首页 2008高考词汇的另类记忆[优质文档]



2008高考词汇的另类记忆[优质文档]2008高考词汇的另类记忆[优质文档] 2008高考词汇的另类记忆 1. line airline deadline queue thread rope wire wireless cordless clue 记忆: 1. line [ lain ] n. 绳, 索, 线路, 航线, 诗句 vt. 排成一行 What can you read between the lines of the report?你能从这份报告的字里行间读到什么, 2. airline [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 定期航线 Ou...

2008高考词汇的另类记忆[优质文档] 2008高考词汇的另类记忆 1. line airline deadline queue thread rope wire wireless cordless clue 记忆: 1. line [ lain ] n. 绳, 索, 线路, 航线, 诗句 vt. 排成一行 What can you read between the lines of the report?你能从这份 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 的字里行间读到什么, 2. airline [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 定期航线 Our company has more than ten airlines all over the country.我们的公司在全国有十多条航线。 3. deadline [ ,,,,,,,, ] n. 最终期限 With the deadline drawing nearer and nearer, anxiety began to fill the city everywhere.最终期限越来越近,城市里到处开始充 满了忧虑的气氛。 4. queue [ kju: ] n. 行列, 长队, 队列 vi. 排队 I gave up the idea when I saw the long queue in front of the ticket office.我看到售票处前排着长长的队伍时改变了主意。 5. thread [ ,,,, ] n. 线, 线索 Mother weaves sweaters for us not only with threads but also with her love.母亲不仅用针线而且用爱来为我们编织毛衣。 6. rope [ ,,,, ] n. 绳索 Take it easy. The barking dog is tied to the tree with a thick rope.别紧张。那条吠叫的狗是用一根粗绳拴在树上的。 7. wire [ ,,,,, ] n. 金属丝, 电线 The electricity was off when the wind broke the wire. 风把电线吹断的时候停电了。 8. wireless [ ,,,,,,,, ] adj. 无线的 As we all know, the radio is wireless. 我们都 知道,收音机是无线的。 9. cordless [ ,,,,,,,, ] n. 不用电线的 A cordless telephone is more expensive than a usual one. 无绳电话比常规电话要贵一些。 10. clue [ klu: ] n. 线索 At last the police found a clue of the murder.最后警察发现了谋 杀案的线索。 另类阅读: Threads can be weaved into cloth, ropes can be used to fasten things, wires can be used to conduct electricity and lines can be drawn to make some designs. Airlines are the routes that planes follow. Certainly not everything needs wires. You see, radios are wireless and some phones are cordless too. 2. list fist blacklist name mist 记忆: 1. list [ list ] n .目录, 名单, 列表 vt.列出 Before leaving, you’d better make a list of what you need to buy. 在离开之前,你最好拟一份你需要要买的东西的清单。 2. fist [ fist ] n. 拳头 He was so angry that he even clenched his fists.他气得甚至握紧 了拳头。 3. blacklist [,,,,,,,,,] n. 黑名单 The USA often makes a blacklist of countries that it believes pay no respect to human rights.美国常常拟出一个黑名单,它相信名单上 的国家不尊重人权。 4. name [ neim ] vt.命名, 提名, 叫出 The invention was named after its inventor.这发明 是以其发明者的名字命名的。 5. mist [ mist ] n. 薄雾 A mist may delay all the flights.一阵薄雾也可能延误所有的航 班。 另类阅读: If you use your fist instead of your brain, you name will be listed in the blacklist. 3. loaf load leaf bread bun snack omelette 记忆: 1. loaf [ ,,,, ] n. 一条面包, 块 Would you buy me a loaf of bread? I’m rather hungry.你帮我买一块面包来,好吗,我很饿。 2. load [ ,,,, ] n. 负荷, 加载 vt. 装载 Please wait. The computer is loading the software.请稍候。电脑正在加载程序。 3. leaf [ li:f ] n. 叶, 树叶 With new leaves coming out, everything comes back to life.新 的叶子长出来了,一切都恢复了生机。 4. bread [ bred ] n. 面包, 生计 Bread is the westerners’ main food.面包是西方人的主 食。 格言: Man cannot live by bread alone. 人活着不能只靠吃。 5. bun [ ,,, ] A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced and sometimes containing dried fruit n.小圆面包 They like buns better. 他们更喜欢小圆面包。 6. snack [ ,,,, ] n. 小吃, 快餐, 一份 There are various delicious snacks in Chengdu.成都有各式各样的美味小吃。 7. omelette [ ,,,,,,, ,,,, ] n. 