首页 《红楼梦》中人物姓名的翻译-王雪论文



《红楼梦》中人物姓名的翻译-王雪论文《红楼梦》中人物姓名的翻译-王雪论文 题 目:The Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the Stone 《红楼梦》中人物姓名的 翻译 所 在 系: 外语系 专 业: 英 语 学 号: 07080923 作者姓名: 王 雪 指导教师: 谭晓丽 2011年 4 月 目 录 任务书………………………………………………………….I 开题报告…………………………………………………….....IV 开题报告会纪要 ……………………………………………...

《红楼梦》中人物姓名的翻译-王雪论文 题 目:The Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the Stone 《红楼梦》中人物姓名的 翻译 所 在 系: 外语系 专 业: 英 语 学 号: 07080923 作者姓名: 王 雪 指导教师: 谭晓丽 2011年 4 月 目 录 任务书………………………………………………………….I 开题报告…………………………………………………….....IV 开题报告会纪要 ……………………………………………...VII 成绩评定 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf (一)…………………………………………….VIII 成绩评定表(二)…………………………………………….IX 成绩评定表(三)…………………………………………….X OUTLINE……………..………………………………………..1 论文正文……………………………………………………......2 衡阳师范学院毕业论文(设计)任务书 The Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the Stone 论文题目 《红楼梦》中人物姓名的翻译 学生姓名 王雪 学 号 07080923 专 业 英语 班 级 2007级9班 指导教师 谭晓丽 职 称 副教授 起止时间 2010年9月27日 至2011 年4月30日 一、毕业论文(设计)的研究内容(或任务、目标): 研究内容: 《红楼梦》是我国的经典名著,是我国古典小说描写人物的‎‎典范之作,全书不仅冠姓命名的“小说人物”有三四百人之众,而且其姓名之繁,命名之巧,字号之妙,寓意之深,影响之广,都是有口皆碑的。论文将从原著出发,对比戴维?霍克斯的英译本——“The Story of the Stone”和杨宪益夫妇的译本——“A Dream of Red Mansions”中人名的翻译,分析两译作译者所采取的不‎‎同翻译方法,所采用方法的原因以及产生的效果。并通过中国人名的传统文化分析对比出两译本人物翻译各自的优点与不足。通过研究学习,得出自己的结论与见解。 本文将大致分为六个部分: 一、议论和铺垫。名著中人物姓名对名著有重要作用并反映‎‎人物性格。 二、从文化的角度来看人名的翻‎‎译。 三、简析归化和异化的理论常识‎‎。 四、从音、形和意方面分析《红楼梦》中的姓名。 五、译本对比同时结合原著,从语用角度看人名的翻译。 六、讨论不同作者中选择不同的翻译方法的原因,以及所产生的不同效果。 七、 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 与思考。总结研究的结果,并提出自己的观点。 I 二、论文进度安排: 2010年9月27日开始 收集资料 2010年11月13日前 完成开题报告 2010年11月28日前 参加开题答辩 2011年1月,3月 交论文初稿及修改论文 2011年4月9日前 交论文定稿 2011年5月前 参加答辩 三、主要参考文献与资料: [1]LiuXi. The Exploration of the Chinese Pun in Hong Lou Meng( A Dream of Red Mansions) [D].电子科技大学, 2005. [2]David Hawkes. The Story of the Stone[M]. PenguinBooks, 1977. [3]Yang Hsien–Yi & Gladys Yang. A Dream of Red Mansions[M]. Foreign Language Press, Beijing, China, 1994. [4]YangYing. Study of the Translation of Personal Names in Hawkes’ Version of“ The Story of the Stone” [D].陕西师范大学, 2001. [5]卜爱会.浅析人名文化与翻译[J].科技信息(学术研究),2007,(21):174. [6]曹雪芹.红楼梦[M].长春出版社,2001. [7]龚群.浅析比较《红楼梦》杨译本和霍译本对人名翻译的处理[J].华商,2008,(07):132-133. [8]胡晓梅,许之所.论中国人名的文化内涵[J].理论月刊,2006,(11):70-72. [9]李涛.肖维青.《红楼梦》人名艺术及英译方法浅探[J].江西师范大学学报,2001,(02):109-112. [10]潘宝明.《红楼梦》人物起名艺术[J].华夏文化,2003,(02):37-39. [11]谢四四.从《红楼梦》双关语翻译看其译者的翻译‎‎策略[J].科技信息,2008,(33):42-43. [12]庄卫国.《红楼梦》人名翻译人名翻译中的归化‎‎与异化[J].中共桂林市党委校学报,2007,(02):45-46. 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 II 教研室意见: 负责人签名: 年 月 日 系审核意见: 负责人签名: 年 月 日 III 衡阳师范学院本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告 The Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the Stone 论文题目 《红楼梦》中人物姓名的翻译 学生姓名 王雪 学 号 07080923 专 业 英语 班 级 2007级9班 指导教师 谭晓丽 职 称 副教授 一、选题的目的、意义及国内外研究动态: 选题的目的: 《红楼梦》一书中人物名字大都引自古诗或谐音寓意。本文将从人物名字入手,结合人物个性与背景,讨论其意义与翻译办法并简‎‎析用怎样的办法可以将人物名字翻译得达‎‎意并美观。 选题的意义: 《红楼梦》是一部很卓越的小说,它在各个细节处都匠心独运,因此有很多地方是值得探究并讨论的。小说中众多人物名字往往与人物性格、命运甚至是小说故事情节发展脉络有着至关重要的联系‎‎,这更使其人物性格的翻译值‎‎得推敲。 中文的姓名翻译成英文往往面临众多问题‎‎,例如:如何翻译姓名本身的内涵,如何在达意的基础上使名字读起来朗朗上口并且在视觉‎‎上美观。研究之后,将对中国古代名著的人名翻译问题有一个较为深入的解‎‎析。 国内外研究动态: 《红楼梦》的英文翻译是可追溯到1830年,至今已170多年。全译本中最为公众认可的是杨宪益夫妇和霍克斯的译本‎‎。近年来,国内著名红学专家常将目标‎‎锁定在《红楼梦》中具有双关修辞作用的人物姓名进行研究,目的在于探索人名中所暗指的意义以及对后事发展的铺垫,与此同时国内外研究者从归‎‎化与异化的角度来分析此名著中人名翻译‎‎的方法。 IV 二、主要研究内容、创新之处: 主要研究内容:《红楼梦》是我国的经典名著,是我国古典小说描写人物的‎‎典范之作,全书不仅冠姓命名的“小说人物”有三四百人之众,而且其姓名之繁,命名之巧,字号之妙,寓意之深,影响之广,都是有口皆碑的。论文将从原著出发,对比戴维?霍克斯的英译本——“The Story of the Stone”和杨宪益夫妇的英译本——“A Dream of Red Mansions”中人名的翻译,分析两译作译者所采取得不同翻译方法,所采用方法的原因以及产生的效果。并通过中国姓名的传统文化分析对比出两译本人物翻译‎‎各自的优点与不足。通过研究学习,探究译者选择其翻译方法的目的与产生的‎‎效果。 创新之处:本文将从原著内容出发,结合文献分析人物姓名与原著之间的微妙关联,同时从音、形、意等方面分析原著人物姓名的美感及其语‎‎用价值。使探究的过程变得有趣而充‎‎满新奇。文中运用实例对比在归化和异化的条件下英译人物姓名的不同,并结合双关、反语等修辞方式以及中国传统文化等,对比分析霍克斯和杨宪益夫妇译本中人物姓名的不同翻译所产生的不‎‎同效果。 三、研究方法、设计 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 或论文提纲: I. 引言 II. 从文化的角度来看人名的翻‎‎译 III. 简析归化和异化的理论常识 IV. 《红楼梦》中的姓名的分析 4.1. 《红楼梦》中人物姓名的音美 4.2. 