首页 (旅游英语)环球之旅-印度.doc



(旅游英语)环球之旅-印度.doc(旅游英语)环球之旅-印度.doc (旅游英语)环球之旅—印度 Welcome to Incredible India “印度”梵文的意思是月亮,中文名称是唐代高僧玄奘所著《大唐西域记》中的译法,在这以前称天竺或身毒。印度位于南亚次大陆,与巴基斯坦、中国、尼泊尔、不丹、缅甸和孟加拉国相邻,濒临孟加拉湾和阿拉伯海。海岸线长,,,,公里。印度全境分为德干高原和中央高原、平原及喜马拉雅山区等三个自然地理区。 印度是世界四大文明古国之一,公元前,,,,年前后创造了灿烂的印度河文明。约在公元前,,世纪,原居住在中亚的...

(旅游英语)环球之旅-印度.doc (旅游英语)环球之旅—印度 Welcome to Incredible India “印度”梵文的意思是月亮,中文名称是唐代高僧玄奘所著《大唐西域记》中的译法,在这以前称天竺或身毒。印度位于南亚次大陆,与巴基斯坦、中国、尼泊尔、不丹、缅甸和孟加拉国相邻,濒临孟加拉湾和阿拉伯海。海岸线长,,,,公里。印度全境分为德干高原和中央高原、平原及喜马拉雅山区等三个自然地理区。 印度是世界四大文明古国之一,公元前,,,,年前后创造了灿烂的印度河文明。约在公元前,,世纪,原居住在中亚的雅利安人中的一支进入南亚次大陆,并征服了当地土著。约公元前,,,,年,开始形成以人种和社会分工不同为基础的种姓 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。公元前,世纪崛起的孔雀王朝开始统一印度次大陆,公元前,世纪阿育王统治时期疆域广阔,政权强大,佛教兴盛并开始向外传播。中世纪小国林立,印度教兴起。自,,世纪起,来自西北方向的穆斯林民族不断入侵并长期统治印度。,,,,年建立莫卧儿帝国,成为当时世界强国之一。 ,,,,年英国侵入,建立东印度公司。,,,,年,印度和英国之间爆发了普拉西大战,印度因战败而逐步沦为英国的殖民地。,,,,年,英国侵占印度全境。,,,,年爆发反英大起义,次年英国政府直接统治印度。,,,,年,月,英将印度分为印度和巴基斯坦两个自治领。同年,月,,日,印度在与巴基斯坦分治后实现独立。,,,,年,月,,日,印度宣布成立印度共和国,但仍为英联邦成员国。 Namaskar((印度)合十礼), welcome to Incredible India, where culture echoes, tradition speaks, beauty enthralls(迷惑,迷 醉) and diversity delights. Bounded by the majestic(宏伟的, 庄严的) Himalayan ranges(喜玛拉雅山脉) in the north and edged by an endless stretch of golden beaches, India is a vivid kaleidoscope(万花筒, 时时变化的鲜明景色) of landscapes, magnificent historical sites(遗址) and royal cities, misty mountain retreats(宁静、幽僻的地方), colourful people, rich cultures and festivities. The timeless mystery (神秘)and beauty of India has been waiting for you for 5000 years, always warm and inviting(引人动心的, 有魅力的), a place of infinite variety -- one that favours you with different facets of its fascination(魔力, 魅力) every time you visit India. India -- the land to travel to, a haven of tourism delights, a civilization(文明, 文化) to tour through. Tourists come to India for its wealth of sights, cultural exuberance(丰富, 充沛), diversity of terrain(地形) and in search of that special something, an extra punch that only India promises and delivers. Teeming with over a billion people who voice over a million concerns in fifteen hundred different languages, India is where people live with variety, thrive on diversity and are too familiar with(熟悉, 通晓, 精通) largeness to let it boggle(吓倒) them. Mud huts(泥屋) and mansions(大厦;宅邸) face off across city streets. Lurid luxury and limp living are inhabitants of the same lane. From the smoky mangroves(红树林) of the Sunderbans(孙德尔本斯) to the steaming Thar Desert(塔尔沙漠 (在印度西北部和巴基斯坦东南部)), sizzling cities like Mumbai(孟买) and Delhi (德里)to the scintillating(有活力的) villages of Khajuraho(卡修拉荷,以其千年神庙闻名,在神庙里雕刻了几十幅“性 力崇拜”的雕塑) and Hampi(汉皮,其古迹群入选世界文化遗产), from the heights of the Himalayas to the deep blue waters around the Andamans(安达曼群岛), India is a travel haven -- a tour package that frustrates(使失望;使沮丧) and delights, as demanding as it is rewarding. It demands that the traveller be prepared for its own strange forms of tourism offerings -- the crowds at Pushkar(普虚卡,印度教圣地,供奉创始神梵天), for pushy(令人讨厌的,大胆妄为的) mendicants (乞丐)at Haridwar(哈德瓦), for high commercialism(商业主义, 重 商主义) at spiritual retreats. But equally, it means that he be prepared for an overwhelming warmth in the people, ease of conversation, and to be stunned into speechlessness by the beauty, sometimes the manmade(人造的) and