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老友记 六人行 第七季第十一集经典笔记


老友记 六人行 第七季第十一集经典笔记老友记 六人行 第七季第十一集经典笔记 The One With All The Cheesecakes Written by: Shana Goldberg-Meehan Transcribed by: Eric Aasen With Help from: Aaron Howard-Miller 711 酪饼 一个酪饼被送错,到了钱德公寓,钱德和瑞秋合谋偷吃,并且一发不可收。 一个亲戚的婚礼邀请了莫妮卡全家,惟独没请莫妮卡,她很生气。 乔伊取消了和菲比的一个约会,跑去应酬别的女人。 菲比说他不够...

老友记 六人行 第七季第十一集经典笔记
老友记 六人行 第七季第十一集经典笔记 The One With All The Cheesecakes Written by: Shana Goldberg-Meehan Transcribed by: Eric Aasen With Help from: Aaron Howard-Miller 711 酪饼 一个酪饼被送错,到了钱德公寓,钱德和瑞秋合谋偷吃,并且一发不可收。 一个亲戚的婚礼邀请了莫妮卡全家,惟独没请莫妮卡,她很生气。 乔伊取消了和菲比的一个约会,跑去应酬别的女人。 菲比说他不够意思,但是,当菲比的老情人——科学家大卫——从莫斯科回来开会,菲比 也放了乔伊一次鸽子。 7.11 The One With All The Cheesecakes Chandler and Rachel can't stop eating someone else's cheesecakes, which are mistakenly delivered to Chandler's apartment. Monica is upset that she wasn't invited to her cousin's wedding, but the rest of her family was. Phoebe chews out(<俚>严厉责备 训斥)Joey for cancelling their plans together so he can go on a date; then she does the same to him when her old flame David (Scientist Guy) shows up in town for a day. [Scene: Chandler and Monica’s, Chandler is sitting at the kitchen table eating cheesecake. The box it came in is also on the table.] Cheesecake是一种用鲜干酪、鸡蛋、牛奶、糖和面粉等混合后焙制而成的酪饼,味道又香又 甜。可是cheesecake还有一种“言外之义”:半裸或露出曲线美的女人美女照片。 从上世纪 30年代起,美国的一些大众杂志和小报就开始用有魅力的年轻女人的照片来做封面和头条,以 此来吸引男性读者的眼球。后来封面女郎索性充斥了挂历和扑克牌。不过按照今天的眼光来 看,当时的人们还是比较保守的,封面女郎多穿着漂亮的泳衣或短衬衫,展示美腿,这种甜美 风格就叫做cheesecake。 早在15世纪,人们就开始制作美味可口的cheesecake了。到了20 世纪30年代的“大萧条”时期,几百万美国人每天都在为食物而担忧,一块普通的 cheesecake竟成了一种奢侈,甚至一个可触而不可及的梦想。也许正因为这样,人们才会把那 些亮丽璀璨的封面女郎比做cheesecake吧,毕竟她们不会轻易走进每一个普通人的生活中。 Chandler: Ohh. Mmm. Rachel: (Comes in the front door and walks towards the kitchen.) Hi. Chandler: Hey, you have got to try this cheesecake. Rachel: Oh, y’know I'm not that much of a sweet tooth. I—(Chandler puts a forkful of the cheesecake in her mouth.)—Wow. My God, so creamy. Oh my God, this is the best cheesecake I have ever had. Where did you get this? (She reaches over to look at the label on the box.) not much of a 称不上„/a sweet tooth n.吃甜食的嗜好(常与have相连)/forkful n.一叉 的量/creamy adj.Rich in or resembling cream.奶油味十足的 Chandler: (nervously) It was at the front door. When I got home. Somebody sent it to us. front door n.前门 Rachel: Chandler, this is not addressed to you. This is addressed to Mrs. Braverman downstairs. (Gasping) Thief. address vt.写姓名地址 Chandler: I—no! I didn't read the box before I opened it. And you can't return a box after you've opened the box. Rachel: Why, why not? Chandler: Because it's too delicious. Rachel: Chandler, you stole this cheesecake. That is wrong. Chandler: No-no-no! It is going to be okay, because Mrs. Braverman is gonna send away for a free one and that way we all win! The only losers are the big cheesecake conglomerate, (Reading the label) Momma’s Little Bakery. (Pause) I feel terrible, I’m a horrible, horrible, horrible person. send away for v. to request something by mail;send for 邮购[eg: She sent away for applications to six colleges]/conglomerate n. A corporation made up of a number of different companies that operate in diversified(adj.各种的) fields 企业集团 大型综 合企业/bakery n.面包店 烘烤食品(面包 糕点等的总称) Rachel: (taking a bite) Oh, I’m sorry what? Opening Credits [Scene: Central Perk, everyone except Rachel is there as Joey gets up and starts putting on his coat.] Joey: All right, I should get going, big day a work. Y’know I’m in a coma? Today, they do this test on me and it turns out I’m not brain dead. Chandler: So„ Joey: Ah-ah-ah Mr. Smarty Pants, it’s just my character that’s not brain dead. Hey, so Pheebs, we still on for tonight? Smarty-pants n.a person who acts like he or she knows everything n.自以为是的家伙 自作聪明的人/We still on for tonight今晚的约会没取消吧 Phoebe: Absolutely! Joey: I’ll see you at 8:00. Phoebe: Okay. (Joey exits.) Chandler: Oh, what’s at 8:00? Phoebe: Oh, I have dinner plans with Joey. We get together about once a month to discuss the rest of you guys. RWow, did not know that! May I say how lovely you look today? oss: Phoebe: Duly noted. duly adv.正式地 按时地[eg: The truck duly arrived]/duly noted <俚>(建议)引起重视(肯 定会处理)[eg: Your suggestion has been duly noted] (Phoebe gets up to get a refill.) Ross: (To Monica) Oh! So for tomorrow, do you want to rent a car and drive down together or what? Monica: What are you talking about? Ross: Cousin Frannie’s wedding, it’s tomorrow night. Monica: You were invited?! Ross: No. Monica: My God, I can’t believe this! I mean I knew that mom and dad were invited, but I thought that was it! I mean from the ages 7 to 9 Frannie and I were inseparable! inseparable adj.