煎蛋 格言:You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.凡事都有代价。 另类阅读: The workers load the car with loaves of bread and buns and then the car leaves with its wheels over fallen leaves. 4. lose loser loss lost miss dismiss missing gone 记忆: 1. lose [ lu:z ] v. 遗失, 输去, 失去, 迷路, 沉溺于 You can’t lose yourself in the MUD. 你不能沉溺于网络游戏里。 lose sth/sb lose one’s way迷路 lose weight减肥 2. loser [ ,,,,,, ] n. 失主, 失败者 Only the final result can tell who ever is the loser. 只有最后的结果才能判断究竟谁才是输家。 3. loss [ ,,, ] n. 损失, 遗失, 失败 The storm caused heavy loss to the city.这场暴雨 使城市损失惨重。 格言: One man's loss is another man's gain. 有人失,有人 得。 4. lost [ ,,,, ] adj. 失去的, 迷路的 Lost in thought, he knew nothing about what were happening outside. 他陷入沉思中,对外面发生的事一无所知。 be lost in thought 陷入沉思 5. miss [ mis ] vt. 未得到, 思念, 错过 I don’t want to miss such a chance again.我不想 再次错过这样的机会了。 6. dismiss [ ,,,,,,, ] vt. 解散, 下课, 开除 You can’t dismiss me for no reason. 你 不能无缘无故地解聘我。 7. missing [ ,,,,,, ] adj. 不见的, 缺少的 The scientists hope to find the missing link between apes and humans.科学家们希望找到猿与人之间的一环。 8. gone [ ,,,, ,,,, ] adj. 离去的, 死去的, 用光的 We can’t regret the things gone with the wind.我们不能后悔那些随风而去的事情。 另类阅读: If you find the train is gone, you have missed the chance to join in the expedition. If you go by yourself, you may lose your way and get lost in the forest. It’s very difficult to find anyone missing there, so please accept the loss of the chance and never run the risk alone. 5. loud aloud loudly noise noisy voice whisper sound silent silence quiet quite calm 记忆: 1. loud [ laud ] adj. 高声的, 不断的, 喧吵的 adv. 高声地 Speak louder, please. We can’t hear you.请说大声点,我们听不到你的话。 2. aloud [ ,,,,,, ] adv. 大声地 In the morning we read aloud the text we have studied.早晨时我们朗读学过的课文。 3. loudly adv. 响亮地, 大声地 Someone is knocking at the door loudly. Go and see who it is.有人在大声敲门,去看看是谁。 4. noise [ ,,,, ] n. 喧闹声, 噪声, 噪音 The noise made by the cutting machine made it impossible for me to fall asleep.切割机的声音使我睡不着。 5. noisy [ ,,,,,, ] adj. 吵杂的, 聒噪的 The boys are being noisy again. Go and tell them to be quiet!男孩们又在吵闹了,去叫他们安静些~ 6. voice [ ,,,, ] n. 声音, 嗓音, 意见, 发言 中层任职表态发言幼儿园年会园长发言稿在政协会议上的发言在区委务虚会上的发言内部审计座谈会发言稿 权 She has such a nice voice that her songs were sold very well though not perfectly musical.她嗓子很好,尽管她的歌不那么 富有音乐感,但是还是销售得不错。 7. whisper [ ,,,,,,,,, ] n. 耳语, 私语, 密谈, 飒飒的声音 vi. 耳语, 密谈, 飒飒地响 vt. 低声说 Listen! They are whispering next door!听~他们在隔壁窃窃私 语~ 8. sound [ saund ] n. 声音 adj. 健全的 adv. 彻底地, 充分地 vi.发出声音 vt.使发 声 Not a single sound can be heard. What a deadly silent night!一丁点声音都听不到。 多么可怕的寂静夜晚~ 9. silent [ ,,,,,,,, ] adj. 寂静的, 沉默 Everything was silent. The battle was over一.片寂静。战事结束了。 格言: Beware of a silent dog and still water. 提防不吠的狗, 小心 静止的水。 10. silence [ ,,,,,,,, ] n. 寂静, 沉默 The silence of everyone at the meeting nearly killed me! 会上每个人一言不发,我真难以忍受~ 格言:Silence is golden. 沉默是金。 11. quiet [ ,,,,,,, ] adj. 静止的, 宁静的, 从容的 vi.平静下来 Keep quiet while sitting the examination.考试时要保持安静。 12. quite [ ,,,,, ] adv. 相当, 完全, 十分 The room is usually quite quiet at night. 晚上时房间常很安静。 13. calm [ ,,,, ] adj. (天气、海洋等)静的, 平静的, 镇静的, 沉着的 v. (使)平静, (使)镇定, 平息 Facing the deadly snake, the girl kept calm. She stayed still, waiting for it to pass by.女孩面对致命的毒蛇镇静自若。她呆着没动,等着它过去。 14. still [ stil ] adj. 静止的 adv. 还, 仍 The day has completely broken. They still stay in bed still.大天亮了,他们还在床上不起来。 