首页 初中数学分式计算题及答案



初中数学分式计算题及答案初中数学分式计算题及答案 2014寒假初中数学分式计算题精选 参考答案与试题解析 一(选择题(共2小题) 1((2012•台州)小王乘公共汽车从甲地到相距40千米的乙地办事,然后乘出租车返回,出租车的平均速度比公共汽车多20千米/时,回来时路上所花时间比去时节省了,设公共汽车的平均速度为x千米/时,则下面列出的方程中正确的是( ) A( B( C( D( 解答: 解:设公共汽车的平均速度为x千米/时,则出租车的平均速度为(x+20)千米/时, 根据回来时路上所花时间比去时节省了,得出回来时所用时间为...

初中 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 分式计算题及 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 2014寒假初中数学分式计算题精选 参考答案与试题解析 一(选择题(共2小题) 1((2012•台州)小王乘公共汽车从甲地到相距40千米的乙地办事,然后乘出租车返回,出租车的平均速度比公共汽车多20千米/时,回来时路上所花时间比去时节省了,设公共汽车的平均速度为x千米/时,则下面列出的方程中正确的是( ) A( B( C( D( 解答: 解:设公共汽车的平均速度为x千米/时,则出租车的平均速度为(x+20)千米/时, 根据回来时路上所花时间比去时节省了,得出回来时所用时间为:×, 根据题意得出=×,故选:A( 2((2011•齐齐哈尔)分式方程=有增根,则m的值为( ) A( 0和3 B( C(1 和,2 D( 1 3 考点: 分式方程的增根;解一元一次方程( 专题: 计算题( 分析: 根据分式方程有增根,得出x,1=0,x+2=0,求出即可(D 二(填空题(共15小题) 3(计算的结果是 ( 4(若,xy+yz+zx=kxyz,则实数k= 3 分析: 分别将去分母,然后将所得两式相加,求出yz+xz+xy=3xyz,再将xy+yz+zx=kxyz 代入即可求出k的值(也可用两式相加求出xyz的倒数之和,再求解会更简单( 点评: 此题主要考查学生对分式的混合运算的理解和掌握,解答此题的关键是先求出yz+xz+xy=3xyz( 22225((2003•武汉)已知等式:2+=2×,3+=3×,4+=4×,…,10+=10×,(a,b均为正整数),则a+b= 109 ( 解答: 22解:10+=10×中,根据规律可得a=10,b=10,1=99,?a+b=109( 6((1998•河北)计算(x+y)•= x+y ( 7((2011•包头)化简,其结果是 ( 8((2010•昆明)化简:= ( 9((2009•成都)化简:= ( 10((2008•包头)化简:= ( 11((2012•攀枝花)若分式方程:有增根,则k= 1 ( 解答: 解:?, 去分母得:2(x,2)+1,kx=,1, 整理得:(2,k)x=2, ?分式方程有增根, ?x,2=0,2,x=0, 解得:x=2, 把x=2代入(2,k)x=2得:k=1( 故答案为:1( 12((2012•太原二模)方程的解是 x=2 ( 13((2012•合川区模拟)已知关于x的方程只有整数解,则整数a的值为 ,2, 0或4 ( 解答: 解:方程两边同乘以(x,1)(x+2), 得:2(x+2),(a+1)(x,1)=3a, 解得:x==,2,, ?方程只有整数解, ?1,a=3或1或,3或,1, 当1,a=3,即a=,2时,x=,2,1=,3, 检验,将x=,3代入(x,1)(x+2)=4?0,故x=,3是原分式方程的解; 当1,a=1,即a=0时,x=,2,5=,7, 检验,将x=,7代入(x,1)(x+2)=40?0,故x=,7是原分式方程的解; 当1,a=,3,即a=4时,x=,2+1=,1, 检验,将x=,1代入(x,1)(x+2)=,2?0,故x=,1是原分式方程的解; 当1,a=,1,即a=2时,x=1, 检验,将x=1代入(x,1)(x+2)=0,故x=1不是原分式方程的解; ?整数a的值为:,2,0或4( 故答案为:,2,0或4( 14(若方程有增根x=5,则m= ,5 ( 考点: 分式方程的增根( regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 解答: 解:方程两边都乘x,5,得x=2(x,5),m, ?原方程有增根, ?最简公分母x,5=0, 解得x=5, 把x=5代入,得5=0,m, 解得m=,5( 故答案为:,5( 点评: 本题考查了分式方程的增根,增根问题可按如下步骤进行: ?让最简公分母为0确定增根; ?化分式方程为整式方程; ?把增根代入整式方程即可求得相关字母的值( 15(若关于x的分式方程无解,则a= 0 ( 解答: 解:去分母得:2x,2a+2x,2=2, 由分式方程无解,得到2(x,1)=0,即x=1, 代入整式方程得:2,2a+2,2=2, 解得:a=0( 故答案为:0( 16(已知方程的解为m,则经过点(m,0)的一次函数y=kx+3的解析式为 y=,x+3 ( 解答: 解:?, ?x,1=2, ?x=3, 当x=3时,x,1?0, ?m=3, 把(3,0)代入解析式y=kx+3中 ?3k+3=0, ?k=,1, ?y=,x+3( 17(小明上周三在超市花10元钱买了几袋牛奶,周日再去买时,恰遇超市搞优惠酬宾活动,同样的牛奶,每袋比 周三便宜0.5元,结果小明只比上次多花了2元钱,却比上次多买了2袋牛奶,若设他上周三买了x袋牛奶,则根 据题意列得方程为 ( 解答: 解:周三买的奶粉的单价为:,周日买的奶粉的单价为:(所列方程为:( 三(解答题(共13小题) 18((2010•新疆)计算: =x+2( 19((2009•常德)化简:( = 20((2006•大连)A玉米试验田是边长为a米的正方形减去一个边长为1米的正方形蓄水池后余下部分,B玉米试 验田是边长为(a,1)米的正方形,两块试验田的玉米都收获了500千克( (1)哪种玉米的单位面积产量高, (2)高的单位面积产量是低的单位面积产量的多少倍, 解答: 222解:(1)A玉米试验田面积是(a,1)米,单位面积产量是千克/米; 222B玉米试验田面积是(a,1)米,单位面积产量是千克/米; 22?a,1,(a,1)=2(a,1) 22?a,1,0,?0,(a,1),a,1 ?, ?B玉米的单位面积产量高; (2)? =× = =( ?