首页 应付会计岗位说明



应付会计岗位说明应付会计岗位说明 loose debris and bulk materials, road is clear, flat, clean construction waste must focus stacking, in time. 1.4 material piled up: sand classification, focus stacking square, layout reasonable, safe, and clean. 1.5 recycling materials: template set ...

应付会计岗位说明 loose debris and bulk materials, road is clear, flat, clean construction waste must focus stacking, in time. 1.4 material piled up: sand classification, focus stacking square, layout reasonable, safe, and clean. 1.5 recycling materials: template set stacked neatly, classification of steel tube scaffold couplers and specifications, centralized storage, wood sandalwood mixed material classified and piled up rule square, not chaos. 1.6 cement: cement mix, distinguishing label focus stacking, listed at stake, as well as for system, 岗位说明书 职位名称 应付会计 所属部门 财务部 直属上级 财务部长 管辖人数 / 本岗位定员人数 2人 职位编码 版本 V1.0 修改状态 0 页码 1/2 工作目的 监督、检查费用开支,严格审核原始单证,杜绝浪费及不合理开支 (一) 月结采购付款 1. 接收、分类整理付款相关的原始凭证及单据 ?( 《价格审批单》; ?( 自制入库单:《外购入库单》、《委外出、入库单》、《其它入库单》; ?( 《供应商发货单》; ?( 非直接用于生产的:《物料申购单》 2. 审核K3系统中入库单 ?(根据《供应商发货单》、自制入库单:《外购入库单》、《委外入库单》 工审核K3系统中的《外购入库单》、《委外入库单》的入库数量,确保作 职入库数量的准确无误。 责 ?(根据《价格审批单》审核K3系统中的《外购入库单》、《委外入库单》 的入库单价、金额,税率等,确保入库单价格的准确无误。 3.往来对账 ?(接收供应商的对账单; ?(根据K3系统中的《外购入库单》、《委外入库单》与供应商的对账单, 进行核对,并确认回复对账金额,确保应付账款的准确性; ?.出现差异情况时,编制《供应商对账差异审批 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 》交采购员处理、得 到回复后,再回复供应商正确的对账金额。 loose debris and bulk materials, road is clear, flat, clean construction waste must focus stacking, in time. 1.4 material piled up: sand classification, focus stacking square, layout reasonable, safe, and clean. 1.5 recycling materials: template set stacked neatly, classification of steel tube scaffold couplers and specifications, centralized storage, wood sandalwood mixed material classified and piled up rule square, not chaos. 1.6 cement: cement mix, distinguishing label focus stacking, listed at stake, as well as for system, loose debris and bulk materials, road is clear, flat, clean construction waste must focus stacking, in time. 1.4 material piled up: sand classification, focus stacking square, layout reasonable, safe, and clean. 1.5 recycling materials: template set stacked neatly, classification of steel tube scaffold couplers and specifications, centralized storage, wood sandalwood mixed material classified and piled up rule square, not chaos. 1.6 cement: cement mix, distinguishing label focus stacking, listed at stake, as well as for system, ?(在K3系统中引出数据,按供应商名称分类,制作<月度材料入库明细表〉 4.接收、移交,供应商销售发票 ?(接收各供应商交来的发票; ?(整理、复印留低,移交增值税发票的“抵扣联”给总账会计扫描; ?.将收票日期、发票号码、金额等相关信息更新到应付账款台账; ?(根据〈月度材料入库明细表〉、《外购入库单》、《委外入库单》、供应商销售发票,将K3系统中的入库单下推生成采购发票,审核、钩稽。 ?(采购发票审核、钩稽后,在K3系统中的存货核算模块中生成应付款凭证。 5.请款 ?(根据应付款台账信息编制当月《采购用资计划表》按顺序交财务部 工 长、采购部长、采购副总、总经理审批签名; 作 职 责?(根据审批后的《采购用资计划表》,填写《汇付款通知书》、 整理《月度材料入库明细表》、自制的《外购入库单》、《委外出、入库单》、《其它入库单》、《供应商发货单》、发票复印件,并呈送给领导审批; ?.将审批后的单据移交出纳付款。 6.处理付款后的单据 ?(接收出纳移交的已付款的采购单据,并在《收付 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 》上签名; ?(根据已付款的采购单,在将K3系统中的应付账款模块内录入付款单;交总账会计审核,核销; ?. 根据总账会计审核,核销后的单据,在K3系统中生成付款凭证, ?(完成的有采购凭证后,核对总账余额与应付账款余额是否存在差异,确保总账余额与应付账款余额的一致。 loose debris and bulk materials, road is clear, flat, clean construction waste must focus stacking, in time. 1.4 material piled up: sand classification, focus stacking square, layout reasonable, safe, and clean. 1.5 recycling materials: template set stacked neatly, classification of steel tube scaffold couplers and specifications, centralized storage, wood sandalwood mixed material classified and piled up rule square, not chaos. 1.6 cement: cement mix, distinguishing label focus stacking, listed at stake, as well as for system, 7.报表 ?(编制当月《采购升、降价统计表》 ?(编制当月《付款汇总表》、占比图表 ?(编制当月《采购汇总表》、占比图表 ?. 按类别、各月累计的《供应商份额占比表》 ?.编制《应收台账》 (二).零星报销审核 1. 接收、分类整理报销相关的原始凭证及单据 ?(自制入库单:《外购入库单》、《委外出、入库单》、《其它入库单》 ?.原始单《供应商发货单》; ?(在单据的背面写上收单的日期、时间,签名确认 2. 审核零星报销单 工 ?.根据非直接用于生产的:《物料申购单》审核零星采购报销单的数量,作 职 责确保入库数量与申购数量一致. 杜绝浪费 ?.根据《价格审批单》审核零星采购报销单的单价,确保报销金额的准确 ?.同时审核零星采购报销单是否有联系电话. 3.不符合报销 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的单据处理 ?.