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英语泛读-翻译EXTENSIVE READING 英译中 1、 They are too anxious to make their point that they don’t know when to stop, and seem to think that their listeners are too dim-witted to understand even the simplest of things and everything must be drummed into their heads by repeti...

EXTENSIVE READING 英译中 1、 They are too anxious to make their point that they don’t know when to stop, and seem to think that their listeners are too dim-witted to understand even the simplest of things and everything must be drummed into their heads by repetitions. 1、 他们急于证明自己的观点,不知道什么时候能打住他们,似乎以为听众们是如此的低能以至于听不懂最简单的事,每件事都要多次的重复才能灌输到头脑中去。 2、 Those with the gift of the gab are always popular and are welcomed anywhere,any time. They are the souls of parties and social gatherings. 2、 那些有口才的人总是讨人喜欢,随时随地受欢迎,他们是聚会和社交场合的中心人物。 3、 Instead of going back to him to ask for more ,I thought it would be much simpler to foot the difference myself as I was sure he would make it up for me later. But I soon found I was sadly mistaken. 4、 我想自己掏钱补上差额是再简单不过了,我肯定事后他会还给我,所以我没回去向他要钱,但是我很快发现我是大错特错了。 5、 The doctor warned me that there would be some pain as another dose of anaesthesia was out of the question. 4、医生告诫我会有些疼痛,再给我打一针麻醉药是不可能的。 5、If the subject matter were difficult,careful reading was justified;when it was easy, he should have zipped through it. 5、如果内容难懂,仔细的阅读是有道理的,当内容比较简单就可以读的快一点。 6、Bad reaers trudge home with briefcases bulging with material that should have been read on the job. 6、糟糕的阅读者带着公文包费力的回家,里面塞满了他原来应该在工作岗位上阅读的资料。 7、Draw a line down the center of a newspaper column.Center your vision on the line and try to grasp the meaning of the words on each side as you move down the page. 7、在报纸的一个栏目中间画一条线,把你的视线集中,当视线向下移动时,尽量抓住线两边文字的意思。 8、Therefore it had happened that on the 20th of December I had proposed to Agnes and she agreed to marry me, and my mother had no suspicion that my happiness. 8、因此事情就是这样,我在12月20日向Agnes提出求婚,她答应了嫁给我,而我母亲对于我即将来临的幸福毫不知情。 9、And indeed sh looked remarkably young for a woman of forty-five ,with twenty-five years of widowhood and a short but stormy married life behind her.. 9、说真的,一个45岁的女人经过了25年的寡居和一段短暂坎坷的婚姻,但她看起来非常年轻。 10、My mother was so clever in social matters,and especially in the planning of delicious surprise,that I believed her capable even of miracles. 10、我母亲非常擅于社交,尤其擅长计划一些惊喜,我相信她甚至可以创造奇迹。 11、I had never realized that my mother was desirable, and that a man might desire her, and that her lonely existence in that house was not all that she had the right to demand from life .And I was ashnmed of my characteristic filial selfish egoism. 11、我从未想到我母亲还有女性的魅力,还可能有男人为她倾倒,也从来没意识到她有权向生活索取的不止是在这所房子里幽居独处,对于我做儿子的菏泽中典型利己主义,我深深惭愧。 12、They built a great, hollow, wooden horse outside the city, and the Trojans believed this was some holy treasure valued by the Greeks. 12、他们在城外造了一直巨大的空心木马,特洛伊人认为那是希腊人所珍视的宝物。 13、In fact, Schliemann missed the actual Troy of Homer’s poem.He dug too deeply and went down though the city for which he was hunting—the walls he found were the walls of an older city. 13、事实上,谢里曼错过了荷马史诗中那个特洛伊城,他挖的太深穿过了他正在寻找的城市,找到的城墙属于一座更古老的城市。 14、When Schliemann lifted the finest mask he saw the actual face of the ancient king—his eyes,his mouth, his perfect teeth.Even the skin of the face was still there. Staring at the perfection of this face was probably Schliemann’s greatest moment. 14、当谢里曼掀起那个精美面具后,看到了古代国王的脸,他的眼,他的嘴,他完好的牙齿,脸上的皮肤依然如故,凝视着这张完好无损的脸庞,可能是谢里曼一生中最伟大的时刻了。 15、Some students can master the entire system of imaginary numbers more easily than other students can discover how to study the first chapter in the algebra book. 15、有些学生掌握全部虚数的内容比另外一些学生能发现如何学好代数课本的第一章还来的容易。 16、Nothing is more frustrating than freezing up during an important test,knowing all the answers but getting so excited at the sight of the test that half of what you actually know never gets vritten down. 16、没有什么比在一次重要的考试中怯场无法正常下笔更让人感到沮丧的,全部 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 你都知道,可是一见到试卷,你就兴奋的连你实际知道的一半都写不下来。 17、A good student’s books don’t finish the term looking as fresh and clean as the day. They were purchased:they look used,well used. Some sections are underlined.Notes are written down the margins. 17、好学生的书在学期结束时,看上去不该像他们买来那天时那样新,那样干净。它们该是看上去是用过的而且是很好(充分)地使用过了,有些部分被划了线,页面空白的地方写上了 笔记。 18、Guided by the things the questions emphaseze and your knowledge of what the whole chapter covered, so rapidly through the chapter again,underlining the most important points. 