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海伦斯诺HAIR IN YOUR EYES By Helen Foster Snow It is still a mystery to me – why anyone wants to have hair hanging down into their ey es. I don’t like anything in front of my eyes. Even one hair bothers me. I understand s haggy-cut bangs, not too short, and I have ...

HAIR IN YOUR EYES By Helen Foster Snow It is still a mystery to me – why anyone wants to have hair hanging down into their ey es. I don’t like anything in front of my eyes. Even one hair bothers me. I understand s haggy-cut bangs, not too short, and I have had a windblown cap cut off and on since t he idea first appeared about 1925. (We used to use soap to make the cheek piece curl up.) In the 1960’s men and boys began to hide behind long feminine haircuts, with the ban gs so long, sometimes they actually hung over most of the eyes like a thin curtain. Wh at did this mean? It had to be unkempt looking, even if by the art of studied carelessne ss. I discovered one reason: both boys and girls constantly made the gesture of pushin g their hair back. Then sometimes, they would shake their heads to make sure it had f allen down again, so they could put up a hand to push it back. This gesture is the ultra -feminine one and also it gives you something to do with your hands if nervous and ill at ease. On television “Cher” was an example of the long, straight, flat hair parted in the midd le and hanging down on both sides, always about half way over the eyes. Then the “C her” panache was to constantly swing the hair back or to put up the hand to keep brus hing it out of the eyes. She obviously thought this was the ultimate in charm and style, even though she usually had a little bit of burlesque. We know the hair fetish is one o f the chief expressions of human nature, primitive or any time. Human beings wave it like a banner and a challenge. For unknown generations hair hanging long and unkem pt has been the fetish of the artist, musician, actor and other off-beat types, the mark o f their exceptionalness. One example is the Japanese conductor of the Boston Pops Or chestra – he waves his shaggy mane from one side to another, peeping out from unde r the heavy bangs half covering his eyes. All conductors tend to have long leonine ma nes, but covering thevision and hiding behind it is not quite the same as waving it. I once had a severe nosebleed and went to the emergency ward of Yale New Haven Hospital. I was assigned to a young Japanese woman, training to be a doctor. Her hair was short and so heavy and bushy; she actually could not see through the ove rlong heavy bangs and had to keep brushing them out of her eyes right in the middle o f using a scalpel and mirror to cut off the artery. In the end, she made such a “hairy” mess of it, she had to call another doctor to do the job – he was a real square, fortunately, with nice neat short hair and good glasses. When I was in China in 1970’s, I was always bothered by the straight wisps ofhair esc aping from a bobby pin to hold the bangs back and directly obscuring the vision. I cou ld not understand it at all, but assumed the hair grew in that intractable manner. I well remembered in the 1930’s when the old-fashioned women plucked their foreheads to make a square, then brushed the long hair down like a crow’s wing to be as flat as pos sible. When I was a child, my grandmother’s second husband was the superintendent of a bi g insane asylum. Once or twice I wentthere and I noticed that unkempt hair was the co mmon denominator, also that the wildest inmates hid behind heavy locks in front and peered out with paranoid fear and hostility. In fact, I am writing this today because las t night I watched “Nicholas Nickleby” on television. The retarded boy, Smoke, had b een hiding behind long unkempt hair over his eyes – a miracle occurred when it was c ut short all over. In the 1960’s one of my aged friends went to visit a family of relatives around Halloween. Their girls appeared in long calico skirts with the long straight hair hangin g like witches and covering half their eyes. At first she thought it was a costume party for the holiday – but of course, that was the ne plus ultra of young fashion then all th e time. A few minutes ago I watched a woman author on the Donahue show. Her long bangs were curved, but resting actually on the eyelids. She thought herself most attractive, b ut this hair problem gave me the “creeps”. (Madison, 14 January 1983) 英译中 及眼碎发 有一件事一直令我费解-为什么大家都喜欢那种及眼碎发。