《红楼梦》中人物姓名的形美 4.3. 《红楼梦》中人物姓名的意美 V. 译本对比同时结合原著,从语用角度看人名的翻译 5.1. 两译本中人物姓名翻译中的‎‎音美、形美、以及意美 5.2. 原著与译作中人物姓名中的‎‎双关 5.3. 原著与译作中人物姓名中的‎‎反语 5.4. 译作对原文的忠实 VI. 讨论不同作者中选择不同的翻译方法的原因,以及所产生的不同效果 VII. 结语 V 四、完成期限和预期进度: 2010年11月28日前 参加开题答辩 2011年1月,3月 交论文初稿及修改论文 2011年4月9日前 交论文定稿 2011年5月前 参加答辩 五、主要参考资料: [1]David Hawkes. The Story of the Stone[M]. PenguinBooks, 1977. [2]LiuXi. The Exploration of the Chinese Pun in Hong Lou Meng( A Dream of Red Mansions) [D].电子科技大学, 2005. [3]Yang Hsien–Yi & Gladys Yang. A Dream of Red Mansions[M]. Foreign Language Press, Beijing, China, 1994. [4]YangYing. Study of the Translation of Personal Names in Hawkes’ Version of“ The Story of the Stone” [D].陕西师范大学, 2001. [5]曹雪芹.红楼梦[M].长春出版社,2001. [6]龚群.浅析比较《红楼梦》杨译本和霍译本对人名翻译的处理[J].华商,2008,(07):132-133. [7]李涛.肖维青.《红楼梦》人名艺术及英译方法浅探[J].江西师范大学学报,2001,(02):109-112. [8]潘宝明.《红楼梦》人物起名艺术[J].华夏文化,2003,(02):37-39. 六、指导教师意见: 签名: 年 月 日 VI 开 题 报 告 会 纪 要 时间 地点 职务 职务 职务 姓 名 姓 名 姓 名 与 (职称) (职称) (职称) 会 人 员 会议记录摘要: 会议主持人: 记 录 人: 年 月 日 教研室(或开题报告评审小组)意见: 负责人签名: 年 月 日 系工作小组意见: 负责人签名: 年 月 日 VII 衡阳师范学院毕业论文(设计)成绩评定表(一) The Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the 毕业论文(设计)题目 Stone 《红楼梦》中人物姓名的翻译 2007级9学生姓名 王雪 专业 英语 班级 学号 07080923 班 指导教师评语: 建议成绩: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 VIII 衡阳师范学院毕业论文(设计)成绩评定表(二) The Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the Stone毕业论文(设计)题目 《红楼梦》中人物姓名的翻译 2007级学生姓名 王雪 专业 英语 班级 学号 07080923 9班 评阅人评语: 建议成绩: 评阅人签名: 年 月 日 IX 衡阳师范学院毕业论文(设计)成绩评定表(三) The Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the 毕业论文(设计)题目 Stone 《红楼梦》中人物姓名的翻译 07级学生姓名 王雪 专业 英语 班级 学号 07080923 9班 答辩时间 2011年4月17日 地点 西校区外语楼614 姓名 职务(职称) 姓名 职务(职称) 答 谢彩虹 讲师 谭晓丽 副教授 辩 小 组朱艳宁 讲师 李娟 讲师 成 员 曾红明 副教授 陈小文 讲师 欧妮莎 讲师 答辩小组评语: 建议成绩: 组长签名: 年 月 日 系答辩委员会意见: 评定成绩 负责人签名: 年 月 日 X OUTLINE Abstract Key Words I. Introduction II. The Differences between the English and the Chinese Cultures Reflected in Name Translation III. The Introduction of Domestication and Foreignization IV. An Analysis of the Names in the Story of the Stone 4.1. Artistic Beauty in Sound 4.2. Artistic Beauty in Form 4.3. Artistic Beauty in Sense V. Comparison between the Translations of David Hawkes, Yangs Hsien–Yi & Gladys Yangs .1. Beauties in Sound, Form and Sense in the Two Versions 5 5.2. Puns in the Original and the Translations 5.3. Irony in the Original and the Translations. 5.4. Faithfulness to the Original VI. Contrasts between the Two Translations for Purpose and Function VII. Conclusion Bibliography 中文标题、摘要、关键词 1 The English Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the Stone Author: WangXue Number: 07080923 Tutor: Tan Xiaoli Abstract: We Chinese always have names with special meanings, such as good wishes for the futures, great personalities and so on. There are so many names for the characters in the book of the story of the stone. Different names may have different connotations to convey the owners’ dispositions. Compared with the English names, Chinese names are more complicated in many ways in sound, vision, form, and sense. The great translators such as Hawkes David and Yang Hsien–Yi & Gladys Yang translated this great Chinese classics, The story of the stone. David applies domestication to translating the names and the Yangs applied foreignization. Both methods have their respective advantages and disadvantages when adopted in translation like that. This study tries to compare the two translated works and consider what problem from different perspectives. Keywords: names in The story of the stone; domestication; foreignization; pun I. Introduction Different cultures have their own background and contents. Because of its long history, the Chinese language has become one of the most complex and imaginative languages in the world. Our Chinese names always contain many senses such as good wishes. And also, they have some esthetic value, some of them are short but condensed, meaningful