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实训报告实训报告 一(实训大纲 二(实训实习指导书 三(实训实习考核制度 四(实训考核规范及标准 一( 实习大纲 一、 编写说明 为了规范南充外国语学校商务英语专业的英语教学,切实提高学生口语水平和商务英语交际能力,特编写本实训手册。本手册适用于三年制的商务英语专业学生的英语口语课程。本课程实训的任务和目的是:通过循序渐进的系统的学习和训练,要求学生达到:1)在掌握基本的语言知识的基础上,拓宽口语练习渠道,培养良好的口语习惯和增强英语口语的自信心。2)能够结合具体场景,对视听材料信息进行准确摄取、归纳、分析和...

实训报告 一(实训大纲 二(实训实习指导书 三(实训实习考核 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 四(实训考核 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 一( 实习大纲 一、 编写说明 为了规范南充外国语学校商务英语专业的英语教学,切实提高学生口语水平和商务英语交际能力,特编写本实训手册。本手册适用于三年制的商务英语专业学生的英语口语课程。本课程实训的任务和目的是:通过循序渐进的系统的学习和训练,要求学生达到:1)在掌握基本的语言知识的基础上,拓宽口语练习渠道,培养良好的口语习惯和增强英语口语的自信心。2)能够结合具体场景,对视听材料信息进行准确摄取、归纳、 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 和推理,具备日常的英语交际能力。3)提高学生在各种商务环境下英语口语能力,进行有效的商务交流活动。4)结合考级考证相关的口语训练,促进课证融合,为学生发展职业能力奠定基础。 二、课时分配表 序号 内容 课时 数 1 Fun with Language (语言的乐趣) 2 2 School Life(学校生活) 2 3 Going to a Party (去聚会) 2 4 Shopping(购物) 2 5 Employment (雇佣) 2 6 Going on Vacation(度假) 2 7 Description (描述) 2 8 Giving Advice(提出建议) 2 9 Reservations(预定) 2 10 商务英语300句 4 11 Job Interview (求职面试) 4 12 Jobs and Responsibilities (工作职4 责) 13 On the Phone(商务电话) 4 14 At a Meeting (商务会议) 4 15 Business Travel(出差) 4 16 Company Presentation(公司展示) 4 17 Product Presentation(产品展示) 4 18 Receiving Visitors(客户接待) 4 19 Business Dinner (商务宴会) 4 20 Company Performance (公司业绩) 4 21 A Factory Tour (工厂参观) 4 22 Trade Fair (交易会) 4 23 Making Enquiries (询盘) 4 24 Negotiating Prices (价格谈判) 4 25 Placing an Order (订购) 4 26 Terms of Payment (付款条件) 4 27 Delivery (装运) 4 28 Complaints and Claims (投诉与索赔) 4 29 Marketing (市场营销) 4 30 Advertising (广告) 4 31 考级考证综合口语能力训练 10 32 机动 8 合计 120 二(实训实习指导书 实训一 Fun with Language (语言的乐趣) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生掌握与英语学习相关的主要语言知识点;能清晰的理解所听的有关材料,并就所听的材料准确的回答相关提问;能熟练运用所学内容,词汇,词组或是句型,在实际生活场景中加以运用; 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1)Terrible weather, don’t you think so? 2) It was nice talking to you. 3)Excuse me, is the way to the library? 4)Well, thanks for talking to us today. 5)I often speak English to/with my friend. 6)I make mistakes whenever I open my mouth to speak English. 主要内容: Listen to the dialogues and passages, try to understand the main idea and grasp the structures and phrases about dealing with language. After the listening, students use the expressions and structures to make oral practice. 实训二 School Life(学校生活) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生掌握有关学校生活与学校人际交往相关的内容与知 识点;能听清就此中心内容所设定的口语选项,或其他内容;在系统的口语训练 之后,能熟练掌握并运用相关内容进行模仿练习; 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1)how’s everything? 2) How are you doing? 3)What’s new? 4)It’s a pleasure to know you. 5)I’ve studied English for about/more than nine years. 6)I think a good pronunciation is necessary/important/essential. 主要内容: Listen to the dialogues and passages, try to understand the main idea and grasp the structures and phrases about studying English. After the listening, students use the expressions and structures to make oral practice. 实训三 Going to a Party (去聚会) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生掌握聚会相关的主要语言知识点;能了解具体的聚 会的场景状况及相关应对方式;能就所掌握的语言点或句型,进行熟练的口语训 练,准确回答所提出的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ;能在口语训练之后,运用所熟知的内容进行相关的 延伸性训练; 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1)Like what..? 2) Let me think. 3)Don’t you think so? 4)And another thing„. 5)I like/love going to parties. 6)I don’t care for parties. They are too noisy. 主要内容: Listen to the dialogues and passages, try to understand the main idea and grasp the structures and phrases about going to a party. After the listening, students use the expressions and structures to make oral practice. 实训四 Shopping(购物) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生购物相关的主要语言知识点;能掌握与购物相关的场景与对话练习; 在了解一定背景的情况下,进行全面系统的口语训练,并清晰准确的了解所听材料,回答相关问题;并能运用已听的材料与相关的内容进行较为深入的训练; 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1)Could you tell me„? 2) I wonder if you could tell me„? 3) Excuse me, do you happen to know„? 4)Would you mind telling me more about„? 5)I seldom go shopping. It takes too much time. 6) I was wondering if you could help me. I’d like to know„. 主要内容: Listen to the dialogues and passages, try to understand the main idea and grasp the structures and phrases about shopping. After the listening, students use the expressions and structures to make oral practice. 实训五 Employment (雇佣) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生掌握找工作以及与工作相关的主要语言知识点;能了解相关的技巧及段落内容,听懂基本对话;能就所听的内容准确回答所提出的问题,记录下大意或详细信息;能就所掌握的知识点,进行适应性的口语训练; 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1)I’m „ sorry„. 2) I do apologize for „. 3) Please forgive me for„. 4)Sorry, it’s all my fault. 5)I really didn’t mean„. 6) I can travel to a lot of places„. 7) It is hard for people who lack necessary skills„. 主要内容: Listen to the dialogues and passages, try to understand the main idea and grasp the structures and phrases about work and interview. After the listening, students use the expressions and structures to make oral practice. 实训六 Going on Vacation(度假) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生掌握与度假相关的主要语言知识点;能了解并熟记与出行度假有关的场景与段落;在口语训练时,能对所听材料内容做出迅速反应,回答题目所设定的内容;并能就所学习的各方面内容做相应训练; 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1)I’d like to make a reservation of „. 2) We’d like to stay in„. 3) I’d like to book„ for tonight. 4)Can I book two tickets for „. 5)Traveling helps us to broaden our minds 6) I travel for travel’s sake„. 7) Thanks to modern means of transportation. 主要内容: Listen to the dialogues and passages, try to understand the main idea and grasp the structures and phrases about vacation. After the listening, students use the expressions and structures to make oral practice. 实训七 Description (描述) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生掌握与描述人和事物相关的主要语言知识点;能掌握如何描述事物以及人的一些相关场景及应对方法;对所听的口语材料迅速做出反应,准确理解并回答所遇到的问题,巩固所学习的内容,能进行一定的延伸性训练; 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿视听材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1(Tell me about... 2(It sounds... 3(How’s... 4(Come on. 5(Don’t worry. 6(She seems to be... 7(I congratulate you. 