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SAP R3 销售与分销系统


SAP R3 销售与分销系统SAP R3 销售与分销系统 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * SAP R/3 销售与分销系统 Jeffrey chen SAP CHINA 1 1 Stand: 07.09. SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * SAP R/3 现代企业管理工具 客户和 合作伙伴 的关系管理 供应链的 计划 和组织 产品 开发 供应链 的执行 企业策略管...

SAP R3 销售与分销系统
SAP R3 销售与分销系统 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * SAP R/3 销售与分销系统 Jeffrey chen SAP CHINA 1 1 Stand: 07.09. SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * SAP R/3 现代企业管理工具 客户和 合作伙伴 的关系管理 供应链的 计划 和组织 产品 开发 供应链 的执行 企业策略管理 财务价值链 业务支持和组织结构 商业智能化 经营策略层 业 务 运 作 层 业务支持层 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 一体化的后勤管理解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 客户 供应商 销售 发运 票据处理 项目网络 管理 工厂维护 - 设备维护 - 设备维修 检验计划和 管理 财务核算 成本核算 资产核算 人力资源 QM PP PS PM SD 销售和运作计划 需求管理 主生产计划 物料需求计划 能力需求计划 生产控制 成本核算 生产信息系统 客户服务 - 维修通知 - 服务订单 CS MM 采购管理 库存管理 仓库管理 发票校验 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * SAP R/3 企业资源计划系统 MM 销售与分销 . . . . . . R/3 客户/服务器结构 最佳业务实践库 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 总览 物料管理 生产计划/管理 工厂维护 管理会计 财务会计 项目管理 物料管理 财务会计 财务会计 管理会计 装运 开票 信息库 主数据 销售支持 销售 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 销售与分销,销售管理的组织机构 = 销售领域 销售机构 销售渠道 销售产品组 销售办公室 销售人员 发运点 7 销售领域是销售机构,分销渠道与产品组的组合。 使用销售领域,可确定通过一个分销渠道所销售的物料. 在销售领域中,可进行 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ,如一个销售领域中的销售分析。对每个销售领 域可定义与销售相关的所有数据。例如,有可能为每个销售领域定义一个特定客 户的价格协议。 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 销售与分销过程管理 财 务 会 计 销售行为 销 售 信 息 系 统 物 料 管 理 销售支持 销售 装运 开票 后续 免费订单 询价 报价 合同 免费订单 销售 订单 退货 计划 协议 RMB 出货 发票 借方凭证 贷方凭证 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * SAP AG 两者区别: n 合同 w w 交货日期并未确定 w 合同总量将扣除每次销售订单下达的数量,直至扣完 n 计划安排 w 指定的数量和交付日期 w 每个计划行确定了交付时间 w 不必下达 计划安排 合同 VS. 销售合同与计划安排 确定了总订货量 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 货 源 安 排 发 运 发 票 收 款 销 售 订 单 处 理 预 销 售 活 动 计 划、 报 告 及 分 析 售 后 服 务 交货 拣配 包装 运输管理 分发转运 单张发票 组合发票 发票清单 贷项凭证 借项凭证 财务系统 潜在客户管理 联系人资料 竞争对手和 竞争产品 销售活动管理 直接邮递促销 销售与分销过程管理 客户信息 保修检查 服务合同管理 服务通知 服务订单管理 备品配件管理 发票 评估 询价 报价 销售订单管理 计划协议/合同 定价 可用性检查 交货计划 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 销售支持 销售人员 Aims of sales support Increase the efficiency in sales and distribution by improving the information flow providing information on competitive activity providing support for routine transactions Precise market analysis and higher market transparency Reduced lead times Same database for both office-based and field sales personnel SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 几种典型的销售方式 寄售库存 直接 发运 客户 范围 单元 范围 单元 范围 客户 KMT SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * SAP AG Pre-Sales Activities 销售准备活动 Sales Order Processing 销售订单处理 Inventory Sourcing 货源安排 Delivery 交付 Billing 开票 Payment 收款 Invoice 销售周期 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 订单输入 OK 生产 计划 FI PP MM Sales Rep. 客户,售达方: C100 项目 物料 数量 . . . . 订单 10 6301 10 20 67><412 10 30 1507 25 物料 管理 财务 会计 财务 会计 信用管理 动态可用度检查 现金预测 ? The dynamic nature of SD means that a wide range of activities must be carried out in the sales department. The SD system provides solutions for the most varied requirements in the area of quotation, sales order and outline agreement processing. It provides: * processing of inquiries, quotations, sales orders as well as outline agreements. The SD systems excels in it its monitoring / reproting functionality in this area. * Tools for order entry: i.e: copying function and product proposal function * complaints processing * availability checking * tax determination in local and foreign currency * credit management integration * flexible printing of commercial papers SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 产品配置和选项 销售订单 产品分类组 颜色: 红、绿、白 ... 特殊件: - ABS - 座椅 ... 室内装潢: - 丝绒 - 人造革 - 皮革 - ... 