另类阅读: No loud voice, please. I will read aloud a beautiful passage for you, so please keep quiet and don’t make the room noisy. What? Someone is knocking on the door loudly? Stay still. You should have been silent. The noise you made must have affected the neighboring classes. Keep calm. I will apologize to them. 6. luck lucky unlucky luckily fortune fortunate fortunately unfortunately 记忆: 1. luck [ ,,, ] n. 运气, 好运, 幸运 I wish you good luck in the USA.祝你在美国好 运~ 格言: Care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋带来好运。 2. lucky [ ,,,,, ] adj. 幸运的, 吉祥的 That’s her lucky bag.那是她的幸运袋。 3. unlucky [ ,,,,,,, ] adj. 不幸的, 不吉利的 Friday is believed to be an unlucky day.人们相信星期五是个不吉利的日子。 4. luckily [,,,,,,,] adv. 幸运地 She happened to get some help luckily.她幸运地 得到一些帮助。 5. unluckily [ ,,,,,,,,, ] adv. 不幸地, 偏巧, 令人遗憾的 Unluckily, the company he ran broke down.令人遗憾的是,他经营的公司倒闭了。 6. fortune [ ,,,,,,,, ] for, 音“富,福”The chance happening of fortunate or adverse events n.财富, 运气 He decided to go home for his fortune had turned worse. 他运气不好,决定回 家。 seek one's fortune n.寻出路 try one's fortune n. 碰运气 tell sb's fortune n.给某人 算命 格言: Diligence is the mother of good fortune.勤勉是好运之母。 7. fortune-teller n. 算命者 Do you believe what the fortune-teller said? 你相信算命人的 话吗, 8. misfortune [ ,,,,,,,,,,, ] n.不幸, 灾祸 Misfortunes hit the poor girl again and again. However, she managed to stand up, after all.可怜的女孩一再遭遇不幸,但她终究站 起来了。 9. fortunate [ ,,,,,,,,,, ] adj.幸运的 She was born under a fortunate star. 她生来 有福。 10. unfortunate [ ,,,,,,,,,,,, ] adj. 不幸的 We can’t complain about our unfortunate experiences only.我们不能只是抱怨我们的不幸经历。 11. fortunately [,,,,,,,,,,,,] adv. 幸运地 Fortunately, we have a strong will.幸运的是,我们有顽强的意志。 12. unfortunately [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] adv. 不幸地 Unfortunately, a hurricane pulled down their house.不幸的是,一场飓风把他们的房子掀倒了。 另类阅读: I know you have some unfortunate stories. Fortunately, you have come to Chengdu. Chengdu, called East Eden, may prove you a lucky dog. Gook luck to you while you seek your fortune in Chengdu. 轻松一刻: In the cinema. Spectator A: Sir, why did you leave the orange skin about? Spectator B: why, do you want me to throw about the orange flesh? 1. machine machinery mechanism mechanic mechanical robot 记忆: 1. machine [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 机器, 机械 A washing machine is necessary in the house.洗衣机是家庭里的必要设备。 2. machinery [ ,,,,,,,,,, ] n. [总称] 机器, 机械 (不可数名词) My brother is an expert in machinery.我弟弟是机械专家。 3. mechanism [ ,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 机构, 机制 The emergency mechanism should be set up across the country. 全国应该建设应急机制。 4. mechanic [ ,,,,,,,, ] n. 技工, 机修工 Please send for a mechanic. Something is wrong with this machine. 请叫一个机修工来,这台机器有点问题。 5. mechanical [ ,,,,,,,,, ] adj. 机械的, 机械制的, 机械似的, 呆板的 It’s dull to do the same mechanical job again and again. 反复地做同一机械性的工作太乏味 了。 6. robot [ ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ] n. 机器人 More robots with AI will come to our family.更多有人工智能的机器人会来到我们的家庭。 另类阅读: Mechanics works on machines. They are experts of machinery, dealing with mechanical problems, not human ones. 2. mad crazy sensible reasonable wise map chart 记忆: 1. mad [ ,,, ] adj. 疯狂的, 非常激动的, 狂热的, 着迷的 Teenagers are often mad about the pop stars. 青少年常对流行明星入迷。 go mad变疯 drive sb. mad 使„„发疯 2. crazy [ ,,,,,,, ] adj. 疯狂的, 狂热的 How crazy you are to climb so high a wall! 你爬这么高的墙,真是疯了~ like crazy 拼命地 3. sensible [ ,,,,,,,, ] adj. 