often the natural. But what exactly is it that gets two and a half million people to pack their bags, book(预订) their tickets, buy industrial size cans of suntan lotion(太阳油,晒日光浴用的护体乳液) and enough toilet paper(卫生纸, 草纸) to supply the entire population of Liechtenstein((中欧国家)列支敦士登) for one month, and wing their way to India? Given that this is the land of the Taj(泰 姬陵), granted too that tea, tobacco, tempestuous democracy(民主政治) and terrific travel are a great combination but surely that's not reason enough. There must be more because between truisms and half-truths, India has inspired more than any one place's fair share of travel lore. And, perhaps that's what it is -- the legends of India -- that's what inspires people from far and near to travel here, to sort out for themselves what's true and what's just a whole lot of tourism pamphlet(小册子) hype(骗局,大肆宣传,大做广告). If that's what you're going to be doing, here's a bit of India tourism mantra(颂歌, 咒语(尤指四吠陀经典内作为咒文或祷 告唱念的)) to help you on your way: expect nothing and everything will be yours. The Golden Triangle 旅游金三角 印度北部的德里、亚格拉、斋浦尔三个城市,构成了印度最著名的“旅游金三 角”,是最值得一游的路线。 This triangle of three cities perfectly captures(捕获) the pageantry of India. It is a gorgeous panorama(全景画) of majestic architectural(建筑学 的) creations and a rich tradition of art and culture. Here you can see some of the images that epitomize(集中体现) India. The marble(大理石的) symphony(交响曲,和 谐的东西) of Shahjahan's(沙贾汗,修建泰姬陵的莫 卧儿王朝的皇帝)Taj Mahal(泰姬陵), (one of the eight wonders of the world) the imperial elegance of Lutyen's( 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 新德里的设计师) New Delhi, the splendour of the desert city of Jaipur(斋浦尔,有 “粉红城市”之称). Every city offers its unique blend of sights, sounds and experiences. These range from the opulence(富裕) of the Mughal Empire(莫卧儿帝国) to the vibrant life of modern India. I would recommend that you start your tour at Delhi, which is connected to most cities in the world. From Delhi, Agra(阿格拉,泰姬陵所在地) is 200 km and Jaipur is 250 km away. The Heart of Heritage Discover the heart of India as you travel through Madhya Pradesh(中央邦). This is a landscape of abundant forests, soaring hills and silver shimmering rivers that was once Kipling's(吉卜林(1865-1936),英国作家, 1907年获诺 贝尔文学奖,曾写过有关英国占领下的印度的小说) India. Here, experience the timeless spirit of ancient India. Where Empires rose and fell, leaving behind in forbidding fortresses(堡垒, 要塞) and ornate(华丽的) palaces, the memory of their past glory. The pilgrim's(朝圣者) route meanders through temples where stone carvings capture every facet of life. And the faithful worship at Buddhist(佛教的) stupas(佛 塔). Begin your journey at the ancient city of Gwalior(瓜廖尔,一座历史古 城). Take a break at Shivpuri, a national park. At Orchha, the temples and palaces of the Bundela rulers line the banks of a river. And the highpoint of your trip will be the final destination(目的地) -- the incomparable(无与伦比的) temples of Khajuraho. The Great Pilgrimage As the sun rises over a holy river or the sea, the air echoes to the pilgrims' chant(圣歌) of mantras an eternal(永久的;不朽的) dawn ritual asking for the benediction(祝福) of the Gods. Discover the ancient roots of Hinduism(印度教) in these age-old cities. Where religion is more than an act of worship(崇拜, 礼拜); it is a way of life, where people celebrate one of the oldest living religions of the world. At Prayag(钵逻耶伽), take a dip at the holy confluence(汇合) of the Ganga(恒河), Yamuna(亚姆纳河) and Saraswati(萨拉瓦地河) rivers; while Varanasi(瓦腊纳西[印度东北部城市](旧称贝拿勒斯)) is a city that sings out its prayers to Lord Shiva(湿婆神). From the tumultuous(喧嚣的) sea of Puri(普里) and Konark(科纳拉克), the pilgrims wind their way to the Jagannath Temple(加达纳许庙,此庙又称为“性庙”。