形影不离的[eg: The two girls are inseparable friends] Chandler: Well, maybe since the age of 9, Frannie’s made some new friends. Monica: Do you wanna make some new friends? Ross: Well l-look okay, it’s probably just a mistake. Let me call Aunt Sheryl okay? Maybe you are invited and the invitation just got lost in the mail. Monica: Yeah, well you call her and tell her that y’know when we were kids her precious little Frannie tried to undress me several times, okay? And if I hadn’t have stopped her, there probably wouldn’t even be a wedding to go too. Ross: Y’know, she tried to undress me too. Chandler: I used to undress my cousin Glenn. (Monica looks at him then shushes him.) [Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Monica, Chandler, Rachel, and Ross are playing Monopoly as Phoebe enters angrily.] Phoebe: Joseph Francis Tribbiani are you home yet?!! Rachel: Umm, I think he’s still out. What’s wrong? Phoebe: Well, I’ll tell you Rachel Karen Green, I had plans with Joey tonight and he left me this note. (Hands it to Rachel.) Rachel: (reading the note) "Pheebs, can’t make it, got a date. Talk to you later. Big Daddy." (Laughs) Big Daddy? Phoebe: Oh that’s a nickname we were trying out. Chandler: Why didn't you guys try Francis? Francis is a cooler name than Chandler, isn't it? Ross: Hey, y’know what nickname never caught on? The Ross-A-Tron! (Monica shakes her head in disgust.) catch on v.流行/Name-a-tron <俚>give you a sexy and sleek name to attract young lady Joey: (entering) Hey! Phoebe: Oh! Here’s Joseph Francis! Joey: Oh-Wha-Ho! What are you middle-naming me for?! I left you a note! Phoebe: So what?! That doesn’t give you the right to ditch me! Joey: Hey, you can cancel plans with friends if there is the possibility for sex! Ross: Phoebe he’s right, that is the rule. Monica:Really? Chandler: Well, that's what I hear.I've never gotten a chance to actually employ the rule. employ vt.使用 利用[eg:How do you employ your spare time] Phoebe: Well,I don’t accept this rule. When me make plans, I expect you to show up. Okay, I can’t just be a way to kill time‘til you meet someone better! Y’know boyfriends and girlfriends are gonna come and go, but this (Motions that their friendship) is for life! come and go 来来往往/for life adj.终身的 Joey: Wow! I’m so sorry; I had no idea it would bother you this much. Phoebe: Well, it does. Joey: Okay, can I-can I make it up to you? Huh? I’m sorry. (They hug.) How about uh, dinner tomorrow night?! I’ll pay for myself! Phoebe: Okay, you wore me down. wear down v.To break down or exhaust by relentless(adj.坚韧的) pressure or resistance.使疲劳 使厌烦 被某人孜孜不倦的道歉打动了 Ross: Hey Joe, while you’re over there how about another beer for the Ross-A-Tron? Joey: The Ross—Is that back?!! (Chandler motions no.) [Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Rachel enters to find Chandler staring at another cheesecake box.] Rachel: Hi! Chandler: The other cheesecake came! They delivered it to the wrong address again! Rachel: So just bring it back downstairs, what’s the problem? I can’t seem to say goodbye. Chandler: Rachel: Are you serious?! Chandler, we ate an entire cheesecake two days ago and you want more? Chandler: Well I’ve forgotten what it tastes like okay?! Rachel: It was cheesecake. It was fine. It had a buttery, crumbly, graham cracker crust, with a very rich yet light, cream cheese filling„ (Pause) Wow! My whole mouth just filled with saliva! buttery a. 像奶油的/crumbly adj.脆的/crust n.面包皮 馅饼皮/light adj.清淡的/filling n.(糕点的)馅子/saliva n.涎 口水唾液/The graham cracker was developed in 1829 in Bound Brook, New Jersey, by Presbyterian(adj.长老会的) minister Rev. Sylvester Graham. Conceived of as a "health food", it is more like a digestive biscuit(n.粗面 饼干 消化饼干) than a cracker. The true graham cracker is made with graham(adj.全麦 的) flour(n.面粉), which is unsifted(adj.未筛选过的) and coarsely ground wheat flour. He used this due to its high fiber(n.高纤维) content.His original "Graham bread" was the centerpiece(n.餐桌中央的摆饰) of the Graham Diet, a regimen(n.养生法 食物疗法) to suppress what he considered unhealthy carnal urges(n.