and pleasant to ears. It is hard to translate the Chinese names into English. Translating the names of The Story of the Stone has big significance for the culture communication of the Chinese and the foreign languages. Novel translators pay much emphasis on creation of their characters, so name translation is crucial to the translating of the whole work. Referring to The Dictionary of the Characters in the Book of the Story of the Stone, we can see that there are more than 1100 characters in that work. Such multitudinous amount of people with their unique names, their names embody the feature of the characters. Some names tell something about the features of the characters, and some 2 give clues of the story or reflect the society. By translating the names in the work, we get closed to the author of The Story of the Stone, and have a chance to take a glance at the profoundness of Chinese. Nowadays, scholars often focus on the using of ironies and puns in the names in The Story of the Stone. We can easily find some articles or videos which with the ironies or puns used in the names, such as Bu Guxiu, JiaoXing, DaiQuan(卜顾修, 娇杏, 戴权), and so on. By studying this, we find a lot of joys. They are just word games in some ways. But there are also some shortages in translating the names. Because of the difference of the cultures, we can find that there are untouched areas in translation. Chinese names always contain great sense with short words, so if we want to translate the meaning well, we should use sentences. But sentences cannot be a name. And also, some Chinese cannot be expressed in English, for example, “鸳鸯”, was translated as “faithful goose”. In this article, we will try to discuss name translation in The Story of the Stone. As a special form of Chinese, names give us an opportunity to feel the splendid Chinese literature. Being a bridge for cultural communication, translation requires us to have a good command of the two different cultures and languages. The Story of the Stone, as a model for classical character writing, gave us challenges in name translation. II. The Differences between the English and the Chinese Cultures Reflected in Name Translation Vocabulary, as the smallest unit in language, though may has the same meanings in different languages, usually makes different inner reflections because of different culture. And it always has the meaning of the same word is completely not the same in different languages. Both English and Chinese have some vocabularies about some special kinds of creatures, colors, and objects which have some meanings under given conditions. We have an example from the fifth chapter. The original : 水溶见他语言清楚,谈吐有致,一面又向贾政道:“令郎真乃龙驹凤雏”。 The Yang’s : (The prince)turned to observe to JiaZheng,”Your son is truly a dragon’scolt or young phoenix?” 3 Hawkes’ : the prince observed to Jia Zheng that “the young phoenix was worthy of his sire.” Both translations relate to these two kinds of animals: 龙 and 凤. They both have rich cultural connotations. The animal dragon in English means the devil incarnate, but in Chinese the animal symbols auspicious. And phoenix, means rebirth in English, at the same time means auspicious in Chinese, too. So Hawkes remained the meaning of phoenix and left the dragon out. And as the offspring of 龙, the Yangs wanted to introduce the Chinese traditional culture to the English spoken countries. So they translated into “a dragon’s colt or young phoenix”.We can find that the translations were taking different sense of culture. Religion, as the representative of a basic standard of moral and behavior in one culture, occupies the central position of the culture. It passes through the whole life of society, the art, even the traditional custom. And language brands its particular marks deeply on the culture during the process. Buddhism has a great influence with the Chinese culture. Many of the Chinese vocabularies which have relations to Buddhism are well used by people. We have some examples in the work from the first chapter: The original: 世人都晓神仙好。 