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自考现代英语语法重点Chapter 1 The Structure of the English Sentence(第一章绪论) 一、难点、重点 1.Present the grammatical units that form a hierarchical order.(指出构成层次结构的语法单位.) 英语句子的结构层次是:分句(clauses)、词组(phrases)、单词(words),图示如下: 高级层次句子(由一个或多个分句组成) 分句(由一个或多个词组组成) 词组(由一个或多个词组成) 低级层次词 如果从...

Chapter 1 The Structure of the English Sentence(第一章绪论) 一、难点、重点 1.Present the grammatical units that form a hierarchical order.(指出构成层次结构的语法单位.) 英语句子的结构层次是:分句(clauses)、词组(phrases)、单词(words),图示如下: 高级层次句子(由一个或多个分句组成) 分句(由一个或多个词组组成) 词组(由一个或多个词组成) 低级层次词 如果从语义的角度来考虑,单词以下还可再分为词素(morphemes);句子以上还有更大的语言单位,即把句子按一定逻辑 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 组织起来的语篇。所以,从超语法的角度来看,语法层次结构可以如下图所示: 高级层次语篇(由广个或多个句子组成) 句子(由一个或多个分句组成) 分句(由一个或多个扣组组成) 词组(由一个或多个词组成) 词(由一个或多个词素组成) 低级层次词素 2.Morphemes词素(Terms: morpheme, morph, allomorph, free morpheme and bound morpheme) (注:此部分内容的学习可以借鉴?词汇学‘的相关内容,然而必须注意两门课程描述的不同点。)什么是词素(morpheme)?词素是语法的最小区别性单位,即最低一级的语法单位。 词素的语音或拼写法的体现叫形素(morph)。词素是一种抽象形式的成分,在不同的环境中一个词素可以由若干个不同的形素体现,如英语中的复数词素可以 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现为/s,z,iz/。 某一词素在不同的环境中可以用不同的变体或词素变体(allomorph)表示。所谓词素变体是指词素的非区别性变体,几个不同的变体一起构成一个词素。 词素又分为自由词素和粘附词素。自由词素(free morpheme)是指本身具有完整意义,可以独立使用的词素。它可以是简单的单词,如boy,girl,do,so等,也可以是派生词的词根,如im-polite,self-ish 等。自由词素具有较强的构词能力。 粘附词素(bound morpheme)是指没有完整意义不能独立使用的词素。粘附词素只表示一种附加意义或语法意义,这种词素不能单独存在和使用,只有粘附在其他词素(主要是自由词素)上才能表示出它的意义。粘附词素的主要功能是在构词中充当词缀,如unfriendliness中的un-,-ly,-ness等。 3.Finite clauses and infinite clauses (限定性分句与非限定性分句,定义参见下面的简答题部分) 注意这里分句的概念与传统语法的区别,特别是非限定性分句。 Finite Clauses (1)名词性分句What he said was incredible. (2)关系分句This is one of the best books I‘ve ever read. (3)状语分句If I were in your shoes, I wouldn‘t quit. Non-finite clauses: (1)非限定性名词性分句:She didn‘t know what to say. (2)非限定性关系分句:The man standing by the window is her brother. (3) 非限定性状语分句:Published ten years ago,this is still the best dictionary. 二、重要概念 1.morpheme (参见第一部分测试题) 2.parsing:Breaking a sentence into smaller components for analysis and then grouping them into various classes in a systematic way.把一个句子中的各种词按语法范畴给出名称一如主语、宾语、动词、性、数、格等一叫做句子成分分析(parsing)。 3.Define the complex sentence:The complex sentence is a sentence that contains more than one clause that are - 1 - joined together by subordinating one to another.[复杂句是用从属连词(如if, when, though等)连接的一个以上分句的句子.] 三、典型考题 I. 选择题 1. There are ( ) morphemes in ―gunfighter‖. A. two B. three C. four D. one 2. In ―He downed his beer and punched me on the nose. ‖ ―downed‖ belongs to ( ) . (P13) A. backformation B. clipping C. conversion D. blending 3. Suffixes basically change ( ) . A. word meaning B. word class C. nothing D. word formation 4. The prefix―uni-‖ means ( ) . A. without B. self C. false D. one Key: 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D II. 简答题 1.In terms of which three factors are words classified? The three factors are: the environment where words occur, their internal structure and their meaning. 2.Define the finite clauses and the non-finite clauses. The finite clauses are the ones that have subjects and finite verbs as predicates.The non-finite clauses are the ones that leave subjects unsaid and verbs in non-finite forms.(限定分句是主语加限定动词作谓语的分句。非限定分句是省略主语而动词以非限定形式出现(主语省略是因为其前面或后面已有主语。) Chapter 2 Sentence Types (第二章句子类型) 一、难点、重点 1.英语句子四大类型为陈述句,疑问句,祈使句和感叹句;这四种句型分别表示提供信息,寻求信息,要求动作进行和表达说话者的情感. 1. Explain the conditions in which we need to use non-assertive words in positive statements and assertive words in questions. (解释在肯定句中使用非肯定词和在疑问句中使用肯定句的情况。) When a positive answer is expected, assertive words can be used in questions, such as: Would you like some more coffee? Is somebody waiting for me? 2. And in affirmative sentences in which there are negative import, if-clauses,putative should-clauses, and comparative clauses, non-assertive words can be used, such as: He is too young to take any job. 疑问句中如期望肯定回答,可用肯定词,在含有带否定含义的词,If-分句,should推定分句,比较分句中也可用非肯定词. 3.Explain the difference between a tag question with a final rising tone and one with a final falling tone.(解释附加疑问句结尾升调与降调的区别。)With a rising tone,the question expresses the speaker‘s neutral expec tation of the hearer‘s response and invites the hearer to verify the truth of the proposition in the statement.With a falling tone,the speaker asks for the hearer‘s confirmation of the statement.It can be regarded as similar to an exclamation.(念升调,附加疑问句的说话者对对方的回答不是很确定;念降调,说话者期望对方证实他的陈述,有点类似于感叹句。) Examples: Lovely weather, isn‘t it?应该念降调。 4.Commands 1)Be patient. (Command) 2)You be patient. (Emphatic effect, or to light a contrast) So the following sentences are also commands: 1)Someone take out the rubbish. 2)Anybody help him! 二、重要概念 1. Alternative questions: Those questions that suggest two (or more) alternatives and usually imply that one of them could be true. 2.How-exclamations: Exclamations that are led by the adverb ?how‘. It highlights the adjective, adverb, o r verb in exclamations. 典型考题 选择题 1. You have to wait a moment, ______? A. haven't you B. do you C. don't you D. shouldn't you 2. "Mary wasn't in the reading - room, was she?" "_________." A. Yes, she wasn't B. No, she was C. Yes, she was D. She wasn't Key: 1. c 2. c 简答题 1. What are the verbs which transferred negation often occurs with? What is their shared semantic feature?