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[英语学习]科技沟通第1-18章大纲[英语学习]科技沟通第1-18章大纲 Chapter 13 Laboratory Reports Teaching Objectives On completion of this Chapter, students should be able to: * identify the types of laboratory reports; * explain the communicative purposes of laboratory reports; * understand the langua...

[英语学习]科技沟通第1-18章大纲 Chapter 13 Laboratory Reports Teaching Objectives On completion of this Chapter, students should be able to: * identify the types of laboratory reports; * explain the communicative purposes of laboratory reports; * understand the language features of laboratory reports; Teaching Objectives * get to know the structural features of laboratory reports; * learn the techniques for writing laboratory reports; * understand the principles for writing laboratory reports; * rules of practice for writing laboratory reports; Background & Lead-in * 实验报告,是在科学研究中描述、记录某一课题的实验过程和结果的报告。 * 在学习和科研活动中,为了检验某种科学理论或假设,往往要进行实验。人们 通过实验、观察、分析、综合、判断,如实地将实验过程和结果记录下来,经过整 理而写成书面报告。 Background & Lead-in * This chapter describes a general format for laboratory reports that you can adapt as needed. Laboratory reports are the most frequent kind of document written in engineering course and can count for as much as 25% of a course yet little time or attention is devoted to how to write them well. Worse yet, each professor wants something a little different. 1. Definition of Laboratory Reports * Laboratory reports document laboratory procedures and their results. * Laboratory reports may be one component of a research project or may demonstrate technical capability and compliance with contracts. Classification of Laboratory Reports * According to purpose there are * Academic laboratory reports * 学术实验报告 * Industry laboratory test reports * 工业的实验报告 * Page 82-83 Classification of Laboratory Reports Genre Features of Laboratory Reports * Communicative Purposes: * Document your findings * Communicate their significance * Present the results of research or testing Linguistic Features of laboratory Reports * Objective and impersonal * Specific and factual * Consistent and coherent * Clear and concise * Persuasive and convincing * Page 85 Formal Laboratory Reports * The Cover Material : * Title Page * Table of contents Formal Laboratory Reports * The Body of the Report * Abstract * Introduction * Equipment and Components * Procedure used * Results /Observations * Analysis and Discussion * Summary/Conclusion Formal Laboratory Reports Informal Laboratory Reports * The name of the procedures * A data sheet * Calculations * See page 86 4. Techniques for Writing Laboratory Reports * Title Page(标题页):标题的提炼和制作要明确、简练,直接反映所研究的对象、范围、方向和问题。 * Title page needs to contain the name of the experiment, the names of lab partners, and the date. Titles should be straightforward, informative, and less than ten words 4. Techniques for Writing Laboratory Reports * The Abstract(摘要): 简明扼要说明实验目的意义,重要发现, 主要结论和理论方法。 * The Abstract summarizes four essential aspects of the report: the purpose of the experiment (sometimes expressed as the purpose of the report), key findings, significance and major conclusions. 4. Techniques for Writing Laboratory Reports * The abstract often also includes a brief reference to theory or methodology. * The information should clearly enable readers to decide whether they need to read your whole report. * The abstract should be one paragraph of 100-200 words 4. Techniques for Writing Laboratory Reports * The Introduction (简介)is more narrowly focused than the abstract. * It states the objective of the experiment and provides the reader with background to the experiment. State the topic of your report clearly and concisely, in one or two sentences: Introduction * A good introduction also provides whatever background theory, previous research, or formulas the reader needs to know. * Usually, an instructor does not want you to repeat the lab manual, but to show your own comprehension of the problem. Example: * The purpose of this experiment was to identify the specific element in a metal powder sample by determining its crystal structure and atomic radius. * Quick Introduction Reference * Must Have: 1. Purpose of the experiment 2. Important background and/or theory * May include: 1. Description of specialized equipment 2. Justification of experiment's importance * If the amount of introductory material seems to be a lot, consider adding subheadings such as: Theoretical Principles or Background. * Note on verb tense Equipment and Apparatus ,实验仪器和装置, * When the laboratory equipment is commonly used by laboratories, or consists of simple components such as strain gauges应变仪 and thermometers, you many include, without description, a list of equipment. * This is typical for student laboratory reports. Laboratory Procedure or Process (实验程序或过程) * Laboratory procedures use the imperative voice and include a step-by-step format with step numbers. * Alternatively, process descriptions are the technical descriptions of laboratory procedures and may be stated in the present or past tense. Laboratory Procedure * Confusing: Press the STOP button when the load drops abruptly. [This may prompt the operator to press the STOP button before there is an abrupt drop in the load.] * Clear: When the load drops abruptly, press the STOP button. * A sample procedure follows. Process Description * The process description is either an explanation or history of the procedure. The present tense is used for an explanation, and, alternatively, the past tense is used for a history. * Sample Data and Calculations,数据和计算, * The data are the numerical quantities determined from reading the instruments during the experiment. * These are usually recorded on data sheets---tables with the nomenclature 命名法of the controlled and measured parameters 规范、参数of the experiment, respectively, as the row and column headings. Results(实验效果) * Results are usually dominated by calculations, tables and figures; however, you still need to state all significant results explicitly in verbal form. Discussion (探讨) * Discussion is the most important part of your report, because here, you show that you understand the experiment beyond the simple level of completing it. * Explain. Analyze. Interpret. * This part of the lab focuses on a question of understanding "What is the significance or meaning of the results?‖ Discussion * Analyze experimental error. Was it avoidable? Was it a result of equipment? If an experiment was within the tolerances, you can still account for the difference from the ideal. If the flaws result from the experimental design explain how the design might be improved. * Explain your results in terms of theoretical issues. Often undergraduate labs are intended to illustrate important physical laws. Usually you will have discussed these in the introduction. In this section move from the results to the theory. How well has the theory been illustrated? Discussion * Relate results to your experimental objective (s). If you set out to identify an unknown metal by finding its lattice格子框架、斜条结构 parameter and its atomic structure, you'd better know the metal and its attributes. * Compare your results to similar investigations. In some cases, it is legitimate to compare outcomes with classmates, not to change your answer, but to look for any anomalies异常现象 between the groups and discuss those. * Analyze the strengths and limitations of your experimental design. Conclusion (结论): * Conclusion can be very short in most undergraduate laboratories. * Simply state what you know now for sure, as a result of the lab. References (参考文献): * References (参考文献): 这是指在实验报告中参考和引用别人的材料和论述。应 注明出处、作者、文献标题、书名或刊名、卷期、页码,出版及日期等。 * References include your lab manual and any outside reading you have done. Sample Student Laboratory Report * Sample Student Laboratory Report Informal Test Reports Principles of Writing Laboratory Reports * Be concise in your choice of words. * State your ideas as directly as possible. * Write to express, not to impress. * Be positive in your information. * Use appropriate style and tone. * Avoid abbreviations unless the word is commonly abbreviated. Principles of Writing Laboratory Reports * Avoid unintentional repetition. * Use of general rather than specific words: * Word use for precision * Use strong conjunctions. * Remove overly descriptive words. Definition of Note-taking * Note-taking is the practice of recording information captured from a transient (短暂 的)source, such as an oral discussion at a meeting, or a lecture. The importance of taking notes * Extend your attention span. When reading or listening, your mind may tend to wander off. Taking notes helps keep you focused on your subject area and to the task at hand. * Remember what you have heard or read. Rather than being a passive listener or reader, note taking makes you an active learner. Techniques for Taking Notes The Cornell Method Page Layout of the Outline Method Extrasensory perception(超感官知觉) 1. definition: means of perceiving 2. three kinds: * a. telepathy: sending messages * b. clairvoyance: forecasting the future * c. psychokinesis: perceiving events * external to situation * 3. current status * a. no current research to support or * refute * b. few psychologists say impossible * Time People Affair Consequence * ◎ Before the Burglary Watergate-- * ◎ summer of 1972 Nixon in Watergate political scandal * Mel didn't repr. life as was; e.g., lang. of Ahab, etc. not of real life. * Melville did not try to represent life as it really was. The language of Ahab, Starbuck, and Ishmael, for instance, was not that of real life. Business Communication Chapter 6 Summary Summary is a bridge between reading and writing Chapter Outline * Task:Write a summary for the following paragraph Beautiful mountains like Tai Mountain, Lu Mountain, and Yellow Mountain, were visited by only a few people in the past. Today, better wages, holidays with pay, new hotels on those mountains and better train and bus services, have brought them within reach to many who never thought of visiting them ten years ago. Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai, once visited by only a few people, are today accessible to many, thanks to better wages, paid holidays, new hotels and better transportation services. * One very effective way of studying material is to write down the significant points, the important facts. Definition of a Summary * A summary is a short version of a longer text, and it gives only the main points. * A summary is a brief restatement of the essential thought of a longer composition. * The summary as a condensation is the digest of the main points in an original work. * 概要(summary)是一种对原始文献(或文章)的基本内容进行浓缩的语义连贯 的短文。 * The summary omits introductory matter, details, examples, illustrations—everything except the major ideas and facts. Classification of Summaries * Descriptive Summary 描述型概要 * Informative Summary 信息型概要 * Evaluative Summary 评价型概要 Descriptive Summary 描述型概要 * A descriptive summary is often referred to as a descriptive abstract. * In the descriptive summary, you inject no personal feelings or thoughts, presenting the main points of the material objectively. * See Sample6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 Informative Summary 信息型概要 * The informative summary tells what is in the work in a paragraph to several pages, depending on the length of the original. * Present the main points of the material objectively. * The original work is condensed in two ways: the material is briefly rephrased or nonessential matter is cut out. * See Sample 6-5 Evaluative Summary 评价型概要 * A summary may comment on accuracy, completeness, and usefulness of a piece of writing. * Include your own reactions, your thoughts and feelings, along with a report on the main facts in the material. * It has no specific length. Generally the summary is no longer than 10 percent of the original. * See Sample 6-6 What kind of summary is it? Computer Crime The author addresses the criminology of computer crime—why computers are chosen as targets for criminal purposes and how to secure them against such unlawful uses. The strengths and weaknesses of existing prosecutorial and investigatory machinery are explored. Federal and state laws governing computer crime reanalyzed. The evidentiary problems in prosecuting and convicting computer criminals and current cases are examined. Key: It is a descriptive summary (Summary of a Book Review). Communicative Purposes of Summaries * The purposes of summaries is to inform, to present, the principal facts and conclusions given in the original work. * Giving summaries is part of the work in the business community, such as reports, articles, speeches, or discussions being condensed for a superior too busy to read or hear the original. * 概要的交际目的是让读者尽快了解文章的主要内容。 概要写作 ? 心得感想 Objective and Faithful 内容客观,忠实原文 * When one writes a summary, one should not interpret or comment. All one has to do is to give the gist of the author’s exact and essential meaning. * * 概要是使用读者自己的语言对一篇较长文章的基本内容加以总结,不是对原文 进行释义,或变换措辞,而是在原文内容基础上的提炼。 * 概要中所有内容要客观,要忠实原文,既不能漏掉基本内容,也不要随意增加 内容。 * The summary omits introductory matter, details, examples, illustrations—everything except the major ideas and facts. * It reproduces the theme of the original with as few words as possible. * 概要写作要求在正确理解文章的基础上,用精炼的词句高度浓缩文章的主要内 容和观点,不应包含细节、例证以及资料性、阐述性的内容。 Rewrite the following paragraph in a sentence: She brought home several Chinese and English novels, a few copies of Time and Newsweek and some textbooks. She intended to read all of them during the winter vocation. She brought home a lot of books to read during the vocation. * The length of a summary varies according to its purpose; however, it should generally be no more than one-third or one-fourth the length of the original. * 严格遵守篇幅的限制,通常为原文篇幅的1/3或1/4。 * Task:Identify the topic sentence of each of the following paragraphs There are several reasons why Toby likes his new job. To begin with, he now has more free time. He goes to work later in the morning and gets home earlier in the evening. Furthermore, he now makes more money. His weekly pay check has increased from $75 to $130. Above all, he now has a better chance for advancement. The skills he is learning will help him to qualify for a much higher-paying position. * 例文主要说明Toby喜欢新工作的原因,本段的主题句应该是第一句:―There are several reasons why Toby likes his new job‖。主题句陈述的中心是―为什么‖的问题。 How can you protect yourself from the danger of lightning? For one thing, when you are at home, keep away from the stove, fireplace, and windows. For another, don’t take a bath or a shower during a storm, as water carries electricity easily. Third, if you are outdoors, get into a building or car, if possible. Fourth, stay off hilltop and away from any tree or tower that stands by itself. Fifth, if you can’t get away quickly from a beach, a field, or other open place, lie down until the storm moves away. * 例文的主要内容是告诉人们如何才能避免受自然现象雷电的打击,该段的主题 句是:―How can you protect yourself from the danger of lightening,‖。 该主题句是以 疑问句的形式表达肯定的意思,即―There are several ways of protecting yourself from the danger of lightening.‖。 Procedures for Writing a Summary * Understand the text; * Underline the sentences that are important for the summary; * Divide the text into paragraphs; * Find headings for the different paragraphs; * Write down key-words (not more than 20) which are important for the summary; * Write the summary in your own words using conjunctions, relative clauses or participle constructions; * Reread the original work; then check the summary for accuracy of fact and emphasis. Summary Writing 1(仔细阅读原文,直到完全读懂为止。。 2(写下原文的中心思想。 3(每个摘要都应该有标题。 Sales promotions The effects of promotional efforts on the last three months‘ sales micro computers Report on the value of micro computers in the accounts department recent correspondence Summary of correspondence with Worldwide Dealers Company within the last 6 weeks Summary Writing 4(写下原文中其他的思想和要点。在这样做的时候, 1)必要的(essential); 2)非必要但相关的(relevant but not essential); 3)不相关的(irrelevant)。 在做摘要的时候,必须包括要点。 5(写初稿。初稿应该包括所有要点。在这个阶段你要决定你的摘要大致该多长。 找出下面段落中实质性信息和非实质性信息。 One method of conducting a market survey is known as ―direct mail shot‖. In other words, it is sending your company‘s advertisements or product information directly to the customer‘s residence. * Essential: First sentence (实质信息:第一句) * Inessential: Second sentence (非实质信息:第二句) Summary Writing 6(修改初稿。你可以去除多余的字句,调整句子顺序。 7(仔细检查一遍拼写和语法,并核对一下,要点是否都包括了。检查概要中确切 字数、拼写、语法和标点符号。 Problems and Solutions * A summary must agree with the original material in two ways: in the presentation of factual information and in the emphasis given the information. * Wood posts can be expected to last at least 30 years if they have been pressure treated and handled properly. * Pressure-treated and properly handled wood posts last at least 30 years. * Do not misrepresent the emphasis placed on information in the original material. * Do not overemphasize or underemphasize the information. * Do not emphasize a minor point in the original report. Do the task on page 63 Kate suggested to Paul that he should eat less salt. She thought that eating too much salt would do hard to Paul’s health and that it could reduce the real tastes of food. But Paul disagreed. He said that food without salt would be tasteless. Summary Writing for Narrative and Exposition (记叙文和说明文的概要写作) Temporary Help--- A Specialist Service * Despite record unemployment, there are simply not enough adequately skilled secretaries in Manchester to cope with projected office needs in the next few years. Secretarial work is one of the few areas of the economy that has expanded since 1960 regardless of recession. * 首先通读原文 * 标题 Temporary Help--- A Specialist Service The Need for Temporary Secretarial Help in Manchester Summary Writing 省掉 了原文中一些不必要的单词、短语和填充物 * simply, adequately in the next few years * * 把第一段缩写到原文的一半 Secretarial work has expanded since 1960 and despite record unemployment there are still not enough skilled secretaries in Manchester to cope with projected office needs. * New technologies have proliferated the volume of information that must be processed, transmitted, filed and retrieved. So although roughly 80,000 secretaries now work in Manchester, most companies still need extra help for staff emergencies or special projects, such as year-end reports, stock audits, record conversion and the like. 