The Yangs’:All men long to be immortals. Hawkes’: Men all know that salvation should be won. “神仙” is a notion from Taoism. Referring to Taoism, everyone wants to have a chance to be immortals after death. But in the western countries, many people believe in God. And the Bible teaches people that everyone is guilty in this world. They should expiate their guilt continuously and beg the God for their salvations. So from the translation above, we can find that the Yangs’ reflected the culture both in Buddhism and Taoism, but the translation of Hawkes had an obvious value of Christian religion. III. The Introduction of Domestication and Foreignization Domestication and foreignization are the two terminologies of translation studies. 4 They were first raised by Lawrence Venuti in the work of The Translator's Invisibility: a History of Translation in 1995. But they were from an article written by a Germanic scholar, Schleiermacher, in 1813. Schleiermacher emphasized the indivisible relationship between translation and comprehension. He pointed that there were two states of translation: one was getting the readers close to the author; the other was making the author closed to the readers. (Lawrence Venuti, 2008:92) Then, if readers are close to the author, they will have chances to feel the exotic atmosphere. Domestication is a method which can be accepted by the readers more easily, while foreignization is more faithful to the original translation. The most important feature of domestication is using the real English to translate the original. So the differences between the two languages become invisible. On the other hand, foreignization remains the differences. We cannot only focus on how to change one language to the other, but to find the deep cultural connotations under the surface of the languages when we are doing translation. Translators should have known the culture of the language we translate, and have a thorough understanding of difference between the languages and handle the two methods of translation skillfully and flexibly. As the two translation strategies, domestication and foreignization are not two extremes, actually, foreignization or domestication doesn’t exist in absolute sense. In practice translator should be in accord with specific characteristics of different language, the purpose of language, the source language and target language features, such as proper use of the two national cultural policies. An example from the work Gone with the Wind, Mr. 傅东华 translates the name Scarlett O’ Hara as 郝思嘉. It is superior than other translations like 斯嘉丽 or 斯卡里特. The name has both the cultures from west and east. It seems both from Chinese and English. 贾雨村and 甄士隐, are examples from The Story of the Stone. The two names sound like “ 假语存, 真事隐” in Chinese. The meanings of them are “remain the lies and hide 5 the truths “.The Yangs translated them with the Webster phonetic alphabets as “ChenShih yin" and “ ChiaYu tsun”.And Hawkes’ were “JiaYu cun” and “ZhenShi yin”. IV. An Analysis of the Names in the Story of the Stone 4.1. Artistic Beauty in Sound Chinese names are always beautiful in sound. We want the name pleasant to ears and readable, also, easy to remember. For example, the twelve actresses who perform opera in family贾. Their names are meaningless, which have two characters, one for sound, and the other for their jobs. Such as 芳官, 龄官, 艾官, 宝官, 豆官, 葵官, 蕊官, 文官, 营官, 玉官, 药官, 藕官. 4.2. Artistic Beauty in Form Chinese names are always beautiful in form. In China, families usually have books named genealogies, which are about the family trees. The genealogy regulates the names with the order of generation. The same generation has the same symbol. It