(转移否定经常与哪些动词同现?它们有什么共同的语义特征?) The verbs which transferred negation often occurs with are:think,believe,suppose,imagine and expect.They are the verbs that express ―opinion‖.(转移否定经常与think,believe,suppose,imagine和expect等动词连用。这些动词都是表示―意见‖的语义。) 2.What are the two major types of exclamations?(感叹句的两大类型是什么?) The two major types of exclamations are WHAT—exclamations and HOW-exclamations.The former is followed by a noun phrase;the latter is followed by an adjective or adverb.感叹句分为WHAT-感叹句和HOW-感叹句。前一种后接名词词组,后者接形容词或副词 III.完成下列句子 1.You‘d rather we didn‘t go there,_______ 2.I don‘t think he will come,________? 3.They must have lost their way,_____? 4.Let‘s talk about it later,_____? 5.Everyone is here,________? Key: 1.hadn‘t you 2. will he 3. mustn‘t/ didn‘t they 4. shall we 5.isn‘t here/aren‘t they Chapter 3 Noun and Noun Phrase (1):Noun and Number (第三章名词和名词词组(1):名词和名词的数) 一、难点、重点 The functions of noun phrases: In function, a noun phrase can play such grammatical roles as subject, object, complement, modifier and even adverbial. 名词词组的功能,可以作主语、宾语、补语、修饰语(a tea table),有些的甚至可以作状语(yesterday, last week)。 1.Noun classes 名词可以以多种 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 分类,如具体名词(table, water)与抽象名词(happiness, hatred),可数名词(table, girl)与不可数名词(water,money),有生物名词(boy, monkey)与无生物名词(table, water)等. 2.缩略词:加-‘s,-s,双写或零形式复数,首字母缩略词, 加-?s或-s: MP(议员) MP‘s/MPs POW(战犯) POW‘s/POWs VIP(要人) VIP‘s/VIPs 缩略词加-s,双写或用零形式复数: 缩略词加-s Dr.(医生) Drs. hr(小时) hrs.(或hr.) yd.(码) yds. Yr. (年) yrs. 双写: ex.(例子) exx. gal.(加仑) gall. p.(页) pp 或用零形式复数 ft.(英尺) ft kg.(公斤) kg. km.(公里) km min.(分) min. sec.(秒) Sec 二、重要概念 1.Proper noun: Proper nouns are nouns referring to specific person, place or thing,such as Smith, Mark (persons), Washington D.C., London (places), NATO, United Nations (things)(专有名称是特指人,地方或事物的名词) 2.Mass noun: Those that can not take plural are mass nouns, such as butter, cheese, homework music, etc. (没有复数形式的名词叫物质名词) 3.Unit noun: It is also called "partitive", is a very special class of words that is used to specify the quantities measures and shapes of the modified noun such as: piece, batch, bunch, item, etc. (单位名词亦称―部分词‖用于说明所修饰名词的量、大小和形状等) 4.Foreign plurals:They are words borrowed from some other languages which still take their original forms of plural,Most often,they are from-Latin,French,Greek:alumna--alumnae,index--indices,plateau--plateaux, analysis—analyses,etc.(外来词复数是指从外语中借来尚保持原来复数形式的复数名词,多是拉丁语、法语和希腊语等) 三、典型考题 选择题 1. _________ plastics are made in this chemical plant. A. Many kind of B. Many kinds of C. Many kinds D. Many kind 2. "Jack has just moved into a new house." "Did he have to buy ________for it?" A. many new furniture B. much new furnitures C. much new furniture D. many new furnitures 3. Michael took _______ as to what he should do. A. his friend's advise B. his friend's advises C. his friend advice D. his friend's advice Key: 1. B 2. C 3. D 简答题 1.Collective noun: These are generally countable nouns, but even in the singular they refer to groups of people, animals or things, such as family, class, team, government, committee, etc. (集体名词一般是可数名词,但就是单数,也指人, 动物或事物的群体) 2.singular invariables: They are proper nouns like country names, personal names and mass nouns like those denoting sciences, subjects, diseases, and games. For example: the United States,the United Nations, Black,Jones,classics,physics,bronchitis,bowls,et。.(单数名词指的是某些国家名称,人名和表示学科、疾病和运动项目等形式上有以—s结尾的名词,一般用作单数) 3.plural invariables:They are 1)names of tools and articles of dress consisting of two equal parts:binoculars, compasses,jeans,shorts,etc.2)some collective nouns:cattle,people,police,etc.3)geographical names of mountain ranges,waterfalls,groups of islands:the Rockies,the Balkans,Niagara Falls,etc.4)other nouns ending in-s:archives,arms,etc.(复数名词指由两部分构成的工具或服饰;某些集体名词;山脉、瀑布、群岛等地理名词以及其他以-s结尾的名词,用作复数) 其他题型 Supply the appropriate unit noun from the list below: company collection troop herd bundle drop piece ray swarm can school pack fleet crew 1. a ______ of ships 2. a ______ of lies 3. a ______ of firewood 4. a ______ of whales 5. a ______ of sailors 6. a _____ of bees 7. a ______ of tourists 8. a _____ of crude oil 9. a ______ of cattle 10. a _____ of music 11. a _____ of monkeys 12. a _____ of coins 13. a _____ of blood 14. a _____ of sunshine Key: 1. fleet 2. pack 3. bundle 4. school 5. crew 6. swarm 7. company 8. can 9. herd 10. piece 11. troop 12. collection 13. drop 14. ray Chapter 4 Noun and Noun Phrase(2):Determiner and Genitive (第四章名词和名词词组(2):限定词和属格) 一、难点、重点. 1.Group genitive集体属格 集体属格是指把‘s加在后位修饰词组或并列名词词组后面的属格,如:someone else‘s car,an hour and a half‘s test(一个半小时的测试),a week or s o‘s break(一个星期左右的休息)。但集体属格不用于含有后位修饰分句(限定分句和非限定分句)的名词词组中: * the lady living next door‘s hat * the children killed in the war‘s pictures 2. Genitive : Generally, of-phrase is not used with first names, but would be acceptable with full names: * The bike of Tom * The car of George Bush 3. Determiners The pre-determiners or central determiners are mutually exclusive: * all half the employees (two pre-determiners) * all the his employees (two central determiners) 4. The difference between ‘all’ and ‘whole’ when they modify a proper name: * The whole Beijing was excited at the news. * The all Beijing was excited at the news. 