用一个综括的思想代替大量的细节 * New technologies have proliferated the volume of information that must be processed, transmitted, filed and retrieved. * New technology have produced more information to be dealt with. * Special projects, such as year-end reports, stock audits, record conversion and the like. * Special projects Summary Writing There is now more information to be dealt with so despite the 80,000 secretaries that work in Manchester, more are needed to cover for staff emergencies and special projects. * Even in the darkest months of recession, temporary help was one of the few service sectors that consistently out-paced the growth of industrial output. * The need for temporary help remains high even during the worst of a recession. 进一步缩写摘要 第一段主题:the short supply of skilled secretaries to meet expanded demand 在第二段中,主题:the increase in volume of information processing 第三段的主题:the continuing need for temporary staff * Secretarial work has expanded since 1960 and despite record unemployment there are still not enough skilled secretaries in Manchester to cope with projected office needs. * Secretarial work has expanded since 1960 and there are not enough skilled secretaries to cope with projected office needs. Essential Tips * Page 64 * After studying this chapter, students should be able to: * ? describe the definition of a summary; * ? identify major classifications of summaries; * ? analyze the communicative purposes of summaries; * ? learn the techniques of summary writing. * Thank you! * See you next week! What is communication? * Communication is an exchange of messages between individuals for the purpose of creating or influencing the meaning that others assign to events. The Process of Communication Senders/Source(信息发送者) Receivers(信息接收者) * Participants in the communication process who communicate messages to an audience are called senders. * Receivers are the audience to whom messages are directed. Encoding(编码) Decoding(解码) * The activity of the sender choosing certain words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message is called encoding. * The activity of the receiver attaching meaning to the words or symbols that the sender sends is called decoding. Feedback(信息反馈) * Feedback consists of messages—verbal and nonverbal—that convey a reaction to the communicator‘s message. Channel (渠道) Noise(干扰因素) * It refers to all the factors that interfere with the exchange of messages. * Internal noise * External noise(最典型) * Semantic noise Context(语境) * The communication context refers to the situation in which communication takes place and to every factor affecting its transmission. * Physical context * Social context * Interpersonal context Chapter 2 Contrastive Rhetoric in Technical Communication 对比修辞学 Chapter Outline What is rhetoric? Francis Bacon * Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. * 历史使人明智;诗词使人灵秀;数学使人周密;自然哲学使人深刻;伦理使人 庄重;逻辑辞学使人善辩。 Introduction * Contrastive rhetoric maintains that language and writing are cultural phenomena. Rhetoric P17 * It studies structure of written material above the sentence level, and attaches great importance to culture‘s influence on communication. * 主要研究范围是探讨第二语言学习者的学术写作问题及文化的影响问题。 Rhetoric P17 * Contrastive rhetoric is an area of research in second-language acquisition that identifies problems in composition encountered by second-language writers and, by referring to the rhetorical strategies of the first language, attempts to explain them. Rhetoric P17 * It is believed that the linguistic and rhetorical conventions of the first language interfere with writing in the second language. * 借鉴母语修辞策略对第二语言学术写作问题进行解释。 What is culture? What do you know about Chinese culture? Tea Ceremony What do you know about American culture? * 在1966年, Kaplan对约600篇英语作为第二语言的作文进行了对比分析, 发现文化背景不同,英语作为第二语言的学生写作段落的组织模式也不同。 * 东方语言中段落的发展是绕着主题团团转,而不直接从主题入手展开讨论,语篇 ,文中夹杂着似乎与主题没有直接联的主题往往采用迂回的方式来加以阐述与发展 ,段落组织呈螺旋型 系的内容 ----You are very beautiful ----No, no. / Where, where. ―哪里哪里‖是中国人的谦虚之词,但是应该说thank you. * * Kaplan认为来自不同文化背景的学生,使用的书面话语模式不同,这种不同不 是语法等表面上的差异,而是指作者在论证命题、连句成段方面的差异. * 由此Kaplan认为学生的母语修辞或思维模式对其第二语言写作具有负面效应,正是学生的母语文化影响了学生目的语的写作质量. * 他指出中国学生在英文写作中喜欢用间接方法就是受到古汉语八股文的影响。 Stereotypes 文化定势 * They refer to negative or positive judgments made about individuals based on any observable or believed group membership. * 文化定势指基于明显的或受到认可的群体身份,对目标群体中的个体成员所持有的正面或反面的判断。 How does culture influence international communication? * Successful international commerce requires cross-cultural communication. 高低语境文化冲突 * 在高语境文化当中,可以通过手势、空间的使用甚至沉默来提供信息。高语境文化对周围的事物和环境更加敏感,不通过语言也能传达他们的感情。 * 在低语境文化中,语言传达了大多数信息,语境和参与者方面只包含极少的信息。 How will you express your love? * Write a love letter. * Send a love message. * Buy him/her a rose. * Say ―I love you‖. * …… Translation * 涉外翻译要求信息必须准确、无误地进行传达, * 应遵循美国著名翻译家尤金?奈达所提出的 * ―功能对等‖ (Functional Equivalence)。 * 翻译的预期目的主要是原文和译文在信息内容、说话方式、文体、文风、语言、文化、社会因素诸方面达到对等,使原文读者的反应与译文读者的反应达到对等。 Numbers * 按美国习惯, 最为通用日期的写法,月、日、年,月份用英文,日和年用阿拉伯数字。例如:2008年9月8日应写成:Sep. 8, 2008 * 按英国习惯,通常用日、月、年这种写法。如1987年4月20日,英式的写法是20th April, 1987 Numbers Online Communication Specific Sites of Rhetorical Contrasts in Technical Communication 一位匈牙利人为申请一份在美国的工作的个人简历 Now, let‘s summarize the key points of this chapter! Summary: * describe the definition of contrastive rhetoric; * understand the relationship between culture, language and rhetoric; * analyze general sites of rhetorical contrasts in business communication; * analyze specific sites of rhetorical contrasts in business communication. Assignment * Finish the exercises * Review the 2 chapters * Preview chapter 3 and 4 See You Next Time What is rhetoric mainly about? Rhetoric Rhetoric P17 * Contrastive rhetoric is an area of research in second-language acquisition that identifies problems in composition encountered by second-language writers and, by referring to the rhetorical strategies of the first language, attempts to explain them. Rhetoric P17 * It studies structure of written material above the sentence level, and attaches great importance to culture‘s influence on communication. * 主要研究范围是探讨第二语言学习者的学术写作问题及文化的影响问题。 contrastive rhetoric maintains that language and writing are cultural phenomena. What is culture? Rhetoric P17 * It is believed that the linguistic and rhetorical conventions of the first language interfere with writing in the second language. * 借鉴母语修辞策略对第二语言学术写作问题进行解释。 General sites of rhetorical contrasts Specific Sites of Rhetorical Contrasts in Business Communication Chapter 3 Meetings Many hands make light work. ---John Heywood * Meetings matter because that‘s where an organization’s culture perpetuates itself. ---- William R. Daniels, senior consultant at ACT * Meetings—whether they are good or bad—are a sign of an organization’s health. Chapter Outline 1. Definition of Meetings * Meetings are a type of theatre where managers observe and evaluate the performance and progress of subordinates. * Effective meetings need competent participants, organization, and effective leadership. To Inform(通知型会议) * In many organizations, people meet regularly to exchange information. * In many office groups, the Monday morning meeting is an important tool for informing group members about new developments, emerging trends, and the coming week‘s tasks. To Develop New Ideas (探讨型会议) * At this meeting, participants suggest new ideas in an open, democratic atmosphere. It also develops new procedures, programs, and so forth. * Usually, A Brainstorm occurs in this type of meeting, which is a sudden realization, thought or idea. * A great deal of the oral communication that takes place in the workplace happens in small group meetings. To Make Decisions (决策型会议) * Decision-making meetings bring people and companies together to debate an issue, reconcile conflicting views, and make a decision。 * Which supplier should we contract? * Should we introduce a new product line? * Should we delay production so we can work out a design flaw in our new keyboard? 7W3H * what 指目标与内容,包括主体,目标,机能,性能等 * why 指原因,包括任务,期望,背景,技术等 * who 指人员,包括制造,行销,流通,负责的主体等 * where 指地点类,包括 环境,市场,区域,渠道等 * when 指时间,包括期限,时机,预期等 * whom 指买家,消费者,接收者 * which 指附属品 7W3H * how to 如何做,指方式和手段,包括集体 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,详实计划,战略方针 * how much 价格成本,投入产出,综效成果 * how many 负面效益,各种量(问题,业务,工作) To Delegate Work (委派工作型会议) * Meetings to delegate are held to assign tasks to people or groups, who are then responsible for completing those tasks. * It is necessary to hold a delegating meeting to clarify specific details. * Meetings to delegate often are followed by informational and decision-making meetings. To Collaborate (合作型会议) * Collaborative meetings are sessions in which participants work together, to organize complex memos, letters, or reports. * Collaborative efforts succeed only if people work together as a team. To Persuade Others (说服型会议) * Persuasive meetings involve oral presentations to achieve a group consensus and support for a course of action. * For example, a persuasive meeting may present the merits of specific electronic product or build enthusiasm for purchasing the product. Task: * See Ugly Betty and discuss which types their meeting belongs to. Task: * What do you think of the advantages and disadvantages of meetings? Good news about meetings : * Meetings are empowering. * Meetings are a great way to communicate. * Meetings develop work skills and leadership. * Meetings are morale boosting. Negative sides of meetings: * Mr. Bigwig has been trying to make a point for the past 47 minutes and you still can't quite figure out what he's trying to say. Number about Meetings: * American businesses hold about 20 million meetings each day. * A survey by one marketing research company showed that executives consider one third of the gatherings they attend to be unnecessary. * Another study found that unproductive meetings cost U.S. business as much as $37 billion annually. Negative sides of meetings: * Can't Finish on Time * Can't Make Decisions * Dominant and Silent Participants * Deal with Small Fires but Not Larger Issues * Key Persons Don't Attend 3. The Process of Meeting Planning a Meeting * 1. Determine the Purpose * Most meetings are one of two types: * In informational meetings, participants share information and sometimes coordinate action. * In decision-making meetings, participants persuade, analyze, and solve problems. They are often involved in brainstorming, sessions and debates. Planning a Meeting * 2. Decide Who Should Attend * Try to invite only those people whose presence is essential. * If the session is purely informational and one person will be doing most of the talking, you can include a relatively large group. * However, if you're trying to solve a problem, develop a plan, or reach a decision, try to limit participation to between 6 and 12 people. Planning a Meeting * 3. Choose the Meeting Time * Monday morning meetings focus on the week‘s work after the weekend. * Friday afternoon meetings aim to complete tasks that must be finished before the weekend. * Long meetings should include adequate breaks to allow participants to check their messages, make phone calls, and refresh themselves. * Meetings held during the last 15 minutes of the day will be quick, but few people will remember what happened. * 缩短会议的方式——把椅子从会议室中拿走,因为站立开会的时间大约只占坐 着的一半. Richard M. White 李察 怀特 美国管理作家 Planning a Meeting * 4. Choose the Meeting Location * Decide where you'll hold the meeting, and reserve the location. * Consider the seating arrangements. Are rows of chairs suitable, or do you need a conference table? * Pay attention to room temperature, lighting, ventilation, acoustics, and refreshments. Planning a Meeting * 5. Establish the Agenda * Meeting agendas help prepare the participants. * Although small, informal meetings may not require a formal agenda, even they benefit if you prepare at least a list of matters to be discussed. * Distribute the agenda to participants several days before the meeting so that they know what to expect and can come prepared to respond to the issues at hand. * 在会议召开前就应当将日程安排分发给与会者。这样做一方面可以给那些不善 言辞的人一个准备的机会,使他们能够轻松、有效地参与讨论。 * 假设你要组织一个会议,议题为招聘员工, 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 一个会议日程。 * 假设你要组织一个会议,议题为公司产品销售量下降,设计一个会议日程。 Agenda for recruitment 招聘员工 * Form 形式 * Budget 预算 * Work of attendee 与会者职责 * Advertisement 广告 * Date of interview 面试时间 * Qualifications 资格 Agenda for sales decline 销售量下降 * Introduction to present status * Problems * Reasons/source * Solution * Assign tasks to attendee Planning a Meeting * 6. Assign the Minute-Taking * Delegate the minute-taking to someone other than the leader. The minute-taker should record major decisions made and tasks assigned. * To avoid misunderstandings, the minute-taker must record each assignment, the person responsible for it, and the date on which it is due Conducting the Meeting 1. Create a Productive Environment * Consider the feelings, thoughts, ideas and needs of others; * Respond positively to the comments of others whenever possible; * Consider communication styles and approaches that are different from your own, particularly those from other cultures. Conducting the Meeting 2. Deal with Conflict * Despite your best efforts, conflict is inevitable. * However, conflict is potentially valuable; when managed positively, it can stimulate creative thinking by challenging complacency and showing ways to achieve goals more efficiently or economically. 注意: * Limit the time spent on each agenda item so that you'll be able to cover them all. * 使每个人都有发言的机会会议组织者在会议日程安排上要给每位与会者一段正 规发言的时间。 * 另一方面可以迫使那些喜欢插话的人尊重分配给其他与会者的时间。 * 会议组织者的任务是召开有效和成功的会议,但这并不意味着其他人就没有责 任。 * 使每位与会者都负起责任让每位与会者调整自己的交流方式,以提高会议的成 效。 * 要使那些不喜欢发言的人意识到,如果他们不发言,就没有人知道他们的主意。 同样,要使那些喜欢发言和插话的人收敛一些,以满足集体的不同需要。 Conducting the Meeting 3. Close the Meeting * At the conclusion of the meeting, tie up the loose ends. Either summarize the general conclusion of the discussion or list the actions to be taken. * Wrapping things up ensures that all participants agree on the outcome and it gives people a chance to clear up any misunderstandings. * Before the meeting breaks up, briefly review who has agreed to do what by what date. 4. Role-Playing for Managers: * The Joker (爱开玩笑的人) * The Gatekeeper (守门人) * The Devil's Advocate (爱唱反调的人) * The Critic (挑剔的人) * The Agenda Setter (设置日程的人) * The Consensus Builder (调解人) * The Cheerleader (拉拉队队员) * The Leader (领导者) * The Monomaniac (偏执、固执的人) * The Outsider (局外人) * The Mimic (人云亦云的人) 4. Role-Playing for Managers Make meetings better * Be prepared. * Have an agenda. * Have fewer (but better) meetings. * Start on time and end on time. * Include, rather than exclude. * Maintain the focus. * Capture and assign action items. * Get feedback. The Evaluation of Successful Meeting P33 * Recognize contributions * Maintain high standards * Maintain order * End effectively Chapter Summary * Understand the definition of business meetings; * Identify different types of business meetings; * Know the typical process of managing business meetings; * Identify the role-playing for managers; * Identify guidelines for effective participation in meetings. Thank you! Definition of a Summary * A summary is a short version of a longer text, and it gives only the main points. * 概要(summary)是一种对原始文献(或文章)的基本内容进行浓缩的语义连贯 的短文。 Classification of Summaries * Descriptive Summary 描述型概要 * Informative Summary 信息型概要 * Evaluative Summary 评价型概要 Descriptive Summary 描述型概要 * A descriptive summary is often referred to as a descriptive abstract. * In the descriptive summary, you inject no personal feelings or thoughts, presenting the main points of the material objectively. Informative Summary 信息型概要 * The informative summary tells what is in the work in a paragraph to several pages, depending on the length of the original. * Present the main points of the material objectively. * The original work is condensed in two ways: the material is briefly rephrased or nonessential matter is cut out. Evaluative Summary评价型概要 * A summary may comment on accuracy, completeness, and usefulness of a piece of writing. * Include your own reactions, your thoughts and feelings, along with a report on the main facts in the material. * It has no specific length. A 100-page report may possibly be summarized in one page; a ten-page report may require a two-page summary. Summary Writing 1(仔细阅读原文,直到完全读懂为止。。 2(写下原文的中心思想。 3(每个摘要都应该有标题。 Summary Writing 4(写下原文中其他的思想和要点。在这样做的时候, 1)必要的(essential); 2)非必要但相关的(relevant but not essential); 3)不相关的(irrelevant)。 在做摘要的时候,必须包括要点。 5(写初稿。初稿应该包括所有要点。在这个阶段你要决定你的摘要大致该多长。 Summary Writing 6(修改初稿。你可以去除多余的字句,调整句子顺序。 7(仔细检查一遍拼写和语法,并核对一下,要点是否都包括了。检查概要中确切 字数、拼写、语法和标点符号。 Chapter 7 Graphics Chapter Outline Introduction to Graphs * Graphic illustrations are characteristic of professional and technical report writing. * Graphic showing is to illustrate the points more dramatically than in-text description. * 沟通过程中,有些信息是很难以文字进行有效地表达,例如,说明某公司的股 票走势,如果用文字叙述,很难清晰全面地概括每一个微小的,重要的信息点。如 果用一个曲线图表述信息,读者便会一目了然,同时不会丢失任何信息。 * 图表是沟通过程中的一个有效的辅助手段,能够弥补文字传递信息的不足,尤 其在使信息量化、形象化、微观化等方面,图表传递的信息更有效、更全面,是文 字语言不能替代的。 Definition of Graphs * The general term graphic refers to a wide variety of illustrative materials used to support the words in a technical writing. * Graphs are diagrams that present numerical data in visual form in order to show trends, movements, distributions, and cycles. * 图表是一种传递和表达信息的工具,其主要目的是传递数字和图形符号信息, 基本要求是简单、直接、清晰和明了。 