有感觉的, 明智的, 有判断力的 He can’t be more sensible to ask for help.他请求帮助的做法是明智的。 4. reasonable [ ,,,,,,,,, ] adj. 合理的, 通情达理的, 讲道理的 I don’t find his explanation reasonable.我觉得他的解释并不合理。 5. wise [ waiz ] adj. 英明的, 明智的, 慎虑的 To withdraw from Iraq? That sounds a wise idea. 从伊拉克撒军,那听起来是个明智的主意。 6. map [ ,,, ] n. 地图v.绘制地图 A map can be of great help when you are in a new city.在一个新的城市里,一张地图会很有帮助的。 7. chart [ ,,,,, ] n. 海图, 图表 vt. 制图 Captain Cook charted the eastern coast of Australia.库克船长绘制了澳大利亚东海岸的地图。 另类阅读: Without a map, even a sensible man can go mad/crazy when lost, however crazy he is about the forest 3( magazine newspaper journal article edit editor edition reporter journalist camera cover 记忆: 1. magazine [ ,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 杂志, 期刊 Reader is a popular magazine among youngsters.在年轻人中《读者》是份受欢迎的杂志。 2. newspaper [ ,,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 报纸 All the leading newspapers reported the scandal of American’s prison abuse.所有的主流报纸都报道了美国的虐囚丑闻。 3. journal [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 期刊 English Weekly and English Coaching Paper are the leading journals in English coaching.《英语周报》与《英语辅导报》是两家主要的英 语辅导期刊。 4. article [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 文章, 论文, 物品, 条款 The teacher adopted an article from Reader as a reading material for us.老师从《读者》上采用了一篇文章作为我们的阅 读材料。 5. editor [ ,,,,,, ] n. 编辑, 编辑器, 编者 The editor was too busy to interview you now.编辑很忙,现在不能会见你。 6. edit [ ,,,,, ] vt. 编辑, 校订, 剪辑 These articles have been edited. 这些文章 已经校订过了。 7. edition [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 版本, 版 Have you read the latest edition of the Magic Ring?你看《魔戒》的最新版本了吗, 8. reporter [ ,,,,,,,, ] n. 记者, 通讯员 Reporters have been sent to the scene to cover the story more accurately.记者已经被派去现场更准确地报道这件事了。 9. journalist [ ,,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 新闻记者, 从事新闻杂志业的人 As a journalist, my duty is to report the truth.作为记者,我的 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 是报道真相。 10. cameraman [ ,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 摄影师 A cameraman will go with you.一 名摄影师将和你一同去。 11. cover [ ,,,,, ] n. 报道 He has covered scores of important events since he joined us. 自从他加入我们的团队以来,他已经报道了几十起重大事件了。 另类阅读: While preparing the new edition of any magazine or newspapers, the editors decide and change the articles sent by reporters or journalists. The reporters often take cameras with them so that they can take photos of the stories they will cover. 4. manner way method methodology means polite impolite rude 记忆: 1. manner [ ,,,,, ] man-ner n. 方式, 样式 in this manner 用这种方法 You can’t work it out in this manner.用这种方法你是算不出来的。 2. manners n. 礼貌 It’s good manners to greet our guests with a smile. 用微笑问候客人 人很有礼貌的。 3. method [,,,,,,] n. 方法 with this method 用这种方法 The method he adopted is quite reasonable. 他采用的方法相当有道理。 4. methodology [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 方法学, 方法论 A knowledge of methodology may be of great help to us. 了解一下方法论对我们很有帮助。 5. means [ mi:nz ] n.手段, 方法 by this means 用这种方法 by no means决不 By no means will he give in. 他决不会屈服的。 ,方式 The way he thought of to work out the problem was practical. 6. way [ wei ] n. 方法 他想出的解决这一问题的方法是符合实际的。 in this way 用这种方法 in no way 决不 by the way 顺便 in the way 挡道 on the way 在路上 7. polite [ ,,,,,,, ] adj. 有礼貌的, 客气的, 有教养的 Our club is open only to polite gentlemen and gentlewomen. 