can be a word or just a part of the word. It is a common naming way for the one family members, in other words, the names of the same generation in the same family may look alike. As examples in the Story of the Stone, the symbol of the hero’s generation is “玉” . So, the name of the hero is 贾宝玉, and his brothers are called 贾环, 贾琼, 贾瑞, 贾琏, 贾璎, and so on. ” . So, Another example in this book is the next generation of the hero. Their symbol is “草 their names are 贾蓉, 贾芹, 贾芳, 贾芬, 贾范, 贾萍, 贾蔷, etc. 4.3. Artistic Beauty in Sense Chinese names are always beautiful in sense. In China, names often express the good wishes for the children. We wish them to have splendid futures or be all-rounders. Sometimes they reflect the love we give to the children. 板儿, as the grandson of 刘姥姥, a remote relative of the family of 贾: “板儿” means coins or small amount of money. 刘姥姥, give the name to him to wish he will be rich when he grows up. 来旺, 来喜, 兴儿, 隆儿, and小吉祥儿 are some servants in the big family. Their masters think they will bring good luck to the family. Take a special example of the four sisters’ names and their servants’ names. The sisters in the family of 贾 The servants 贾元春 抱琴 6 贾迎春 司棋 贾探春 侍书 贾惜春 入画 From the form above, we can see that only the middle Chinese character in the four sisters are different. When we read them together as “元迎探惜”, it sounds like “原应叹 息” . And the second Chinese characters in the four servants’ names, we can read as “琴棋 书画” . We can find the author, Cao Xueqin, racked his brains to find names for the charac ters in his book. V. Comparison between the Translations of Hawkes David, Yang Hsien –Yi & Gladys Yang Hawkes David was a great scholar in England and was a professor at Oxford Univer thsity. He studied Chinese in Beijing University at the end of 40 last century. He translated the great work, 《红楼梦》, with his son- in-law John Minford. The couple of Yang were the giants on English literature in China. They made great contributions to the commun ication of culture between English and Chinese. First, the translations of the title of the work are not the same. Hawkes translated it as “The Story of the Stone”.But the Yangs’ was “A Dream of Red Mansions”.As we all known, this work was named “ 石头记” before. And the story is about a immortal stone, which turned into 贾宝玉 as it came on earth. As the hero of the tale, all the clues are focused on him. “A Dream of Red-Mansions” was translated from the title, which was familiar with us today and could be accepted by all the people around the world. Then, the translations of the names of the characters in this work are not the same. The following is a brief look of the comparison between the two translations. The original Hawkes The Yangs 抱琴 Lutany Baoqin 司棋 Chess Siqi 侍书 Scribe Daishu 7 入画 Picture Ruhua From the form above, we can easily find that Hawkes translation lays great emphasis on senses, and the Yangs’ translation on sound and form of the original. By analyzing the translations, we can find that the most different respect of the two translations is the different methods they take. Hawkes used foreignization, while the Yangs use domestication. 5.1. Beauties in Sound, Form and Sense in the Two Versions As we all know that we Chinese usually set store by sound, form and sense when we name children. A girl’s name should be kind, pure and noble, and boy’s should be upright, sturdy and intrepid. With these senses the names are also be pleasant to ears and eyes. The names in The Story of the Stone usually hide the senses in sounds and forms. By combining the sound and meaning, the author made fun. Examples of "贾雨村 " and " 甄 士隐" are, like the ancient writers named as " 乌有先生" or " 亡是公" . But even until now, all the translations were used employ Webster phonetic or Chinese phonetic to transl ate the two names. Naturally, there comes some regrets for no beauty of form and