Types of Graphics * Charts 图 * Tables 表格 * Other visuals 其他形式 Charts 图 Pie Chart 饼状图 * * Bar Graphs 柱状图 * Area Charts 面积曲线图 * Line Charts 折线图 * Flow Charts 流程图 * Organization Charts 组织结构图 Pie charts (饼状图) * Pie charts can be used to compare parts of a whole. * They do not show changes over time. * In pie charts, the percentages of a whole can be shown and represented at a set point in time. * 饼状图的主要优点是能够清楚地表达出各个部分在整体所占的比例,在显示百 分比(即部分与整体的关系)时十分有用。 制作饼状图注意: * 明确列出饼状图标题; * 首先确定每个部分在整体(entirety)所占的比例; * 严格按照每一部分的比例大小给出每一部分所占的面积; * 每一部分一般要注明百分比; * 可以用不同的颜色、阴影等对不同部分作出区分; * 标签(tag) 一般以水平方式给出; * 将最重要的或比例最大的部分放在紧靠12点钟的位置,按顺时针方向有逻辑性地排列各部分; * 使用中不宜多于6种成分。如果超过了6种,那么就选择6种中最重要的,将没有选中的列入到―其他‖的范畴中。 Bar graphs(柱状图) * Bar graphs are used to compare things between different groups or to track changes over time. * 柱状图具有较强的直观效果、容易进行比较等优点。 Vertical Bar Charts Horizontal Bar Charts 制作柱状图注意: * 明确列出柱状图标题; * 柱体的长度(水平或垂直)代表数量; * 数量轴以零开始,并且刻度分割均匀; * 每一柱体的宽度与分段的距离应保持一致; * 在保证不会导致整个图形混乱的前提下,可以在每个柱体的中间或者尾部添加上柱体所要表示的数据; * 不要显示太多的信息,以免产生混乱,影响读者对表达内容的理解。 Area Charts(面积曲线图) * Area graphs are very similar to line graphs. * They can be used to track changes over time for one or more groups. Line graphs (折线图) * Line graphs are used to track changes over short and long periods of time. * Line graphs are good for plotting data that has peaks (ups) and valleys (downs). * 折线图的优点在于能够表现事物在一段时间内的变化,反映出事物发展变化的趋势(variation tendency)。 制作折线图注意: * 明确列出折线图标题; * 一般用横坐标(axis of abscissa)表示时间单位(unit of time),纵坐标(vertical coordinates)表示其他变量(variable),在横纵座标的交叉处标出黑点,用以表达一个 确切的数值; * 纵坐标以零开始,横、纵坐标刻度分割均匀; * 把所有的点连接起来,以便看出事物发展变化的趋势。 Flow Charts * A flow chart shows the sequence, cycle, or flow of the factors and how they are connected in a series of steps from beginning to end. * See Sample 7-5 Organization Charts Three types (P68) * staff organization chart * unit organization chart * function chart * See Sample 7-6 Task: * ________ can be used to compare parts of a whole. * ________ do not show changes over time. * ________ are used to compare things between different groups or to track changes over time. * ________ are very similar to line charts. Types of Tables * Tables offer effective ways to organize data comparatively, so that readers can grasp and retain important points. * informal tables * formal tables Informal Tables * Informal tables display brief lists of figures, dates, personnel important points, and the like in vertical columns for visual clarity and quick reference. * It uses random tables only for brief data or by an explanatory sentence. It also includes column headings, numbered data, or bullets. * See Sample 7-7 Formal Tables * Formal tables are used to present statistical information or to classify the other written information. * See Sample 7-8 Other Visuals * drawings * Illustrations * Maps * Photographs * text art * clip art * icons. Genre Features of Graphics Communicative Purposes: * Speed up a reader‘s comprehension; * Add credibility to the document; * Serve as a method of quick reference; * Provide more detail than is actually discussed; * Add to the attractiveness of the report. Linguistic Features of Graphs * Referencing(注释): Writing in the first or second person is not recommended and the style of writing using third person forms is mostly employed. * Use an introductory sentence or reference notation by graphic number to explain the purpose of each graphic before you include it. Titles in graphs: * The title usually includes a precise noun phrase with a numbered designation for each graph 图表文字描述特点: * 使用专业词汇。图表描述会涉及到一些领域的专业词汇,比如,股票应使用 ―stock‖,而不能用 ―paper‖; * 用语简洁。过于繁琐的语言会带来不必要的信息,会使目标读者误解图表真正 传递的信息; * 以第三人称和被动语态为主。这样可以表明说话人站在客观的立场,感情色彩 淡化,只是客观的陈述图表中所表达的事实。 Structural Features of Graphs Finish the task on page 71. Structural Features of Graphs * The title(标题)offers a short explanation of what is in your graph. * The legend(图例)tells what each line represents. * Information and Data(信息和数据) Graphs can present more than one group of data at a time. * The source(出处)explains where you found the information that is in your graph. Techniques for Describing Graphs The Relationship between Picture and Word * Before you start to write, make a list of synonyms (words with the same meaning). * Use one in the introduction and another in the conclusion same meaning. * Be careful with prepositions. They can make a big difference in meaning. * See Table 7-1, 7-2 The Relationship between Word and Number * There are some special words for numbers, fractions and percentages. * The number went up by 600, from 1200 to 1800. (Number) * The number went up by half, from 1200 to 1800. (Fraction) * The number went up by 50%, from 1200 to 1800. (Percentage) Look at the following table and fill in the blanks with ―doubled‖, ―trebled‖ and ―quadrupled‖. Sample Answers: * 1 doubled; 2 trebled; 3 quadrupled * See page 73 The Relationship between Word and Text * Getting the Main Idea * Use Third Person Forms * Use Passive Voice Get the Main Idea 捕捉关键信息 * You should find: * What is happening? * What are the biggest numbers? * If it is a time graph, what are the biggest changes? * What are the trends? (Trends mean the main changes or differences over time.) * See sample 7-12 on page 73 Tips: * Don‘t have too much information * Don‘t analyze or explain everything in the graph * Don‘t go from left to right, explaining everything. Instead pick the main ideas. * Use the biggest and next biggest - don‘t mention everything in between. * Don't mention the small or unimportant stuff * Pick an idea and find information that supports it 描述图表时,应注意: * 避免流水账式的描述图表,应抓取重点信息; * 描述图表要有层次,应有主次之分,先说最重要的,其他依次说明; * 图表描述中所提及的主要信息,在图表中必须要找到相应的数据支持。 Task * Look at the following graph. * Note the main ideas. * It shows US sports players' salaries in dollars. Note the main ideas : * All salaries increased. * Big differences between 1970 and 2000 for all sports. * Basketball was biggest in 2000, followed by baseball. * In 1970, basketball was the lowest, baseball was the highest. * There was a sudden rise beginning in 1980. * There was another sharp rise for all sports in 1990. * Salaries in football from 1995 went down. Use Third Person Forms * 图表是对事物进行客观描述的一种工具,其主要作用在于通过对数据的展示、 对比等来揭示事物发展变化的内部规律(inherent laws)、趋势(trend)等。 * 图表的主要功能决定了图表不应带有感情色彩,只需要直观、客观地描述 (objectively describe),因此,在对图表进行描述时,主要采用第三人称。 Task: * I have noticed that recently some staff members park their cars in the non-parking zones outside our office building. * It has been noticed that recently some staff members park their cars in the non-parking zones outside our office building. * We are making great efforts to improve the production. * Great efforts are being made to improve the production. Use Passive Voice * We should like the executive‘s seats to be high-backed. Great efforts are being made to improve the production. * It was felt that the executive‘s seats should be high-backed. * We know very little about the nature of these products. * Little is known about the nature of these products. Describing graphics * Introduction should describe the purpose of report and say what overall trends you see. * Body should describe the most important trends, while all information is summarized to avoid unnecessary details. * Notice how many distinctive features the diagram has and divide information into paragraphs, one paragraph for one feature. * You should link the paragraphs by sentences that logically connect them to one another. * Conclusion should sum up the global trends shown on the figure and compare them if possible. Percentage of 15 & 16 Years Olds Who Smoke and Their Weekly Consumption of Cigarettes in Four Schools * The following diagram displays the percentages of 15 and 16 year olds who smoke and their weekly consumption of cigarettes in schools A, B, C, and D. It can be seen from the diagram that school A has the lowest smoking level in the four schools. 3% of the mentioned age group smoke. School D is on the other end of the scale, with 8% of the age group smoking. Schools B and C are in the middle, with 5.5% and 6% of the group smoking respectively. * Though schools B and C have similar proportions of smokers, the consumption levels are different. In school C, about one-sixth of the smokers consume more than 40 cigarettes per week. In school B, however, appropriately three quarters of smokers smoke more than 40 each week. * The chart also indicates that School D has the most worrying situation; not only does it have the highest proportion of smokers; it also has a large proportion of heavy smokers * Thank you! Definition of Graphs * Graphs are diagrams that present numerical data in visual form in order to show trends, movements, distributions, and cycles. * 图表是一种传递和表达信息的工具,其主要目的是传递数字和图形符号信息, 基本要求是简单、直接、清晰和明了。 Structural Features of Graphs * The title (标题)offers a short explanation of what is in your graph. This helps the reader identify what they are about to look at. It can be creative or simple. * The legend(图例) tells what each line represents. It helps the reader understand what they are looking at. * Information and Data (信息和数据): Graphs can present more than one group of data at a time. * The source(出处) explains where you found the information that is in your graph. Get the Main Idea 捕捉关键信息 * You should find: * What is happening? * What are the biggest numbers? * If it is a time graph, what are the biggest changes? * What are the trends? (Trends mean the main changes or differences over time.) Chapter 8 Letters * 从2005年开始,研究生入学考试英语试题增加了A节应用文写作部分。其要求 考生根据所给情景写出100字左右的应用性短文,总分10分,文体包括私人或公务 信函、备忘录、便条、报告、摘要等。 * 2005年真题为一封道歉信。 * 2006年真题为一封求助信。 * 2007年真题为一封建议信。 * 2008年真题为一封道歉信。 2011年考研英语小作文 * 51. Directions: Write a letter to a friend of yours to 1) recommend one of your favorite movies and 2) give reasons for your recommendation. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET2. (10 points) Important means of communication * Letter writing is a vitally important skill in the business world. Whether or not you ever have to write reports, proposals, or manuals on the job, you almost certainly will have to write letters. * 现代社会中,信函仍然是商务活动中不可缺少的一种沟通方式。这是因为商务 信函具有简洁、明确、个性化等特点,在传递信息的同时,还可以作为记录长期保 存,作为信息的证据。 Definition of Letters * Letters are a basic person-to-person communication that takes place in a wide variety of settings and situations. * Letters are mainly used for external correspondence. They are a primary channel of communication for delivering messages outside an organization. Task: Fill in the blanks * According to the function of message the common letters are_________, __________, ____________, ____________, ____________, ___________, ___________, _____________, and so on. * type of function * 按功能划分 * request letters 请求信 * claim letters 索赔信 * credit letters 信贷信 * sales letters 销售信 * order letters 订货信 * invitation letters 邀请信 * thank-you letters 感谢信 * congratulation letters 祝贺信 * ........... * Task: Fill in the blanks * According to the type of message letters come in _________, __________, ___________, and __________ letters. Classification of Letters * type of message * 按照信息的种类 * 1.routine letters * 常规信息信函 * 2. good-news letters * 好消息信函 * 3. bad-news letters * 坏消息信函 * 4. persuasive letters * 劝说类信函 routine letters 常规信息信函 * A routine letter contains a neutral message-the main idea is neither positive nor negative. * 常规信息信函是商务工作者在日常工作中使用的信函,如订货信、订货确认信、邀请函等。 * Sample 8-1 good-news letters 好消息信函 * A receiver will react favorably to a letter that contains good news. * 好消息信函则是同意对方请求或带给对方好处的信函,如同意提供信息和帮助、同意理赔、同意提供信贷等信函。 * Sample 8-2 bad-news letters 坏消息信函 * A letter containing bad news conveys information that will disappoint the receiver. Letters that deny requests, decline to supply information, refuse credit, or reject a proposal. * 坏消息信函则是拒绝提供信息或帮助、拒绝给予赔付、拒绝提供信贷、拒绝提供供货,或只能部分满足提出的要求的信函。 * Sample 8-3 persuasive letters 劝说类信函 * A persuasive letter is a letter that you write to convince someone to agree with your side of an argument. * 劝说类信函主要是销售函,或其他因预计到读者会消极对待而采用归纳法写作的信函。 * Sample 8-4 Electronic Communication 电邮 Genre Features of Business Letters * Communicative Purposes * Linguistics Features * Structural Features Communicative Purposes * 信函的种类多样,但其交际目的不外乎以下几种:提供信息、索取信息和劝说等。 * 信函在达到这些交际目的的同时,还要实现保持和加强商业关系的目的。 Linguistic Features of Letters Seven Cs * Completeness 完整 * Concreteness 具体 * Clarity 清楚 * Conciseness 简洁 * Courtesy 礼貌 * Consideration 体谅 * Correctness 准确 * Completeness 完整 * 信函只有在涵盖了所有必要的信息之后,才算是完整的、有效的信函。信函中必须要确保所有要讨论的事项均已涉及、所有问题均已得到答复。 * Concreteness 具体 * 信函最基本的要求是具体、明确。 * 信函写作中,要使用明确的事实(specific facts)和具体的数字(figures)。 * Clarity(清楚) * 信函要确保读者能够准确地理解信函中所要表达的主要内容,要避免产生歧义或误会。 * 写作时应使用简单易懂的词汇,注意逻辑上的合理和结构的变化,注意信函连贯性。 * As to the steamer sailing from Hongkong to Los Angeles, we have bimonthly direct service. * 本句的基本含义是―我们有从香港开往洛杉矶的船‖,但是,―bimonthly‖有两个含义,一是―一月两次‖,二是―两月一次‖。为了更清楚地表达意思,应使用简明易懂的词汇。 * We have a direct sailing from Hongkong to Los Angeles every two months. * We have a direct sailing from Hongkong to Los Angeles semimonthly. * Conciseness(简洁) * 为了节省读写双方的时间,在不损害完整、具体、礼貌的前提下,信函应简明扼要,用尽量少的语言表达所陈述的内容。通常句子的平均长度为10,20个词汇, 段落不超过10行。 * We have exported our medicines to foreign countries. * 可以简化为―We have exported our medicines‖。 * We would like to know whether you would allow us to extend the time of delivery for twenty days and if you would be so kind as to allow us to do so, kindly give us your reply by fax without delay. * 要控制字数,以短小的段落激励读者阅读。句子由于表达上的过分客气而变得冗长、不清楚。为了更好地表达核心意思,这个句子可以写作―Please reply by fax immediately if you will allow us to delay the delivery until 13 May‖。 * Courtesy(礼貌) * 礼貌是信函重要的语言特点。礼貌有助于树立良好的职业道德形象,加强现有的关系,或建立新的关系。 * We are sorry that you misunderstand us. * 在句中,作者把责任推给对方,容易激怒对方,进而产生不良结果,为了更好地表达核心意思,这个句子可以写作―We are sorry that we didn‘t make ourselves understood.‖ 。体现了礼貌原则,更容易让对方接受。 * Your order will be delayed for three months. * 在写信时要避免用消极的方式谈论问题。积极的句子更容易被接受。这个句子可以写作―Your order will be shipped in three months.‖ * Consideration(体谅) * ―客户至上‖是信函写作的一个重要原则。为获取良好的沟通效果,寄信人应站在收信人的立场上,充分考虑对方的需要、期望、利益乃至困难等,促进双方的合作。在具体写作中,为了达到体谅的目的可以采取以收信人为中心的态度,即―You attitude‖,并尽量采用积极的方式谈论问题。 * We allow a 5% discount for cash payment. * 句子采用了写信人态度, 采用收信人态度可以给读者留下更好的印象。这个句子可以写作―You earn a 5% discount when you pay cash.‖ 。 但是,当对方有错时,或是对方表达过不同意见时,使用收信人态度反而会引起对方的反感和不快,因此要着力避免。 * Correctness(准确) * 信函常常是 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 的基础,因此必须保持其准确性。要做到实事求是,使用准确的词语和数据,要正确地理解和使用商业术语。 * We would like to confirm our meeting for the next week. * ―下周‖是一个含糊笼统地概念,应该为:―We would like to confirm our meeting for the week commencing 13 May.‖ Essential Parts of Letters 信函的构成要素 * 信头 heading * 日期 date line * 信内地址 inside address * 经办人姓名 attention line * 称呼 salutation * 主题 subject line * 正文 body * 结尾敬辞 complimentary close * 签名 signature * 辨认代号 Identification line * 结尾注释 end notation * See sample 8-6 Heading 信头 * 信头提供了写信人的地址,使收信人知道如何回信,因此信头也叫回信地址(return address)或信外地址(outside address)。 * 信头可以包括公司名称(company name)、街道地址(street)、城市(city)、邮编(postcode)、电话号码(telephone number)、传真号码(fax number)、电子邮件地址(e-mail address)等。 * Letterhead信头: * Example * 1414 Southwest Ninth Street * Florence, South Carolina 29501 * 12 November 199X Date line日期 * 日期必不可少,可以满足以后的查询需要。日期通常写在信头下方两行处,一般位于信笺的右上角,采用齐头式时位于左上角。日期的常规书写顺序是月、日、年(英国式),或日、月、年(美国式)。 * 日期中的年份必须要用阿拉伯数字写全,年份前必须要用逗号与月份和日期隔开。月份要用英文拼写,可以使用全拼也可以采用标准的拼写。但 ―May‖, ―June‖ 和‖July‖不能简写。日即可以用基数词也可以用序数词来表示,日期和月份间不能用逗号隔开。 * Example: * December 1, 2001. Inside Address信内地址 * 信内地址是收信人的地址,与信封地址相同,信内地址起到记录备查的作用。英文书信不论使用什么格式,信内地址都写在信纸的左上方,与日期至少间隔一行,与信头间隔3,6行。 * 信内地址由收信人姓名、收信人所在公司或机构名称、街道或邮箱、城市、州和邮编构成。收信人的地址应从小到大,分作数行,依次书写。书写的顺序为:收信人姓名,收信人头衔、职务,公司、组织名称,门牌和路名,城市、省/州名、国名、邮编。 * Example * Dr. Mary Jones, President * New Community College * 101 South Palm Anvenue * Fairemont, West Virginia 26555 Attention line 经办人姓名 * Attention lines are sometimes necessary in letters if you want to address an organization in general and also bring your letter to the attention of a particular individual within the organization. Salutation称呼 * 称呼写在信内地址下方,与信内地址或经办人间隔一行,顶格书写,所有单词首字母大写,后常用逗号或冒号。 * 称呼一般在头衔或尊称后面加上收信人的姓。如果只知道收信人的职务,而不知道姓名和性别,可以把职务看作姓名使用。 * 还需要注意的是称呼一定要和信内地址中的收信人信息一致。 * Examples: * Dear Mr. Doe: * Dear Mrs. Smith: * Dear Professor Smith: * Dear Jim, Subject line 主题 * Summarize what the letter is going to discuss in a few key words. Body 正文 * 各类信函的正文写法大体一致。正文分为三部分:开篇(opening)、主体部分(main body)和结尾(closing)。正文与称呼隔一行书写,一般分成若干段落,段与段之间间隔一行。 * 如果正文超过一页,各页的信纸要在质量、颜色、大小上保持一致;最后一页上不能只有结尾敬辞等内容,至少要有正文最后一段的最后两行。续页上部要注明页码、收信人姓名以及写信日期。 Complimentary Close结尾敬辞 * 结尾敬辞是一种结束信函的礼仪方式,相当于口语中的―再见‖,或是汉语信函中的―此致敬礼‖。 * 结尾敬辞与正文间隔一行书写。在缩行式信函中,位于信笺中间,与日期对齐,在齐头式信函中,左对齐。 * 与称呼不一样,结尾敬辞中的第一个单词首字母大写,其余单词的首字母小写,末尾用逗号与下文隔开。 Complimentary Close结尾敬辞 * Sincerely * Cordially * Sincerely yours * Very trully yours Signature 签名 * 商务信函的签名非常重要,尤其是具有合约性质的信函。每一封信函都必须有手写签名,签名者对信函中的内容要承担一定的法律责任。 * 为了防止签名潦草,难以辨认,常在签名下打印署名者的姓名。手写签名位于结尾敬辞和打印署名中间。 Signature 签名 * Very truly yours, * Judy S. VanAlstyne * Judith S. VanAlstyne * Identification line 辨认代号 * end notation 结尾注释 Structural Features of Letters * Full Block Format 齐头式 * Semiblock Format 半齐头式 * Modified Format 混合式 * Full Block Format 齐头式 * 齐头式的特点是所有信函要素都在左边空白边缘(margin)顶格书写。每个要素之间以及正文的段落之间要间距一至两行。 Semi Block Format 半齐头式 * 在半齐头式信函中,段落不缩进,回信地址、日期、结尾敬辞和签名位于中间偏右,其他部分每行开头都与左边空白边缘对齐。 * Modified Format 混合式: * 混合式是半齐头式和缩行式的混合。即在半齐头式的基础上,段落首行缩进3-6个字母的位置。因此在混合式中,段落首行缩进,回信地址、日期、结尾敬辞和签名位于中间偏右,其他部分每行开头都与左边空白边缘对齐。 The Direct Approach The Indirect Approach AIDA structure AIDA structure for persuasive message * Attention 引起注意 * Interest 兴趣 * Desire 需求 * Action 行动 Techniques for Writing Letters * Writing routine and good-news letters * Writing bad-news letters * Writing persuasive letters Techniques for Writing Routine and Good-news letters * 日常书信往来主要是各种常规(routine)的请求信和答复信。