我们的俱乐部只对有教养的先生和女士开放。 8. impolite [ ,,,,,,,,, ] adj. 无礼的, 粗鲁的 It’s impolite of him to say such dirty words.他说出这样的脏话来真是没有礼貌。 9. rude [ ru:d ] adj. 无礼的, 粗鲁的 What’s wrong with you so that you were so rude? 另类阅读:你如此粗鲁,怎么啦, A man with bad manners is often impolite or even rude. We should act in the right way, with the right method, by the right means. In this good manner, you can be a polite man, a popular man, and an effective man. 5. mark remark comment tick sign signal signature significance design resign point pointed appointment ballpoint market supermarket 记忆: 1. mark [ ,,,, ] n. 标志, 分数, 痕迹, 记号 vt. 做标记于, 打分数 You may mark where you meet difficulty in the book.你可以在书上有困难的地方作点记号。 2. remark [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 备注, 评论 vt. 评论 There is no remark about it from him. 他还没有发表评论。 3. remarkable [ ,,,,,,,,,, ] adj. 不平常的, 非凡的, 值得注意的, 显著的 Everyone was excited at his remarkable performance.他的非凡表演让大家很兴奋。 4. comment [ ,,,,,,, ] com-ment n. 注释, 评论, 意见 vi. 注释, 评论 (comment on sth.) Did the premier comment on the celebration? 总理对庆祝活动发表 意见过吗, 5. tick [ tik ] n. 滴答声, 记号 v. 滴答地响, 标以记号 Tick the choice you consider correct.钩出你认为是正确的选择。 6. sign [ sain ] n. 标记, 记号, 征兆, 迹象 v. 签名(于), 签署 Please sign your name here. 请在这儿签名。 7. signal [ ,,,,,, ] n. 信号 adj. 信号的 n. 发信号, 用信号 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 The signal told every soldier the general attack had begun.那信号告诉每一位士兵:总攻开始了~ 8. signature [ ,,,,,,,,, ] n. 签名, 署名 Can you make out whose signature it is? 你能判断出这是谁的签名吗, 9. significance [ ,,,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 意义, 重要性 The affair has a far-reaching significance.这件事意义深远。 10. design [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 设计, 图案, (小说等的)构思, 纲要 vt.设计, 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 The beautiful designs were all designed by Miss Liu. 这些美丽的图案是由刘小姐设计 的。 11. designer [ ,,,,,,,, ] n. 设计师 To be a designer, you need to be creative. 要 成为设计师,你需要有创造性。 12. resign [ ,,,,,,, ] n.辞去(职务) v. 辞去, 辞职 Many voices called for Rumsfield to resign. 很多声音要求拉姆斯菲尔德辞职。 13. point [,,,,,] n. 点, 尖端, 分数, 要点, 分数 vt. 弄尖, 指向 point at/to指向 point out 指出 What’s the key points of his speech?他的演讲要点是什么, 14. pointed [ ,,,,,,,, ] adj. 尖角的, 敏锐的, 锐利的 Be careful of the pointed stick. 对锋利的枝条的小心点。 15. appoint [ ,,,,,,, ] vt. 约定, 任命, 委任 He was very excited to have been appointed the chief executive officer of the company. 被任命为公司的首席执行官,他 太激动了。 16. appointment [ ,,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 约会, 指定 Sorry; I have an appointment this evening, so I can’t go with you.对不起,我今晚有约会,不能与你去了。 17. disappoint [ ,,,,,,,,,,, ] vt. 失望 What you did disappointed me a little, actually. 说实话,你的作法令我有点失望。 18. disappointed [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 失望Hearing the words, I felt quite disappointed. 听了那番话,有感到相当失望。 19. disappointment [ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 失望 Much to our disappointment, the picnic has to be postponed because of the weather. 令我们非常失望 的是,由于天气的缘故,野餐活动又得推迟了。 20. ballpoint n. 圆珠笔 More people prefer a ballpoint to a pen. 更多的人喜欢用圆珠 笔,而不是用钢笔。 21. market [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 市场 The training programs should have something to do with the market; however, they shouldn’t be decided totally by the market.培训计划应 与市场有关,然后,又不能完全由市场来决定。 