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嘉莉妹妹读后感英文嘉莉妹妹读后感英文 嘉莉妹妹读后感英文 嘉莉妹妹读后感英文 Carrie as such an rdinary rural girl at the beginning f the stry. Sitting n the seat f a bus, she culdn t help feeling exciting at the sight f the metrplis spectacle. She as impressed deeply‎‎ by large crd n the avenue, the spac...

嘉莉妹妹读后感英文 嘉莉妹妹读后感英文 嘉莉妹妹读后感英文 Carrie as such an rdinary rural girl at the beginning f the stry. Sitting n the seat f a bus, she culdn t help feeling exciting at the sight f the metrplis spectacle. She as impressed deeply‎‎ by large crd n the avenue, the spacius square r tall buildings. Far mre different frm ther herines, Carrie as nt a plain pure angel like Sn-hite, nr as she brave enugh t be a herine f revlutinist r even a refrmer, nr as she s cle‎‎ver as t be a successful career man h start frm scratch. hat attracted her mst, after her entering this huge metrplis as the incredible fineries, fashin shes, smart handbags displaying in the shp inds, the jeellerys shining brightly behind the glass. She dreamed that ne day, she culd ear all f these, jgging gracefully int the mst luxurius htel ith fcused sights f admiratin. And this as nt merely a dream. Because she had large eyes hich can earn thers sympathy, even lve. She had nderful figure hich can in thers hearts. Hever, anything she gt, anyhere she reached, had nt e fr‎‎m her ambitin. Things happened, and then she accepted. That s hat she had just dne just t accept illingly frm the bttm f her heart. She as nt at all an evil man h uld give anything fr the frtune r fame. Hever, she uld give u smeth‎‎ing fr a better life hen her instinct defeated her intellect. That as Carrie, a girl had her n desire, a human being just like many thers in the realistic rld. There s ne sentence ritten in chapter VIII: hen this jangle f free-ill‎‎ instinct shall have been adjusted, hen perfect understanding has given the frmer the per t replace the latter entirely, man ill n lnger vary. Hever, h many peple can g that further. And I ant t qute anther sentence t ind up my es‎‎say: In Carrie as in h many f ur rdings d they nt? instinct and reasn, desire and understanding, ere at ar fr the mastery.
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