肉欲), the source of many maladies according to Graham.He gained many followers including James Caleb Jackson who would invent granula(n.颗粒) n.全麦(粉)饼干 Chandler: (closing the box) Y’know what? Forget it! We are just hungry! We have not had lunch! We are just light-headed! So let us go out and have lunch and forget about the cheesecake. light-headed adj.头昏眼花的 Rachel: Yeah and we’ll drop it off downstairs so that we’re not tempted. Chandler: Good idea. Where do you want to go to lunch? Rachel: Momma’s Little Bakery, Chicago, Illinois. (They exit with the cheesecake.) [Scene: Central Perk, Monica and Joey are there. Joey is reading a newspaper.] Joey: Awww! Mel Torme died. Mel Torme: 乔伊在中央珀克咖啡馆看到一张老报纸,就惊叫说:“哎呀,梅尔?托尔梅(Mel Torme)死了。”莫尼卡就告诉他,这已经是一年以前的报纸了。梅尔?托尔梅是美国历史上最 著名的爵士歌王之一/Melvin Howard Tormé (September 13, 1925 – June 5, 1999), nicknamed The Velvet Fog, is best known as one of the great male jazz singers. He was also a jazz composer and arranger(n.编曲者), a drummer, an actor in radio, film, and television, and the author of five books. He composed the music for the classic holiday song "The Christmas Song". Monica: Joey, that paper’s like a year old! Joey: Aw! Does that mean the Sam Goody’s sale is over?! sale n.廉价出售/SamGoody: 乔伊对于莫尼卡的话很惊讶,说:“那是否意味着在山姆?古迪 (Sam Goody)店的甩卖也已经结束了?”山姆?古迪是美国最有名的几家音乐CD连锁店之一/Sam Goody is a music and entertainment retailer in the United States and formerly in the United Kingdom. It is owned and operated by Musicland, which itself is owned by former rival Trans World Entertainment which also runs Suncoast Motion Picture Company and, until January 2006, Media Play. It specializes in music sales, and has historically been one of the major players(n.主流参与者) in the music industry. The Musicland Group was once the largest music retailer in the country, operating at its peak more than 1300 stores — over 800 of them Sam Goodys — and earning over $2 billion in annual revenue. Ross: (entering) Hey. Joey: Hey. Monica: Hey. Ross: So I finally heard back from Aunt Sheryl and apparently it wasn’t a mistake. Ahh, there’s-there’s limited seating in the hall. Monica: Limited seating?! (Screechingly) I am just one tiny person! screech vt. 尖声喊叫出 Ross: Well yeah, but she doesn’t know that. I mean, the last time she saw you-you would’ve turned one of those little wedding chairs into kindling. kindle vt.点燃 燃起/kingling n.点燃 点火 Monica: (disgusted) Limited seating! Oh, that is such a lame excuse! That’s not the reason she’s not inviting me! Ross: Oh what’s the big deal?! I wasn’t even invited to the ceremony, just the reception. And-and y’know what? If it makes you feel any better, Joan and I will just make an appearance and then, and then we’ll-we’ll leave early as a sign of protest. make an appearance v.到场 露面 一般婚礼分为两部分,Ceremony和Reception。Ceremony是宣誓,正式结为夫妻的部分, Reception就相当于婚宴/西方婚礼习俗June Bride:西方人有些俗话,如"April shower, May storm"(四月阵雨,五月风暴) 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示四、五月天候不佳,尤其不适宜结婚.所谓"Marry in May; you'll repent the day."(五月婚嫁,悔对当日)那么该在什么时候结婚最好呢,西方人最羡慕 六月新娘(June bride),认为“Marry in June,Good to the man and happy to the maid."(结婚在六月,新郎幸福,新娘快乐)六月新娘(June bride)是由June的语源Juno而来的。在罗马神话里,Juno是天帝Jupiter之妻,也是女性、婚姻和母性之神(the goddess of womanhood, of marriage and of maternity),集美貌、温柔、慈爱于一身,她也是相当于希腊神话里天帝宙斯(Zeus)之妻希拉(Hera)。上面说的,六月才是结婚天,当然是一种穿凿附会的「洋迷信」,事实上很多洋人也不信这一套,其他月份也照样有人结婚,而且照样过得很好。其实重要的倒不是时令的问题,而是男女双方是否有共同的人生观,是否彼此有足够的了解。 西方婚礼和我们最不同的地方之一,是他们的婚礼是以女方为主。婚礼的日期、地点和方式,大都由新娘(bride)和妈妈决定,再征求新郎(bridegroom)的同意。决定以后,就要印发请帖(invitation card)了。 婚礼(wedding ceremony)多半在教堂(church)举行。只受邀参加观礼的宾客,送不送礼都可以,但若受邀参加婚宴(reception或dinner等)的宾客,则应该送件礼物。要注意的是,礼物都要送给新娘。即使你是新郎的朋友,和新娘素不相识,还是要把礼物送给她。当然你要多送一件给新郎也未尝不可。参加婚礼的宾客,服装应求庄重但不要华丽,切忌穿戴得比一对新人还漂亮体面。 婚礼结束后,一对新人通常在宾客投掷五彩碎纸(confetti)和撒米(rice-throwing)的祝福中,出发去度蜜月(honeymoon)了 Wedding itinerary of American Wedding 1. Wedding Ceremony 3:00~4:00pm Arrival and seating of the guest 4:00~4:05pm Light candelabra (From this point on, things start to get more serious) 4:05~4:07pm The Groom comes out 4:07~4:15pm The Bride’s procession Train : 1、Groomsmen and bridesmaids 2、maid of honor 3、ring bearer and flower girl 4、bride’s father take her daughter 4:15~4:25pm The minister conducts the ceremony: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two people in holy matrimony, if there is anyone who feels that this ceremony should not continue, please speak now (for