主要内容: The description of objects and persons. 实训八 Giving Advice (提供建议) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生掌握相关如何提供建议的知识点;能流利表达材料 中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义,并准确回答所提出的问题; 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿视听材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1(If I were you, I’d... 2(If I had a chance, I’d... 3(They know what’s best for you. 4(What you say makes (no) sense. 5(Thank you for the advice. 6(Why don’t you...? 7(Anything but that,... 8(I’m worried about... 主要内容: Giving advice on traveling, being happy, losing weight etc. 实训九 Reservations (预定) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生掌握出行,酒店预定的主要语言知识点;能熟练复述相关的场景,能在口语训练时迅速做出反应;就所接触的口语材料,准确了解其内容及问题,并做出回答; 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿视听材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1(I’d like to book...for... 2(What food do you prefer? 3(I want to make an appointment with... 4(Can you manage... 5(What a nuisance! 6(You are really very helpful. 主要内容: Booking a table, a plane...making an appointment with sb. etc. 实训十 Commerce English Sentences 300 (商务英语300句) 一、目的和要求 熟练掌握商务英语的常用句子,为培养商务英语口语打好基础。 二、实训步骤 1. Listening Practice 口语训练:通过口语内容的呈现,理解句子含义。 2.Sentences Repetition 复述句子:要求学生模仿录音的语音语调反复操 练,直至脱口而出。 3. Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动。 三、实训内容 句子涉及内容有: (Establishing Business Relations 1 2(Inquiry 3(Telephone Calls 4(Visiting a Factory 5(About Products 6(Price 7(Counter Offer 8(Discount and Commission 9(Business Representation 10.Insurance 11.Acceptance 12.Packing 13.Shiping 14.Claim 15.Terms of Payment 实训十一 Job Interview(求职面试) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生掌握与工作情况介绍相关的主要语言知识点,扫清 口语中的障碍;能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种口语练习;要求学生掌握求职面试过程中的至关重要的环节。学生要能够在实际工作面试中能流利地作自我介绍,表达自己的求职意向,了解公司的情况并突出自己的优势和能力等,使应试者的外表、气质、资力等各方面给面试官留下深刻印象。 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练,并 引入与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1.I have lived here since my childhood./I am only a temporary resident, I am originally from„ 2.I think I am introverted./I am quite easygoing, I enjoy making friends. 3.I am afraid I am not very creative, but I am tolerant, slow to anger, tactful, caring and friendly. 4.I majored in „/ My major is„ 5.I’ve been a sales engineer for three years./I worked as a training manager for two years. 6.I was the manager of the Human Resources Department. 7.As I was the Personnel Director, my responsibilities included recruitment man training new employees. 8.I promoted our products in over then provinces and last year my turnover amounted to 5 million RMB. 9.I didn’t the culture of the company and I saw no chance of promotion./ I have to leave my present post because„. 10.I know you have an international business, so I thought I would be able to learn some advanced methods of management from foreign staff members. 11.I am familiar with Western-style accounting. 12.I am looking for an opportunity to apply my skills and contribute to the growth of the company „ 13.I would hope to have increased my skill and made a significant contribution to the company. 要求学生运用所掌握的句型和习惯表达方法进行会话练习进一步掌握所学 内容 1.Work in Pairs : Two students in a pair,make an introduction each other. 2.Role play: Imagine you are Tom and are the employer, another sudent is the employee, you two make a dialogue of interview. 实训十二 Jobs and Responsibilities (工作及职责) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生掌握本单元的主要语言知识点;能流利复述材料中 主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语, 能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与 句型进行各种口语练习;要求学生能够掌握在进入公司后,能弄清公司组织 结构,了解所 设部门、职位及其相应的工作职责。 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练,并引入与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5(Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1.I am a manager in the Sales Department. 2.I am a computer programmer. My company allows me to work on my computer at/from home. 3.I’m in charge of training employees. 4.I run the Production the Production Department. This includes hiring staff, ensuring that the production meets deadlines and dealing with customer queries. 5.I report to the Channel Sales Manager. 6.I’m on the day/night shift. 7.It’s a regular nine-to-five job. 8.I’ve just been promoted to head of Human Resources. 9.He is being groomed for a higher position. 10(What I like about my job is that I have a lot of independence. 11.I hate my job because I can’t stand/bear my boss. 12.I don’t know what I’m doing right now because it’s boring. 要求学生运用所掌握的句型和习惯表达方法进行会话练习进一步掌握所学内 容 1.Work in Pairs 1: Two students in a pair, introduce the compamy each other. 2.Role play: Imagine you are Tom and are the employer, another sudent is the employee, you two make a dialogue of company’s introduction. 实训十三 On the Phone (打电话) 一、目的和要求 要求学生掌握与打电话相关的主要语言知识点;能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种口语练习;要求学生能够掌握在公司中,和客户打交道时,能恰当、有效地使用电话,以树立公司的良好形象 。 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练,并 引入与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学 方式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5(Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1.One moment, please. I’ll see if Mr. Jones is available. 2.Hold the line, please. I’m connecting you now. 3.The person wanted is not available 4.I’m afraid Mr. Smith is away on business. I’ll tell him you called. 5.I can’t get through. 6.The line’s engaged/busy. 7.I’m phoning/calling because I want to talk about the prices of your products. 8.I’m phoning/calling for some price information on French perfumes. Requesting 9.Would you mind repeating that number? 10.Could you repeat that number, please? 要求学生运用所掌握的句型和习惯表达方法进行会话练习进一步掌握所 学内容 1.Work in Pairs 1: Two students in a pair, make a phone each other. 2.Role play: Imagine you are Tom and are the employee, another student is the client, you two make a dialogue of phone. 实训十四 At a Meeting (开会) 一、目的和要求 要求学生掌握与开会相关的主要语言知识点;能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种口语练习;要求学生能够掌握在在公司会议中了解情况、研究对策和解决问题 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练,并引入与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等方式进行语言操练。 