22. supermarket [ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 超级市场 A new supermarket will open near the park before long. 不久在公园附近将开一家新超市。 另类阅读: The governor signed an order with a ballpoint to carry out a design of a supermarket with pointed roofs. Seeing his signature, many experts commented on it and pointed it out that it was not practical. Soon unfavorable remarks poured in. The governor was marked with crazy and after an appointment with his advisers, he resigned. 6. master masterpiece headmaster owner ownership own owe 记忆: 1. master [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 主人, 师傅, 大师, 硕士, <称呼>少爷 vt. 征服, 控制, 精通 No one can be our master, for we are the masters of ourselves. 没有人能成为我 们的主人,因为我们是自己的主人。 格言: Better master one than engage with ten.会十事,不如精一事。 He that is master of himself will soon be master of others. 会自控者控制他人。 2. masterpiece [ ,,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 杰作, 名著 Everyone can benefit a lot from the world’s masterpieces.每个人都能从世界杰作中获益。 3. headmaster [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 英国中小学校长 The headmaster called on all the students to learn from her.校长号召所有的学生向她学习。 4. owner [ ,,,,, ] n. 所有者, 业主 We may ask the police to find the owner of the cell phone. 我们可以请警察去查找这手机的主人。 5. ownership [ ,,,,,,,, ] n. 所有制 The ownership of the land requires reforming.土地所有制需要改革。 6. own [ ,,, ] adj. 自己的, 特有的 vt. 拥有 Not everything needs to be seen with our own eyes before we believe it.不是每样东西都需要亲眼看到后才相信。 7. owe [ ,, ] vt.欠(债等), 感激, 把...归功于 vi. 欠,应感激,应该把„归功于(to) How much do I owe you?我该付你多少, 8. owing to 由于, 因...之缘故 Owing to his advice, everything goes well these days.由于 他的建议,这些日子一切进展顺利。 另类阅读: The headmaster owns some masterpieces on the national ownership. He owes his achievements to the inspiration the masters brought him. He has also created some good works of his own. 轻松一刻 Six people were travelling in a compartment on a train. Five of them were quiet and well behaved, but the sixth was a rude young man who was causing a lot of trouble to the other passengers. At last this young man got out at a station with his two heavy bags. None of the other passengers helped him, but one of them waited until the rude young man was very far away and then opened the window and shouted to him, "You left something behind in the compartment!" Then he closed the window again. The young man turned around and hurried back with his two bags. He was very tired when he arrived, but he shouted through the window, "What did I leave behind?" As the train began to move again, the passenger who had called him back opened the window and said, "A very bad impression!" 1. material materialism materialist product output 记忆: 1. material [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 材料, 原料, 物资, 素材, 布料 adj. 物质的 Life is not only after material pleasure.人生不仅仅是追求物质享受。 2. matter [ ,,,,, ] n. 物质 Matter has three states: solid, liquid and gas. 物质有三 态:固态、液态和气态。 3. materialism [ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 唯物主义 The Chinese Communist Party believe in materialism. 中国共产党信仰唯物主义。 4. materialist [ ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 唯物主义者 The materialist never believes in god.唯物主义者从不相信神。 5. product [ ,,,,,,,, ] n. 产品 Our job is to design better products to improve the quality of people’s life. 我们的工作是设计更好的产品来提高人们的生活质量。 6. output [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 产量, 输出, 输出量 Our company has the largest annual output of steel in China. 