makes no sense, though they remain the Chinese sounds of these words. By reading the whole book of the original and the two important translations, we can easily find that the basis of Hawkes’ name translation is sense, while the Yangs emphasis sound and the Chinese traditional culture. We cannot say which one is better, but we can pick up the advantages of each method. Like many other translations, the Yangs use transl iteration of the whole book except for the name of " 卜世仁 " , which they give homoph one for " not a human being" . But on the other side, Hawkes always uses transcription to translate the names referring to the original sense and the whole story. The author usually uses names to express the features, the living conditions and the appearances of the characters. It is a good way to portray the characters with real bloods. At the twenty first chapter, 贾琏does something immoral with the wife of the cook when his daughter was ill. The author described the woman as: 8 因这媳妇妖娆异常,轻狂无比,众人都叫他多姑娘儿。 The Yangs’ translation is: And because she was such a remarkably good-looking wanton, everyone called her MissTo. Hawkes’ translation is: Because of her pneumatic charms and omnivorous promiscuity this voluptuous young limmer was reflected to by all and sundry as the Mattress。 When contrasting the two translations, we find the latter is more superior. Hawkes uses a word “mattress” to reflect that the woman was as bad as a whore. But the Yangs’ translation could not express the important feature of the woman. Her husband, 多浑虫, is a man who care about nothing if he has meat for eating and wine for drinking. Hawkes translated this name as Droopy Duo. The word “droopy” drew a picture of a person who regards eating meat and drinking wine as the only pleasure in his life. And the Yangs translated the name into To the MuddyWorm. It could also reflect the man’s weakness and uselessness like a worm living in muddies and chimed with the original skillfully. .2. Puns in the Original and the Translations 5 By studying The Stone of the Stone, we can find that there is not an unnecessary word. Every word has its own function and value. It is one of the reasons why the work occupies a position of the most significance. The fiction was about people, so characters were the most important. thJohn Bunyan, a great writer in the 17 century, who wrote the Pilgrim’s Progress, used symbolism to name every character in his fiction. In the Story of the Stone, the author used pun to reflect the features, appearances, and the living conditions. In this work, most names were made with pun. We have many examples which used puns above. Some characters in the work like 詹光, 单聘仁. The real meanings are 沾光, and 善骗人. Though the author did not tell how they deceive others for money when they work. But their hateful images alive before the readers. For these two names, Hawkes and the Yangs both use foreignization because the differences between the two languages which cannot be overcome. 9 坠儿, who has a secret talk with 小红, and which is heard by 薛宝钗, who is one of the important females in the family, is be thought as a debauched girl. Hawkes’ translation is “Trinket”. “坠儿” in Chinese means decoration with small sides. Referring to The English to Chinese Dictionary, the word means small ornaments. And besides this meaning, ‎‎ the word also can be understood as conspire. So the translation is a success both in the surface meaning of the Chinese words and the expression of the feature of the character. Still the example of “娇杏” above. Hawkes translate the name as “Lucky”. When we looking at the men in the family of 贾. The family name 贾sounds like 假 in Chinese. So as the author’s purpose, all the things about the family are fakes. The name made it more easily to criticize the offspring in the family. When taking a glance at the men who stands in a higher status’: 贾敬, 贾珍, 贾蓉, 贾琏and so on. They should be “假敬, 假尊, 假荣, 假廉” in fact. For these kinds of names, Hawkes and the Yangs both use foreignization to translate and notes to explain. 