和讨论式等教学4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 方式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5(Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1.First of all, I’d like to introduce two colleagues from our Shanghai office. 2.Well/Right, let’s look at the first point. 3.Let’s turn to the second problem. 4.Shall we move on to the nest item on the agenda? 5.First, I’d like Mr. Mitchell to briefly report sales of beer in the last few months. 6.Larry, what do you think about this proposal? 7.Anything to add, Steve? 8.Well, thank you, Peter. I think that’s clear now. Could we have some other opinion? 9.I’m afraid we are getting away from the main subject now. Can we get back to the point? 10.I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I’m afraid we are running out of time. 11.May I cut in here? 12.Has anyone got any objection ti this proposal? 要求学生运用所掌握的句型和习惯表达方法进行会话练习进一步掌握所 学内容 1.Work in Pairs 1: Two students in a pair, held a meeting. 2.Role play: Imagine you are Tom , you and another student are having a meeting. You two make a dialogue of meeting. 实训十五 Business Travel (商务旅行) 一、目的和要求 要求学生掌握与商务旅行相关的主要语言知识点;能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种口语练习;要求学生能够掌握在旅行或访问中,寻找新市场、联系客户的最佳方式。 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过内容听力的呈现,做理解训练,并引入与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5(Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1.How much is the one-way/round/return trip? 2.What is the luggage allowance? 3.Is there any discount for a group booking? 4.You’re supposed to be at the airport by nine thirty at the least. Booking airline tickets 5.I’d like to book a ticket on British Airways Flight 108 to Paris. 6.Can I make a reservation for a morning flight in December 1st, please? 7.Did you pack your bags yourself? Has anyone given you anything to carry for him or her? 8.Do you have anything to declare? 9.Could I have any vacant rooms for November 12th? 10(I’m from Room 303. I will come downstairs to checkout in a minute. 要求学生运用所掌握的句型和习惯表达方法进行会话练习进一步掌握所 学内容 1.Work in Pairs 1: Two students in a pair, one is from a company, he meet the guest at the airport. 2.Role play: Imagine you are Tom , working in the reception desk of a hotel, and another student is a guest of the hotel ,he will check out. You two make a dialogue of it. 实训十六 Company Presentation(公司介绍) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生掌握与公司相关的主要语言知识点;能流利复述材 料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语, 能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型 进行各种口语练习;要求学生能够通过了解听众需求后, 清楚准确地介绍公司, 以确保听众能了解报告的目的以及陈述要点。 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练,并 引入与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等 方式进行语言操练。 和讨论式等教学方4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5(Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1.I’d like to talk about the latest developments at our company. 2.The subjective/focus of my talk/presentation is „ 3.Firstly/First of all, we’ll run briefly through the history of the company. 4.I’ll be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk. 5.If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt. 6.To sum up, the domestic market is too important to lose. 7.In conclusion, we need to make more of an effort to improve productivity. 8.Currently, our company is developing very quickly. 9.Sales have increased/dropped slightly since July. 10.Production has increased/dropped by 21%. 11.Profit has held at/ gone up by 40%. 要求学生运用所掌握的句型和习惯表达方法进行会话练习进一步掌握所学内容 1.Work in Pairs 1: Two students in a pair, make an introduction about the company each other. 2.Role play: Imagine you are Tom , another student is your colleague, you present . 实训十七 Product Presentation (产品介绍) 一、目的和要求 要求学生掌握本单元的主要语言知识点;能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种口语练习;要求学生能够掌握向客户推介产品的表达方式。 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练,并 引入与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5(Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1.It’s 20 inches long/wide/high/thick/deep. 2.The length/width/height/thickness/depth is 70 centimeters. 3.We have a large range of sizes. 4.The selling point this product is its large memory. 5.Compared with competing products, ours look better and lower in price. 6.Our latest cellphone is much lighter and slimmer than its competitors. 7.This refrigerator is more enviromently-friendly. 8.How long/wide/high/thick/deep is it? 9.What’s its length/width/height/thickness/depth? 10.To sum up, the product has excellent quality, a competitive price and stylish design. 11.I hope you now have a clear picture of the product, its distribution, pricing and methods of promotion. 12.How does it compare with our biggest competitor, the Nokia 8800? 要求学生运用所掌握的句型和习惯表达方法进行会话练习进一步掌握所 学内容 1. Work in Pairs 1: Two students in a pair, make an introduction of the products. 2. Role play: Imagine you are Tom and are the employer, another student is the customer, you two make a dialogue of the product of the company. 实训十八 Receiving Visitors (接待来宾) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生掌握本单元的主要语言知识点,扫清口语中的障碍;能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种口语练习;要求学生能够掌握接待来宾时所需, 用语。 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练,并 引入与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5(Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1.I’m sorry for the inconvenience. He is in the middle of a meeting. 2.I’m sorry for the delay. Mr. Wilson is engaged now. 3.I’m sorry for the mistake. The secretary is attending a meeting. 4.The Personnel Manager can’t be contacted just now. 5.We’ve been anticipating your arrival. 6.Taking guests to their hotel 7.Then I’d better take my leave so you can have a rest. Small talk topics 8.It’s comfortable/convenient/luxurious. 要求学生运用所掌握的句型和习惯表达方法进行会话练习进一步掌握所学 内容 1.Work in Pairs 1: Two students in a pair, one meeting another one. 2.Role play: Imagine you are Tom and are the employer, another student is the visitor, you two make a dialogue of meeting. 