首页 和谐护患关系课



和谐护患关系课和谐护患关系课 以人为本,构建和谐的护患关系 一、为什么要以人为本,建立和谐的护患关系? 1、一个很好的理由就是——通过建立和谐的关系,我们与患者之间创造了一种 相互信任,相互满意、相互合作和相互敞开心扉的人际互动关系。 2 、和谐关系是所有交流的基础 当我们努力为患者传达信息时,如果没有与对方建立“和谐关系”,那么哪怕 简单的事情也会举步维艰。 例如:有一位骨折术后的患者~平时少言寡语~脾气又十分倔强~心里有事和谁也不说~就找他的责任护士小赵~他的陪床反映~就因为小赵护士在他刚如院时给他做过教育~平时去病...

和谐护患关系课 以人为本,构建和谐的护患关系 一、为什么要以人为本,建立和谐的护患关系? 1、一个很好的理由就是——通过建立和谐的关系,我们与患者之间创造了一种 相互信任,相互满意、相互合作和相互敞开心扉的人际互动关系。 2 、和谐关系是所有交流的基础 当我们努力为患者传达信息时,如果没有与对方建立“和谐关系”,那么哪怕 简单的事情也会举步维艰。 例如:有一位骨折术后的患者~平时少言寡语~脾气又十分倔强~心里有事和谁也不说~就找他的责任护士小赵~他的陪床反映~就因为小赵护士在他刚如院时给他做过教育~平时去病房也总和他聊两句~他就认准了。他老伴说:“这老头可倔了~谁的话都不听~就听小赵护士的!” 由此可见,在一开始建立良好的护患关系,令患者感到亲切和踏实。有了这些交流,在以后的护理工作中相互沟通起来就比较轻松了。 二、做到以人为本,构建和谐的护患关系,会对我们的工作产生怎样的影响, 如果我们与患者建立了和谐的关系,对患者时刻 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示同情和理解,患者就会更容易接受我们的目标和建议。 一旦我们与患者处于和谐的关系中,我们就可以掌握主导权,将对方引导到积极的心理状态,使之更容易理解并接受我们要进行的工作。 例如:如前段时间我遇到一位患者~在晨间护理时给护士出了个难题:怎么说都不愿让实习护士小刘给剪掉留了多年的指甲~后来带教护士小张亲自出马~到了病房先是帮患者整理床单位~一边与患者亲切地拉起家常~“顺便”说到指甲太长容易滋生细菌~不利于病情的尽快恢复~又说到我们医院有严格的规定~为了患者的健康不允许指甲过长~希望患者能配合我们护士的工作。这位患者一开始还无动于衷~后来见小张护士态度真诚~对她说的都是贴心话~使病痛中的她得到了很大慰藉~终于高高兴兴伸出双手说:“今天为了配合你们的工作~我就忍痛割爱了。” increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 有些患者因为病痛折磨不愿配合除治疗以外的护理工作,此时,我们不能失去耐心,要“动之以情,晓之以理”,尽量在交流中表达对患者的关心,另他们感觉亲切,最终,使患者处在一种愉快的状态下来理解并配合我们的工作。 三、建立和谐护患关系的要点和技巧 1 、我们如何构建和谐的护患关系,可体现在以下几点: (1) 使护患双方相互尊重和信任 (2) 病人的合理要求获得满足,服务细致周到 (3) 病人的问题能够得到有效合理的解决——让病人看明白病,收费透明,让 病人享有知情选择权 (4) 医护人员用技术说话 (5) 病人想讲的话可以充分表达 (6) 医护人员讲的话应该明明白白 在临床工作中~大家是否都遇到这样的情况: :一些血管不好的病人~在被我们一针见血后~便会说他在例如 某某医院抽了多少多少针才抽出来,还有一类患者~他们对新护士表现出很明显的不信任~这类患者一般住院实间较长~自我保护意识也较强~针对这一问题~我们年轻护士可利用业余实间用细胶管练习穿刺~老护士也主动在一旁给予指导~向新护士传授经验。