庙宇支撑屋檐的斜托木是彩绘的浮雕, 在立姿的佛像下是男女交欢的场景。) and the exquisite Sun Temple(科纳拉克的 太阳神庙). On the pilgrimage, discover yourself and the peace deep within you. The Beaches of India Imagine if you can a sunrise over the horizon(地平线) turning the sea into molten gold, the crashing surf streaming up the sand and then receding again, leaving behind sea shells and driftwood(流木, 浮木). The swaying, fringed shadow of the palms(棕榈). On the eastern and western coasts of Kerala(喀拉拉邦(印度西南部)), endless beaches offer you a balmy holiday. The Konkan(孔坎) coast in the west has the beaches of Goa(果阿) and Diu(第乌,印度西部一岛屿). Go southwards to the white sands of Kovalam(科 瓦兰 海滩) on the Malabar Coast(马拉巴尔海岸). On the Coromandel Coast(科 罗曼德尔海岸) in the east are the rock-cut temples by the sea at Mamallapuram(马哈拉里普林) and the seaside retreat at Gopalpur-on-Sea. These breathtaking beaches promise the perfect escape to tranquility(宁静). The North-East Morning brings a misty dawn on the mountains, a bronze sunset spills across the expanse of the Brahmaputra(雅鲁藏布江). The clang of prayer bells at a monastery(寺院). Life moves at a serene pace in the North East. The North East is composed of seven states whose natural beauty has earned them the sobriquet(绰号) of 'seven sisters'. Assam(阿萨姆邦), Nagaland(那加兰邦), Arunachal Pradesh(阿鲁纳恰尔 邦), Manipur(曼尼普尔区[印度一中央直辖区]), Tripura(特里普拉邦), Mizoram(米佐拉姆[印度一中央直辖区]) and Meghalaya(梅加拉亚邦) have been generously blessed by nature. Verdant(翠绿的, 青翠的) valleys, emerald(翠 绿色的) tea gardens, lush(茂盛的;青葱的) forests and tumultuous rivers blend to create magnificent landscapes. Begin your travel at the picturesque city of Gangtok(甘托克), capital of Sikkim(锡金), where orchids(兰花) bloom on the hillside. Then journey to Guwahati, Kohima, Shillong(西隆(梅加拉亚邦首府)) -- the incomparable jewels of the North East. Each blessed with salubrious(对身体或健康有益的) climate, fascinating customs, beautiful handicrafts and the warm welcome of its gentle people. The total area of India's protected wildness is approximately 140,000 sq km(平方千米) and constitutes(组 成;构成) 4 percent of the century's total land area. The emphasis has not only been on protecting wildlife in reserved forests, but in areas where man and animal continue to live in harmony(协调, 融洽). The country's protected wilderness consists of 75 National Parks and 421 Sanctuaries(动物保护区), of which 19 fall under the purview of Project Tiger. Its climatic and geographic(地理的) diversity makes it the home of over 350 mammals and 1200 bird species, many of which are unique to the subcontinent(次大陆). The land of tiger and the elephant, the peacock(孔雀) and the rhinoceros(犀牛), India's wildlife is a delight for the nature lover. The wildlife parks and sanctuaries spread across the country offer a fascinating diversity of terrain, flora(植物群) and fauna(动物群).
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