因为可以预见到读者的反应是积极的,所以,此类信函不需要特别的劝说技巧(persusasive techniques),或是进行铺垫(buffer)。 * 开篇(Opening):直接说明写信的目的。 * 正文(Body):用于解释细节。 * 结尾(Closing):要求读者采取行动或礼貌的结束信函。 Task * 你的女儿在纽约期间受到格林夫人的照顾,作为父母准备向格林夫人致信表达谢忱。如何写这封致谢信, * Dear Mrs. Green: * My daughter has written to tell me that you have been very kind to her during her stay in New York. * My husband and I deeply appreciate your courtesy, and we do hope you‘ll come to stay together with us for a few days when you are in Beijing. * Thank you for your kindness to Lin Fang. * Sincerely yours, * 因为感谢信是为了表达对他人的感激之情,所以,感谢信是好消息信函,采用演绎法书写。 * 作者首先对格林夫人表示诚挚的感谢,然后真诚地邀请她来做客,结束语再次表示感谢。语气真诚,内容简洁。 * 在感谢中,不要夹杂其他信息。在感谢对方的礼物时,不要问礼物是在何处购买,以方便换货。 Techniques for Writing Bad-news letters * Buffering the Opening 开头铺垫 * 最好的消息(best news):信息中最好的那部分内容作为开始。 * 赞扬(compliment):称赞收信人所取得的成就或作出的努力,但要真诚且坦白。 * 感谢(appreciation):为提供物品、信任、作出反馈等表示感谢。 * 赞同(agreement):使用双方都赞同的与内容相关的句子。 * 事实 (facts):用客观事实来引出坏消息。 * 理解(understanding):表示关心对方。 * Presenting the Reasons * 解释(explaining):如果拒绝的原因不涉及保密,可以解释具体原因。 * 提及其他好处(citing benefits): * 解释公司政策(explaining company policy):写信人应对公司政策、 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 作出合情合理的解释,以表示对收信人的关心和重视。 * 表明该决定是认真和公正的(treating the matter seriously and fairly):解释原因时,应使收信人明白写信人是经过认真思考和调查后才作出了不带偏见的决定的。 * Cushioning the Bad News 缓解坏消息的影响 * 安排在恰当的位置(positioning the bad news stratigically):不直接表述、突出坏消息,而是将坏消息夹在其他表述句子中。 * 使用被动语态(using the passive voice):通过被动语态可以减少人为色彩。 * 运用积极的表述方式(accentuating the positive):说明能做什么,而不是不能做什么。 * 对拒绝的决定作暗示(implying the refusal):在读过解释之后,拒绝的结果已经确定无疑了。因此,明确的拒绝可能是没有必要的。 * 提供补偿或另外的选择(suggesting a compromise or an alternative): * Closing Pleasantly * 展望未来(forward look):对未来商业合作前景予以展望,说明希望所在。 * 其他选择(alternative):如果有其他选择,以此结尾。 * 良好祝愿(good wishes):表达对收信人的良好祝愿。 * 促销信息(resale or sales promotion):如果坏消息不是最糟,可以考虑使用促销信 息结束信函。 * 一位消费者购买了一个高压锅Presley Cooker ,结果出现了问题。消费者要求 得到一笔钱作为赔偿。你需要做出可以换货,但拒绝理赔的答复。你该如何答复, * Dear Mr. Manning: * Thank you for your letter of December 2 in which you described a most unfortunate cooking incident. We are glad you weren‘t injured. * While we are not able to pay the amount you suggest, we will replace your Presley Cooker at absolutely no charge to you. Please send your damaged cooker to us for replacement. * Our product engineers will inspect the returned cooker to discover the cause of your accident. When you receive your new cooker, may we remind you to read the accompanying directions—particularly those involving temperature control—before using the cooker. Steam cooking requires special precautions. * You can count on receiving years of satisfying service from your new cooker. Please contact us if we can be of help in any way. * Sincerely, * 在例文中,作者没有指责投诉者,没有说索赔者犯了什么错误,只是委婉地提 醒索赔者要按说明使用。 * 作者做出了让步,提出更换一个新的高压锅。很多客户索赔的目的更多的是为 了面子而不是赔偿。在此例子中,索赔者会觉得虽然一个新的高压锅距离他的要求 有一定的距离,但至少表明公司愿意作出改变。 Techniques for Writing Sales Letter * Techniques for Gaining Attention * 涉及引人注目的标题 * 提出问题 * 提供奖励 * 提及引人注目的事件或数据 * 使收信人感到独一无二或与众不同 * 明确某种需要 * 提供解决问题的方法 * 奇闻轶事(anecdote) * Techniques for Building Interest * 引起收信人的兴趣有两种方法: * 强调收信人受益(reader's benefits) * 做出情感和理性的诉求(emotional and rational appeal)。 * Techniques to arouse desire * 证词 (testimonials) * 退货担保(money-back guarantee) * 免费试用或提供样品(free trial or sample) * Techniques for Motivating Action * 赠送礼物(offer a gift) * 各种有吸引力的承诺(promise an incentive):有奖销售、捆绑式销售、积分式销 售、折扣销售等 * 限制优惠的数量(limit the offer) * 设定截止日期(set a deadline) * 满意担保(guarantee satisfaction) 方便收信人作出回应 Aiding Readers’ Response * 很多销售函都附带提前写好地址、支付邮资的信封或订货单,可以方便收信人 作出如下反应:邮寄支票、提供信用卡帐户和号码和有效日期、或填充信息和签名 后寄回。 * 有些销售函还提供免费电话、视频、电子邮件方便读者咨询。 * 首段要简短,内容要相关,信息要具有刺激性。 * 第二步, 作者要引发读者的兴趣。在这一部分,要明确地阐述产品或服务。使用 简单的语言来突出核心卖点。 * 为了使读者从对产品感兴趣转变为渴望购买产品,作者必须提供具体的实例来 证明其说法。帮助读者克服花钱购买的抵触情绪,激发读者购买的愿望。 * 尾段告诉读者要做什么,以及为什么这样做。不仅要劝说读者采取具体的步骤 来购买产品,还要劝说其尽快采取行动。 * 假设你的公司生产包装材料,为了提高销售额,需要向不同的客户写销售函。 该如何完成这个任务, * Dear Mr. Deal: * Go ahead! Try to rip it apart. Give it a good tug and notice how it‘s made for rough-and-tumble treatment. The people at Country Folks Meat are so enthusiastic about our packaging that they just tripled their monthly order. * WE CAN CREATE A PACKAGE FOR YOU THAT MEETS YOUR NEEDS PRECISELY. * No matter what products you package, if they are not packaged properly, you are not going to get the steady increase in sales you want. Not only must packaging be sturdy, it must attract the customer‘s eye, too. The enclosed sample does both. * Take a look at your current packaging. Isn‘t it time to explore ways to increase you share of the market through better packaging? A uniqe, custom-made package could be the answer to production and sales problems. Find out how by asking for our new booklet ―Today‘s Packaging Solutions.‖ It‘s FREE. Simply phone 1-800-123-4567. * Sincerely, * 在例文中,写信人首先使用引人注目的词汇―go ahead‖吸引人的注意力。 * 在信函的中间部分,写信人使用了大写字母来进一步吸引注意力,并阐述了包 装的重要作用,进而宣称其包装可以起到这些作用,用以引起读者的兴趣。 * 在结尾部分,写信人提出了读者面临的问题,然后称其产品可以解决这些问题, 而答案就在新的产品手册里,并提供了联系方式,这是激励读者采取行动。 * 2005年小作文真题: * Directions: Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Design & Fashion. But now you find that the job is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang, telling him your decision, stating your reason(s), and making an apology。 * Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Don‘t sign your own name at the end of the letter; use ―Li Ming‖ instead. You don‘t need to write the address。 * 1.称呼: * Dear (Sir or Madam/ Mr. Wang/ Jane) * 2.主体 * 首段开门见山,点明主题: * I am writing this letter to inform/tell you that I will be resigning from my present position in your department. * 中间段把第一段内容具体化: * It has been a great pleasure to work with you in the past two months. (先表示礼 貌)But my current position as an editor doesn‘t quite suit to my personal interests and career plan. As I majored in finance in college, I really want to work in the business field. * 结尾段重申主题,表示感谢: * I sincerely hope that you could accept my resignation and apology and thank you very much for all your help in the past months. * 3.落款: * Li Ming (切记根据要求落款为Li Ming,不要写自己的名字) * Thank you! Press Release 商务新闻稿 ―软性文字广告‖ Earth Hour Photos of Earth Hour Photos of Earth Hour Read the introduction to “Earth Hour” and discuss some questions with your partner. Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. * Would you like to involve in it? Why or why not? * Look at the title ―Coca-Cola Signs Up to WWF’s Earth Hour‖. What does the title mean? * Have you ever seen such kind of article? Definition of Press Releases A press release is a targeted statement that an organization, group or individual can make to notify the public regarding its product, service, or business. It can be called a kind of ―free‖ advertising that lets the public—potential customers—get some information about its business. Classification of Press Releases * By Transmission Mode * By Release Time * By Source and Topic of Information By Transmission Mode VNR * Toyota PHEV Press Release * plug-in Hybrid electric vehicle * 插电式混合动力车 By Release Time 11/02/09 : Commission says EU single emergency number must get multilingual 11/02/09 : Commission approves Swedish scheme to recapitalise banks 11/02/09 : Commission finds aid to BT partially unlawful and orders recovery By Source and Topic of Information Communicative Purposes * Providing Timely Information 提供即时信息 * Meeting Media Needs 满足媒体需求 * EnhancingInfluence on the Public 提升大众影响力 提供即时信息 * 商务新闻稿的基本交际功能是提供即时信息。企业、组织或个人通过商务新闻稿宣传新产品、新理念或新服务等,发布最新信息。 * 夏普裸眼3D手机 满足媒体需求 * 商务新闻稿的撰写必须以受众需求为本,并深入了解媒体特点,在与媒体充分沟通、合作基础上完成。 * Industry Leaders Announce Open Platform for Mobile Devices 提升大众影响力 Discuss the following topics and choose the ones which are suitable to be press releases. A. The local government has decided to support your company with a large grant. B. You‘ve merged with a well-known company. C. You‘re going to build a large shopping mall in the city center. D. Your profits have decreased ten-fold in the last year. E. Your hotel are about to offer a radically new service. Linguistic Features * 准确性 Accurate * 简洁性 Concise * 可读性 Readable * 客观性 Objective * 条理性 Logical 准确性 Accurate * IBM公司在2008年11月24日的新闻稿: * Cloud computing, or network-delivered services and software, can save customers up to 80 percent on floor space and 60 percent on power and cooling costs, and deliver triple asset utilization. 简洁性Concise * 商务新闻稿信息量大,要求内容言简意赅。如常见缩写WTO,GDP,SFC,IMF,IOC等的广泛使用。 * 商务新闻稿应避免冗赘表达。 简洁性 Concise * appointed to the position of * a total of 33 * for the purpose of * in 10 different states/countries * appointed/named * 33 * to * in 10 states/countries 可读性Readable * 商务新闻稿使用的词汇量很大,应尽量选择出现频率较高、通俗易懂的词汇陈 述新闻事件。 客观性Objective * 商务新闻稿应运用较为客观的报道性词汇,以求客观地叙述事实,并通过事实 去影响受众,避免使用富有感情色彩和主观判断的词。 * 在语言使用上,采用第三人称或被动语态。 客观性Objective * Unedited: Tickets for the program are available to the public at the City Center and by calling 332-5555, for $10 each. Seating will not be reserved, so the public is urged to arrive early and to hear this most important message on the subject of women‘s rights. * Edited: Tickets cost $10 and can be obtained at the City Center or calling 332-5555. 条理性Logical * 商务新闻稿要求全文用词严谨,结构紧凑,逻辑性强,条理清晰,内容轻重有 序。 * 从句式的使用上来看,一般采用陈述句,而不使用疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。 * 完整的长句的使用可以准确表达信息,排除被曲解或误解的可能性。 条理性Logical * Global Collect公司2009年5月27日新闻稿: * With the help of a viral widget(杀毒), a software embedded into online platforms and social networking sites, Sony Music is driving traffic(吸引人潮) directly to the website of an artist to allow fans to share information and to download the artist‘s repertoire(全部内容). Structural Features of Press Releases * 企业标识Title/Logo * 发布指示Release Time * 联系信息Contact Information * 标题和副标题Title and Subtitles * 导语Lead * 正文Body * 结尾End 企业标识Title/Logo 发布指示Release Time * FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (全部大写) * For Release Before ?? * For Release After ?? * For Release On ?? 联系信息Contact Information * Contact Gary Hodge, Vice President and CFO * Tel: (321)654-1980 * Fax: (321)654-9081 * hodge@posc.org 结尾End * 新闻稿的结尾以―-end-‖或者―###‖,表示整篇新闻稿的内容结束。 Other Components of Press Releases * 图片Pictures/Photos * 样板文件 Boilerplate * 人物简历 Biography 图片Pictures/Photos Boilerplate样板文件 * 新闻稿中的样板文件是指附在新闻稿正文内容后面的一段关于该公司或组织的 简单介绍。注意这部分内容不要以―Company Introduction‖为题目,是相关内容。 * See sample 9-6 Boilerplate * AIG Boilerplate * American International Group, Inc. (AIG), a world leader in insurance and financial services, is the leading international insurance organization with operations in more than 130 countries and jurisdictions. AIG companies serve commercial, institutional and individual customers through the most extensive worldwide property-casualty and life insurance networks of any insurer. In addition, AIG companies are leading providers of retirement services, financial services and asset management around the world. AIG‘s common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, as well as the stock exchanges in Paris and Tokyo. * Corporate Culture * * Entrepreneurial; * * * * * * * Biography * 相关人物简历也是商务新闻稿常用的附加内容。人物简历一般介绍姓名、年龄、 教育背景、从业经历及成就等基本信息。陈述的内容应层次分明,重点突出,与主 题无关的信息须省略。 Details * Timeliness. * 时新性:指新闻事实的新近程度和新闻报道的及时程度。发生与报道的时差越 小,越符合受众的需求,新闻价值越大。 * Is it a recent development, or is old news? * Proximity. Is the story relevant to local readers? * Conflict. * 接近性:指新闻事实及新闻报道与受众的接近程度,包括空间、利益和心理等 方面的距离远近。距离越近,新闻价值越大。 * Is the issue developing, has it been resolved or does anybody care? * Eminence and Prominence. * 显著性:指新闻事件参与者的知名程度。地位和业绩越显赫,新闻价值就越大。 * Are noteworthy people involved? If so, that makes the story more important. * Consequence and Impact. * 重要性:指新闻事实和新闻报道的分量及重要程度。内容越重要,社会意义越 大,新闻价值越大。 * What effect will the story have on readers? * Human Interest. * 趣味性:指新闻事实和新闻报道使受众感兴趣的程度。趣味性越大,新闻价值 越大。 * Even though it might not be an earth-shattering event, does it contain unique, interesting elements Wording for Headline * 选择信息Selecting the Details to Use * 编排措辞Phrasing Words Properly 冠词(articles)的省略 World‘s Largest Gathering of Coffee Professionals Heads for Atlanta, April 15 – 19, 2009 The World‘s Largest Gathering of Coffee Professionals Heads for Atlanta, April 15 – 19,2009 系动词(copulative verbs)的省略 * World-Class Country Club Community Still a Hit With Homebuyers World-Class Country Club Community Is Still a Hit With Homebuyers 助动词(auxiliary verbs)的省略 * Former National Century Financial Enterprises CEO Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison, Co-owner Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison for Conspiracy, Fraud and Money Laundering * Former National Century Financial Enterprises CEO Is Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison, Co-owner Is Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison for Conspiracy, Fraud and Money Laundering 一般现在时 * Oerlikon Solar and Tokyo Electron Join Thin Film PV Forces 一般将来时 * 采用―be+ 动词不定式‖结构 * Total Attorneys To Raise Money for Cancer Charity DSG to Host Annual User Group Meeting 现在进行时 * ―be+ 现在分词‖形式陈述正在进行的事件信息, ―be‖常常省略。 * Test Country Reports More Employers Seeking Effective Tobacco and Nicotine Test Products 语态的运用Voice * Sue Malter Appointed to National Position With VITAS Innovative Hospice Care? * Rolls-Royce Awarded MissionCare? Contract for C-130J Engine Support to Royal Norwegian Air Force 标点符号Punctuation * Business, Labor Groups to Launch New Coalition to Promote Medical Innovation and Spark Economic Growth * Business and Labor Groups to Launch New Coalition to Promote Medical Innovation and Spark Economic Growth * MaxTreeGrid: Ultimate Tool for Operating with Structured Data Presentation Punctuation * 表达应客观、中立; * 表达准确,实事求是; * 所用词汇,通俗易懂; * 适当运用缩写形式; * 表意完整,不能引起歧义; * 删除难懂、难辨别的人名; * 避免冗赘表达; * 避免口语或俚语表达; * 尽量使用陈述语气; * 符合媒体要求的形式和风格。 Writing Rules for Headline * Use key words to build your headline; * Make it objective and neutral; * Make it easy to understand; * Use short and simple words; * Never exaggerate and use slang; * Be certain it has no double meaning. * Remember the rules of grammar. Wording for Body * Simple words should be used more frequently than those pretentious words. * Technical words and phrases should be replaced with less complex language or they must be adequately explained; * Subjective adjectives and adverbs should be eschewed; * Wordy expressions should be edited; * Trite expressions should be avoided. 倒金字塔式结构 Inverted Pyramid Structure 遵循―5W+1H‖原则 * 有关的新闻稿事件(what happened) * 发生的时间(when did it happen) * 地点(where did it happen) * 人物(who were involved in it) * 原因(why did it happen) * 经过(how did it happen)。 LONDON--The Business Continuity Institute (BCI), a leader in setting and validating standards of professional competence and ethics in business continuity management, today announced plans for the inaugural Global Business Continuity Awareness Week, March 23 through March 27, 2009. * ―We are proud to provide the best entertainment experience to consumers by using Dolby‘s technology,‖ said Ted Mao, Manager of Product Strategy and Planning Division, Lite-On IT Corporation. * Ted Mao, Manager of Product Strategy and Planning Division, Lite-On IT Corporation said that they are proud to use Dolby‘s technology providing the consumers ―the best entertainment experience‖. * U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed welcome to the outcome of the climate change conference in Bali, terming that the Bali Agenda achieves three objectives: launching negotiations on a global climate change agreement, agreeing to an agenda for the negotiations, and agreeing to complete them by 2009. He believes that the Bali Roadmap is a pivotal first step toward an agreement that can address the threat of climate change. 引语Quotations * 引述通常使用―say‖, ―express‖,―tell‖, ―according to…‖等表达方式; * 依据需要决定引语的内容、篇幅和方式; * 直接引语的保真性较强; * 适当地保留一些人物精彩、有特色的话语(colorful, well-said or otherwise ―quotable‖); * 使用引语要将话语的真实性放在首要位置,不能断章取义; * 选择企业、组织的管理层(administrative staff))或权威学者(authoritative)、专家 (expert)的话语作为引语; * 适当的借用同位语或插入语来介绍权威人士的身份、地位; * 引语不宜过长,一到两句较为适宜。 数据Data * 了解各项数据的基本计算方式,例如百分比(percentage),人均比率(per capita ratio)等; * 确认数据的来源可靠,信息准确; * 选择通俗易懂的数据语言。 背景资料 Background Information * 分析性资料 (analytical background information) * 对比性资料 (contrast background information) * 解说性资料 (explanative background information)。 背景资料 Background Information * 运用定语短语或从句(attributive phrase or clause) ; * The FCC, where three of the five Commissioners, including its Chairman, are recently appointed, will examine AT&T's plea that the pending proposal be approved. 背景资料 Background Information * 运用同位语短语或从句(appositive phrase or clause) * As of June 30, 2009, total assets were $316.7 million, an increase of 14.8 percent from June 30, 2008. 