功夫不负有心人~当年轻护士给这类患者成功穿刺一针见血后~患者终于改变了态度~解除了对新护士的不信任~同时也提升了新护士对自己的信心。 护理工作看似简单,却很繁琐。不仅要为患者打针、发药,正确执行医嘱,进行生活护理、心理护理还要与形形色色的患者和家属进行良好的沟通交流等等。有时尽管我们态度和蔼,但对患者的疑问解释的含糊其辞,操作技术不熟练等,都容易引起患者的不信任和反感。护理工作中的小小不当都可能引起患者的不满甚至投诉。这就要求我们在工作中运用沟通技巧来更好的促进护患和谐。 在实际工作中,我们应牢记以上几点,时刻树立“以人为本,以病人为中心”的服务观念,对患者进行人性化的护理,提高护理服务质量。 2、语言与非语言沟通技巧 (1)掌握语言沟通技巧(之前的讲课中大家已学习过,我在此进行简单讲述) 语言沟通也就是说要善于交谈,尽量减少专业术语,加强沟通。 住院患者由于身心特别脆弱,对外界也非常敏感,往往一句安慰的话或一句无心的话都容易影响患者的心情。由于文化水平、专业知识和智力上的差别,在护患沟通中常发生由于专业术语使用过多而产生概念上的误解或不被理解,影响护患之间的沟通与交流。 increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 举个我碰到过的例子:在我实习时~有一位严重烧伤愈后患者~他全身上下没有一处的皮肤是正常的~满是瘢痕~对痛觉特别敏感~针对患者害怕输液扎针的心理特点~护士每次在给他做治疗之前都会同他讲讲笑话活跃气氛~慢慢的~该患者不但克服了自身对于治疗的恐惧~还成为与护士配合最好的患者。 还有个例子:有一位急诊患儿手被玻璃割伤~出血不止~母亲抱着孩子找到病房~大声呼喊大夫~并且怒气冲冲的质问护士~“这是什么医院~怎么没有急诊科~我们不知该到哪看”~护士小李见状马上叫来医生为孩子处理伤处~并对患者母亲疼爱孩子~求医心切的心情表示同情和理解。见到孩子的伤处得到及时处置后~患儿母亲平静了许多~这是~小李才又向这位母亲解释说:“您现在需要到住院处办理一下手续并交住院押金~为孩子进一步的治疗做准备~您担心孩子我们很理解~现在我可以叫我们的这位小刘护士帮您下去交~你好方便在这里照顾孩子”~这位母亲不但表示理解~还称赞护士服务态度好~干工作雷厉风行。 上个例子中,这位护士做的很到位。我们遇到这种情况时,万不可与患者针锋相对,不妨用这样的话语:“如果我是你,我也会和你有一样的感受”,“你现 这样说,既有利于解决问题,也有利于平息脾气暴躁者在的心情我完全理解”, 的怒火,通过肯定他们的愤怒情绪,并对他们的感受表示赞同,就可以很快熄灭他们的怒火。这就是运用了“先赞同,再引导”的方法,并讲究用词的方式,将和谐的关系建立在真诚的基础之上。这并不是说让我们背叛自己的原则和说违心的话,而是站在患者的角度看问题,促使对方意识到我们理解他,让他们感受到我们与他感受相同,这样,不但避免了一场纠纷,还赢得了患者的理解和赞誉。 (2)合理运用非语言沟通技巧 (接下来的课是我今天重点要讲的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ~日后将这些技巧运用到我们的工作 中会起到很好的效果;这也是平时工作中容易被大家忽略的重要技巧。) 这个世界上每时每刻都在进行着非语言式的交流。在我们与患者的沟通交流中,我们怎么说话、怎么表达感情、怎么化妆打扮、有意识与无意识的行为态度、increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 我们的面部表情、精神状态、动作行为等等,都属于非语言的交流。 “非语言智慧”可以被看做是一项世界通用的语言。 如果用一个例子来说明的话,“非语言智慧”就像是一个电脑程序:它拥有十分强大的功能,但大多数人只使用了其中的一小部分,而没有意识到其实还可以利用它的其他本领去帮助自己更有效的与人沟通,并达成目标。 下面,我们通过:眼神交流、笑容、精神状态、动作,行为暗示 4个方面来学习非语言的沟通技巧。 ? 眼神交流——用目光投送你的真诚和温暖 在工作中,在与患者交流时,大家是否注意到了眼神交流的重要性, 相信大家都有体会,在我们和别人交谈时,有的人会带给我们舒服愉快的 觉;有的人则会令我们局促不安;甚至还有些人让我们觉得不可信赖。这些感觉的产生都是从眼睛开始的。就是说,目光对大脑感知欣慰、恐惧和愤怒情绪具有重要作用,而处理潜在威胁的大脑区域如何工作,取决于对方是否在看着你。在出生的72小时内,婴儿的目光会一直追随着自己的母亲,当母亲靠近他的瞬间,婴儿的眼睛就会挣得大大的,同时,母亲也会睁大眼睛看着自己的宝宝。 我们护理人员要掌握好眼神交流的技巧,首先需要增强“目光护理”的意识。 例如: 当病人寻问时,回答问题时应该给一个配有微笑的肯定的眼神 当病人家属失去亲人时应该给一个沉默疑视的眼神 当产妇在产床上痛苦的分娩时,我们应该给一个鼓励和安抚的眼神 当看到产妇旁边摇篮里的毛毛时,应该望着小毛头投去期盼羡慕喜悦的眼 神。 虽然一个眼神,是微不足道的小事,有时病人连看也没有看到,但是一旦被 痛苦中的病人感受到也许终身难忘,也许是你的眼神让他看到了平等,也许是你的眼神让他感觉到了社会的和谐。通过“目光护理”与患者进行心理、情绪等方面的交流,让患者从内心感知医护人员对他们的关爱与帮助。 是沟通的第一步 ?笑容——护士面带笑容的接待患者, 一个微笑可以移动一座山,也可以对他人表现充分的善意。然而就是这样一个很简单的动作却难住了很多人。 大家回想一下,是否有过这样的经历: 当我们去餐厅进餐、银行取钱、商场超市购物时,如果服务人员对我们冷脸相对,面无表情,对我们的出现毫无反应或反映冷淡,那么我们还有好心情可谈吗,甚至还会因为一点小事就发生投诉和纠纷;相反,如果服务人员对我们笑脸相迎、服务热忱主动,这样的举动和行为给我们带来的是愉悦和满意。 在一个和谐的社会中,人与人之间都应该微笑着面对对方,一个人从出生到死亡,每天都在被微笑感染和影响着。 例如:一天查房~护士小张发现关大爷满脸通红~摸摸关大爷的额头~问他是不是发烧了~怎么不早点告诉护士~他说~我怕。我不敢按铃。我怕护士说我事多。我看到~有的护士不但吝啬自己的微笑~还会板increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 着脸告诫病人~我忙着呢~没事别老按铃。病人怕护士~就不敢说话~就不能把自己的不适告诉护士~护士和病人之间就像隔着一堵墙~这样~怎能获得第一手护理资料~有效地护理和治疗病人呢,: 还曾经遇到一个晚期癌症的老大爷~虽然由于病重他说话很费力~但每天早上护士查房时都会向他微笑~他会伸出手和护士握一下~一直到最后~虽然没有话语~但病人这时候最最需要护士的微笑。 微笑的力量是无限的,是人们良好沟通的桥梁,护士的微笑带给病人的是信心、是勇气、是生的希望;你的微笑将使他们,无论年龄多大,体内释放出内啡肽—— 一种可以给人以安慰和抚慰的“良药”。 永远不要低估了微笑的作用,就是这样一个简单的动作可以为我们带来机会、真情、真心和真意。 ?