首页 考驾照模拟试题2013



考驾照模拟试题2013考驾照模拟试题2013 总分100分(90分过关) 好消息:驾校一点通已全部更新为2013年5月1日最新题库,若觉得好用,请多帮忙宣传或转发~ 1、掉头过程中,应严格控制车速,仔细观察道路前后方情况,确认安全后方可前进或倒车。 对 错 2、驾驶车辆在道路上行驶时,应当按照规定的速度安全行驶。 对 错 3、驾驶车辆通过人行横道线时,应注意礼让行人。 对 错 4、这个标志的含义是提醒前方桥面宽度变窄。 对 错 5、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮,提示发电机向蓄电池充电。 Omega-s...

考驾照模拟 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 2013 总分100分(90分过关) 好消息:驾校一点通已全部更新为2013年5月1日最新题库,若觉得好用,请多帮忙宣传或转发~ 1、掉头过程中,应严格控制车速,仔细观察道路前后方情况,确认安全后方可前进或倒车。 对 错 2、驾驶车辆在道路上行驶时,应当按照规定的速度安全行驶。 对 错 3、驾驶车辆通过人行横道线时,应注意礼让行人。 对 错 4、这个标志的含义是提醒前方桥面宽度变窄。 对 错 5、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮,提示发电机向蓄电池充电。 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 对 错 6、路中心黄色虚线的含义是分隔对向交通流,在保证安全的前提下,可越线超车或转弯。 对 错 7、车辆在高速公路匝道上可以停车。 对 错 8、这个标志的含义是提醒车辆驾驶人前方是傍山险路路段。 对 错 9、行至这种情况的铁路道口要停车观察。 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 对 错 10、驾驶人持超过有效期的驾驶证可以在1年内驾驶机动车。 对 错 11、驾驶机动车不按照规定避让校车的,一次记6分。 对 错 12、道路交通安全违法行为累积记分一个周期满分为12分。 对 错 13、遇到这种情况可以优先通行。 对 错 14、在路口遇这种情形要减速让行。 对 错 15、夜间尾随前车行驶时,后车可以使用远光灯。 对 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 错 16、机动车在发生碰撞时,安全带可以减轻驾乘人员伤害。 对 错 17、驾驶机动车在前方路口不能右转弯。 对 错 18、打开前雾灯开关,(如图所示)亮起。 对 错 19、这个标志的含义是提醒车辆驾驶人前方是单向行驶并且照明不好的涵洞。 对 错 20、预计在超车过程中与对面来车有会车可能时,应提前加速超越。 对 错 21、打开机动车车门时,不得妨碍其他车辆和行人通行。 对 错 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 22、驾驶机动车上道路行驶,不允许超过限速标志标明的最高时速。 对 错 23、在这种环境里行车使用近光灯。 对 错 24、科目三道路驾驶技能和安全文明驾驶常识考试满分分别为100分,成绩分别达到80和90 分的为合格。 对 错 25、驾驶机动车上路行驶应当按规定悬挂号牌。 对 错 26、交通标志和交通标线不属于交通信号。 对 错 27、这个标志的含义是提醒车辆驾驶人前方路面颠簸或有桥头跳车现象。 对 错 28、点火开关在LOCK位置拔出钥匙转向盘会锁住。 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 对 错 29、机动车在道路上发生故障难以移动时要在车后50米以内设置警告标志。 对 错 30、驾驶人在道路上醉酒驾驶机动车的处3年以上有期徒刑。 对 错 31、驾驶小型汽车下陡坡时允许熄火滑行。 对 错 32、驾驶机动车在没有交通信号的路口遇到前方车辆缓慢行驶时要依次交替通行。 对 错 33、行车中当车辆突然爆胎时,驾驶人切忌慌乱中急踏制动踏板,尽量采用“抢挡”的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,利用发动机制动使车辆减速。 对 错 34、漫水道路行车时,应挂高速档,快速通过。 对 错 35、在高速公路上遇分流交通管制时,可不驶出高速公路,就地靠边停靠等待管制结束后继续前行。 对 错 36、这辆停在路边的机动车没有违法行为。 对 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 错 37、打开后雾灯开关,(如图所示)亮起。 对 错 38、驾驶机动车找不到停车位时可以借人行道停放。 对 错 39、驾驶机动车在道路上向右变更车道可以不使用转向灯。 对 错 40、这个标志的含义是提醒车辆驾驶人前方是过水路面或漫水桥路段。 