5.3. Irony in the Original and the Translations Irony is not used so widely as pun in names in The Story of the Stone. But it still has important functions in the work. 善姐 is a servant girl of 王熙凤. She should be a kindhearted girl as her name. But on the contrary, she is arbitrariness just like her hostess. When 王熙凤 asks her to take good care of 尤二姐, a concubine of 贾琏, who had just moved into the big family. But 善姐 finds ways and means to plague 尤二姐 and finally focus her to suicide by swallo wing some gold. Hawkes gave the word “mercy” as her name. We can see that the transl ation also used the method of irony so it is close to the original. So it made the sense more clearly. 小鹊, who is a little servant girl of 赵姨娘. “鹊” always be combined with the bird which reports happy news. But in the work, this “鹊” used to tell 贾宝玉 about the news of his father, 贾政, who talks about him with 赵姨娘. And this news makes a panic of 贾宝玉. So we can say that she is a bird which reports bad news. In Chinese, magpie tells the good news, while crow tells the bad ones. Hawkes just used the word “magpie” to be 10 her name. In the English culture, magpie means rap, so readers will have foresight for his girl. So this is a successful translation in The Story of the Stone. 5.4. Faithful to the Original Some people said that Chinese is the most complicated language in the world. With more than five thousand years’ deposition, Chinese became more and more refined little by little. In Chinese a word could be understood with couples of meanings. It makes translation more difficult. Some Chinese literary works cannot be translated such as Chinese ancient poets. There is an idiom in Chinese: 只可意会不可言传, which means some inner feelings cannot just be expressed by pieces of words. The only thing people need to understand is to feel it. Some names come from the ancient tales, some from quotations from classics and some from the literature. How to translate them skillfully and faithfully to the original is a problem. Name is a kind of tool to express something about the one who owns it. The function of translation is to get communication between people who have different languages and cultures. So, I think, the lowest request of translation is to make the one understand the original not only about the tales, but also about the basic traditional cultures. Domestication and foreignization are only methods to solve the translation problems. They both can be used in translation when someone want to get a faithful translation. The former will get the translation faithful in sense, while the latter get in sound when we translate names in literary works. They are just with different essential points. In the ninth chapter, the boys in the big family fought in school. The author wrote: 只因生得妩媚风流,满学中都送了两外号:一个叫香怜,一个叫玉爱。 For translating these two names, the translators all gave up the method of foreignization, and used the native English nicknames: But on account of their good looks and charm they were nicknamed Sweetie and Lovely. ……because of their glamorous looks and affected manners, were universally known by the nickname of Darling and Precious. 