二、重要概念 1. Determiners(什么是限定词)? (限定词是指用于各词词组的前位修饰语的词,限定词放在修饰中心词的形容词前面) 2.Genitives: Forms or construction used to denote possession, measurement or source. Example: John‘s car; a moment‘s digression; the resistance of Iraq 三、典型考题 选择题 1.Jack is ____________________. a. a friend of a doctor‘s b. the friend of a doctor‘s c. the friend of the doctor‘s d. a friend of the doctor‘s 2.This is ________________________. a. the passport of John b. the passport of John‘s c. the passport of John Smith d. the John passport Key: 1. d 3. c 简答题 1. What are generic reference and specific reference(什么是类指和特指)? Generic reference and specific reference are the two uses of articles.Genetic reference indicates the whole species or kind,while specific reference,specific one or thing.[类指和特指是冠词的两个用法。类指指事物(或人)的整个种类,而物特指则是某一具体的事物(或人)] 2. Under what general circumstances do we prefer genitive to of-phrase and vice versa?(在什么情况下用属格不用of-词组,什么情况下用of-词组,不用属格?) When nouns refer to people,and the relation between the nouns is one of definition,classification,etc,genitives are preferred,when nouns refer to inanimate,lifeless objects,and the head words of noun phrases are classifying adjectives, of—phrases are preferred.(当名词指人,或名词之间属于定义或归类关系时,用属格;而当名词指无生物,或中心词是the+形容词时,用of-词组) examples: * men‘s clothes / the teacher‘s book* the color of the car / the struggle of the exploited Chapter 5 Verb and Verb Phrase(1):Tense,Aspect and Future (第五章动词和动词词组(1):时、体和将来时间) 一、难点、重点本 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 采用两时两体体系,理由有三。 第一,传统语法是以时间为参照划分英语时态的,而在处理像The train leaves at eight tomorrow morning 和They would have heard the news last night等句子时遇到麻烦,因为在语言中形式与意义是不常等同或对应的。我们将英语的时分为两时——现在时和过去时,是基于对英语形态的考虑。像汉语这样没有词汇屈折变化的语言根本就没有时。 第二,时(tense,)和体(aspect)是两个彼此独立的语法范畴。前者基于词汇的屈折变化,而后者基于结构分析。由于时与体经常合用,所以导致时体不分,时指动作发生的时间而体标记动作发生的状态或方式。 第三,从教学角度上看,新的时体体系简单易学,还可以让学生懂得一种意义可以用不同的形式表示,一种形式也可表示不同的意义。 2. Why do most contemporary English grammarians adopt a two-tense system?(当代英语语法家为什么采用两时体系?) Because tense is a verb form.Morphologically,only present tense and past tense have their forms of verbs.A language (such as Chinese)which has not verb forms has no tense.(因为时态是动词的形式。从形态上讲,英语只有现在时和过去时,动词才有变化形式,所以英语是两时体系。一门语言(如汉语)如没有动词的变化形式就没有时态。) 3. Why is the past tense often used for politeness?(过去时为什么常用来表示客气的语气?) Because the past tense can make a question or a statement or a suggestion less direct.It is more polite to use the past tense on the part of the speaker.(因为过去时使疑问句、陈述句或建议不直接提出,显得委婉,所以说话者觉得它比现在时更利于表达客气的语气。) 4. Non-progressive verbs: verbs that cannot occur in the progressive aspect.非进行体动词不用于进行体中非进行体动词也可再分为关系动词(如be,have,own,equal,weigh,等),感知动词(如see,smell, taste,等)和态度动词(如think,wonder,guess, like等) e.g. *I am liking the car. *He isn‘t thinking that is right. However, they can take the progressive form in the circumstances where they suggest temporariness, gradual increase of decrease, etc.但在表达动作的短暂性、逐渐增加或减少时也使用进行体形式: e.g. You are being impolite. The milk is tasting worse. 5. Since-分句一般不用于否定句: We haven‘t seen each other since 1989. * It‘s ten years since I didn‘t see him. * He‘s had several jobs since he wasn‘t a student. 6. 现在进行体表示将来时间指的是人的行为和努力,别的情况不能用现在进行体: * It‘s raining tomorrow. * The trees are losing their leaves soon. 二、重要概念 1.Tense: Any one of the inflected forms in the conjugation of a verb that indicates the temporal location of an event or a state of affairs.时态指示时间如过去、现在动词的各种曲折变化形式的任何一种 2.Aspect: aspect reflects the way in which the verb action is regarded or experienced with respect to time.(反映动词的动作在时间上被识别和经历的方式。) 三、典型考题 选择题 1.Five and five ________________ ten. a. make b. made c. will make d. is make 2.The weather ________ very cold as soon as the night fell in that mountainous area. a. was to be b. was going to be c. was d. was getting Key: 1. a 2. b 简答题 1.Explain the relationship between tense and time.(时态与时间有何区别?) Time and tense are not the same thing;time is concept and tense is a grammatical device.Different tenses can express the same period of time,such as the present.(时间与时态不是一回事;时间是一种概念而时态是一种语法手法。同一个时段(如现在)可以由多个不同的时态表示。) 2. If tense is related to time, what is aspect related to? (如果时与时间有关,体又与什么有关?) When tense points to the temporal location of an event or a state of affairs,aspect―reflects the way in which the verb action is regarded or experienced with respect to time.‖时与一个事件或状态的具体时间有关,而体则―指与时间有关的动作发生的方式‖。 其他题型 Correct the following sentences: 1. Have you had a good time last week? 2. The children ran out to play after they finish their homework. 3. It rains tomorrow. 4. He can't go on holiday because he broke his leg. 5. When Father came back, we have already gone to bed. Key: 1. Did you have a good time last week? 2. The children ran out to play after they (had) finished their homework. 3. It will/is going to rain tomorrow. 