齿轮箱: - <4 齿轮 -自动的 -……... 发动机 ,3.0 - <4.5 - 6.0 销售订单 In this BOM explosion, pricing and inventory management are carried out for the main item. In this case, you must enter ERLA in the Item category group field in the material master of the finished product. The components serve as text items which describe the main item. It is only the main item which is relevant for delivery. SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 订货、发运、票据处理 销售订单管理 发运处理 票据处理 销售订单输入 产品选择 定价 可行性检查 批处理确定 A/R 提货处理 分票/合并 包装处理 发票清单 发出商品 运输管理 退货票据处理 ATP查询 存货转移 回扣协议 出口 输出 LIS 交付进度建议 客户信贷检查 产品配置选择 定价 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 销售订单处理 : 信贷检查 销售分销, 财务会计 信贷管理 冻结订单 09998 Smith <4.000,00 USD 10001 Murray 20.000,00 USD 清除和释放 销售订单建立 销售订单 1001 Murray 20,000.00 USD 按客户定义信贷数据 信贷限额超过 R/Mail credit clerk 订单被冻结 信贷检查类型 静态信贷限额检查 动态信贷限额检查 最大限额检查 用户定义的检查 Automatic credit checks can be carried out at various times during the sales order cycle, from order receipt to delivery. If during order entry the credit limit is exceeded the order can be blocked automatically and an R/Mail can be send to a credit representative. A credit representative can generate an overview list of credit holds to be processed and, depending on their authorization, process each document accordingly. When blocked order is released material requirements are passed on to MRP and the order can be delivered. SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 销售订单处理:可供量检查 现有库存 接收活动 发出活动 时间 已有的 生产订单 计划订单 采购申请 已有的 采购订单 销售订单 预定量 交付量 Both physical stock and certain inward and outward movements of stock are taken into account in the availability check. You can control which elements are to be considered as inward and outward movements of stock. Stock = all warehouse stock in a plant. You also have the option to include security and transfer stock. SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * SAP 的可用量检查是灵活的,并可以 有选择的 包括一系列不同的因素: 安全库存; 待检,在途状态的库存; 采购定单;采购请求; 销售需求;出货需求,等等; 补货周期; 其它工厂中的可用量; 即时的订货确认 需求转移 部分出货 更新的缺货通知 对承诺可用量的检查 (ATP): SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 在一个特定的阶段,业务伙伴之间设定的价格协议确定定价规则; 定价程序定义了: 统计值 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 售价,特殊定价(客户特殊价) 折扣,促销 运费 在输入销售订单时更灵活的定价; 组合定价 ?? 多种不同的产品在定价时可组合在一起。 定价: 销售税是由国家特殊规定的,其中包括增值税,或消费税 在销售和分销模块中自动计税是通过客户和物料主数据决定的。系统是这样 计算的: 国内或国外的销售行为 客户的送达方所属的税类(有些组织是免税的) 产品所属的税类(有些是免税的,或者税率较低) 税额: 灵活 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 的定价程序 增值税,其他税类 回扣,佣金 预付款 …... SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 销售订单处理:定价 客户 产品 产品价格组 客户/产品价格组 客户/产品 其它 价格清单 产品基价 客户特殊价 其它 In pricing, prices, surcharges, and discounts (conditions) are calculated for a business transaction. The user is able to influence these conditions manually. Prices, surcharges, and discounts are stored in condition records. Conditions can be defined at any level. In the standard version of the SAP R/3 System you will find frequently occurring levels at which price agreements are made. Additional levels can easily be created if required. Conditions can therefore be made dependent upon any field in a business document. SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 定价处理过程 定价过程码 yyyyy 1. 价格 XXX1 2. 折扣 1 XXX2 3. 折扣 2 XXX3 项目10 120 PC XXX1 价格 99 USD XXX2 Disc. 1 1 - XXX3 Disc. 2 2 - % . . . 