实训十九 Business Dinner(商务宴请) 一、目的和要求 要求学生掌握与商务宴请相关的主要语言知识点;能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义; 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练,并 引入与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等 方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学 方式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5(Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1.I was wondering if you would like to go to the dinner party with us. 2.We’d love to have the pleasure of your company at a dinner party this evening. 3. I’m sorry, I really can’t this time .What about another time 4.Proposing a toast ,Cheers! 5.Let’s drink to our friendship. 6.Here’s to our success at the fair. 7.Here’s a toast to your promotion. 8.May I propose a toast to our distinguished guests? 9.I’d like to propose a toast our friendly co-operation. 10.I would recommend some„ 11.Help yourself to whatever you like. 12.It’s only an informal dinner. Please don’t stand on ceremony. 要求学生运用所掌握的句型和习惯表达方法进行会话练习进一步掌握所学内容 1.Work in Pairs : Two students in a pair, make an dialogue of business dinner. 2.Role play: Imagine you are Tom and are the employer, another student is your guest, and you have a dinner with him, you two make a dialogue about it. 实训二十 Company Performance(公司业绩) 一、目的和要求 通过听说训练,要求学生掌握本单元的主要语言知识点;能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种口语练习,要求学生能够掌握在对上一年度的运营情况,发表年终报告时的英语用法。 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 知识点和相关背景等的导入。 2. Listening Practice 听力训练:通过听力内容的呈现,做理解训练,并引入与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识。 3.Situational imitation 情景模拟:要求学生通过复述、模仿录音材料等方式进行语言操练。 4. Speaking Practice 口语训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方式, 通过让学生进行自由会话来进一步拓展学生的口语能力。 5(Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价学生活动 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1.The net profit of the company has doubled this year. 2.Production costs have decreased by 30%. 3.Our export volume this year is 12% down from last year. 4.Our market share in China registered a rise of 7% last year. 5.In 2004, our profits increased by 60%, with the figure reaching 108 million RMB. 6.This quarter we have exported three times as many air conditioners to India as last year. 7.The production in October in October increased by 21% over the same period last year. Referencing graphs 8.The line shows the profits in the last four years. 9(As you can see from this graph, I’ve plotted two lines. 10.Sales dropped considerably. 11(There is steadily increase in our domestic market share. 12.There will be s small cut in the training budget this year. 要求学生运用所掌握的句型和习惯表达方法进行会话练习进一步掌握所学 内容 Work in Pairs : Two students in a pair, introduce the company performance last year. 实训二十一:A Factory Tour(工厂参观) 一、目的和要求 工厂参观是商务活动的一个主要环节。通过参观工厂,采购商可以全面深入地了解产品和生产过程,而生产商可以通过展示自己的实力来吸引买方。通过训练,要求学生在参观过程中能自如地针对工厂生产流程进行提问,对产品能给出合适的评价,并能以厂家的身份向买方介绍产品的卖点,掌握其相关表达。能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种口语练习。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就A Factory Tour话题展开讨论,导入本实训的语言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩固口语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation教师及时评价实训情况 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1(I’ll guide you through the factory and give you a demonstration of our most recent models. 2(I’ll take you around the factory and give you an idea of how our machines operate. 3(We’ve been operating for about ten years. 4(Is the production line fully automated? 5(Is the assembly line computer-controlled? 6(What king of quality control do you operate? 7(All products have to go through three checks during the manufacturing process. 8(There are a total of five checks during the production process. 9(All products will be thoroughly inspected before they go into the market. 10(It has given me thorough understanding of your products. 11(It has helped me to form a picture of your production process. 要求学生运用所学的句型和习惯表达法进行会话练习并进一步掌握所学内容。 Role play: You are a visitor, and your partner is the receptionist of a factory. You’ve just finished a factory tour, and are talking about your impression about the factory, and possibilities of future co-operation. 实训二十二:Trade Fair(交易会) 一、目的和要求 交易会是公司展示其新产品或服务的场所,通常,交易会不对普通大众开放, 而只对特定行业的公司代表和新闻媒体代表开放。通过训练,让学生掌握建立 业务关系以及询问贸易信息的相关技巧及表达。能流利复述课文材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种口语练习。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就Trade Fair话题展开讨论,导入本实训的语言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩固口语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation教师及时评价实训情况。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1(We’d like to set a business operation in this field and are hoping you’d be interested in joining us. 2(We’d like to collaborate on this venture. 3(The purpose of this meeting is to explore possibilities of doing business together. 4(We’d welcome an opportunity to renew business relations. 5(We’ll try to broaden our business dealings with you. 6(We’re a small company but we’re flexible and efficient. 7(We are the oldest manufacturing company of silk products in China. 8(Our company is one of the major food manufactures here. 9(What particular items are you interested in? Here are our latest catalogue, price list and specification. 10( 11(My firm has sent me here to inquire about the possibility of promoting our steel in China. 12(Our products are popular overseas and are always in great demand. 13(Why not place a trial order to sound out market potential? 14(I strongly recommend this item. I’m sure you’ll be pleased with it. 15(Unfortunately the quality isn’t suitable for our market. 16(Canned foods are special interest to me, particularly canned fruit and meat. 17(I think the small sizes are more marketable than the large sizes. 要求学生运用所学的句型和习惯表达法进行会话练习并进一步掌握所学内容。 Role play: You are a buyer for a large sports equipment store. You are meeting the representative of a ski equipment manufacture, SKIWHIZZ. 实训二十三: Making Enquiries (询盘) 一、要求和目的 询盘是买方针对要购买的商品向卖方做出的询问。在对外贸易中,询盘通常 是没有约束力的。买方可以请卖方对他意欲购买的商品报价,也可以只是对他感 兴趣的商品征询一些普通信息。