首页 灌注桩高应变检测方案



灌注桩高应变检测方案灌注桩高应变检测方案 目 录 一、 工程概况 ......................................................... 1 二、 方案编制依据 ..................................................... 1 三、 试验目的、部位和数量 ............................................. 1 四、 试验区地质概况 ......................................

灌注桩高应变 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 目 录 一、 工程概况 ......................................................... 1 二、 方案编制依据 ..................................................... 1 三、 试验目的、部位和数量 ............................................. 1 四、 试验区地质概况 ................................................... 2 五、 检测桩接桩施工 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 及试验休止时间要求 ............................. 2 六、 高应变动测法试验方法 ............................................. 2 七、 检测仪器与设备 ................................................... 4 八、 检测结果的分析和判断 ............................................. 5 九、 试验进度及成果提交 ............................................... 6 十、 试验配合要求 ..................................................... 6 十一、 安全措施 ......................................................... 6 十二、 增加工程量 ....................................................... 7 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 一、 工程概况 宁波-舟山港穿山疏港高速衔接段白中线跨线大桥工程位于宁波市北仑区穿山半岛厚墩村边的白中线上公路上。桥全长486.02m,桥轴线与主线的交角为110度。本桥上部全桥共4联:3x20+5x30+5x30+4x30m;上部结构第一联采用普通钢筋混凝土连续箱梁,其余联采用装配式预应力混凝土连续箱梁,先简支后连续;下部结构采用柱式墩,墩台采用桩基础及扩大基础。 全桥共设置钻孔灌注桩20根,其中桥台基桩2根,桥墩基桩18根,桩采用直径为φ1500和φ1600mm。桩基均采用嵌岩桩,单桩设计承载力为5000KN。委托宁波市交通建设工程试验检测中心有限公司对该工程的桩基进行高应变动测试验,根据检测中心制定的试验检测方案,我项目部配合进行检测前的相关准备工作,具体内容如下。 二、 方案编制依据 1、:交通部《公路工程基桩动测技术规程》(JTG/TF81-01-2004); 2、由设计单位“中交远洲交通科技集团有限公司”提出的基桩检测要求。 三、 试验目的、部位和数量 1、试验目的 本工程钻孔灌注桩的高应变检测目的是检测工程桩的竖向抗压承载力和桩身结构完整性,并对基桩的质量进行评价。 2、试验部位、数量 根据 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 规定及设计要求,经业主、监理现场确认后,确定本次钻孔of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 灌注桩的高应变检测数量为5根,具体桩位见下表: 四、 试验区地质概况 根据“宁波冶金勘察设计研究股份有限公司”提供的地质报告,该场地地层土分布如下: ?1层:杂填土 ?2层:素填土 ?层:粘土 ?层:淤泥质粉质粘土 ?层:淤泥质粘土 ?