100 USD from 1 PC 99 USD from 100 PC 98 USD from 200 PC Scale 销售订单 1 2 3 <4 5 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 装运与出货 拣配地点和路线的确定 运输计划 备货/包装 出货记帐 出货取消 装运单据的创建 装运出货 In the above example, a service order is created with reference to a notification to plan a site visit for a service technician. The required resources (personnel, materials, utilities) are entered in the service order. Once the service task has been carried out, the service order is billed on a resource-related basis. This involves creating a billing request which can then be edited manually before billing is carried out.. SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 出货 / 装运过程 信用管理 可用性检查 仓库 管理 FI MM MM 备货 包装 运输 Sold to party: C100 Item Material Qty 10 6301 10 20 6<412 10 30 1507 25 财务 会计 All tasks involved in shipping processing are supported. SInce the components of sales and shipping are integrated, all data necessary for a delivery can be determined in the sales order. Following shipping functions can be carried out: * deadline monitoring of sales orders due for delivery * creating and processing deliveries * availability checking * picking * packing and loading of goods * creation of shipping output * processing goods issue at tthe time of delivery, here we see one of the outstanding points of the SAP system in general: the integration of the value and quantity flowi. * Furthermore is a full integration with the warehouse management system available. * Last but not least a decentralized shipping solution is offered by the SD system This is a satelite solution and can as such run independanet of the central system. SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 提货和发运 发运点 仓库 包装 发运文件 发出商品 搬运 销售 订单 截止期监督 可用量检查 创建交货 拣配 3 销售与分销系统支持下列发运功能: 监督订单的截止期 创建与处理交货 监督可用量 拣配(连到仓库管理系统) 创建发运凭证 发货 使用总览进行控制: 当前处理的交易 仍在执行的活动 潜在的瓶颈 其发货已在发运部门过帐的交货形成开票的工作清单. SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 订单日期 计划备货 货物可用日 备货/起载 出货 到达日期 在途期 起载期 备货/包装期 计划期限 出货计划 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 在财务会计中的记帐: 总帐 销售 分销 资产负债表 成品 1000 300 销售成本 300 利润 分配表 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 开具发票 单独开票 组合发票 发票清单 借方 / 贷方凭证 财务 会计 利润 中心 会计 电子数据 利润中心会计 / 获利能力分析 应收帐款 / 总帐 现金预测 财务 会计 获利 分析 Billing completes the activities in sales and distribution. The integration of the R/3 components minimizes the effort required for creating a billing document. (Quantities, pricing data, payer) During billing relevant data is transferred to financial accounting, profitability analysis and the cash management system SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 标准分析 功能 . . . Customer: Miller Corp. Material: Printer Month Incoming orders Sales January February 25,000 35,000 20,000 30,000 Customer: Miller Corp. Material Incoming orders Sales 60,000 <40,000 50,000 <40,000 客户分析 Incoming orders Sales 100,000 90,000 按产品 下载 Customer Miller Corp. 按时间 下载 Printer Computer ABC 分析 分类 双重分类 计划/实际比较 Standard analyses can be performed for the following information objects: Customers Materials Sales organizations Shipping points Sales personnel Sales offices In each standard analysis, the data to be analyzed can be limited using various selection criteria. The number of performance measures which you want to analyze can be defined in Customizing or you can make interactive settings while performing the analysis. A drill-down function enables you to vary the level of detail of the information. You can either define the sequence in which information is drilled down yourself or use a predefined analysis path, the standard drill-down. All results can be displayed in the form of a graphic. SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 弹性分析 对象 业绩评定 时间单位 字段目录 SD中的对象 * 销售机构 客户 物料 运输 出口 字段目录 销售的量度 数量 * 金额 重量 体积 金额 * 接受订单 * 销售量 退货值 货项凭单值 销售机构 * 销售机构 分销渠道 * 产品组 * 销售办事处 销售雇员 你可以简单地从字段目录中选择对象和业绩评定来定义信息结构. SD文档中的大多数信息是被内部控制所使用,而不是被统计更新所使用.用 户必须能够分辨哪些信息能够被信息结构所使用.这可以通过字段目录的使用来 执行 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 信息分析工具 标准分析 Standard Analyses 灵活分析 Flexible Analyses 开发环境 Individual Evaluation EXCEL ... 图书馆 Library 计划 Planning OLE Visual Basic RFC ODBC SQL ... 