several minutes). Then let us continue. „, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in death, till death do you part? (Always) Bride: yes I do! The same word to ask the Groom, and the Groom says yes I do! (if no accident or you are Ross Geller) 4:25~4:35pm Exchange of wedding vow and ring The minister says :Please exchange your rings. now by the power vested in me, i now pronounce you are husband and wife. 4:35~5:00pm End of the ceremony 2. The Wedding Reception婚宴 5:10~6:00pm The guest arrive 6:00~6:10pm The Bride and Groom arrive 6:10~6:40pm Toast 6:40~7:30pm Dancing 1、 Newlywed’s first dance 2、The Bride dancing with Groom’s father The Groom dancing with Bride’s mother 7:30~7:45pm The cake cutting ceremony 7:45~8:30pm Entertainment 8:30~8:33pm The Bride throws the Bonquet 8:35~8:38pm The Groom throws the Garter 8:45~8:55pm Newlywed games 9:20pm The Wedding Reception End 新郎扔新娘今天所穿的吊袜带---打到谁谁就会是下一个新郎,通常此时未婚男子都跑没影了。 美是传统婚礼上的新娘的4样东西: Something old:新娘戴上母亲或是祖母传承的旧物,代表代代相传,延续前人美满。 Something new:新娘穿上新的礼服和鞋子,代表面对全新的人生。 Something borrow: 新娘多向婚姻美满的亲友借来的物品,代表分享别人的美满,祈求幸福。 Something blue:蓝色代表纯洁和忠贞。 A silver six pence 六便士银币已经被一便士取代,放于鞋内,代表财运。 Monica: Joan? Ross: Yeah, Joan Tedeski my date. She’s an assistant professor in the Linguistics department. Tall, very beautiful, and despite what some people say, not broad backed! assistant professor n.助理教授(级别高于讲师而低于副教授)/Linguistics n.语言学 /broad-backed adj.虎背熊腰的 魁梧的 Monica: Wait a minute, you got Ross Gellar and guest?! I wasn’t invited and you got "and guest?!" Joey: Uh-uh, excuse me, I do have to interrupt on Ross’s behalf. I-I think the rule applies here y’know, since she has a chance to get on broad back„ Ross: (interrupting) Not broad backed! Joey: Dude, I've seen her. She's like a billboard. billboard n.广告牌 Monica: Wait a minute, y’know, you’re bringing me! Ross: What? I can’t cancel on Joan! Monica: Why not?! Ross: Bec—Did you not hear me?! She’s an assistant professor in the Linguistics department, okay? They’re wild! Why do you want to come anyway? wild <俚>out of control; amazingly out of this world; an unrestrainable amount of coolness [eg: Dude, that party last night was wild] Monica: Because! She’s my cousin. I mean, we grew up together! We’re family y’know? Well that’s important to me. cousin n.表妹 Ross: Okay, all right, I’ll take you. I’ll go call Joan. (Does so.) Joey: Aww that’s nice. Family should be there, huh? This is her wedding, happiest day of her life. Monica: (laughs) We’ll see. [Scene: The Lobby of Chandler and Rachel’s building, Chandler and Rachel are returning from lunch.] Chandler: Well, thank you for lunch. Rachel: What? Wait a minute, I didn’t pay, I thought you paid! Chandler: So apparently we just don’t pay for food anymore. (Rachel laughs then Chandler notices something.) Do you see what I see? Rachel: (gasps) Its still there! (The cheesecake they returned to Mrs. Braverman is still lying in front of her door.) Chandler: Mrs. Braverman must be out. (They move closer to it.) Rachel: She could be out of town. Maybe she’ll be gone for months. Chandler: By then, the cheesecake may have gone bad. We don’t want her to come back to bad cheesecake. by then 到那时侯 Rachel: No,that could kill her. Chandler: Well, we don’t want that. Rachel: No so we’re protecting her. Chandler: But we should take it. Rachel: But we should move quick. Chandler: Why? Rachel: Because I think I just heard her moving around in there. Chandler: Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! (Rachel grabs the cheesecake and they take off upstairs.) [Scene: Central Perk, Monica and Phoebe are entering. Monica: Do you think it's inappropriate to wear a white, lacy dress to a wedding? lacy adj.有花哨图案的 带有花边的 lacy dress Phoebe:Yes. Monica: Excellent. (As Phoebe is sitting down, she recognizes someone sitting at the counter) Phoebe: (gasps) (whispering) Oh my God! That’s David! Monica: David who? Phoebe: David the scientist guy, David that I was in love with, David who went to Russia and broke my heart David! David: (noticing Phoebe) Oh my God! Phoebe: Oh, you say someone’s name enough, they turn around. David: Phoebe? Phoebe: David! (He kisses her cheek) What-what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Russia? David: Yeah, I’m just, I’m just in town for a conference. Umm, God you look phenomenal! phenomenal adj.Extraordinary;outstanding[eg: a phenomenal feat of memory] Phoebe: Well„ Yeah. You look great too. Did you get a haircut? David: Yeah. Well I-I got like thirty of them. Phoebe: Yeah. David: Umm, look I-I-I got a confession to make„ make a confession v.