层:粘土 ?1层:全风化熔结凝灰岩 ?2层:强风化熔结凝灰岩 ?3层:中等风化熔结凝灰岩层 ?4层: 微风化熔结凝灰岩 工程桩选定持力层在第?63层或?64层。 五、 检测桩接桩施工方法及试验休止时间要求 1、为确保实验时锤击能量的正常传递,实验前先凿掉桩顶部分的破碎混凝土层,浇筑前将桩头清理干净。 2、桩头顶面应水平、平整,桩头中轴线与桩身中轴线应重合,接桩截面积与原桩护筒截面积相同,桩头主筋全部接至桩顶面以下10cm处,各主筋在同一高度上。 3、接桩高度1.5m高,接桩部分设箍筋,箍筋规格采用Φ10圆钢,桩顶下1m范围内间距100mm,桩顶以下1m~1.5m范围内间距of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 150mm。桩顶设置钢筋网片(圆钢Φ10@150mm)2层,间距20cm,顶层网片距桩顶面5cm。桩头混凝土强度不低于C30。 4、从浇筑桩头到试验时间,普通混凝土不小于14天,早强混凝土(加早强剂)不小于7天。 5、接桩浇筑前,要测量放样,找出桩中心点,用线拉十字在护筒外壁上用油漆做标记,并将接桩钢筋调整规范,钢筋中心位置跟桩中心重合。 6、接桩完成后,接桩周围土开挖整平,为高应变检测做好准备工作。 六、 高应变动测法试验方法 确认桩位后,接桩至桩顶高度满足安装传感器的要求。 1、检测时,桩身混凝土强度等级应达到设计要求,且最短休止期应满足下列条件:砂土7d,粉土10d,非饱和性粘土15d,饱和粘性土25d。 2、检测前的桩头处理应符合下列规定: ?桩顶面应平整,桩头高度应满足安装锤击装置和传感器的要求,锤重心应与桩顶对中。 ?加固处理桩头时应满足下列要求: 新接桩头顶面应平整且垂直于被检桩轴线,侧面应平直,截面积应与原桩顶钢护筒相同,所用混凝土强度应高于不低于C30。被检桩主筋应全部接至新接桩头内,并设置间距不大于150mm的箍筋及上下间距不应大于120mm的2,3层钢筋网片。 (3)检测时在桩顶面应铺设锤垫。锤垫宜由10,30mm厚的模板或胶合板等匀质材料制作,垫面略大于桩顶面积。 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by (4)传感器的安装应符合下列规定: ?桩顶下两侧面应对称安装加速度与传感器和应变传感器各1只,其与桩顶的距离不应小于1.5倍的桩径或边长。传感器安装平面应平整,所在截面的材质和尺寸与被检桩相同。 ?应变传感器与加速度传感器的中心应位于同一水平线上,同侧两种传感器间的水平距离不宜大于100mm。传感器的中轴线应与桩的轴线保持平行。 在安装应变式传感器时,应对初始应变进行监测,其值不得超过规定的限值。 激振应符合下列要求: 采用自由落锤为激振设备时,宜重锤低击,锤的最大落距不宜大于2.0m。 实测桩的单击贯入度应确认与所采集的振动信号相对应。用于推算桩的极限承载力时,桩的单击贯入度不得低于2mm且不宜大于6mm。 检测桩的极限承载力时,锤击次数宜为2,3击。 (6)检测桩身完整性和承载力时,应及时分析实测信号质量、桩顶最大锤击力和动位移。贯入度一级桩身最大拉(压)应力、桩身缺陷程度及其发展情况等,并由此综合判定本次采集信号的有效性。每根被检桩的有效信号数不应少于2组。 具体测试流程见图1 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 七、 检测仪器与设备 (1)检测仪系统应包括信号放大器、数据采集及处理存储器、径向振动换能器等。 (2)检测仪应具有一发双收功能。 (3)声波发射应采用高压阶跃脉冲或矩形脉冲,其电压最大值不应小于1000v,且分档可调。 (4)接收放大与数据采集器应符合下列规定: ?接收放大器的频带宽度为5,200kHz,增益不应小于100dB,放大器的噪声有效值不大于2μV,波幅测量范围不小于80dB,测量误差小于1dB。 监理工程师论坛 ?计时显示范围应大于2000μs,精度优于0.5μs,计时误差不应大于2,。 ?采集器模,数转换精度不应低于8bit,采样频率不应小于10MHz,最大采样长度不应小于32kB。 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by (5)径向振动换能器应符合下列规定: ?径向水平面无指向性。 ?谐振频率宜大于25kHz。 ?在1Mpa水压下能正常工作。 ?收、发换能器的导线均应有长度标注,其标注允许偏差不应大于10mm。 ?接收换能器宜带有前置放大器,频带宽度宜为5,60kHz。 ?单孔检测采用一发双收一体型换能器,其发射换能器至接收换能器的最近距离不应小于30cm,两接收换能器的间距宜为20cm。 联接电缆 打印机 打桩分析仪 试桩 八、 检测结果的分析和判断 本次检测采用CASE法和CAPWAPC法对实测结果进行分析,其基本原理如下: 1、CASE法原理简介: 锤击过程中的最大锤击力,可以从实测到的力随时间变化曲线上的峰值获得。