4. He can't go on holiday because he has broken his leg. 5. When Father came back, we had already gone to bed. Chapter 6 Verb and Verb Phrase (2):Passive Voice and Subjunctive Mood (第六章动词和动词词组(2):被动态和虚拟式) 一、难点、重点 1.Get-passive and be-passive get-型被动态的使用不如be-型被动态广泛,在正式语体中,通常避免使用get-型被动态,即使在非正式语体中,get-型被动态也不如be-型被动态使用率高。从语义上看,get-型被动态常用于表示突然发生、未曾料到的事件(或事故),而非一种状态;它强调动作所产生的结果,而非动作本身;它强调动作对主语的影响(通常是不利的),而非动作的执行者。 e.g. The children got punished. *Can the kite get seen now? *The play got written by Cao Yu. 真假被动态的一些主要区别:假被动态是被动的形式,主动的意义,其中的-ed分词已经形容词化,在―主语一动词一补语‖(SVC)结构中作主语补语(即表语)。作为形容词,—ed分词可有比较等级形式。除了-by 词组,-ed分词可与许多别的介词搭配使用;除了be和get,—ed还可与别的连系动词连用:become, feel,look,seem,remain。 e.g. She became more annoyed at his negligence at work now. 二、重要概念 1.V oice: A property of verbs or a set of verb inflections indicating the relation between the subject and the action expressed by the verb.(态)是表示主语和动词之间的主动或被动关系的动词形式,英语动词有两种态:主动态和被动态 例如:People almost all over the world speak English.(主动态); English is spoken almost all over the world.(被动态)。 2.Mood: A set of verb forms or inflections used to indicate the speaker's attitude toward the factuality or likelihood of the action or condition expressed. In English the indicative mood is used to make factual statements, the subjunctive mood to indicate doubt or unlikelihood, and the imperative mood to express a command.语气用来强调说话人对表达的行为或条件的真实性或可能性所持有态度的一系列动词形态或变化形式。在英语中陈述语气(式)用于描绘真实的陈述,虚拟语气(式)则用于强调怀疑或不可能,而祈使语气(式)则用来表达一个命令(式)是表示语气的动词形式,英语动词有三种式:陈述式、祈使式和虚拟式。例如:We study English hard.(陈述式);Let‘s play chess tonight(祈使式);He ordered that a11 the employees be there at 8 sharp tomorrow.(虚拟式)。 三、典型考题 简答题 1.What are the voice constraints? The voice constraints refer to grammatical constraints, semantic constraints and stylistic constraints.(语态限制有:语法,语意及文体限制)。 2.be-passive(be-型被动态):The passive made up of ?auxiliary be + v-ed‘由―助动词be的一定形式+及物动词的-ed分词‖构成的被动态叫be-型被动态,例如:The book was written by Hamilton. 3.be-subjunctive (be-型虚拟式): The be-subjunctive is formally marked by the use of the base of the verb; that is , the verb invariably occurs in the base form free from the concord constraints with the subject and from the tense agreement with other verbs.不管主语是什么人称,一律以动词原形表示的虚拟式,例如:It is important that the boss handle it in person. 4. What are the three mood forms: The three mood forms are: indicative, imperative and subjunctive. Chapter 7 Verb and Verb Phrase (3):Modal Auxiliaries (第七章动词和动词词组(3):情态助动词) 一、难点、重点 1. could可用来泛指过去的一般―能力‖,但通常不能用其表示过去做某一特定事情的―能力‖ (其否定形式couldn‘t/could not除外)。要想表示过去做某具体事情的―能力‖,可用be able(to),manage,succeed等: * They worked hard and could pass the test. They play hard but still couldn‘t win the game. * He ran fast and could catch the first bus. He ran fast and managed to catch the first bus. 2. 表示推测意义的may很少用于疑问句,这时通常用can代替: Can there be life on Mars? (* May there be life on Mars?) Where can he be found? (* Where may he be found?) 3. have to 和have got to的区别: a.have to比较正式而have got to属于口语体 b.have got to很少用过去时形式 c.have got to没有非限定动词形式,所以不能说:* will have got to,* to have got to,* having got to而须说:will have to,to have to,having to d.have to往往表示客观上的必要性而have got to却通常表示主观上的必要性,与must同义。 4. dare a. 情态助动词dare意为―胆敢‖,语法作用与need相近,通常用于非肯定语境: Dare you jump down from the top of that wall? b. 主要用作主动词, 后面可以跟一个不带to的不定式: He does not dare(to)say that. I wonder how he dares(to) do such things. 二、重要概念 Modal auxiliary: One of a set of English verbs, including can, may, must, ought, shall, should, will, would and etc., that are characteristically used with other verbs to express mood or tense.情态助动词一组英语动词中的一个,包括can、may、mast、ought、shall、should、will和would等,其特点是与其它动词联用表示语气或时态 三、典型考题 选择题 1. A new theory __________ before it can be put into practice. a. must be tested b. be tested c. can be tested d. to be tested 2. Where _______ the boss be found? a. can b. may c. dare d. ought Key: 1.a 2. a 简答题 1.What are the two major semantic categories of modal auxiliaries?情态助动词从语义来看分为哪两大类? The predictive and non-predictive(also termed ?epistemic and non epistemic‘)推测性意义和非推测性意义 2.The three major semantic components of ?can‘ are: possibility, ability and permission. 推测性意义的possibility(可能性)和非推测性意义的ability(能力)和permission(许可) 其他题型 Rewrite the following sentences by using modal auxiliaries: 1.I am sure you have left your dictionary in the dormitory. 2.They were obliged to sell their car to pay for the medicine. Key: 1.You must have left your dictionary in the dormitory. 2.They had to sell their car to pay for the medicine. Chapter 8 Verb and Verb Phrase (4):Non-finite Verbs (第八章动词和动词词组(4):非限定动词) 一.难点、重点 1英语动词形式按其在句子中所起的作用可分为限定动词和非限定动词。两者的主要区别在于:非限定动词一是没有―时‖的标志,二是不必在人称和数上与主语保持一致。非限定动词有三种形式,即不定式、-ing分词和-ed分词。 2. 如果介词but/except之前有动词do的某种形式,其后的不定式通常不带to,否则要带to。例如:The enemy had no choice but to surrender.敌人除了投降之外,没有别的选择了。(介词but前面没有动词do 的任何形式,所以不定式要带to):They could do nothing but surrender. 3. 一个及物动词的不定式,既不带主语也不带宾语,在用作后置修饰语的时候,会产生歧义: He is too good a man to kill.可有两种理解: 他太好了我不忍杀害他。他太好了是不会杀害别人的。 She is the next person to consult.也有两种理解: 她是下一个我要请教的人。她是下一个要请教我的人。 如果没有上下文语境,需要将不定式分句按例句方式进行扩展或是合适的话,使用一个被动结构: He is too good a man to be killed.She is the next person to be consulted. 4. begin,cease,continue,start后面可以用不定式,也可以用分词-ing。