招供 坦白 Phoebe: Uh-huh. David: Uh, I-I-I was hoping to run into you here. I didn’t know whether I should call or not, y’know I-I was only in town for a few days. And y’know, I didn’t want to intrude on your life or-or anything like that, but I-I really wanted to see you and—but I didn’t know if you wanted to see me. run into v.撞见 Phoebe: Well, of course I would want to see you. I„I think about you all the time. David: Really? Because I think about you all the time. Phoebe: Really? David: I mean, there’s a statue in Minsk„ Minsk, is the capital and largest city in Belarus(n.白俄罗斯), situated on the Svislach and Niamiha rivers. Minsk is also a headquarters of the Commonwealth of Independent States(n.独联体) (CIS). As the national capital, Minsk has a special administrative status in Belarus and is also the administrative centre of Minsk voblast(=province) and Minsk raion.The earliest references to Minsk date to the 11th century (1067). In 1242, Minsk became a part of the Grand Duchy(n.大公国) of Lithuania(n.立陶宛), and it received its town privileges in 1499. From 1569, it was a capital of the Minsk Voivodship in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It was annexed(v.吞并) by Russia in 1793, as a consequence of the Second Partition(n.瓜分) of Poland. From 1919–1991, Minsk was the capital of the Byelorussian SSR(Soviet Socialist Republic 苏维埃社会主义共和国). Phoebe: Uh-huh. David: That reminds me of you so much, I mean umm, it-it’s actually of Lenin. But, y’know at certain angles„ Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the alias(n.别名) Lenin (April 22, 1870 – January 21, 1924), was a Russian revolutionary, a communist politician, the main leader of the October Revolution, the first head of the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic, until 1922 (or Bolshevist Russia), and the primary theorist of Leninism, an extension of Marxist theory. In the Soviet Union, every city had several monuments of Vladimir Lenin. With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, many statues of Vladimir Lenin were torn down. This happened even earlier in the European post-Communist states and in the Baltic(adj.波罗的海的) states. However, in many of the former Soviet Republics (namely Russia, Belarus and Ukraine) many remain, and some new ones have been erected. statue of Lenin in Minsk Phoebe: Yeah. David: Umm, anyway„Do you want to have dinner tonight? Phoebe: (excited) Yes! Oh no! David: (disappointed) Oh. Uh, what? Phoebe: I can’t. I can’t believe I have plans, I can’t. Can you do it tomorrow night though? David: Uh no, I have to go in a few hours. I have to be on the red- eye. Well listen, y’know, next time you’re in Minsk umm„ red-eye<俚>travel on an overnight flight 夜班飞机的 通宵乘飞机赶路的 (美国工商人士 自西岸赴东岸公干,多乘夜班飞机;到达东岸时,已是早晨,尚睡眼朦胧,因而命此种班机为red- eye flight 搭乘此夜班机者则称之为red-eyer) Monica: Phoebe, can I talk to you for a second? Phoebe: Uh-huh. (They go over and talk.) Monica: What are you doing? Phoebe: Well, I have plans with Joey tonight. Monica: So! He’ll understand! Phoebe: No he won’t. And that’s not even the point! Monica, I made a whole speech about how you do not cancel plans with friends! And now y’know what? Just because, potentially, the love of my life comes back from Russia just for one night, I-I should change my beliefs?! I should change beliefs! No! No! No, if I don’t have my principles, I don’t have anything! Monica: God, you are so strong. Phoebe: Or! I should rush through dinner with Joey and I can meet David at 9:00! rush through v.赶紧做 赶紧完事 Commercial Break [Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Rachel and Chandler are eating the cheesecake right out of the box.] eat sth right out of the box直接从包装盒里吃 Rachel: (taking a bite) Oh my God! That is so good! Chandler: I’m full, and yet I know if I stop eating this, I’ll regret it. Joey: (entering) Hey! Rachel: Hey! Joey: (seeing what they’re doing) What do you got there? Rachel: Oh it’s umm, it’s tofu cake. Do you want some? (He makes a disgusted noise and heads for his room, Chandler follows him in.) tofu n.