警告系统 Early Warning System 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 External Reporting 高级人员可以利用SAP的各种分析功能,把信息转变成协助管理决策的有效 工具. SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 销售信息系统 功能 ABC 分析 分类 双重分类 计划/实际对比 总的图形分析 按物料展开 客户分析 Customer Incoming Orders Sales Miller Corp. 100,000 90,000 Customer: Miller Corp Material: Printer Month Incoming Orders Sales January 25,000 20,000 February 35,000 30,000 附加信息 物料主数据 客户主数据 价格 凭证 按期限展开 Customer: Miller Corp. Material Incoming Orders Sales Printer 60,000 50,000 Computer <40,000 <40,000 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / * 输出和打印 凭证 电子数据 报价 订单确认 出货通知 备货通知 装运单 装箱单 发票 借方 / 贷方凭证 出口凭证 其他 电传 打印 邮件 传真 It is very important in sales and distribution to be able to exchange information with internal and external partners. The functions that control output exchange refer in particular to the type of output and the time at which it is sent. The standard lay out of SAP papers (i.e order confermation, delivery note) can easily be changed to suit your individual requirements. Summarizing one can say that the range of functions in the standard sd system can fulfill all common processing requirements in the area of sales and distribution processing. Experiences and ideas from customers from various branches of industry have played and continue to play an important role in the development of this SAP component. The SD system can be installed in a wide variety of companies throughout the world. Body Text Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level 199<4 SAP AG Page ## 1 1 Stand: 07.09. 7 销售领域是销售机构,分销渠道与产品组的组合。 使用销售领域,可确定通过一个分销渠道所销售的物料. 在销售领域中,可进行分析,如一个销售领域中的销售分析。对每个销售领 域可定义与销售相关的所有数据。例如,有可能为每个销售领域定义一个特定客 户的价格协议。 Aims of sales support Increase the efficiency in sales and distribution by improving the information flow providing information on competitive activity providing support for routine transactions Precise market analysis and higher market transparency Reduced lead times Same database for both office-based and field sales personnel The dynamic nature of SD means that a wide range of activities must be carried out in the sales department. The SD system provides solutions for the most varied requirements in the area of quotation, sales order and outline agreement processing. It provides: * processing of inquiries, quotations, sales orders as well as outline agreements. The SD systems excels in it its monitoring / reproting functionality in this area. * Tools for order entry: i.e: copying function and product proposal function * complaints processing * availability checking * tax determination in local and foreign currency * credit management integration * flexible printing of commercial papers In this BOM explosion, pricing and inventory management are carried out for the main item. In this case, you must enter ERLA in the Item category group field in the material master of the finished product. The components serve as text items which describe the main item. It is only the main item which is relevant for delivery. Automatic credit checks can be carried out at various times during the sales order cycle, from order receipt to delivery. If during order entry the credit limit is exceeded the order can be blocked automatically and an R/Mail can be send to a credit representative. A credit representative can generate an overview list of credit holds to be processed and, depending on their authorization, process each document accordingly. When blocked order is released material requirements are passed on to MRP and the order can be delivered. Both physical stock and certain inward and outward movements of stock are taken into account in the availability check. You can control which elements are to be considered as inward and outward movements of stock. Stock = all warehouse stock in a plant. You also have the option to include security and transfer stock. In pricing, prices, surcharges, and discounts (conditions) are calculated for a business transaction. The user is able to influence these conditions manually. Prices, surcharges, and discounts