11 The two translations are both faithful to the original. Another example of 鸳鸯, the servant girl of 贾母, made an oath that she will not get married and will serve for 贾母for whole life. Hawkes translated her name as" faithful" is close to the original. So we can find that both of the translations are faithful to the original. They just use different translation methods to express the same meaning. VI. Contrasts between the two Translations for Purpose and Function From the analysis above, we find that Hawkes David used domestication and Yangs Hsien–Yi & Gladys Yangs used foreignization. Hawkes David is an English man. He thought and translated as all the English people do naturally. So he chose domestication to translate the book The Story of the Stone, especially the names. He wanted his translation read like native English, so it would be more attractive to the audience. So he left out the words with Chinese taste, and only kept their meaning. But on the contrast, the Yangs are Chinese; their translating purpose is to make more people know more about ancient China, Chinese people, and the traditional Chinese culture. With this kind of aim, they keep the Chinese sound of the names in their version. As a result, when we read their translation, we can easily feel the beauty in Chinese names, such as sound and form. But Hawkes’ translation gave us an opportunity to feel the beauty in sense. Both of the translators have a purpose of getting more people around the world to know more about The Story of the Stone. But Hawkes got close to the readers and the Yangs closer to the original. So, different choices make different functions. Chinese reader s may prefer the Yangs’ translation, because we can easily understand the meaning of the names in the work. By reading the translation which remains the Chinese sound we feel close to the translator. But for the foreign readers, they cannot understand Chinese, so they may prefer the Hawkes’. From this translation, they can catch the meanings which the author wants to express. 12 VII. Conclusion The argument is about the name translation in the great work of The Story of the Stone. We tried to make contrast of the two versions of Hawkes’ and the Yangs’. Domestication and foreignization are two methods of translation. We cannot say which one is better, but we can pick up the one which is more suitable. The different emphasise makes the transl ator use different method. Perhaps different backgrounds will have a different way for better understand. In this article we analyzed the translation of person names in both of the two versions of The Story of the Stone. We analyzed the use of pun and irony, and gave some examples on the cultural differences, such as the traditional cultures and the religions. We can find some translations made mistakes or could not satisfy us, but many sparkling translations gave us a glance at the great translation skills. The names they translated were arts. Hawkes and the Yangs are the great scholars on Chinese. They put the requirements of the foreign readers ahead, find ways to get exchange between the culture of English and Chinese. To me, I prefer Hawkes’ translation. In my opinion, translation should be close to the readers. The lowest requirement for translation is understanding. Though remaining the sound of the Chinese names is not to influence the understanding, but we have known that the names in The Story of the Stone have their special functions, as clues for the story behind. And the Yangs’ translation cannot express the meaning of the names which use irony or pun. So I think Hawkes’ translation is better for the people who are not to speak Chinese to understand the work. Name is a complicated object in China. A Chinese word character always has plenty of senses, so it is hard to translate both accurately and skillfully. The book, the Story of the Stone, needs more scholars to try to translate, and then we can achieve more fine transl ations. 13 Bibliography [1]LiuXi.The Exploration of the Chinese Pun in Hong Lou Meng( A Dream of Red Mansions)[D].电子科技大学,2005. [2] David Hawkes.The Story of the Stone[M].PenguinBooks,1977. [3]Yang Hsien–Yi & Gladys Yang. A Dream of Red Mansions[M].Foreign Language Press, Beijing,China,1994. [4]YangYing. Study of the Translation of Personal Names in Hawkes’ Version of“ The Story of the Stone” [D].陕西师范大学,2001. [5]Wang Haichao. 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