<日>豆腐 tofu cake 素食主义者喜欢吃的一种蛋糕 Chandler: What are you doing tonight? Joey: Huh? Uh„ (He starts taking off his pants.) Chandler: Dude! Dude! (Motions that Joey should pull up his pants.) Joey: Oh! (Pulls up his pants.) Sorry. Uh, I’ve got those plans with Phoebe, why? Chandler: Oh really? Uh, Monica said she had a date at 9:00. Joey: What?! Tonight?! Chandler: That’s what Monica said. Joey: After she gave me that big speech?! She goes and makes a date with a guy on the same night she has plans with me? I think she’s trying to pull a fast one on Big Daddy! Now, if you'll excuse me. pull a fast one<美俚>欺骗 捣鬼[eg: He tried to pull a fast one on us, but we caught on before he got away with it(v.侥幸逃脱)] Chandler: Dude, dude! If I took off my pants right now, how would you feel? Joey: Like your cousin Glenn. [Scene: Cousin Frannie’s Wedding Reception, Monica and Ross are entering and finding their table.] Ross: Oh here, I think this is us. (Reading the name cards.) Yeah. Monica: Limited seating my ass. Let’s see who made the cut. (To the couple sitting to her right.) Hi! my ass<俚>A way of expressing disbelief. It seems to be derived from the expression "my eye!" which just wasn't vulgar/make the cut<俚>1) To meet or come up to(v.达到 标准) a required standard 2) to survive an elimination.[<源>from golf where a player must do equal or better than a certain score to continue] The Wedding Guest: Hi! Monica: I’m Monica Gellar. How do you know the bride and groom? The Wedding Guest: Oh, I used to work with Frannie. Monica: Used to work with her. Used to! I’m a relative and I didn’t get invited! A blood relative! Blood!! blood relative n.血亲亲戚 有血缘关系的亲戚 Ross: (To Monica) Stop saying, "Blood" to strangers. Monica: From the ages of 7 to 9, we were inseparable, and I didn't even get invited! The Wedding Guest: Then why are you here? Monica: I'm my brother's date. Ross: Hey, I had a date, okay? Joan Tedeschi, the linguist. linguist n.语言学家 Monica: (to the couple on her left) So, how about you huh? How do you know the happy couple? The Second Guest: We went to college with both of them and now we live next door. Monica: Okay, you’re fine. Ross: You know, you would've liked Joan, she's very pleasant. There! There! Her back looks like that. That's not broad, is it? pleasant adj.讨人喜欢的 和蔼可亲的[eg: The new manager is a pleasant Chinese American] [Scene: Iridium Restaurant, Phoebe and Joey are looking at the menus as the waiter comes to take their order.] iridium <化>铱 Phoebe: Come on, Joey, you've got to be ready to order by now. Joey: You know what, I don't I like this table either. Maybe we should move again. Phoebe: (to a stranger) No, we're staying right here. Excuse me, we're ready to order. Stranger:I don't work here. Phoebe: Well, then you shouldn't be walking around. The Waiter: Hey! Phoebe: Hi! The Waiter: You guys ready yet? Phoebe: Yes! I’m gonna have the green salad ,umm ,with the house dressing and water's fine green salad n.蔬菜色拉 house dressing :A typical restaurant style salad sauce The Waiter: Okay. Phoebe: Okay. The Waiter: (To Joey) And for you sir? Joey: Yeah, this slow-roasted salmon, just how slow are we talkin’here? roaster v.烤 slow-roasted salmon The Waiter: It’s uh, it’s already been roasted. Joey: Ohh, then no. Maybe I should hear those specials again. special n.(菜单上的)特色菜,拿手菜[eg: Thursday's special was steak]<美口>(临时减价 的)特价商品 Phoebe: Oh Joey, we’ve heard the specials three times! Okay? There’s prime rib, mahi mahi, and a very special lobster ravioli. (She grabs his menu and hands it to the waiter.) prime rib n.牛前胸的上等肋条/rib n.肋骨 mahi mahi鬼头刀鱼(一种美味的热带鱼种) lobster ravioli n.龙虾方饺/ravioli n.馄饨 饺子 The Waiter: Actually we’re out of the lobster ravioli. (Putting Joey’s menu under his arm.) Joey: Oh well, that changes everything! (Grabs his menu and starts looking at it again. The waiter leaves.) Y’know what Pheebs? Phoebe: Huh? Joey: You were right before. I mean, friends are so important. Phoebe: (checking her watch) Yeah, I’m very wise. I know. Joey: Y’know-y’know what I really want? Phoebe: What? Joey: Is to have a long, long talk. Y’know? Get Joey out on the open road and really open him up. The Waiter: (returning) Any progress? Joey: Yes! I will have the lobster ravioli. Phoebe: God Joey, this is taking forever! Joey: What’s the rush? What? Phoebe: W-w—I just—it’s that—I have—y’know I have-I have an appointment. And it’s very important. Joey: Whoa-whoa, what is it? Phoebe: Well„ It’s a date. Joey: A date?! No, no Pheebs you-you must be mistaken, because I know you wouldn’t schedule a date on the same night you have plans with a friend! Phoebe: Come on Joey, don’t make me feel badly about this. Joey: No, I’m gonna!! That’s right! Yeah, you made me feel really guilty about goin’out with that girl! Like-like-like I did something terrible to you! And now Pheebs, you’re doing the same thing! Phoebe: That—It’s not the same thing! This is totally different! This is with David! Remember David, the scientist guy? Okay, he’s very special to me. Joey: Okay, well my girl from the other night was special. She was a scientist too! Phoebe: She was? Joey: Well, she graduated from high school! Phoebe: Okay, whatever. Y’know what? I don’t have time to convince you because he’s only here for four hours, and I’m gonna go see him! (Gets up and leaves.) Joey: Fine! Phoebe: Yeah! Joey: Fine! Phoebe: Yeah! (She exits.) Joey: (to the waiter) What are you still doin’here?! I told you, lobster ravioli! [Scene: Outside Central Perk, Phoebe is running up to meet David.] Phoebe: Hey! Hey! Oh, I was just about to leave. I-I-I-I didn’t think you David: were coming. Phoebe: Oh, I wouldn’t miss this. David: Well, I’m very glad you’re here. (Kisses her hand.) Phoebe: Oh, you’re such a gentleman. (Grabs his arm.) Come on! We’re going to my place! (Drags him off to her place.) [Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Rachel is eating the cheesecake and Chandler enters and catches her in the act.] catch sb in the act 抓个现行 Chandler: Are you eating the cheesecake without me?! Rachel: (with a mouthful) Mm-mmm. (Nods no.) Chandler: I will give you a hundred dollars to whistle right now. (She tries to whistle and blows little chunks of cheesecake out of her mouth.) How can you eat the cheesecake without me?! Rachel: Oh, what are you going to do?! Are you gonna go run tell Monica?! Are you gonna tell Joey?! No! Because then you will have to tell them what we did! We are dessert stealers! We are living outside the law! we are living outside the law 我们逍遥法外 Chandler: Y’know what? I don’t trust you with this cake anymore! And I got it first, and I’m takin’it back! (Grabs the cheesecake and heads for his apartment.) Rachel: What?! What?! Chandler: Oh yes! Rachel: Wait a minute! Chandler: Oh yes! Rachel: Oh no-no-no-no-no, no you don’t! [Cut to Chandler and Monica’s as they enter.] Chandler: Oh yes! Oh yes! Rachel: You think I trust you with it?! No! We’re gonna split it! You take half and I take half! Chandler: Well that’s not fair, you’ve already had some! Rachel: What? Oh, well then y’know what? I think Monica would be very interested to know that you called her cheesecake dry and mealy. mealy adj.粗粉状的 粗粉的 Chandler: What do we use to split it? Rachel: Okay! (Grabs a knife and cuts it in half.) All right, pick a half. Chandler: (examining the cake) Okay well, this side looks bigger. Uh„ There’s more crust on this side. Y’know? So, maybe if I measured„ crust n.面包皮 Rachel: Oh for God sake just pick a piece! Chandler: All right, I’ll pick that one. (Points.) Rachel: That’s also the smaller piece. (Puts the piece onto a plate.) Okay, there you go. Enjoy your half my friend, but that is it. No sharing. No switching, and don’t come crying to me if you eat your piece too fast. (As she’s saying that she is backing out the door, when she finishes she turns around to return to her place, stumbles and drops the cheesecake on the floor.) Oh!!!! Chandler: (gloatingly and holding his piece) Ohhh! gloat v.心满意足/gloatingly adv.沾沾自喜地 Rachel: Okay, you gotta give me some of your piece. Chandler: Oh-ho-ho-ho-no! No! No switching! No sharing, and don’t come crying to me! Ha-ha-ha! I may just sit here and have my cake all day! Just sit here in the hallway and eat my„ (Rachel knocks the plate from his hand and it falls on the floor. That process leaves go after that little just the forkful Chandler has, Rachel starts to bit and Chandler retreats into his apartment.) forkful n.