当后接的动词表示―知道、理解、喜爱、嫌恶‖等意义时多用不定式。但是-ing分词不能用于下列语境: I began to like English when I was ten.(不可说:* I began liking English…) 注意:(1)如果句中已经有了动词的-ing形式,其后就不可再接-ing分词,如: He‘s beginning to change his habit.(不可说:* He‘s beginning changing his habit.) 5. Dangling participle垂悬分词 无主分词又叫―悬垂分词‖或者―无依着分词‖,指-ing分词或-ed分词在句中找不到它的逻辑主语,因而处在一种―悬垂无依着‖状态,即―无主‖状态,这在句法上是错误的,在逻辑上是不合理的。如: * Trying to be quiet,the floorboard creaked. * Grilled on the charcoal,we liked the fish much better. * Cooking in the kitchen, the phone rang. 上述这几个句子显然是错误的,因为它们的-ing分词或-ed分词结构没有逻辑主语,与句子其他部分―无依着‖。从逻辑上说,意思讲不通。 二、重要概念 1.The non-finite verbs: The non-finite verbs are verbs that are not marked for tense or for subject-verb concord. 2.Dangling participle: When the subject of a participle is not expressed, it is normally understood to be the subject of the main clause. If the rule is broken, the participle is regarded as a dangling one. 三、典型考题 选择题 1. The boss expects all the documents __________ promptly. a. being typed b. to be typed c. having been typed d. to have been typed 2. The information was later admitted __________ from well-informed people. a. to be obtained b. to have been obtained c. that it has been obtained d. that it was obtained 3. We still have a lot of problems __________. a. unsolved b. unsolving c. unsolve d. to be unsolved 4. He regretted __________ her the truth. a. having told b. to have told c. had told d. to tell Key: 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a II. 简答题 1.What are the three types of non-finite verbs? They are: infinitive, -ing participle and –ed participle 2.The bare infinitive? The infinitive, which occurs as a verb in the base form without to is called bare infinitive. 其他题型 Correct errors in the following sentences: 1. There is no point to argue with him. 2. He began liking English at the age of 5. 3. What we can do now is to wait. 4. You might try to cut it with a knife. 5. He will do whatever he can help us. Key: 1. There is no point to arguing with him. 2. He began to like English at the age of 5. 3. What we can do now is wait. 4. You might try cutting it with a knife. 5. He will do whatever he can to help us. Chapter 9 Adjective Phrase and Comparison (第九章形容词词组和比较) 一、难点、重点 1.形容词具有四个特点:即定语特点、补语特点、用强调词very前置修饰的特点及比较级和最高级特点。 2.只有极少数的单个形容词可作后置修饰语: (1)the minister designate(尚未上任的部长) the president elect(当选的主席) (2)broad(广阔的),deep(深的),high,long,old,tall,thick,wide等词必须用在数量名词后,表示大小、持续时间、事物的年代及人的年龄:six feet tall;three meters wide (3)concerned(担心的[前置],有关的[后置]),involved(复杂的[前置],涉及的[后置] present (目前的,现在的[前置];出席的,到场的[后置]);proper(适合的,适当的[前置],严格意义上的,本身的[后置])responsible(认真负责的,尽责的[前置];有责任的,应负责任的[后置])等这些形容词用在名词前或后,其意义有所改变:the mother concerned(所提到的母亲) the concerned mother(焦虑的母亲) the man responsible(应负责任的人,负有责任的人) the responsible man(认真负责的人,有责任心的人) (4)affected(受影响的;假装的,做作的),available(可得到的,可达到的),required(需要,要求的)suggested(建议的)等这些词可用在名词前或名词后,意义没有变化: available information information available (可获得的信息) suggested improvements improvements suggested (建议的改善方法) 3.形容词sick和healthy可以用作定语,而i11和well则通常用作补语,如: What‘s the matter with Mr. White?——He‘s a sick man. Tom was very ill,but he‘s now a healthy man. How are you?——I‘m very well,thank you./I‘m fine,thanks. 4. 比较级结构 注意当所比较的两个称呼不属于同层次时,修饰语不能前置,如, Mr. White is a professor much more learned than his students. *Mr. White is a much more learned professor than his students. There are a lot of women more intelligent than John. *There are a lot of more intelligent women than John. 三、典型考题 简答题 1.What are attributive adjectives and predicative adjectives?定语形容词和补语形容词各指什么? An attributive adjective refers to an adjective that modifies a noun and stands either before or after the noun in a noun phrase. An predicative adjective refers to an adjective that can modify a noun by way of serving as a subject complement or an object complement.(修饰语形容词指用来修饰名词,可放名词前或名词后的形容词。补语形容词指通过用作主语补足语或宾语补足语来修饰名词的形容词。) 2. When adjectives are used in the dynamic sense, what are their syntactic and semantic features? 当形容词表示动态意义时,其句法特征和语义特征是什么? When adjectives are used in the dynamic sense,their syntactic features are to denote subjective measurement or suggest a temporary state; and their semantic features are that the qualities denoted by the adjectives can be controlled or restricted.(当形容词用作动态意义时,其句法特征是表示主观评定或暂时情况,其语义特征是形容词表示的特征能被控制或限制。) 3.What are restrictive adjectives and non-restrictive adjectives?限制性形容词和非限制形容词各指什么? A restrictive adjective helps identify the referent of the noun by describing its distinctive qualities.Whereas a non—restrictive adjective merely provides some additional information which is usually not essential for the identification of the referent.(限制性形容词通过描述与众不同的特征来识别名词所指的对象.非限制性形容词仅仅提供一些额外信息,而这些信息不是识别名词所指对象的根本。) Chapter 10 Preposition and Prepositional Phrase (第十章介词和介词词组) 一、难点、重点 介词除了表示空间和时间外,还可表示动作进行的方式,完成任务所使用的工具,以及瞄准的目标等。Examples: In Beijing (space), on Monday (time), leave without a word (manner), listen to the radio (instrument), pray for peace (purpose) between和among用法比较 a. between表示两者之间,among表示三者或三者以上之间: She sat between the two children. She sat among the three children. b. between表示两者之间的关系,作―在…之间‖解,可以表示位置、时间、顺序、距离、数量等。