18、在问题所强调的内容和你对整个章节内容所了解的引导下,再一次快速浏览该章节的内容,在最重要的地方下划线。 19、What they have revealed only supports the theory that people are capable of having and using another sense beyond sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. 19、她们所显示的东西支持下述理论:即人们拥有并使用除视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉以外的另一种感觉。 20、When enough time had passed to make it apparent that Houdini’s cscape had failed, the frief-stricken party left the scence and reported that Houdini had died. 20、相当长的时间过去了,显而易见,霍迪尼没有能够逃脱,悲痛的人群离开了现场,都说他已经死了。 21、Someday we may understand the kind of communication that exists between mother and child and be able to expand on that knowledge to a better form of communication in all relationships. 21、总有一天,我们会理解,这种存在于母子之间的交流,并在理解它的基础上,把它扩展成为一种更好的人际交流的方式。 22、 He covered his shyness by speaking absently ,as though he were a secret agent pausing briefly on a mission between beautiful,distant ,and dangerous points. 22、他用漫不经心的语调来掩饰自己的羞涩,像足侦探正在执行任务在即,优美、遥远而险恶的地点之间作短暂停留。 23、Catharine watched him grow smaller in the long perspective of shadows and trees, knew that if he stopped and turned now, if he called to her ,she would run to him.She would have no choice. 23、凯瑟琳目送着他在一望无际的树与树影之间越走越远,假如他现在停下来回转身,假如他喊她一声,她将向他奔去。她,别无选择。 24、The other day I had to back halfway out of a telephone booth in order to read the number on the coin box. 24、有一次我几乎都退出电话亭,才能看清投币盒上的电话号码。 25、I’ve noticed that all my suits have a tendency to shrink, especially in certain places such as around the waist or in the seat of the pants, and the laces they put in shoes nowadays are harder to reach. 25、我觉得我的服装都越穿越小,尤其是腰围或裤子的横档部位越来越紧,而且现在的鞋带也越来越难够着了。 26、Only after payment was laid upon the counter was the sack irrevocably twisted shut and the moment of indecision ended. 26、只有当你把钱放在柜台上时候,纸袋的口会被拧紧,这以后就没有更换的余地了。 27、I remember the tinkle of the bell as I managed ,after some effort, to push open the big door. Charmed,I worked my way slowly down the display counter. 27、我还记得,当我费力地推开那扇大门时响起的叮当铃声,我好像着迷似的慢慢向糖果柜台走过去。 28、”I still smell the gumdrops,” I sighed, and I’m certain I heard old Mr.Wigden chuckle over my shouder as I cleaned the last tank. 28、“我还能闻到橡皮糖的香味”我叹了口气说,当我清洗最后一个鱼缸时,我确信地听见威格顿先生在我肩头发出轻轻的笑声。 29、She used to laugh all the time and keep the whole store bright with her energy and her smile and her pleasant voice.People spoke about it. It was such a pleasure to be served by her, they said. 29、她总是笑声不断,她的活力、微笑及愉悦的声音使整个小店充满了阳光,人们都在谈论并说,有这么个女孩服务真是一件快乐的事情。 30、Poor mother was too far gone in compassion to realize that she had been trapped, and said quickly that we certainly could. 30、可怜的妈妈大动恻隐之心,根本没意识到已经中了人家的圈套,她很快答应说,我们可以安排这个女孩在店里工作。 31、After she had been with us a short while, however, we began to notice that my father hadn’t made much progress with his chemistry and that there were no startling innovations at my mother’s table. 31、她在我们这儿待了一段时间后,我们便注意到父亲的化学并没有太大的长进,母亲在餐桌上也没有翻出什么惊人的花样。 32、She kept her puzzled, tearful glance upon us for another moment .Then she turned and walked away, her shoulders shaking with her sobs. 32、她困惑地、眼泪汪汪地又看了我们一会儿,然后她转身离开而去,双肩因哭泣而抖动着。 33、But it is not how much execise you get when young that leads to health in adulthood:it’s how much exercise you get when you’re older that’s important. 33、但是,并不是你年轻时参加的锻炼多少导致你成年后的身体健康,重要的是你在上了年纪后,参加了多少锻炼。 34、The heart is like any other muscle—the more you exercise it, the larger and stronger it becomes.A large,strong heart doesn’t have to beat as often to do its work, so it will take longer to wear out. 34、心脏像任何其它肌肉一样,你对它锻炼多少,它就变得越大越强壮,大而有力的心脏维持正常功能,不需要跳的像弱小的心脏那样快,因此它的寿命就长。 35、My advice is when swimming to keep as much of your body as possible in the water, and in stroking to get your hands back into the water as fast as you can. 35、我的建议是游泳时尽可能多的把身体浸泡在水里,划水时手臂尽可能快速的划回手中。 36、This will not only tell whether your heart is sound, but will also indicate how much exercise your heart can tolerate safely and the maximum pulse rate that is safe for you. 36、这不仅能告知你的心脏是否健康,而且还说明你的心脏能够完全承受的运动量以及对安全的最快心率。 37、In other words, a mother”tunes in” to the thoughts and behavior of her child more than any other person could. Therefore, even though she may be preoccupied with household chores or social activities, a part of her is constantly alert for her child’s safety. 37、换句话说,母亲比其他任何人更能体会到孩子的思想和行为,因此,虽然她正忙着家务或社交活动,她却一直分心,留神孩子的安全。
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