2 背景资料 Background Information * 运用状语从句(adverbial clause) * The results for the current quarter include a provision for credit losses of $2,843,000 and net charge-offs totaling $2,330,000 while the comparable quarter one year ago reflected $558,000 in provision for credit losses and in net * See sample 9-10 Essential Tips * Make sure the information of your press release is newsworthy. * Make sure your headline keeps to the point and attractive. * Don‘t bury the lead. * Make sure your story is clear and concise. * Make sure your story contain every necessary detail. * Don‘t contain any jargon, platitude, generalities or self-praise in your press release. * Avoid excessive use of adjectives and fancy language. * Provide as much contact information as possible. * Make it as easy as possible for media representatives to do their jobs. Suppose you work as a press manager in The Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA), write a press release for its 21st annual event . World’s Largest Gathering of Coffee Professionals Heads for Atlanta, April 15 – 19 2009 Specialty Coffee Association of America 21st Annual Symposium and Exposition To Be Held at Omni Hotel CNN Center and Georgia World Congress Center LONG BEACH, Calif. -- The Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA), host of the world‘s largest gathering of coffee professionals, announces a new name, new schedule, new format, and new pricing for its 21st annual event. The SCAA Annual Symposium and Exposition will begin on Wednesday, April 15 and conclude on Sunday, April 19, 2009. This new schedule adds a full day to the event and features a The Symposium, to be held at the Omni Hotel CNN Center, on Wednesday and Thursday, April 15 and 16. This executive-level series targets leaders and experts in the coffee sector and is designed to encourage dialogue about the future of the industry. The in-depth symposium will address topics such as climate change and the global outlook for supply, immigration and its impact on the labor force, and the implications of recent scientific advancements on coffee production. In addition to changes in schedule and format, SCAA is announcing greatly reduced fees, just $95 for the exposition and lectures from Friday, April 17 through Sunday, April 19 if you are a member of the association. SCAA‘s popular hands-on training workshops will continue to be offered for additional fees. This year, the World Barista Championships (WBC) returns to the United States and SCAA‘s annual event. Baristas from all over the world will compete for the title of world‘s best barista from Thursday, April 16 through Sunday, April 19. ### Thank you~ Definition of Press Releases A press release is a targeted statement that an organization, group or individual can make to notify the public regarding its product, service, or business. It can be called a kind of ―free‖ advertising that lets the public—potential customers—get some information about its business. Communicative Purposes * Providing Timely Information 提供即时信息 * Meeting Media Needs 满足媒体需求 * EnhancingInfluence on the Public 提升大众影响力 Linguistic Features * 准确性 Accurate * 简洁性 Concise * 可读性 Readable * 客观性 Objective * 条理性 Logical Structural Features of Press Releases * 企业标识 Title/Logo * 发布指示 Release Time * 联系信息 Contact Information * 标题和副标题 Title and Subtitles * 正文 Body * 导语 Lead * 结尾 End 倒金字塔式结构 Inverted Pyramid Structure 遵循―5W+1H‖原则 * 有关的新闻稿事件(what happened) * 发生的时间(when did it happen) * 地点(where did it happen) * 人物(who were involved in it) * 原因(why did it happen) * 经过(how did it happen) World’s Largest Gathering of Coffee Professionals Heads for Atlanta, April 15 – 19 2009 Specialty Coffee Association of America 21st Annual Symposium and Exposition To Be Held at Omni Hotel CNN Center and Georgia World Congress Center LONG BEACH, Calif. -- The Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA), host of the world‘s largest gathering of coffee professionals, announces a new name, new schedule, new format, and new pricing for its 21st annual event. The SCAA Annual Symposium and Exposition will begin on Wednesday, April 15 and conclude on Sunday, April 19, 2009. This new schedule adds a full day to the event and features a The Symposium, to be held at the Omni Hotel CNN Center, on Wednesday and Thursday, April 15 and 16. This executive-level series targets leaders and experts in the coffee sector and is designed to encourage dialogue about the future of the industry. The in-depth symposium will address topics such as climate change and the global outlook for supply, immigration and its impact on the labor force, and the implications of recent scientific advancements on coffee production. In addition to changes in schedule and format, SCAA is announcing greatly reduced fees, just $95 for the exposition and lectures from Friday, April 17 through Sunday, April 19 if you are a member of the association. SCAA‘s popular hands-on training workshops will continue to be offered for additional fees. This year, the World Barista Championships (WBC) returns to the United States and SCAA‘s annual event. Baristas from all over the world will compete for the title of world‘s best barista from Thursday, April 16 through Sunday, April 19. ### Chapter 10 Reports are an orderly, objective record of the events and progress of work used to assist professionals and managements in making decisions or help employees carry out a program. * 报告是某一企业内部或与其他企业之间传递信息,进行沟通的一种工具,是报 告人针对某种特殊目的,向一个或多个人或主管部门提供的公正、客观、有计划的、 较为详细的事实陈述(factual statement)。 * 报告可以为决策的制定(decision-making)提供必要信息、了解情况(complicated conditions)、计划进程、提供解决问题 (problem-solving)的方法、使上级领导 (supervisors)针对一系列事件做出相应的决策。 By Formality Formal Reports 正式报告 Formal report is generally long and about complex problems. 正式报告 * 正式报告篇幅较长,内容较多,包括若干部分,目的是清楚地表达复杂的内容。 * 正式报告可以是公文(documents),也可以是只在公司内部传阅的资料,经常装 订成册。 * 正式报告常用于处理公司重大事件,主要有企业年度报告书(business annual reports)、进展报告(progress reports)、考察报告(field reports)、可行性研究报告 (feasibility study reports)、营销计划(marketing plans)等。 非正式报告 Informal Reports * 在实际工作中,非正式报告的使用比较频繁,主要是指商务活动中一些填表式 的、篇幅比较短的文件,经常遵循固定的套话和格式。 * 例如,预算报告(budget reports)、财务报表(financial statements)等。非正式报告 所占篇幅较短,常以书信(letters)或备忘录(memos)的形式来撰写。 A Report in the Form of Letter By Function Informational Reports 信息式报告 The informational report merely presents the facts and a summary—without analyzing, interpreting, drawing conclusions, or making recommendations. 信息式报告 Informational Reports * 信息式报告是在组织之间或内部传递客观信息而不做任何分析或建议的报告,比如,公司内部的差旅报告(trip reports)和进展报告。 * 这类报告所反映的情况有针对性,翔实准确,是日后管理决策的基础。 分析式报告 Analytical Reports * 分析式报告除了提供资料信息之外,还要进行分析,就所涉及的问题做出结论(conclusion),并在读者要求下提出建议(recommendation),例如,可行性研究报告、事件调查报告(investigative reports)和推荐报告(recommendation reports)。 * 分析式报告为公司管理层做出重大决策提供了必要的参考。 Communicative Purposes 报告的交际目的是:提供信息或在传递信息的基础上,分析归纳、提出建议。 * * 报告应该注重满足目标读者的需要,以便使读者根据报告提供的信息来解决某些问题或制定决策。 Linguistic Features ? Objective and Impersonal ? Specific and Factual ? Consistent ? Complete and Concise Objective and Impersonal * I have noticed that recently some staff members arrive late for work. * It has been noticed that recently some staff members arrive late for work. 明确真实 Specific and Factual * 报告提供的信息应具体明确,并以翔实的事实或调查来支撑,避免给读者空洞模糊的印象。 * 报告内容所涉及的应仅仅是事实部分或确实存在的情况。因此,在语言使用上,尽量避免使用模糊的表达,而选择具体明确的词汇或短语。 Abstract Concrete * great damage * in the near future * a sizable profit * the majority * Some autos have risen sharply in price in recent months. 逻辑紧凑 Consistent * 从句法结构分析,为使行文清晰明了,同一句群或意群的组成部分应使用相同的语法结构,即遵循语法的平行原则(grammatical parallelism)。 * 区分不同句群意群的标记,如空格(spacing)、缩进(indentation)和项目符号(enumeration)都应该统一,同时恰当地使用关联词,使句子之间自然衔接。 完整简洁Complete and Concise * 报告语言必须简洁、流畅,避免陈词滥调(cliché)。写作中尽量使用简短的词语、词组和句式,以及日常词汇,尽量避免过时、罗嗦(wordy)、无用的词语。 * 使用各种图表和统计数据(statistics),应注意图表描述语言的规范性。一些数学图表或公式(formula)的描述则有固定要求,不能随意变更,要求熟悉专门的术语(terms),力求准确严谨。 Poor Good * past history * eyeballs on the screen * She took the web design course and passed it. Structural Features 正文之前的要素 Prefatory parts * 封面 Cover page * 扉页 Title fly * 标题页 Title page * 传达书 Letter or Memo of Transmittal * 授权和受权信息 Authorization and acceptance message * 内容目录 Table of contents * 插图目录 List of illustrations * 管理摘要 Executive summary * 封面 Cover Page * 封面的用途相当于图书的封皮,上面应印有公司名称、报告题目、报告人姓名、提交日期(submission date)。 * 扉页 Title Fly * 扉页只需要写明报告题目。扉页有时可以省略,因为添加扉页的目的是增强报告的正式性和整体美观性。 * 标题页 Title Page * 标题页一般包括四项信息:报告题目、报告人和被报告人的姓名、职务、部门或单位以及提交日期。 * 传达书 Letter or Memo of Transmittal * 传达书写给报告接受者,一般应交代所递交报告的由来和内容大意,还可以提及一些不宜包含在报告正文内的信息,根据对外或对内的具体情况选取信件或备忘录格式。 * 授权与接受信息 Authorization Message and Acceptance Message * 报告撰写人将起草报告前收到的授权信息和报告人本人的接受信息包含在传达书中,以此告知读者该报告是经过合理的授权(authorized)和接受的。 * 内容目录 Table of Contents * 格式写法与一般书籍目录页无太大差别,包括与报告前言、章节和附件有关的信息,并注明相应的页码。 * 插图目录 List of Illustrations * 如果正文含有五幅以上的图表,一般要设此页以注明它们各自的位置;而如果图表数量在五幅以下,可以与目录页合为一部分。 * 管理摘要 Executive Summary * 摘要相当于报告的一个大纲(outline),是对报告内容的简要介绍,让读者迅速地了解长报告主要内容。摘要一般不超过一页,时态用一般现在时。 正文的要素 The text of report 前言 Introduction 主体 Body 结尾 Ending * 总结 Summary * 结论 Conclusion * 建议 Recommendation 正文之后的要素 Supplementary parts * 附录 Appendices * 参考文献 Bibliography * 索引 Index Structural Features Components of Formal Reports * Prefatory Parts * The Text of Report * Supplementary Parts Formal Reports 正式报告 * Introduction 导言 Introduction * 导言部分要为读者理解报告的正文内容提供所有必要的信息,要为阐述调研结果和结论提供语言环境。导言中可以介绍问题的背景、调查问题的目的、分析的范 围、调研的程序以及方法等。 主体 Body * 主体部分阐明整个报告的实质内容,其中包括所搜集的数据,以及数据的来源, 展示报告相关问题的分析过程及得出的调查结果。主体是整篇报告中最长的部分, 可以包括若干级子标题。 结尾 Ending * 结尾是整个报告正文的总结部分。分析式报告的结尾部分一般包括结论和建议; 信息式报告的结尾通常只对报告主体中的信息进行概括总结。 * See Table 10-4 非正式报告 * 标题Title * 报告的标题应尽可能概括报告的内容。因为标题是整篇报告信息的浓缩,所以, 应准确、客观、指向性清晰,不应像报刊文章标题那样为了吸引读者的注意力而别 出心裁。 * 标题应该是名词短语或动名词短语,一般不超过20个字。 * See Sample10-1 * Report on Mobile Gambling * Report on the Proposed Incentive Scheme * Report on the Adoption of Flex-time Working Systems 导言 Introduction/Purpose * 在导言部分,应简要地介绍报告的写作背景和主旨。此外,还应该注明报告提 交的对象以及提交的时间。如果是事件调查报告,应首先说明事件的经过,包括事 件发生的日期、时间、地点、情况叙述等。 * See Sample 10-2 * On Tuesday 23 June you asked me to investigate the current wasteful use of stationery in the department and to suggest ways in which it might be more economically used in the future. My report was to be submitted to you by Friday 13 July 2008. 材料收集方法Procedure/Proceedings * 报告应该说明收集信息或资料的方法和步骤,从而增强报告的真实性和客观性, 尤其是意见调查报告。当然并不是所有的报告都需要收集资料。这部分内容在整篇 报告所占篇幅较短,可以写成一个段落。有时也可将这部分与导言部分合二为一。 * In response to your request, my staff and I investigated the potential for establishing a retailing site on the World Wide Web. After analyzing the behavior of our customers and major competitors and studying the overall development of electronic retailing, we have three recommendations. 调查结果 Findings * 报告的调查结果是报告建议的依据,内容应当准确无误,结构清晰,语言流畅、 衔接。此部分详尽地讨论报告的议题,列出调查研究的数据和信息材料并利用各种 图形列表等,进行相应的分析说明,阐明发现问题的途径和方法。 * 这部分内容的每一个段落都应当有一个明确的主题句(topic sentence),便于读者 获取这部分的信息。 * A number of employees clearly suffer from a lack of motivation as a result of dissatisfaction in one or more areas of their work. The key findings are outlined below: * ? * ? * ? 结论 Conclusion * 报告的结论是报告人在报告调查结果的基础上,对调查结果进行的总结和归纳, 不应当包括报告前文没有提到的新的信息。 * 为了陈述总结、推论和预测,结论部分经常使用表达因果关系(cause and effect)、 分类关系(classification)、比较关系(comparison)或对比关系(contrast)等语言结构。 * The above findings show that the majority of customers are increasingly dissatisfied with Big Store salespeople. There are three major reasons: * ? * ? * ? 建议Recommendation * 建议的主要内容是报告撰写人在经过充分的论证后,认为应当采取的措施 (measure)或行动(action)。报告人有时也会描述采取措施后可能出现的后果或情形。 On the basis of the conclusions, three recommendations are put forward: * ?? ? Judge which part of a report the following sentences belong to. * A. introduction B. findings * C. procedure D. recommendations * 1. I have questioned staff, analyzed statistics, collected newspaper articles and spoken to representatives of various local committees. * 2. Following the request to investigate the feasibility of establishing a Foreign Exchange facility in Boston, I have questioned locals and local business and compiled a poll of consumers‘ opinions. * A. introduction B. findings * C. methodology D. recommendations * 3. Although there might be potential for developing fruitful trade links with X in the future, it is recommended that it would be too much of a risk to make any major investment at this time. * 4. Overall test results showed that only 5% passed in all areas, 3% failed in one area, 28% failed in 2 areas and a staggering 64% failed in all areas. Distinguish between conclusions and recommendations. 1. Because of the attraction of TV programs, the number of people going to the movies is decreasing. 2. We should make movies featuring the sound effect that viewers can only enjoy in movie theaters. 3. Nearly 80 percent of the employees come from the country. 4. The employee benefit packages of ABC Company compare favorably with the average of other companies in the garments industry. 5. ABC company should concentrate its sales campaign on high school seniors who are going to take the College Entrance Exams. Language Skills for Reports ? Using Specific Words ? Using Third Person Forms ? Using Passive Voice Appropriately ? Grammatical Parallelism Writing Methods for Reports Field Reports 考察报告 Progress Reports 进度报告 Incident Reports 事故报告 Feasibility Reports 可行性报告 Field Reports 考察报告 * A field report presents an analysis of a location, site, or situation to record and determine appropriate action. * See Table 10-5 * See Sample 10-4 Progress Reports 进展报告 * See Table 10-6, Sample 12-5 * 进展报告的目的是汇报某一未完工的项目(project)的进度。 * 许多工程和科研开发项目,从开工到完成的期间内,负责人往往需要撰写一系 列的进展报告,确保公司决策人及时了解工程项目的进展情况,正确评估(evaluate) 潜在的开支费用(budget)。 * 导言(introduction):包括涉及的时期或阶段、项目或活动进展情况、及对情况 做出简短的预测。 * 已完成的工作(work completed):可列出已完成的任务,存在问题和困难,有何 解决办法等。 * 正在进行的工作(work in progress):主要指收集素材时进行的工作,如存在问题及解决办法等。 * 将要做的工作(work to be completed):包括将要进行的工作,可能出现的问题和采取的措施等。 * 对下一步或阶段的预测(future plan or forecast):对从此报告到下一份报告之间这段时间内各种情况的预测。 Incident Reports 事故报告 * The incident report is a written investigation of accidents, machine breakdowns, delivery delays, cost overruns, production slowdowns, or personnel problems. * See Table 10-7 * See Sample 10-6 Feasibility Report 可行性报告 * The feasibility report presents the evidence of your investigation and analysis plus your conclusions and evaluations. * See Table 10-8 * See Sample 10-7 Functional Sentences for Introduction * Here is the report you requested on June 7, 2008 on … * Mr. … asked me to write this report on May 23, 2008 to … * The purpose of this report is to investigate/evaluate/study… * Upon your request of … I have made a survey to determine … * The aim of this report is to estimate/assess… Functional Sentences for Findings * We have found three causes relating to * There are number of reasons for … * The following points summarize our key findings. * My investigation has shown that … * We can summarize the results as follows: * It was proposed/found/felt/discovered that… * The studies we reviewed showed that … * It was agreed that … * On the basis of these details, I firmly believe that … * It was found that … * Based on the findings of … , the following conclusions are drawn. Functional Sentences for Recommendation * Based on what I found when inspecting the two sites, I think we must … * We strongly recommend that … * After analyzing … and studying … , we have three recommendations. * The firm needs to take some measures to control the expenses. * On the basis of these findings, I recommend that … * It is hereby recommended that … Thank You! Reports are an orderly, objective record of the events and progress of work used to assist professionals and managements in making decisions or help employees carry out a program. By Formality Formal Reports 正式报告 Formal report is generally long and about complex problems. A Report in the Form of Letter By Function Informational Reports 信息式报告 The informational report merely presents the facts and a summary—without analyzing, interpreting, drawing conclusions, or making recommendations. Communicative Purposes Linguistic Features ? Objective and Impersonal ? Specific and Factual ? Consistent ? Complete and Concise Structural Features Structural Features Components of Formal Reports * Prefatory Parts * The Text of Report * Supplementary Parts 非正式报告 * 标题Title * 报告的标题应尽可能概括报告的内容。因为标题是整篇报告信息的浓缩,所以,应准确、客观、指向性清晰,不应像报刊文章标题那样为了吸引读者的注意力而别出心裁。 * 标题应该是名词短语或动名词短语,一般不超过20个字。 * See Sample10-1 导言 Introduction/Purpose * 在导言部分,应简要地介绍报告的写作背景和主旨。此外,还应该注明报告提 交的对象以及提交的时间。如果是事件调查报告,应首先说明事件的经过,包括事 件发生的日期、时间、地点、情况叙述等。 * See Sample 10-2 * On Tuesday 23 June you asked me to investigate the current wasteful use of stationery in the department and to suggest ways in which it might be more economically used in the future. My report was to be submitted to you by Friday 13 July 2008. 材料收集方法Procedure/Proceedings * 报告应该说明收集信息或资料的方法和步骤,从而增强报告的真实性和客观性, 尤其是意见调查报告。当然并不是所有的报告都需要收集资料。这部分内容在整篇 报告所占篇幅较短,可以写成一个段落。有时也可将这部分与导言部分合二为一。 * In response to your request, my staff and I investigated the potential for establishing a retailing site on the World Wide Web. After analyzing the behavior of our customers and major competitors and studying the overall development of electronic retailing, we have three recommendations. 调查结果 Findings * 报告的调查结果是报告建议的依据,内容应当准确无误,结构清晰,语言流畅、 衔接。此部分详尽地讨论报告的议题,列出调查研究的数据和信息材料并利用各种 图形列表等,进行相应的分析说明,阐明发现问题的途径和方法。 * 这部分内容的每一个段落都应当有一个明确的主题句(topic sentence),便于读者 获取这部分的信息。 * A number of employees clearly suffer from a lack of motivation as a result of dissatisfaction in one or more areas of their work. The key findings are outlined below: * ? * ? * ? 结论 Conclusion * 报告的结论是报告人在报告调查结果的基础上,对调查结果进行的总结和归纳, 不应当包括报告前文没有提到的新的信息。 * 为了陈述总结、推论和预测,结论部分经常使用表达因果关系(cause and effect)、 分类关系(classification)、比较关系(comparison)或对比关系(contrast)等语言结构。 * The above findings show that the majority of customers are increasingly dissatisfied with Big Store salespeople. There are three major reasons: * ? * ? * ? 建议Recommendation * 建议的主要内容是报告撰写人在经过充分的论证后,认为应当采取的措施 (measure)或行动(action)。报告人有时也会描述采取措施后可能出现的后果或情形。 On the basis of the conclusions, three recommendations are put forward: * ?? ? Writing Methods for Reports Field Reports 考察报告 Progress Reports 进度报告 Incident Reports 事故报告 Feasibility Reports 可行性报告 Chapter 11 Proposals Introduction of proposals * Business proposal are designed to analyze an audience's problem, present a solution, and persuade the audience that the solution presented is the best approach. Proposals * 建议书是报告类文书的一种,但与其他报告相比有其自身特点。 * 建议书是书面的提议,是指单位或个人对某项事业或工作有所思考和研究,就 解决问题、提供服务或销售产品提出建议,进而向有关上级、政府、企事业单位、 专业团体提出改进措施和建设性意见所形成的一种书面材料。 Definition of proposals * The proposal is a full description of a problem and its solution. * A proposal is a special analytical report to make the reader accept the product, service, and idea. * Combine persuasion with technical description Classification of proposals Internal Proposals * Internal proposals are submitted to decision makers in one's own organization, and they are issued to suggest a change within an organization. * 内部建议书是公司或组织内的成员对公司或组织的某些方面、某些问题,向公 司或组织内相关人员提出的一些建议和意见。 内部建议书的主要目的 * 寻求公司对一些行为的支持(support),例如,改变雇佣程序、改变公司的培训计 划、重组公司的部门等; * 要求得到一些资源(resource),例如,购买新设备、雇佣更多员工、要求更多资 金等。 