而among 表示―在…中间;被…所围绕‖: Our house stands between a school and a supermarket. He lost his son when the film was over and found him among the people outside the cinema. 电影散场时,他找不到儿子了,在电影院外人群中找到了他。 c. between表示: ―介于…之间‖,among表示―在…之中‖;其中之一(与最高级连用): A good teacher must be neither too strict nor too weak;his manner must be between these two. 好教师既不能太严厉又不能太软弱;其举止必须介于两者之间。 Among his many good qualities,punctuality is the most impressive one. 在他众多优秀品质中,守时给人留下了最深刻印象。 d. We always use ?between‘ when we speak of clear and exact locative positions: The village is between three mountains. 二.重要概念 Preposition: In some languages, a word placed before a substantive and indicating the relation of that substantive to a verb, an adjective, or another substantive, as English at, by, in, to, from, and with.介词在一些语言中放在一实词前,用于表示这一实词与动词、形容词或另一实词的关系,如英语中的at, by, in, to, from和with 三、典型考题 选择题 1. Some people show an indifference _____ changes in the weather. a. to b. for c. with d. by 2. Doesn't Jack have any sympathy ______ the crippled boy? a. at b. for c. in d. of 3. The president refused to accept other people's opinions ___ careful thought. a. for b. in c. of d. without 4. University graduates have an advantage ____ others in getting a job. a. of b. over c. above d. for 5. Mr. Smith has the capability _____ doing first-rate work. a. in b. from c. on d. of 6. Our factory is located _________ three mountains. a. among b. over c. between d. inside Key: 1. a 2. b 3. d 4. b 5. d 6.c 简答题 1. 解释表示空间关系的介词静态及动态使用方法? We use prepositions to indicate the place where someone or something is,or the place where an action occurs.This distinction may also be regarded as one between the static use and the dynamic use of prepositions,the former related with static location and the latter with movement with respect to an intended direction.(我们用介词表示某人或某物所在的位置,或者某个动作发生的位置。其区别在于介词的静态使用和动态使用。介词静态使用指与静态位置有关,动态使用指与所指方向有关的运动。) 2.指出表示持续时间和非持续时间介词的例子。 (1)He was ill for a week,and during that week he ate little. 他病了一周,这一周,他吃得很少。(for,during表持续时间) (2)The airplane left Japan at seven in the morning。 飞机早晨7点离开日本。(at表非持续时间) 3. The syntactic functions of a prepositional phrase: a post-modifier in the noun phrase, an adverbial and a complement.介词词组,在句子中作后置修饰语、状语、补语等。E.g. a girl in white, handle it in a proper way, be interested in cooking. 其他题型 Correct the following sentences: 1. The culture in Iraq is very different than that in the U.S. 2. Come in the room, please. 3. A man of words and not of deeds is as a garden full of weeds. Key: 1. than ---- from 2. in-----into 3. as----like Chapter 11 Coordination and Subordination (第十一章并列与从属) 一、难点、重点 1.并列和从属是连接句子的两个手段。并列是靠并列连词(coordinating conjunctions)实现的,它把同一层次的几个单位连接起来。从属是靠从属连词(subordinating conjunctions)实现的,它把不同层次的几个单位连接起来,从而形成了一个等级(主从关系)。 2. And具有多种功能,如: a. The professor went into the classroom,opened his notebook,and started the lecture.教授走进教室,打开笔记本,然后开始讲课。(and表示先后顺序,然后,其后) b. He heard his dog bark at door,and he looked out of the window only to find that his house was surrounded by a large crowd of angry people.他听到狗冲门叫,于是朝窗外看,发现他的房子被愤怒的群众包围了。(and = therefore表因果) c. Work harder and you‘ll pass the test.如果努力学习,考试就会及格。 (= If you work harder,you‘11 pass the test.and表条件) d. Liz is talkative and her husband is reserved.(and = but表对照) e. English is difficult to learn,and so is French.(and表相似性) f. He is a chain smoker,and he stinks all over.他是一支接一支抽烟的人,浑身是烟味。(and表另外) g. She ran and ran until she was out of breath.她跑啊跑直到跑得上气不接下气。(and表示重复或连续) 3. 0r也可用在一些固定表达法中,or仍然引出一个选择: a. Clean up the mess,or else! 你好好弄干净了,否则给你好看!(or else用作威胁) b. You may stay here for a day or two.(or two大约,至少,或多一些) c. The tribe was called Milwaukee or something.(or something或什么的,表说话者不肯定) 二、典型考题 简答题 1. What is the difference between coordination and subordination? Coordination is typically realized by coordinators which join units at the same, level, whereas subordination realized by subordinators, involves the linking of units at different levels so that they form a hierarchy. The difference between coordination and subordination also lies in the amount of importance the speaker wishes to attach to the joined constituents. (并列是靠并列连接词实现的,它把同一层次的各个成分连接起来。而从属是由从属连接词实现的,它把不同层次的各个成分连接起来从而形成一个等级。并列和从属的区别还在于说话人对构成成分的重视程度不同) 2. What are the major types of finite and non-finite subordinate clauses?限定从属分句和非限定从属分句的主要形式是什么? The major types of finite subordinate clause are relative clause,adverbial clause and nominal clause.The major types of non—finite subordinate clause are infinitive clause,—ing participle clause and—ed participle clause and verbless clause.(限定从属分句的主要形式有关系分句,状语分句和名词性分句。非限定从属分句的形式有不定式分句,以—ing结尾的分词分句,以—ed结尾的分词分句和无动词分句) Chapter 12 Relative Clause (第十二章关系分句) 一.难点、重点 1.(限制性关系分句与非限制性关系分句在形式上有很大区别。首先,非限制性关系分句在书写上用逗号隔开,在讲话中,语调上轻微停顿和前后程度明显变化。而限制性关系分句却没有这样的特征,关系词的选择也是两种关系分句的区别。如果分句是用关系词that或者根本不用关系词引导,那么此句肯定是限制性关系分句。然而,如果用which或以wh—开头的词引导,那么此句或者是限制性的或者是非限制性的。注意:that不能用于非限制性关系分句。 两种关系分句在功能上也有很大不同。限制性关系分句是名词词组不可分割的一部分并且为确认先行项的所指对象提供了必不可少的信息。相反,非限制性关系分句仅仅提供额外信息,这不是识别我们正在谈论的这个人或物的必要信息。