令其限期改正,并可以处以5000元以下的罚款,情节严重的,吊销其《医疗机构执业证可证》。 第四十九条、违反本条例第三十二条规定,出具虚假证明文件的,由县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门予以警告;对造成危害后果的,可以处以1000元以下的罚款;对直接责任人员由所在单位或者上级机关给予行政处分。 四、《医疗机构管理条例实施细则》: 1、床位在一百张以上的综合医院、中医医院、中西医结合医院、民族医医院以及专科医院、疗养院、康复医院、妇幼保健院、急救中心、临床检验中心和专科疾病防治机构的校验期为三年;其他医疗机构的校验期为一年。 2、医疗机构的门诊病历的保存期不得少于十五年;住院病历的保存期不得少于三十年。 3、标有医疗机构标识的票据和病历本册以及处方笺、各种检查的申请单、报告单、证明文书单、药品分装袋、制剂标签等不得买卖、出借和转让。 医疗机构分类的界定 to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffold safety technology gives the low-down on 4-2 construction construction construction organization name project name cards on the table before the one down the scaffolding of content security technology, team members have a clear division of labour, unified command, operation energies to concentrated, may not look around and joking, when not in the tool bag. • Wear personal protective equipment correctly, foot wear soft-soled shoes. Remove pick rack and other dangerous parts hanging belts. • Before dismantling scaffolding, around fences or warning signs, set up special care in transport routes and ban people entering. • Strict compliance with the removal order, from the top down, step, and no upper level jobs simultaneously. ? dismantle large Rails scaffolding, bridging, you should split the middle button, then remove both ends buckle, Shun down by operators in the Middle Poles shall not throw down. • Dismantling scaffolding, scaffold, steel pipe, fasteners, materials should go to the pass or use the rope hanging down, throw shall not be voted down, so as to avoid injury and unnecessary losses. ? removal process is best not to change horses in the Middle, such as the need for person, should be removed clearly. ? best not to interrupt the process of demolition, if absolutely necessary to interrupt the dismantled parts should be clearly come to an end, and check whether it will collapse, check the security before the intermission. ? scaffold dismantling after the material shall be classified and piled up stacked flat, under pads well drained. Steel is best placed indoor, stacked in the outdoors should be covered. Sporadic small fasteners, bolts and other components using clean diesel box, store room for reuse. ? deformation of steel elements should be straightened, damage repair and paint for reuse should scrap cannot be repaired. 11. auxiliary facilities: feeder channel should be set 1M high guard rail around, up and down ramps or stairs, are not allowed to climb the scaffolding up and down. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Artificial Dig-hole pile project technology gives the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-1 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 4、非营利性医疗机构是指为社会公众利益服务而设立和运营的医疗机构,不以营利为目的,其收入用于弥补医疗服务成本,收支结余用于自身的发展,如改善医疗条件,引进新技术,更新医疗设备和开展新的医疗服务项目等。政府举办的非营利性医疗机构主要提供基本医疗服务并完成政府交办的其他任务,其他非营利性医疗机构主要提供基本医疗服务,非营利性医疗机构也可以提供少量的非基本医疗服务。 5、营利性医疗机构是指医疗服务所得收益可用于投资者经济回报的医疗机构。营利性医疗机构设立的医疗服务项目需报卫生行政部门依法审定。 填空题: 6、政府举办的非营利性医疗机构享受同级政府给予的财政补助,其他非营利性医疗机构不享受政府财政补助。非营利性医疗机构执行政府规定的医疗服务指导价格,享受相关的税收优惠政策,执行财政部、卫生部颁布的《医院财务制度》和《医院会计制度》等有关法规、政策。 7、营利性医疗机构医疗服务价格放开,依法自主经营、照章纳税。参照执行企业的财务会计制度和有关政策。 、非营利性医疗机构执行政府规定的医疗服务指导价格,按价格主管部门8 制定的基准价并在其浮动幅度范围内确定实际医院服务价格。 9、加强非营利性医疗机构的国有资产监督。非营利性医疗机构的国有资产未经卫生行政部门和财政部门批准,不得自行处置、转移、出租或变更用途。非营利性医疗机构转变成营利性医疗机构,涉及的国有资产的处置、变更,必须经财政部门批准 temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site
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