首页 恒大公司安全生产风险分析报告



恒大公司安全生产风险分析报告恒大公司安全生产风险分析报告 阜矿集团恒大煤业有限责任公司 安全生产风险分析报告 二0一一年 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and pro...

恒大公司安全生产风险 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 阜矿集团恒大煤业有限责任公司 安全生产风险 分析报告 成本分析报告下载顾客满意度调查结果及分析报告员工思想动态分析报告期中考试质量分析报告高一期中考试质量分析报告 二0一一年 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 十月份安全生产风险分析报告 十月份以来,我矿各大系统运转正常,无较大隐患风险存在,现有隐患风险主要表现在以下几个方面 一、采煤系统: 1、6303工作面出现局部顶板破损的情况,经铺网、挑料、及时靠架等措施,已整改落实。 2、6303工作面打注垛式支架时,液压支架大柱、片阀、销子等多处窜液、破损、断裂,经检修班支架组员工加点更换,已整改落实。 3、5333工作面与上幅工作面夹盘较小,因此,打预裂眼前必须打探查明夹盘情况以便于施工,探眼不能用做炮眼,并且必须用黄泥封满封实,所有炮眼必须编号挂牌,已整改落实。 二、掘进系统: 1、153东翼皮带道200综掘机大柱及回转盘长杆螺丝共40根全部断裂,经过7个小班维修,已整改落实。 2、153东翼皮带道由于巷道内被水冲洗后,巷道底鼓较严重,经过三个原班,将90米轨道底鼓段进行拉底,使巷道中高合乎设计要求,已整改落实。 3、6318瓦斯道上山施工,出货过程中有岩块滚落现象,aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 易造成伤人,出货时,设好警戒人,耙斗机设好防护栏,已整改落实。 4、156总回风道风水绳接头有用铁线代替U型卡连接,经过三个小班,将铁线全部用U型卡替换接头,无胶圈的加设了胶圈,已整改落实。 5、151轨道掘进沿煤层施工,两帮二肋处煤层松散,爆破后容易掉块伤人,原班在此设好警戒牌,强调顶板管理,严格执行敲帮问顶 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,已整改落实。 三、巷修系统: 1、一号卸载站施工时,片帮掉顶面积较大,采用8米长锚索维护顶板后,仍有安全隐患,采取在原巷道内安设4根360号工字钢梁,在钢梁上打4个木垛接顶,每根钢梁支架用π钢连接,确保钢梁稳定性,已整改落实。 2、156下部车场调车频繁,对在此施工人员安全不利,物料不能及时出货,容易堵塞巷道影响通车,各小班采取作业前后设好阻车器,及时清理施工中下来的货,保证通车,已整改落实。 3、156入风上山坡度大于30度,施工中易发生帮顶掉块,滚石伤人,采取作业时眼睛行人,上下挂警戒牌,作业中人货分离设隔断,已整改落实。 4、153回风道作业地点有2条抽放管路,在施工易发生帮顶掉块,砸掉管路,采取顶板禁止放炮,用圆木将大管路支好,小管路吊挂好,已整改落实。 四、机电系统: 1、主井钢梁扭曲变形,派专人更换了钢梁,保证了安全,已整改落实。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 2、中央水泵房4#逆止阀关闭不严,专人维修更换了逆止阀,已整改落实。 3、A111线路16号杆拉线断股,专人对16号杆断股部分进行了维修,保证设备安全运转,已整改落实。 五、运输系统: 1、5333回顺调运时,门闸提前打开,对提前开门闸的员工进行批评教育,当车行驶至门闸前10-15米时,方准打开门闸,调运时一破三档必须处于常闭状态,确保调运安全,已整改落实。 2、5333回顺90绞车有1棵压顶子松动,原班立即更换绞车压顶子,压顶子必须齐全、牢固、可靠,打设完木顶子后,用木楔子紧固好,确保设备安全正常运转,已整改落实。 3、 六、一通三防系统: 1、156新增回风道无隔爆水棚,小班设隔爆水棚,已整改落实。 2、5320工作面有一处高温点,小班及时到高温点处进行浇水降温,并施工注水孔注水,已整改落实。 3、6303回顺翻修段注水孔被压坏,小班及时将压坏的注水孔补上,已整改落实。 安监处 2011.10.15 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 五月份安全生产风险分析 五月份我矿仍处于隐患整改阶段。对四月份上级检查的隐患进行整改落实。 一、加强岗位手指口述培训。 二、各种监控探头及时调校~。 三、部分工人没有持有效证件上岗~部分特殊公众没有特殊工种证或者部分特殊工种已过期~应根据煤校培训计划及时办证。 三、各种软件资料管理不到位~部分岗位记录填写不及时~缺少个别记录~应加强管理~完善各种记录、制度。 综上所述~在安全生产管理上仍存在很多问题。要狠抓落实。对检查的问题逐一落实~责任到人。 综合本月检查所存在的问题~安全生产意识不到位~不能做到精细化管理~安全生产无小事~公司各部门检查要从细节抓起~确保安全万无一失。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 安全科 2011.6.02 六月份安全生产风险分析 六月份集团我矿进入井下隐患整改。入井人数不超29人~组织开展“雨季三防”及安全月活动。 一、井下文明生产状况差~料场管子无水且压在椽子下边~备用开关卫生较差~隔爆水袋随处乱放~料场物品管理混乱。 二、软件资料管理不规范。五种水文地质图纸、防汛 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 、应急救援预案没有盖章、井架避雷装置没有测试记录。没有在雨季前对高、低压供电线路、通讯线路检查记录。 三、四大系统建设通过新密市煤炭局验收。 工作上存在的疏忽~思想上存在的麻痹。要从思想上纠正公司各部门、所属矿安全生产管理人员的安全意识~保证各矿安全生产工作。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 中兴集团安全部 2011、7、02 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and
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