首页 挤塑式CO2A级防火板施工工艺



挤塑式CO2A级防火板施工工艺挤塑式CO2A级防火板施工工艺 河北华美集团廊坊美佳塑胶制品有限公司 挤塑式CO2 A级防火板施工工艺 防火板的抹面外墙保温施工工艺 一、 原材料要求 1、 进入工地的原材料必须有出厂合格证或化验单。 2、 防火板采用容重33kg/m?难燃型板材,摆放平整,防止雨淋及 阳光暴晒。 3、 聚合物粘结砂浆和抹面砂浆必须有出厂日期,凡有结块现象或 出厂日期超过6个月的必须根据化验结果确定如何使用。 4、 耐碱玻璃丝网格布必须放在干燥处,地面必须平整,摆放宜立 放平整,避免相互交错摆放。 二、 基层处理 1...

挤塑式CO2A级防火板 施工 文明施工目标施工进度表下载283施工进度表下载施工现场晴雨表下载施工日志模板免费下载 工艺 河北华美集团廊坊美佳塑胶制品有限公司 挤塑式CO2 A级防火板施工工艺 防火板的抹面外墙保温施工工艺 一、 原材料要求 1、 进入工地的原材料必须有出厂合格证或化验单。 2、 防火板采用容重33kg/m?难燃型板材,摆放平整,防止雨淋及 阳光暴晒。 3、 聚合物粘结砂浆和抹面砂浆必须有出厂日期,凡有结块现象或 出厂日期超过6个月的必须根据化验结果确定如何使用。 4、 耐碱玻璃丝网格布必须放在干燥处,地面必须平整,摆放宜立 放平整,避免相互交错摆放。 二、 基层处理 1、 做防火板外墙保温系统的墙面应进行墙体抹灰,找平基层,墙 面平整度用2m靠尺检测,其平整度?3mm,阴、阳角方正。局部 不平整超限度部位用1:2水泥砂浆找平。 2、 基层 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面应光滑、坚固、干燥、无污染或其它有害的材料。 3、 墙外的消防梯、水落管、防盗窗预理件或其它预理件,进口管 线或其它预留洞口,应按设计图纸或施工验收 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 要求提前施工。 三、 施工要求: 1、 施工温度不应低于5?,而且施工完成后,24小时内气温高于 5?。夏季高温时,不宜在强光下施工。 for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 2、 四级风以上或雨天禁止作业。 3、 抹找平层前,抹灰部位根据情况提前半个小时浇水。 4、 找平层用1:3水泥砂浆。 5、 窗口,窗膀水平角及垂直角要挂线施工。 四、 防火板外墙保温系统施工 1、 施工程序 基面检查或处理?工具准备?阴阳角、门窗膀挂线?基层墙体湿 润?配制聚合物砂浆,挑选防火板?粘结防火板?防火板塞缝, 找平墙面?配制聚合物砂浆?防火板面抹聚合物砂浆,门窗洞口 处理,粘结玻纤网,面层抹聚合物砂浆?找平修补,嵌密封膏? 外饰面。 2、 粘贴防火板准备 2.1工具明细 1.锯条或刀锯 2.小压子或铁勺 3. 铝合金靠尺 4. 铁卷尺 5.线绳、线坠 6.墨斗 2.2配料工具 1.铁灰槽(建议1m×0.4m×0.3m) 2.小铁平锹 for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 3.提漏(1kg/个或5k/ge ) 4.塑料桶(建议能装15kg水泥作为量桶) 3、粘贴防火板 3.1配制聚合物砂浆必须有专人负责,以确保搅拌质量。 3.2聚合物砂浆应随用随配,配好的聚合物砂浆最好在1小时之内用光。聚合物砂浆应于阴凉放置,避免阳光暴晒。 3.3防火板粘结前若墙体干燥应预先撒水湿润。防火板自上而下遂步粘贴,贴板前应先挂好垂直线,水平线,根线贴板。铺好的板为了防止下滑,用U钩将上下两层拉住临时固定。上下两层板必须错缝搭接,搭接长度不宜小于1/3板长,阴阳角处咬茬搭接。 3.4防火板粘贴时,在苯板上打点,如每块板上(600mm×600mm 为例)16个点,边缘点距板边25mm为宜,砂浆点直径为60mm左右,厚度为10mm;粘贴直径100mm,厚度为2-3mm,点中心距为150mm-200mm,粘贴墙体面积为防火板的30%。 3.5门窗洞口周边、勒脚、变形缝、女儿墙、其它理件周边满打聚合物砂浆。