通过训练,学生要掌握询盘和报价的常用表达, 能根据光盘内容进行复述,并模拟类似情景进行编写对话。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就Making Enquiries话题展开讨论,导入本实 训的语言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩固口 语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation教师及时评价实训情况。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1(How long does your offer remain valid/firm/open? 2(By how much will you reduce the price if we order 1,000 units or more? 3(What’s the minimum quantity of an order? 4(How long does it usually take you to make delivery? 5(Is it possible to effect shipment during September? 6(We’re willing to make you a firm offer at this price. 7(We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market. 8(We are in a position to offer tea from our stock. 9(My offer was based on a reasonable profit expectation, not on wild speculation. 10(Let me make you a special offer. 11(We will try to meet your request for the additional 10,000 tons of coal. 12(I’m sure that shipment will be effected according to the contract stipulation. 13(I’m sorry that we can’t advance the time of delivery. 14(We can guarantee delivery within three weeks. 15(Your order is being shipped via Federal Express and should arrive in 2 days. 16(Under normal conditions, we’ll deliver the goods two weeks from receipt of the order. 要求学生运用所学的句型和习惯表达法进行会话练习并进一步掌握所学内容 Role play: one play the role of seller and the other plays the role of buyer. Make a dialogue according to the following situation. The buyer receives an ad letter of product catalogue and price list from the seller. He calls the seller for further details of the price, terms of payment and terms of shipment. The buyer hopes the seller could offer him the most reasonable price. 实训二十四: Negotiating Prices (价格谈判) 一、要求和目的 通过训练,学生掌握贸易过程中就价格条款达成一致而进行的各种磋商技巧 和表达。能模拟谈判中涉及的商品数量,包装,价格、装运、保险、支付、索 赔和仲裁等情景,进行现场谈判。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就Negotiating Prices话题展开讨论,导入本 实训的语言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩固口 语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation教师及时评价实训情况。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1(Your price is rather stiff/high/competitive in comparison to market trends. 2(It isn’t very satisfactory to close the deal with this price. Would you reconsider? 3(The goods are prices too high. I can buy the same thing from Korea at one third of your price. 4(Our price may appear a little higher, but the quality is much better than our competitors. 5(A deal is possible if you can reduce your price by 5% to US$5 per piece. 6(Could you possibly consider decreasing your price to help develop a new market? 7(We simply can’t stand such a huge cut. 8(There’s no room for any discount in the price. 9(We’ve already cut our price to cost level. with this price, we won’t make nay profit. 要求学生运用所学的句型和习惯表达法进行会话练习并进一步掌握所学内容 Role play: Retell the whole process of negotiation in video 1. 实训二十五: Placing an Order (订货) 一、要求和目的 通过训练,学生掌握贸易过程中买方向卖方发出订购一定数量货物的请求的各种表达。能模拟订货中涉及的商品的名称、货号、质量规格、数量、交货条件、单价、总额和支付条件等情景,进行现场现场模拟对话。能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种口语练习。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就Placing an Order话题展开讨论,导入本实训的语言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩固口语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation教师及时评价实训情况。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1(The goods are out of stock at the moment. 2(The goods you ordered are in short supply at present. 3(I’m sorry, our stock levels are low and we’re unable to meet your requirements. 4(There is limited stock. 6(Our factory is fully committed to/occupied with fulfilling existing orders. 7(How many items can we choose for one order? 8(We’re interested in these so we’d like to order 10,000 pieces first. th9(We’d like to order 1,000 pieces at $6 per piece, to be delivered on the 13 of March. 10(We would like to modify/make an alternation to our last order. 11(How would you like the packaging to be done for this order? 12(What other documents do you require in order to execute this order? 13(We have specific requirements for the color/ specification /textile/quality of the product. 14(Will you provide us with some favorable terms/preferential conditions for follow-up orders? 要求学生运用所学的句型和习惯表达法进行会话练习并进一步掌握所学内容 Role play: Suppose you are making a phone order and compose a dialogue according to the following situation. The buyer: You are with a Nigerian company and your company wants to place an order for sweaters and skirts with a Chinese trading company. Make a phone call to place the other, set the size of sweaters and color of skirts. The buyer: You are in a company trading sweaters and skirts in Guangdong Province. Explain to your potential customer that your minimum order will not be less than 5,000 pieces with less than 6 items. 实训二十六: Terms of Payment (支付条款) 一、要求和目的 通过训练,要求学生掌握付款过程中主要相关语言知识点,能流利复述材料 中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语, 能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句 型进行各种口语练习。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就Terms of Payment话题展开讨论,导入本实 训的语言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩固口 语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation教师及时评价实训情况。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1(How will the currency be exchanged? 2(Are there any currency restrictions in your country? 3(Have you taken the exchange rate into consideration? 4(In what currency would you like the payment to be made? 5(What do you think of payment in pounds sterling instead of US dollars? 6(It’s convenient for us to make the payment in US dollars. 7(Wed prefer to receive payment in hard currency. 8(We may have some difficulties with a payment in cash. 9(It’s our usual practice to make the payment via an L/C. 10(What’s your usual practice concerning payment/ 11(Could you possibly make an exception and accept a T/T transfer? What mode of payment do you prefer? 12( 13(What do you say id we make half the payment in cash and half via an L/C? 14(As it’s our first transaction, we suggest 50%via an L/C and the balance by D/P. 15(We would like to pay by installments for the current transaction. 