因此,这种信息可以省略,但并不严重地影响对整个句子的理解) 2.Illustrate a nominal antecedent that only accepts the restrictive relative clause and one that only accepts the non-restrictive relative clause.用例子解释只能接受限制性关系分句的名词性先行词和只能接受非限制性关系分句的名词性先行词。Antecedents that only accept the restrictive relative clause typically include nouns or pronouns with unspecified reference--indefinites such as all, any, some, every, no, etc, and compounds. e. g 1. The lady who lives next door is now traveling in Thailand. (noun as the antecedent) . 2. All that glitters is not gold. (indefinites as an antecedent) 3. No one who has ever visited the town will fail to be impressed by its local delicacies. (compound as antecedent Proper nouns as antecedents co-occur almost exclusively with non-restrictive relative clause. e. g 4. St. Paul' s Cathedral, which the guide was referring to, was designed by Sir Christopher Wren. (St. Paul's Cathedral is a proper noun)(只接受限制性关系分句,非常典型的先行词包括名词、不定代词以及复合词。例1是名词作先行词,例2是不定代词作先行词,例3是复合词作先行词.专有名词作为先行项可接受非限制性关系分句。例4是专有名词作为先行词) 3. he double relative clause and the embedded relative clause 嵌入式关系分句 (1)He met a lady who he was sure was his new teacher. (2)Mr. Wang is the only businessman who I know offers fair prices (3)Mr. Wang is the only businessman I know who offers fair prices 句(3)中有两个关系分句,一个套着一个;句(1)、(2)各只有一个关系分句,其本身嵌在一个分句中.所以(1)、 (2)为嵌入式关系分句 二.重要概念 The relative clause: it is defined as a clausal modifier, restrictive or non-restrictive, used to modify a preceding construction, most often a preceding noun or noun phrase. 关系分句,无论是限制性关系分句还是非限制性关系分句,都是用来修饰一个先行结构,而名词或名词词组是最常见的先行结构从句型修饰语。 三、典型考题 简答题 1. What kind of relative clause do we normally use to modify a non-nominal antecedent?我们通常使用哪种关系分句去修饰非名词性先行词? We normally use non-restrictive relative clause to modify a non-nominal antecedent.(我们通常用非限制性关系分句修饰非名词先行项) 2. List the conditions we need to take into consideration when we choose a relative pronoun? 当我们选关系词时,需要考虑的条件是什么? We need to take three conditions into consideration. (1)the relation of the relative clause to its antecedent:restrictive or non-restrictive; (2)the gender type of the antecedent:personal or non-personal; (3)the function of the relative pronoun as subject,object,or complement.(当我们选择关系词时,需要考虑以下三个条件条件(1)关系分句与先行词的关系,即限制性的或非限制性的;(2)先行项的所指意义,即指人还是指物;(3)关系词在分句中的成分,即主语,宾语,补语等) 3. Explain the difference between a double relative clause and an embedded relative clause? 解释双重关系分句与嵌入式关系分句的不同点。 Double relative clause can be easily confused with embedded relative clause because of their seemingly identical structure.However,there is a difference between them.In double relative clause,there are two relative clauses,one enclosing the other,whereas in embedded relative clause there is only one relative clause which itself is embedded in a clause.(双重关系分句与嵌入式关系分句在结构上颇为相似,很容易混淆。但它们之间也有区别。双重关系分句中有两个(或两个以上)关系分句,而嵌入式关系分句只含有一个分句) Chapter 13 Adverbials (第十三章状语 一、难点、重点 1.状语的形式多种多样:副词、形容词或名词;介词词组、副词词组、形容词词组或名词词组;限定分句或非限定分句皆可作状语。 2修饰性状语,又叫结合性状语,是谓语的一个组成部分。它不仅修饰动词(词组)还可修饰形容词、副词、介词或连词;它是状语的主体。 评注性状语,又叫分离性状语,是对全句进行说明或解释,表示说话人对话语的看法或态度;评注性状语不与它所评注的句子在结构上紧密结合,通常位于句首,常用逗号与句子隔开。 连接性状语通常由某些副词词组和介词词组等表示,在句子或分句之间起连接作用。它不同于修饰性状语和评注性状语,因为它对句子不起修饰或评注作用。 3. 有时表示较大地点的状语可以置于句首,但表示较小地点的状语不可移至句首: In the restaurant she sat on a table. *On the table she sat in the restaurant. 4. will表示将来时间,不能用在订分句中;当will用在条件分句时,通常表示―意愿、打算‖。 If you will come and help us out, we will finish the task ahead. 5. 还有一种条件句,其分句谓语动词不管主语的人称和数如何,一律用―推定should + 不定式‖,而主句的动词可以根据意思需要,采用不同形式。 If he should be found guilty, he will be deprived of the guardianship of his children. 6. Style-disjuncts and content-disjuncts 文体评注性状语表示说话者对话语的看法、态度: Frankly,he is n‘t working hard enough. 内容评注性状语表示说话人对话语内容的评述: Obviously,she couldn‘t deal with these problems. 有一条标准可用来识别到底是文体评注性状语还是内容评注性状语:可否插入speaking一词,比较: Frankly speaking,he isn‘t working hard enough.(frankly后面可以插入speaking,是文体评注性状语). 二、典型考题: 简答题 1. Both result-adjuncts and purpose-adjuncts can be introduced by ?so that‘. How can we tell the difference? so that既可引导结果状语又可引导目的状语,其区别方法是:1)分句前有无逗号:有逗号的是结果状语分句,否则为目的状语分句.2)分句中有无情态动词:分句中有can, may, could, might等情态助动词时,多为目的状语分句,否则多为结果状语分句.3)分句可否移至句首:目的状语分句可以移至句首,而结果状语分句则不可以,只能位于句末. 2. Discuss various grammatical forms that disjuncts may take.论述评注性状语可能采用的语法形式。 The majority of disjuncts take the form of the adverb and occur in the initial position of the sentence. However, disjuncts can also take other forms, such as prepositional phrase, infinitive clause, -ing participle clause, -ed participle clause and finite clause. For example, in all frankness, to be frank, frankly speaking, put frankly, if I can speak frankly.评注性状语通常由副词表示,也可由介词词组、不定式分句、-ing分词分句、-ed分词分句和限定分句表示。 Chapter 14 Concord (第十四章一致) 一、难点、重点 1.一致,顾名思义指一句英文句子里各部分之间的协调、合符语法的现象。 2.一致, 通常包含人称、性别及数的一致。 3.主语——动词一致通常为三个互为补充的原则所支配,即语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近一致原则。 a. Everybody was happy with the decision.(语法一致) b. The audience were brought to their feet at the sight of superman in his wheelchair.(意义一致) c. Either you or I am responsible for the mistake.(就近一致) 4. 记住教材337上的常用集合名词所涉及的?