高的单位面积产量是低的单位面积产量的倍( 21((2005•南充)化简:= ( 22((2002•苏州)化简:( 解答: 解:==( =1, 23((1997•南京)计算:( regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 考点: 分式的混合运算( 专题: 压轴题( 分析: 先算括号里面的(通分后进行计算),同时把除法变成乘法,再约分即可( 解答: 解:原式=[+,]• =• =,1( 点评: 本题考查了分式的混合运算的应用,注意运算顺序:先算括号里面的,再算除法( 24((2012•白下区一模)计算( 考点: 分式的混合运算;分式的乘除法;分式的加减法( 专题: 计算题( 分析: 先把除法变成乘法,进行乘法运算,再根据同分母的分式相加减进行计算即可( 解答: 解:原式=,×, =,, =( =,( 点评: 本题考查可分式的加减、乘除运算的应用,主要考查学生的计算能力,分式的除法应先把除法变成乘法, 再进行约分,同分母的分式相加减,分母不变,分子相加减( 25((2010•孝感)解方程:( 考点: 解分式方程( 专题: 计算题( 分析: 本题考查解分式方程的能力,因为3,x=,(x,3),所以可得方程最简公分母为(x,3),方程两边同乘(x ,3)将分式方程转化为整式方程求解,要注意检验( 解答: 解:方程两边同乘(x,3), 得:2,x,1=x,3, 整理解得:x=2, 经检验:x=2是原方程的解( 点评: (1)解分式方程的基本 思想 教师资格思想品德鉴定表下载浅论红楼梦的主题思想员工思想动态调查问卷论语教育思想学生思想教育讲话稿 是“转化思想”,把分式方程转化为整式方程求解( (2)解分式方程一定注意要验根( (3)方程有常数项的不要漏乘常数项( 26((2011•衢江区模拟)解方程: 考点: 换元法解分式方程( 专题: 计算题( 分析: 设=y,则原方程化为y=+2y,解方程求得y的值,再代入=y求值即可(结果需检验( 解答: 解:设=y,则原方程化为y=+2y, 解之得,y=,( 当y=,时,有=,,解得x=,( 经检验x=,是原方程的根( ?原方程的根是x=,( 点评: 用换元法解分式方程时常用方法之一,它能够把一些分式方程化繁为简,化难为易,对此应注意总结能用 换元法解的分式方程的特点,寻找解题技巧( 27((2011•龙岗区三模)解方程:=0( 考点: 解分式方程( 专题: 计算题;压轴题( 分析: 观察可得方程最简公分母为x(x,1)(方程两边同乘x(x,1)去分母转化为整式方程去求解( 解答: 解:方程两边同乘x(x,1),得 3x,(x+2)=0, 解得:x=1( 检验:x=1代入x(x,1)=0( ?x=1是增根,原方程无解( 点评: (1)解分式方程的基本思想是“转化思想”,把分式方程转化为整式方程求解; (2)解分式方程一定注意要验根( 28(?解方程:2,=1; ?利用?的结果,先化简代数式(1+)?,再求值( 考点: 解分式方程;分式的化简求值( 专题: 计算题( 分析: ?观察可得最简公分母为(x,1),去分母后将分式方程求解(同时对?进行化简,即:(1+) ?==x+1,再将?求得数值代入?求值即可( 解答: 解:?方程两边同乘x,1,得 2(x,1),1=x,1, 解得x=2(经检验x=2是原方程的解( ?(1+)? =× regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid =x+1( ?当x=2时,原式=2+1=3( 点评: 解分式方程要注意最简公分母的确定,同时求解后要进行检验;?中要化简后再代入求值( 29(解方程: (1) (2)( 考点: 解分式方程( 专题: 计算题( 分析: (1)观察可得方程最简公分母为(x,2)(x+1); (2)方程最简公分母为(x,1)(x+1);去分母,转化为整式方程求解(结果要检验( 解答: 解:(1)方程两边同乘(x,2)(x+1),得 2(x+1)+x,2=(x,2)(x+1), 解得, 经检验是原方程的解( (2)方程两边同乘(x,1)(x+1),得 x,1+2(x+1)=1, 解得x=0(经检验x=0是原方程的解( 点评: (1)解分式方程的基本思想是“转化思想”,把分式方程转化为整式方程求解( (2)解分式方程一定注意要验根( (3)分式中有常数项的注意不要漏乘常数项( 30(解方程: (1),=1;(2),=0( 2分析: (1)由x,1=(x+1)(x,1),可知最简公分母是(x+1)(x,1); (2)最简公分母是x(x,1)(方程两边都乘最简公分母,可把分式方程转换为整式方程求解( 22解答: (1)解:方程两边都乘(x+1)(x,1),得(x+1)+4=x,1,解得x=,3( 检验:当x=,3时,(x+1)(x,1)?0, ?x=,3是原方程的解( (2)解:方程两边都乘x(x,1),得3x,(x+2)=0解得:x=1( 检验:当x=1时x(x,1)?0, ?x=1是原方程的解(
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