我们公司的钢年产量居全中国第一。 另类阅读: No materials, no products. As materialists, we believe that everything has its cause and result. 2. matter thing event eventually affair incident coincident coincidence accident 记忆: 1. matter [ ,,,,, ] n. 事件, 问题, 物质 vi. 有关系, 要紧 Does it matter whether he will attend the meeting about that matter?他是否参加关于那件事的会议很重要吗, 2. thing [ ,,, ] n. 东西, 事, 事情 There wasn't a thing in sight. 什么都看不到。 格言: If you would have a thing well done, do it yourself.想把事情来做好,就得亲自动手搞。 3. event [ ,,,,,, ] A significant occurrence or happening n. 事件, 事变 The event taught us a great lesson. 这件事给了我们一个很大的教训。 4. eventually [,,,,,,,,,,,] adv. 最后, 终于 She understood my love eventually. 她终于明白了我的爱。 5. affair [ ,,,,, ] Something done or to be done n. 事务, 事件, 私事, 恋爱事件 Affairs of state are often discussed in the hall.人们常在这个大厅里讨论国家大事。 6. incident [ ,,,,,,,,, ] An occurrence or event that interrupts normal procedure n .事件, 事变 The air crash has become an international incident.这次飞机失事已演变为一次国际事 件。 7. coincident [ ,,,,,,,,,,,, ] co-incident adj. 一致的, 符合的, 巧合的 Don’t you think it’s coincident?你不认为那是巧合吗, 8. coincidence [ ,,,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 一致, 巧合 What a coincidence it is that we should have met him in Haikou!我们在海口遇到他,真巧~ 7. accident [ ,,,,,,,,, ] n. 意外事件, 事故 Such an accident could have been avoided. 这样的事故本来是可以避免的。 另类阅读: --What’s the matter with him? Is there anything special? --A traffic accident has eventually happened. The incident may turn out to be a troublesome event as in the car sat the ambassador from America who was in charge of international affairs. 3. mean meaning meaningful means meanwhile meantime 记忆: 1. mean [ mi:n, min ] adj. 低劣的, 卑鄙的, 吝啬的 vt. 意谓(mean doing sth), 想要 (mean to do sth.) What do you mean by that?你那是什么意思, 2. meaning [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 意义, 含意, 意图 We can guess the meaning of the new word before we look it up in a dictionary.在查字典之前,我们可以猜测一下生词的意思。 3. meaningful [ ,,,,,,,,,, ] adj. 有意义的 Taking can’t make a meaningful life. 索取不能使人生有意义。 4. meaningless [,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 无意义的 I find his lecture not only dull but also meaningless.我觉得他的演讲不仅枯燥而且毫无意义。 5. means [ mi:nz ] n. 手段, 方法 You can do it in any means you think of.可你想用你想到 的手段去做。 6. meanwhile [,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,] n. 其间, 其时 adv. 其间 They'll be here soon. Meanwhile we'll have some coffee.他们很快就到。我们此时喝点咖 啡吧。 7. meantime [ ,,,,,,,,,, ] n. 其间, 其时 adv. 其间 In the meantime we waited impatiently. 在此期间,我们耐心地等待着。 另类阅读: I mean we should have a meaningful holiday by all means and meanwhile, we ought to think of the meanings of our life. 4. medicine medical immedicable pill tablet capsule herb drug poison 记忆: 1. medicine [ ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ] n. 药, 医学, 内科学, 内服药 Any medicine has more or less its side effect.任何药多多少少都有些副作用。 2. medical [ ,,,,,,,, ] adj. 医学的, 内科的 The old should have a regular medical examination 老人应该定期进行体检。 3. immedicable [ ,,,,,,,,,, ] adj. 医不好的 Cancer is still immedicable. 癌症仍然是治不好的。 4. pill [ pil ] n. 药丸 You should take the medicine three pills at a time. 你应该一次吃 三片这种药。 5. tablet table, 桌,桌面是平的 tablet n. 碑,匾;药片 Some vitamin tablets may be of some help to you. 一些维生素片也许对你有帮助。 6. capsule [ ,,,,,,,,, ] n. 胶囊, 瓶帽, 太空舱 More medicine is made in the form of capsule. 更的的药是以胶囊的形式生产的。 