对 错 41、这个标志是何含义, A、注意行人 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, B、人行横道 C、注意儿童 D、学校区域 42、(如图所示)这个符号的开关控制什么装置, A、儿童安全锁 B、两侧车窗玻璃 C、电动车门 D、车门锁住开锁 43、会车前选择的交会位置不理想时,应怎样做, A、加速选择理想位置 B、减速、低速会车或停车让行 C、向左占道,让对方减速让行 D、打开前照灯,示意对方停车让行 44、路中两条双黄色虚线是什么标线, A、单向分道线 B、可跨越分道线 C、潮汐车道线 D、双向分道线 45、这个标志是何含义, Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, A、堤坝路 B、临崖路 C、易滑路 D、傍水路 46、驾驶机动车在下列哪种路段不得超车, A、山区道路 B、城市高架路 C、城市快速路 D、窄桥、弯道 47、这个标志是何含义, A、施工路段 B、车多路段 C、慢行 D、拥堵路段 48、这个标志是何含义, Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, A、向左变道 B、车道数变少 C、合流处 D、应急车道 49、这个标志是何含义, A、地点距离 B、行驶路线 C、行驶方向 D、终点地名 50、这个标志是何含义, A、靠道路右侧停车 B、只准向右转弯 C、右侧是下坡路段 D、靠右侧道路行驶 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 51、驾驶机动车在路口直行遇到这种信号灯应该怎样行驶, A、不得越过停止线 B、加速直行通过 C、左转弯行驶 D、进入路口等待 52、这个路面标记是什么标线, A、禁驶区 B、网状线 C、导流线 D、中心圈 53、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示什么, A、前雾灯打开 B、后雾灯打开 C、前照灯近光打开 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, D、前照灯远光打开 54、夜间驾驶机动车在窄路、窄桥会车怎样使用灯光, A、关闭所有灯光 B、开启近光灯 C、关闭前照灯 D、开启远光灯 55、这个标志是何含义, A、左侧通行 B、右侧通行 C、两侧通行 D、不准通行 56、驾驶机动车在这种道路上如何通行, A、在道路两边通行 B、在道路中间通行 C、实行分道通行 D、可随意通行 57、这个导向箭头是何含义, A、指示前方可直行或向左变道 B、指示前方可直行或左转 C、指示前方可直行或掉头 D、指示前方可左转或掉头 58、这个标志是何含义, Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, A、向左急转弯 B、向右急转弯 C、向右绕行 D、连续弯路 59、在这条车道行驶的最低车速是多少, A、60公里/小时 B、90公里/小时 C、100公里/小时 D、110公里/小时 60、这个标志是何含义, A、单行路 B、停车让行 C、干路先行 D、两侧街道 61、这个标志是何含义, A、高速公路终点预告 B、高速公路入口预告 C、高速公路起点预告 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, D、高速公路出口预告 62、这个标志是何含义, A、高速公路服务区 B、高速公路加油站 C、高速公路休息区 D、高速公路客车站 63、这个标志是何含义, A、旅游区类别 B、旅游区距离 C、旅游区方向 D、旅游区符号 64、前方路口这种信号灯亮表示什么意思, A、路口警示 B、禁止通行 C、准许通行 D、提醒注意 65、这个标志是何含义, A、直行和向右转弯 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, B、直行和向左转弯 C、禁止直行和向右转弯 D、只准向左和向右转弯 66、这个标志是何含义, A、高速公路界牌编号 B、高速公路里程编号 C、高速公路命名编号 D、高速公路路段编号 67、这个标志是何含义, A、国道编号 B、省道编号 C、县道编号 D、乡道编号 68、这个标志是何含义, A、直行车道 B、只准直行 C、单行路 D、向右转弯 69、遇到这种情况的路口怎样通过, Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, A、左转弯加速通过 B、加速直行通过 C、右转弯加速通过 D、确认安全后通过 70、这个导向箭头是何含义, A、提示前方有左弯或需向左合流 B、提示前方有右弯或需向右合流 C、提示前方右侧有障碍需向左合流 D、提示前方有左弯或或许向左绕行 71、路缘石上的黄色虚线是何含义, A、禁止临时停车 B、禁止上下人员 C、禁止长时停车 D、禁止装卸货物 72、这个标志是何含义, A、临崖路 B、堤坝路 C、傍山险路 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, D、落石路 73、这个标志是何含义, A、高速公路报警电话号码 B、高速公路交通广播频率 