are stored in condition records. Conditions can be defined at any level. In the standard version of the SAP R/3 System you will find frequently occurring levels at which price agreements are made. Additional levels can easily be created if required. Conditions can therefore be made dependent upon any field in a business document. In the above example, a service order is created with reference to a notification to plan a site visit for a service technician. The required resources (personnel, materials, utilities) are entered in the service order. Once the service task has been carried out, the service order is billed on a resource-related basis. This involves creating a billing request which can then be edited manually before billing is carried out.. All tasks involved in shipping processing are supported. SInce the components of sales and shipping are integrated, all data necessary for a delivery can be determined in the sales order. Following shipping functions can be carried out: * deadline monitoring of sales orders due for delivery * creating and processing deliveries * availability checking * picking * packing and loading of goods * creation of shipping output * processing goods issue at tthe time of delivery, here we see one of the outstanding points of the SAP system in general: the integration of the value and quantity flowi. * Furthermore is a full integration with the warehouse management system available. * Last but not least a decentralized shipping solution is offered by the SD system This is a satelite solution and can as such run independanet of the central system. 3 销售与分销系统支持下列发运功能: 监督订单的截止期 创建与处理交货 监督可用量 拣配(连到仓库管理系统) 创建发运凭证 发货 使用总览进行控制: 当前处理的交易 仍在执行的活动 潜在的瓶颈 其发货已在发运部门过帐的交货形成开票的工作清单. Billing completes the activities in sales and distribution. The integration of the R/3 components minimizes the effort required for creating a billing document. (Quantities, pricing data, payer) During billing relevant data is transferred to financial accounting, profitability analysis and the cash management system Standard analyses can be performed for the following information objects: Customers Materials Sales organizations Shipping points Sales personnel Sales offices In each standard analysis, the data to be analyzed can be limited using various selection criteria. The number of performance measures which you want to analyze can be defined in Customizing or you can make interactive settings while performing the analysis. A drill-down function enables you to vary the level of detail of the information. You can either define the sequence in which information is drilled down yourself or use a predefined analysis path, the standard drill-down. All results can be displayed in the form of a graphic. 你可以简单地从字段目录中选择对象和业绩评定来定义信息结构. SD文档中的大多数信息是被内部控制所使用,而不是被统计更新所使用.用 户必须能够分辨哪些信息能够被信息结构所使用.这可以通过字段目录的使用来 执行 把信息转变成协助管理决策的有效高级人员可以利用SAP的各种分析功能, 工具. It is very important in sales and distribution to be able to exchange information with internal and external partners. The functions that control output exchange refer in particular to the type of output and the time at which it is sent. The standard lay out of SAP papers (i.e order confermation, delivery note) can easily be changed to suit your individual requirements. Summarizing one can say that the range of functions in the standard sd system can fulfill all common processing requirements in the area of sales and distribution processing. Experiences and ideas from customers from various branches of industry have played and continue to play an important role in the development of this SAP component. The SD system can be installed in a wide variety of companies throughout the world. Body Text Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level 199<4 SAP AG Page ##
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