在报销单的背后写好不能报销的原因及退单的时间,签名确认。 ?.退回给相关人员。 4.编制报表 ?.根据入库单编制<报销明细表>,附于报销单内. ?. 根据报销单取得发票情况,编制各采购员未取得发票的<欠票情况统计表> ?. 根据报销单编制《零星采购情况表》. loose debris and bulk materials, road is clear, flat, clean construction waste must focus stacking, in time. 1.4 material piled up: sand classification, focus stacking square, layout reasonable, safe, and clean. 1.5 recycling materials: template set stacked neatly, classification of steel tube scaffold couplers and specifications, centralized storage, wood sandalwood mixed material classified and piled up rule square, not chaos. 1.6 cement: cement mix, distinguishing label focus stacking, listed at stake, as well as for system, loose debris and bulk materials, road is clear, flat, clean construction waste must focus stacking, in time. 1.4 material piled up: sand classification, focus stacking square, layout reasonable, safe, and clean. 1.5 recycling materials: template set stacked neatly, classification of steel tube scaffold couplers and specifications, centralized storage, wood sandalwood mixed material classified and piled up rule square, not chaos. 1.6 cement: cement mix, distinguishing label focus stacking, listed at stake, as well as for system, (三).费用报销 1.驻外业务员的销售费用报销. ?.接收各驻外业务员的报销单据 ?.根据<业务员销售制度>、制度规定以外的各类申请单,审核各业务员的费用报销单。 ?.按类别整理、粘贴及填写报销单据. ?.根据整理好后的报销单据录入<业务员销售费用报销统计总表>. ?.再按<业务员销售费用报销统计总表>?<区域销售费用报销统计表>?<办事处销售费用报销统计表>?<业务员销售费用报销统计表>. ?.打印各个报表连同报销单据一并交给相关领导审核(总账会计?财部长?销售副总?总经理) 2.驻外办事处的房租 ?. 保管各驻外办事处的房租 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 、押金收条。 ?.根据合同、押金收条 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ,编制统计表记录相关的情况。 工?.每期审核各办处事处租金《汇款申请单》。 作 职?.办事处租房合同到期前,通知办事处办理续约手续. 责 3.公司内部各部门的报销单。 ?.接收各部门的报销单 ?(根据公司的《出差报销制度》审核差旅费报销单,并编制报销的费用清单,杜绝浪费及不合理开支。 ?.其它费用报销单,根据公司的相关制度及实际情况审核,杜绝浪费及不合理开支。 ?.根据实际情况,记录费用报销单的付款情况及合同到期情况。 loose debris and bulk materials, road is clear, flat, clean construction waste must focus stacking, in time. 1.4 material piled up: sand classification, focus stacking square, layout reasonable, safe, and clean. 1.5 recycling materials: template set stacked neatly, classification of steel tube scaffold couplers and specifications, centralized storage, wood sandalwood mixed material classified and piled up rule square, not chaos. 1.6 cement: cement mix, distinguishing label focus stacking, listed at stake, as well as for system, (四).运费的审核及统计 1.接收、分类整理付款相关的原始凭证及单据 ?.货运单 ?(对账单 ?(有我司核价员确认的运输公司运费、送货费的报价单. 2.复核对账 ?.根据货运单、报价单复核物流专员与运输公司对账后的对账单。 ?(制作明细清单与汇款申请书一并送呈给各领导审批。 3.不合理的单据处理 ?(在运单上注明不合理的原因。 ?(退回物流专员。 4. 编制报表 工 根据货运单、对账单,物流专员统计的运费总表 作 职 责?(运输公司运费总表 ?(运费的占比表 (五).其它 ?(每月根据仓库提供的《车间工废、补发统计表》,提供相关的单价信 息,统计金额后,移交出纳。 ?(记录各办事处财产情况,编制各个办事处〈财产统计表〉,定时要求 各办事处盘点其财产情况. ?.维护K3系统中供应商资料。 ?.签收,记录,保管各供应商借用模具的借条,编制〈模具借用情况表〉。 ?. 根据领导指示向有需要的部门提供部分物料的单价。 loose debris and bulk materials, road is clear, flat, clean construction waste must focus stacking, in time. 1.4 material piled up: sand classification, focus stacking square, layout reasonable, safe, and clean. 1.5 recycling materials: template set stacked neatly, classification of steel tube scaffold couplers and specifications, centralized storage, wood sandalwood mixed material classified and piled up rule square, not chaos. 1.6 cement: cement mix, distinguishing label focus stacking, listed at stake, as well as for system, loose debris and bulk materials, road is clear, flat, clean construction waste must focus stacking, in time. 1.4 material piled up: sand classification, focus stacking square, layout reasonable, safe, and clean. 1.5 recycling materials: template set stacked neatly, classification of steel tube scaffold couplers and specifications, centralized storage, wood sandalwood mixed material classified and piled up rule square, not chaos. 1.6 cement: cement mix, distinguishing label focus stacking, listed at stake, as well as for system, 督导与考核 学历、职称 大专以上学历 年龄要求 35岁以下 任职资格 初级会计员 会计相关专业 性别要求 不限 专业技术资格 工作经验、态 度要求 所需技能培训 可直接晋升的职位 职业关系 可直接轮换的职位 应付会计,成本会计,外贸会计,总账会计 可晋升至此职位 / 批准 审核 起草 实施日期 修改日期 2012(06(12
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