7. herb [ ,,,, ] n. 药草, 香草 Chinese traditional medicine is based on herb.中 药是以草药为基础的。 8. drug [ ,,,, ] A substance used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease n. 药, 麻药, 麻醉药 That shop sells drugs. 那家商店卖药。 9. poison [ ,,,,,, ] po 音“破”,I, 我,son, 儿子;poison, 使我儿子破,有毒, n.毒药, 败坏道德之事, 毒害 vt.毒害 One’s food may be another’s poison. 一个人 的食物可能会是另一个人的毒药。 10. poisonous [ ,,,,,,,, ] adj. 有毒的 We must stop that factory giving off poisonous gases.我们必须阻止那家工厂排放毒气。 另类阅读: Any medicine may turn out to be a poison. When we receive medical treatment and take pills, we are supposed to be very careful: there should be no mistake. Keep off drugs! 5. metal mental medal model modern modem 记忆: 1. metal [ ,,,,, ] t, 铁,铁是一种金属,metal n. 金属 Iron is a kind of common metal.铁是一种很常见的金属。 2. medal [ ,,,,, ] d, 联想有勋带的奖章, medal n. 奖章, 勋章, 纪念章 vt. 授 予...奖章 He won a gold medal in the English contest.他在英语竞赛中获得了金奖。 3. mental [ ,,,,,, ] 词根ment表示心理, mental adj. 精神的, 智力的 Designing is mainly mental work.设计主要是一种智力劳动。 4. model [ ,,,,, ] 音“模特儿”n. 模范, 典型, 模型, 原型, 模特儿 vt. 模仿 The high pay of models attracts a large number of young pretty girls.模特的高工资吸引 了大量的年轻漂亮的女孩。 5. modern [ ,,,,,, ] 音“摩登”,adj. 近代的, 现代的, 时髦的 The computer is the most important invention in the modern era.电脑是现代最重要的发明。 6. modem [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 调制解调器 We can connect to the internet either by modem or by ASDL.我们可以通过调制解调器,也可以通过专线上网。 另类阅读: Models are very active on modern stages. Some of them have won medals and yet some of them have got mental diseases. Behind their glory there are also high pressures. After all, they are humans, not made of metal. 6. mirror table makeup regard regardless consider look on as 记忆: 1. mirror [ ,,,,, ] ror, 对称,像镜子,n. 镜子, 典范 vt. 反映, 映出 Almost every girl will look at herself in the mirror before she goes out every morning.几乎每个 女孩在早晨出去之前都要照镜子。 2. table [ ,,,,,, ] n. 桌子 Can you do my a favor to lay the table?你能否帮我安一 下桌子, 3. makeup [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 化装 No makeup can make up for the ignorance. 任何 化装也弥补不了无知。 4. regard [ ,,,,,,, ] n. 打量,看待 He stayed still, regarding me from toe to head. 他呆着没动,从头到脚地打量我。 5. regardless [ ,,,,,,,,,, ] adj. 不管, 不顾, 不注意 I will fight on regardless of the great difficulty ahead. 不管前面有怎样的困难,我都要战斗下去。 6. regarding [ ,,,,,,,,, ] prep. 关于 I have no doubt regarding the future of the reform.我对改革的前途毫不怀疑。 7. consider [ ,,,,,,,, ] n. 考虑 They were considered to be the first settlers in Australia. 他们被认为是澳大利亚的第一批殖民者。 8. look on „ as 把„„看作 Why not look on the college entrance examination as a usual test to relieve yourself?为什么不轻松一点,把高考看作是一次平常的检测呢, 另类阅读: Many people consider appearance important. After they get up, they sit by the table and add make-up to their faces in front of a mirror. Nowadays, well-dressed people receive more regards as the whole society looks on fine appearance as signs of success, regardless of their contents. 轻松一刻 Bob was having trouble getting to sleep at night. He went to see his doctor, who prescribed some extra-strong sleeping pills. Sunday night Bob took the pills, slept well and was awake before he heard the alarm. He took his time getting to the office, strolled in and said to his boss: "I didn't have a bit of trouble getting up this morning." "That's fine," roared the boss, "but where were you Monday and Tuesday?"
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