External Proposals * External proposals are issued to prospective clients in workplace and government outside an organization. * 外部建议书是提交给潜在的生意伙伴的文件。 * Be formal. * The basis of a contract. * Be convincing. Solicited Proposals 非主动提供的建议书 * A solicited proposal is a response to a formal or informal request. * 非主动提供的建议书指应对方要求而撰写的规划或方案。 * 对方的要求一般称为―征求建议‖(a request for proposal—RFP)。 Unsolicited Proposals 主动提供的建议书 * An unsolicited proposal, on the other hand has not been invited by the potential customers. * 就某一问题提出对策、设想、建议或行动方案时起草的建议书。 * 这种主动提供的建议书其主旨大多在于改变现状或改善局面。主动提供的建议书的内容、格式、长度、目的有很大的自由度,但必须有很强的针对性。 Communicative Purposes * an economically feasible solution to a specific problem ; 对某个特定问题的最经济的解决方法; * * the conviction that the writer is in the best position to implement that solution. * 该建议是最好的、最行之有效的解决方法 Linguistic Features of Proposal * Factual Writing * Clear, Simple, and Nontechnical Language * Direct and Positive Tone * Formality * Length The Structure of Informal Proposal Table 11-1 Sample 11-3 * Introduction * problem * solution * Analysis * background * causes of the problem * scope, significance, implications of the problem * Detailed solution * work and management: people, material, times, and costs * drawbacks * benefits * Action stimulus The Structure of Formal Proposal * Cover Page * cover letter * Summary * tables of contents * introduction * proposed program * qualifications and experience * facilities and equipment * Budget * Appendices Cover Page * project title and date * or application/executive agency; * address; * telephone number; * fax number; * E-mail; * persons in charge. Cover Letter /Transmittal * A cover letter indicates support for a project written by the executive officer of the organization-submitting proposal. * 说明信或通知函经常是大型建议书的一个组成部分。一般比较简洁,主要描述 建议书的相关负责人员对项目的支持。长的说明信或通知函会用一两句话描述建议 书的主要内容。 * See Sample 11-1 on page 54 Summary * Define the problem in a sentence or two. * Describe the proposed program. * Provide a brief statement of your qualifications and experience. Summary includes: * an unusually well-qualified staff; * a new, efficient method of performing the proposed service; * outcomes that will exceed the minimum requirements * See page 56 Tables of Contents * Tables of contents in the documents which contain more than 10 pages can help readers find the materials easily. Introduction * The purpose of the introduction is to help the reader understand the context, scope, and organization of the proposal. * See Sample 11-2 Proposed Program 项目计划 * The proposed program demonstrates clearly how much work you have already done. * 项目计划的主旨是讨论如何解决问题,满足对方的需要,可以包括即将进行的 工作、工作的顺序、工作的方法和项目完成的时间。 * See page 57 Qualifications and Experience * For a small project, a few paragraphs describing your technical credentials and those of your co-workers will usually suffice. * For larger projects, the resumes of the project leader and the other important participants should be included. Facilities and Equipment * 设施和设备 * It should also focus on the equipment and facilities the company already possesses. * A description of available facilities and equipment assures the reviewers that the project is feasible in terms of these requirements. Budget 预算 * The budget section of a pro,posal specifies how much the proposed program will cost. * 在预算部分,可以分项列出小时数和费用,也可以只报一个总价。 * 一份复杂的计算机系统集成的建议书可能包含详细的逐项预算。但一些小项目, 如举办为期一天的讲座以提高员工交流技巧的建议书,预算可能只是一个总数。 Appendices 附件 * The appendix section is where you place supporting materials that do not belong to the body of the proposal. * 篇幅较长的重要文件,如不适于放在正文中,可以安排在附件中,比如,机构 的介绍、年报、财务与审计报告、名单、数据、图表等。 Formal Proposals * See Sample 11-4 Writing Techniques * Planning a Proposal * Organizing a Proposal * Format and Length of a Proposal Planning a Proposal * Solicited proposal: present your solution to that need in a way that emphasizes the benefits you can provide. * Unsolicited proposal: establish the need and explain the proposed action, again stressing the benefits to the receiver. * See page 63 Organizing a Proposal * See Table 11-2 Sample of A Proposal * Proposed automatic mail-response system Essential Tips * Use active verbs and simple constructions; * Use concrete and picture language; * Convey liveliness and enthusiasm; * Define the scope of work; * Determine methods and procedures to be used; * Describe facts or events in concrete terms; * Give plenty of evidence for your conclusion; * Close by summarizing key points and asking for audience decision. Writing Task * Suppose you are a student in Heilongjiang University. You observe people in your university waste water and electricity. Write a proposal to the university president. * HAVE A NICE HOLIDAY! Chapter 14 Memos LEARNING OBJECTIVES * know the definition of memos; * identify the types of memos; * explain the communicative purposes of memos; * choose the appropriate format to write memos; * understand the language features of memos. * Memorandum, also called memo or internal memo, is a kind of simple and efficient internal communication within a business organization. * 备忘录 (memos) 是机构内部和企业内部用来联系工作、交流信息和处理一般 公务常采用的一种文体。 * 备忘录——―memos‖是英文 ―memorandum‖的缩写形式。备忘录一词源自拉丁 语―memoro‖(提到,想起,涉及)和 ―gerundive memorandum‖(令人难忘)。 PRINCIPLES FOR LESSON PLANNING * business memos * 商务备忘录 * memos of minutes synopsis * 会议纪要式备忘录 * memos of legal documents * 法律公文式备忘录 PRINCIPLES FOR LESSON PLANNING * formal memos * 正式备忘录 * simplified memos * 简化备忘录 Classification of Memos * hard-copy memos * 打印备忘录 * electronic memos * 电子备忘录 Informative Memos * 信息类备忘录通常用来传递或解释公司的政策方针和公告等。 * 作为决策性的文件(decision-making documents),信息类备忘录的结构和语言必须清楚、简洁。 * 此外,还可以借助一些辅助手段,使所传递的信息更加准确、清晰。 * See sample 14-4 on page 105 Request Memos Persuasive Memos Sample 14-7 交际目的 * 提供记录(offering records)。备忘录用来记录公司制定或修改的规定、决议和政策,便于日后查询参考; * 传递信息(conveying information)。备忘录还用来将记录的内容传递给相关人员或通报项目进展情况等; * 提出指示、请求和建议(giving direction, request and proposal)。公司的管理者常以备忘录形式传递指令,或就某一计划项目提出建议。 Linguistic Features * 简洁性(conciseness)。备忘录的功能和目的之一是为了方便交流,应避免使用冗长、修饰性的文字,做到直截了当、意义明确,便于阅读; * 准确性(correctness)。备忘录必须以准确的语言表达正确、完整的主题; * 清晰性(clarity)。备忘录应做到主题突出,层次分明,可读性强。为了清晰地表达内容,有时需附有范例、说明、图示等; Linguistic Features * 礼貌性(courtesy)。撰写备忘录应本着真诚体贴、有礼有节、不卑不亢的态度,以婉转、积极,得当等方法进行写作。 * 客观性(Neutrality)。备忘录是一种公务文件,撰写时应注意遣词造句的客观性,避免使用带有个人感情色彩、个人见解的词语,尽量采用中立、客观的语气。 Title 标题部分 * 备忘录的标题仅为一个词 ―MEMO‖或 ―MEMORANDUM‖,或内部备忘录(Internal Memorandum),办公室间备忘录(Interoffice Memorandum),位于首页正中。 * 一般情况下,在印制好的备忘录专用纸张上,标题一般位于公司名称和徽标(logo)下方。 Heading 开头部分 * 备忘录的开头与标题之间空两行,包括收件人(To)、发件人(From)、日期(Date) 和事由(Subject)四部分。 * 格式布局一般采用纵向垂直和横向水平两种。 * See sample 14-2 on page 99 MEMORANDUM TO: Frank Connors, Security Manager FROM: Jack Victors, Security Supervisor DATE: 15th March, 2007 SUBJECT: Incident Report-Damage to Medical Equipment MEMORANDUM TO: Frank Connors, DATE: 15th March, 2007 Security Manager FROM: Jack Victors, SUBJECT: Incident Report Security Supervisor Damage to Medical Equipment MEMORANDUM * TO: (readers' names and job titles) * FROM: (your name and job title) * DATE: * SUBJECT: (specifically what the memo is about) * Make sure you address the reader by her or his correct name and job title. Courtesy titles are not necessary but make sure you spell everyone's names properly and don't use informal nicknames. * Use a job title after your name, and hand write your initials by your name. This confirms that you take responsibility for the contents of the memo. Subject 事由 * 事由必须简洁而涵义丰富,应概括主题思想,供读者快速识别其主要意图 (intention),判断应由哪个业务部门处理、与自己是否有关等。 * 事由通常使用缩略形式,不加冠词,没有必要是完整的句子,结尾不加句号; 应是详细的、吸引人的、谈话式的(即含有一个动词形式)。 * Subject: Three Promotional Items to Showcase at Our Next Trade Show(而不是 Trade Show) * 通常情况下,人们会采用描述型事由,来概括备忘录的主要内容。然而,信息 型事由更为详细、具体。 * Descriptive * Staff Training * Board Meeting * 撰写事由可以遵循以下建议: * 内容不宜过长,能简要表达其主旨即可; * 以5Ws(who, what, when, where and why)作为线索,谋划和撰写内容; * 如需要特殊强调,可用大写字母书写。 Body 正文部分 * 备忘录的正文部分是其主体部分,即信息内容。 * 依据其主题内容,正文部分的篇幅可短至一两句,也可长达几页。 * 如果涉及两个主题,为避免使备忘录过长的话,可将其变成一个报告,并附带 一份备忘录进行简要说明。 Notations 注释部分 * 多数情况下,备忘录最后会附有与内容相关的各种表格、图表等注释,以证实 所提供的信息真实、可靠,且言之有据。 * 同时,要提及所附加的附件,并在最后加上一句话以表明附件内容。 * Attachment(s)/Enclosure: Several Complaints about Product, January, 2006 * 如果备忘录由助理或秘书经手的,起草人和助理都应标注他们的姓名缩写。前 者以大写字母的形式出现,后者以小写字母的形式出现。 * EIB: pjc * IMK/pjc * 当备忘录要分发给其他人,或其副本(copy notation)要发送给多名商业伙伴或其 他有关当事人,并列举这些收件人的姓名。 * Distribution: Jeffrey Jones * C/ CC: Jeffrey Jones Guidelines for the Format * Memos have one-inch margins around the page and are on plain paper. * All lines of the memo begin at the left margin. * The text begins two spaces after the subject line. * The body of the memo is single-spaced, with two spaces between paragraphs. * Second-page headings are used, as in business letters. * The second page includes who the Memo is to, the page number, and the date. * The sender usually signs the Memo using initials, first name, or complete name. * 除非公司另有具体要求,商务备忘录格式的基本要求并无太多变化; * 开头部分中 ―to‖, ―from‖, ―date‖和―subject‖可全部大写,也可以只大写首个字 母。这一组词用作标题时,可用冒号,也可不用标点。 * 备忘录所有的内容通常左对齐(the left margin)。 * 正文部分,在事由或主题行后两倍行距开始。 * 如备忘录不止一页时,应在第二页左上角标注收件人,日期和页码。 Jeffrey Jones Feb. 26, 2002 page 2 …… * 字号、下划线、黑体以及斜体的使用和调整,可以使开头部分和重要信息更加 醒目; * 列举数字序号,可使读者更容易浏览信息。但需要注意的是,列举要符合语法 规范; * 发件人签署备忘录通常使用姓名缩写,或名字,或完整的姓名; * 需要时,将打字员姓名的首字母写在正文结束空两行的位置; * 需要时,将附件写在打字员姓名的首字母下面空两行的位置。 * See page 98 sample 14-1 * See page 102 sample 14-3 Process for Organizing Memos Planning a memo Direct Order * Use the direct order in a memo that contains good news for the receiver or that makes a routine request. * Present the main idea first, followed by supporting information. Opening Segment * Begin writing your business memo by stating the problem--that is, what led to the need for the memo. Perhaps a shipment has not arrived, a scheduled meeting has been canceled, or a new employee is starting tomorrow. * After stating the problem, indicate the purpose clearly: Are you announcing a meeting, welcoming a new employee, or asking for input on adopting a new policy about lunch hour length? Discussion Segment * As you write the business memo, in the discussion segment, give details about the problem, Don't ramble on incessantly, but do give enough information for decision makers to resolve the problem. * Describe the task or assignment with details that support your opening paragraph (problem). Closing Segment * After the reader has absorbed all of your information, close with a courteous ending that states what action you want your reader to take. Should they hand email their reports rather than hand in hard copies? Attend a meeting? * Except for memos that are essentially informal reports or instructional documents, write a business memo no more than one page long. In a memo, less is more. Summary Segment * If your business memo is longer than a page, you may want to include a separate summary segment. * This part provides a brief statement of the recommendations you have reached. These will help your reader understand the key points of the memo immediately. * Suppose that you (Tony Party) are a supervisor of a big company. The chief of operation (David Green) wants to adopt the ―punch-in‖(上班打卡) system to increase productivity. You write a memo which covers the following issues: * You agree with David in terms of increasing productivity in the company; * You express doubt that ―punch-in‖ system can be effective; * You would like to meet David to discuss other means of incentives(激励). Memo * To: David Green, Chief of Operations * From: Tony Party, Supervisor * Subject: Comments on the ―Punch-in‖ system * Date: March 22, 2009 * This is further to your memo dated March 20, 2009, in which you proposed that employees adopt the ―punch-in‖ system. * I fully agree with you that we must increase productivity. As far as your proposal that if the ―punch-in‖ system is adopted, we would have a tighter control over the employees is concerned, however, I don‘t think so. I personally think that, to accomplish this, we should give the employees more incentives to work faster. I feel that if we (the supervisors) could meet with you, we could discuss different possibilities to create such incentive. * Your consideration of this suggestion would be appreciated. * T. P. * Thank you! * Memorandum, also called memo or internal memo, is a kind of simple and efficient internal communication within a business organization. MEMORANDUM * TO: (readers' names and job titles) * FROM: (your name and job title) * DATE: * SUBJECT: (specifically what the memo is about) Process for Organizing Memos Chapter 15 MINUTES ACTIVITY: REFLECTION LEARNING OBJECTIVES * identify the types of minutes; * explain the communicative purposes of minutes; * understand the language features of minutes; * use note-taking as a tool for meetings. * 会议记录是会议内容的正式书面记录,对于任何一个公司或机构来说都是至关重要的。 Definition of Minutes * 英语中会议记录——―minutes‖一词来自拉丁语―minutus‖(较小、微小)。 * 会议记录不是指会议期间的笔录(notes of meetings),而是指在会议过程中,由专门记录人员把会议的组织情况和具体内容如实地记录下来,而后再对笔录或录音形成的会议情况材料进行整理而形成的文本资料。 逐字记录型会议记录 (verbatim minutes) 逐字记录型会议记录将会人员讲的每一句话,发生在会议上的一切事情都记录下来。由于其内容较长,且单调乏味,不便于记录和阅读,因此,目前几乎不使用此类会议记录。 决议型会议记录 (minutes of resolution) 决议型会议记录主要是记录与会人员在会议上做出的决定。 叙述型会议记录 (minutes of narration) 叙述型会议记录简要概括会议中直接关系到会议决议的与会人员发言、讨论的内容。 行动型会议记录 (minutes of action) 行动型会议记录除了记录与会人员的发言、讨论的内容外,还要重点指出将要实施的措施和具体项目的负责人,是叙述型和决议型记录的综合。 * 会议记录是记载会议基本情况和内容的会议文书之一,可为日后分析、研究、处理有关问题提供重要依据; * 可作为书面文件,下达与上报会议精神,以使有关人员了解、贯彻会议有关决议、指示; * 可作为编写会议纪要(synopsis of minutes)和会议简报的基础及重要的参考资料。 * Sharon left the room in tears. Structural Features * MINUTES * EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING * THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF MATERIALS, * METALS & MINERALS SOCIETIES (IOMMMS) 2001 Joint Statistical Meetings in Atlanta, GA Executive Business Meeting Minutes * Time and Date: 8:00 AM – 12 Noon on Monday, * August 6, 2001 * Venue: Downtown Atlanta Georgia Marriott Marquis Rio Grande Conference Room * Attendees: * Gladys Reynolds (Chair), Christopher Standard, Robert Bell, Deborah Swayne, Javier Rojo, Donald Martin, * Jackie Hughes-Oliver, Shelton Jones, and Ramon Leon (guest invited to speak now joining the committee) Opening Statement 开场白 * 开场白也称为会议背景,其作用表明会议召开的目的,或为将要讨论的议题提供背景信息,应简洁易懂。其表述形式有下列三种: * 表明会议讨论的议题; * 对上次的会议记录给予肯定、称赞; * 宣布会议开始。 Business Arising 议题 * 会议过程中讨论和研究的议题,应以段落或要点罗列的形式组织,简要概括各种不同的原因。 * 该部分内容的写作应体现客观、公正的态度,不夹杂个人看法和观点。 * 该部分的主要作用在于明确会议召开的目的,即此次会议的议题或中心。内容比较简短,语言概括性强。 Conclusion 结论 * 会议记录的结论应清晰、简洁,如果讨论议题不同,可以分别总结和概括,不应统一做出结论。 * 如果会议的主持人没有作出结论,撰写者有必要进行总结,因为它是个人或部门实施行动的主要依据。因此,应明确、清楚地表达结论的内容和涉及的对象。 * Adjournment * The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on June 20. * Respectfully submitted, * Terry King, Secretary * Enc: Appendix A: Hardware and Software Allocations * C: Department Heads * Director of Purchasing * Corporate Executive Council * 基本情况部分的 ―Date and Time‖, ―Venue‖, ―Present‖ , ―Observers‖ , ―Attendance‖ 和 ―Apologies‖可全部大写,也可以只是大写第一个字母。这一组词用作标题时,可用冒号也可不用标点。 * 会议记录所有的内容通常左对齐; * 字号、下划线、黑体以及斜体的使用和调整可以让开头部分和重要的信息凸现; * 用数字序号的列举可以使读者更容易浏览信息; * 将记录人或打字员的姓名写在正文结束空两行的地方; * 需要时,将附件字样写在打字员姓名下方两行的位置; * 每项决议或事实除有编号外,都要加上小标题,以总括每项的中心思想; * 凡日期、数字和金额都要列举清楚,特别是金额,除用数字外,最好要加上文字,以确保准确。 * 所有会议记录的正本,必须有主席和秘书签字,才称得上完备。而且都要放在会议记录簿中,存放在公司注册的办公地点,以便有关人士查阅。 Components of Formal Minutes Guidelines for Writing Minutes * See Table 15-1 on page 115 * Before the meeting * During the meeting * After the meeting * 会议召开之前,人们常常会将此前会议中涉及的有关事宜或项目作简要说明和总结。 * 记录一个人的发言来说,要记其发言要点、主要论据和结论,论证过程可以不记。就记一句话来说,要记这句话的中心词,修饰语一般可以不记。 * 注意上下句子的连贯性、可读性和实用性。 写作要点为: * 以小标题划分层次; * 不带岐视性或攻击性言语,态度保持中立; * 提及人名和其他任何名称及标题时一般使用全名或全称; * 突出强调会议之后需要落实的事项以及规定期限 Agenda 议事日程 * 议事日程对会议的整体进程及会议记录的撰写起到统领和导向作用。 * 一般包括:会议召集(convening)、主持人宣布开会(call to order)、与会人员名单(roll call)、会议记录的批准 (approving minutes for meeting)、大会报告(conference reports)、新议题(business arising)、结束语或休会 (adjournment),概述将要讨论的每一项事宜。 Different Types of Business Minutes * 叙述型会议记录主要采用陈述语气记录会议的过程和内容。 * 语言特点表现为:多用陈述句式,句子结构简单、清晰,使用常见词语。 * See Sample 15-2 Different Types of Business Minutes * 主要针对会议中的各项决议、措施和讨论结果进行记录和撰写。语言多为概括性语句,多用抽象名词。 * See Sample 15-3 决议事项 Resolutions 记录会议的结果,如会议的决定、决议或表决等。同时突出: * 会议中心议题以及围绕中心议题展开的有关活动; * 会议讨论、争论的焦点及其各方的主要见解; * 权威人士或代表人物的言论; * 会议开始时的定调性言论和结束前的总结性言论; * 会议已决或议而未决的事项; * 对会议产生较大影响的其他言论或活动。 Different Types of Business Minutes * 行动型会议记录是叙述型和决议型会议记录的综合。行动型会议记录的内容重 点,主要是针对会议上提出的某一项目或方案的实施步骤和过程,进行详细记录。 内容包括具体的措施、进展程度和负责人等。 * See Sample 15-4 Using Specific Words * See table 15-1 on page 121 Using Passive Voice 被动语态的运用 * We are still designing the cloth products. * The cloth products were still being designed. * We all agree that the date of shipment should be changed. * It was agreed that the date of shipment should be changed. Using Past Tense 过去时态的运用 * 通常情况,会议记录者使用叙述的方式来记录已经结束的会议过程和内容,所 以在撰写会议记录时,经常把现在时态转化成过去时态。 Using Indirect Speech 间接引语的运用 * 会议记录的撰写者实际上是在转述会议的内容,所以通常多用间接引语来进行 叙述。 * I will ask the secretary to arrange for their visit and booking room in hotel. * Mr. Wand said that he would ask the secretary to arrange for their visit and booking room in hotel. Change the following information into minutes of narration. * The Director said ―I would like to propose that the annual subscription to the department be increased from $1200 to $2000 with effect from 1 July 2001. Could I have a seconder please?‖ (Ms. Smith seconded.) The Director then asked ―All those in favor?‖ and all members raised their hands. ―Then I declare the mention carried unanimously.‖ * The Director proposed that the department?s annual subscription should be increased from $1200 to $2000 with effect from 1 July 2001. Ms. Smith seconded this proposal and the motion was carried unanimously. Using Stenography, Abbreviation and Symbols 速记、缩写或特殊符号的运用 * 常使用简称、简化词语和统称以省略附加成分; * 较长的词组、句子的后半部分画一曲线代替; * 省略引文; * 记下起止句或起止词即可以便会后查补。 * 用较为简便的写法代替复杂的写法。 