精神状态(美容和化妆) 非语言沟通的关键一步—— 良好的精神状态 我们的护理工作就是每天为形形色色、脾气秉性各不同的患者服务,要提高护理服务质量,就要时刻保持良好的精神状态,始终将“病人在我心上,安全在我手上,形象在我身上”这句口号牢记在心。 大家都知道我院有项要求是“淡妆上岗”,也许部分人不太理解,认为这与我们的工作无关紧要。我想在此就“美容和化妆”与沟通有怎样的联系,来进行说明: 首先,一个人,哪怕是一个动物停止了对自己外表的修饰和打扮,就证明他一定是在身体上或精神上处于一种不佳的状态;如果一个人连外表都懒得修饰干净的话,会给人一种心不在焉、精力放在了其他地方,不可信赖之感。正因如此,人们经常把整齐干净的外表与好的身体和精神状态联系在一起。我们护士必须要做到:精神饱满、发型整齐、服装干净整洁、不留长指甲、合适的妆容等等,在患者心目中树立一个良好的护士形象。 化妆的目的是使自己看起来更加优雅得体,而不是为了化妆而化妆。护士良好的形象与合适的妆容首先给患者一种舒适、愉悦的感觉,才能进一步为患者提供良好的健康护理。 ?行为暗示 患者均有高度暗示性特点,在施行任何具体治疗措施时,均应把暗示这一因素充分利用。而护士在患者面前的各种行为,对患者心理及生理状态均有重要影响。 例如:患者害怕打针而躲避~此时护士用手拉患者~令其接受治疗~不料患者更加恐惧而拒绝治疗~另一护士态度和蔼~首先对患者施以心理护理~语言安慰~消除其恐惧心理~暗示其要疾病康复需要治疗~increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 帮助患者采取注射卧位~用熟练的操作技术为患者进行注射。这一系列的动作使患者增加勇气和信心而接受治疗。 :有一位患者输液治疗~护士甲拿着输液器具来到患者床前开又如 始为患者输液~1次、2次穿刺均未成功~护士甲有些急躁了~放东西时声音很响~而且面部表情显得不快~虽然没有说话~但从行动上患者已感到不愉快的气氛~而这不愉快的气氛暗示患者:护士不耐烦了~也许第3次穿刺也不会成功~又得忍受疼痛~患者产生了不想继续治疗的想法~坚持不要护士甲治疗。换了护士乙来给这位患者治疗~由于护士甲的行为~患者心有余悸~产生了抵抗心理~同时也不相信护士乙。这时护士乙不计较患者的失礼~面带微笑~安慰患者~动作利落~熟练地为患者做输液前准备~同时很自信地对患者说:“我输液总是一针见血~请放心。”暗示患者~不用害怕~要信任护士的操作技术~看到护士乙轻柔协调~有条不紊的动作~患者感到安全~增强了信心~从心理上愿意接受治疗~同样是输液治疗~护士甲的行为引起患者反感~产生消极暗示作用~而护士乙的行为~则让患者感到安慰、鼓励~增加治疗的信心~接受了积极的暗示。 由此可见,一个人行动的速度、效率、流畅度、态度直接决定了别人对你的看法,良好积极的行为暗示,将会为我们赢得自信、尊重和信任。作为护士的我们,通过建立和谐的护患关系,来为患者提供高质、高效、满意的服务。通过熟练准确的操作;轻柔、协调、干净利落的动作;有条有理、恰到好处的工作流程,使患者获得安全感和美的感受。 21世纪,随着人们文化生活水平的提高以及健康观念的转变,患者的自我保护意识和需要也不断增强。各服务行业都将重心转移到如何提高服务质量上来。这就要求我们时刻注意医疗纠纷的发生。面对形形色色的患者,我们更要讲究方式方法:不但要谦虚礼让,还要坚持原则。通过语言与非语言沟通技巧的运用,为患者创造一个整洁、安全、舒适的环境,构建和谐的护患关系。 increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal
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