一叉的量 [Scene: Cousin Frannie’s Wedding Reception, Monica and Ross are sitting at the table, alone as a woman approaches.] The Woman: Ross, sweetheart! Ross: Oh, hey Aunt Millie. Aunt Millie: Isn’t it a beautiful wedding?! Ross: Yes, yes it is. It’s uh„ (Aunt Millie uses this opportunity to grab Ross and kiss him on the lips. After she leaves Ross quickly wipes his mouth with a napkin.) Every time on the lips! Why?! Why on lips?! (Cousin Frannie and her husband enter.) Monica: Here’s Frannie. Hmm, won’t she be happy to see me? (Starts to get up and greet Frannie.) Ross: Now wait a minute, you’ll be nice! All right? I didn’t bring you here so you can ambush her. ambush vt.伏击 埋伏[eg: The military vehicles were ambushed] Monica: Frannie was the one who found your Playboys and showed them to mom. Ross: That bitch! (He gets up and they go over to ambush Frannie. Monica taps on Frannie’s shoulder.) Frannie: (turning around) Monica! What„ Monica: Am I doing here? Why? Surprised to see me? Ross brought me. How do you like that?! Ross: (to Frannie) Hi Frannie, congratulations. Monica: You invite my brother, you invite my whole family, and not me?! Why?! What—Why wouldn’t you want me at your wedding? What could I have possibly done?! (Frannie’s husband walks up.) Stuart! Frannie: I believe you know my husband. (Monica is shocked into silence and feels very embarrassed) Ross: So it’s really a question of who could you have possibly done. [Scene: Outside Central Perk, David has a cab waiting to take him to the airport and he’s saying goodbye to Phoebe.] David: Oh, I hate this but I-I-I have to go. I-I can’t miss my flight. Phoebe: Are you sure? I’ll bet there’s another flight to Minsk in like„ David: July. Umm, (He speaks Russian.) Phoebe: That’s really beautiful. What does it mean? David: Please, clean my beakers. I don’t get out of the lab much. beaker <化>烧杯 Phoebe: I got to admit, I thought it was something else. David: Yeah, I„ Well I really actually wanted to say umm, that, but um, I figured I probably shouldn’t because y’know, I„have to leave. Phoebe: You’re right! You’re right. Don’t say it. David: I-I do though. Phoebe: I do too. (They kiss.) David: Bye Phoebe. (He gets in and the cab drives off. Joey walks up and witnesses that event.) Phoebe: (seeing him) Okay, now’s not the time Joey. All right? You can yell at me tomorrow. Joey: No! No! No Pheebs, I’m not gonna yell at you. I just y’know, started thinking about you and David and I„remember how bummed you were the first time he left. And I just„ Oh Pheebs, come here. (He hugs her.) Are you okay? bummed <俚>不高兴 烦恼 难过(=bummed out) Phoebe: No I’m not okay. The only guy I’ve ever been crazy about has gone to Minsk and I may never„I may never see him again. (Crying.) Joey: Hey, y’know you could always visit him. Phoebe: Oh right, like they’re gonna let me have a passport. Joey: Anything I can do? Whatever you need. Phoebe: Well—But—Now, if-if you can achieve positronic distillation of sub-atomic particles y’know before he does, then he can come back. (They hug again.) positron n.正电子/electron n.电子/distillation n.蒸馏/sub-atomic adj.亚原子的 /particle n.微粒 Joey: I can give it a shot. [Scene: The Hallway, Chandler and Rachel are on their knees with forks trying to salvage what they can of the cheesecake off of the floor.] be on one’s knees 跪着/salvage v.救助 挽救 打捞[eg:We were unable to salvage anything when the factory burnt down] Rachel: Oh! Yay! Look! There’s a piece that doesn’t have floor on it! Chandler: Stick to your side! Rachel: Hey, come on now! (Joey finishes climbing the stairs and sees them. Chandler and Rachel both stop and look up at him. Joey sits down on the step.) Joey: (pulls out a fork) All right, what are we havin’? (Starts digging in.) Ending Credits [Scene: Cousin Frannie’s Wedding Reception, Ross and Monica are at the door and about to leave.] Monica: Oh wait I forgot my wrap. wrap n.围巾 外套 围脖 Ross: Oh, I'll wait here for you. Monica: I can't go back there! Ross: Why? Monica: Did you see the way Stuart was staring at me? I think he still wants me. Ross: Oh, my Gawd. Monica: Just go do it! Ross: All right, wait here. (Goes to get it, but before he gets there Aunt Millie sits down on it forcing him to pull it out from behind her which gets her attention.) Aunt Millie: Hi sweetie! Are you leaving? Ross: Well„ Aunt Millie: Give us a kiss. Come on! Come on! (Ross hesitates then leans down trying to get her to kiss his cheek, but she moves his head around and kisses him on the lips again.) Ross: Why?! Why on the lips?! (He wipes his mouth on Monica’s wrap and walks off, leaving Aunt Millie stunned.) End
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