Try to convey the brief notes into the full sentences. (1) Prod. Dept = resp. for Comp. Poor perf. Q1 (2) Shld?intake grad. engs. b4 end yr. (3) Prosps for future, ? strongly rec.?staff sals. * (1) The Production Department is responsible from the company‘s poor performance in the first quarter. * (2) I think we should increase our intake of graduate engineers before the end of next year. * (3) Prospects for the future are poor. So, I‘d strongly recommend a decrease in staff salaries. * Thank you! Chapter 16 Oral Presentation LEAD-IN TASK Situation 1 A group of technicians asks you to explain differences in asbestos removal processes. Situation 2 A local club asks you to present the current status of drug control efforts in your company. Situation 3 Your board of directors asks you to analyze and present current marketing efforts. LEARNING OBJECTIVES * identify the types of oral presentation; * explain the communicative purposes of oral presentation; * understand the language features and structural features of oral presentation; * master the skills for planning, writing and delivering oral presentations. Basic Skills in Oral Presentation Situation 1 You are asked unexpectedly by your boss at a meeting to give a briefing on some problem or a status report on some project. Situation 2 You are asked at a presentation before some prospective clients to address an issue that you hadn‘t planned to talk about. Situation 3 You are asked a rather sophisticated and unexpected open question on an employment interview that requires a response of several minutes. Situation 1 presenting testimony at a hearing Situation 2 delivering a major policy statement before a large public audience Situation 3 taping a message for broadcast Situation 1 You are speaking with a potential client, who tells you that your company is on a short list of possible vendors. She suggests that you come to their office to brief several key people on the advantages of your company‘s products. Identifying Topic and Specific Purposes QUESTION TO ASK YOURSELF Appearance Eye contact Body Language Sum-up & Assignment * Finish the checklist questions and find out how to evaluate an oral presentation. * List the similarities and differences of written reports and oral presentations Chapter 17 Resume Teaching Objectives: * understand the types of resume; * describe how to organize and prepare a resume; * review key elements in drafting a resume. Task Fill in the blanks: * A resume (sometimes called a data sheet or a vita) is a concise of an applicant's qualifications for employment. * is a resume that is written so that it can be viewed via the Internet. The Definition of Resume * A resume (also called a data sheet or a vita) is a concise summary of an applicant's qualifications for employment. * It should high,light skills and abilities that you want employers to notice. The resume is a tool you use to sell yourself to employers. * 简历,就是对个人学历、经历、特长、爱好及其他相关信息所作的简明扼要的 书面介绍。 * 一份优秀的求职简历不仅要阐明求职者的能力,同时也要把求职者所具备的能 力有效地宣传出来,从而将求职者推销到具体的工作岗位上去。 Classifications of Resume * Scannable Resume 可扫描简历 A scannable resume is a resume that is prepared and becomes part of a file which is created by using scanners. * On-line Resume在线简历 An on-line resume can be viewed via the Internet and generally it uses links to other screens, expanding on information that might be omitted in a one page resume. Communicative Purposes 简历主要实现两个目的: * Winning an Interview * 从未来雇主那里获得面试的机会 * Discussion During Interview * 作为与未来雇主在面试过程中交谈的内容 Linguistic Features of Resumes * Omitting the Subject ―I‖ 省略主语―I‖ * I won First-class Scholarship for graduate, 2008 * won First-class Scholarship for graduate,2008 * Contracted words Used * Using Abbreviations 多用缩略词 * Using Phrases 多用短语 * Maintaining the Sentence Structure Uniform 保持句式一致 * 请看sample17-1 p139 Structural Features of Resumes * heading; * job objective; * special qualifications; * work experience; * education; * activities, interests, and achievements; * personal information; * references Heading 开头部分 * The heading or beginning section should include your name, address; telephone numbers where you can be reached both day and night, and e-mail address. Job Objectives 职业目标 * The job objective (or career goal) is a brief statement that describes the type of position for which you are applying. It is optional and it helps employers know if your interests match their needs. Make your job objective as brief as possible. * See Sample 17-2 Special Qualifications 资格 * A condensed statement of your main qualifications may be placed at the beginning of your resume so that a prospective employer will no,tice them. This statement should cite your strengths and achievements. * See Sample 17-3 Work Experience 工作经历 * The work experience should be described in the order that makes you look best and relates to the job you are seeking. * See Table 17-1 Education 教育背景 教育背景主要介绍应聘者的教育程度。这一部分包括学校的名字和地址、在校时 间、专业和获得的学位。未来的雇主很看重学分的平均水平和班级排名。 Activities, Interests, and Achievements * 将奖励、荣誉和活动以列表形式列出,包括奖励、奖学金、荣誉、认证、奖状 和证书等。 Personal Information 个人信息 * 简历中应介绍与求职相关的个人信息:如出生日期、婚姻状况、身高、体重、 宗教信仰等。 * 最好提及对相关工作有益的爱好,以吸引招聘者的注意力或作为面试的话题。 References 证明人 * 用人公司往往喜欢应聘者在面试时提供一些愿意对自己的能力发表评论的人来 证明应聘者的能力,如果要列出这些人,最好用平行的格式。 * See Sample 17-4 Chronological Order * The chronological order presents the most recent work experience first and works backward to earlier jobs. Functional Order * Present your accomplishments or skills in order of their importance, showing the most important or impressive first. * Combination Order * It combines both the chronological and functional formats. This format allows you to group your experiences or key selling points together by functional areas (such as Research Experience and Teaching Experience) and then list those experiences chronologically within each section. Thank you! Chapter 18 Application Letters Teaching Objectives * understand major types of application letters; * know the purposes of writing an application letter; * identify the elements contained in an application letter; * summarize the language features of application letters; * draft an application letter effectively. Background Information * An application letter should always accompany your resume. Its purpose is to introduce yourself, explain why you are writing and to attract the reader enough to look at your attached resume. Hopefully the person reading your letter will then follow up your application usually with an interview. * 求职信作为商务语篇的一个分支, 其最终的交际目的是为了获得求职者所追求 的工作职位, 最低目标也在于获得面试的机会。所以说, 求职信也就是一篇商务促销 书,意在让招聘者了解求职者的学历、经历、能力、业绩、愿望等等, 给招聘一方 留下深刻印象, 从而获得面试的机会。只有获得面试机会, 才有可能最终获得所求的 职位。 * A well composed letter, which is polite, to the point and presented in a professional format will be appreciated. Task : * What is an application letter? * What are solicited application letter and unsolicited application letter? Definition of Application letters * An application letter or cover letter or covering letter is a letter of introduction attached to, or accompanying another document such as a resume or curriculum vitae. Your letter is the first indicator of your communication skills to a potential employer. Classification of Application letters * Solicited Letters 公开职位求职信 * Unsolicited Letters 非公开职位求职信 Solicited Letters 公开职位求职信 A solicited letter of application is written to apply for a specific job opening, which has been announced or advertised. For example, you may be applying for a job advertised in the newspaper or for a job you learned about from a current employee. Unsolicited Letters 非公开职位求职信 * An unsolicited letter of application is written to apply for a position that has not been advertised or announced and may or may not be open. In the letter, you need to show your skills and experiences based your understanding of the related companies. Genre Features of Application letters * Communicative Purposes of Application letters * Linguistic Features of Application letters * Structural Features of Application letters Communicative Purposes * 求职信作为一封自我推荐信,意在让招聘者了解应聘者的学历、经历、能力、业绩、愿望等等,给招聘一方留下深刻印象,从而获得面试的机会。 Linguistic Features * Plain * Concise * Affirmative Structural Features of Application letters: * Opening Paragraph(概述部分): 要想引起读者兴趣,第一步就是要称呼具体的个人。不要把信件邮给―人事部经理(Personnel Managers)‖或者―人力资源部(Human Resources Managers)‖,而要把称呼指向适当的个人。组织名称正确拼写,地址完整。 * 求职信的开头取决于雇主是不是在征聘。 * 一个职位是公开招聘,就可以采用直接的方式。假如不知道那个职位招聘与否或者是期待应聘的某一个职位,就要用间接的方式。 * 不管是直接还是间接,开头都应该吸引招聘者的注意力,使开头更具有吸引力。 * 明确说明信息的来源。假如求职信是针对广告写的,就要写出广告的具体时间、地点、名称。对于较大的招聘单位,提及广告所在的报纸版块可以有效提示招聘者。 * 针对工作名称描写一下应聘者的条件是如何符合要求的。 正文开头(Beginning) * I am answering your advertisement in yesterday‘s ―South Daily‖ from an experienced export sales staff member. * I am interested in applying for the position of purchasing manager you advertised in ―Yangcheng Evening News‖ of April 6. * If you have an opening for… please conseder me an applicant. * If your company has a need for… I would like to be considered an applicant. Body Paragraph(详述部分) * 详述部分主要陈述招聘者的求职资格和所具备的能力,即可以为雇主做什么。 * 专业情况要突出与招聘工作密切相关的内容,包括自己所学的专业和业余所学 的专业及特长,具体所学的课程,教育背景的陈述。 * 工作经历要突出与求职目标相关的经历,一定要说出最主要、最有说服力的资历、 能力和工作经历。说明的语气要肯定、积极、有力,主要是突出近期的工作经验。在 每一项工作经历中先写工作日期,接着是单位和职务。 * 陈述个人的资格和能力经历时,要选择应聘者资格最强的事实来陈述,说明它 们是如何与目标工作需求吻合的。 * 详述部分要把能证明资历、能力以及工作经历的材料列举出来,让阅信人觉得 所言是实,最好是印制随信的附件。 正文中间(Middle) * 1. During my experience with the Johnson & Jones Company, I got to know the people of this section very well. * 2. In the past two years, I have written about a dozen of research papers, two of which have been published in the Journal of Peking University. Closing Paragraph(总结部分) * 介绍完情况以后,可以以行动激励来收尾。表明自己希望加入招聘单位的诚意, 礼貌地提出希望参加面试的请求,标明与自己联系的最佳方式和预约面试的可能时 间范围,也可以礼节性地感谢对方花时间浏览简历。 正文结尾(Closing) * 1. I will await your answer. * 2. I am looking forward you early reply. * 3. I will be available to work at the end of this coming July. Task * 6月22日Student Daily刊登了一则招聘启事:黑龙江大学欲招聘网络维护工程 师(Network Maintenance Engineer ),要求计算机或相关专业本科或以上学历。 * 请根据以上信息写一份求职信。 * P.O. Box 36 Heilongjiang University Harbin, China 100084 Dear Sir/Madam: Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the June 22 Student Daily interested me because the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking. * According to the advertisement ,your position requires Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server. * During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question. I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview. Sincerely yours, 第一步:介绍消息来源 * 介绍消息来源实际上是求职信的开篇交待句,它可使求职信显得自然、顺畅; 而不介绍消息来源,会使收信人感到意外、突然,文章也缺乏过渡、照应,消息来 源可作如下介绍: Dear manager, I learned from the newspaper that your company wanted to hire an English translator. 第二步:表明求职心愿 * 介绍完消息来源后,应向收信人表明自己的求职心愿,即写信的目的,求职心 愿可作如下介绍: I'm interested in this job very much. I'd like to get this job. 第三步:介绍个人简历 * 某单位需要新人,求职人也有求职心愿,但这并不意味着这项工作非你莫属。 如果你没有干好这项工作的经历、实力,也是难以适应的。因此,介绍个人简历是 必不可少的。 第四步:摆出求职优势 * 仅有一定的工作经历而没有自身的优势和特长,也很难求得称心如意的工作。 因此,求职时应表明自己除了具有一定的工作经历之外,还具有一定的优势和特长, 这样才能稳操胜券。可通过如下方法摆出自己的优势: I work hard and I can get along well with others. I'm good at English and especially my spoken English is very good. I've translated many Chinese books into English. I can understand Japanese and I can talk to foreigners in Japanese freely. 第五步:提出获职打算 * 丰富的工作经验,一定的优势和特长,只能代表过去和现在的情况,如果获职后自以为心愿已了,从此高枕无忧,马虎从事,那也是得不到用人单位认可的。显然表明获职后努力工作的决心是感动用人单位的领导从而顺利谋得此项工作的重要一环。本文获职打算可作如下介绍: If you agree with me, I'll work hard and try to be a good translator. 第六步:请求答复联系 * 如果单位领导同意了你的求职要求,你必然要请他和你联系,以便你及时做好准备,到用人单位应聘或报到。为准确起见,请求答复联系时你还应当提供你的通讯地址、邮政编码、电话号码、电子信箱等。答复联系的内容可作如下介绍: If you agree with me, please write a letter to me or phone me. I live at No.1 Renmin Road, Suzhou city. My telephone number is 3654371. 第七步:表明感激之情 * 无论你的请求是否能够得到满意的答复,你给用人单位写信就是给对方添了麻烦,因此你应向对方表明感激之情。本文可这样来表明感激之情: Thank you very much. 上述七步内容联成一个整体,再加上下面的信尾,就成为一封完整的求职信。 Yours Truly(此致) lisheng(名字) Specific Subject(主题明确) 求职者向招聘者申请工作机会,主要谈论的是工作岗位的要求和求职者的相应任职资格、工作经验和技能技巧,表达求职人的任职决心和信心。因此,与主题不相关的信息无须赘述。 Direct Content (内容有针对性) * 写求职信时,要研究用人单位的工作性质和文化背景,从而决定内容的取舍,因为可能有的老板看重文采,有的老板注重员工的道德修养;有的老板希望找一个听话的员工,有的老板则需要一个能独当一面的帮手,在写作时都要根据具体写作前提来确定内容。 Proper Language(语言恰当) 求职信的语言要有针对性,注意区分专业与非专业语言的使用。如果一位工程师要给人力资源部经理写信,读者可能读不懂专业工程术语,这时就要用日常用语解释所有的专业术语。如果知道读者是本专业的招聘经理,就可以使用专业术语。 Thank you ! Technical Communication 教学目标 * 本课程旨在培养学生具有扎实的英语语言基础和熟练的综合应用写作能力,同 时还具有宽阔的国际视野和较强的交际能力,以便适应未来的相关领域的就业能力,从而满足就业市场和学生自身发展的需求。 课程性质 * 大学英语I(写作)是大学英语写作的必修课程,本课程面向黑龙江大学本科二年级学生开设。 * 开课1个学期,共36学时。 考核方式 * 成绩构成:期末考试和平时表现 * 期末考试:60% * 平时表现:40% * 题型:综合题型。 * 授课过程中重点内容的讲解,同时也是考核内容的重点。(例如概念、分类、交际目的、语言特点、结构特点) 课程说明 三大部分 十八章 一、科技沟通的基础理论(一至三章) (教材整体的理论基础与架构平台) 二、科技沟通的基本技能(四到七章) (为第三部分具体体裁写作奠定基础技能) 三、应用文写作(具体体裁写作) (八到十八章) 科技沟通的基础理论 * Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Technical Communication * Chapter 2 Contrastive Rhetoric in Technical Communication * Chapter 3 Meetings 科技沟通的基本技能 * Chapter 4 Fundamentals of Technical Writing * Chapter 5 Note-taking * Chapter 6 Summary * Chapter 7 Graphs 应用文写作 * Part III External Communication * Chapter 8 Letters * Chapter 9 Press Release * Chapter 10 Reports * Chapter 11 Proposals * Chapter 12 Contract * Chapter 13 Laboratory Report Part IV Internal Communication * Chapter 14 Memos * Chapter 15 Minutes * Chapter 16 Oral Presentations Part IV Communication for Obtaining a Job * Chapter 17 Resume * Chapter 18 Application Letters * 课堂座位从第二周起固定,严格考勤,缺勤五次取消考试资格 教材 * Technical Communication * 负责人以班级为单位统计人数,每人13元。 * 班级负责人在周一到周五工作时间到主楼223找张哓密老师开联系单,然后去教材科领取科技沟通(上)。 Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Technical Communication Are you a skillful communicator? Lead-in Game: Are you good at communicating? Task: 如果你牙痛,想向老板请假一天。 A:打电话口头请假 B:写病假条 请假条 * To:老板 * From:请假人 * Date:写假条的日期 我想知道是否可以在4月4日本周三请假一天。 今天早上我接到我牙医的一个电话,催促我尽早去看牙。我最近一直牙痛,几乎不能入睡。一旦情况恶化,还可能发生感染。 根据我的工作量安排,和其它工作日相比,周三相对不太忙。我认为在周三请假一天是最好的办法。我为我的请假可能带来的不方便表示歉意。 谢谢,我会在下午1点半给你打电话,你也可以随时打电话给我。 Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet . ——John F .Kennedy ―If all my possessions were taken from me with one exception, I would hope to keep my power of communication --- for by it I would regain all the rest.‖ --Daniel Webster Introduction * 在文献上,沟通(communication)至少有一百多个定义(Dance & Larson, 1972)。 试着给沟通下一个放诸四海皆准的定义,根本是不可能之事,因为在不同情况下, 沟通这个词语的使用本身就具有多样性。 Can you find a Chinese equivalent to the English word Communication? * 交际(语言学) * 交流(心理学) * 沟通(管理学) * 传播(新闻学) * 通信(通讯学) Chapter Outline What is Communication? * Communication, comes from the Latin word ―communicare‖, which means, ―to make common‖ or ― to share‖. * Communication is the process of exchanging information and meaning between or among individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, and behavior. * 沟通是―人与人之间通过共同享有的象征意义、符号和行为等进行信息传递和思 想交流的过程‖。换言之,沟通即表达感情、对话、通信、写作、倾听、和信息交流 等词语表达的过程。 Communication is an exchange of messages between individuals for the purpose of creating or influencing the meaning that others assign to events. Key points: exchange of messages(沟通的实质:交流信息) creating or influencing(沟通的目的:相互影响和融合) Communication in context Discussion * Can you list some jobs which need strong communication skills? * The most valuable skill an employee can have is the ability to communicate. If you have, many job offers and promotional opportunities await you. * You will depend on your technical knowledge during the first two years after your graduation. After the two years, you have to depend on your communication skill to get promotion. The Process of Communication Senders/Source(信息发送者) Receivers(信息接收者) * Participants in the communication process who communicate messages to an audience are called senders. * Receivers are the audience to whom messages are directed. Encoding(编码) Decoding(解码) * The activity of the sender choosing certain words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message is called encoding. * The activity of the receiver attaching meaning to the words or symbols that the sender sends is called decoding. Feedback(信息反馈) * Feedback consists of messages—verbal and nonverbal—that convey a reaction to the communicator‘s message. Channel (渠道) Which type of channel here? * Speeches * Interviews * Telephone conversations Letters * * Reports Noise(干扰因素) * It refers to all the factors that interfere with the exchange of messages. Internal noise * * External noise(最典型) * Semantic noise Context(沟通语境) * The communication context refers to the situation in which communication takes place and to every factor affecting its transmission. * Physical context * Social context * Interpersonal context Internal and external communication Internal Communication * Internal communication involves communicating back and forth within the organization through such written and oral channels as ____, reports, ____, meetings, ___, speeches, and ____. External Communication * External communication refers to communication with an organization‘s major ____, ____, ____ and _____, and ______. COMMUNICATION TRANSMITS CULTURE Communication and Culture * High-context cultures prefer to use high-context messages in which most of the meaning is either implied by the physical setting or presumed to be part of the individual‘s internalized belief, values, and norms; very little is provided in the coded, explicit, transmitted part of the message. * Low-context cultures prefer to use low-context messages, in which the majority of the information is vested in the explicit code. Typical countries of high –context culture * Features: Avoid speaking directly(内隐,含蓄) * E.g. Middle eastern and Asian cultures, esp. China context culture Typical countries of low – * Features: express ideas directly(外显,明了) * E.g. Most western countries United States and Canada 高低语境文化冲突 ―谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后‖ * My English is poor. Task 1. What meaning does the boy want to express? 2. By which channel is he going to send the message? 3. Is there anything that might interfere with the process? Summary * grasp the definition of communication; * identify the importance of communication; * understand the process of communication; * identify the flow of communication; * know how cultures influence communication and communication channel. Chapter 2 Contrastive Rhetoric in Business Communication 对比修辞学 Chapter Outline What is rhetoric? * Introduction * 对比修辞学是第二语言习得研究中的新领域; * 其主要研究范围是探讨第二语言学习者的学术写作问题; * 并借鉴母语修辞策略对第二语言学术写作问题进行解释。