带宽60mm,厚度10mm,在防火板(600mm×600mm)余下部分涂12个点。粘贴墙体面积为防火板的50%。 3.6贴防火板时,所有粘结点与基层同时接触,双手用力均匀左右揉动5-7次,使聚合物砂浆与墙面粘牢。 3.7粘贴防火板时,先从门窗洞口周边开始粘结,需切割的板块放在中间。 3.8雨蓬、勒角、变形缝处粘结时应做翻包处理,将宽度200mm-260mmfor examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 网与墙面粘结,粘结宽度为70mm. 3.9基层上粘结的防火板,板与板之间缝隙不得大于2mm,板面垂直、平整,允许偏差不超过3mm,板面高低差不得超过1.5mm. 3.10粘结时挤出板侧的聚合物砂浆应用灰刀清除干净。 6.小压子 7.木板条(截面25mm×15mm×10mm) 8.刀或剪刀 9.铁抹子 10.木靠尺 11.线绳、线坠 12.分格线开槽器 4、2粘结玻璃纤维网格布方法 1.配制聚合物砂浆必须专人负责,以确保搅拌质量。 2.聚合物砂浆配合比为KL粘结剂:水=5:1(重量比) 3.准备一个干净塑料桶,容积为25kg。 4.水为混凝土用水。 5、按配合比在塑料桶内注入清水,将塑料编织袋拆开,取出粉状粘结剂,称其重量,先往水中加入1/2粘结剂开始搅拌,余下的1/2粘结剂边加搅拌,每加入一小部分后都要充分搅拌,不能一次加入过多粘结剂,更不能一次加入全部粘结剂,应避免过度搅拌出钱离析。 5、聚合物砂浆应随用随配,配好的聚合物砂浆最好在1小时之内用光,聚合物砂浆应于阴凉放置,避免阳光暴晒。 for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 7、按预先需要长度、宽度从整卷玻璃网布上剪下网片,留出必要的搭接长度或重叠部分的长度。 8、在干净平整的地方剪断,下料必须准确,剪好的网布必须卷起来,不允许折叠,不允许踩踏。 9、在建筑阳角处做加强层,加强层应贴在最内侧,每边150mm.。 10、涂抹第一遍聚合物砂浆时,应保持防火板面干燥,去除板面有害物质或杂质。 11、在防火板表面刮上一侧聚合物砂浆,所刮面积应略大于网布的长或宽,厚度应一致约为2mm,除有包边要求者外,聚合物砂浆不允许涂在防火板侧边。 12、刮完聚合物砂浆后,应将网布至于其上,网布的弯曲面朝向墙,从中央向四周施抹涂平,使网布的嵌入聚合物砂浆中,网布不应皱折,待表面干后,再在其施抹一层聚合物砂浆,厚度1.0mm,网布不应外露。 13、网布周边搭接长度不得小于70mm,在被切断的部位,应采用补网搭接,搭接长度不得小于70mm. 14、门窗膀周边应做加强层,加强层网格布贴在最内侧,若门窗框外皮与基层墙体表面距大于50mm,网格布与基层墙体粘贴,若小于50mm需做翻包处理。大墙面铺设的网格布应嵌入 门窗框外侧粘牢。 15、门窗口四角处,在标准网施抹完后,在门窗口四角加盖块200mm×300mm标准网,与窗角平分线成90度角放置,贴在最外侧,用以for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 加强;在阴角出加盖一块200mm长,宽度适窗膀宽度标准的网片,贴在最外侧。 16、一层窗台以下,为了防止撞击带来的伤害,应先安置加强型网布,再安置标准型网布。加强网格布应对接。 17安置加强层的施工方法与标准型网布相同。 18、墙面粘贴的网格布应覆盖在翻包的网格布上。 19、网布自上而下施抹,同步施工线施抹加强型网布,在做标准型网布。 20、网布粘完后应防止雨水冲刷后撞击,容易碰撞的阳角,门窗应采 取保护措施,上料口部位采取防污染措施,发生表面损坏后污染 必须立即处理。 21、施工后保护层4小时内不能被雨淋。 22、保护层中凝后及时喷水养护,昼夜平均气温高于15?是不得少于48小时,低于15?是不得少于72小时。 河北华美集团廊坊美佳塑胶制品有限公司 for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted
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