16(The method of payment we usually adopt is payment via a confirmed and irrevocable L/C. 要求学生运用所学的句型和习惯表达法进行会话练习并进一步掌握所学内容 Retell the main idea of Video 2---Payment by letter of credit. 实训二十七: Delivery (货物运输) 一、要求和目的 通过训练,要求学生掌握货物运输中主要相关语言知识点,能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种口语练习。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就Delivery话题展开讨论,导入本实训的语言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩固口语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation教师及时评价实训情况。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1(When is the earliest possible date you can ship the goods? 2(Can you consider prompt shipment? 3(Can’t you advance the time of delivery? 4(Can you do something to speed up the delivery? 5(What about our request for an earlier delivery of the goods? 6(Will it be possible for you to ship the goods before early October? 7(We deliver all our orders within three months after receipt of the L/C. 8(We hope that the goods will arrive in time for the New Year rush. 9(I hope that the goods can be shipped promptly after you get our L/C. 10(Please speed up the delivery so that we can catch the marketing season. 11(I apologize for the delay. The problem was caused by our factory. They had a shortage of raw materials. 12(I’m sorry to tell you that the freight vessel was delayed by engine trouble. 13(We’re sorry to delay the shipment but our manufacturer has met unexpected difficulties. 14(Owing to the late arrival of your L/C, shipment will be delayed for two weeks. 15(I’m very sorry for the delay in delivery and the inconvenience it must have caused you. 16(The last shipment date is nearly with us. Please be sure to the goods before that date. 要求学生运用所学的句型和习惯表达法进行会话练习并进一步掌握所学内容 Retell the main idea of Video 2---Dealing with wrong delivery. 实训二十八: Complaints and Claims (投诉和索赔) 一、要求和目的 通过训练,要求学生掌握货物买卖中存在的诸如货物质量、数量、包装及其他方面的状况进行投诉和索赔的相关表达,能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种口语练习。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就Complaints and Claims话题展开讨论,导入本实训的语言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩固口语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation教师及时评价实训情况。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1(We have no alternative but to lodge with you. 2(The goods you sent us are not up to the standard stipulated in the contrast. 3(Your goods can’t be accepted as they differ from your samples. 4(We’re extremely sorry for all the trouble. I do hope it’s nothing serious. 5(We’ll work everything out and get back to you with a solution. 6(This is definitely our fault. I assure you it won’t happen again. 7(If we were at fault, we would be glad to compensate you for your losses. 8(In view of our friendly business relations, we will accept your claim. 9(We have decided to compensate you with a payment of 5% of the total value. 10(After making a thorough investigation, we have decided to accept your claim and to compensate you for the full sum involved. 11(We’ll send you a replacement right away. 12(We can’t entertain such a claim without proof of loss. 13(There are no grounds for this claim so I’m sorry to say we can’t accept your claim against us. 14(The documents submitted by you to support the claim for compensation are insufficient. Therefore, we’re unable to consider your claim. 15(Your claim should be against the shipping company. 16(Since no sufficient documents can be found to support the case, we’re sorry that you claim can’t be considered. 17.Here is the survey report issued by a well-known laboratory in Hong Kong. Their testimony is absolutely reliable. 18.Here is the survey report issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau. 19.The investigation made by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau has revealed that the damage is attributable to improper packaging. 要求学生运用所学的句型和习惯表达法进行会话练习并进一步掌握所学内容 Work in pairs: You and your partner are the seller and buyer respectively. Make a dialogue according to the situation given below. When the buyer received the goods, he found 5 pieces missing. The buyer lodges a claim against the seller. However, the seller is unwilling to entertain the claim. 实训二十九: Marketing (营销) 一、要求和目的 通过训练,要求学生掌握市场营销的相关表达,能流利复述材料中主要句型 和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学 内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种 口语练习。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就Marketing话题展开讨论,导入本实训的语 言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩固口 语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方 式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation教师及时评价实训情况。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1.With increasingly intense competition in the domestic market, there is good reason to go international. 2.We need to take quick action to get established in this market. 3.We can break into this market with low-priced quality products. 4.Our products are really competitive and I bet they will sell well in the North American market. 5.We are a new entrant to this market and few people know our brand. 6.The competition is getting fierce. 7.As the competition is getting increasingly intense, we need to develop some special features in our products. 8.We can price our products at a level lower than that of our competitors so as to gain acceptance in the market. 9.According to the results of our market research, customers aren’t particularly loyal to any brand with this kind of product. 10.Our objective is to gain a 10% market share in this new market by the end of the year. 11.The market share of the company has increased by 5%, to 20%. 12.Sales reached $7 million, an increase of 5.4% from 2000. 13.Sales have decreased by 20% compared to last quarter. 14.As you can see from this graph, the amount of net sales has steadily increased over the last decade. 15.Would you like to take a look at the catalogue and see what interests you? 16.I’d be glad to give you more information on our products. 17.We’re sure the products will go down well in your market. 