一致‘ The public holds a very negative attitude towards this newspaper. The aristocracy does not enjoy as much privilege as it used to. The British police have very limited powers. I like to know what the enemy is thinking about. The enemy were going to attack soon. 5.In mathematical equation, both number alternatives are acceptable with addition but the singular verb is generally used with subtraction, multiplication and division: 在数学公式中,仅两数相加,动词谓语可以用单数,也可以用复数;两数相减、相乘和相除,动词谓语通常用单数。 Two plus two is / are four. Eight minus four is / leaves four. 6. 关系分句的先行项为―one of + 复数名词‖时,根据就近一致的原则,动词与靠近它的复数名词(而不是one)一致: She is one of these girls who have trouble making up their minds. This is one of the many houses here which were destroyed in the earthquake. 当one的前面被the only修饰时,关系分句的先行项是one而不是复数名词,依据语法一致的原则,动词应用单数形式: She is the only one of her family who has trouble making up their minds. 二、重要概念 The grammatical principle: it stipulates that the verb matches its subject both in person and in number. Chapter 15 Information Structure and Emphasis (第十五章信息结构和强调) 一、难点、重点 语言是一种交际体系,交际通常涉及发出信息的说话人或文章作者和接收信息的听话人或读者这两个方面。发出者想方设法引导接收者正确理解其信息,而与此同时接收者也在竭力用最直接的方法利用这信息。 1.要强调的重要信息的后移可有许多方式,最常见、最有用的方式有被动态(passive voice)、外位(extraposition)和分隔(discontinuity) For example: a. My dog sent the mail.--- The mail was sent by my dog.(被动态) b. The time when anyone can afford a car will come.The time will come when anyone can afford a car.(分隔) 3. Fronting Fronting is a term which refers to the removal of an item from its unmarked post-subject position to the marked pre-subject position. Thus, the removal is focused.前置指把原来位于句中或句末的成分一即无标记主题的位置至句首,给人一种出其不意的感觉,从而受到特殊强调。 a. Into a large crowd of spectators the plane dived. b. An honest man be used to be. 上述情况下,前置的成分传递新的信息,特别引人注目。 4. Inversion 倒装 人们常常认为倒装类似于前置,错误地以为两者都是把一个成分移到句首。倒装和前置的区别有两个方面:一是倒装包含主、谓语词序的颠倒而前置通常则不然。二是前置通常把信息中心从句末移至句首而倒装则根据其语法结构,或遵守前置原则或遵守后移原则。 5. Cleaving分裂 语法向我们提供了一种更为复杂的、实际上和前置相一致的、突出重要信息的句子结构:分裂句和准分裂句,如: It is traitor that we shall call him.(分裂句) What we shall call him is traitor.(准分裂句) 6. Existential sentence存在句 人们完全可以认为存在句是一种后移手段。通常,一个句子以已知信息开始——主语,然而继续进行到新信息——谓语。从交际的观点来看,一个句子若是以非确定特指的主语开始,是不常见的,甚至是不可接受的,如:? A grocery is across the street.有一家杂货店在马路对过。 为了不致使听者和读者一看见句首便产生唐突的感觉,可以将双方已知的信息,比如说一个代词,放到句首位置而把新信息移到句尾,作为句尾焦点: We have a grocery across the street. I found a big china vase on a marble—topped table. Chapter 16 Cohesion (第十六章连接纽带) 一、难点、重点 1.句子之间的粘着力(即衔接手段)主要有照应(reference)、替代(substitution)和省略(ellipsis)三大类. A:Is John trying to enter Harvard Law School? B:No,I don‘t believe he is.He hates lawyers.(照应:he = John) A:Is John trying to enter Harvard Law School? B:No,I don‘t think so. He hates lawyers.(替代:so = that he is trying to enter…) A:Is John trying to enter Harvard Law School? B:No,he isn‘t.He hates lawyers.(省略:not = not trying to enter…) 2. Reference 照应有语外照应(exophoric reference)和语内照应(endophoric reference);语外照应的所指对象在语外上下文中,语内照应的所指对象在语内上下文中。语内照应又有前照应(anaphoric reference)和后照应(cataphoric reference)之分。 a. They are always raising the prices.(语外照应) b. Wow,you‘ve got a huge house.I didn‘t expect it to be so big.(前照应) c. Listen.This is what I want you to do now.Go back to your room,put away the toys,wash your hands and come back to the table in ten minutes.(后照应) 3. Substitution替代 比较: I like this car,but I can‘t afford it.(照应) I want a car,but I can‘t afford one. (替代) 照应和替代的区别在:照应是意义上的指代一个对象,而替代则是结构上的替代一个词语或分句。因此照应项和照应对象在意义上是相等的,也就是说,指的是同一个东西。而替代则是用词上而不是意义上的替代。正是由于替代的结果而产生的这种结构上的相同,形成了替代项和被替代项之间上下文衔接关系。 4. 名词性替代词one和数词one有区别: A.替代词one可以带修饰语而数词one则不可, B.替代词one从不重读而数词one则要重读, C.替代词one可有复数形式(ones)而数词one永远没有复数形式(其相应的复数形式为some), D.替代词one是名词词组的中心词而数词one却是个限定词: A:Can l have these apples,Mum? B:You just had a big one.(one是替代词) A:Can l have these apples,Mum? B:Yes,but you eat one (apple) and give the rest to your little brother.(one是数词) 5. Ellipsis省略 省略的基本原则是只要不损害语法结构或不造成理解上的困难,能省略的尽量省略。从结构的观点来看,省略的结果出现了不完整的句子,但省略的部分都是明确的,而且可以在上(下)文中找到。由于上下文语境被省略成分的可恢复性,省略和替代一样,是句子之间的承接纽带。 省略有三种:名词性省略、动词性省略和分句性省略。 a. There are four flights to New York today.Let‘s take the earliest (flight). b. ----Who else is coming to the party?----Paul(is coming to the party).(省略整个动词词组) c. ----Will it rain tomorrow?------Perhaps(it will rain tomorrow.) (省略整个分句) 6.Other cohesive devices其他衔接手段 Other devices are: transition, repletion and parallelism.除了上述提及的三种衔接手段外,语篇中的句子还可以通过其他许多手段使我们的句子结构粘着、意思连贯地衔接起来,例如:用过渡词语、重复有关词语、用排比结构。 二、重要概念 1.The unified text: the unified text is one that is not only structurally well-integrated but also semantically coherent. unified text,是从结构和语义的角度来研究text,结构要很好衔接而语义要连贯。 2.语外照应exophoric reference means reference to the nonlinguistic or situational context. 三、典型考题 1. Rewrite the following sentence using whatever cohesive device is appropriate: My wife and I are going to dine out this evening, In fact, we dine out every weekend.(2001) 2. Rewrite the following sentence using whatever cohesive device is appropriate: If you travel often, keep a collection of necessities pre-packed. Keeping a collection of necessities pre-packed will give you time to pare the nonessentials.(EX. II, P396) Key: 1. (... In fact, we do it/so every weekend.) 2. (...That will give you time to pare the nonessentials.
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