在测量过程中,由应变传感器得到动应变ε,则桩顶安装传感器位置处受到的冲击力由 公式 小学单位换算公式大全免费下载公式下载行测公式大全下载excel公式下载逻辑回归公式下载 (1)算得: F=εEA (1) 其中:E---桩身的动弹性模量; of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by A---桩身截面积。 桩身最大锤击力FMX由(2)算得: FMX=maxF(t) 0?t?2L/C (2) 其中:L---传感器位置以下桩长; C---桩身内应力波波速。 单桩极限承载力RMX可由(3)式计算: RMX=(Ft1+Ft2)/2+Z(Vt1,Vt2)/2,JcZVtoe (3) 其中:t1---力波第一个最大峰值对应的时刻; t2=t1+2L/C; Z---桩身材料阻抗; Jc---CASE阻尼系数; Vtoe---桩尖速度。 桩顶受到锤的冲击作用后,桩身中的力是以应力波的形式在桩内传播的,假定波速为C。在L/C时间内,应力波以压缩波形式自桩顶向下传播。当应力波到达桩尖,由于桩尖和桩尖下土体在一般情况下是强度截然不同的两种介质,因此应力波在桩尖界面处要发生反射。当桩尖土体较软时,应力波大部分以拉伸波形式从桩尖向桩顶传播并与向下传播的压力波进行叠加,当某一断面拉伸波大于该截面同一时刻压缩波时,就产生拉力。计算桩身拉力必须用速度随时间变化的数据。最大拉力由(4)式确定: CTN=Fu(t=2L/C)+minFd(t,2L/C)?0 (4) 其中:Fu---上行力; Fd---下行力。 在桩身破损处或截面变化处,由于桩身阻抗的变化,应力波会发生反of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 射,判定桩身的完整性就是根据力波和速度波反射强弱来确定。 桩身完整性系数计算公式见(5)式: BTA=Z2/Z1 (5) 其中:Z1---传感器位置处的桩身阻抗; Z2---被测断面处的桩身阻抗。 2、CAPWAPC法原理简介 CAPWAPC(CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program – Continuous version)是一个曲线拟合计算程序。它假定桩和土模型,根据桩顶受冲击力作用时实测的力和速度时程曲线,将力(或速度)时程曲线作为波动方程计算时的输入,并确定一组土模型参数作为计算输入,经程序计算得到计算速度(或力)时程曲线。假如所确定的这组土参数与桩侧和桩尖土实际情况不吻合,则计算的力(或速度)时程曲线与实测的力(或速度)时程曲线一般也不能很好吻合,为了使计算的力(或速度)时程曲线与实测的力(或速度)时程曲线一致,要不断调整土参数,使之与实际情况相接近,使得计算的力(或速度)的时程曲线与实测的力(或速度)的时程曲线匹配达到最佳,这样得到的一组土参数为最终拟合结果。这组土参数包括桩的极限承载力,桩侧摩阻力分布,桩尖阻力,桩侧土和桩尖土的最大弹性变形值和阻尼值等,拟和还能给出模拟静载荷试验的Q,s曲线若试验时桩侧和桩端土阻力能充分发挥,则上述承载力即为单桩垂直抗压极限承载力。 九、 试验进度及成果提交 根据试验桩施工进度及现场试验条件安排试验进度,现场高应变试验of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 结束后一周内提交试验速报,内容为最大锤击力、桩身完整性系数、贯入度和单桩垂直极限承载力等数据;试验结束后一月内提交正式报告,报告内容主要包括:高应变动测试验实测曲线、最大锤击力、锤击能量、桩身完整性系数、贯入度以及单桩垂直极限承载力等。 十、 试验配合要求 1、 提供试验区岩土工程监理勘察资料及试验桩成桩记录各一份; 2、 提供试验桩桩位并予以现场确认; 3、提供220V电源至试验现场。 十一、 安全措施 1、检测人员进入工地现场必须戴安全帽,起重等作业指挥应专人专岗; 2、试验时在试验区域附近设警戒标志,非试验人员不得进入试验区。现场的业主或监理需在试验人员的陪同下进入试验区; 3、现场试验过程中如有突发异常情况,现场工程师需及时向项目经理和业主汇报,经项目经理、业主和监理商讨后采取措施或继续试验; 4、注意现场用电安全。 十二、 增加工程量 因检测工作的需求,要进行砼凿除和接桩,增加部分工程量,详见附表 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by
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