我的眼里容不下一粒沙,即使是一根小碎发也不行.我能理解那些长度恰如其分又剪的蓬松的刘海。从我1925年第一次有了剪个风吹型短发的冲动开始,我的头发就一直处于长了又剪长了又剪的状态。(曾几何时,我们都是用肥皂来使脸颊两边的刘海保持蜷曲。) 20世纪60年代,上到青年男性下至幼龄男孩,都开始把自己的脸藏在那些“女人味儿”十足的发型后面。这些发型通常都伴有长长的刘海,有时这些刘海就像一块厚厚的窗帘挂在眼前,遮住了大部分的视线。这意味着什么?它看上去必须永远是那么的恣意凌乱,即使是通过后天的加工来创造出这种浑然天成的感觉。我发现这个现象产生的一个原因:不论是男孩儿还是女孩儿都会不断的做一个动作来将他们的秀发抛到背后,并且会时不时地通过甩头来确认头发是不是又回来了,如果回来了,那他们就会伸出一只手再次把它抛回原处。这虽然是个极端女性化的动作,但它确实能在你感到紧张甚至局促不安的时候让你的手找到些事情做。 电视上常常会出现那些把头发从头顶正中间分开并垂到两边遮住大半边眼睛的 长直发的人,他们被称作“雪儿”。为了维持这种所谓的“雪儿”派头,她总是时不时的要把头发甩回背后或伸手把头发从眼睛里拨出来。很明显,她一定觉得自己简直充满魅力,有型极了,即使有的时候人们会为了搞笑而故意模仿她的这种行为。 我们都知道对发型的痴迷无论何时何地都是人类最原始,最自然情愫的一种主要流露。人们像挥舞旗帜和口号一样挥舞着他们的头发。对于那些未知的一代来说,那种又长又蓬乱的头发仿佛成了那些艺术家,音乐家,演员和其他另类之人的专属发型,也是他们标新立异的标识。就拿波士顿流行乐团的日本指挥家来说,他 总是把他浓密的头发从一边甩到另一边,让那被厚厚的刘海禁锢的眼睛被释放出来。所有的指挥家都希望拥有一头浓密的头发,但把脸藏在头发后面,被头发遮住视线和潇洒的甩它可不是一回事儿。 我曾经有过一次很严重的流鼻血事件,并因此被送往耶鲁纽黑文医院的急诊病房。我被分配给一个正在为成为一名真正的医师而接受训练的日本女人。她的头发虽然短,但是厚重浓密,其实,她根本无法透过她过长的刘海看到什么,所以她不得不在用手术刀和镜子为我剪断动脉期间用手把它们从眼睛里拨出来。最后,因为头发闯出了大乱子,她不得不把让其他医生来接手。幸运的是,还好这次来的是个有着一头整洁短发,戴着斯文眼睛的老古板。 20世纪70年代,那时我还在中国,我总是因为发卡夹住的刘海中掉下来的小直碎发挡住我的视线感到烦躁。我无法理解这是怎么一回事,但我估计大概是因为头发正以一种杂乱的方式在生长。我仍清楚地记得,20世纪30年代的时候,那些老一代自以为时髦的女人们把她们的额头清理成一个正方形的形状,然后把长长的头发抹得越平越好,就像一只乌鸦的翅膀。 在我还是一个孩子的时候,我奶奶的第二任丈夫是一间很大的精神病院的管理员。我只去过那儿一两次,但是我注意到,蓬乱的头发是那儿人的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 配备,那些疯的最厉害的人都被关在重重的枷锁之中,他们总是带着偏执的害怕和敌意向外张望着。事实上,我今天会写这篇文章完全是因为昨晚我在电视上看了《尼古拉斯尼克贝》。里面提到一个叫斯迈克的弱智男孩,他就总喜欢把自己藏在蓬乱的头发后面,让头发遮住眼睛,但当他把这些头发剪短之后奇迹就发生了。 20世纪60年代的时候,我有个年长的朋友在万圣节快要来临之际去到一家亲戚家。他们家的女孩儿都穿着印花裙,头发披散着,遮住了一半的眼睛,就像一群巫婆。起初,她以为他们家正在举行假期里的假面舞会,但不可否认的是,这种发型在之后的时间里一直是年轻人时尚登峰造极的体现。 就在几分钟前,我就在多纳休秀上你看到一个女作家,她的刘海是弯弯的,恰如其分的挂在眼皮之上。她一定觉得自己特别的迷人,但她的头发真是看的我心里直发毛。 (麦迪逊,1983年1月14日) 母亲对海伦的影响 我们每一个人都特别感激母亲对自己的抚育和教养。母亲的影响是无处不在、细微无声的,对我们的态度和行为的影响,我们自己往往是意识不到的。 海伦·福斯特·斯诺深受母亲的影响。海伦对各种挑战的态度、为成就大业所显示出的无比动力和热望,如果不考虑他母亲的影响,是根本无法理解的。在为善事而奋斗的过程中,海伦之所以有敢为人先、英勇无畏、顶风冒险的经历,是她早年耳闻目睹母亲榜样的结果。海伦的母亲汉娜·戴维斯·福斯特 (Hannah Davis Foster)的一生,就是服务公众、献身事业的一生。为改善妇女和儿童的生活,她开拓进取,积极工作;她教书,做生意,领导社区工作。海伦母亲精力充沛,很有创造性。她带着海伦,常常从事社区的公益活动,为社会的发展忘我地工作。 海伦的母亲是妇女领袖,常干着一般由男子干的工作,例如,为自己家建造房屋。海伦15 岁之前,在她发育成长的整个过程中,她一直在母亲身边,向母亲学习。在即将成年的那一段时间里,海伦吸收了母亲成就高尚事业的热望及服务他人的意识。海伦母亲终生辛劳,超时工作,她为孩子们修建公园、游戏场, 创立辅导制度,使孩子们健康成长,成为身体强壮、思想高尚、态度良好和行为规范的人。海伦的母亲认为,讲价值观、讲助人为乐非常重要;她把这些信念,循循善诱地传授给海伦。海伦强调良好的道德观念,是母亲对她影响的一个佐证。我们 把汉娜的生活同海伦的经历加以比较,就会发现有许多相似之处。 汉娜1910 年7 月 4 日乘坐着争取妇女选举权的彩车,代表犹他州在芝加哥参加了独立日游行,因为犹他是第一批获得妇女选举权的四个州之一。海伦是最早一批驻外女记者之一。汉娜为争取妇女、儿童的权利而斗争。海伦为中国的妇女和儿童而努力工作。 救济会是一个旨在寻求妇女发展的组织,汉娜担任主席;她还担任教会儿童组织的主席,对儿童重点进行道德观念、服务社区的教育。海伦倡议建立工业合作社,帮助中国人民的抗日战争,帮助青年妇女活动分子和艺术家,写作关于妇女现状和问题的著作。两位女性都是很有成就的作家,都对他们的家族历史深感兴趣。 两位女性都满怀热情地为他人服务,关心他人的生活,直到她们生命的最后。 汉娜·戴维斯·福斯特多才多艺,能写作,善摄影,是一位很有成就的女性。她教海伦怎样拍摄专业照片,怎样写作,怎样钓鱼等等。海伦去中国时,带着母亲的照相机,拍摄了许多著名的照片。当海伦学习写作时,汉娜与女儿一起切磋,作为一名写作里手,从自己的经验中教海伦如何掌握一些重要的写作技巧。因为她们生活在一个传统、守旧的社会,海伦的母亲从来没有能够充分地利用和发挥她的聪明才智。海伦自认为是一名“现代女性”,在公开场合从不谈论她的母亲,其原因也许就在这里。然而,在海伦临终前夕,她对母亲最恰如其分的赞美,也许就是她对妈妈的连连呼唤。在海伦生命的最后两周,她的看护人 南希·法南(Nancy Farnan)报告说,海伦常呼唤她的妈妈,同她的妈妈说话,好像她的妈妈就在房间里一样。 母亲对海伦的一生,产生了重大影响;早年铸就的行为和态度,才使海伦能够在中国功成名就。 (1997 年 5 月) 中译英 The Influence of Mother to Helen Each of us is especially grateful to our mother for her arduously cultivation and breeding. The influence of mother is also ubiquitous and silent. It’sinfluence to our attitude and behavior is hard to be aware of. Helen Foster Snow is the stark example that was deeply influenced by her mother. Helen’s attitude towards every kind of challenge, her great motivation and enthusiasm will hard to be understood without considering her mother’s influence. In the process of struggling for good deeds, the reason why Helen had the experiences of daring to be the first, being courageous and being adventurous at the crucial moment, is that she was influenced by the example what she constantly saw and heard from her mother. Helen’s mother Hannah Davis Foster, who spared he r whole life to devote to her career and serve the public. In order to improve the life of women and children, she forged ahead and actively worked. She did some education and business, directed the work of community. Helen’s mother was full of vigor and very creative. She alwayscarried Helen to engage in some community public service activities and worked selflessly for the development of the society. Helen’s mother was a women leader, she always did what was thought should be done by men, such as building a house for her own. Before Helen was 15, her whole process of development and growth was at her mother’s side, and learned from her. During the time she was coming of age, Helen inherited her mother’s desire of achieving in noble cause and sense of servi ng others. Helen’s mother toiled for life-long and worked overtime to construct parks, playgrounds and founded the guidance system for children, which made them grow healthily, become people who was physically strong, noble-minded, with good attitude and code of conduct. In the opinion of Helen’s mother, it’s important to concern values and finding pleasure in helping others. She was good at giving systematic guidance to teach these faiths to Helen. H elen insisted that good moral value was the evidence of her mother’s effects. So when we compared Hannah’s life with Helen’s, we will find many similarities between them. July 4,1910, Hannah rode the float which was for woman suffrage, representing Utah, to participate in the Independence Day parade, because Utah is one of the four states who were the first batch of woman suffrage. And Helen was one overseas female reporter of the first batch. Hannah fought for women and children’s rights. Helen worked hard ly for Chinese women and children. Relief was an organization, which was aimed at seeking women’s development. Hannah was its president. She was also the president of the church organization for children, which educated the children some moral ideas and community services. In order to support Chinese people's Anti Japanese War and help some women activists and artists to write some articles about women’s status and problems, Helen initiative to establish some industrial cooperatives. Both of them were accomplished writers, and were interested in their family history. Both of them passionately served others and concerned about the other lives until the end of their lives. Hannah Davis Foster was gifted in many ways, such as writing and photography. She was a very successful woman. She taught Helen how to shoot, write, fish and so on. When Helen went to China, she took the camera with her and shot many famous photos. When Helen learned how to write, Hannah always compared notes with her daughter and taught Helen some important writing techniques from her own experience as a writer. For they lived in a traditional and conservation society, Helen’s mother could never make full use of and give full play to her ability and cleverness. Helen considered herself a modern female, and never concerned about her mother, which, in my opinion, was resulted from these. However, on the eve of Helen’s dying, her apt praise to her mother might be her deep miss to mother. In the last two weeks of Helen’s life,her caregiver Nancy Farnan reported that Helen always called and talked to her, just like she was in the house. The mother had great influencethroughoutHelen’s life. The behaviors and attitudes developed at early age made Helen the great success in China.
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