(见教材本章1.1) contrastive rhetoric maintains that language and writing are cultural phenomena. * 东方语言中段落的发展是绕着主题团团转,而不直接从主题入手展开讨论,语篇 ,文中夹杂着似乎与主题没有直接联的主题往往采用迂回的方式来加以阐述与发展 ,段落组织呈螺旋型 系的内容 ----You are very beautiful ----No, no. / Where, where.(―哪里哪里‖是中国人的谦虚之词,但是应该说thank you) How dos culture influence international business communication? * Successful international commerce requires cross-cultural communication. * Stereotypes 跨文化交流案例 * 经典案例:某中美合资企业的外方部门经理向中方总经理提出休假并得到同意。可在他休假前两天,中方总经理却安排了许多会议,休假前一天,会议还未结束。此时,这位外方经理感到很为难,但是他还是向总经理提出他不能参加第二天的会议, 因为按计划他从第二天起开始度假。中方总经理劝说他以工作为重,顾全大局,叫他推迟度假期,但遭拒绝。中方总经理当即十分生气, 而这位外方经理却责怪总经理工作无计划, 最后扬长而去。 案例分析 * 之所以会产生这样的冲突,归咎于中美文化的差异。中方总经理却认为,任何人都应以工作为重,个人利益服从集体利益,美国人办事有计划性,时间观念强,认为工作时间就应该拼命干,休闲时也应尽情潇洒。美国人在休闲时从不谈工作,美国文化有私人空间与公共空间之分。中方总经理并没有认识美国的这种文化,而是以中国的文化来对待美国的文化,因而冲突得以产生。像这样的关于文化冲突的问题在合资企业中已屡见不鲜。 如何减少母语对写作的影响 * 1.加强对英美文化背景知识的学习 。语言是文化的一部分,因此,不懂得文化的模式和准则,就不可能真正学到语言。 * 2. 多记忆常用写作词汇及典型英语句型,杜绝生搬硬套和中英文词汇含义的简单对应。 * 3.多阅读一些英语原著,多听、多看一些原版的英语音像制品,平时多模仿地道的英语。 General sites of rhetorical contrasts Translation * 涉外商务翻译要求信息必须准确、无误地进行传达, * 应遵循美国著名翻译家尤金?奈达所提出的 * ―功能对等‖ (Functional Equivalence)理论。 * 该理论强调:翻译的预期目的主要是原文和译文 * 在信息内容、说话方式、文体、文风、语言、 * 文化、社会因素诸方面达到对等, * 从而使原文读者的反应与译文读者的反应达到对等。 Numbers * 按美国习惯, 最为通用日期的写法,月、日、年,月份用英文,日和年用阿拉伯数字。例如:2008年9月8日应写成:Sep. 8, 2008 * 按英国习惯,通常用日、月、年这种写法。如1987年4月20日,英式的写法是20th April, 1987 Numbers Online Communication Specific Sites of Rhetorical Contrasts in Business Communication Resume & Application letter 一位匈牙利人为申请一份在美国的工作的个人简历 Now, let‘s summarize the key points of this chapter! Summary: * describe the definition of contrastive rhetoric; * understand the relationship between culture, language and rhetoric; * analyze general sites of rhetorical contrasts in business communication; * analyze specific sites of rhetorical contrasts in business communication. Assignment * Finish the exercises * Review the 2 chapters * Preview chapter 3 and 4 See You Next Time The definition of Meetings * Meetings are a type of theatre where managers observe and evaluate the performance and progress of subordinates. The Process of Meeting * What should you do to plan a meeting? * What information should be listed in an agenda? * What should you pay attention to when conducting a meeting? * What are the factors to evaluate a successful meeting? Chapter 4 Fundamentals of Technical Writing * Writing is the primary basis upon which your work, your learning, and your intellect will be judged—in college, in the workplace, and in the community. * Writing equips you with the communication and thinking skills you need to participate effectively in democracy. * Writing is an essential job skill. based upon brochures from Brown University and the --- University of Missouri What are the most common steps of writing? Three-Step Writing Process Chapter Outline * Planning Messages Identify your purpose Analyzing your audience selecting the Appropriate medium * Organizing Messages routine and good-news messages bad-news messages persuasive messages * Revising and Proofreading Messages edit for content, organization, and style edit for mechanics Identifying Your purpose * General purposes * To inform 告知信息 * To persuade 劝说 * To collaborate 合作 * Specific purpose * The outcome you are seeking Task P38 * The purpose of an informative message is either to___________ or to__________. * Persuasive messages focus on trying to ____________. * Sometimes a writer‘s purpose is to collaborate with ___________. What are the general purposes? * A. Colleagues often send emails to each other in order to complete a project on time. * B. Write a report on product sales to a senior sales manager. * C. A marketing manager might try to convince sales representatives to be more enthusiastic about a product that has not sold well. Specific Purpose * A good specific-purpose statement usually describes: * whom you want to influence; * what you want them to think or do; * how, when, and where you want them to do it. Analyzing Your Audience * Who are they? * How many people do you need to reach? * How much do they already know about the subject? What is their probable reaction to your message? * Your audiences could be… * Superior, colleague, or subordinate; woman or man; new or longtime customer; young, mid,dle-aged, or elderly. Consider … * the person‘s educational level, attitudes, and probable values (often culture-specific). your message and decide whether your readers or listeners are informed * * Or uninformed on the subject and whether they will react positively or negatively, with interest or disinterest. * 谁是主要读者? * 作者与读者是什么样的关系, * 读者的社会地位如何, * 读者对相关专业了解程度如何, * 作者对读者的教育、信仰和态度了解多少, * 作者的信息将得到中立、肯定还是否定的反应, Selecting the Appropriate Medium * Message Formality 信息的正式性 * Sender Intentions 信息发出者的意图 * Audience preferences 听众的喜好 * Urgency and Cost 迫切性与成本 * A. You want to express your love to a girl. * B. You need to deliver a message quickly, but you‘re physically separated from your audience. * C. You want to apply for a position in an American company. * D. You are going to tell your manager recent data of product sales. Organizing Messages * routine and good-news messages * bad-news messages * persuasive messages good-news messages * Messages that convey pleasant messages are referred to as good-news messages. routine messages * Messages that are of interest to the reader but are not likely to generate an emotional reaction are referred to as routine messages. * In order to write the best messages possible, it is necessary to consider the cultural variation in the sequence of grouping ideas and choice of words. Direct Plan(直接式) * Low-context cultures * The U.S., Canada, Australia, Britain, New Zealand and Northern Europe. The Direct Approach Indirect Plan(间接式) The Indirect Approach Comparison Direct-plan * ? * Please inform us of the amount realized from the sales of the books. Indirect-plan * It is now about six months, no information has been given us, for that two cases of books which was sent to Europe for sale through your Company on our behalf. We beg that we may be informed the amount realized from the sales of the books… Organizing Bad-News Messages The Direct Approach * TO: Bill Holmes * FROM: Cynthia Warren * SUBJECT: Need for Alternate Conference Room * Today Joe Smith from the Facilities Department told me that Room 209, which we scheduled for the conference we‘re hosting next month, will be under construction during the period in question. * As an alternate, Joe suggested using the Room 999, which is bigger and more luxurious than the 209. Its less convenient location can be handled with clear directional signs. * If you approve, I‘ll go ahead and make arrangements. Joe needs to know by next week if we want Room 999. Could you give me a call by Wednesday afternoon? The Indirect Approach * Thank you for your order of the Special Issue of the Mozart guitar. At $365, it is an exceptional value. * The demand for this version of the famous Mozart guitar has far exceeded our most optimistic expectations. We have reordered twice from the manufacturer in Barcelona, Spain. The latest shipment will be delivered within 10 days and will be sent out to you immediately. * You should receive your Mozart guitar before May 1 and will be able to enjoy its fine workmanship and beautiful sound. Enclosed for your interest is a catalog of guitar-related products should you ever need any additional items. Writing Persuasive Messages AIDA structure for persuasive message * Attention 引起注意 Interest 兴趣 * * Desire 需求 * Action 行动 Attention * a. Reader benefit * b. Reader-interest theme An attention-getter * What if I told you there is a saving plan that will enable you to retire three years earlier? * Would you like to be the CEO of one of America‘s largest companies? * The second sentence exaggerates or seems to mislead, the receiver may not read the following sentences. Interest and Desire * Introduce the product, service or idea and arouse interest in it. * Create desire by presenting convincing evidence of the value of the product,service or idea. * After years of effort and expense, we have developed an electronic dictionary. * With the emphasis on the seller and the seller‘s problems, the sentence is not particularly appealing. * Time is short and your spelling must be perfect. You can use Right-Spell (an electronic dictionary) to meet your term paper deadline. * Empathy(共鸣)---an important factor in all communication--- is especially important in persuasive communication. Before and during writing, think in terms of receiver interests. Action a. Clear statement of action * * b. Easy action, dated when desirable * A. Act today. * B. Do it now. * C. Hurry, hurry, hurry. D. Don‘t wait another minute. * * E. Buy while present prices are still in effect. * F. Buy while the present supply lasts. * G. Buy quickly to get product benefits quickly. Revising and Proofreading Business Message * Edit for content, organization and style * Edit for mechanics * Book P53 * This is just a short note to inform you that, as you requested, I have made an examination of several of our competitors‘ Web sites. Attached hereto is a summary of my findings of my investigation. I was really most interested in making a comparison of the navigational graphics of cues that were used to guide visitors through the sites. In view of the feel of that we will be building your Web site in the near future, I was extremely intrigued by the organization, kind of content, and navigation at each and every site I visited. * As you requested, I have examined several of our competitors‘ Web sites. Attached is a summary of my findings. I was most interested in comparing navigational cues that guide visitors through the sites. Since we will be building your Web site soon, I was intrigued by the organization, content, and navigation at each site I visited. Summary * Identify your purpose; * Analyze your audience; * Choose an appropriate medium or channel; * Organize your message; * Edit and proofread your message. See you next time. Identifying Your purposes * General purposes * To inform 告知信息 * To persuade 劝说 * To collaborate 合作 * Specific purpose * The outcome you are seeking Analyzing Your Audience * Who are they? * How many people do you need to reach? * How much do they already know about the subject? * What is their probable reaction to your message? Selecting the Appropriate Medium * Message Formality * Sender Intentions * Audience preferences * Urgency and Cost Good-news messages * Messages that convey pleasant messages are referred to as good-news messages. Routine messages * Messages that are of interest to the reader but are not likely to generate an emotional reaction are referred to as routine messages. The Direct Approach The Indirect Approach The Direct Approach The Indirect Approach Writing Persuasive Messages AIDA structure for persuasive message * Attention * Interest * Desire * Action Chapter 5 Note-taking Do you understand what the following note is about? * Note: Revolution - occurrence that affects other aspects of life: e.g., econ., socl., etc. text, pp. 29-30 * Answer: A revolution is any occurrence that affects other aspects of life, such as economic life, social life, and so forth. (See page 29 to 30 in your text about this.) Definition of Note-taking * Note-taking is the practice of recording information captured from a transient (短暂 的)source, such as an oral discussion at a meeting, or a lecture. The importance of taking notes: * Notes help trigger your memory and remember important concepts in the presentation; * Help you concentrate in the meeting or lecture; Notes often provide clues as to what the instructor thinks most important; * * Notes contain information not available in other resources, such as your handbook. Classifications of Note-taking * Write down everything as it is said; * See table 5-1: meeting notes-type A * Write a few lines for each heading which will remind you of the discussion; See table 5-2: meeting notes-type B * * Use bullet points describing each topic being discussed. * See table 5-3: meeting notes-type C Genre Features of Taking Notes P48 * Communicative Purposes * Linguistic Features * Structural Features Communicative Purposes Linguistic Features of Note-taking: * 逻辑紧凑,结构清晰: 做笔记的目的是帮助笔者理清知识或信息脉络,所以要 求同级目录下,上下点之间有逻辑顺序,结构清晰。这可以帮助笔者在最短时间内 再现所学知识的结构,理清脉络。 * 简明扼要,突出重点: 笔记的语言必须简明扼要、重点突出。根据该原则,我 们在写作中要尽量使用简短的词语、词组和句式。使用我们熟悉的日常使用的词汇, 尽量避免冗长、罗嗦、无用的词语。同时,建议尽可能地多使用一些自己熟悉的或 通用的缩略语。 Structural Features of Note-taking * 主次分明 * 详细记录有关的材料来源或参考文献,如:作者,书名,出版社,出版日期及 页码等。 * 使用视觉效果,如:运用特效、列表、着色及添加下划线等方式突出重点内容。 * 使用缩写及特殊符号来表现主次关系。 * 留出适当的行间距以便于今后添加额外信息及修改。 Techniques for Taking Notes P49 The Cornell Method Method * Rule your paper with a 2 ? inch margin on the left leaving a six-inch area on the right in which to make notes. * During class, take down information in the six-inch area. * When the instructor moves to a new point, skip a few lines. * After class, complete phrases and sentences as much as possible. * For every significant bit of information, write a cue in the left margin. * To review, cover your notes with a card, leaving the cues exposed. * Say the cue out loud, then say as much as you can of the material underneath the card. * When you have said as much as you can, move the card and see if what you said matches what is written. Advantages * Organized and systematic for recording and reviewing notes. * Easy format for pulling out major concept and ideas. * Simple and efficient. * Saves time and effort. * "Do-it-right-in-the-first-place" system. The Outline Method(提纲法) * The information which is most general begins at the left with each more specific group of facts indented with spaces to the right. * A common system consists of headings that use Roman numerals, letters of the alphabet, and Arabic numerals at different levels. Page Layout of the Outline Method 具体方法: * 采用空格缩进的方式边听边记笔记。 * 将最重要的知识点置于最左侧,其他的要点依据重要性及关联依次分层放置在 右侧。 * 关系最紧密的、较重要的,紧挨着一级知识点放置,以下以此类推,形成分层 知识目录。 * Do the task on page 50 using the Outline Method to take notes. Underwater Cameras * 1. regular A. need special housing * 2. amphibious * A. Nikonos * a. lenses * ---- in air + water * ---- only under water * B. snapshot The Mapping Method(图示法) It is commonly drawn from a central point, purpose or goal in the center of the page * and then branching outward to identify all the ideas connected to that goal. * Colors, small graphics and symbols are often used to help to visualize the information more easily. * This note-taking method is most common among visual learners and is a core practice of many accelerated learning techniques. It is also used for planning and writing essays. The Mapping Method(图示法) * 图示法是指运用自己的理解能力,在记笔记时将每一个事实或观点与其它事实 或观点建立逻辑关系,并以制图的方式展现笔记内容的方法。 * 这种方法的要点在于要主动地运用逻辑分析能力,批判地思考所记的内容。 Advantages: * This format helps you to visually track your lecture regardless of conditions. * Little thinking is needed and relationships can easily be seen. * It is also easy to edit your notes by adding numbers, marks, and color coding. * Do the task on page 51 using the Mapping Method to take notes. Task on page 51 * the Mapping Method * * introduction advantages and disadvantages when to use The Charting Method (列表法) * Charting involves creating a graph with symbols, or a table with rows and columns. * Graphs and flow-charts are useful for documenting a process or event. * Tables are useful for facts and values. The Charting Method (列表法) * 如果讲座内容结构清晰, 如:按照时间的先后顺序组织内容,你可以将笔记进行 分栏,并且对每一栏标以适当题头,进行列表。 * See Page 52 figure 5-4 方法 * 依据讲座要涵盖的内容进行信息分类。 * 事先对笔记进行分栏列表,每一栏标以适当题头,然后,边听讲座,边把所听 信息以词、短语、句子的方式进行准确的归类。 The Sentence Method(截句法) * Every new thought is written as a new line. * Also, you must number each new thought. * 将每个观点、例证及话题分别单独成行列出,依据所列顺序进行编号。 * Mel didn't repr. life as was; e.g., lang. of Ahab, etc. not of real life. * Melville did not try to represent life as it really was. The language of Ahab, Starbuck, and Ishmael, for instance, was not that of real life. * Do the task on page 53 using the Sentence Method to take notes. Symbols & Abbreviations * See page 53 table 5-4 Task * Listen to the following passage and make your own notes. * Useful Words and Expressions: * representative 代表 * General Assembly 联合国大会 * permanent 永久的,持久的 * Security Council 联合国安全理事会 The United Nations * In 1945, representatives of 50 nations met to plan this organization. It was called the United Nations. After the war, many more nations joined. * There are two major parts of the United Nations. One is called the General Assembly. In the General Assembly, every member nation is represented and has an equal vote. * The second part is called the Security Council. It has representatives of just 15 nations. Five nations are permanent members: the United States, Russia, France, Britain, and China. The 10 other members are elected every two years by the General Assembly. * The major job of the Security Council is to keep peace in the world. If necessary, it can send troops from member nations to try to stop little wars before they turn into big ones. * It is hard to get the nations of the Security Council to agree on when this is necessary. But they did vote to try to stop wars. Summary * Definition of note-taking * Classification of note-taking * Genre Features communicative purpose linguistic features structural features * Writing Techniques The Cornell Method The Outline Method The Mapping Method The charting Method The Sentence Method Symbols & Abbreviations Enjoy Your Holiday.
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