C、高速公路救援电话号码 D、高速公路服务电话号码 74、这个标志是何含义, A、建议速度 B、最低速度 C、最高速度 D、限制速度 75、下长坡时,控制车速除了刹车制动以外还有什么有效的辅助方法, A、挂入空挡滑行 B、利用发动机制动 C、踏下离合器滑行 D、关闭发动机熄火滑行 76、这个标志是何含义, A、减速拍照区 B、道路流量监测 C、全路段抓拍 D、交通监控设备 77、在这种环境下通过路口如何使用灯光, Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, A、关闭远光灯 B、使用危险报警闪光灯 C、使用远光灯 D、交替使用远近光灯 78、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时表示什么, A、已开启前照灯远光 B、已开启前雾灯 C、已开启后雾灯 D、已开启前照灯近光 79、驾驶报废机动车上路行驶的驾驶人,除按规定罚款外,还要受到哪种处理, A、撤销驾驶许可 B、收缴驾驶证 C、强制恢复车况 D、吊销驾驶证 80、这属于哪一种标志, A、警告标志 B、禁令标志 C、指示标志 D、指路标志 81、路中白色虚线是什么标线, Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, A、禁止跨越对向车道中心线 B、限制跨越对向车道中心线 C、可跨越同向车道中心线 D、单向行驶车道分界中心线 82、这个标志是何含义, A、路面低洼 B、驼峰桥 C、路面不平 D、路面高突 83、驾驶机动车跨越双实线行驶属于什么行为, A、违章行为 B、违法行为 C、过失行为 D、违规行为 84、夜间车辆通过照明条件良好的路段时,应使用什么灯, A、雾灯 B、近光灯 C、远光灯 D、危险报警闪光灯 85、申请小型汽车准驾车型驾驶证的人年龄条件是多少, A、18周岁以上60周岁以下 B、18周岁以上70周岁以下 C、21周岁以上50周岁以下 D、24周岁以上70周岁以下 86、这个仪表是何含义, Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, A、百公里油耗表 B、速度和里程表 C、发动机转速表 D、最高时速值表 87、驾驶机动车在夜间超车时怎样使用灯光, A、变换远、近光灯 B、开启雾灯 C、开启远光灯 D、关闭前大灯 88、发动机起动后仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示什么, A、发动机机油压力过高 B、发动机主油道堵塞 C、发动机机油压力过低 D、发动机曲轴箱漏气 89、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)这个符号表示什么, A、一侧车门开启 B、行李舱开启 C、发动机舱开启 D、燃油箱盖开启 90、(如图所示)这个符号的开关控制什么装置, Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, A、前风窗玻璃刮水器 B、后风窗玻璃除霜 C、后风窗玻璃刮水器 D、前风窗玻璃除霜 91、这个标志是何含义, A、应当鸣喇叭 B、禁止鸣喇叭 C、禁止鸣高音喇叭 D、禁止鸣低音喇叭 92、机动车在高速公路上发生故障或交通事故无法正常行驶时由什么车拖曳或牵引, A、过路车 B、大客车 C、同行车 D、清障车 93、这个标志是何含义, A、旅游区类别 B、旅游区距离 C、旅游区方向 D、旅游区符号 94、上道路行驶的机动车有哪种情形交通警察可依法扣留车辆, A、未悬挂机动车号牌 B、未携带身份证 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, C、未携带保险 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 D、未放置城市环保标志 95、这个标志是何含义, A、交叉路口 B、注意信号灯 C、注意行人 D、人行横道灯 96、驾驶证记载的驾驶人信息发生变化的要在多长时间内申请换证, A、60日 B、50日 C、40日 D、30日 97、行车中超越右侧停放的车辆时,为预防其突然起步或开启车门,应怎样做, A、预留出横向安全距离,减速行驶 B、保持正常速度行驶 C、长鸣喇叭 D、加速通过 98、这个标志是何含义, A、避险车道 B、应急车道 C、路肩 D、急弯道 99、如何通过这种交叉路口, Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, A、鸣笛催促 B、保持速度通过 C、减速慢行 D、加速通过 100、前轮胎爆裂已出现转向时,驾驶人不要过度矫正,应在控制住方向的情况下,应怎样 做,使车辆缓慢减速, A、采取紧急制动 B、使用驻车制动 C、轻踏制动踏板 D、迅速踏下制动踏板 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi,
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