18.We’ll offer you a 10% discount if you order right now. 要求学生运用所学的句型和习惯表达法进行会话练习并进一步掌握所学内容 Work in pairs: Make a dialogue according to the following situation. You are an insurance agent. You are trying to sell a life and sickness insurance policy to a middle-aged man with a family of four---the husband (the man himself), the wife (a housewife), and two children (one is 12 years old and the other 6 years old). The man has never bought any kind of insurance before. 实训三十: Advertising (广告) 一、要求和目的 通过训练,要求学生掌握广告的相关表达,能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用掌握的词汇与句型进行各种口语练习。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就Advertising话题展开讨论,导入本实训的语言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩固口语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教学方式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5. Teacher’s Evaluation教师及时评价实训情况。 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1.We’ll be running a major advertising campaign for the product. 2.The advertising campaign obviously has to be aimed at young people. 3.The first thing when putting together an advertising campaign is to figure out your audience. 4.We must stress the things about our products which will make customers want them. 5.I think we should change the style of our advertisements. The old slogan is a bit out of date now. 6.The media planning process is complicated because a number of options are available, such as television, newspapers, radio, and magazines as well as outdoor billboards. 7.We targeted fashion magazines and sports magazines. 8.We’ll be signing a sponsorship deal with one of China’s top football clubs. 9.It’s cheaper to advertise on the radio than to advertise in newspapers or magazines. 10.You can’t have long advertisements on radio. What’s more, advertisement on radio can’t produce visual effects. 11.I think we should focus on TV ad this time because it’s mare effective. 12.Magazines may be able to convey mare people pass outdoor ads, exposure time is limited. 13.Outdoor billboards can provide a great deal of flexibility. They can be placed along highways, near stores or around sports grounds. 要求学生运用所学的句型和习惯表达法进行会话练习并进一步掌握所学内容 Work in pairs: Make a dialogue according to the following situation. You are the Marketing Manager and Advertising Manager respectively of a company specialized in children’s shoed. The Children’s Day is coming. Your company is planning an advertising campaign for your products and you are discussing the details of this advertising campaign. 实训三十一 考级考证综合口语能力训练 第一部分 Business Equipment (商务设备)及模拟试题 一、目的和要求 要求学生提高口语的理解能力,在实训过程中,要求学生抓住要点和具体信息;掌握跟商务设备有关的主要语言知识点,扫清口语中的障碍;能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;通过让学生练习模拟试题对学生进行剑桥商务英语考证口语模拟训练。 二、实训步骤 1. Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就有关商务设备的话题展开讨论,导入 本实训的语言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩 固口语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等 教学方式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5(BEC model test 模拟试题训练:通过让学生练习模拟试题对学生进行剑 桥商务英语考证口语模拟训练。 6. Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价实训情况 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1.. Never insert your fingers into the shredder. 2.Don’t use the machine without reading the instructions first. 3. Everyone keeps asking how to use it and I can’t find the operating instructions. 4. It says here that the machine jams if you insert too much paper into it. 5. I’ll put a notice with the instructions on the wall next to the shredder. 主要内容: 1. Listen to a conversation to identify the problem with a new shredder. 2. Listen again to complete instructions on using the shredder. 3. Listen to some supplementary materials about business equipments. 4. Speaking tasks: Play a board game to consolidate business-equipment-related vocabulary: take turns to give instructions for and identify pieces of equipment. 5. Listen to a model test on BEC Preliminary. 第二部分 Business Hotel(商务酒店)及模拟试题 一、目的和要求 要求学生掌握与商务酒店有关的主要语言知识点,扫清口语中的障碍;能 流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内 容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义; 就掌握的词 汇与句型进行口语练习;通过让学生练习模拟试题对学生进行剑桥商务英语考证 口语模拟训练。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就商务酒店的话题展开讨论,导入本实 训的语言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩 固口语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教 学方式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5(BEC model test 模拟试题训练: 6. Teacher’s Evaluation教师及时评价实训情况 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1. What special needs do business travelers have? 2. One of the most important things is a quick check-in and check-out. 3. Room service is also very important. 4. Nowadays communication facilities are essential. 5. Are your corporate guests interested in using your fitness center or swimming pool? 6. Could you tell me the best way of getting into the center of London, please? 7. There is a courtesy bus. 8. It’s a half hourly service during rush hour and after that it runs to a timetable. 9. Words on giving directions: along, to cross, near, next to, opposite, past, straight on 主要内容: 1. Talking about hotel facilities a) Elicit typical hotel facilities b) Speaking task: Discuss with a partner which things listed in the book are most important for business travelers. c) Listen to the material and compare your answer. d) Listen again and answer multiple-choice comprehension questions. 2. Asking the way a) Take notes on how to get to the center of London from a hotel. b) Listen again and draw routes on a map of London. 3. Speaking task: Work in pairs and ask their partner about the best hotel he/she has stayed in and whether it would be suitable for a business traveler. 4. Listen to a model test on BEC Preliminary. 第三部分 Commuting (乘车上下班)及模拟试题 一、目的和要求 要求学生掌握与乘车上下班相关的主要语言知识点,扫清口语中的障碍;能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;就掌握的词汇与句型进行口语练习;通过让学生练习模拟试题对学生进行剑桥商务英语考证口语模拟训练。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就乘车上下班的话题展开讨论,导入本 实训的语言要点和背景知识。 Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 2( 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩 固口语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教 学方式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5(BEC model test 模拟试题训练:通过让学生练习模拟试题对学生进行剑 桥商务英语考证口语模拟训练。 6. Teacher’s Evaluation教师及时评价实训情况 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1. The traffic’ll be twice as bad and there’ll be a lot more accidents as well. 2. Car drivers should use park and ride schemes and leave their cars out of the city center. 3. Cars are bad for the environment. 4. Paying every time you use a road might be a good idea. 5. There isn’t a public transport where I live. 6. It takes twice as long to get to work on the bus and it costs as much, as well. 7. I hate it when you don’t have the right money on the buses. 8. I like the idea of plastic card. 9. Nobody liked phone cards at first. 主要内容: 1. Elicit ways of getting to work, the problems of driving and ways of improving the situation. 2(Listen to six speakers and match them with headlines. 3(Listen again and note whether they agree with each traffic scheme and their reasons. 4(Speaking task: Group discussion on making predictions about the future of transport. 5(Listen to a model test on BEC Preliminary. 第四部分 Quality Control (质量控制)及模拟试题 一、目的和要求 通过训练,要求学生掌握与质量监控相关的主要语言知识点,扫清口语中的 障碍;能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力; 就类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能 用英语表达产品的质量问题,如何监督、控制以及提高产品的质量等; 通过让学 生练习模拟试题对学生进行剑桥商务英语考证口语模拟训练。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就质量控制的话题展开讨论,导入本实 训的语言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩 固口语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教 学方式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5(BEC model test 模拟试题训练:通过让学生练习模拟试题对学生进行剑 桥商务英语考证口语模拟训练。 6. Teacher’s Evaluation 教师及时评价实训情况 三、实训内容 重点句型和习惯表达: 1. Can you tell me a bit about quality control at the factory? 2. With the suppliers, we inspect their QC processes, even more importantly, their factory hygiene. 3. At the goods in stage we make sure that order qualities are correct and the quality is OK. 4. We also check the transport packaging. 5. We also do chemical analysis to check things like fat levels and other information that we have to put on the packets. 6. We should increase the sampling rate. 7. We’re going to lose production capacity if we stop the line more often. 8. It might not be a problem if we can reduce reject levels to zero. 主要内容: 1. Elicit three verbs related to quality control and discuss the work of a quality control manager. 2. Listen to the Head of Quality Control talk about monitoring quality in a factory and complete a table. 3. Listen again and answer more detailed comprehension questions. 4. Listen to a discussion of quality problems and answer general questions followed by multiple-choice questions. 5. Speaking task: Work in groups to discuss what the quality control processes would be if they have their own company. 6. Listen to a model test on BEC Preliminary. 第五部分 The Banking Sector (银行业)及模拟试题 一、目的和要求 通过训练,要求学生掌握与银行业相关的主要语言知识点,扫清口语中的障 碍;能流利复述材料中主要句型和内容,增强在听取相关信息时的反应能力;就 类似内容的口语,能通过所学内容大致理解和合理推断对方所表达的含义;能用 英语和外国朋友就银行业务方面的内容进行交谈,询问、回答和理解相关信息; 通过让学生练习模拟试题对学生进行剑桥商务英语考证口语模拟训练。 二、实训步骤 1(Warm-up 热身活动 : 通过学生就银行业相关话题展开讨论,导入本实 训的语言要点和背景知识。 2(Listening Practice 听力训练:呈现视听材料,做听力训练。 3(Language Focus 语言模仿操练:通过问答、复述、模仿等教学手段来巩 固口语主要内容。 4(Speaking Practice 口语扩展训练:采用任务型Team-work 和讨论式等教 学方式围绕视听内容进行教学。 5(BEC model test 模拟试题训练:通过让学生练习模拟试题对学生进行剑 桥商务英语考证口语模拟训练。 6. Teacher’s Evaluation教师及时评价实训情况 三、实训内容 基本句型和习惯表达: 1. I’d like some information on your telephone banking service. 2. Do you have an account with us? 3. This is my home branch. 4. With our telephone banking service you can do all your day-to-day banking over the telephone at any time of day or night. 5. Key in your PIN number, choose the service you want and follow the instructions. 6. You can check your balance, pay bills, order a statement or transfer money. 7. There’s an automated answering machine. 8. Would you like the telephone banking just for your current account or for more than one account? 9. I’ll register you and then we’ll send you your information pack and membership number. 主要内容: 1. Elicit what home banking was, how it works and its advantages, etc. 2. Listen to an enquiry about home banking and take notes 3. Listen and complete an application form 4. Speaking task: Work in groups to discuss the services offered by the banks in China. 5. Listen to a model test on BEC Preliminary. 三(实训实习考核制度 在实训教学中,系统地、正确地考核与评定学生的学训成绩,是实训教学过程中的一项重要内容。实行严格的实训考核制度,可以在教师、学生和教育管理三个方面起到反馈作用,有利于促进、巩固教学效果和总结实习教学经验,是提高实习教学质量的重要方法之一。 一、 考核的内容 按照国家教育主管部门关于中职学校实训教学的相关规定,结合我校实训条件,形成具有我校特色的实训教学大纲,考核内容包括以下几个方面: 1、考核学生对本专业语言知识和操作技能、技巧理解和运用的程度。 2、考核学生实训态度、遵守实训规定、爱护设备、文明生产等职业道德的情况。 3、考核学生利用专业语言解决实际问题的综合能力。 二、考核的原则 1、按照学校“项目教学法”的实施,对学生按项目进行考核,实行过程考核和终结考核相结合,注重阶段性考核。 2、各工种根据各自实训项目,制定客观、统一考核标准,防止对学生的实习活动和实训结果进行片面和主观的评定。 3、教师对对学生实训成绩的评定要力求公正、迅速,要公开评价标准,保障成绩评定的严肃性,使评价起到纠偏和调动学生实训积极性的作用。 三、考核方式 1、项目考核:教师在每个实训项目完成后,有教师命题进行一次考核并详细记录考核结果,及时公布评分标准及考核结果。 2、阶段考核:是指实训教师在实训过程中,根据实训情况,对实训某一环节进行专项考察,阶段考核要有针对性,要解决实训过程中发现的突出问题,并对实训过程进行适当调整。 3、期末考核:以闭卷考试的形式考查学生对知识的掌握程度。 四、实习、实训成绩的计算 期末成绩:期末考试占70%,平时阶段成绩占30%。 五、奖惩规定: 凡有下列情形者,由实训教师提出,各部可酌情加分或减分,但必须报教务处批准。 (一)下列表现给予加分 1、在各级各类实训技能比赛中,成绩优秀,获得奖励者; 2、在实训过程中,出色完成任务,表现较好者; 3、在实训过程过程中,提出合理化建议促进教学者。 (二)下列情形给予减分 1、在实习、实训活动中,违规操作,发生事故,造成人员伤害或设备损坏着; 2、在实习、实训活动中,故意浪费实训材料者; 3、在实习、实训期间,请假超过三分之一的,实习实训成绩即为不及格;请假超过5节但又不足三分之一的,其实训成绩按下列方法计算: 1—请假累计节数/本阶段实训总节数) 最终成绩实训=原实训成绩X( 5、在实习实训中,不服从老师管理,违反实训纪律,是情节给予扣分; 6、在实训考核中作弊者,该项成绩记零分。 六、补考 1、每个项目的考核,成绩不及格的学生均有一次补考机会; 2、每个学期末均有一次补考机会,毕业前有一次总补考机会; 3、对于补考后仍不及格的学生,不得参加技能考试 四(实训考核规范及标准 1.考核评分结构 考核的总成绩满分为100分,平时所考核项目及所占比如下图所示: 考核点名称: 出勤率 日常作业 课堂表现 考试成绩 考核点代码: A B C D 考核点占比: 15% 10% 5% 70% 2.考核内容 (1)出勤率:本指标满分为100分,缺勤率超过20%的学员,取消考试资格。作为考核学员基本学习素质的一项指标,考核标准要求要严格,迟到3次算做缺勤一次。 (2)日常作业:本指标的满分100分,根据学员日常的作业表现情况,作业的认真程度及优劣程度由老师给出具体分数。 (3)课堂表现:本指标的满分为100分,老师根据学员在平时课堂上的表现(包括是否认真听讲,是否踊跃提出问题等)给出相应的成绩。 (4)考试成绩:本指标的满分为100分,主要采取传统的闭卷考试方式来 考查学员在整个学期对理论知识的掌握。 3.合格标准 出勤率?80分为合格 日常作业?60分为合格 课堂表现?60分为合格 考试成绩?60分为合格 4.总成绩计算 平均成绩=A×15%+B×10%+C×5%+ +E×70%
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